The Signal, 1896-12-31, Page 5W. ACHESON & G at Decemb CONTINUE OOdB, Dress Mant Jack Ove Hos Un at ear, ds, Me Rubber Coats, Fla . els, Fla h i elettes, an • : lankets. 8 E SIGNAL : GODERIOH. ONT.g THURSDAY. DEC. 31, 1899 Sale T CLEARIIIG SACRIF ¶ICES! W. ACHESON & SO NSW ADVERTISEMENTS - DEC. 30 Page. 4 MO r the Lard -A. B. ( Drell The lided.y S.sos- Wyatt's Fur ♦ Pdler's Expensed, Fulford d Co Great Attroot ions -A. P. NoL..n Bed Room Towels --1. T. Aobe.ou Berme aed Rig for Sale- -A. Merger.. , S.Uysg Itff- A. Moll. Alias l.roal- J. H. WerusU $ 8 8 8 5 b 1 BORN HAYS -1a ileaf•rth, ea Dec. 5th. the wife of R. S. Hay& barrister. of • daughter. MARRIED. 1NDALL -CATTLE-la Gadsden. oo the Leekrue= Cacy.. oaEd .,d Tia it the Caul*. to ward Ttad►ll, d MWPHEE- *MILL AN -At OedityiM. on the fled st D..•rb•t. by 11. lay. I. Ure. James F. MeP►., of Oetlarleb, W Mir Mary A. McMillan. of Cdksrse NwSahip. 0110. HoLMISS--h Mateo. os U... 17. Ftsak Wat .eE re ef- Robert Berea aged I Mg relit !H TALI OF THE TOWN. p.dlt the aeporitir' el the neighborhood. and wU1 be much Fused as they took asuve sod prominent ports in all our Murch affairs - Tee tou.st IATE.-The Collegiate will mopes as Mo day with the following staff : H. 1. Strang, B.A.. priaotpal ; A. J. Moore, B.A., Mw Charles. B A , B. D. Gnat, sasade 'master ; Mir McLellan, Mi r Strang. SATlor1Eb. 1s sewer 10 nor query u to bow he re Moog patronised, the lessee of the tksti5g sod coelia, rink said, " Very well. la hot, I have aiready sold mon sea- son ttok.b than were sold the whole of the past .ren. " I:t horst+• LIe. HT. --4 )o Sunday evening s pis of one of the wheels ooenected with the system broke, mooing • slight stoppage of s portion of the ervtw, and on Monday, whsle the nnmrn•ttens were being nude. It played peek-a-boo for some fifteen minutia (I+ R FA+-ret&tPi. -The Organ Factory he full handed and working telt time, and has work eoouga h view to start the New Year at the same part. The Utoyole Factory is .1es fall banded, and oo fall time .ohednle, sad will keep things bumming in • Cor• EMI ilear meaner for mouths • Preis SoHooul.-The town schools will epos on Moray with the following staff : S. P. Huls, M.A. principal: Central - Mire Sharman, Rusk, F. E. Ball, Franks and Stewart ; St Patrick's -Miro B•rritt • Notsboolt. rid Skelton ; St. Andrew '•-Mires Werra sod Perms ; St. David'. -Mires Wiggins and McIver. ■ 15IN a lisle tR i ler coats. I rei.i Dt:rrxt•z MERVVNa.-Dm annual district hi IN Mae • t • A101's Araya its Titan' leers. a5' .alta Nell evert et.---as.r.e. Tbe w who takes at& or gees them at bens. he efts. not pleased at the pme. but he tufts. eft Sot. Nem PRIDHAM hit at., is very mush ,leased with the ..toe. • lady refer week complaining that .he net get • aloe present to owed her If the fur the had Immo t a salaams et herself from 8ALW WS she would have had Ms remarkably Pretty ones. THE Y*u ,tt ATw" -The fouad•uoo for the stand pips was dairhed yesterday, and 11 will sew be u eras to put .p the pipe. THS Snaring Rink. -TM rear nok eared laws week, sad bra beam fairly well Mlewlwd over awn, p•rtioul.rly .a Ckrlst- mak Web after5owa wad ov.edag. Crime or Ripen/rm. -Its. Th. .. hns moved his ethos from the Square to the dee hag ea the reser of 9estk-et. and El- gin eve. formerly the residers d Dr. Coe- ssdy. Tele ,bone No. 40. RT Aor;LA.ATIoi.-Harry Wai.wo bay- h4,etr•d i5 St. Andrew's wird, and F. .1. Fabius. J.o T. Acheson and A 1'. Mc- Lean 1. St. Patrick's, the members for these wards are dieted by aeoi•atios. Dow os RPFDAT. --Mrs Jsok, of Gode- nah towurbiD. who bad been ill for se Nag a ponied, did en Ssiday. The funeral took place 10 Maitlsod Cemetery on Tuesday attsy.oeS. sed was very largely attended. Orrin Surreal. --New Bre : Mrs. J. ufr.(lodoriob 'lp., who had a sae of her f r.'steek sod implements . Wedaseday of last week. moved into Goderioh with her family. The .lee proved to be n room, Ihmerially, lied in the erring their many friers erowied their home and all .t dada toe rotor supper prepared for the swedes. Thr .,wog was spent to gases, metal essiegoemette, eta ...d at a r..oabe beat all departed for their hoses, usoom- paaled by the exhdr .train el ADW Lang Byre. The family have gained the esteem ttreetiag ot the Royal Temp/ars of Temper- ance d the rusty of Huron, will be held .t Vara, on Tuesday. January 12th, oom- fltes.ing at 10 A. r. A fall attendance of dei.s.w and Royal Umpire is reg.ors.d. J. E. Tom. cheviot S.C.; W. H. Batt, dis- trict secretary. Hs Gar • VttuDten-L the math* of Tilt vs. Rernhsrt, n5 seldom to recover $112 50, part of Loses fee paid by plain- tiff a.d used by defe.daat..td whir was reserved from rho reor.t maim. His Hoot Jude* !lases gave his decision on Thurs- day -a verdict for plaintiff for the amount claimed wad ooetr. WINTRY Haat. -1 be Maitland 1. now frozen over, as is also the harbor, and on .moral portions of the termer there was skating the past few days. Between the pito .Iu.b loo is packed. Off the bathing boss it extends beyond the intake orib, and the latter 'truisms is now safe in the :no of King Fr.t. HE Hite STARTED -lad week Charles Weebiagt., who recently moved to town from West W•w•smb, assumed ohargo of the (..T. goods delivery ter (:oderiob. The sew ezpross man bas bought the outfit of hie predecomor. we is therefore prepared with every soovenieooe for handling sad the delivery of merchandise. Foa Ei.errio,e.-Hugh Semple, who was oommited from %slob for breaking Into s store, res brought to tows ea Tamday, and shortly afterwards appeased beton the runty judge tor election. The defeedent pleaded " Not guilty,' elected to be tried by Ha Honor, without s jury, and his trial wee .d down for the lbsh pre'. KILLED tri Mit-HDiAN.-Reiter McRia- nen, a.formt resider of Goderioh, brother of Mrs. R. R. Sallow. of thls tows. was killed is • rs.away .ocid.mt in Northern Meehan, en Wednesday. leo. 23rd. H. was drivlrg •.pulsed team which in some way trot from o.trol, rad deo..ed was Norm est of the vobbla, ..d against o rump which oared ..idem death. 11. - Selling Off! I am selling off surplus stock and lines no• strictly belonging to a Hardware store. There goods are to be Sacrificed. . M any price that will close them out at once. Lamps Purses Silver Ware Fancy Plates Carpet Sweepers (on1, two left) No reasonable bid revised 1 ALEXI MOD. ALLEN. Einar or • qd ea Mrdwerkhg • of . best 36ears ef ass, aamarelai. acrd will be remembered oy the dire ...tilers of the tows His naives have the 4.Mtby ef the esma.dty. The remiss were brought t. Uremia Mearry .orris and were tarred 1. Meadesd eemVrry h the afs.woon of the sari day. I.rat y • Fir. --Oadnetwoawreath • parr by, a.tta.p twat the O.P.R. .ties was hill o1 seas, broke era the Mor and marred ter the eared Tide wee lord 10 be twoe boards over t ho eras entroaoo .1 tete book, bents*. The ire was pet eat te • few tossed, without dares. 10 property. Th• fir. *neared through N. bnas1 above ttrowtag area. as tatea tries the stere, oat d the window en to the bards beneath Tag INr•as Ara -Oa %ray mornfug tau lake 'apply of wither slave eat. and .t short noire the water was roar 1510 the pumps. Engineer Smith se ere preeseded to the anti. where the stoppage 0005f154. the steer b•viag .ottled so tooth as to al- low the slat ice to form over the pipe esid t►.t admit. rho water 10 the .yahoo. A short time .f iced to deer away the ob. remotion, .5d e5 the terra 10 the ere sort water wee .gala admitted to the pip.. Wormer Mata. OttuSt.. - (.7rM.aa services were held to %Slay last. At the ..heel is the .11.,.... K. Armorer sad Mr Fudge delivered addresses 05 the temp- era5o* question, sod the oro►o.in rendered several aeleotioas. Mr... Brown sed Whit- sey gave a deem to the missing the ser- mon was preached from nae of the promises re. the birth of Christ. Special mesio was rendered by the oboir On Thursday e vs.ieg the usual " Watohaigbt" storing will be hold, ootomeaamg at 11 o'oleok. The prayer montage oo Wedheeday and Friday e rring are withdrawn. All are invited. 1'l,RIMyr•r TREE. - Viotata-.t Metbo- dtt church was largely attended on Christ- mas night. The Christmas tree being the attraction. Those present, both old and young, were delighted, the premeds being oh•rmiog'y placed and the decorating around the platform very •Neaotive. The program we furnished by the juror Warr end en excellent one it wee. the wide of it being readsred by the youthful ease with- out • mistake. Dart./ the reran the pastor, who presided. swan timely remarks which were moots appreciated. Aber 40 took part in the program, wig the receipts amounted to $34. ('HRWTMA, SttavD•. ---At 9t. George's on l'hristmae morning, the 8:30 A. r. cele- bration of Holy Cormusiee. was well at- tended. sad there was a large ooegrettatioa at the 11 A.w ..rvios- The rector, ea is usual, preached .n excellent erre, and the oboir presented a very fine program'. whir was remarkably well rendered, this singing being clearly distinct. 1. good ti.e and mi rioal. The orr•nut's aooemp..i- meeto were superb effort.. •5d meet leave made .11 present happy for the balance of the day. The Churobwomao'. Guild deserve amid 'treble oredit for the pretty darn" - tions, green radar oorded. with red borne' entwined, being the leather feature. At the end ot the oh.ueel ' Emmanuel ' was en in brilliant lettere. WERE +ir PR•T.a--The following is the program to be observed neitedly during the week of prayer by the Methodist and Presbyterian 000rregations of the town. The service will begin oe Monday next is North -in Methodist oburoh. The enbjeot appointed is " Thanksgivin. and Humilia- tion," and Rev. Mr. Godwin will deliver the address. Os Tuesday, the mett5g will be u Koos carob, when Item. J. Fudge will 'peak es the .abj d -"The Church Volved sal; " On Wedas.dsy, the regular prayer media, will be held is each d the churches and be eoed.oted by the neepooti.e padre. Thursday, the subject of " Forbin Mk. otos will is before the meting in Viotorla- et eb.rah, where Rev. Jas. A. Aadereen will deliver the error Fwah meeting will oommenoe at 8 o'clock, rod it it earn- estly desired that God's people shell make tbs a week of special waiting upon the Lord, both in public and in private. Arils..- Revel pie at Liverpool, 102,140 barrels, which following am several wee.' of heavy arrivals Is excessive, the positron having been aggravated by the poor condi- tion, and elm the miserable quality ot many parcels of Boston fruit, of which the Brest buls bas ooassted, Throughout the week the market was depressd, and at yester- day's .1oe muob fruit was almost without value. The price of sound Baldwin§ ranged from 5s. to be. per barrel, while ort of condition .esroely realized the freight. Any really prime sound Kook, which was oompsrstively .Dares, realized an .otive de- mand at the follower quotations : Bald- win.. New Yorke, 6s. to -8.. ; B•tdwie, Brume, 5s. 6d. to 8.. ; B.Id.vhie, Maine, 6s. 6d. to 8e. 6d.: Baldwins, Frey Maine, 9e. to 9s- 91. C. aedians, Bsldwina, 8e. to 12.. ; Spy, 7e. 6d. to t2.. ; King, 14e. to 19§. 3d, ; Resets, 10a. 10 15e. ; (:reeniags, 9s. 6d. to 12s. 3d. Sleeks sell .t 1s. to 2s. umber the d.ortice s. RAD HA/OVA-it (hdereb townehip fanner Bare into town last week with • load of apples, ties fruit being, in barrels without heads. Tb. barrels were oovred with twnket which was tied firmly to the barrel. with • rope. Notwithstanding the pre000tior by the owner to keep the treat .way,tbs telt was .noo,.red every time be canoe .t $ boa. to .Il, and not only was tee fruit pertly froren but a large - ef apples were stolen. Our i.1 stare that s.ne el the boys who stole pswpurty b.1.sg to what .re .fled able hamilisa. red be thinks it is sot t. weather .t that boy@ tan out badly w they are allowed 10 deliberately steal sires every verde that brine@ frni Iowa TM ..e farmer ale esmplatW N. habit of O.d.riak M11drr Image di 1..Idgha, and .ys that if • driver t w• whip to dem ba would bo brute. NevertDfoe if one of them land h falliau while t ge te t se the parer el said o► d Nick. th I res--- b1 . I/ ( 1+ SAD At,orDIUDT.-New En : Or week TMs. Millar, ttrer•tet, la with hie brother Robert, was .hebpteg the bash .f the latter. • tri, ready to fall. bung to the stump, .tad Mr. Miller eared is eR with the axe, rhea 11 eddeuly d oped sad the tell weight same ape hie Mit foot, erudite/ it badly sod disielating his ankle. Robert harmed to the barn sod yes rig . whish be seek W (lleabled brother beat. Every available Mrs Ons tried to save his tett. bet she bit tree ase - pored sekat m W (S YVIr,. of 71 i5t'a g.s..r a re - gram I..5 Tbe edgy lee. byir h...15 Wee: - seer ihy her Mbar was hes sieltiag. A She . apella ies ea Wednesday be geadr01 Irk. sod es Ohrtas.aa Day he did. De - . seed had always 10.5 a .t1..g. h.leby tea, whir maim the elrer.etm.r mo. .ad Mlm 1MIhr_- }.111 with tae relatives, Mr. sad Mea 'I' viii ether elm has bra tlSayingb w rawIharawo1 •h wend M Mash ey.pMhs b m- ttlwrad te tete bili s sI c laths. SWEEPING REDUCTION IN PRICES OF r WINTER GOODS .. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The Coat not considered when we want to reduce our stock. Dress Goods at Half Price. Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Ac., at lees than Manufacturers' Prices, Men's All -Wool Fries* Ulster. from $4.00 up. Men's Suits from $3.00, Boys' Suits from $1.00 up. See our Goods and Priors, and compare our values with other stores. JAMES A. REID. Jordan's block, 23rd Dec., 11496. MERRY C EIR i STM A S rome" again. We wish oar patrons all happiness, and call attention to our new stock of CHRISTMAS GIFT GOODS TOILET CASES ALL ItiNDS-III T! CKLLULOiD-LItATHMt- PLUSH -ETC BEA(1TIFUL CUTGLASS PERFUMES THE HOST R1rilflM AND AOCEPTAtL.i OV GIFTS nu" PRESENTATION PIPES Many other lines. The designs are new and pretty. Prices reasonable. we can suit you. You are invited to call and look them over. W. C, GOODE Itt1E.I44E0 1110e'X.. NOTHING LIKE IT ilia CHAPPED HANDS AND ROUGH SKIN IS ALMOND and WITCH HAZEL CREAM Prepared and told only by The New Chemist. F. N. DUNHAM Putt. B. The Arnim of officers for the aiming kali year will take place ti's evening at the mediae of Huros Lodge No. 62, 1.O.O.F. Wedding Dells have been ringing tete part week, and the old year, it is said, will be ..herd out with a very pretty wedding this afternoon. Uttar for ID. year 1897 will be elected at the regular Dilating ot Goderioh Conseil No. 157, Verdin Order of Choose Friends this •vrmt.g. Morris : John White has sold his 50 sore farm au the 8th oon.to Jas. Craig foe $2,500. Grey : Mi. Sarah V . McLauchlin is home from Goderich Model school. She will be- gin teaching after New Years. Grey : Sam. Crerar ie home from the Stratford Model School. Having pried .n000efully he is now prepared to teach the yourg idea Morrie : John W ightman had the misfor- tune to out hie foot while ming the axe in the bosh en Friday of last week. and Herb- ert Remelt had the mane misfortune on the following dry. Brussels : Harry Dickson, formerly of Br..eb, was unit.' im marriage to . Neth Dakota belie on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Ihekson is a druggist and • see of Robt. Nokias, now of Detroit. Brussel.: Maw w Jetnia.yoss/est daughter of W. C. Newsome, Queen street, Brussels. was united in marriage to A. W. Stewart, at the ra.id.oe of Mrs. MoIoto.h, mister to the bade. on November llth. Wsltoa : On Wednesday of last week iA m. T., aslant mon of F. Reim., died from the effects of • raiding eoosiond by upset- ting • dish of hot water that was on the table. The little fellow was Dearly 8 months old. Mach sympathy ie felt for the parents. Brawls : Word was received hen lame week that Geo. Avery, a well known rea- dmit of this locality. bad departed this life on Thursday, Deo: 10th. aged 68 viers and 1 month, and wee buried on the following Saturday. Mr. Avery went up to Loring. Parry Sound Dieter. about a year age and made his bowie with his srpbw, Ben Avery. Mrs. Avery died four years .,0 led Jdp. Trsoiint; Gala.. .RAXD TRUNIL RAILWAY. •RRITA. Mixed 1R olll aand Express Reiland Esare.. Mr gp.eas DEPART, 1t,te am 1.26 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 10.3s p.m, ".I5 a.w 2.90 p.m, 196 a m, MpsoIa11 Mottos. THE RATEPAYERS COC. Y COUNCIL DiOTRIC 0. 1, p County of Huron. r at.I.ow .e -oar.- Some t announced intention of . • ena- (Ud•ue for the •resentati• of this Minsk* at the County (' ❑ , and o. Monday was nominated. For the past de v ave teen a member of the County Council - iron, and if my re- cord there was such sett your appro- val I now ask you . e , . e on the lth of January ne=t. A am son personally to many of you. von • judge n Renege for this responsible red honorable iDon. and root assured ,f coed 1 will use beet ef- forts in looki . atter your interest rough - oat the whol . ietrict- it will be possible for me to cativo... al e electors. I therefore roe folly ask our support. and If returned rodeos o •ithfa)ly to represent you in t district i ha the honor to be. Ladies and Gentle- men, urs faithfully, PHILIP HOLT. b erich, Dee, film. Irl, l -!t eke I as - y MA Healed General. Donn. 00 Fri rvwlveyrnoe n Posed cootrac April nett 1. Between tint. per week ere 1. Between Gate wok each way PubUe NoUos. ('1) NTRACT. Five daughter and few sans survive. . 1 s. Between time per wee tJn 6rvnt,,,iwio-i'•T^T^'T"a•s•allir 4. Bstw.en Howie pt wee SBetween week mob Printed blie c.tal.lag ties die • dittoes of pr may be and blank forms of . lir may 11m elf at the oReses .long the *.pective at this oMos. tsepeott's 011toe, Strati It► 11111 Jas. Yates (iso err+ip e.y tli i store lately vac/doll F. J. Prisiham, next door to I)at-is- n & ('1's h•irflw,rr store. For the ('hrivt.max trade he has a fall stork ot • • !swot (lam.., Fancy Canis, etc. "1 he best in Books, stationery. sad Fancy Goods. Demmer dee se the awau. Aad obs.p see ti. rpast ester uses pt 1/1tBmmtr of'7l.s shat ewe h... bs.. Sesese 5g slowly. Sid tee cart sir .dews . tee. •rd lar rppmr T1ndmo is that sell pay .Ter. GODERIOH t n ch rardi b way. tact and 1 r. and Looknow, ,.times Postmaster Ottawa until arl. 11497. for the y't Mails. on pro- years royears from the let and Kincardine, 5 Railway (Potion d fort Elgin. $ 3 timee per informs - tracts 7 .tee H. O. HOPKIRK, • iMa Poet Oa. Isrp•eter. l g1 1st N THE SURROGATE COURT 0 THE COUNTY OF HURON. HE ESTATE A/ JOHN Wi SION. DECEASED. al To TO ADTZRT1SsNNIL Notice of change@ must be loet at this OMee not later than Seterday Rocs. The Ostpy for changes insist be lett aot later than Men day noon. Semi AdyerYaarenta .eeepted up is noon Wednesday e[ emit ewe. _ Pth Sabi HoR8E AND REO 108 BALE-EN- e/lw .t the EV Mie alio • More, e d el Dermis,. iNS. a5d ail Intrust ti fbr 11•.... ion of the la the (task et B wpm, ea Of set 5.w Iss er e use said os N.mwy M.INA. is o1 Kis 1(/ ciao and aI Fen,r•sI $E.rwp ev interest M Use estate ILL IAMSON, Wowrwesk. is on, dorso fatuities Per tag to efe.fa of Die Tot•n- (buwty of nods the the 11th ria d the seat of day ..note_ .havI6s W>♦ p ill W a are died to bay of Jess- lettere i Ad - sod er Mew be masted to p of Wawa 55 instals - Walafiea. F1raMve, Moshe. ANNA L. SHAW, TEAMS d`s Mgr ..a M. 14th day st.Ilse..I ferrj A. D. WoIIONA WIDOW, HOLT t HOLMEA, 19.11 nothetor bur appleeast. WET /....:314.1=1 iWs seem 1p tsirood. is AGENTS time. I/am.l terra Ta. one .make tea ramie • week Fur bee .. with s for .very weak ,er we.a. i. r .teres snows moms= oossnarr. .seer Nen 1 , eoe011110. sirs. MIL 5 CHRISTMAS GOODS Are all here 5.w. and dories the west we la- thed to horst titer all arraaaed. We have a particularly Se aaa.rt- meat Is 1'IRPUNI S MIRI¢ORS and FANCY TOILIT (GOODS pIPY8 CIGAR CASES SMOKERS' SUNDRIZS Wo would larches every person a look through our stook. and see if tbo oonda and Prices are not right J. E. DAVIS, Plias. R. Druggist and Optician. Poo Osie or To Roar rpo RENT -A FURNISHED HOUSE A. 1 Apply to lira R, B. S11IT11. Sflr•1! jI0R RALE -LOTS 69 AND 70 [' Hutchinson's Survey in the Town or Ooderich. upon whlob 1. erected • nice dweil- t.g house. Also lots numbers 15 amid 19 Rich's Sun Ooderieb. containing 2 acre& upon which h signaled a comfortable honed .n6 there Wales • good orchard. Also the East half of the North half of lot 95. lake Range Concession of the Township of Ashfield. Western division. Dated 4th September. pipit. Gu pplybto CAMERON. HOLT t MB. HOLI VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALE -situated in the one business centre In (Wench. The property compares ewe dwellings. toe wells.luipped grocery esrse. one up-to-date machine and blacksmith shell Ramose for senior. luck of railway rest mediates. ('leer tlt!e oda De gives. A did chance for the right man. Apply tort STRACHAN on the Premises. 11M VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR BALE -The brick feeid.sce ovrlookt5g the river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. Mac l)err nett eon.. Master In ('baeery. One of the most valuable and desirable pt. - parties in town. 2. The two-storey frame dwelling houseen South street immediately adjoining the Bilt- Ita Exchange Hotel. at present occopled be` Mr. Andrew Waddell. 1 The dwotltng house and adieinins grouods near the 0. T. R. station, formerly occupied by the late indite Tome. Prices and terms of payment roast noble. am ply to 711 FtRON' & PROUDIPOSolicitors. O orbit. New 1>daohins Shop.. NEW li1ACH17IESHOPS-ALL KINDS if K..lr Work done at Reasonable Priels.. !arming Implements for sale. briery. new and second hand .:.oui ht lint Engines and Hollers for .e. Stand- Hater' old wagon shop. vomer 'Victoria sad Trutalg. S treets. J. BAXTER RU NCIMAN. Lows and Rsefslelo bloceety. T f 18 NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT It WHAT YOU SAYS. MAKLS YOU RICH. THE Ht'ttON AND BRUCE LOAN INVICSTMICNT UOMPANY Soeterro56.-('am.ron Holt and Holmes I)rtroet'r..--Interest (compound every as months at four per est. per annum. on rums from ogle collar upwards. Depositors will find It to their advantage to some and see u& Loons -May be secured as any time without delay es the security of approved desirable property. Expenses moderate. Applications received by the Manager or .olleltors. The Company's (Aloes are located on North Street and_ Court Hour S4uw-oppeell• Hcaow St0NaL ORoe. GRACE HORTON. .1. B. COLHORNM Maness. Prodders. Tonsorial Artist: i FRIT%ELY, TONS9RIAL ARTIST. •I . Hot and cold bathe en premises. See- fm.ing..haoipooing and even otbe r require- ment carefully attended to. and none but 00.- pp.ntent bands employed. Williams' n'd *toad. McLean '• Dew block. next door to Hr(tbh'Ez- chanre Hotel. *4-tf Opera Hoa.. VICT0R1A OPERA HOUSE MAY BR rented for .tall pieties durhrr the moor Ins .- Ine Winter at reasonable mesa Meaioog/ and ✓ efreeh.eSt a000.modatie5. A. E. FKRTE. Manger. t-Im Strayed Animals. ON TO THS BAF e. about heifer. two sheets a of the deers an sad the other stet the hotter has Owner is c 0 8 rap. old. pest Or ars red and white of the steers sad ut os.'. The D- NOti s ^'HORTS, AND FRED ILOUR. - A U Hmitd eaastIty of shorts, and feed dewy for .lp ehr•e at Ogilvie,. & Humbler', mai at the eybe,. to C(`IAaH FOR LuaicR -AT THE KILN. .Wetoa Pundits,. Co. Ltd. oodteh ELM, BAMIWOOD, AS11. t Ther water0e115 ayeep to the Dahlia m Gall sad me 'bele sow MMs. gas T9•Iy F. SMEETH'S PLANINO MILL BASS. DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. I teles Ur_ the Mr am sum tar kmd aegsl./frere m . w efw.E 7111lUNS•in011 wtN 7'nteft' '>rYmatee fern • beildlaa meteor. sant as eel tenser s opedelty. 1. SMEETH. ..dmtele.'Jdv deb 1 GIIRISTMAS GOODS . 4 .. . ZWllamDrSt 's Dreg ore. A tut; lose Mush. iffIc .11lver, Oak wad Celluloid WOMB Die T.,fegr eelese Neta gist hIWp .vtog Clan Qua•IN - -la trri, ar- SaFye s5. be had bins. --r trouble es *OW . the Mane pales. w u-1 DNS pooh groan.