HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-17, Page 8r• TRI SIGNAL : GODNRIOH. ONT.. THUBSDA.Y. OD20. 17, 1896. gees Atae1Mh ■ebbs rwfeltlag Parte after some tea /gam of abseacc. Queen Ainslie sit Por- tugal steers en wldeat dealre to tor- afv. end forget the affront winch was Mimed to her alma the Republic fixed epees her marriage dui a WADS U"ra- gron for baniaMna all her family from jYauCs, syr the London t.'hrunuclm. fear M•t.sty Is endeavoring. perhaps. he apply to polities ties* prinelplea oe the healing art to which she bee off late devoted h.•rsetf with a. much ae- sldulty. Within a .t•.nr'e throw of the Palace of Necessitates, at Alcantara d7 be seen the "Irtapenearta de t;ua iraJestade la Ralntla" where every year some 1500 children are treated for the ,artuue aliments and injuries to *hitt their tender Years are liable. The Queen and boa• ladies in waiting are almost daily In the wards. prepar- ing food. administering ra•taedles and bandaging wounds. A similar Instttu- lion hes been started at Oporto tinder bar aterpicea It royalty must have lta hobby. one can hardly eoncelve a setter otoo then that of Quern Ainslie. totem! Ir lrtlarhal t..ar. A European experimenter has pro- t ueed an artificial let; It ea nearly rrsambles a human rnrmher aa gay that cart be devised. This artificial leg 111 a curious contrt- wanee of hinges. e.crews and elastic bunds. Extending downward from about what In the human leg is the staid., to • point midway bet. sen the Med gad the instep, are two steel rods. pieced one in front of the other. One rears on • tart of roller hint. N od Wows the foot to give .r bend with each step. The other serves the purpose of bringing the fout back into pians after the step le taken. Any lat- eral movement of these rids ha Pro - wanted by the aides of the slot through which they move. Aesorew and a nut at the top of the eel also prevent the teed from turning and taut. eh Ing trou- walking. An artleciar beet ten- don to placed within the foot. behind tbe ankle point. and extend. Loosely through & bole In the leg. where it connects with a nut at about midway up tie limb. Th. Thew Dass of Urease. "ltastkore and bummer men general- ly." earl the enahnrr d a Dearborn - street hank to & <'hfrtg., Times- Herald reporter. "will be Riad when all the wawa enact legraiallttn dlsPo.tng of the survival of medieval business me- thods known as days of grace.' They have been abolished for &roar tine In .time rias. Oreg• n, �':rm..ut. Wboots - asp and reons tJ, New York has pairmet a sknllar law. Laye of grace origin- ated in tunes went mans of c�sn- mttnicatlan wvr.• difficult and wrcer- tam, and the latitude allowed to the debtor war reasonable; but In these days they are a eut.ance. as they im- pose .41 tar..• bold.:Lt other peupbe's Paper the n....« t> ..f keeping to mind In what Stare Ulu exproseam 'thirty days' r:r.ane. ' Lhlrt y - three. TY. arae• to Ituratak. The new woman should take her way ib /turmoil.. There. travelers say. is the only plane on earth where true equality between the sexes aziate. In spite of this, ti la cL&tmed, no women are more womanly than the Burman - ewe women whomp good sense enables them to see the Line where they ought to stop. In the higher classes a wtuun has preverty of her own and nwrage. It herself. In the lower chums she al- waYe has a trade and runs her Duel - nese on her own responsibility. The ilexs choose their own occupations. and 1t he curious to we the men some- times spewing on embroidery, while the ..omen have nearly all the retail trade of the island on their hands --SL Lanky Republic SPECIAL THIS WELK at R. B. 9MITH'3 for Christmas Gifts FOR $2.$0 $ ytis dor ble foie l Tweed Dress Goods. •$ yards Skirt Lining Spook. Buttons, yards Hooks and Eyes Waist Lining Binding and Grew Press Steels Cloth yd Silk Velvet, 3 shades, sorRemember the Great Christmas Eve. C. W A Baby Ribber. lc a yd Black Dress Braid Ica yd. Handkerceiefs One Cent Each. Colored Braid in :3.1y lengths ^c per roll Children+' Rings lc Each Ribbons 3i yds wide :lc a yd. Another lot of Ladies' Coats Your adios ler 3.50 Remnants Z After our ten days (,'baring Sale we are naturally left with a lot of r nds an each department. This week we will give our emit -omen an np rtunity of securing .once Bargains at half the regular price. We have Ream NT8 OF TWEED REMNANTS OF FLANNELS REMNANTS OF TOWELLING REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS REMNANTS OF FLANNELETTES REMNANTS OF TABLE LINENS. Watch our Remnant Tables ori Frt ,. and Saturday d this week J. T. ACHESON. Going! Going!! Gone m Special Sale will last riltht up to R. B. SMITH. DREWS, Manager. A. B. CORNELL UPHOLSTERER UNDERTAKER EMBALMER. Two stores fully stocked with handsome, well-tini.hed Furniture to be sold at factory prices. Beautiful black and white Ileatses. [Undertaking at low prises. Mrs. Cornell attends to all female ta.ea. A large assortment of Window Blinds in stock. Give us a call on The Square, and then visit our Hamilton street store. Remember we sell all goods at Factory Pnces. COR ET -a - Bedford Book, The Siuere, and Hamilton -et. Goderich. This is the state of things at THE FAIR M c Lea n's Biock Our reduced prices taking, as people know we mean what we say. OU . , DOLLS are going fast secure one before it is too late. A fine lot of Centre Pieces Handkerchiefs Glove and Tie Cases COLBORN PROS e LADIES' °OATS On gad after Mosuar, 14th of this month, we will sell the beJanett of our stock of Ladies' Coats at the following reductions : Lamle Luso Buvaa AND Slums Doris,— 1, 110.50 for 87.50 ; 1, $7.84 for $6.00: 2, $4 tib for $3.50 ; 1, 87.50 for $5.75 ; 9, 86.00 /of $4.50 ; 1, $5.00 for 83.7 5 ... Lamas' Smarr Hearse AND Pearse Cort», -1, $$•50 for 86.60 , 1, 87.50 for $5.50 ; 2, $3.75 for $2.75 1 1. 87.75 for $6.00; 4, $6.00 for 84.75. Don't fail to °maxims these Coats if you want to boy. CARPST8 AT COST 6 coda Bruseela Carpet 10 ends T•peetry Carpet 3 ends All -wool (. rpet 4 ends Union Carpet at Cost at Cost at Coet M Oast alio- WOOL TWEEDS $ pieces of the beat All -wool 50e. Tweeds ever .Down in Goderich MEN'S FUR COATS 11 Men's Wombat Fur Coats at a bargain. COLBORNE BRos. The Geese Carpet Warehouse of the Comilla. 30 DAYS CLEARING SALE BOOTS\SHOES (Summer and Winter Goods) AT COSTI to make room for Spring Goods and to en arge premises Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. J. M°NAUCHTON RIGHT tensa 11 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS rr HUMBER ez BON RED HOT BARGAINS IN STIRLING NOVELTIES, DIA- MOND, OPAL and GEM RINGS. just finished ; call and see them. Yours for Fair Prices ALSO CALL AHD BE OUR XI! ABB' CHUB CLOCL and Good Goods THE F A C. A. HUMBER & SON Jeweler, Goderich. X-mas time is near again.. . and naturally everyone is looking for a suitable and tasty Present for a friend. What is nicer, and will give non pleasant remembrances of the giver than A Good Bottle of Perfume, encased in a handsome package. We have the latest and finest Perfumes, by the best manufacturers, either in bulk or fancy packages, which we guarantee to be of the very best quality. IN PERFUME ATOMIZERS We have a very pretty line from 35c. up. Time, with an ounce or two of som• e good Perfume, malts a very tasty Present, and always aeeeptabha. Don't fail to see our Window Display, then come in, and you will be sure to find the prices right. The new Chemist, IF m • Successor .to • 9 Chas. D. Williamsw