The Signal, 1896-12-31, Page 3a ir s4..n.a.. XIUNOLaON. L D.S. ailleTAL IIs. �esla•t' tee iota.. Yaid 1,1=11018058 Wert • desehllr. • T. baperdmge. 11. MASES. D. D.8, L.D.8.,-DEN - ALISISP N.-Ia.t.etaa4� ,y•ad of Win at. age tb deers°. alp w T M. TOILE WILLI, D. D. LD.8.- t/ • Dental f�itr�Mr. l_Lawns serail ted With Dr. Vases. et aura• hell tied nos. 1.1*..ettdotal teeth *I.4 ea said or alms - laws b...e, epeeist carotis titres to the mUoLb, Ytse a of tal teeth. liaise la 's sew Beek. lila-tf roiled. . A. THOMSON, M. D., 0. M. alike DR. HUNTER. PHT11I0IAN, *UIF to. Oleo--lireee ord es*. the rs demos lately oocuptod a D.. l‘°1 . Alit oak tram residence. Telepbese al. Marrinee Lbelteittail. ry. LANE. IYSSUER OF MARRIAU[ LW.....• .derteb. Uwe. 11114544 1wSaI- THE SI ON A T. • (It ►DRRTCR, OAT.. TH (TRW) A Y. DEC 3 1. t WV Your cough, like a dog's bark, # a sign that chore is something foreign around which shouldn't be there. You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there just the same. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is not a sough specific; it does not merely allay the symptoms but it does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old prov- erb of "dee ounce of pre- election ?" Don't neglect your cough. Toa Anew bens Sr,..t.ftif A rails. as. Put up m roc .ad 51... ow ig - ISr_.M.s Levee. t Servo poets Wag et sweethearts dead. Some slag of true loves far away, Beam deg of them that others wed, And seam of idols turned to Olay ; 1 stag a peentvo re°d.ky 10 sweethearts of • doubtful let, The paemwus vanished in a day, The little loom test I've forgot. "The reeres.wrwn and piev1b.em of our Wt.m are .bledv attrtkatlabl• to tea lad ease I tae citrates serge of tam sed mal lee drhk•r• •n b . °tet. of •breste de reageo,eet, which reset ea the brain, sic. duaap hostel •..d loohrytwess moods. ?too Wise addicted 1. strong oo(!so kgs. • ehareeterrtb reaper, weigh 1 sleet de earths as a mania IN roues Ib. p•rar•.ted eclat. The neoppnh. pot slant temper d the Oilmen eon etertaisly he seanbod to thou immoderate lead•..s lee us." PEOPLE OF IMPORTANCE. The Eng of Pertuaat is toad of reweing about she.tr•etts e/ ha genital atatte.ded. "tin owe ooassieo," try• a writer. " 1 shy him epetag from his horse mid purse .. d rapture • n..a who had tired a pistol at him. Fatima se a aoes.lty. Tie the healthy. it to a plss..re ; to the dyspeptic, • Lorton, Sy the yes ..t Ayer • tlarsp.rille, tae west set sod moot disordered ete..ob is rumored to Ir wtural ot.dltioa..rd food rs ogee mere partakes of with youthful relish and The Qom. Mill wean t►. style ot shore el thirty yore se... Her °Meir.. still .d• drew her is the say that was fealties/able whoa they w. lath tkbgs No member nl the *ppm..,*..... over said " mother that; end from the oldest to the youngest Hwy sdU sail the Queen '• mamma ' As •a editor tint of Like Joke sod slate - wards of the New tt.dvet, Mr. Harry Fur- _ ��__ r� Hiss, the famous oarmatunet, wee moot w lucky. It keg beess pouted oat by sow some lover of curious footle that Mr. For- ala's eniofnr• uses have oomo to him Moor the detyiag of all suprretitioo sea uremia est member of I he Thirteen ('lub. Thomas A F4i•oo has daring the past twenty Ave roan taken out more palest• T caMPION. J.c., i{ARRIeTSIt, WL thus arty ether American. and t�b•tly E. liedtoal FOP. •s tM horny year, have sped. rhea ether mos is M• world, stew ter eerier. NOtaq, ie. Olga aver And goldea dreams have changed to grey, •t7 Molt. *name OgderiOk Uait.d States a ahead ot all other coon Row eft 1M flame of ken was fed tries is the seaey displayed in this dir.c- MU. JOHNSTON, SARKIMTEK. NSU- Illy titer or smile from Maud er slay' trig. Tb. teeth r that Mr. Klemm potent. . licher. oemmiseles r..hostages w Wham w.yw.rd cupid erns at : eye Utile thaw that bo di lemm fs: Inas. Glom : oar. I4.m_ Ute .sed A.drew • ti tan.iee, formed of who ksewn what' y r ty d Rot st111 my debt 1 e'er o.e pay pOrieoe. bas ought him the n.oe..i The little lore. that 1'v. forgot. Mr °"area In Amro. toe•. is of.w . roes between r hr torte' or of . new den M' A Imo, boors for •ref fled, sharks who her• managed to not wood of (I widest hopes that would not stay ' the diesnvery to reach the p.tr*t' fios fire', Mold only by the *leader thread and Utmost dose not c,re to o.•mo us •Gosh.'. Of es• tory that's .11 .stray ; A curios. effoot ni the ('h,no Jammers Their very o.ma 1 cannot say. war hes boon to ioorea m the number of 1ot- Tim.'s will r Mete : 1 snow them sot ; ten that daily reach the M,k.do The Em Sat Neon. co them all, I pray, parer 1. mow overwhelmed by his oarrs - Theo Weis lova that I'ee tenet, psndoo..e, and several new secretaries h.•• bees appointed to Ovist to the work of opening and replying to them oommuwie•• tion.. Then is hardly . city in tie oivibged world from which the Mik.d. dose not w- eave letters, many of his ooromperidesta anticipating that through bis* they ono g•.in an .ureses to the :osmoses* esark.t. The number of invention■ of all kinds offered to him for ml. M enormous. 11 G. CAMERON, BARRISTER. BULL .icor.'cee•q.woer. fes d -a•!. Ra. Ilton sad d1. AedreW-S1... . Codices. ert. 7111 L♦ P.NEST HEATON -- BAKKbEIt, EA aoltoiter. Notary Public Slaty Mesh Wert dant. L0FTUBL LANCSi. BARRISTER. gonetter. Cennee cer. ae .itilleserr to less at Iowan ream Harlem'. pool. Celanese Hotel. Noderimk. Glc ♦ M. LS W18, BARRISTER, FROG - .1:a. br to Maritime Owens el Onesele 11 ,fps-SoathOMb°rs* easel. � 0. RAPS, NoClOR, to. Oates 11at nes 4wr aole•L Uaos. Private Yards r>� as (asset rafts of Inter. t. /I ARROW & P►tOU Dnxn, BAR - ‘..1 Matra. Animus" 6eltadors. to.. 0.44 flak. d T. Owraw. (1C.. W. Proudfos•. CAMsRJN, HOLT a d11L t 1, Bsrrrtere, IOUeiterO 1* O*.ncerr, h.. Comoros. M, 0, Coeros. all.: P. hit ; DRAW llolmgs. O. WARD. OONTSTANCER,J M r 'ohms sad l Ileus 1s er any mesa. suit w Pro andiag is d Joshes. the Oserte �t. Ys Camp at sad Peess, oma siM LAMS MSG i>11111111M008. MONS. TO LOAM. - 0e,I00.I0 Private Puede to mat. es - a..07. M. 0. CA •. yp•elt. Coib•ras H tf pI ITATE FUNDS - PARTIES Dli- dross of • alaise maw N Antal.• ria ..o.rlty ens do w M ts per was. Is op- p�/k.g r J. A. 1111C10.14AGN Room Ile. keds swats . Tweeto. wiltdo beeriimi•••i •. e:podAi.Rlli 1. uL li00& MMrhak. mONET TO LEND ON MORTGAGE L TA St test. Mew di•oemiad. C. MRAOtR.•l�geaM .,d10 Mania's Hoest.004. EI J. T. NAFTIL, 1IRS, Ln►s AND • • .0014.0* fer0r•*co •Mee i M QOd west e *a Ornee -0er. Menlo. d %ow o - TA - MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R O I INA anent et PIPITS*, ?sada ter Mrsenees • Imam m re dot PI*MaimW D1 100ry°f W� LI M7 to 14 RADOLIFTE, GENERAL IB ee*aaems•••; Real late sad w wa •gtM limey le l'•d es*(, streight as; °AWaar at a MMitttthelM° 01.0mest .. Poe 0/0._ -Soda. tog hair tam Ware, war Ny a4t Ser.tght nt.erl0*. Rho wssw't the prettiest girl .f the lot. Nor had she of riches • measure, Tie to row with we daily that girl I be - meths. Ami hese f bed captured • trs• on Per while other ohmp• palled for all they were worth, Amd the sea biased • psrleot old killer. I seised en lbws H.ady, se gated ..d se ready Was the little brews head oar the tiller ! Asa palling ods es • different stream, I tell yea, my boy, it ie •b°°rimg, ?e know while I'en ts(Rlae away sr tee .•n. Ny wife will look eat fee tb•.1sries. Rho gide M Ito light of the planet of lova; Ns storms sr disasters 0.n ohill her, And who we .eke fast in the barter at bat. Mask ohs deer bead en the tiller. ,>teehuaf.s Basica... i 1 bs1IOR 1iB RANI0B' L - TS g�JtT AND aaADfN0- Bo• oYIMO. et meet MONS .M4 liquors (.p Malys. ABOUT1000 f VOL ' IN LIBRARY. Lowboy Dteig, Weekly Wad Ilimrlrts•d sur* -«.et, ala ea Ale., a=a LP ?MUT, em T BeM4WN ar mSeg ties ea �S Laract shed A,/sBesiMma ter wessbert4ap Medea M 4tegrlts• t■ res. >!, a/MDa J. d 0S1.1110RNL SNMIM 1111 was. ASefaontft M/W. A issia eD1fD*� DMS rR 1 wr4 � .�.�r. /ere e... inn .not 1... Ow et. ..1.....7.., d the e,entw. 1117 o1Nawer KIWI, L•.4eel a.,aw;0•ABSL de k Ma ray he i1 b a gadget se g. WI; tt�ore.ah ,ng.dl.a1.. r Issi swe: lr.ess4 1 ►t.. erases MO et sr owl by sea b idt4 P. eeretaW •tteeyd , Jowls AsMieswr E. c. IITEELE ■Yet• mioatenes ova sails pr*v0Teee poo o nutty RT*w AO. `r_ age, a OS.. -4,•r. HORIATasad N•wlf•eins-b"Zs fa.mrmem .-45' enfriei W • Teat '. 1st I .1 L.ese 4.West -- WNW, a eaer1la the Gomm &•�-" bag Di aiird lipat MOODa •• Pie°et Weer sestforteell• hate a viva a Despises k/ jit NEWSPAPER STORIES. M Appreprfese. The ether day the .harsh of a mushy town ma eoos.er*td, and ello til bop who /erf.rmed the o.emooy was very mnsb *mused when els gime. 1.11 •poo a aerials leaser which "a serried in the prep. his. It represented • lion with hotness* olewm and tenth, and displayed the singularly in- appropriate words : **Suffer liths. oblldr.n te eon ante M.." C.rtel.ly. sows geed people home but Hitt. mom of th. ridicules. ! - Loudon , missy tlsarnlata's reveilles' assay kw has ens scares et Mist. Remains - w ires pais won--peeetnw to the irritated n erves, soothe 'hem int* repose, sed af- fords relief shoot howdy. The whole rage et median* affords ae panelled to Nwyline as • pain Oen. HOME ELEC'TRICIT'Y. INCREASING MOON. FOR HOUSE - WARNING AND COOKING. A* 144 0 mores e1 meow* and age rro- gree. 1. 1e =akiN-Two Mew Mortes er .•sem. Iron Aro Oates Into neper 11la.. !pe laressarnf masher and 5541 t7 d dgnagn of di/foram typo of oho'ort• heaters plaa•L ea the market 540l year rwtots.m a ere rmatne de4amA for and a growing agpr.datlon of tele Ilea/ tors et ha.*An4. whether for housewarming or °..kiss. It d spen0O5 at mos MINI ail abe der\ dust. ter°, m./ and labor 'Hers b an denying dm sterno weenss isep. m eleetrte beat- ers, lire may 41taAventege being the ff owesr ant tor haat edrl.Ised 1n thelo wap neo the bmbtaty >• sleep, obtain electro: power Ores London theatre lent year W5* heated b maw of •ioalrk beaten+ welt Veers ggf111eh*tk,n, and un. of tog- eelpe gee buildings at N lagers Fells as ails boated In Nle manner, •0 that there was he se doubt se to the prwrtlseIZHh7 we the epat50. Tic* new ase artistic Arne et e4ewtrle heat- ers have rewentty been put es M° mar- ket. Otte IN a brssket heats designed for tmspe sent en a wall Wescket, a wee an emit aged fir gut lighting. the heat being turned ea and oft 1e the 5011*• manor AA the gas ordinarily to. The de imiblLRy ed ler s Arm tis New tb y tae/ be planed eTaund a mem m, tf rg insuring .isfwtei7 s iterm emperl• tune an wirer. They me 4tdte ..sou. two and a alslf hobs, to diameter and MOW beth in beret statist -pealed and ratty peered- liot7 ern wrest- d1r ads t d SKr use te sem whelks* 1 tL teem de glans dery from free* In esed weather. Another sewers a maggfre fermi st deg tale „kesser /Prised t.v t.ntsehsld tin. Time ha al of test heaters K hiss 1st" t 041.. 1111r•g Mad 14 behest wide. Airy ■umber et hearties nse7 bsl 11"--01Po4 together sad connect- ed with an electric etreult b7 +means ag • AertMe wird es as to be reed.ly nev- es about areas Nam to plane ors desired. Is &penitent Mums and hotels, whore drlrie current In usually aysNahle, electric hest3sg Is particularly sdvan- teneent, erre there in no den sr Taller, n ot to nem and deeply turning a swat* and absolutely se went. of pewter Whets Marto tete Wet. '1#e heaters may be gimped se shat, 1* eonne.tlon with s suitable mend% various degrees et heat may he .bt+ar.ed ter serytzg their efoetriaal eon.estl.wt. In the khalifs eloerl.tty 1r aim 5s - fowler a• deaefn.en and sm.venbeneo to otos* Methods. What eta be eantar or mere wyenlent than lhereos tM article l 1. lerA°d ea the butler, barn- isg a key and Mrtng the desired de- gree se WM lesseedta40i7. sod when the broiling is ema01wted the heat Suet se *soft siogpe4' The wires that tar- nish the .arrest wad heat ars imbedded in the mil, .e that the plate icor he word a alas e5 tied east rem kept perfsetly meet ed deem at W times. sad 55101.04 the paselw,ty of the Re- sor et ase teed Wee iodated byGabor e - Mrs. Langtry. fames. for her drowses sande her debut in motet in • simple blurt frock, which oho womb all thrtt.gb eon eo-- eon. Immediately after her etoture ap- peared she bwosme the rage, and duchesses tbemsslves 414 not hesitate to stead en attain te catch o themes of her .s eh. passed. Everywhere she were the biose gees, oometimes tensed b se that tie beautiful curets of her nook wore reveal., and sometime drawn up .loos in frost with only a taint of lili.n to relieve the black. sass. It was sonded, it was pressed. tote dieser-party or hell, at private gasbetier• sr pearl emtertaiwm ars the fames beauty won the see Moak gums. A METHODIST PASTOR. Whet 1 Army tam. " De I Igoe George," mused Clara, softly. o sis b It simply a sister's oEsotioe that I feel ter-" Jest thea Robby bunt noisily bite the ✓ ent sad interrupted h. swat =edits- Ben. edit- tl Oat Oat et here, len noisy ben nabs shi rIOd..wd, .wfidnfl lam by the arm, she shot bias through the deer. ' Ak, as !'she diked, es she resumed her 1■tsrrepted tib of bright. " ay love fee Geode Is .et • .0.?os t i es.Mhbg .waster. parer. h PN flu 40 RED -00 A Ming sf UMm. Wo meet an alarms* .1 wool* in en �•,',wsmiked • prominent .Metal d tea iS P.C,A "S.m. et their aomttlaiN1 b ,•.4d to cruelty are new well hooded, hat lime are Maimed sellae that harder ea the All" 0.17 the Oboe stay wet rs•dved • sea- s seabg este btcrfcre In the be- half d bow Tb• esespWmt ictal teat it wet• wenn enmity le allege • e e+pheeper fkopeas r •i ytf bosses the peer 11a Is Oak •ppuW eiMose, Ihemealvse h. ewe* Not • Wag ee aasst wee oat- esu 1ar.dNMe Pile ido ler HS TRW; AZOV , OMS Or H1. 00W5iwa•TIOW WHO WAD ROIOYT'S DHfIA/H. RYCK M AN'8 KOOTENAY CURE WAS 7111 M.DWIOI THAT OATS mNrtexi e TSS 0L•W OT HSALTH AND RIOOv1D T*Z 00770D Ar01*0*00S now ant 1* Health. •' That physician will hardly be thought very careful cif Wi health of others. who nerglecta hoe owe," in trot using and recommending "LUDEL A. CEYLON TEA Lean Packets only. 2't, 40, 50 and 110 cents. Black or Black and Green mixed. P- 111O3C* Et DT & 00. T07t01q TO. Vrhottest° Agents. The tiwetlli.p1.ne. Thera berg 1101ely Igen basset w sit• ett•rtble et the meed pr ion me lmermamt waled the w.thepleaa widish r the Dtventlrn ed Rev. D. 01. Mord. d alsekheeth, Wentworth County. nye tea Reanlltott Spectator. Mr. Marti has siva. °sadd•r.ble w* tentlon to Ilse Moey of amaeutrtien dur- ing the frequent Aeons of leisure In the main, wwrk to a Preabyteri.n mini - ter In a large 45.14, and fres produced tits teetretseat. widest enables pbysl- oboe to deelsgubet the 'teeniest w be+lth4 7 sounds .Yr heart aid lunge from the unhealthy sounds. Tho 11f- teremn r mash morn .oerly mocked 50 Gen Street, b tws.g et tt. ute't,ophone than by HAMtt.iew, OMT . Jaw 21, 1896. 50y .iter mow. ksewn t0 phystotanw Mr. Ryokm•*. soil that &Morgans b dearly marked Does 8n4-1 haw. hews onevereing this Wer ti• .rdt ery akithlnag sf the pwr- day with Mn. E Cl.rk.o., 138 Hannah et. we es wines tt b teed. It "'it-. st w wt, this city. who 01.i.w to have r.o•iveiimmemirr that the person's(' erson K par FALL MILLINERY. 'e have a Targe and well-chosen Stock in Hats, also the newest Shades of rib- bons. Velvet, Feathers, and Fancy W ings. All are invited to ease. We are pleased to show goods. MISSES YATES, The Square. CRITICA LLY ExAMINED TIRK VIolti. tty THN great benefit frost the use nt " Rootensy 1)... ' which is mold .o generally by you •t the present time. Her .penial trouble wee Bright's Disease, .Ind was of We. years .10dis5. It was prorounosd eo by two s �Maks she Mien does net to to y Wheared, having takes only four bottke el b• rw.5dy,yet she feels se eseab better that.h. dam an rodeos es neon - wend iter se t0 anyone .Meted as .b. be. bees. The pales is bar ►..d have a.tfr.ly aeus.4. .0d alnico frees the b.wk. The •wmpMli•e wean the glow of health. and Me palled appear•Oce le gone treat the foie. Me boa lamimemd aisle ponds 1a weight in tow aeetIs, .sl4 a thereby onoo.rayed to believe that what hes improved bar pkyd- sai ss.ditios MIB ,ltimaely .00gmplkh • eampee owe. J. V•MWTes, Paster G.rtd MetbedW (bank. A Illtwrm Ogee 1h• ergesb ef a *maw __ wh sk r eestly ~el the Atk5Me observed en day, when .b.0* In hundred .nss wee* el .1. Aetel. • rimer .sleet seating en tin wadoe. iflsaafaf .p whete eight a It ha leund•1hm•tl east It era mesh- ing �e .w5 • I•ge11bg g,••• woe It ateme d obese twenty we foe b height and Neariatee WanY eon 'sheet ea the water he bis eel kelwti egg •.0.0•404, thcrdww 1W /M tri bed erlreolty game es am et awe. RI lab trim tem bed. W wj••Mi off se Ma owe esereet• Iola irairellell it warn taw• Ai li essame* bie IIs resp Wan evN•w11TwirersN •iwssa, mass kept Heed (at a magma p04y)-I say. Tome - Um, hew sag I stir the w witbo*t Mbar. ragbag the mods t Tompkir--BMMs.a the bars, .y 4,044. THEY WORKED WONDERS. Two yin of Balder T.r.ent--Hod *t- hinks el i.il...ati•t- Osee& by . Pew Ben el Dead's Kidney Pills. Owen 8wwod Des. 118 (Spd.rt--The peo- ple .t this tem are talkies arab et as ether .ate seedbed to Del" Kidney Pella The k the ease el Mr. W. t metaw Wye we bs gent. a . whs. when mesa, had Ode te: say .f be .0n., I hers bees an Is - Pee ever tic yens Win eaters hem kidney dente with er md°a•1 .sets Meeks ef 1Lnainal t of Ii" Wo. •r Meters' Wwhment and haws bees ewapeiled be revert te b5hemswd treinemere many lbws. i have % rea •yhMw bone et D.dd% Eiden Pills and am Wee piefeetly ...L rs1 ef 0 Trial malts. ..01.ley. ed a rib& �m dgL 1 HM 1y syr Me tae mem el Mie dni no eel are le lie or (TH* 51*0+T i'ITl' B1,4I01ttt• •0D SHORTHAND COLL.u1, LONDON, ager.) is far superior to that of the ordinary business school. Patronise tt College al known went, and your .uu'eaa i. assured. College re -opens Jai. 4th, 1897. Catalogues free. T Hoc • 101LD13' . J. W. WESTERVELT, PrinetpaL tient tic exposed •s heretofore. wives the seamfnatla. 1s being made. The tmRruurnmt r ea awtalttve that a lair Imes ammo the diaphragm eta he !10t0007 bawd. A Ay walking as It .may le ha0.4 as well. Now white rt• .eaa5 Dee heard snore distinctly, yet there are s• ether sounds predated within the ratrotswtt itself which est4 is dalhwy be value et theme tin p11/011 - Om yobbo tel hear. Iie41dy-I edam b 04018 Osis boil ee tasty mlss1s5 1 bats the only way e pet s.0pea �wed Ik Bev %wider (teNtt- 1e .0A Isevtag b) -Tic lave .0..0454 elbabably. ma'am. -hasher--.Www. Peary. weld N M manor isleyty"-Yen oath Lesa*rw w.bfM lona Plaw-POilwrir (web 1110.4TI- =magi le weed. al 11 Mir r asiii4iss rpe off?L5us.4.o'051.bolosOS ,,te ,x' M OLDEST SHOE HOUSIN TO W We are showing a full line of Boots Shoes which we are prepared to sell at prices that defy compe- tition. In Men's lines we have just Feceived some excep- tionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bass., that we are sure will suit the Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's is up to date in Style and Quality Call and see our (Tents' Fancy dlippers. We have a tew Boys' Long Boots that you Was have at Cost. A Plow 1•r°aeb Cloak. Tee Oesgesphl.si Bureau K foe Waite& Army Las edepted sad urges foe general me a cloak In whisk tea 45rami .rotas+ 1s. aeenpo7M. The led - ▪ 1. a passim with the Trench. Os 01. slaw et the www watch our aid * leads dor.. said twelve •'Meati ass sic lessee to he sees. the tanner%» tress s 1 le 15 befog ewtgiore4. The day, tem n1Wlelit M the mldalgkt fetiewtng. 1. le he Voided tar 10* equal harts. limeys se %ss" Th. Web-dtvh0anm seew4tq 1. its. 4..t..al plea, see -.*nese.- es teethe ".entries.." se kus4r.4r,-tisniteee" er tkou..bdthl Sae ee lbs math 4.tsetoem, the "ams.' ih wand to 14 manatee sad 1t o.so.As. er *lima a smarter of as hour. )A 1ti urged that under fhb •)weer eke labs, d ..1m1►ttem will kr dtmin- init°d b7 two -elude end the •hencm ed mst0maatleal wrrer from 4 to 1 1t will Ise a erg Orn..boiwevw, helms the general yobbo will agree that or Ric .dmal equivalent. sounds a, Mata 1 eta. WI SHARMAN, JR. Sole Agent for the Slater Shoe. THIS SEASON'S TEAS RAISINS CURRANTS CANNED GOODS Don't buy old Groceries, for hosowver lose the price, they are dear. Old goods are ahoayo nauseous, and sometime their Ilse lays the /twndaltiow for a long dolor's bill. Bwy Fl-esh Goods from STURDY BROS. World's Pole.. The feral a.ktMtten orf Or Industrie; et all settee* was held In the crystal Palma. Louise. Fong.. In 11111. T'+b was followed h a 00..ilar eine In New Tort. July 14, 111g. In 1112 a •eeortd fair wart bot4 tic 1ra4m. sad again la that dty to lm. 11, '11, '74. Net proving Mon - e1a►17 etionnefol, they ware ten given up Weeld's faire were held in Ports th 1.11 111/4, 1171 and 1../. to ileum M net i 04is, to 1451. Philadelphia (tee eneteanlal en position) Is 057e New Origami, NNW and In Chta•g. (the Wer14ti Od...110i exposition), to VMS. site e e rt. .I«w* ./mS0 Iler.t of 'MMM hes vibe= Ole WM• .I M Ta Oesremed asses M shite Pourer On verde) M ..Peep • a 1-4rmat Seek *gena 1s aa'umeist ll ill reiretc GREAT RUN ON STOVES... at WORSELL'S .48 we wish to sell as many Stoves as possible before tlwo new year, and knowing that this is the season when people are looking for Bar- gains we will laveou Bargains in Seating and CookingStoves from now until the end of the year. he largest stock to choose from and we will make the prices the lowest in Goderseke W e always mean and fulfill what we adseratioe. J. s.. WORBZL s f.jamo elite swage seas.