HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-24, Page 6THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC. 1 NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! RESULT OP USIZ• AYER'S PILLS "Ayer's Cathartic fills for over thirty years have kept me in good health, never having hid a sick day in all that deur. before 1 was twenty I suffered almost continually—aa a result of roe- s ipution — from dyspepsia, hea.iach.•.m, neuralgia, or foall and usher ertiptne diseases. When 1 became convinced DANT ISON &. Co. For quick and easy work For cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Ss/prigs Is but that nine -t •att,s ..f tic trom:bles were caused by ronelipat.ou. 1 began the tine of Ayer's Pills, isrli the most s• tisfac- tory results. never having a single attack that did not readily yield to thee remedy. Aly wife, who had been as ta•'.ilid for years. also began to use �.� •:'s Pills, and leer health was quickly re -t. red. With toy t•hil.lr. n I had no. tic d :hTt nearly s'1 their ailments were )ecedded by constlpnGstriaen, and I stria ad the Pleaehre of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pilin, if taken in 'eaten. avert all dun er et skkneas."—II. Warravete, Byron, III. AYR'S PILLS 14 chest Honors at World's Fair. Ayu's Sartltarilla Slreagth►t:s the System. CRISP AND CACI .1I4. The Biabop of Norwich has become an antbusteastto cyclist. A loot of newly fallen snow changes into only an inch of water when melted l,,000 more Spanish soldier' are to be sent to the Philippine Islands. The rebels n umber 50,OW. MUST BE DISSOLVED Kidney Disease Can Only lie Cared by s Remedy which le in Lutnid Form—Com- mon seam of Science. For disordered stomach or sick headache. pills and powders are nor without effect, but when these same remedies are said to asre kidney disease the common sense of arisesli rebukes the claim. This insidious and grswtnK disease will Dot be driven from the ey.tem unless a medicine is given that will dissolve the hard .ub.taose--uric acid and oxidate of Itme—that give rise to the duteous and pain that is common to all who suffer from kidney complaint 'outb Amer- ican Kidney tare is a kidney .pece*o. it dissolves these bard substauee , and while it dissolves it also heals. The cures effect- ed leave no .mestion of its power. Sold by J. E Davis. Lady William Lennox is greatly interest- ed in music. and the ladies' amateur or- chestra whwh has been orgenieed bt her sad is oomposed principally of her friends has attained a hieh degree of .Hioieeey in readsrtng o►assical works. The up-to-date Ii stem Aka and Sewn -- tau (}oohs Eur foal ti wish to_ e.I1 at- tention to the fact that their 'n and '97 stock of Skates are to band, and are be yond doubt, the finest -- - - .aatrrtment and best quality ever brought to town. Already wavy pairs in Ladies' Fancy and Gents Hockey have been sold We hate repeated our orders in *owe 1iues, and would advise in- tending purvliasers to leave their or- ders at once, ,ie many of the up-to- date lines wid he scarce. DAVISON & CO. WE MAKE 'Sewer and ;Culvert Pipes All Sixes dens 4 la. te 14 la. Alas t'eaneHNae. WRITE FOR PR,OE8. UNTOLD AGONY. Detrained by i?xer.aattng Rheumatic Paine --Seven Vas Untold Sfleery —No Remedy to Help—No Physician to thwart the OnsI&.gbt—Bat South America. Rheumatic (;are Charms away the Paint Is 12 Hours sad the Sufferia Slave is Emancipated. J. 1) McLeod of Leith, oat., &aye : " I bare boss a viodm of Rheumatism+ few alma yaar°, bang ooset.ed 10 my bed for mouths .t • tine, sad unable to turn myself. Hays boss treated by many of the beet physisissm without basset. 1 bad eo faith is cures I eaw advertised, but my wife induod ate to K bottle of South Americas Rm heastie iii tem At that time I was 'efforts., agouti bar piss. bat beside of 12 horn atter 1 had take& the first dose the reins bad left me. Three bottles oompletely curd ms. and i rejoices u basing the opportunity of tolling t a great oars it as wroaeht in me. Sold by J. K. Davie. "The PsiMr .f Os British House of Gowen." C. P. Villiers, recently sabered apse hi.imNy•efth year. Y. ass boy he was few a keg time ..nsid.,,d toe debate M Re to a public wheel. Te this airman seine hs eared the tut.e.hip e1 Malthus, the fa.toes anther of the Remy ea Pepsis - Ston. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CQ X001 ADELAIDE •T- E.. esoroar AT tsteon TORONTO. / Give12 The only food the that will build Baby up a weak cons- • titution grads - .Chance ally but surely is 1 Martin's • Cardinal Food Ia simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, • delicate children and invalids. e ictattr wawow a Co Mcg -kwon. LUMBER FOR SALE. For every use about the louse Surprise %.irks beat anti chc. pcst. bee ire yeomen. The Bicycle Season of 1896. The (kderich Lumber Company (Ltd) has for sale at the Harbor and at the yard ort the G. T. H. track, Elm, Ash and Basswood, and Pine, Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and sizes, and Caviar Posta. Also Slabs in any quantity. GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. 10,000 Apple Barrels Por Sale - - - At Lowest Market Prices Wholesale or Retail. McEWAN'S COOPERAGE Saltlbrd. Time Braiiiteare is now over, and if you want to Store Your 'W'heel for the Winter, I have the accommodation, and will take them on reasonable terms. i would remind cyclists that Winter is the proper time to overhaul Wheels and repair if necessary. Everything is the Repair Line kept on hand. end DODO but .trilled hay 1s employ ed. J. YULE, fr-t Bieyole Livery Magmas st PLANING MILL. ESTsaIISNIO 1113. Bochaiiaos & Rliyirns rasrrrsorrrnsaa SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all kinds et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every de°ortptloe Ask your Druggist VK A Wonderful Tonictiel`— SISettil Remedy fir Weak and Impure Blood, and Y.NN.ewM w J Kidney and Liver Troubles. M. Ma.LtOD. eeesaNs. eay. B RA i S Worry and Work Reduced. Half the Labor of Washday is washed away by the use of E. B. Eddy's Indurated Fi'blreware Tubs and Pails They are LIGHT, TIGHT AND DURABLE FOR FALL aiitl WINTER. A. MIINRO, Just to hand—• large and varied 'stock Domestic and Imported YARNS, GLOVES, School Farnitare a Specialty. , HOSIERY, Black and Colored SERGES, MANTLE JACKET CLOTHS Pall.... .renouncement. are necessary to mankind, then how much more so are they to the better part- woman t As they are so neces- sary you should see that what you got are good, thus saving in cash and health. Tinware or ( rsaitteware bought from .s in always good, and se the latest inventions are always added to our stock a better eelecfaon cannot be found in (`,.nada. STOVES An) FURNACES ttws eomplets lin. of Stove, sad Airs - sees ln the Oosnty. HARPIRL11. New Goods and .Beat Values in the Tailoring lane at the incl -established and reliable West-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guatanteed in Quality, Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. Stoves .fad Tin t. . . At CArris Bios. Now is the time to enquire about Heating or Cook Stoves. Whe have them— all kinds and sizes at lowest possi- ble coat prices. Also leave your orders for repairing and setting up of Stovers. We handle the best Canadian and American Coal Oil. CATTLE BROS., Hamilton -et. Plumbers and Tinners. Cakes, Pies, Tarts. Reidy for the Ruth. Call at D. (Cannat a's, the leading bakery, for year (:hristmas Oaken and Pah )"kat. Tarte, ()rotor Plasties, Minae Petry Short Bead. All kinds of Oakes kept an hand. Orders left by ten in the morning will be made sod delivered the same day. Wedding Cake.--(ke.m.nting and decorating of the latest designs with a fancy ne.ortssent of Wedding Cake Ornaments. Aimed Icing a specialty. 1 �tnele had I/oubi° SHAWLS, Our famous double warp, fast black; LIISTRES are pronounced extra value. Our CORSETS are second to none. Inapectioa:kindly 'toted A. MUNR O. Draper. CLOTHING Cheaper Than Ever at Mae Clothing Emporium Having just purchased a quantity of Clothing for Cash from an over- stocked manufacturer. T am now prepared to sell Clothes at lower prices than were ever known in the country before. On my own part, I am not forced by stringent times to have this Cheap Sale ; but have been lead to do so simply to meet the need of many who cannot, particularly at this time of the year, p y large prices - We are not bankrupt, nor suffering in the beat from dull tisaes,but have done well during the thirteen years we have been in Oodersch. We are pleased, however, to be in a position to give our poor friends end cuastomen good warm, comfortable Clothing at merely nominal prices. LEVI CARD A. B. CORNELL UPHOLSTERER UNDERTAKER EMBALMER. Two stores fully stocked with handsome, well -finished Furniture to be sold at factory pries. Resetifel black sad white hearses. Undertaking .t low prime. ilia Cornell anemia to all female oases. A large emortraent of Window Blinds in stock. Give es a call on The Square, and then visit our Hamilton street store. Remember we sell .11 goods at Factory Prises. 33. coILW Bedford Meek, The 'quer% as! 1H.leilteset, aedands. A 1 . ... ",'Y. J.. ..t' The Signal U SN Mme .ikr speed weans& to � Jabe ilei tws, whisk are tars paned wWs the arias ter the prang► .ad .aasetias mall an .Mn et print a A perusal .t this aseesassi. N am 7mybe is need V seek moswees& est your p� t j e.allWet that our eSOrta� e'pi.... wI i MSS Wile the appn.val of oar patrons t�Io‘t %%Maas This useful sine is kept in the range of ua:ides same ail Meet heads. Wide *erne. -V% talks are not so generally aced. they sot an important plan. in oommerda correspondence. See what we've got under the above heads. litter iieaas In this line we have a very large stocn of fine writing papers stat able for every class eft business represented in this locality, oosn prising laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled, as may be required. 13.\. kit o.6,.% 1f the " pa-a♦you-go " plan was the order of the day the demand or account paper would not be so great ; but there are some men who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is nom pieta in this line with four aims. Good paper and neat ruling. ,tett i .e..t. Both single and double dollars and Dents columna They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round— sometime. Vsr ve\otpte. Now, it would be hard to gel along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand se them we keep a large stock n hand. We have now about . hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 730. Is $2.00 per M. We handle nom mercial and legal sises ezclueively. Coreut ere: a\ 4 tr.a.N..r g has already been partially 'um erated in some of the beads above. There is, however, a vast .moon of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tae SIGNAL. T we.<a.inose to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in melee tion sometimes, but we make N an easy matter by keeping in .tock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and se 4 Powe aims of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most el t with oord and pencil attached. etWeAe\ars / - We aim to excei in all the idiifrl eat kinds of work we turn out. but especially in thin, and keep in stock plain and fancy paper• imitable for all requirements. cards *ma 'Clckds This bead covers a large reap et work, from a bread or milk thine to a neat calling card, from .n or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty badmen card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. - nays Oar facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by she fact the/1 the great bulk et it ie done by M. ibis line also 1a eludes Oagaxs. which our three fast -running job presser are able to turn out in surprisingly short tire. %a\e B.\\s belong to the poster deoarta.est also, and we make a epeoialty d them—promptness being oar aims in this repeat. A notion al wale will appear in Tar+ S165AL free eft charge when belle for same .re gel hero. #\. R. ► so+fp�W orlc k the me he done is this establishment h. .n expeditious and artielb meaner and OW, 'Ponos *D.\\ bei 10u14 We ezteed oar Blanks fee pat Say ors, earl selteit a eemtln>,saos of ile swan N W% SAA114.1.., voE ane. clew