HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-24, Page 4le d smell
soma1� beim foTeem rmed .4 & talk & varies,
w.t.ta a eget Opals or to tree the
'I1m ?mach camber of Dsp m�it�es
� the naval bu4400 std the
ut Marine promised to atao4O.e
sobemee for the dereuce u[ ono -saws
and Brest
Private letters from Mantua, the cap-
ilot of the Philippine I.aads, state
that the Spa.taedb are ! ilea tai w ter'
tom to retreat aanfeseloae and Infor-
mation hoes eapttued to.urgeats
rOL1TtVa"'OAII ADI A 1t.
The tarts oasmbersoetere concluded
tater work a Montreal on Saturday
for the time being, but w111 return attar
the holidays.
Mr. A. C. Fraser. Liberal. wee elect-
ed by a majority d lie in a b4•-elee-
tluo for the Manitoba Legislature. bold
9a North Brandon.
There is good reason for believing
that the Dominion Parliament wilt be
mimruuned for the despatch a business
the era week a Mar'dt.
Mr. T. 0. Davis, Liberal. was elected
1n the bye -election for the Commons of
Se.katcbewaa. His opponent was Mr.
McPhail. also a Liberal
The result of the bye -election a Corn-
wall and 8ttr�uont on SaLuunlay was •
victory for Mr. Sne(singer. the Liberal
candidate, who defeated Mr. Leitch.
Conservative, by about 176 majority.
4 THE SIGNAL • f:()DI+,RICH oNrr.- THURSDAY DEC. 24, 1896.
%1t ffiignal,
as Mas
Oast M q?a Msrth+•rew
Terms of Sabserklifesr e
=math, taves?
Me rim.
$ s
Attd mea all this *rasa are there sissy
whe r•satlsiaa the .5..g •1 His teas, whsen
birth they are seat w e.MMstsla the
ess.Mtsl swath of •m4a11 11the m loved
seer, we are re.tsded of the (Aria of
flhastems. Hod's soot sift to the res.
epee ei veer Lobel.
Teff label le • moadl.a remise of rho dam
you are paid ay. flee that 1t lo ser
to fail tale menu.
seams* .t address 1. desired, beta
tie .1d mid the sew addrew .hoeld be does.
AdvetWs/ tan'.
{,asst sad other camel advertisements. lee
per w toe arm lasertzuy sad t mare per line
6e esti ss10. um.t eam est Y
. ase red Iq
a seeps i.fiamwI ar+.Tw
cards of mix lime teal melee. M per
Important Evtintslnrem Words
Cartoons ,. gsp.ai.11y • day for ttw For Busy Reader&
hems, til lime ley. .sd home resales•
sed pothers most el all fee the (Mares is tot male weed s wee,pes.mwi Wer jeww
tee keno. How 'my the g.pt
e& hut. .lea saePM ease ales owe
mos the world ever are Isakl.s (•award with a.tiv soil.. seg ewe tse.dio.e asm..
joyw •xpenau..e a lAeiM.•s Del asd
the Dal earpri.ee it may reveal: mid
tensile it b. Seam dews the auss0Y 6.m,
.r father sett awtaer who ell she meek imp
searAdvenlse= eta of Lori, Foetid flayed
k .0.0. anted o., seed and
Ob �OOw w••t,ad ant same Ilan 2
.apart 1, ft p -r iry'. a.
oa . end Fourss es la a, sot to
•creed s1, .e.eltor ar4O0 , /rp.r.'b
s. c .•ti!seem onth, Lo'•* ' at1
Amy epeeist notice. theoetert et w''leb 4 to
t e pecuel•r7 lament of say tadl-
we or 00109007, to be eoneldered as ad-
vertYeoeet and charged tweo-dl ell.
Lal sot ices la wsp.rell type o.e mat •.r
word, so entices less thee leo.
ordinary !.tape d Ievee type
Nt. pe? r wworNo notice for lerier Mo.
Notlw toil oheroas sod otter religiose and
benevolent lamitutioss half rate,
Subscriber who rail to rewire Tea SmIAL
r.ral.rly by small, will o ester • t•vor by •w-
, . • Uai esof the het at •. early se date w
PsblIJers 0.15.0.
J. C. L. Towel. of Oodericb. ham bees ap
pointed Local Travelling Age•t for the town-
shlp of Oodertoh. Colborne, A.bl.1Q and Ws-
Local postmasters over the diet -lei are Mao
▪ pwer•d to rte. ve .ubeortptlose to Tea
1J M a1.
All oommualoaIlme mot be addrmalM to
Tv. ei.R•r.,
Talmage* Callan Aod.rbh Out.
4100112U021. T11f U It0DAY. DDC. 21. 11116.
.err ram -• sem ..nets irrwm•ss
es r..epr..bad Misemnb'n'
KAll.1WA10 gall. SLINtirt.
Oa Moteday Use teethe of the Jnter-
or dross the ('1054e10 tree. *he os. ewer* . 4uSW begun running over the Bale
Cbaleurs 1taMwr*y as tar as New
the mprea joy of I.moe.mt o►ildbood as R�lcaawnd.
they motive the wombed for doll. orWok, or The Uuminwo &Resentment Inspection
WI, se mese other •ktd,.b pleasure• of the upper .scour of the Ot.awa,
Bat, eh ail ' how abs .o..e. oba.so •. w • Arnprlor a Parry Sound Railway war
pais Irmo boos to home os (?hrureas Day, begun the other day.
rOL.TICn- till Veal AI
sad Mall we sot see the trees, glade***
Lie F:xeawt/v Oouncll ••( e b rel
('brise me joy m that bows where (lust Is Fsd•rstnue, aA sbledthinLiLlvt•r-
m.s4 he..rd. Tb. We say he few sed pool, mirage*" a propesal to make the
of but little vel.., but &15 wade prie.Msa { situation In Arm0nia a Llbera: party
ea account of the lover tboogbtfule.m a I Question.
(herr Is gad sumtw'rKy foe statins
acrd the true Cheatham erne of �t Fre of ullbur .Y f1 ILndUU
-A Merry Christmas to one and
Lets see ' Heath Brant is next,
im't it '
-Rest Huron Tories held their an-
neal m•mm o last week, and soon it will be
is order for tee (:rim too meed their terms.
for loos! par roses.
-Let some poor neighbor have a
Christmas dieser at year ezposw0. Year
owls aiswer will b. all 11e mere toothsome
bemuse of tb• kiod sot.
It ltoki a. if the other fellows in
Louden had the beer and piss' tett at the
lam election. The " atlas guests were o
moo oombinetios, isd•d.
the River, t •
„ gems, ea earth and goad will toward which will sttortly he relinquished by
S. eater aaoths hones. It is the mem-
tag of the meiver.•ry of err Saviour's
birth, sad toy be1ls peal and mimeo their
wympbmleo with the echoes of the heaven-
ly host. and ever and noes set t• the music
of welltuoed hearts io the nob melody of
• oktoe we beer the somata.
" Hark, the herald amen stag, Glory
to the sew born King.-
ing.,How dark the oometcaet. We passe on
the threshold to take to the seism. It is
the abode of wretobedo•se. vioe and
poverty. Squalor and dirt inform us of de-
tbrooed womanhood and poor little ragged
bite of humanity with dishevelled hair and
u.wa.bed faces spook of traduced mother-
hood,and poem, still farther into the de/b-
ison we behold the wr.ok who b.e divested
tele home of ('hnetn.ae ober. Tee bloated
face. the surly tone, else guilty colsntetioo*
611 quietly attest the ravages of intozio•om
and thus this sad home is beret of the
good tidings of great joy.'
lo another home, the abode of wealth aid
refinement, we os. look epos tke geese jest
as the goon gonads the dinner boar Sud
friends from afar gear. the festivities.
Costly and many are the rifts ezob•ag•d,
sad as we Bare upon this luxurious ease and
Mender we .re almost ready to exclaim
tea is surely the acme of Christmas joy.
But take • seat .t the ample board.
Champagne sparklee in many a glow sod
with glitters in many . oup,aed despite the
fiat that one member of that family is eves
sow taking the Keeley care as remedy for
drunkeenem Coate • little mower. (:et bet-
ter acquainted with the inmates of that
home and se you learn their family life sed
their various deposition untapered by the
Christ life in the soul you realize the tenth
of tee words, " A man's life doth not coo.
b .. a+ Masonic lodge. and died atter being
--This time lust year West Huron
was into . bye -election, hammer and tongs,
and now we're having the fun of looking on
at the other t000titueoolee.
The tariff commissioners are be -
gassing a decovr that then aro ham• wit-
nesses who ere cot stook es the N. P.,
Locus W dimes, for inseams
Candidate Lstere, of Cornwall,
Mal any more 1aooeeefel •a a politician
slstbag •round home then be was is Hailer.
the Barn de (burcel has been offered
te M. Rlbot, ex -Presides% of the (luun-
Moody and Sankey held a revival
meeting In Sing Hing Prison the other
day. which v. -am attended by stout thee
Key. W. J. McCaughan of Belfast.
Ireland, has been aypointed pastor of
St. Andrews Church, Toronto, at a sN-
.ry of 14000 a year.
Mn. A. S. Hose, who was formally
.xcummunicated by the sesakm of Vic-
appealed urch, Point Bt. too the Presbyttry of Most
real. She claims that she was expelled
et a secret meeting of the segeS a be-
cause of spite on the part of the hats
pastor, Rev. W. D. Reid.
e II t: YIKE. 141.1'0511.
The 4 -year-old daugbter of Mr. John
Draper of London was terribly burned
through her Mollies catching tire.
Fire broke out in the Wellington
street warehouse of Hunter, Rose &
CO.. on Saturday evening, doing 410,001
Al Wentworth. N.B., Mr. Fred Ouch-
rane's house was destroyed by ere and
bis two children, aged 2 and 4 years,
were burned to death.
A serious lire occurred at Brighton.
destroying Mr. Thomas Web b's block.
also Mr. rieabitt's grocery aril store-
house. A number of smaller offices 1n
the Webb block Suffered total 1000.
1'110. 11e.A11.
Prof. Hermann. the magician. died at
Great Valley. while en route to Brad-
ford. Pa.
Alexander Taylor, pre of the Cly
presidents of the Union League
New York, is dead.
Hon. H. L. Pieroe h dead. aged 71
yowls. Iie served two terms in Con-
gress and was twice Mayor of Boston.
Rev. A. M. Phillips, pester of Doug -
les Methodist (.`huroh, died In Mont-
real. He was formerly pastor of the
Euclid Avenue Cburdt in Toronto.
Mr. W. E. Week of Brantlbrd fell
from his chair while in attrndanoe at
n M to ib. things *111011 he powa•eset , removed borne "club a attributed 1.0
ssilMr, may we add, i• the tritest jay to be an epileptic nt.
fogad amid the Met apeointed festivities.
W • would paw unto still another bones
and here the very atmosphere is the et
The wheat market In Chicago was
dull on Saturday. Prices did not fluc-
tuate too any extent, sad May u
pesos sed good w411. Her• too 0 kw" clawed 1-11c firmer at 79 7 -ice
luxury sad teat refinement which often fol. Among the poromas+ en sae mail
low is their truce But all is laid at the
feat of Grist. There is subdued bustle and
we tnetisotively feel that mash is being ae-
onmphsbed. A valiol• at the the door and
Me soon discover that well-000kea .i.oers
In the !North Grey (action trial. no
evidence was offered against Hou. Mr.
Paterson, and the petition was there-
for. dismissed with arch The cress -
petition was alio Mainlined wile sesta.
steamer Vancouver, which arrived at
Halifax from Liverpool, were 21 Armen
lana. They were forwarded to Canada
by the Salvation Army and will come
to Toronto to be taken tare of at the
army farm.
H.'s down meow' the Madmen, time are rapidly finding their war to less ,eters* The 11 hatrt.pu of 40.1 crop
ateIts homes, and as the donors with happy tun, but the entimat yin a
h ed Id of gain
For Christmas
What you shall buy --- Where you shall buy!
If so. don't plan any longer, you can settle e
question at once b'f - Ott' nit the
Competition does not touch this store in Variety
Quantity or Value :
Kid Gloves ,Parity's tied Pev'ny's makes)
Bilk Neck'X..ffiers, Children's gid Kitts
Gents' Kid Gloves. A large range of Bugs,
Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Suspenders,
Hosiery, Underwear, Lace Curtains, Che-
nille Curtains, Gents' Ties, Table Linen,
Table Napkins, Blankets, Quilts. etc., etc.
Every article carries within itself the convincing proof that in its
purchase you are saving money.
District Attorney Mackey of the
United States says Mrs. Sternaman will
be extradited.
Jams Smith, a mulatto, w es hanged
at Upper Marlboro,. Md., for the mur-
der 1n July Ism+ of Mks. Margaret
William Adlaa of Durham was sen-
tenced at Gwen Sound to ten years 111
the penitentiary for an offence under
the Charlton Act.
c Joseph Dumas, who was arrested
charged with murderous aeweult on
Mrs. Snook, the Dover Township
widow. fes onnfewetl his crime and
says his motive *aft robbery.
Angor )McDonald. wtieo, escaped from
the Kingston Penitentiary • couple of
Years sate has been sent backen ed wall -
other charge foto eve years•
now have eleven years to serve.
Mr Frank Maxwell.Wttant�n quar-
elledlanguages at
with hes wife. and she left him
and took a position s. housekeeper. Mr.
Mazwell called to see her. and the
threw a dlpperful of hoeing lye into
race.ble y burn-
ed, andwIU ll
prrobahly lose his eyesight.
Cast ALTI e:e.
1 h Ys re
sow. I 'Ammo Forme doesn't; "pp.. to i
gifts wi u kind of all kinds given in the Augu t
Asa campaign leader, the Hou fine« enter to d
a +vert sir qi
greetings , I call them angels ot mercy, and bulletin. lamer been realised. Th 10.
bat grain waw 20.14.,Sb2 Lu+bola
The acreage for next year is mush In
excess of this year.
VOL IT ICP,- coo, M. lkucher of Thin
FORK Itillh
gait tee and creed potties.I ell people • Hem a this home gate, gw hew been
the Swiss RepUtd
ere ecce ed, 17e.riag the eiulel el•a.ne of k,
--Editor Kann is the proud poo snit and M. Ruffy of Lausanne. vice-preel-
elected President
5a.00r of a lack knits that ono. ben iB. It of suitability. Sat more than .11 else a• dent
was left by • burglar who took 48 from the feel in the interohans bet woes parent a The French Chamber of Deputies Inas
editor's pante pocket amid left the jerk- parent and from parents to oktldrea that ad0epted the eredk arced for to meet
tweet peso* and that joy -glee joy the (:peones of the vide ul the Czar
peso*-- and ('sarins t0 Perls.
M se elaborate moms. Slsrrumsi, with • ( ere the, no .eese•sg.rs of God .n the dM-
.sjoritT in favor of the (I.vrnmest "di- tressed, an - not this home doing Oa at -
get•, has given the Hee. Oaovni warning to met to diffuse that joy " winch shall be to
tette. The .trans Laing in eallOotloo n
Mat there were 46 is the editor's breeches' bespeak the true ohneteme soffit. re -
The United Stairs Senate Committee e• might re co, ad haenitum, had- on Foreign ReI=Mins a ordered a 4.-
packet for Ms burglar he list at.
tog, u we enter home after home, IM t r v.orare;
ort on Mr. Cameron'sCameron'sreso-
IuU...ble rep icwising the Independence of
Toon) or none of the Christmas joy mord- cube.
togas the (Isnot is a lyrist principle in the Mr. Burton of Ohio has introduced
Tit F. nomination for the first .erie.
of 1)istriot Oonnoih is Ontario wee held on
Moeda, last, and the nominee are now be-
fore the electors.
Khmwhere lie this isms will eel foetid
the list of aodldats for five districts
is Huron, arid oat o1 ties list it mete to be
possible to dent • uo.noil that will de credit
le the musty.
The eisoters hove an important motor in
their heads. and should see to it that the
bast menthe eel•otion le tirade. It in net •
meeting of men political Islamise that le a -
volved in the eleettos of • Distrito C.aooi1-
1 et -it is the well being of the county seder
the a•w order of bias 11.t is .t stake
Tux Snus.L is is borer el the beet sad
meat •sperieaoed mem being sleeted w e1Ro*
se that tie county may get the bowel of
their beet knowledge and the widest •iperi
ease is inaneureiint the new swoon
To this end we would Imprer apse the
et.otoee the noo.setty .f selesuy only the
sem who they are satisfied will be the beet
qualified to work to the dva.a'e of the
meaty is the am Diener Comma The
gosponeibtlity et electing • body of repre-
sentatives of wheal the seaoly .ill be
prised is epos the •l.otorate...d *very ems
ter eagkt tow a it Oise the tem will be
well sad truly bemired.
May the best .sea win.
/matte ot the individuate that sake up them in the united Staten Hoarse of Repre-
sentatives a joint resolution, directing
the President to conduct negotiations
W *hall find as then is lees of eelt,th.re wire (;real Britain to secure, If poued-
e tome of pry, coveting .ar..stly the bot ble. the abrogation of so much of tee
its, ebe. greatest of whish is loves treaty of 1217 as forbids the battldlns
r a warship. on the great tate,..
1. it et seemly that Christmas Day
should be the Fl.ddet da, of all the year For the past year 1137 vessels rocked
Corner Welt -at and Square.
Craig, dr•ara N
over 300 pad., e Mbar
by Cep,. Young. Colborn. le b. 14.e
M.srt of esw Mle
eaor ss. paw- sry show are a paw a bras. t.rbor,
fed y J . Seeds. Cabers•the male bird
w•irkisg 34 1ba and 1s mato 61. Tie
.twterio ...sista sf • bear brought from
tam Manitoulls Islands by (apt. Robtusos.
a fax, brought treat Pert Albert by Mr.
Gawkily. Mad • pair of mom led by Hale
sad Morrow, of God.i.b. The poultry le-
sbias 'Mousse from mob wail-kwws
breeders se Messrs. Andrews, (lod.r1el
t.w.oblp ; Fear. Hallett. sad others. I
desire a bank loa os.sod e11, tee year
7.temage, sad. sola r: mg • oostuu..ss el
N. same. 1 wish yea all • awry Certainties
sad Happy New Year. R..a*T Me'I.sAn.
Tee Booed of I:tamee.es foe the Cooley
al Hares, met at Gode iob, Gee. 101.1.
Protest, lawn. ,1. B, Toe, obslreen : G.
13eird, ..cretery . R. l'. e'heewnrht wed D,
1• was deeded that after 1411b, that oer
ruiners be .xtead. d soder Regulates 87
i•tor owe year teener' of two years u hom-
tef .r..
The following/ mod. bates were awarded
profess►•sal Third C'1•.. Towhees' C.rtlI
ate, valid for three years
Limes -
Mr. H. Rabeau, a Montreal pilot. eraa
killed by a G.T.R. train at Lanhloe.
Patrick Renaud, a Montreal taborer,
wan Mown to pieces by an explosion of
di namtts
Mr. and lira Bemuse' Wesel of
F.arnesttow-n, were struck by a trate
near Kingvton and seriously injured.
Mr. Weese cannot recover.
An ezplesexi occurred in Creemer's
match factory in Bavaria, demolishing
the building. kiting fifteen women and
children and seriously injuring seven
The steamer Uer panic. which has ar-
rived in New York. had a very rvu,h
Passage. Miss L. 8. Sayre. of London.
Ont.. was reveredy hurt by being
thrown against a writing dealt.
A borne was wrecked and Mrs Jo-
seph Olavel sad two brotherstra Injur-
edHiles of Walntleet were badly In
ed by an explosion of nitro-glycerine
which they were thaw big out in a
Four children belonging to Mr. David
McDonald, Collector of Customs at As -
pay Bay. B.C. fen through the
while attempting to as YOUnteldest two
Cove, near' Dingwall. The
were saved, but the other two were
to the home, sad fee the henn., Sias jeeps 000t10 the Canadian Soo (anal, oarry-
Wail street stocks had a rally ex-
wo.aahoed--building • well -batt fosse of tending to W a share on 80tW'de.y. but
best and hops sad love abeat semi Christ- the market waitnervous and unsettled.
iso heat.' Why should not obildbere- The Winnipeg Board of Trade Is pre -
joins tbonvh it be in else heaviest cats, or in Daring 1000 InVitatlooa to be sent out
of the 1N'or, rise the Lord et fur a business men's convention. to be
the hems
held on Feb. 4.
Glory berme• little child sad thus hallow. patrlek Donnelly, lumber merebant
art 4 577397 torts of freight.
Cattier sanctified motherhood sed tweeted
d obildhod' of Montreal has made a formal swage -
And .s war ee.template the profona meat. The IlabtlfUee are plaosd In the
rel horltood of 73140.000
mystery of the ''`..d"..8.4°. 01 oar
in the I'Nted Stater the teiiidemtcy of
Ms.ioar's 1en., Dan neers he room a amt prices continues mostly downward. The
hearts sad .lads for idle cosh ending. ler commercial failure' 1n the United
earring erlliolam. ter meoeeee• epltso ee the States for the weak ended Friday
amounted to 227, as oomp.red with V7
between .f evil .pakl.e' Ah, e: se for 110 oorroopoodtng week last year,
vulture of the air 1157 mart 67 away mid erect ions.
f oow'tm seine.
All amend N. world, is every hod,
is alma every tats., there are people
prep.far to mlechest•, a mem ways, 11
Is May ib• birth el our 8sviesr.
What maw the ager. sexism Nrs.g
Wbp this baste. this ImpSMeaty. se with
gmisltesed peso steads 111 our •Mesta, heat -
.teas are 1.hapd. sal tory Meer are .tree.
%wing with rookie= b.y.w t The may
.solus are cheesed le is1S y Mlpna sed
tins eani Mails hew arranged Mohr Merl.
book. palm. lamb sed gams 1• a masa a•
1 guise Whimr wean *110 meg (Voir
mea seam bete. And shy t 11110 Chiba
IMO hits Ser s1 I$amiwth veins h by.
leave our snide a peaces while the osl4ufjlg Feed Palmer, aged 21. of Winnipeg.
influence of the forgivkg spirts ease* 00r attempted suicide le his room. wide
Made a a greet els. temporarily [mane. He will recover.
0.. baa said "dye Meld peek." oto Mr. Alfred Payne. a grocer. keeping
se we leek ea ear e•letdor ea the With .f aeon at the corner ad Bay sad Ceanon
Dee tuber. A. D.1606, may the weed. " Aa.. streets, Hamilton. oommttted .tlefde by
Domed " faller Grist) affixed a the year, Inning ar7dlaine-
enemy e se the teeMmo.y of the sloths d Omorgv Jonsa. M leer's 02 ase. Pont.
werid,t•11h• 45earsatien ei one blood lord. mltttd suk•lde d ()wen Round by
Aed ..7 we, like the wase mem, "eel set eh'r'ttng himself in the head with a
best gifts to Hun be *lm the write were Br/tlab bwr>dag fwaysr. 11. *04 a
suede. buteher by trade
efr gnome Butler of Wtn0lpeg e'.rn-
G E. L. U. matted suhlde by drinking embolic
Geld. Mr Butler formerly rmrldel In
The following ere the series Ila the def • T ts,ei..4 tl " Ircir �tboywW be brought
format mem people's meths Mita male t^ that
week Joesph Atkinson, a remtp.tasd .Its.n
dories Nee ..zea sf Inwood, Lm,nbten (' tun(y. shot his
$.rI-M 14.10.410..11.1011 iLL •l C.t, anis end then mewunfttpd oYlel4• H.
itchy weals' a1 7:30 05104. The ret.- was to a nt of dementia beomsbr on by
lar Late ...1454 win• 612.1gamsM4 "Ill merry ever beanies e.atteru.
N. pray.a..N45- as Wed esem Mve.a., ron M sr 0. w A 14
Mu lrt4.7 "she .he11104 MEW wile- it 10 tspcwt.d tame th. Dome ot Teri
deem velli be promoted to b. r.•ar-Amlrul 00
L... curse t.P.&CIL. T..iy ems- New yew, . day.
I.jR M 4 o'aMnk. 1.aM kir1)"1"1111 pt
.0r a/NtbMo'.
.al ttalf• at Up.aab
�h, ' Oma spiritual,rwfj 1 beams Maras* ttee*.sep�s embarked in T1or* lar ger tae
MN pm," W Rugb Bela roe 14pts• Needs.
All are tordially Wetted to Mend the.. lees madder I.saStletlar •eMd frees
inseIN P. tebiM ore hard a the +.memo4 rt..... --t to Mem tin• crosmr s•-
Ball, Alio* to i itfrmde
Base, Ntoeta A.
Bashers Agnate
G1mg4. Melmd.
Chrysler. Norma
Cummings, Lim
(,`ammiaga, Bell.
Cenaisrbam, Lissi•
Dag, Bertha
Fraser, .1eer•
Oeedo0 Christens
Howard, Arae Rolle
Lard. Mamie Boa.
Johnstone, Lily May
Kirk. Jeanie
Lewis, Chanty
MoCa.gbaa. Mite M.
MoLoughlia, Sarah V.
MoN.mltkte0, Mime
Middleton', Bede
N.11. Klla
Potter Etta
Robertsea, K. Lizzie
11.id, Edith M
Reid, KvelyelL
Roes. Am Boit
Swallio, Jessie
Stout, Some Ala
Smith, Dor. J. M.
!tinter, Kdith
Torrance, Grace
Terser. Kvlya
Worthington, Loa
Aito►iso0. R. MoK.
Ansley. tired
Baird. Robert
Baird, Witham
Brince•II, Jobs 1)
Clotko's, Frank D.
Cook, James K
C.Oaes, Louse 1.
Demme. Win. H•sry
Dees., Jams C.
sliest, Wilfred H.
Graham. M•Ivea
Gast, Beason H.
Hertel, Jaime
Hawkins, Walter
Hooey. Lem m G.
Moldovdl., Robt. A.
MoTavah, Robert
Marta. Jobs C.
Plemis.. woman O.
Roberton. N . 8.
Therapies Ales.
T vane W. B.
r•t'KF.I.T t'i:RttO1(At--
The Duke said Duchene of York are
to spend a month to Ireland next
Lced and Lady Aberdeen and pa. -i
have arrived In Ottawa frown tl r
western trip.
The certiec•.te of captain Williams
bbeenePsusp suspended d dorm six month . has
The B•ronesm d. Herech has signified
aur' intention al erecting and endowing
a horse for Jewlsb coestuuPtivel
While Lord Aberdeen was in Winni-
peg a sneak thief entered his private
our and stole 1a fur oar and other
articles. 'the thief was arrested_
Captain0. M. Kwkpautek. son ed
the Lieut. -Governor d Ontario, ass
married in tat Peters C'bur:h, Le.ndo1.
to Mess Mamie De .nlstoun, daugbtr
of the late J. F. Dennfst•*m. Q.C.• cd
Mr Charles Alli, an •Z-0wtndllor
.f Woodstock. hes been away from
borne since (October 10, and has not
1-een heard from since November 1.
His sirens a causing his friends con-
•Iderable anxiety.
The action for breach of promise
brought by Miss Helen Grant. of Dun-
dee. a,talnst Mr. James M. White. rx-
A P.. for FortarehIr". was caned In the
Kdlnhureh Court Sedans. but wan
Ientpuenal until next .0as4ins.
. .t
The Hamburg deckers by ha! lot have
d eh .1 to continue their Mrtke.
Figures show that the eJrlpteuliding
trade of Great Britain a remarkably
pi Ape,&sue at present.
Mr. W. W. Ogilvie of Montreal, has
donated 41040 to the (lenviel H..spital
In W'nrfpeg and 3`300 to St. it..niftier
Tate new House of R fogy built by
Use County of Perth and Cl y of Stret-
ford was formally opened by Hon. E
J. Davie.
The .ember of immigrants arriving
Is °anemia for the n.aw.n just
a officially reported at .1. 41. a aril
d with 71,2711 last season
The dally application 11nt f .r .•
1■ Buffalo le steadily gr. w Ing. a• h
depar•t.sot a now caring for N; m,.t.•
families than for the nano• p r. i.,• t
TWINS tin N east sai--- en' hawk en the WerthAeemtssa see set
ands* mimeo
%.11m stdeee.
The Pertik• Oahte Conroe -rove. wh ch
fiee been hofdlog meet.ngs In Loved .n
1...djotuned over the hohtL.,.. 7 tie
vvldmetco le all In. and the r. p. t Is
bang oon0.teired.
T1t 11Me1 wit brought by rhos Rev.
GeOhlge Brooks. the prince of b.'gglne
teeter writers. (rruln.t i.ondon Truth,
hos matted by a verMot for Mr. 1a-
boutioaea. with mats.
Mrs. lemma Hate ..f London. who
bee glom birth to twenty -sevrn nMk1-
ren aas for•mldahee rivals in three
Meters In K ln,rtnn. Jamakn. who be-
rtwtrea them have Mzty i114rst, all
ler plerbtwt Spenser. who beet see
Me nest and ant volume of Ain matt Wates Orem Time hate maser ham
m neANogy aaa considerably elhong- end Thep .use Mews a Oetlph sed
s4 i ..sfsdos ern tlr atar,n•MOIe sr shim .M a Mileage w1
Ofitalltkll TOW treatr.
To.ssaT. Dee. 15N.
(;.anal met today Mums* of lose
meeting read .mei passed. Moved by Jas.
Ce.srll7, .00md.d by C. Witham, that A.
Way he refunded $2 40 ..heel las, being
ever three nuke from .Shoot. Moved by
C. Williams, emended by T. l.ber kill, that
T. C. Pickard 45. retarded the nom 01 $4.83
Mktg serer in seesseesent is the year 1883.
Mewed by T. Ckurobtte seseeded by Jet.
lj.r..Uy, that the ernecaes time fee re-
oeivisg tam be •ttsodd to gnu ...tiring
.f email a 1897 Moved by C. Williams.
.•.sed•d by Js.. Jo45 ssoL, teat the follow•
tag memo' be paid : Fe 'ravel-- I. Weir,
pita; H. Dyke. $4.50 ; B. Wise, $16 81 :
3. Klltott, $2 16 ; W. hell. $5.22 ; A. Drys-
dale, $31 21/7, C. 8...... 11.9'4: T. McCvt-
.hv, 540.: W. Joliette* $1 08 ; r. Creasy*.
$10 20 ; W. Klliott, $3 90 : r. Leary. est -
les far dram, $9 ; M.awipel World. $3 86.
Ns 7 by-law, sow read, wee posed- Ad
pared to meet se per mom.
Noose '11t*»T, Clerk.
Jest b.4m the owed aimed. newt Cos
tem sed addressed the ...berm and officers -
ea the poem away o1 the seeaetl'5 Mom
represeitagoe is the oea.ty easel, mrd
kis owe lost oonnet ire with the tew..klp
.s.. The g..tl5msa said he had bee .
ms..ber for twenty three year*. dere.t
Meth period be had bass es friendly terms
with officers and members, and bat the
council bed bees 9/00/0117 eaesmfel.
Alt. r unetteerag many modest@ is ac m•e-
bes woe kr losg sots0 a the aw..Wp,
he said that be sly severed hie e.a•s11ss
through the introdootzos of the sew Aot n
Baty essecie. He spin tkankd all
Shoes rhe had benne his ells gas, and thee
ted 1Nvidsal Imo of each member mod
e'OLOOalt■ TOw%satr.
Carlow, Des. ib.
Golboro maned met u the eswWip
MIL Misetse of last tweetaaft read ap-
gr vd and aimed. The following Meeks
were signed : Wm. (.riga, rase resumed,
$2 ; Wm. Deeet, bMediae culvert, $3.60 ;
Wm. Dans, burying sheep. Gal: W. Grigg,
gravel, $4.56; RIO.AI, priittinc. $7.69; Star,
ensues $3.34; J.. Byrne/tee. teepee/inst.
42 60 ; John Systiamen. me of rad e
gravel pit, $1 : Mtaasl 8isk.ass, gravel,
46e. ; theme Bess, jr,. esteem belts lea, i7
Oarrew dt Presdf.M. bylaws, $7 ; Ha.utea
MseMaaee, twe seder bosee, M ; Jaime
Team. Weber, $4.73 ; Jamea Wattea, ware
fee fsa.m. $6 60; Jobs h.bi.,l..bor, $1.621
W. Meister, grev.l,66o; Andrew Groes.
weak en red, $1 60; Alen. W. Yemg, re -
oil. -v$, 76e; W. C. Tador. goods
e Jr caws G.• en, $3 t16 ; Gomm MoP1es oil
for read madras. 711e: Jobe Napa. az roe
WNW. $1 : Al. e. B.mheasse /wool. $6 7
A. Bsade, travel. $12,36; Juba Reheats...
seder selves* fb ; Jobe Barker. bream(
steJewel end ole. read ., i..., 117 �866e;Jams
Jewell. wpairat
Barker, work ea boundary, $7;
Was 1miler deg to remitted.
al ; Jobe miler.
graved. $1.40:
Mewl Mitchell, gravel, $31b; Jaime Kee-
.oll]. weed for hall. $3 96 ; Jobs Harker.
Driver, Har.. red. Theme teed lambs. h.er• $4 75 ; Jame flasds externem to
fed Irl Joseph Molle gk, D'.geons.. sed e salvers and r+Wt1es bill. $13.42 ; Aadhw
very Ism display et fowl, teat have bees Hallid•7. 1arykr *fah, $1 ; Alex. 11451.44..
.7.0islly reared for the pr.eese kmlilay "el r.iltt*A. $1.40 i Wm. Mears War
Grade. His dl.pl.y i. worthy sl a .r1014 se remitted. $3 61. A depesatb.. eseareleg
i of Joseph Beek. Dania Milano. and Jas.
Hewitt MWLm." a term. silo Ws Rana, 1T•dls, wailed en the oss0l, asking fee a
-This heat my 7711 anneal (Wetness die- fir.
play, sed the best .ver .hew. a (Jsdh.isl.
b..0 missals .r.: 1, esttle-A
OM prise registered short bars bath,
three paw td and' M,4510 1,710 lbs, lab -
1K M. red Haile at Guelph ht emelt skew
lest week. 11he M frets the heed of Jet
S 1e4N, .1 Maple Ledge. sad, eads.b0 lI
the bene anima) ever Mora In Dederish,
dramas .ver 1.100 Ib. She was 3.4 by
M. R. J. B bhaesa sod Cutlets ef
Aa. Craig. Ale. ens Meer .d ease Mee
weighing 2,300 Ow fed by Mr. Hdsss.
((thew.: a 1 -year -.Id heifer. fed fry Thee.
1 Nessa lbw gaftdmas ..d the Sew
A HARD.OYe Th•PLAT 0e Cttare'tMu
Mata. -One of the West exbibia .1 meats
fee the Christmas trade we have sees i•
than exhibited by Norris A. Cos. Haestles-
e►, One et the beeves weighed 1436 Iia
sad wine fed by Relit. Term. Ridgewood
farm. Celberae. This animal was *sly 9$
menthe •1d. A two -Tear -old heifer weigh -
.d 1100 Ib. led by Peter McDeaeell.
Porter's Hill. she several miter geed
beeves. The Holten mast ham been veri-
table bon two of which were fed by Jesse&
greet •f mosey be .ad is ereserag pre-
emies for N. village of In was
moved by A.A. Ycass.....s4ed by asthma
Jehr,fast $40 au granted for ties 7.0)55
gargled. It was moved by N.bes Jdso.
seeeeded by Wm. Hill, that Ale:seder
kirkp•10lek and Peter Yawns have their
tares twisesd en menet .4 Ieen by ere :
earned. ]gra 80111'. main were else to -
salted. The salaries bile se fellows : Oses-
allsey $150 ; sleek. $100 t Mesmer. $M
Lae, seek nerd seaeeew saetlnf( Mere.
$6 : shirk. ,ale hall. .8. IiM[ el5rk, pewees
sed MaeM.ori. f» ; pumas sad 5t•0s.er7
0rs1s.. Ash/518. sol mother. suns age. • O. It tees moved by Well Hill. wh50de%
fed by Owe. Tseng, Colborne. Is isms- try Ninths him, that Ma es.rantims be
Ono of she new Med fpr hold M the 1.Jessee. 14 d ew.itp hall, (meow. so Dio-
...ty .4d and .hest ,iI0 tis. weight. bed ..ober, at 1 r e., end M a pelt be d--.d-
H Tal. Gelber..: ons beg 8.45.Meths
0 .4, the .ill be Mid •s Mwdtiy.ihe
Was, 0.4er4i t • 11Maim
dimly 11S. 4N day el January, at 11e 4ltiwen$ pe.11kat
=sod seemam fed Dew I3. 1, Beeeimee. Te.p mese Hatt.
. the
0..li. is imp- -i haw. awe lediew Hdd1.. ARO 1 U. 1. 4.314.4.
waea.F -s sad tem Yews .14-800516' T1.p.-ne5 Hall, A. Oasis, D.110; id. 3.
doers, @KAMg 600. fed be W. H. IOW". omelet, ?,.. ahl. H.S. l W. B..0 �i
N. 4. 1Lshehe.. 'r.pwm
11111k.a 1, W. MNDnwaes.
PlesrtMona a semid.eo dMMa dams H.. Task. is rhe wary eity
s =1 ilei
ern Neel of metal oweb ions
1Oen Bn1laMar lltMedlma .[ iremesm sett
Mm as.r.d the .s.- 8 tiny fe 1b , lay°i; mym+~'t�•esal
gY�lmsm.p 1a1s1�wffaseMw lane .* b' .+r ra embattles Iles desk sidism iia Mises see ewe fin► ear,
ed ms • Itr a suis s daesa�_ss ft eta bslrg by 1R t tiehl2mee Asan
Slim fair soiree L Vs task Blasi
.______g, MD+110111.
11. Mom r odd e. be • MMsa41- ad a
first gpmmle se ...50 Inaliellay. 11. pulsem3
pfl.Isae 1ees16a_ .. *.1 flees a - mei
eMnoa o 4. el Meer asp lrhM las
t)1ouala of file I h m a a