HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-17, Page 7THE SIGINAL : GIODRRIOH, OWL, THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 18N TasIs . TAKE NOTICE HENDERSON BICYCLE CO., houses psreheeed the Oedemas\ foundry sad all ►ts:Pstlsrr ter restage, M pe.per.d t. mg */ POINTE, also •ILL. 1UIcULIIIMI and STOVE CASTINGS et Akers meek*, ss the M.sldlei Shop ie always gss.ad work going ea. Mill, Steve, Fermat amid sIi otter re andellled with sea work dans preeittly. Teraserk Mm me seer MMS W lea will be pies.sd with ear wet►. Sires area bragbt is say ettaelity. We teaks the C. mea Ssa.e sbvels. Mr. Waimea :Wand is is Aerie el the repeat. shop. JAB. WILSON, Manager. lf.M•ss..ed.rM-. EPPS'S COCOA mit. ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA snit Pes woes tee telloeis►t Inoiloctlre Ilcn'• Delicacy of Flavor,0=P�ifraLstW and Comfarting, to the sorrow or Itr.peptto. J. 1Ute Qualities Unrivalled la Quarter/mead Tier sad Packets only i� _ s. �t,ta at. Cutters at Wholesale Prices-... If you are goint, to purchase a new Outter this season, and want to se- lect lect from the largest stock carried by any firm in the county come and ex amine ours. We are not confined to any one manufacturer, but buy only what we consider the best value. We buy for Cash, and can sell much closer than say one buying in the old-fashion- ed way. Our Cash Price is marked on every Cutter, and you will find .Good Piano Box for $20.25, s Better one for $23.25, and a 14plendid Portland for $30, $34, and $35. We are going to *ell them quick, so don't wait tong if you want to have a large number to select from. GUIDRY'S AUCTION ROOMS Mamilton-et. or Overcoat 11 you need a Winter Over- coat or Suit, call upon PRIDHAII, The Tailor. If you leave your order with him you may depend on getting goods that will suit in every way—in fit, workmanship, and promptness in delivery. PRIDHAM T21:aI TAIi.03. Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Comoettion. TEN oasintAp PAaaio Ratswer t]o. s TmagligM Yss bees asts011.bsd is give the public. arftdsse servtw with tar sad per - =was e.spewtss. 1111e .cawed es heelers Lrlaulplee sed in the Misted of tae pn'eme. 11 astembe4=rt et every penes wk. wggdt dateasoa see sale rainwear s 11•••• •••••••1•6 Uses es and esalor la Nailed DlrseI wires to all potato to the North fans-fa la Cletemble aad Peeled Coast R. ><AKUI Te. f n M Lsss1 Manager Dossier• IAMINITFOR Skates and Hockey Sticks Prices right. Assortment complete. \Cow -chains, Guns, Ammunition, Axes, Cross -cut Saws, An Immense stock, and prices as low as OATS at 15 cts. per bushel R. W. MKENZIE OF THE LOW PRICED HARDWARE STORE. "IT'S A HARD WINTER FOR THE POOR!" This is an old Irish saying you may not reactivate, but its just now is to call your attention to our stock of Overcoats and Underwear V T__ DAVISON Co. The up-to-date HARDWANs and SPORT- ING Goon. Ellmoan:it wish to call at- a tendon to the fact that their '96 and '97 .tock ofare to hand, and are be- $ ,LOS yond doubt, t h e finest — - _ assortment and best quality ever brought to application town. Already many pairs in Ladies' Fancy and Gent.' Hockey have been sold We have repeated our orders in some lines, and would advise in- tending purchasers to leave their or- ders at once, as many of the up-to- date listed will be scarce. two things the Interest of us need to keep warm. In the first I have a line of manufacturers' samples for Men and Boys bought in bulk at a bargain, and with Irish generosity I'm offering you the benefit of the same. You can't equal the goods at my prices anywhere in the county. Who wants Underwear a* less than wholesale pnces 1 Everyone, of course. Well, that's what I'm giving you, straight' $1 Suite for 60c , $1.75 Suits for $1, and $2 Suite for $1.50. How does tt.at catch you? This we call our Great December Sale, and will include in it several lines of MEN'S HATS Wonderful Bargains, and all our LADIES' FUR CAPES at 20 per cent. off regular prices. Everything in these lines must go off this nionth. C. R. SHANE & Co. LADING OUTFITTE1t8 Aso FURNISHERS. FOR CHRISTMAS ... . Jas. Yates now occupies the store lately vacated by F. J. l ridham, next dcor to Davis- on & Co's hardware store. For the Christmas trade he bas a full.stock of the latest Games, Fancy Cards, etc. The best in Book., Stationery, and Fanny Goods. FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBEST FRIEND LAaiEST =ALE IM CANADA. DAVISON & 00. LUMBER FOR BALE. The Goderich Lumber Company (Ltd) bag for sale at the Harbor and at the yard on the G. T. R. track, Elm, Ash and Basswood, and Pine, Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and sizes, and Cedar Posts. Also Slabs in any quantity. (ISO. THOMPSON, Manager. Stoves and Tinware . At CArrL.E BROS. Now is the time to enquire about Heating or Cook Stoves. Whe have them— all kinds and sizes at lowest possi- ble cost prices Also leave your orders for repairing and setting up of Stoves. We handle the best Canadian and American Coal Oil. CATTLE BROS., Hamtltos-.t. Plumbers and Timer*. 7 Coed & Wood Yard The andbegs to inform the public thni L1 k„„ps on hand all grades of HARD SOFT COAL AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. Bess& .Beatles styes 1. C� SPLIT wooD Call and get prices and see samples of wood. Office and yard. NELSON -8T.. near Realm tires. Hotel. D. C. STRACHAN Preprls les WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes AU Nees trees 4 tn. to 14 IO... AIS c.uertse... WRITE FOR PRIOES. THEBOOO* NTARIOADSIf.EEIMERSTE. PIPE CQ W. . esotcav we mom TORONTO. GODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYSTAL, esesesswto Caryaal ! Bleeeki rianatsetarwr of all Stade of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iro. Works, etc., etc., Aad Dasher he— F.agines, Maobinery Carotisgs, kc. A1I sires of Pipes and Pepe Ftttiata, Steam and Water Genesi, (►lobe valves, Cheek Valves, Iwwratars, Ejection sad 1a- jset.ra Cos.taauy on Head at Lowest A special line of Steel Water and Hog "Troughs for use of fanners and others. Repairing promptly attended to A. S. CERTSTAL. >lahir P. 0. Hex A. Ooderioh. Out. Waris-Op.asii. 0 T. R. station .,dee cb STARTLING STATEMENTS FOR STRINGENT TIMES ! GREAT CLEARING SAFE READY - OF $13,000 WORTH OF ,MADE LOTHING Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings and Ordered Tailoring t Having bought very largely for Spring, we have decided to clear out our whole Stock AT AND BELOW COST FROM NOW UNTIL THE 1st DAY OF JANUARY. This will be a good opportunity for the public to buy Useful Gifts for Christmas at Wholesale Prices. Do not miss this grand opportunity. CLOTHING. 2i Boys' Tweed Cape Overcoats, woollen lining, were $5 and $6. for 12 Boys Prime Meters, extra value at $4.50 and $5, sale pr1ee 350 Moo's Priem Meters, sack pockets and well trimmed, worth $6 for 3 75 Man's Fine Ulster Goats, good value at $7.50 and $8 sale price 6 00 $2 50 .1 It will pay you to buy your goods in our line now, as this sale ends Dec. 31st. Reale few of the prices below We have a large stook of Men's overcoats at Half Price. Men's Blue Serge Suits, were $4.50 and $5, for $2 95 Men's Halifax Tweed Snits, good value for $7 and $8, sale price 4 50 Also a large stock of tweed Suits at about the same di.00ent, Youths' Saite,well lined and trimmed,from $2.50 to $8 Childre. i Suite, good, fine, all -wool Tweed, We have not space to mention everything, so call and see what we can do for yon. We also do one of the Anest Tailoring trades in the County, and will make up Snits or sell the Tweeds and cut them Free of Charge at Sale Prices. were $3, $2.75 and $2.50, sale prioe.... 1 95 Children's Salts, better quality, were =4.50,04 and 03.75, for 2 9R Also we have a number of Tweed BiIted Snip to fit children between 3 and 8. They go on sale at Half Price. HATS AND CAPS. Remember, we carry the largest stock of Hats and Caps in the county. You want one. Take your choice of the $3, $2.75 and $2.50 Hata for $1.98. You will save money. This offer is only o pen until the laat day of Deee n. ber. GENTS' YUNRISHINGS. We have tbem all—Newest and nicest Stock in town Lente' )is lisp Collars, linen, Sic. tor.._ . _.. $ 25 " Linn " 20c. for „ " " Tic. .. Underwear, 2.00 suits for 1.50 •. .. 1.00 75 4.00 " .. .. •. e A ° P + 1'IcL.EAN, The Palace Store, 1s 10 I f30 100 75 se 2 50 - Goderich.