HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-24, Page 2THE SIGNAL : 3ODRRICR ONT.- THURSDAY DEC. 94, 1811. int Litt DFCKHAND. N of a Owab HYONM' 1�r ea.ve atm Mae the Jet - " Ibbs leaf+s a tear ant Seesdy Week "- Swam ea Seek, Is she nem Mtd and Wireasete. tltrtewa, wfal.m..W M wtak • Wade eI ,y.arey� bad whiskey, and as we wee* to sail s dyMmmk my sompaaleas earned that It wee owl worth whale setae be mid Be it wee .mid WINO the watah.s& salted as we the Met require e math w.kohg. It wee Mall dark whip we .toed by our ll... but • t,yiebw M the EPN soma es• sorted 110.41. sad the .der to Ise ge was dram. Out es the bikes the day ot 24 More was divided tate three parte watch were met en desk. h the bre hole sad i. the 1. amide ; the letter peat, Mee devoted to rest, was mach the dsrMN sod le•mt lea Pottiest Bat will take {ham la redid" order. The 6ret .creek et dawn jest Waged the K..'.r.. soy when tho '*hua demo•ad.d so the.leeptag deakha.ds. ad, by sho.Nne and Mbak.sg them to • most s.taeuisetie style. imparted the glad tidings thea an .tier day wee born and that they asset tore out ..d *mut. It wasn't seo.em•ry to do much dressing, as most of them thought it • tweets of time to discard *linking whoa they turned in. sad, as • ooasages.eo, a pamblter,sbtverislg, sweetest lade heat ef mea, with Weems is their hada, were ems .'se dock. ' Thee we real -zed, u.greus� n.tiaally. Visit war '•se' . Th. w.tohm•. .a I lookout on that watch were ready for .. end • stream of water was sone playing on the deck, and we, armed with the cruet• pr.rest broom and pails of gasp, er '• mei* mnoje,'- as ie was celled, west to work at the bow and scrubbed the dock thoroughly By the time that wee dose breakfast was ready Heeieg dieaaed of that delieioss repast, mon scrub brushes sad pails et soap were horded out, and our attitudes wee sepsc:ally- directed to the white Foisted hooses. arches anti nils which the storm of September had tensed to a dirty drab. The breezes of lake Huron were decidedly cool. those t Ictober days and they whistled through our whiskers and around our', Borers in • way that tempted us to drop the brushes and stick our bands to our pockets : but whoa we tarried beth mate and watchman always eaoouraged us to further action That mete bid • forwent that forte was 1 : language that road with • dull red glow, bursting into lurid flambee as the •,.oice required, and recalling se from day•dreame with • cud demos that was startling. 1'eo dare not da.eribe it. •' Hero there, you fellows," he would exclaim, suddenly appearing whet' we least sxq»nted or desired to see him. • cat that story short and get some scruh- bio' done Where's the rest of teem plugs "' suddenly mussing one of the sailors who had gone out of eight for a moment Aod so it was till sir o'clock, when scrub• biag stopped for the day and the day's work was supposed to be over, But this wee ooly supposition. for there were always enough oda jobs atter supper to keep ss from getting stiff. end at that .mason the Doming rf o'rht moet'y brought • fog. when one dockhand stood up forward with the lookout and the other went to the wheel hoose to be ready to help the wheelmee in ease of an "energetic', Perhaps, when sailing for peewee, you have looked down into that hole near the magus, when the red fires are glowing, and you have woedered how that ma in the shirt and overalls, who is 000tinu•lly shoveling fuel into the turn•os. manages even to breathe. and as M terse his sweat suffused onuntenanoo towards you for a mo- ment, you involuntarily hand him out • large chunk of sympathy. But there is an- other man down then you do n..t even see, and that is the cool -passer. iiis duty is to shovel the coal out of the oesl hunkers and put it in easy reach of the fireman's shovel, beside hoisting out the ashes and ether email jobs. in moot beats from two to four a the deokhads aro put on coal watch, and they do the work i• turns : but on the there were only five melons and then was maoh scruhbing,so it was derailed to have each of the five ire on coal watch in torn and proceed to scrub again ea anon ea he same off This more u. each three hours is the fire hole and teed • hours •od arranged it so that • ma who •-cut 00 watch at three in the --orning tame off .t six, worked till .i• it even Winton for rue Beset_ I AWOKE in Buffalo one morning with • great desire to bre.ktest sed do aakhhg else worth mrltlnatng The ear-ke- Mdw atmosphere, washed down with • 1ew mothfals of pore Lesko Ens. holed t, give meth sati.fasties, sad even the appatite kdh., odor of the lower town restaurants did ant mak. an imps salon out the sturdy appetite el • day's [ruwth that I o•rried shout my perste. ('onvetee:itly, ea I walked down the shall f I e .e or.p•red to de something deep rats. 1 .Gd .t A big white steamer was lytog at he doek sod a. I pe.sed it a m so star tint tt nee of the g`ingw•n turned roue 1 •o.l greeter' : . Hey, tnere ' Want to •hip"' '• Ys, sir,'I answered eagerly, for the question implied square meals, nod they wets very mar to my hesrt at the mo amt Well, get .hold ot that broom and turn to," mud the second mate, for it was no less • personage. and I wined the weapon and proceeded .t 000e to take an active interest in the eurroinding, with the result that I wee soon engaged with lour other deck hoods, lm atomise op between decks. Thus, in lees time than It token to write it, 1 was transformed from a hungry tramp to • tell fledged dockhand on the steams C-, carrying general mvohandiee between B.f• talo and Erie and Milwaukee and Chi- cago. A man requires neither reoommendstionm nor reference, to get • situ•tioo as deck - hand, •ves is times of financial depression. It is • job that neither the Italian nor the Chinaman craves : io fent, neither look for it: perhaps for that reason you sever mise one of these mach -abused foreigners in the tramp ranks,snd the lacier aro the main de- pendemos to fill the camerae, that occur so regularly In the lowest grade of our [real inland sea service. Now. my knowledge of sailor. had bee" obtained trom oertain light literature of the "aptaits Maroratt variety, and I had grows to look apes them as men filled with mow, prepared to dance hornpipes any time they - were not busy planing practical jokes on one another. Rut, arm, that sort of thing must he confined to salt water, for if any of the sombre -looking four I ranged up along- side of owned a joke be must have left It in his other clothes -and i soon observed he didn't own any other clothes As for • hornpipe, why. their feet were eo heavy that it required great strength of mind to move them, and the noble sailors, whose " life is bold and fres ' erected their minds as little se possible. The rest of the crew on the beat consist- ed of two wheelmen. two lookouts, two watchmen, two mates and • captain, and I gradually grew to believe that, with the exception ot the captain and wheelmeo, their duty principally consisted in bossing the dockhands. They worked in watches, six hour, on and six boas off, while the deokbatsds started work at daylight to I worked till dark, did • oo*l watch of three hours at sight, and were 'meowed to turn out wh-cover wanted Amides. But I am vetting away from my @tory i was .weeptov with the other dockhands, and moots dieoov.red that growling was their fere. Fifty canto • day and steady work growled nue of my ....meanie'., • teem well •deeoeed In years, and whose portion hail advmoed through his clothes in variou i spot", evidently looking for something it needed (possibly • bath I. ' it's • dog'• life : met • bit bettor thou the workhouse." " Why don't yoe.luit it then'" I queried. He turned a pitying glance on me as he replied. " Voting man, ones you start deck it' you are in for it tor the rte• of your life. i started in se years •eo to make on. trip, 1 'n at it rt. and i ',an't get away- from it I've started in the Fall •. d got a. far away irom it .5 1 could. bo when the Sprint c.me something started see bank. and I never felt satisfied till i was shrewd a hoar "won. It s ;et like earths' to drink." O tr oruv• rustles earn. to .n •brept "ad ,nq here, i•.r the 2.d mat. api•eared sad, se he must m.ke • noise to holt his joh, he opined cu•. " What are you fellows studio' there Pekin' vote sees for' herr get • hold ot tit.w hatchet," eta, etc. And he kept u@ mortar at • lively rate till the dinner hell ram. That dinner bs11 was music to my ears, and I was lively as • orioket when, after slight interviews with neap and a water bucket, we all filed into the dockhands' mese room Thi. was • long narrow room with • shelf and bench on else side. The shelf was • bible and the beach the seating a000mmod•tioo. At the lower end of the tabk--farthest away from where 1 mo- thers was an opening to the kitchen and %breath this opening the ".sow " oentain• tag the dockhands' dinner was shoved. 1t looked pretty well whim it first macre ehreurh that hole but four different times it was overhauled lid sate time by a hungry " hobo " As it progressed up the line my heart mak within ms for 1 felt there would he nothing left ; but the team meet to use had • little fellow -feeling left for • hungry man, and he left me a large pleas of rather .sepiolose looking corned beef or " salt hares" as it b sailed in dock • heads' vernacular, and • eoape of potatoes Ry the time 1 had disp.r.d of tidesf deli..• owes 6se disreputable looking piens of pie were shoved through the hole, and In my desperados 1-.a•yuiahed ens of them. Dinner over, the older dockhands d.- elared we were entitled to time ter a amok., sed mentioned various thieve they wield my to the mato if he refused to remissive their rights. Hots y.r, the Neater head hardly appeared me the Tagleue plp5 and the aroma of damyed .iter se bee 6•d Pew .traced but • few Zest et the atwphere, whoa the mate's vesahu1ry awoke afresh, nod with may • teethe ed averse, het se e.Wpnkse orot.st. h..mp•ais. peeheted their plass and their wrath sad west bask to work. e.d, a seas.,, 1 weal with thea " Qstta • 'reed a yee've get. Make," remarked • wilsse •. to the seemed mite. as he followed .46... hie the fee- ls& Aad the litter greeted as he replied, 'Oh. are all Anti ..w that they are geed sad u.vvy. Walt tip they feed .p • few days .d get the wrinkles see of thole hidee sad they will '..r1dMe' o.m.gb IS any- body " Lee* atter the ems w.geeNpkag,we were MIK s week. Jae as we wan preparing fie Nei he k. m the tt� M 1wps�Jel att. pall .1 beer. •W.'e a�worke ssthe e h Be tt�.r, opplit y tiles i .re ll abase of Ile" w asks baa • Wad lawkd. " Well. Yat. I'oe 1M fig►. mei 1 am pug be quill' He simply remarked, " 4Jl right, Yank, Bo up nod take a eMep,aod I'U get yea mar mesa; when we pe dawn to the neat Hoek' I toned 1*, tad 1 have as i•dieth.e sea• eelleati.r of beta. Galled twice derht the sight bat 1 dal eb reepa l.aer did I awake till the breakfast bell teas. The. 1 w.N a took fee my pay. hot I wee taY that 1 Meld see got it till the pa•-ma•l•r soma down tit his retee 1 was Must well after • good sight's awe, the Ates I had eines leaving Bella, sad who the erred mate e.e.osted I mtrht es well make the trios trip 1 .ces.•te.l;he screed M snake it easier for me oe the way dew*. I Mink. however. M foram hie pert of the aevee.aes', ter I worked over twenty been the seat day. We reached Kele thirties sad niill half drys from the time we eared, amid, w the boat we to tarn eh«s,we were mid off. As i pocketed the $6 75. my tri i • eat... 1 heaved • big esgh of relief. went to steep ler • maple of days ad root. to the e.to- oleeiws that "d•ake" w+•n't my feet. APIN 4409 do *her -High is the ezoelleeee of Ayer'. Rai. V-goe that it eco tee nam) with hewe6m hy ay porion no matter whet may be the oonwHinn .4 th. 0.ir. *sal in were e.se It nee.ein.. M'*t•Minn tad ple•s.re. is addi- tion to the h.sre61 whish invariably sow from its we. 11' (Ila home •sally hem three hooka is readier at the same time and °hearts from we to the other as he considers that ►b mind has reached the limit of it. abeorp- Hoe. The De Remke brother., as they h..* to he yery noreful in their living t0 order to preserve their vans, rarely •+rpt �iseer in,it•tinns. Oe one oeoaaion they did se and the result was that both were in very had voiee the mit day. The are tlasst7 Ar Ceres ie Putnam's Painless Corn Extranter. Rapid, Painless. its action is a marvel to all who have tried it. Fancy meet rid of *mis- hit enrol is twenty-four hours. 'Putnam's' dors it. Memorial Church Rectory KEY. et YON .PCN AILDMON, LovrM*, deT., eget A O1COSD Or ins no desk anti went back in*, bele till nine This lessened Isis trr"h re the watchman a „i.1 only disturb ambers six hours on 1 the ?A. ',shall neer r forget my first trip down tato the firehole. It reminded one of going re a certain dear they talk +brae • great desl in Sunday schools, mn,. speoi•Ily when i got shout half • ay down the iron ladder and tetrad the rungs •o hot that 1 wnmtd dein have let ge but that I was afraid of drooping into the fiery nit, entire- ly. However, I got down with within( won• then btb'ered hand". and found it was bo•, dirty +•rt hard work. However, '►e firem-e believed there was eomethieg hu'eme wee in a dockhand, and were dis- posed to he oonepaniena'le, so,oe the whole, i believe that the happiest pert of my trip was "pest down in the firelight It was is the fo'oa.tle whoa the day'" work waeldone, or rather, in the short lull between days' work, that I rot • tha.oe to leek at my fellow sufferers ; sod to tell the truth they were net • very inviting lot, for though soap mad water were plentiful they were ant my ten partial to it. Neither was their oenvereation of the most 'alight - seism kind, trot withal it was interesting. They talked of the road, the houses where the had -oto were most freely given, of Meir femme interviews with woodpiles and polloemen, and other topieg peculiar to the oleo of moiety to whin. they belonged. They oared net ter the welfare of the men - try .or who was President, but loom fell well where it was oeeewry to go to eateh a freight trate nut of earth of the prineipal cities of the Ultras. and there was • keen spirit of rivalry as te which know best the m5hods of the tramps and trete ed.m. I have stet numerous dsokhanle she., and ban met .naso rood mea among then[, but my first aoquat•taens were deokho.ds of the permit kind, whe work a trip. quit •.d stay ashore till starvation owned" them emit, to !sok for • "hip and who, la e4. Winter tramp threngh the country, eerie iag In jells and picking no meals lay what. ever way they Oma, be they honest or air h nese Bat the time is the fi e•stio was "hart and 'woken by freemen *alb to halo the walohma in veriest ways : In feet. 1 sial to thick that we last gest • shame to lie dews long ..oagh te realise hew sees ear iimes were. Bat my story will sena he as Ieag as the trip •pprfed ta rte At Milwaukee two of ay e.wpml*en ene.seded fa getting their pry .ad departed. At Meow I ask • held break for liberty elyeelf. It wee sheet ee.dewa. after • hard day's week .ltd very Otte s asa the biro Wilms W4Mm, as w tet dewi to take a evemeat's rent. the tM.hes* ease es 5544 en he re Mews's desks +ted seem ' that era " r t. the 4.aker. "That sal " am.lmted M 15 or tp t..a,..1 the tbaebt et it filed l5r wit► Amer. s i tet us..wd m..terbmg all Ory .eMgage, &eland 1 weal to Ith a .bevel that sigh. The real d the oilers .erred w11► a .t ease and we wase I.. tate .t Via matey, 1 ti ewIlhe there weal/ be iA•W se... b. ewe •sso • oras/ • tet.nl..wwern..i d na lfpw g t•tr y air PERSONAL INTERVIEWS a-:TH POO.LR L5.TOUD To !MALTS NT RT(•K.•\'. KOOTENAY COSL LONDON, sept. 29, 1896. Mr. S.S. Ryckman, Hamilton, Oat , Dear Sirs, -I take nisch eatidaotion is seedier you this record ooaoer-west Parma living in Leaden who have used " Kootes- ev Cure,' and with wbcm I have had mer - "mei interviews and oats vouch for their statements. Mr C R Hamilton, aged 32, • miller acid highly respected citizen, was troubled with Sciatica of a very aggravated type for over twelve years. 0* began tak- ing your medicine last Spring, tad has now gained entire freedom from pain and does not suffer anv symptoms of the troubleenme disorder Mrs. Sarah Burdick, aged 61, widow, has been for seven years a 'lotion of Eczema She was unable to wear bet clothes, and friends had to wait on her as on • child. She Near to take your medioi.e last Maros and is now without • blemish an her body. Eight bottles of the medicine oared the dhows that was thought to be incurable. A moat astonishing es.. was than of Mr. Patrick Ryder, age.i 70. • re- t•red farad.., writ •od f hlv heeler. Re was sorely •tfl'ntod with mt.rmittert Rbeairta't•m for mime thirty-. x years. About a year aro he could neither lo... or Nedra's himerlf,hu' after takise your excel- lent medicine, the Rheumatism left him,aed ham to not oely well but • very active man for his years, Mrs. Sarah .fudge, living is West !1isosr,. bad Neuralgia and Rheuma- tism for twenty years She nee used Koot- enay since February last, and is now pet. featly sated. Ha•i her sufferings continued essrh tenger, .he states. the would either hove been to the a.ylnm or the grave. Mr, Met:ewes, 85 years of age, has endured aa- ory daring the omit vier trom • disease of Ch. skin milled pemnhigie. H•. oho'. body who rovere.l with angry sores end ni- esra,md h. ower had a moment's relief frees pate and mom y Retook veer medicine sed hr his become .lucre rid ot •11 diem", only the moan remaining to tell of his hor- rible atfiietioe. 1 have mash pleasure in writing tho ahem and ►n. -web you have t be heartfelt gest- dud" of these whom von bare relieved of suffer er by your valuable sad excellent •' Knot eav Curs," Yours truly, J. R. Ricusemos, M.mnrial Church R.otorv. Rev. Canes. Expl*I..d. 'Ins Investigator points both hands toward tela magnetometers and eatable what follows. In about two minuted. 1f he or she le of rmormml temparatun, he seen the needle nearest his I.ft hand move away from sero so far no degree E. It 1• repelled. At the seine time the needle nearest the right hand t. attracted Ib degreesit moves toward the Angers of the right hand. The .l- uteins at the vital force 1M matt de- monstrated In a more definite manner. All light le excluded from the parlor or laboratory, and . pkotasraphlo Wale 1m interposed between the hands and the mmgnetometsra Under thew cendittone the nitrate of dither of the plate Is incapable, sboording to all MU - Timm empartenee, O1 r.selvint' any :m- brenden oospt ley actually touching game ssbetanmaz It would rentals iD- tsot far •a indefinite perks& the here Dr. Bandno'm vital force motes into Pia?. Whom the plates are developed fn a bath by dm memburw at the tbcas'ht-photogrsady 'dub, tt is Mond that the oma which was nearest the ie[t hand bas received owe br prr.Mlon and that wiktah was nearest the right another. It, therefore, seams thsit the vital ferm has bot ea1y antenatal l the easel but he inmisotta The photograph prove. 1t, sad the skeptical may, with the greehret eases. maks tags far taemeaves. Dr. Baradeo calls the T!!.l taw eves eat ca the lett gids the midi that attracted OR the right side the T. the agd, with tee If feeble sUmalaise, awl tape,- .Md WN*5. Ay.rh Maraegarilla M a Mem ' 'rated pi.•, De .dam rte ebeek the aware et Ibma, by hytpratiag every swan. serve apt Nese et lb* sew yew . sAper'k' Alwaame ler the A SPECIFIC L fir Colds, CIO% AND LUSO TROUSLU, AVMS"RR" PECTORAL "Two years age, 1 bed the grippe, and it lett tar with a eoagh which gave ataoi no rest eight or day. My Wady physician prescribed for me, cheating the medicine as viten as he fond the things I had tali.& were Met haying me. but, in spite of hit attendant.., I got no better. Finally, my husband. -read- ing one day of a gentleman who had had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, -procured, for me, • bottle of this medicine, and before I had taken half of it, I was cared. I have used the Pr. -torsi for my children and in my family, wh we have needed .t, and have found it a spec -idle for colds. eonghe. and lune troubles." EMILY WOOD. North 8t., Elkton, Md. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair. Cisme the System with Ayei s ianaprf . ZOM:E BTJrT. The *rat q✓ Aaserictte Newer*. pera,CHARLES A. DANA,Editor. The Awoken Cuastihfttoa, the America's Idea. the America" Spirit ?hese fire, last, oted all the time, forever. 1=7...11-J0 !ABLE CO always os baud. The hest and only Scranton Coal in this market. HARD, FT and BLACKSMITH COAL always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales. so that you are sure of good measn re WM. LEE. nr Harbor Quay. EASFZR. 'S LZZ'S Store. SUIILESALE_ RETAIL ARYSTROJO BROS. &CO. Daily, by tail, - W a year Daily acid Sunday, by mail, $$ a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday News- paper in the world Prig 60. a soy. By mai1.10 a vaar •ddr ui r tet M 0, New Work. Pump & Fanning Mill Wokrs S QODPCRICI3, D 7T- rimr IMPARTlmNT: A large stock of very choice Pamir. mane feet urei from elected Muskoka quartered pia with hears cut out. These Pumpa are manufactured 1• • number of utiles to eait everybody and every place Very easy wonting pumps for deep well.. Itoeo.pped closed top pumps for school - yards. house pump.. eco. F.tre STINK aT.TEM HISS PUMPS Scribner's Magazine A Red - Letter Year 1897. for THE entire novelty of the plans for 1 $97 is noticeable. For instance, the series devoted to "London as Seen by Charles Dana Gibson." Mr. Gibson has not liefo'e appeared as a writer. Ho vi,titeti London last Summer for SCa1BNck's MAGAZINE, for the put pose of depicting with pen and pen- cil thaw scenes and types which the huge metropolis presents in endless variety. Of like novelty is the first conaideralele Novel by Richard Harding wash! g buggies, Poore tar gadr s.. esproying ste. lag area etc. SSpp.stal enemies given 5 drawing wast fro wellltog • d wle mos, now �� bye sod wet linter ILIA g : °rels'it' , w1)te ILIA r armed s1llaa, SATS II Ela111� masa, LAWS riumas l�,oe-, sae, 4.5. al saran w GMAT. NINGF ago MED CV 1 J dept, F UII.5& and SIMTeS -sU a All stook weigra.t.d. Ma seders promptly aturea efmlly .aeM•d to ARMSTRONG BROS sit Co r•a,5Tra t'IR>1m-Iwtleta STAMMER Ilia lbw& Ialtarll• 17 Hadma.ene 1K. `•, were ere t eksseal "*.mit sa tote^ = bar a temp° -irtfr rendered .se alba, balk mid share was s taws ♦ ..r aver the r of Ire Ir55 alp• . gimbal her, set tem eh@ h wale, emend Iet� IWIP •leads dire trammels " tetese vOMO WI. s l 11 gees km OhhWhame.1, w ap.a O.ty. $sls,y Jrsalm, iMA 550441E 1T•*at$I T N • S4AT�R aMN11. Leas alba elm yeses del, Vbs ./mad ter Emenm is ham birth, bas hest ewe* semi end bar p..re rase. ►ell up by kyss4,w'e 'tw- -ig Asa►' The Were how on Irina M ewers twerss .tel e ma made y bar mess the Oseem i g �.n llamltsq � deed Jay 0. Whin J. 7 timwek, Seem i. 0. A ONEW II*T1M tatTTtae - 1weam .Ta. . wAara. Ori+ t Mmw.sm a �r • iessissortleal filar fsstasn+ asotead et test IA 601 me a sq rsaE man a 1 ere ear la • ..Mu.A lb gee, rima mew 'eta Jet. M 1114* Davis, " Soldiers of Fortu e. ' The hero one of the most %igor- ous men that Mr. Davis has drawn. Illustrated by C. D. Gibson. "The Oonduot of Great Busi- nesses." A beautifully illustrat- ed series of articles of which the following are already completed - "The Great Department Store." " The Management of a Great Hotel." •' The Working of the Bank." " A Great Manufactory." " Undergraduat' Life in Amer- ican Colleges." A aeries of art- icles touching upon the life of our older universities as repre.enttted by the doings of the students them- selves. Judge Henry E. Howland writes on " Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexander on " Prince- ton," and Robert Grant and Ed- ward S. Martin on " Harvard." "Japan and China since the Warr" will bee most interesting group o! articles, richly illus- trated. "The Unquiet Sex." Under the title of "The. Unquiet Sex," Mrs. Helen Wat'ervion Moody will write a series of articles : " Woman and Reforms," " The College -Bred WO- man," o-man," " Woman's t. lube," and "Tee Case of Maria" (a paper on domes- tic service). W. D. Howell's "Story of a Play." Io this Mr. Howell gives us the best novel he has ever pro- duced in his delightful vein of light comedy. George W. Cable. In addition to the fiction enumerated there will be o series of four short stories by George W. Cable, the only ones he has written for many years. Hcw to Travel Wisely with s minimum of wear and tear must be regarded as an art little understood. Mr. Lewis Morrie Iddings, in two articles, will offer s variety of use- ful suggestions and data on "Ocean and Land Travel." This will be happily rounded out by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis on " Travellers One Meets • Tear Ways and Methods." The illus- trations by American and foreign artists will be highly pertinent. It t• tmnoartlir M 'mall spun to rem tandiow the mane attractive r wtie-ea for 70.17. beaud(/sl WAsufroted booklet bar been prepared, which will be seat, postpaid. en re. quest. llBrpeYs Iil3lI16 riorioN : -TM s orales. the now Mali D*. trier, the 1 masher• te • b..' les•• with estratt es tam the Tit dryer A taw twvtyt►►kry rivaak 11ry Btwtttse -dew it Iag •beina o~ •Ms.aleieieilaad rails 11- Witham Dela Jewell.raises ..Lavaca Ammer anthem w•�a, fagsvie, Owe• tY bete.. Timmer Seam have Mcler•ery Stem, am, ml,tasKsarr K. W ah.4. •-.d oilier popular R i NCR: - Merry et the Programa Deis•! aeries the • ta.tseali C.et • melee Of papers Saab Ir=sos, o costtrlbetioss es .p•.W se4i•eMM b• expert snaaWta Articles ea the Modem of omit F eirla. l'al .m.lhsh d.ss te .hyidolo�o kr Ur Analog's Willow. •YatU •N FS ATV ASS The a,d w et Tateyl • rinse o7 charism F. sol tedWl)j�illsetr ted -the emelt mit visit u Marisa midweek's for 81.41/11M MAOAZIN!. Mexico it premlasslseller predeeina o.,uatrr, and Its .MMSq How raw.atre17 es • silver hMW. Owtag the kmsa dleoMiee oe aerials egsemse 'mule oo.eeetle• with lames et la- peresnee is Americas p•Utaca thaw pope.m will commend 'misers' atteatlea. •enotte5. fta5rfeal rapers by Woodrow W1Msa,Joh• Bach MooMwer. and lames Berme. The true .tory of aberNwa•s ala. h O... 0. A Forsyth. ConWtalios el Howes revarea1 ekrmmrserese et •mired Sanity Antarl- casa AFRICA AND THE EAST :- Wbtle hes" AUten. •tm�7 Ultattated satins of 5505. 4 Fealt5ny RIMI.w, the .malt a psre•sal Ma- st/ramie= ► ..rvt ea 4014. • trip Attire Mv. ming the b a ex •f flat emir/. IUmwrsted by etasb.s bagel on the trmast.rminds. M aborta. rasa* visited ter Ras.aS, wattna sad ►~, isom Smith. Tho tau eery dswMby of the meet Oetrosatoa of the (Lar. by Rak- er t Harding Davis. Ulsetrated by R. (Lada Woodville, w4. was oommiust.aad be Yeses Victoria to taint • picture of the eereetea7. 04 wawa are woe to awp5 l of He domettee- ameeml silt f 4 express order Brothers. Aertbner'. ■[agszine $8.00 per Yewr : 25o. a oopy. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 151157 PIM Avesta, NIi YORK. Coal & Mood Yard The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grades of HARD I COAL Ann BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. Rawls' stientls% sins le OUT sad WOOD alp owl and het primes and see maniples sit Tg� Ogles and yard, 11-8T.. A 0. &HIE Meehan Harper's Magazine Fon don Yeast - - 84.0 Peaagr Plw to an ewberribers in 11.e United Staten C.woda asset Mesttao. Address: HARPER & BROTHER&, P. O. Hoz NA N. Y. City. llarper's eoHy IN 1887 With the red of 15x1 H4 RPRKX WEAK- LY will here lived forty years In that time it has participated with ell the .sal sad power at its ottmes•od to the greet ordinal eves,* a the ewe isteeeedtag and important period ia the history of the country. and it bee sersad before Its readers the woomoUehmesi,* of w'r'en. ars. and litters ter the learner tea et the hams. mind end the •melMratfos et hamaaeStitiese sed et meas -n. What the WEEELY b.. hem la Its= sad porpeer. as these harm base meal prfaolpally a is editorial pares. it all MIS - Us tie la be. 1t is impossible to prescience with preclafaa all that the W R KK Ll w111 postale data.** le1year 1. It were as easy to •nsoe*et what 7&beet to happen to the World. whet ta- ttoos tor Hood Government are to be w5., what Ads -set -ea of the People are to oe wade, what M to be the outcome ot the ettnt.ta stroll* between the spirits of M es W Peace what is to Wows to the Far East. what is to be the ram of Europe twelve mouths heave, what new aearyels of 8desos ars to be revealed. or what are to be the achievements 'of An• sad Letters, for ow WEEKLY ie to os • pictorial record • f all this. ttorsem.a loin still aaatiaue to be • feature. *Mai .torme. A New Reread etor7 b Miss Mary E. Wilkins, win heals fa tum - dry. A Meet the Orme apeimieg .maim* the Turks. by Mr. Z. F. Reason. the saber at Ilodo will follow. A moue) se The Rome - Host os the My:. by ]Ir. Jells Kendrick Basw.I llsetrated by Mr. Paver Hewell. More ahem 5wrtra will aper to tine MERELY titan It bas beet pmr@IOIs to rabbi* dur.ug INC eeparsm►n4 t - Kr W. D. Howell" " Lite sad Letter)- ars bees nota[ the meet eharmlmg or periodical literature : Mr. E. /. Marcia mad others will °eetrths,e observational ea .►hat is paw es le "This Bony Werld"i -Amateur Span" will ramaln the most import - sot department of tele kind le the country. The W KEKL Y will cosine* to orame*t to Its seders the world's mews toast lnterea loll to *merles's. to [mete lmportaat advances is both the llterery end artistic features and le retain for Itself the Mediae place in the UM - tested tour..alism of the world. and wit -host Iwesespereke cop, rsweat orderiof HOWER & Bttorn.ras. Harper's Weekly Fon ONE Yarn - 54.+ p �� P►sr a aft. a.6mn•tbers tam the United 5aise. O.usd.. wad Memlw. Address : HARPER R BROTHERS, P. O. Boa 90 N. Y. au. ll3rper's Bazar IN 18617. The BAZAR. a thoroughly up-to-date met - tidiest for wo en. will enter upon Is Thirtieth Volga la 1st:. Asa FsMlo 1^wrean It Is usearpawed, sod V as l.dbpessihle requisite ter every well- dressed grow••. Katherine De Forest •v1tee • wooly letter ea eeriest feeble•• trees P4Ma an 1a New Talk remoter, and km the ly patters nho•t .055 sent. 1•dbss• . details.. dlrootle•...•d Magmas fee wn0� and caldera" retains- +sad.. mad ( apla. drew and sag •y* the awes sad g•.stt Parisian deals= eve, west. The e5.1. far tor .01 be : The lied weep aurora rbeed. ter Mari• Lasa Pooh, mad steam 5ut.•a11Aps, M Wave Tn•mm, Short stares will be M'••ennod atheist waters, .e w K.ry W Ilktas, Marten l rup55 I *eierd. Merton Macleod. Rath MemaS/ wmwt. Viola Rem bore, tad Margaret ha5etsa Dawes. What Ween.a are mss le var es torte a the Daiwa will toren a eeriss of speaks' le- tweet. ttams.. Other Iste.y.t 1n. features are 711r Oat -Dew Wessne. dammed to healthy .port.. 4 tar tame : Medic, • weekly antis 1 a wattle h New Vert : AsmateurrrT1ss•t.� AI1tesarfre Rad d Itedirobiere mad xA�`rard.rpi. "rrW Atrenta ere Men 'sonata -Current tram t �•.d•t ars este wars•.. Cassel W. T. mod= .14 ruaulsrb eo.tbtte kit , valuable we maraweire TAI• column le c••Aadsdt fradse�sed reaveeie•es a resda s. sal all 455tiene ars answered h ratanm .•• as pre�as o- tb .ad fully p.soU thArt The BAZAR le • astable Mature gal- lery. reareduslag the must beautiful weed Amalgam sad feraga amble. as pewpM/ d the 51 4 Pate and mgr beet 4. 4..•a wad be�tge� gM�We.e�narr. /�� e�.V t Aa • hAnwAU Ito/d wem••11tip5-t appropriate et em 4. waft to ewer *ear *list.a5.4.••.01I... be Ifr4tlfPrrlrs 14141111 Meso It as a wakens saner 1n raw ham sees use. amp �d.� lased wdf. 15. ewere ejcresal Miler toi 11="till s Harper's Bazar see awe Teak - - •lis 1'eslsy=r tam wtil.s Aadlr : RAMIS It P. Dee IMP M.,T~. •