The Signal, 1896-12-31, Page 2kill AW I111. rafg b sl. ae tis .viii t.► was sari [hest I maid the afllmai•w 'e ether M se. rue tkr's . 11M.. did talk mask. aloey or moos. Mt It. lots there's • wtu.ideuc.•. asmsbow 'r slime can't Js.' make out- line' belay wt. klm 'toss' whoa there's troll - ethers r ethers Chet like tit•, too, W ear wkal they wuWda t Je, *t ea be en, what W7 w ouldu't share THE SIGNAL: GJI)ERIC11 ONT. THURSDAY D50.81, 1894. INSURANCE STORIES. SONE CASES ILLUSTRATING THE PERILS WHICH BESET PEOPLE. Teel Mesear ..M• sad 5awetlasr7 rivesee Nem threas.edse its** w Wb. Miami S,eawmised se tae ntoaate rhe Tablas wt a revel The high 1mirtrltance at We tasnrams has became a, genera/1y realised d them warn pleat/ mad was be spate. I late Tears and palmist[ are bald by ao Bat. *•rebaw 'e talar, ahem you're bail 'many tda Dow that It Is scarcely abanSs that hese►re steer woad/al/ Wr lir elm'1 kennels10 hear of l6 ! Amiss to tils emaeiLanr. nays London cthis. was • wuitt•u some. a.. sire 1'r$d-Sita der belleeed fist Plot keered for tae; A very remarkable thins wrurred to a 8betbald groom?* few months gu. H.. Ing a wits and three obit iron de- pendant upon him, and mot Raking tt4.n Ipotme much more than suglcleut ter our real eape[rsam, h.• dax'ulr,l t„ take out an loaur5no upon air Ut: for the protection at his a nilly again,[ des- titution to the slant ..t then beiug aud- drnly robbed of Ids mrppurt tie applied to a good company. want through the air °ebb. Wen as lel, pick .ill .1 -e,-e matt/ ftrraalloes and awaited the re - In the email where they've Yet n.. freed i cult. to lite' A few days later, altar basing closed While the [[.tale' a man has fur a rose his 'bop for the night. he was sitting la Deni'[ foal itself with • bett,•r plan, his parlor over the shop when he heard the postman's charat'terl■tit knock. He Or Male to grief • e' spelt (threw duw-u bra Paifer had Milia" lbet we're tooomuchh alike t.. match right wen- dew n stairs Whoa to the middle et a down the An' therm the reason tato 1 'remota 1"� tesi tlltlbt his tons[ sipped had he was forcibly preo:lpitMel gt, tie W inn to the very .'lure. remainder :of the stabs int., the ball Foci o' the •utter. we're food him, tt.low, where. he struck 1115 head heavily Cu.'you know you can ■Iways .smut oe 11iL against a metal letter boa which caus- ed coucusrlun ut the t[r►la, from which %revs Ne«t.•d in ".ippon a IM... he dial in the course of a few dams• It Is eatttnated that twenty-two The extrawdlna Y feature of th1S acres .1 land are neoeas■ry ,to sustain stony, which *amide like the daring etc - one man un froth treat- The same thio of a peony-a-llner, Is the tact that Mane of land. !f devoted to wheat ctrl- in the letter box at the time of tin tut.. w •u11 fee -,1 fort) -I •.c•, people if *c(ddawt was the life Insurance policy oats, eighty -.'lett: pntaeoeq Indian fur which the groom Dego- own, and rice, 17$; and if to the plan- slating. It had Just ►wen delivered by tain or txaadtxte. over 11000 people. the Postman, to whose knocl. Ile NO 'Lowe) that she loved me bergs. wr•d bee 0.1.' together as lime, but shim Fleas were a maklu' to go through IW settled ea' easy u Mao ate 'wife. •wddoali fou.' ;Jet she'd rather go Lsag wok &•other nd.r dldu t Lwow. Bo, 1l tat me W studylu'. L..,e t+ ,meant Per Haat as don't w,•et with uu aereirut; 4 „•t.' ...«.,t...al«.,. An expert at figure. says 12.000 hell- oing, a Quarter of them oautibu*ea pa'- ttu••:ach the• Strand In VI, day, and the narrowness of the street .•au,+est each of their 11,000 occuiranta t., waste on an average of three minutes. The total wast.• of t lm.. equals 3130 hour.. the money value- d which. at the v.sy tm drratr of 1 stilling an hour. 1750 a day • or over 1230.000 per annum. - Sketch. Aar £mbarresellg Wheel °When• are you going. nay pretty maid?' '•I'm going a -wheeling. sir," she raid. "Hay 1 go with you, m7 pretty ',unlit?* "Te., if you wheel, klud sir," she said. "[Peat is your wheel. peal. my pretty n,atd' "A D r..nlewlatgf 'e toy wbr'•l." she said. 'Then 1 cannot tarn, with you. my pretty maid." "Nobody sized Aoa. sir." she sold. 1'ewelee In Nldl■e There are 114...04.400 old copper pen. Mos aomrwharr Nobody know. what has become of them, except once in a white a stntd•• spec m t. turret up In change. A fra yews _ago 4.500.400 bronze 2 -Cent 1.i e'!,, were art afloat.. Three million...f these are &UP out- et.ndirtlr. Thr, • nriiii01 3 -cent nickel . Hr *tipped 1t pieces an, seat t. -r -d over they United over hti evening pipe. Stater. but ;1 t•• rarely that one is into his pocket. and, after :L few more se• n.-11 aeton ilu.iget. !making to the porters. went of! home, 1 . •' making hbs way along the railway, nt la s much mon An •infaIIine attraction to payment -by ea.rntla.n thing than is supposed. on one of t • downtown std.- streets! About half -way 1.1110 he Was ovei- ta a lot of r•.• t,t'y ha:ch..t chlsk,•rs'taken t.v a train, knocked down and si.o,w1, In u,r :..sl*f wi of a toraltry, alllcd tnytantly. His wlf• yea pr•rnpt- Irttrre. Tb, chtr..ken„ aro s.1 ha :�+hed 13' --It is retu:irkable• M•, pi•irttpt g,.-ople tr ••n sn +t,•'tila.tot. The '')h.ik. ut;.'n 1••• under tht:, I ircuitastancer pa the wide font wink.* cif th.• -'ore in heir claim for 'the tnsuranite, of which let elv.•n up t,• then' *1.,1 th-y rtia 1* . U.•• paper the deco *sad carr red tt..a the an•t out or t!, br.• ate. and %crotch i }x Ut y, and pr•'t-ud her kinship. at . est, at, 1 o• otet a, l.rn'at Th „are 1s a •ng vein of the t+•tthe'tic a tient -n fsstJ- '1 N. .' 'ruck Tiitwa ruutttbg the It ilk, folio -wing "tory: Pre« .. 1 er.btnt4ee Nar .reveler, who traded for h • . r. *ted a ltd: loll s•..ft goods firm, hal, with h<andr t ager+ Witt judtntent. Insured his life un his marMag..• seed hail Wept up the pay - or• n w 1m- .car 'our twenty -three years, in the P. r f n q* of providing for her '.. If.• an 1 rive ,:. •t 1'ry "`:• 'i. 1.:Wren agesett hie death. After tw ea- t• ..)-.torte years financial dtltituitIe-i. A tab it !ad3' tt Jtj tel t, g from b.u1 to FM t r:,e ran vented but tasking one of ; ,` is b' } a;i.i to tali through. tri.x ea'.x=d iii tin strata by a spasm of r••aputxied. In point oe extraordinari- ness this story. which L placed with- and fur. out the pale of suspicion by its �rro' y'•11•.w, ba all W seductive shades, still would be hard to [teat. u., hulloes. to be one of (he moot fash- 4 *r.*b o and fetching of Colors. Com- TYr.be are many out cases of poll- white Cont- ent. being lathe* out a[ the eleventh Lined with pate rale sr green or hour. as 1t has proved. Only last am- it s exquh,lte. Taking it all around, it mer a gentleman who Was on the fol- W the most stylish rotor a the mason e Lowing day to have started on a moue- The b'r'each modlote lnsl*:a talwt'ttg tour through l8wllzerland, return of the bustle, but Uer strong, ls against went to a big Londonthe final ice ooen- f rmali- theletic. healthy suggesttlon, juot�*ansh••h, s reject - ties d got draped skirt*. tlr% and get has policy. Thls was dune mrd the voluminously and he left the ofeoe. which i situated Freedom from fashion's tyreannY, ful where in a thoroughfare where the traffic is It impedes the easy. grin by amlbie seriously oyttgestod Turning M.ratght matt now so much prised out td a office, without looking where women, 1s becoming rattles ditil, mit to he wed going, 11e ran into the horse of suppress - a hareem, by which he was knocked The days of the theatre hat are as down and fluttery injured. a tale that i told, and in its place are A strange .sae. IU,tstratfve of the bits ut lace and bows of Tibia's.. and value a newspaper insurance, which tiny fluffs of feathers that are called. has become w popular of recent years. by purest courtesy "opera bonnets." was that ut a country carpenter. He The waxraan who wears the big picture had Just knocked off work near a hat, till dear to her heart, retu•.vea it station. and was loitering about talk- ra soon as she takes herinseat y f in the ing to the porters, when a train carte theatre. and flier y gratitude and dtasts in and stopped. From one of the com- an unwonted feeling of gra[ partnatnts directly opposite the careen- piety in the breast of the man or Mu- ter a gentleman alighted, leaving a man who may chance to alt Just back payer upon the seat. The man men- d her ed the rut to hitn. and. being in - THE SEASON'S NOVELTIES. tom• P..haees Ir the Jewelry Liao Tale C rimear+e Tide. Ovary yet bring• seas' autr.lths t.& taw -Sumo alto new 4.+1411s la ie. eV wall as W furniture, 4l one Vtsilter. 1■ gimes, mid in a thtna•atid and ar•tc-1(-brac, elthrr macro. ••1 or ..4 meatal. atiurthrt.p aoseteslna inti qualities. Among t1* must bes.4Uful of the notable* tine reef are tan !Farb"' Moroi ... ilu ietatt estani5l, r.• eg4alsitc in workmanship anal design t4s'11s ape m miry surd fir a oableet. Irut 1115 wurk- 111an5htp les •o LI -trough U.a: 5•'M, tie H-werled WaabuttWrr.s, cant casae am•. blat�ier .ant be WOW every day, tl,o wrurtug le w.uwim tela situ* lug s &Milan and Lariat) ax•).utd W.) tbua.c tba, h,4t [.rain sorsa bre a for many years. A Jowe1 ua.ket tom tar eu:.r' lu1 cin.rad with a t-opy ut the Itutraatt wtdd.ste feast, and each "tubule detail Alas tar- ty peefout. The pro, c. pa. de..gtts un the earl case* [carr the etre• t a:ow- wbat of a much.., repre■.•sltl4: tt. la- . tr 1t.uraatl Wadw..rt. 104)1 e'. eat t b..do tart ere furs cul 5 141 Jr w 5 L, at t• worthy of a rimes ear-u.tt.atl ,n. ale WrOoling et the ration toile. eu d •lt- tatety dome. boat curious of all the .:[&mels. though. are lame tea caddie* of a deepb shaded rod. These have n., ornamen- tation except a Night heading sr••uirl the trap, and the fancy 1• to have the monogram cut is.. This shows the en- voy underneath the enamel. nevi, If possibly Ietensinee the rare *hailing of t■.loan. tX otruree, err thaw moues are 'experuuve, and era- no, for a moment to be stated among the low -priced articles. bat consider,u(t the work up.xt these. Duty tannin be called dear. --Harper'. Hagar. 1■ the Fwut.tees of Fuhlou. A blank velvet waist L• one or this most serviceable articles 4H atl,re tint a WOO:WM can own. Some new Paris hate. tosiu•- and Ixutneta are made entirety of mohair braids. and are worn with tailor -[[lade gown. of awl. u'Intme4 with braid tion tormed that it was no longer wanted he took I rseadnn of It himself to read 1•, ..4 : I, me tttraetlen whh.h. LI the Goll r), Ktnlzrntfon • dna au 1 .1 81.. ' •'1 ern : tt.. .._ I ,m 31. 'y , t1 wort- • ; }e., n a,... X . th t t illy . 4 'It... 1'r•,::,.e•:it:s. Which, •.•uura:e, caused i + ; .H rl, ., !rid a Us • O. .4 tiui: thy. t rn velar t t (•', • •,• l...a r'5t•. d•J hu 4 , a ''; :.:t••.ek• p.' :•t'1• m uI i dos@tar almost , i;. t„• the *1.1rlte ,sic Taus. i A n, 1.ta 1 died -ut ban" tx '-n It 1 • 1 norm dieter> leaving hi.* faintly is a tI tr,:. is 1.a•eto*.I - - 401 ittr4h destitutiun,•whicb t .' I utr.•rk• the naturalist, hall ' ,itaa,Y"t$"ra tlulfCled to es; •. in. ![!Pall to filed int hover ed .' ltid Int«tt of thi• seal p,e • . at + l would 11%\^1t .r tt-.h; Ul'l r, tit. insurance 31• ,S. ha, ... W4, (h: Aug. 4. toil In a rt+>st 1.x^'Der- , t 1. 21 t l3 1.s:d •t*. en thus kept at• d ,r '' .1 at. the' 545 H' .,.1 .. n!' h. d ;,a>-. d 'h rag,- h!t mt age • i. [con tF'n mica u of • I .these 9 \tat '.r`;,r.' . e- tr. Altaka, • !: ''rn -'h-~ al. ',tit hit. • b. At on "',t tnd1an N•Ilioo 1 v .'i,. Or- t`. :1,r*•r 'trove ail th 11 I: 4' .. the woods. Th • r1 rude ylny- thine. ! > ,c ': „ 'h.o huts. The n • r, e • .,11..1/4! 1 - e...; their Kn,orn . .1 '• . ,d w•,n.ter. APP- 4110 0'. • Y were• filially pr. - .i up. r. ' :e},;. ach the hot see anal the ,r w .,1. r k, ew no brands. N•. amour,' ,f p. reuaa,nn egged stud[•••. theta to m ant. They tSkM, th.• rim hors th.:y had ever sett+*.-r-r:hw.tt Magazine, t ♦.w Idea it rite. A very lawful gilt noire hung to the kleellom is the p`+'ndai, -hex Take. inches est re.i plaid gloss toweltsg. 1.14 It isnotrlr sewing tr., e' '4Q* edge end • n,• . rid timelier foss the bottom .4 she bag Make 5s. [nob -and -a -half bets at the top sad stitch three times about ort.-gtaAsr of an Doh apart. tine leash iter plat*s low two yenning .L., whb4) wIO'I36 he of narrer led *see to draw frim .u.•h ■ IM Write •with Natoli tri* ea'''r L 'poultry hag" beg and work an outline Ted mstt0a laid. oleo. a haw hdb Ssruud on whteth pea rae0d1.w of verging alba .arta. [.filet atelle ewers ens aspseft soft iwi s. one w air , , ate caber Ire ger a pair of ttralmmae* sae ei e5srabdgaMN Obese fL�. 4t y .t. e A am ,r,�anr T�3� S'�-7 •. NNW' RHEUMATISM C. K. Wag, W. Val*, >W., [mel by Ayer: samparyila - pet Se. pears, I ...I..1 seised [dory from __radar ,tesmatbm• I DIN every Rahn yew** .ommleed re hest peed - MEM NNW NINSIDIap. ♦+t -.tires Moak speSum reser kale. desherf biller _ltdfa�tt 1 Mamie sale llllpMase ret flesh less weeUe .way es Stat I .sty daepairee •casae: WWI mos MS Bag were draws end el Maga M amodur reesi.rue wall Talk. The gloves that eojer the htgbe,t favor have only one button apse to these days, and even this miak.•s them almost too lung for the sleeves Doti. moist fall to the knuckles. Diamonds should be ..rn fiy the brUliant woman. but the 4ulet one should choose pearls. The beauty of a brunette 1s enhanced by rubles and to- pazes ...n.1 of a fair -shirr. 4 women by emeralds. tit,•ntng goo nu r.lth square -cu'_ necks are met h w )IYI thin sr. -1‘,n. The ta4ud:e n . x tv [mor•• b•>c••iafrt., to sl"pin : ■1t tit - der. than the lihti,t the-a•a, 50'4 Ito-, and • hiiio l Poet•-, . an :0' us. d 1,6;015 Cie ,ttt4.'$ a Butt an : dainty Uulsh. A pretty eventn„ Waist rA cliL'ott ,n pule blue. rose. lesson. cream, 117,.... or Nile goon. has the luck cut i" r • hold edged with fur. It ■.-Pante a . i commut tel (von Oma•ton-the datnll. mistltke material trimmed with w in- ter's richest ter--biri tett.- effect L tory rl arfttiiot. Chin LAM, sand.•, ermine. Will tteaal are the hes Ears f" trim- ming cltlffi,n, being the softest and datemt hri.aing. ;wring t ll:, widow I., promo! ,1. by her . !• nj sit fate Ilei' r tale a•. the .. . 1• 1 61, y.'lu'S .\ :., t :+r•: air.. He 1 • 1&& . ; are isatin + :. d 3, nt,ny 01 .C*')' 0'111 ,..e the• Pr.'nlhrehtp `' to lt'. iv•.t as .pill.' 11 ;' e Pence• more. E!' Ma -'c• high s"indeo•d Ow hi. i *«1 wltu'h judclllg It etre end ability. he m Ntntaln 3t '= m tin t. thirsts tem••t'l' ltb.Tlit'te '3. not ee'rmt' II- charity le al.." -1 11 Mall and . Empire • Do Toe *11.74.5 Twee "-+.h • TAa first of American icean Ncwgls- 1 psra,C'11.4RLESA. DA1NA,Editor. TA. A[wti icsw Cunutilation, IA* American [:lea, the American Spirit '/has foray, last, and au the time, forever Wig twbt d mph koala. I ws um ale b drams myself. epMpt with ambIEMII . pad equal only babble mbwt by tlka8 ammo. 1 baa r .PP 4 ape ens arid. W tiles _____ that t anal apt Um. The poem as taw. were se held. alas I seal gamut *tend duty by tams el bypdmmM WsF 11050 of morphine. I bad my rLbmadaSd In clay, is madaur. In powltlase; bet ret give only temporary relief. Meer lrylag -writhing, and suffering the meet awful tortures, I beg.* to take Ayers Mnsparili . Inside of two months. I was able to walk without seam. in three months, m7 limbs began to strengthen. and in the coarse of a year, I was cored. )My weight has increased t • 1116 pounds, and 1 am [tow able to do my full Cay's work at • mllroad blacksmith•" AYER'S The MM IWil's Fair IrepBlllr. 4TL1r'S ?ILLS ears B.eMrMa. Duly, by [nail, - W a veal Daily and Sunday, by mall, $$ • year The Sunday Sun is the greatt•et Sunday News- paper in the world Prue bo. a copy. ST mall. 42 a 'rem. address [awe el., hew emire THE 010 RELIABLE CO always on hand. lroord t•.r Hawes The It en,an elle scarf. .,. tsicp •' eras se vopular -flume yeare mgt, ftla4-se n'c'. dear ;.efy fur the pk'tures g1.w throw across the table cornet. �l e7lanio,.+ .dine shouid to weelt..t in w a,nn water to w.tich a little+ an.1,401ta LAS been added. Never aquees. and wtUMg th•r cha.• cis, Fut p1•t*r :t and shake it and hang it where :t will dry ra.$4ly when tales[[ 0.23 of the Neater. 1 t:U It and atretr'1 It anile ►t diet, CAA the akin will retain Its auttricer and pil- ishalt y - A prettily furnished hall gives an air a elegance and c'mlort that o»•' can - run ao..ord t., do with..ut. The majori- ty of halls are built tnisclt w rooms and rinotllrl bo turn -.hod Ilk. a 'veep- tnin-noon[. Hand.w,me quartet,.oak chair.. pretty rune. a Chanes,: umbrella jar, a hoop, ! w1t*U tab's wad a flow•• !flog tomtit (S' tea, with pretty mantel cut las and a few suitable 4.1m,,•'; lea, will transform a ball Into a *rightful 10o .k':s tlr n - rfa r I tl . Bcribner's Magazine A Red - Letter Year for 1897. llarueYs Iallo IN 18117 - .e...ta.now ....la DsOw. doi with IYw�frees� Are. ra: �trakI tug • T sY--.4--, Ws are Visas, too --derv. rme -loll et .maaa�s Itlsit N caul /per ��s n ee-=Dem llmaOthsr irrlkaseed- = waaTors•Kieregive Semites ilME4ep�h uwty Sem" Oetam lois Thi- s* Maw a, W,lklOw ..d Slob pupd•r (1S: Lata Net Pt./em,t Yarn••• T.:IN tb / ea. ar • •orlw of p It/ blit epwYai tiioeee THE entire novelty of the plans for 1897 is noticeable. For instance, the series devoted to "London as Seen by Charles Dana Gibson." Mr. Gibson has not trefor,ti appeared as a writer. He visited Loudon last Sommer for Scaiin*xa's MAUAsIea, for tin pur- pose of depicting with pen and pen- cil those went* and types which the huge metropolis presents in oodles* variety. 111 like novelty is the first considerable Novel by Richard Harding Davis, " Soldiers of Fortu•-e. The hero is one of the moat vigor- ous wen that Mr. Davis has drwo. illustrated by C. D. Gibson. "The Conduct of Great Busi- nesses." .t beautifully illuittrat ed series of articles of which the following are already completed "The Great D'tpartment Store," "The Management of a Great Hotel." "The Working of the Bank." " A Gr'eat'Manufactory." "Undergraduat- Life in Amer- ican Colleges." A aeries of art- icles touching upon the life of our older universities as represented hi the doings of the students them selves. Judge Henry E. Howland writes ou • Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexander on " Prince- ton," and Robert Grant and Ed- ward S. Martin on " Harvard." "Japan and China since the War ' will 1s.• a most interesting group of articles, richly ttlus- trate'. "The Unquiet Sex." Under the title of " The (p.luiet Sex," Mrs. Helen Watteraon Moody will w rite • series of articles : " Woman and Refornis." " The College- find Wo- man," •' A rnnat.'a a lulls," and "Tile Case of Maria" la paper on llon.es- tic service). W. D. Howell's "Story of a Play." In this 11r. 1i.>wrll given us the beet novel Ise has ever pro duceet in his delightful v..in of light Lwmw1N•. George W. Cable... In arlditio:, to the diction enemer.te.t there will he A series of four short stories by George W. Cally, no.. on!y one. h.• has written frir mane N' ars. Hc.w to Travel Wisely with a The best and only Scranton Coal in this market. Nara rlir. Z3, T•frir. i - t'i't tartn•Nf1' Practical Farmer Lettlnfr g at t"41t, Pit we we stand Mt dant's, wilt not M1. They wit, n•rt Iasi long amber M treatment They aro sot 1a so gave Order 1..r work After 5MtMing rat all winter F.• the trdw w..tlid be almeet or Suite rained, alto h sa re manuals spreader for example Aad fanners mega* mosto have all toll Mat de rte work well and save baled labor. There aro w aarn11.r of .trod Who that worry tanner having 305 anew er • d land tlwmid awn nosey, that 7na't blest long mom* to beeps to pap If Tier rmemtereel i monad advise 1St Pa. etsisodid meth a12040 tf the tUtfi 11i irlee [.snag, bat toot �r lila f>_r for Ohm bsfaeehemIL piiiiigpommonimimminipPrn HARD SOFT and BLACKSMITH - always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales. so that you are sure of good LEIT.:. of Harbor Quay. BAn!1 !r LiiZ'S tore. W;IfUESAI ARI3TSOJG BROS. &tel• -a' - For Fair Wooten. A 0•tnt.4uaUuu ..each In vogue 'and always pretty it rusk, and gr• em. • The ei1gtT.5n Iv uruluubtedIy the Wintr's favorite toilet. A large number of the new evening gowns are trimmnsl with lace dtvtt:tna appl4Vu."d to the materla4. They ars particularly effective when they adorn that allow orf the skirt. Aa exquisite dinner gown which has Just been d5sslgned 1s Made of deep Harp eu4or .Lk. pee skirt has tea',• narrow panels of green velvet, when sir' *41,104 with yellow nae* MOM and Ila%es .typityueti In the velvet. Js,grif 1 RETAIL Prop & Fanning Welts c oD.L RICH, Ca ;A 'r. rrwr wp'ASTlealfft A lame at...•a of Ser) 310350 Pum: maim 1-c'1 iiia ...Meted 115.1(1* .,•l°i•ere.l Mee wit 'marts .rat "tn. Tttart/PttWpeatew..tauta. a.r.dInaun,mber "0tr75 to eon era;) nee • gnu • N.rr 1•h+,•r eery ebb A!$I$4 item, for deep er-1'. Itorsal•pte' (de.+d toe moose for retied - WWI. hocr p05S0. No. • MRCS trio t gill SIN Melt tilf R4AON t -,r .pr*yfiog tree`, wiobiegfy ides. .caro/ rntrts's tztia- 3. 1.s firm 5(43. tit.+-c.i 1 4110101.11 giver, tr. ..Swing were from w,8 a room from pumt". Iron acid w..rd [.Malec: woed, ten port•eiet*•rmad '5 tonsil etello0da* : Wedmore 1' Arse .5I tore: %IMO animag ware.+* ..r ,.inert II bre Mat, ori e. et= Mtge. ( eaves** 51464', I. sWI. 5)554450,."r,, err, embed hires lesSaile• '.IAT. FANI C7 aRitit tli4"+iut -14:5 XVII 11 IQ.1. sept. re►., r isi Mori -_-_ - rhe Kt : Vs. um: 1115*% ell kande. 443 e10.'k wwwaeted. M . orders prun,ptb and .rsfo11y a/[sada to 1 £ WUc gas 5.4111 W ttWta•, twppi. Co*ttl leas M •Y by caped aaanuaw Arilels. as the este ions ur steriure Plehel teeny tessifeefliabise N ee�gppy�yi.�, qq�y Lr e w W ileo.. hili[ urn fir! UI*Ke .. vs. Neale, il owrw 57 t'h*4 f Loimmla .g1 ins N -the r., 31 let • Pecs•[ v>,td Y 'tics uadsrt«kc, for [14AP R8 Atlp4Z 'I, Yetiai_ie peemlosetl7 & MUe,r p relsmse ,,. nst o . awl Ila *.S,lar7 •Mm - trees scat mutely es • ether Web. Owlsg le Dm a Is miev•diocules i „►- Ws. so i& s S lease V ooaoea•1,s with Mims of ttf4p5� portiere is Awor1 50 toile popes* will .,*hare.[ ileurral susatos. massless �ia�r� 01 I•Maa w by Wdrot W Ww.Jo11a W..V I:cliWse, sed Jesse ti•t•sa. 'TIM tem .tory of akered**'s SIM. by S.. Q. A ros's,ah. Cu.11atalk,s 03 1105.11'a heaeee1 liemetelswsr+ ut .ml*eal Wormy Ameet eta** AFRICA A111> THU *At1T:- walte■na• PImes. a fully Wswiss eof papers by 001t517 Window. the result of perem••l .► esrvsi daeleg $ mono trip to Afrtee, am. era' IM whole Geld of lszup.as' explorettoa Of mot eowlr7. Wu.trot.d article, by io 41eSnss•1 es the trasafurm*tlons 4010. M a eras Mata•, meetly •Unit lits sed maker, 51..50.ra draws by I. Yupbtoeol emitb. TM fall iters of the roost 1'orw1Uoe o< the Car, by WWI - 101 Yarding Lamm Unattested b7 IL listen Woodville. who was oo teneelmed by Queue Vieteei$ to taint • picture000fpthe .eremost. to this ewierrretss- eg anitles/ heet tAt we woeado e/ Harper s .ierrtae o Harper's Magazine foe Oats eau - - : M.M P•aarrer Pres to all asb.rribers i* fid (I.11.4 emote Cooed. and Mame. &M...: HARPER 1t IIIWTU£R8. P. U. Bus 10a. N. Y. Cts.. PUMPS rhe Neer. a [tagger. The up-to-date Toting *roman is sow et eat Ting & dagger. Not far the purpose of etabbing her lover. how.eer, but merely to add to the p4etur.wpuemail d 111 apparel. The dagger 1a large Y oroaateata R and bier favorite way to wear ft he leant through tbei dra- pery et her gimes at the cmwege- I1a//l'a ler evening tram are also mos seaaltws Irak she haw eat.1 1y earertd wet Sre ager lives eek tar maty made roam th5 sodttgl gm f• wearing a daaw'r- It ba Mem MM. a beaten said or alkewc ARMSTRn1kTO BROS & Co D♦51ALTi ei a'l'ms- RWOR* S?AT1 TOND11.. .r Ira ear. Illthav1 at keltla. rt O YN ems/ Oat., swear. that arebmu.'. Meet pan' - • 'h..k ret Tiered 503110 busy o . 1 vel t�a /rN a [hate• w ver .ser Piste. M• 0. 101. I. charted ave, leas torr. *Ale armed idly her Blonds kN 1p5 m.s. s " rialleitay sins' pe. list Me she beephsem Mom M my 10, 1 1 bee•-. 1. w.1.yeneee Ogg. Sara Paws. swear .f♦lmon.I M • ammonia ■MN. Lois walla, •1m rola tell alae manna 8110 Strom• dam ler bath, be.. Its.. wadi Meed sad bar panel amen awn' ay k,Weigsse • ege•sm.p Owe.- 11s• awe Mirr ave sisal r •.wesw atmtams ware b .. bee ooh«. 1[isw. Gawp, Mate, to aolssm 51 5aomuw. wsIlei.11 . need Jay a. 15 loL 4.m flisy Palos. ♦ tf7S1•hesa11'Ns 5Mrfsss5 - SWOON IITATit<krT MADS. G"1s t ewe.. IS 5*41es.u* R Teeesie • hire masa, mews Rwhey teats% sad -_ .m Aelaemy dbl.wbd et Mob&I Ys wee sib �Me blwrA+w i• •e��w►•s�+ � spos: tW w dm• -•I45 O0*.• 4504. slam anis berm t 10. •[peen ade NIL llrper's eeHy With she end or iota ifAJIPKHx WELL- hT wh1 have ttvsd forty years. le Mat time it bas perticlpetsd with .11 the owl she per •t its 01005••4 t• the Meet toritleal of the most telemeter' bed Imports saeMma in the bletery of the country, sad 11 ans reread before 41s readers the eeeom,•Ilskmnals of esteem. aria. sad letters fur the I.atrndioa er the human mead and the amellor•tlea of ►ulnae conditions and of masa re. Wait the WRLfil.Y t.s. brim to its spirit end purpose. ae them bare been aianIsrad prlacipall>,afnseditorial pares. it aid ena- tlnae to M. It le Impossible to pronounce with precision all that the t1 Ki'KIA will contain rimiest Q s year ISI'. 1t were to mai to 0anss5ee what is *Lout to happen 1* the R sold, what tri- umph* for blood IM+r►e*en, ate to he wen, what Ad Veneta of the People sr^ to tee mad*. what is to be the outcome of the e4nt•aw ase smuggle between the spin,• of Mar and Peeve what is to happen ,a ttr Mir gat, what ie to be the state or Ku-ope twelve mood% hence. w, at new eared* or de. -ace are to be re+eued, or whet bre to be the ae•hievement. of Ars and Lettere. for the W1i4tICLY la to se • I.1etorial record of all *Me. Carmen* x111 still ooettnue to be a talars. aerial •1o5Ms. it New Mislead story by Mao Man M. Wilkie*. will beans 1a James- on A tale of the 'freak utr'ieiug .Uni.t ta, fryas. by 1' K. F. Oral* PC. the seam. et is,do, aryl follow. A ...tort to The flesh.• Must on be Myr, by }Ir, Joan ConMok tot R.,tll ,motor/ by )lr Iver Newell. More Mooed rMarl. w1:1 at • la the WMAP 1.Y lime 11 Iwo tiers letopmbltsh Cmr,r.r 1'4341. Ihp.stmewt. t Mr A' it. H.•w•s4Ee ' Lib sed Lr::rrl` have tore mama tt•e mea •carts„ &g of periodical boost urn; Mr. L a ll.rrb .sd. awe. vitt ouarribulr ot.eervatrene .,e 4.1...1 le going en 1n "Tai Huey w ora", • • .5 the. Pur evert" r. will retests ' we, moat Itylt- ant depr.l u.. al of skis kind la the whey. Thea F:kKI.Y w'11'vont tulle to prespat to 1'n traders the wo:1114 rears mope int.resider to ♦twert'.sw, 'e make tm teat rad % asset la tab the L•telarl mrd ar•tlelle hmrare• and to relator r 1'00.1* the- MNha lltimttia the Ulm - crated lotteries*. rat the w�e1e J►ewnparrr0 urr aof Scrums rata artrrr•!Nt- miaot epitand the t.-orrs..,rder or Fitness; k Htarra►,.+. mi.ilninm "f a-••lir .end tear must be regarel.•el to an art little nn(Irrstotai. Mr Lewis Morris I(l(titioe, in two tsrticles, will utii•r a variety of use- ful sugar lions and data on "Ocean and Lan,1 Trat'"l." This a ill be happily roun(i4i out by an article from Mr. Ri.rhar.l Harting th.v'a on "Travellers (Inc Meets : Thur Ways and Methrwi. " The illo.- tr•iUona fry Aou'riesn and foreign artiste will be'highly pertinent. N to friersrusatbfr ra *mofi 47*)'' toPPM twit/Mar r mower ntrri.•rfrr /rgrwre, /or 1*4. bro.i(Mt itheetrr,tr•r '.'welder 1„e Poen prepwrr.r. which .rill 1....e.(. Ironton d. on re. ' „este Rortbner a Magazine 1200 per Year : 215ca oopy. CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS .ti: 1': 4' hh Arpnoe, NF W YORK. Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned beg, to inform the ► nhlic that ho keeps on hand all grades of HARD CO SOFT I AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. Ilpsolal'attatime glva&l CUT an.� WOOD Cali and get prices sad seesampies of wood. Owes and yard. NBIAON-BT., mar ti■alkel. D. Q 8TALp. d8I ratolliat Harper's Weekly tei►►s • 54.51 Portage Peet to uU..(.•-ritrer. io t"e UMW 'Cots*, (3, .040. tend .11. tr.*. .tddns : IIA1:1'KI: Zt 1lttt,1.1411101, I'. U. awl alb N Y. Clot. Harpers llzar IN 1S)7 The DA*Ai• : up Io -date *er1- • d.eaal fro we?, m r ,1to:::,0 Thirtieth V. 'moo to 1: , .N•a Marla•. y.• • ure..••4d, .54 is as aWa'. r. f• • e err welt- dreea5d or m:. r K Vomit u PRM • we -Yl) kite,', n' ,lir,, .-t1',. trots P. 1a err Vera *rile em. sad in tis f•515 tal- 1 ps"ert shoo e',ppheb ea', ledlera lad fall els. dlOtri ee. .Bee `la.r4a>e fir wens. wrsp'. and obUNtl.a. r1..I F,;s g '.*ado.. Haase sad .paw ■o4 e.g eve the newer dlNga�!ctrl •evk. M sees% for 1517 will M : tae Sed *ri40e tlrl1Mbaruomsd, ,y liar,. 1.• ;wig, Fool: tad tsar? Silleamoltrs. by Octave Thum Pivot nasties inn tri coostaotb, pre,ra'ed by itr111ts•t wrests, epees velem ere Nary t W'IR.t r, parrot t'rtea fat llel+rlfno'l. Marlow Harland, Ruth il.Ntery burst. M04 bum Mr, dn,t IM.mato attar tie itriertu. item werwrw are mina 4" 11014114 parts of the Unmet will forms .rrtn ',f special ie. *Meet. Other I r. teresttarr Mater. awe 1'Ar OW- hone Worm. n.•, sod tie btalthy more- eked vs. hone. ; Mo'.ir. • w•./Sly ethical eageneary at rwm.ac b, NEM/ ' irk •mt,teur T5rn1.•fnnb fitaforoiff. es ...q A'ethos •ork Usrrxmowe«anti � aigrette mod Good frets« .bas nee $.'ins, ' "('rr'rr■ wed ..%Prof Krell■,-anC Peransa4gleamed from. original sourest. Ilea awn Weems. t'olonel W, T. I'latin- ses will regularly eostinue iia raleaub* aye. 1..wrr. t. t'erreuprsdr4as. This column istxn.tm t,n Inr'hr Mnrnt Marl rmIVenlerew of mestere shit an Qotauon. ate &bewared 1e ro'.11 n, ar pr•mptly had fully a pssatl0' able. aft TM BAZAR l• a bula►1e Maar* gel' leer. wproduelne the moa lesetlfd week. of A me los* areal foeela. 5x751* 0 prw.atd b the annual Derlr • We. Port t..*lkirinar. Wet the 51amem Remerryyhody term ter • hearty la erh to the RASAIt'n 10.1 S� Aa All Honed W.mu's Paps. -v►m•s • •eeroprM'. gift esti 11. mid. is w1l*b sr se nom titans aMenptles to 114 £AEI JI 1 sows" It as a wde rto rumor is sear hems torr* UN. tang ./ertis� vel t'sprees eel le er el11Aa,0.51 Harper's Hexer *5 Oita Irma • •. -- pmpdserwr maw MIME 4 1.1x1751 51 1111011111111111a. R Stora • a..,v .