HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-24, Page 3THE SIGNAL • GODRRICA. ONT. THURSDAY. DEC 24. MS $ Dahitlstrv. 114 NICHOLSON, 1.118. • OWp.ams 111/110111011. Pira Oise lf�stt. west • liedalty. • rigs ::sstleses. 6.101. MABEE. D.OE S , t U.fl ,-UBN• TAI.6UHYBUN,- Latest sad sproved ger •S Mosul o 1 va- ,yg the • yds um! Lam•• • aq • d• Nor• - ..1 1 ant . ad Ns ae.ses bier" Jear TUBSDental eirs�it•Lsi., Da . , 4 i n. L (boll turd pm - Dr. et ra teeth th momeauwted on geld er •Ism - •1 iM •.seen• glees to NMete ai w tarsl la aaow Meek. ilio-tf )1[antaat A. THOMIiO1!4, M, b. C. M. UT 4. ;__ at nasus•.,/ N sdford, 11R. HUNTER. PHYSICIAN, SUS - dos. tot Broom Nn.t. the dd. =s Mese. lately tai ell - true M. Ill a!likice & MensM• t s ur LANE. ISSUER Of MARELSMI T V • lu.-. Os4arteh. sat, NMI '�s�`g (i. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLI. LTi. char,t,en vsysscer, a*. 01111a -oar. Ras tilos awl M. Aadrewama.. p. to her0S Ii and. ay L" RNBBT HEATUN - BARRISTER, All Banana,. ess s Public £c'• Bloolt. est Sweet. ly KCAMPION•t1.C., BARRISTER, tiUl.- Io1Mr. Nouq. ao. USc..vs, Iled141111 u.i• %Mr*, tied•nch. U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER; SO- W.. Ochoa. oommIssomeI. too, MOODY 1. dtm aadtlt. drew'. drools liedertch. out. iOFTCS IL DANCEY, BARRISTYR, IL aoltettor.0enveseaeer. tae sic. Moot M less at lowest rata Horton'. Hook. OF penile esthetes Hotel, teedeetoh. Oast. >il-It --- -- •1i4• - - -- KN. LIME, NARRISTER, PRu0- " Well. here u the many you hove been Ise o of Owns b1R55•tw We hear a great deal about purifying the blood. The way to purify it is to enrich it. Blood is not a simple fluid like water. It is made up of minute bodies and when these are deficient, the blood lacks the life-giving principle. Scott's Emulsion is not a mere blood purifier. It actually increases the number of the red corpuscles in the blood and changes unhealthy action into health. If you want to learn more of it we have a book, which tells the story in simple words. SCOTT • hum I.. •••••:.,, .,a.. NEWSPAPER STORIES. R• Ws, es Apelegt. •• What make" vou women toss when you mesa " It u • sort of apology is .dvano* for what we stew to say .bout each other .far we part•'. ✓ ues noted is 3 See Sigma. lar Agnew'. Otatal.a will ours all Dame of Itching PJes in from 3 to 6 nights. Oat •ppltc•ttoc bring. comfort For blind sed blooding piles it u peerless. Also onus Tetter. Salt Rheum, Eczema, !lutists itch end •11 eruptions of the skin. 35 sots. Sold by J. E. I1.vr. Maritime owing me forsaid • rich uncle to his j� V OelborN tom. gglggdtkirtft nephew. " Use it wooly, tend FLO. BAYS, BaItItIbTBlt, SOLICIT- remember that • fool and bus mossy are OR. &c. Odle. hiortb.. oat door poo parted." SMOAL or. satWinos gond. 1. nod at •• WSW l don t tow about that, redid the 'await este..1 beet .t. young/ eoap•0ra. "1 ve been maim( you (`1 iRIt°W & Pitol DPoOT, BA1.es - �n than . moot for for , rimers. Aiwa" $Mtmtore. to... Rode Rah. .1 T. Ostrow. til:.. to . Proadtoot. s.ereeafd. (`IAmitioN, HOLT & HoLMICS, 1 Persever.oce geoer•Li mate with 1t v Me ro- t./ asUstton t0 mitsoan{lostonc I ward. A'trunks. author owe went tout t ; " oe •lm " eroled the busy man, " deo t ( O. WARD. OONVEYANf1ER, bother M lust a promo&. 1 vs other fish .• gat.. sed enmmt.isser ger e.d tee-=useweessmaimaamos of Imil. Yen tin to ITT).� ' esbri & . O. 01"1""a• Yell• P. . 1 editor with • manuscript o.Mlq Holmen " '•Il. I'll fry your flab for you," mid Rom 1• or eo..rsiss say astir• welt or A ; aha author, " while yon read my o sso- =Mit t. w Higb Curt or Judie". aha seript far U•Altal ..trto..e es esye 00so I And the editor did read it. tl. a pity and p.55(ri ro.al"toilL O coned Missed. -104 •• Sometimes, Jona, said hu edo " I sae sae ananowiass. mesa feathers growing all over theta, all SIM a parrots sad oaaaria . My good fellow, whatever ie the manse With you !' .101.ised the friend la sods i*hsest Well, ...a s5eius•Ily •" •• Aad while tbey're .bedding feathers they des'..rog !" ' Just ea' '• Well, thea, I seed .sly tell you that I've got • enter who is • uosewt sembor of • ahorsl eeei•t•. The other looked "slightest' ►mmsel- .t•ly. do ga • little droouraged, and think you bo. that bud* smuts so. •r• ether bard • pto please. IU(TOONZY WAN. - 000,000.00p " You don't say so• Mea* the astonished 1T1 p t• lead at M t»r meet tto- as• p M O. CA MON Mortes'. Leek njwoder their ly, •• wry, I dent hear, Now, you've I heals, s wife-" There's ria example in my wits. Yea i 6 LuDELLA" rm..mber the day we west he the Cly to - pater! Wall. you !Moiled up old Ri.hW55he pooker-hook la.r aoyaslataea. a this way with ills woe on ootdeat glow yea ar bis '10 is s mosey ooistM bskt.sm 1 al .p • girl's haspk.rehof • Now I .m her ha.hssd. I to11 yen Waal leek.' 1• rM awe tray. •• MT friend.,' said • solemn- visaged ma., attired in rusty bloc", •ddres.isg a respite*. able looklo1 working mw. se be was a the sot of I,ghua los pipe, " have you seer dope scything to your III• 1110. towards Wmks> yes. making this wicked world we lire Is the "'dillj better for your living to it " Mtpk•- No. 1 hod • room that seeded •• WsII. sir," said the pereos addressed, ppenog arid pointing. mad 1 thought I d 1 speaking in • deler.otial t too, •• I have Nally at home sod do it ysalf. Bret can't don • great dal towards stop to talk- I'm to • hurry :"the poriBaauoe of this coy."W hat's op " 01., indeed "' eaol•ttod tb. .moms •• Well, I ve got o take my Winnow mit mss with a pleased lose, " teen you are • to the dyer's sod clesper's. my walks beat fellow worker Is ammo,/ osus.-a temper dram •loog with 11.and l must stop at B-'• once lecturer, 1 oegano,! sad order • air •nrpet, and them look •P ••Well no, ' responded the mon •• Dot Gl- oms palate... -..,f paper•hwgers to -to see oily. •' I'm • foragaapeSveers." them to po' '.e tinuehtog touched" on toes room, you k ow." MD 4&barbb et Lose handing Relieved Is • ayes rel two "amnion king.' of Liverpool. Few Man, who is noted alike for his f•.tidtonsosss and It is pot •Iooit.M people of our own h.s irasotbdity, i. 1n the habit of dropping coaatey. sad promiwat anima I k. erbao pito a certain restores' sear the Btohan'e Lapps, M P of Joliette, Quo . tend otter ! every 1orenooe for • cup of ooffee Tb• members of P•rhament, who, having ••ed wsit.r who hes attended to his wants tor Or Agnew'• Gterrhal Powder, praso.Ns the lase few weeks, helot/ mew to the basi- n the most effective remedy they have este oda in hrls1101 the ion, lemon his cafe as Ingkaolin,tb. but people everywhere ore express- lair ievariahly managed w •pill some of it tog their rreriflteuoo at the effectiveness of io rho wooer. this medicine (', I; Archer of Brewer, ,ane day recently no RIM/ his order the Manse, says : "l have had oatorrh for sever- ye1)11. d b arremked- •I yeors. Water would run from my ayes Look here, k friend- if von manure to a•d boss days at . trine. Ahout four moothe briny mo mT mop of ooffse without .ptlloy ago 1 was adorn.' to try Or Aguas s C•• .ea•hillse of is in the sneer 1 will give you • tarrhal Powder, and ubce u*log the wonder- ,ng Rol remedy I have not hod an .flack. 1 Th. attendant retired without • word, would not be Mer bout It It relieves 10 sod in • few .soon."' re entered carrying the tee minutes ild Ft .1. F. U•vi•. op ID one hand and the wooer to the other: The 6.lde. R.N. Two m in hoc•n.e eng•red in • fight be the street. lustwtiy their hen rolled u the dost. Ileo of the mon eas entirely Th. judge won impatient at tbo way in hold, end the other had • .hick bused s11 whioh the case woonducted,hut the coali- tion.. The hold man .zed the other by aha on eel had so eye to the jury, an.. .hi!•king katr and begin to drag him about." that he understood the state of safe ire much '!limp him Dried •bystander. bettor than hr lordship• peraeteotly pur- " Why should vou stay him cried 0o other. •' He'. only pro:tu•ng the golden •nod his way. 1-t low the (earned omen rule." pent of •he hooch could .awn.( it no longer, Ths golden rule ' What do you and looking down .t the resolute barrister, mean •., he said grimly : " Why h.'. doing to the -ober moo whit ' Mr. Brief, I must plainly tell von that he wishes the other mw might be able to de 11 55.00, to 1110 you at/. dote1 .carcely any to him 'bane elmp het wastio' time lou might rea1051 nammake mit:utter lievlly that two••w end11 awtten dpto norto mike mroar "- The aodannted Brad settled hie eye- glasses a little me-^ 'rmly no his nose be - for. he reep•oded bloodily : •• !Tell, if it please your lordship I am (note prepared to do that. Two sod two meke tw"taro" .Aire..11 ty he lad.e. p00505504 the saving sense of humor, and the shadow of a smile phyr'4 •' out • he corners of hen month us he set beck in his chair and mid - •' Von man proceed. Mr Brief " 5514.5 rbW, 1 didn't ea you to tows agg1sa11.O.IMg.e H.s.t OodSrl•n 101 tt '• l e•, but I most admit there u one PRIVATE FUNDS - PARTIES UB- USW you have Dever found fault with. .Nom of obtalaise money oe grai cb es j ' • Whet u that •' aa•ardV oast do ed at Si per omit. ►! op The way l look when 1 wear my last s�RWg Ifo Toronto. Rens lei. `rase yam a clothes " - iaiM BsWlatea rorasto. (A IMAGER, CONVEYANCING AND Ire.N1.g u order*. V. Lan.senoa•a.Fp.Nto1Martll.'•Matel , New Servant -There's a rase below to me Odmti 1 700, tar. �,1ONSY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE , Monter of the Home -What dad you tell la III par Sent. New dimoasud. C. ' him IMIAO ode" droceito Mortis • lloul, OSde New Serval' t -I told hen, you told me If AWL It was a lady to say you were 1D ; it tt were s Den, to say you we10 Dat Maaar of t►. Home -What did he my then Now Sertsat-He told me to tell you that be won • lady. F?. T.-NAFTE1*.00 .fig..' ; s1E IAN.Dt � SIS O --Oar. NomDa e.• . d Oqusr t - MONEY TO LEND. -A I. A ROI DLL • am.s et Prt.w rude ter 1avesi moo a lowing uOARaO t rR0 DU IO Matinees.OT. Dso ihrehollegs AMOY IN .Lb. dread. Real :huts GENERAL Hasp laaagal Maa01I17 eist-oloss r. ie q atea. M to r straight 'asy way u th 0, e lowest rats of 1•t•rest prima _ sail hem SewsWM meta eleh ihanstailden. Lilsn=La. isalhees. Fint Mer -An ram tilo agent of the So- ciety for the Prse"ti" of Cruelty to Ani- mals' Seemed Mao -ties - First Maa-Then. for haven'e oaks. la no pat myself ander your protecting.. I al- lowed my wife to join aha New Woman movement. I allowed her to nde •-" Smond Mas -Bat you are sat as an- imal. Firs Mem-Ain't I! Well. I think I XDIR101 ELSOH U" whimmaI k• • downrieht me •( myTS Y AND . ei 1iglrvtraae sad Mia Pm Mika Oess boa ttotroot..sod hem fuMrJL AHOUT 2000 VOL' 1N LIBRARY. Loelily Dad', Weekly wed Illa•h.Md maTaMailaseme,e, Sib P614. TUMMY. "Lil gatleg tree see ef Lltmmrr std *sadist! ra Awlww.ra f. map i.wive,/ W 4Mtertas, Inman 3. B. R. 0I R. HAMILTON.s rO Il" ildb tar. AoMtlOatwrm>11r• ITHOI[As OUxDRIIR 1 Ella iaD. a.. at tau Oa Odes at- Mr:Is oar sod d the eaenty. Wty WIN RNOX, O?ERAL A,,O• e t ..•Mma _iassM'.sWmesaAsa" 1• 0Nt _____...Mag .Mq hs Is s • is OM with M �p't"•'er.... 'anon le rb 0 Ossaty Ausdosemaltufkr N E C. STEELS RRI1ISa AM00IATIOrr ONT. LASS OrttvaTOad- OM-low. Hamden esi fewoo 62-A• n _ ware " mss wits m Me id`s darts es • Bests sat is the i• •i1y will Neer got pr.m••ed." LIFE'S A BURDEN. 1010141120111. As old S•steeds. sea feeds well. galled apes • deetee, Ten loots. rev. Lim •w verbal tastraMose m t• bow 10 regulate Lis dee. •dv1isg Lim. among .thin things. to drink N spirits ler mum time. The Sodden rasa to (gave, when aha doubler said : •• 1 sen M the way et eb•redsg for aey advise. I will Meads yen kr 1041..- •' • wa„ mak" aid the patios% "bat I'm ow sae gess M oak' per odds 5" and putting down first the saucer and then the map h. -fore his fe.ridioos customer, rreeely picked up the shilling Floored. Il tem eterest ti •ds HOS. le ,here Nandi f Is f pen! Is dA. ?mew *easel H..d•dHe D• yea bare Oa Asp owl ad .f ,los• ,/mete SMemsb end User disorders De Moos'. Liver Mer de oddly we * sans nett ea ter* owl dried w Tb Eta IMO woolen grad an Mr demai 10 r • viii fin 10e aeM ti LK The teens .assail eta lard Irish soy ie fast !plops. • re otsede for " dile" Os .1 its members is seedbed with has151 deo HEART RELIEF =get VDU, 550.1151 ..ewers Lire and any/Y w111. Beate ',earl ,.ease -and la eellaa.w+. tter run *.sr'uo nem mom 1he Ware Re ,k me. Osseo ma w h•1 It std For A!fled genidr1, teats a\er.r4. Nr.. It cos d. For Asir rife•... From Mr Osage Cause. "I had been euffertag tram acute heart trouble for over four years. R'heo doctors bad tried, and failed to rive a relief, I prop cured Ur. Agnew's Unto for the Heart. In thirty minutes after the tint dose I had re- lief, end although mine was a caws of long standing, eight bottles effected a permanent core, and l firmly believe, after knowing what it has done for me, that there i, no. bop•Isss camp while the great core IS to be hod. I cheerfully sanction the Dee of my testImooy ID whs'ever oat it may do the liniment straits would wry the example most good. bid by I. F !,eves, anal prove equally candid. d ads : There gas t, se deed es to der I dew 0 vire- Ides dad Item Itwb. saver died ►drew.' TM doe _ostoses than.Msah.sdy d. i" I ssi�r •asal�1l,yfVe a sstlsat fhb Mask s sheds trie . seedy 1 e net rfgbt t boi. d.torr M r.. b.W.d hie bask." Wiles r A certain bankrupt. while underrotog hie pnhlic ez.mir at •"n, meted end received to thanks of the Official Reoeiver, who, oo doubt would be glad if other gentlomen io WS; fie fame. A gen, limbo who eomeumes visited a viral* noticed • hey •morg the audience who was ,rand ..Ieep e• e, y time t'e h.p paned to be there Coriolis to know ab% the urchin s I uI I r•.or' to -u.1-1 • pima. fo somniferous purpo.•ee, the g• n' lamas s d to him : " My 1.111* fellow, *ear do you go to .teem for ' " I can't keep $'•i5.'' ra jo.m•A the hour : " it'. an awful Fera to me than doom the some tt pug •-very agbt." •• Rut why do yes a•5•" ', oh, I 4011.3 help it ; I rood Dome. 1've got • •ss.oe tubber." �Yate tee... o ti of the Queer various ways in which roma minister. " usnr..ve the .obj act of their di.00ul' ..e irons wetly .romink to light. A ol.rgv10a• in • ems.! country town preached me Summa, Item the teat. " L^cr eon ..other," sad .most na10•rooe blur teati.N M told s little story of two goats that ease 1001 ea • adapt/ink bridge which emend • little stream, . Bot did they Bahr and try to push each tither este to. orator!" gosrid th. minister. ••Ob. so One lay down and allowed the Inbar to Hep over him. Thar was the right spirit ! My brethren," he said, leash,' over aha pulpit and spooking is • senttw, pen. salt.. toss. "lot i live like roam" tosamptsd. "Talk about there Wog no *soh this' se look," mid Pains., deprsesttng; "Irby everything le leek -life, riche.. health..,/ eves abs ekeise of puoau depends en 1be merest .hawse. Aad 1 have redly been the .,/seemlit deg ie Chroteades." •UdinekT'".taW Wilk Ise. .ympetbetieel- lids Slob.-.•. A Eta' hoe, who is tin .aero el .tame secretions'. .< fib .Hon, board • let of talk abet the wird .f dviIImli". appresebei his gra•dwbse,whe was takes* en part Is aha Wk. .. 0.1sgpe," mad ad skid. "what ie Obi diastase between dvUltaW1 end ter bards ` BBatb.rwt. my bey." ...wseed tam ora sena, • r killtsdTow enemy end'tradiad web w . ,/losses el , and IdUlechiee with • bomb-id1 twelve mad seen. - - w• r Air. Tbe Ober day • peed &dim leaking very Fsrsmea Med depr.rwd. "bred the smSkhr-.sero el telt s.baubs• slob. ors ,brew Mooed' we•rny lets aha now .on. vmlms ask. •• I soy, what • posy N 1• Mae imam de ad ,mar 510550.. odd be. to -.tap M a ▪ .10y b. Idly d• were ten. W 4 pes Iwo rmitto beep tbe o i to Ma thee"ow din w ow die ' AA Ks" ills Ib WNW ae j-loder. "I CEYLON TEA being strictly pure, reaoutn1emis ita.lt to tee thoughtful, economical house- keeper. lana Packets only. 25, 40, 50 and 60 cents. Black and Green mixed. H_ P. 13303E4k.RDT S 00_ TORONTO. Wholesale Ames*. The creditors desired to konw how, why, ADA when carton oropertie. had been set- tled reds the wife of the bankrupt, who was 4pol'w1l t•. ter inforty slten ••y\'ith regard is th. h nee eon Mrnitore. When Mia ceu mak. we? that to your wile' tie ..s e• k••d. •• nh a tide hit ego orw. . as the hesi- tating re.pr050. v This reply eras not eno•i'1w.••'1 • %tie/eatery ht- the ."n'lem•n who provide." over the nrne•ediair. •' Vr. vs.," ho said sharply : "hut the quce•inn .•-whose . • • Wel'. ►epi'•,/ hankrnn• '.i'h start- ling nend..r. " 1 gave i. to her •• soon as I fo.na it wasn't mine." •• Th. Officio' Remover Ibl trolly) Thank one Ti..' sail' ie, A"d the I.nkrnnt appeared to he •t a '•. to aornn0t for the lanebter of those present. INSOMNIA. FALL MILLINERY. We has t large and well-chosen Steck in Hata, also the newest Shades of rib- bons. Velvet, Feathers, and Fancy Wings All are invited to come. We are pleased to show goods. MISSES YA TES, The Square. CRITICALLY EXAMINED THIO WORK or THE (7111 VOl:k`4T .'1Tt ht ,I41,... AND MHO.THANI' OOLo.101, LONDON, 0!'T.) is far superior to that of the ordinary business school. Patronize .i College 01 known merit, and your success is assured. College re -opens Jai. 41.11, 1897. Catalogues free. Y t1.l'.A. BUILDING. Three mon.hs without i esp- Visored is flesh end given op to die, but th. Groat South Ago rims Nervine Soothes to Rest with one Doss ad Mats a Rapid sad Penmen., Care. Mr Whit*, of Meso Township, Beaver. tot, P. 0 . won dsagsr sely i11 from serve[, tr.ohle She was so nervous that .he had not slant a night for three 'Deaths. She use p.rsa.d.d to try South Aas.rioss Per- ris*. He relief was es 1ust.ota.soas that after tattier .N dose the slept .o..dly all sight She ptecoted is the ares of this great were 0.d radial hi health rapidly..o that sow there M sot • Digs of the s.rvoes.0m, sad eh. fed •d is entirely cored . If You dead it write sad eek her. Sold by J. E. Deno. J. W. WESTE RVELT. Prinoipal. OLDEST SHOE HOUSE IN TOWN. We are showing a full line of Boots Shoes Slippers Rubbers F.rer Donor -00M photograph. isn't It ! Bossed Dower -Fairly good Flatters the left 1.s' a lifts. a..7 7. think ! Mir MO erg beam 1155 sit ir Oampeddo s wostmet.. .. 'l.••sey Lt, hies. Sad Sowilt be oe.•da•d ewes mast& da 3aa7. 6&U 11$1,SYCLE$ GIVER FREE BICYCLES1 111 NNTONEt JEACH MONTH Foy As ial.�w.: sir amt /M�:1N ilmmfilf peals t 1,M1 i •mmmad • Is Odd VIM . . . . CM WNW VOW glen mu& sal . . 1,05 Total given *Meg year 11117,SWISSW RA Siicilht 118 r nu NOW TO Om1TAl enw�ort 1ulti Ahem I� _ .roll. t � r sears. arm .r SO, Shia. >,l_ S1 r - a.• * �• UnV1011 WOOL. LA. de t/t..eaerw .erw a s =bil to b. which we are prepared to sell at prices that defy compe- tition. In Men's lines we have just received some excep- tionally good value in Ox Blood, Chocolate, and Dong. Bala., that we are sure will suit the Eye, Feet and Pocket. Our stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's is up to date in Style and Quality Call and see our Gents' Fancy Slippers. We have a tew Boys' Long Boots that you can have at Coat. WM, SHARMAN, JR, Sole Agent for the Slater Shoe. THZSI'-SEASON'S LEAS RAISINS CURRANTS CANNED GOODS Don't buy old Groceries, for however low the prime, they are dear. Old goods are ahsoays oauseotfs, and sometimes their use lays the /ouisdatiow for a long doctor's bill. Buy Fresh Goods from STURDY BROS. IIREATRUNONSTOVES.UI at WORSELL'S .qq we wish to sell as many Stoves as possible before the new year, and knowing that this is the season when people are looking for Bar- gains we will giveou Bargains in Heatin j and Cookie Stoves from now until the end of the year. The lamest stock to choose from. and we will make the prioes the lowest in Goderioh.. We always mean and fulfill what we advertise. 8 ^• iffJ•m. WORSsL