HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-17, Page 4ignal, ae rvausose BVBRY THURSDAY RHINO Sr O. 1re4ildddtMNti Wier •( 1'S Dbl 1 w � Naetk strew feriae et *eaaa.tpsese t =week to edemas." $ 1 shea taw year aha...,., •••� . >n Leek at f• er moved. leer Wee la a sl.aatrttt receipt of as dere te week Ino are paid nu. err that It t. ••et anew. d to hit late •rreor. w'bera a Mama, of widens 1s Mooed. ho, tae ell sad the new whiner -nested b.dvea. .dsaovhlwe tiaras. Deo a par 1 err ottt.•v o....1.dvert ntunosra res p11 ae for edea la, ir'oa. sod3err fee Sack seb.q.,est tneartloe. Hemmed s1 II names . eke. Posher ow.de of fit Ilse• sod mad.r.$ per seer ldverus,•.,slate •'t •.oed, Mo, red •f•7ed M weldor C-soeat. 8 a•ttnr•e . sued tar Baedne.s e•' noes 'V..tM not er'wdla.• • 11 ,-a seap•.red, $1 p. r .oath. ri•,n•y e, isle • d • emu w i. e. ate to • a. a 4 SI -. 51 f. r 11 v se th In.. ►,r ..h •'great m •.. h. L. r Ser la proper, 11 &ay ape -.1 notice it aoble t t'f which ler. armee, Iw pa•enlare hem it of Sar end. velvet .r Mmptac. t. he e u .1.. d so wet vee kisetent and oh,nr.•d ace. ,4 Rely. Goal wtices is mooparell tr ale ons Deet Der word, **sodas" ter then tse, Laical airtime la ordt..ry r5Sd,ag type two par r oasts pword. No lotto. for let� :ilio. Menem for churches and other religions and be.svoleut laetltuttoos half rata, eshecriber who All to receive Tex 8.osAt rerwlarly by mall- will c .nisi a favor elantena us of the fast at •, early au detests ru 1i.b•.r. rt.itte, J. C. is ?ousel, of t7odertoh, Awe bees ap pointed local Travelling Agent for the town *hips of Ooderich. Colborne, Ashfield and We- waaoeh. Lanai empowered otaatios over the Metric* &Pt s o res v subscriptions so Te eionAL AU eoaumanlcstlow must be addressed to I) 101.1HLIT. inee tstspbe.e Call Il Oudertek flat, 11110DIRR1Op. TNu118DAT, Dna 17. Me SNAP SHOTS, -The question of C. P. R. connec- tion with Godenoh io well to the tore. --Tac Str:AAL nes seen inforwe'1 that • Dumber of the town council sesta will oto a beggtne this year. We shall owl as to that later ea. - -Man ; is a gambling anitnai whether he Invest* 1. Redolent mining Mares, buy. • lottery ticket, " bucks the tiger." sr play. marbles. -1 )ur friends, the Conservatives, will meet at Carlow today. Them/lay, ilius. 17th, to oremote wbiott is a very Rood thus to do, .ad is oomewbat needed. -if you want a game with a nice element of risk 1a it, ptok oat the winners to the hutnot t boned. It win keep yo■ rowing to select the right mea -ljrotiner 1'A toilLL,of Bruce county, win today tell the teoaeervanves of West Hama, is connoting arembld, what he kaewe about carrel., lbmtnion ale:Atom. --The investigation into alleged uf- fsasve partisanship DO the part of Po•t- ataster Ftenee, of Brussalie, i* thus rooms Doouioe einem, began Tuesday last before Co/ 1.4211ek. --Ane you a candidate for the Berea Distract rouse l! If you are, ie good enough to let to know it, so we wt 1 get fair nonce before depletting our double- herrelled vote. -The a bort on the part of Hon. G. I; Faersk SO 1; rep she prejedt.fe of creed in politick, prey•• a...-iruarely that be w .at aware of the pot M. :Ft .be e ten was uaetere:l last Jane. -The Mau an,' :.nlpi - 4aye the Hawn' Administration will go to ib" 0 -en- try Nest year. It is rally • to bad that Premier lLktry will isnot cut gives( es• elusive mews s• the *abject be The Hail arid Ktspire. --The gentle accents of the Hon. (.Lkeg WALLAes have not bees beard i.' the polities' dieosestoes that have bees ea Is mad abest Stormont during the past week or awe, The Hoe. Joni Roo. OAST is also ehasrvably sliest. -If the story that General MAcsO, the Cubes leader, was hired by the'p.a- lard• aside, the pirouettes et s nage* trees, sad thee brutally bstebered, be carrels, tt ie base that Spanish savagery in this roe - Least received ha quietus. War is a great evil, but butchery is sot war, and is foreign to the eartlissties of the latter toad of the nineteenth osstetre. -d nunher of the Dominion Con- servative members are falling by the wty. That, Roe 1Iai.ay, of South Brant throw op somata, sow ems 'OHS A. MAcpnrava of North (Mario, Mama Ream, et fee - des, is likely to de there, not, mud there are others who will also seosateb before t mune. The int of the (esesrvative pal Noma is Det•ntnios polities, truly V sot ✓Alli oak - -- I'11E S+CN .11.: :t ►1)F:IICfl • L INT. Til ('l:'U.t l'• DEC. l;, 1896. abet aserd.4 eel. Nesyl. le est seethe ttf New..ten sett we hoes NI the ewes of thoroo,(biy vestnattag, Ida 1f the disuses of Hetes will pare • head. --Lawyer Lana, of Oornwall,who rte a• tae eel-'3epare•• was 1 . ado's," f •tr the Legislature i. I was Wisp, ed to a stand -•inn, le two OS a,r•,- '+ &..rete wnn..l walutst* fee the Ooaie•..•, •o l hie Met • ate will be woke tare b.. first. C.rretng two tens seder ore lett M a • it'• thin, w t'ana'1.n o.1'1.• C E. L. U. The te.11e.uld v. r •,a . ,pans for the def • Aunts ,wing pe..ple • •a.•1.• 1.• whioh naval tering Nil reek : . V xih et 11 et 'haler .4b.1. • }. i. of 1'. $ , )sudsy .v.a.s. -t 7.3) I •.•k Pne el• o tau will lake pier. of • hr 18sh Pell •t .: dent't r quie sit. Koos Chit. •.. %.PS C F; T,,.eder, even . ; at 8 e'cleck. Topes for 11eoe.eh•r YL " Jet •'bat Were bare .nth the weed,' w Ca. err," by Hiss Vitro. 4'1 .re ea/daily • ited to .ttsrsd them these, which w n Id to the b•neeesta, Tunis( env' em .f 'ler sooteties .* Metal I motette• HY BASE T1tCiiHV Waft the Death of Gen. Maeeo Brought About. l s Was Invited t. a (eallervae. ad Ils- sesssetl.tU Walked lot. tar Arssw 1 £.. i.e - a Sew Lea•er ao.areNd- Lr. Win ler L.prere• 5s•bfacU.a Wilk the Outlook. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 12.-Tbe Codatltu- tlon's Key West special give* the to1- lowing account of Macey's death. indi- cating his betrayal and Implicating Dr Zeit ucha, "Tour correspondent is now enabled to state, upon the meet undoubted au- thority, that the death of Usu. Mateo was a premeditated ase aainatton, and that the failure to product tun body Is because its mutilated condition would shock even Spanish official gens.biU- tlea -It seems that General Mace* bad planned a suaa'osful crowing uti the troche, anti that taking Inc sea route with a bodyguard, he was to re- join bis forces mutt of Martel. This was aoceunplianeei in safety, and, while standing alune, within sight of A line of skirmishers, the General was shot duet) by In hid meet Ing w hu were awaiting their victim. Hear body, so far as Span el) reports go, at once dis- appeared. but the truth is •that it s hacked up by the aasitsains• who ex- hausted every indignity of which brutal minds are aapaWe, "It has been well-known for a year past that there wise a price sect up•n Maceo's head. and Gen. Weyler. Arta[ official act Upon reaching tn.- Inland Warr to give notice of recognition to the Piataedoa, bands of freebo, ters. Their. men, following in the oak.• of both armlet, would murder and plumy-,, and when chased dawn by th.- indignant Cubans wiuld fled pr'.tectlon within the Spanlsb lines, whibt the latter would officially deny all knowledge of the matter. A Lew weeks ago a band of these tan attacked a otxtvent In the Province of Puerto Principe, which was filled with young . girls, wbo were most shamefully ully abused. Some Of these Inert were caught by (len. Lacret, the insurgent leadeer, and executed, while the great', part of them Lound protection within the Spanish Un. -a Although the enormity Of the e' was known and their teatime w 0Onveint school girl., the rrtmina a .,, re protected Yroan naoi*.- tatio. and art today free -For three weeps It ham been known In Jlavanx that a clever bribe was out for the surrender .4 I:enety) Maces.. It wits to the effect that he held the ticket wMeh ea4;e.l for the grand Artie ..3 1111,000 In the Havana lottery He did not rare t.. call for the cashing of this clever -ay arranged bribe , and up,n the departure sf llettere' Wetter f..r the hills ,..•r.-, days acre. 1.b was brult•d about that the man who killed //seem mu1.1 he ve th.. '.The ',tory of Mae.-o's death, aft to4d from official aoureeys, euatalns fully the story of the asaaaa(natlon. General Maceo, Instead of eroe.dng the troche directly with hi. men. saes, through some covert Influence. Induced to pass Martel on a boat. and to reach his foreee on the east aide of the death line. There everything was In nets by the cans ,1 readi- ness" leader fell a ole-'imtl to th trap d the brava which he had walked. it la regarded sa tory mini/War that Mur..,. physi- cian. Maximo Zertuchtt, wise allowed tc surrender. instead of Mine telt In chains and ruwhod . ft to a dungeon. be Is treated with 4Mtlnetlnn, 1. paraded 'afore newsparer ntsresMmients and Aar freMnm of aneech, which la a nnv- ••Itv In Calm. "Thr rM1eling .,P depresetnn Into winch the 1•u',artl, were thrown upon wnnnuneement M the flow that the Marto** death, now thnwtlnn le confirmed. of mesal dly amass - that ofd ed. ha- changed to eemerate determinatitm. -Havana andel! ttt�ain acv, king beatue In the tabid.( of their guar tgOd ty *bey hope that the war upd'.ty the drain nd of obis gal.ant'lead r Tar wft&t 4r bornh 1.M5 the Spirit of the Oce ania the latter ett are rtseived to make every he 1 the Jar rn more ardent. and to-Aep fine before Myna t n t, y laying down their 1.1 th very Provt,,,,e reed navels& wises I Icy and hard b an aired FAR-OFF FALKLANDS A BRITISH COLONY THAT MAB AN OVERFLOWING POPULA r1ON. s.•eral Tiara aba•4..., aseaaN let a W.r. al•s aural 0Ma rr., taw Leland* Provost Is 0. Ideal *hasp Ltasriba Me tad New . r.eple arlsi. respect11es In one respect the gti h aunts) Omknown aa the Taiklaad Islands is . must remarkable portion of the Ameri- cas, In spite of the facts that the Is- lands are treeless. that the climate 1s mid only bleak but is au td as W pre - t rot all kinds of agriculture save may mi bonhoe g.rdeptpg. that the Wends are located where ounimunicatlon with the teat of the world la impeded by natural dUficulUea, herr 'tune of ail the r•etuns of the Amsr'icaft has man dour - toiled th ed ea wooat the population tram filled the country to a point where a surplus is produced that must eine `rife. According to Mr. R. Al. 1Counedge, formerly a tiover.u.eat official there, who haa recently described the Kemalth rend thin of e blands in the lkiuttlsh Geographies/ Magsaine, Port William. un a bay in the largest of the Palk - leads, is a remarkable village. A sin- gle street runs along the beach on the south side of the bay. It Is a and a half long, end has et one. end the uovernprent buildings in a field some acres in extent. and at the outer a hotel "very fiw tly aned First and laseL" bowies are The boes abuilt of wood and corrugated Iron. There are three -- churches>•;pescopal, Catholic and ISsp- net. There are two public .choota, one Catholicsol choand a private retool. There are two hotels• while saloons abound, and from thew.. a god reve- nue I derived, for beer Is largely con- sumed, and not much blame attaches to the people, for the water Is for the most part collected front oft the louses alter rain." it to noted that the Episo pal Church is a new structure, built at a Dost et $48.005, atter a former structure had been deeroyed by "whet is known aa a peat slip. by which a large part of the town wan also carried away." Pent is the natural fuel of the leiands, but some of the wealthier people of Port Stanley Import Dort, Besides Port Stanley, there is another village to the group that t. named Darwin. Outside of Port Stanley and Darwin there b neither church nor schoolhouse. nor any other pubUc high- way than the sea. The group Includes nearly 200 Islands, large and email, and the area of land At for pasture 1s esti- mated at 6000 square miles, Every foot of this has been taken up Most th of 1t is held under lease from the Gov- ernment. The land b 60divided into sec- tions of 00 acres, and anyone can hold as many of these as his Inclination and means will permit. Quite a number of Islands are held by Individuals who lite Robinson Cilium fashion, or at pi test, a an with bis family only on Ott lar each island. Othe ger islands the holdings range from 8000 acres up. and each holder• living alone on hi. bottl- ing, Isw thus well nigh as isolated as it he lived on an Wand. All travel over the Leland b by horseback alone. There in not one wheeled vehicle outside of Port Stanley. There being no roads. and the land toeing divided ey wire Inc.,r, a traveler, when crooning any Island, must needs employ a guide too find the gate. of course. since the houses are so far apart, the children of these ranch- ers get nn education save only such as their parents give them, and that only the most primitive character, They learn to herd and shear sheep; to pack the wand for market and sell It; 1.. buy supplies at the store /the trade of the Wand and 1s !Whetloafly the monopoly of company), cepany), and deposit their sur - 111 WI money In the Government savings hank 34 Oat of the boys learn. in addi- tion to this. to Natoli,. th,. t•I...•,, ani small schoenen that are found In larg- numbers there. All the available lard having been occupied, the gradual increase of the population finds no place to occupy In consequence, the young people go awayUnoccupiedto the Unoccupied lands ..f Patagonia r and Terra del Fuego, taking as an in- heritance the surplus sheep of their parent., for the sheep have increased until all the pasture la °milpled- The scenery of chi Islands Is at mice barren and picturesque. Grass makes them green. but there he not a tree in the (roup. )every attempt to cultivate trees, even the rugged beeches of Ter- ra del Flnego, has failed. The surface of the blander le undulating and even rugged, some of the mountains rising 200 0 844 above the sea There are ab- solutely barren rooks and ereclpleve and gulches. More Interestingrt10111 there are "rivers of stone"--et.eame ingn the mountain* whosS Oftraa are marked only by the winding hanks,rodetilled with broken ro, beneath which the torrenta of water rain- The water maybe hoard, es it roars along. but is never seen. in the mountains there are (till to' he found wild cattle, and wild fowls in great numbers Inhabit the coasts, but the people are not much given to sport. The climate is also federating. Snow never tails to a depth of more than an I'IeA, white the fresh water trcese no more than a mere Alta odd* f ire. on the other hand the thermotnete runs usually' from S0 to 50 degrees Fah ltst,. s tytd h renheft, white the wend blows anneelimey le Lego numsaid eraue wig pap. ( interim. are Hug the people of the Ca�M bra tne'wns of der t1. to have .gilt peru- a!d of moo operating witb be" til It ywe ego ever. than and1not bear n a day poems firing oier l (Ltr,abe,a„ y ti. -The Hamilton Times has the fol levies o. "Tbe Tesobet'. Let' : The (le.feritob S about ever erewdiag is the 5saekie, prolamine. i Weeks there see est seeagb resl who view leas their We prefeswfea• There .ay be terms i. Item esseest3.a, 4.d Hie dirge sisal aeons is Wag gr.dsally e•. 5..ded w ~are gra for edsbeee le tame ashram It. There I es mien er•wdieg art the tangling pr.hmles tee. i. I4.$y ether vesatlmaa Is every Mee *slower rang. ed tem b4d.r w vary maih mwwdd. >tssn'Mr attube o[ wnrmay treayteestway Aging no mon than organ t t Lao patttnta, bot there annuabfy• .44 the appearena. 03 th. j �! earthly moor that d �� people b bale. hearty. and cosy-eltKk- taa.iels� Mow ate �� spirit M liberty ant 'P•1 n rewlnaeetinn with tbe oilman it .rth mentioning that the waters own, liar to the rerion-e. gait In which they bend to the gale, and tack to wbnd- ward lisp a Minn. a311p it 1. never- theless a healthy region, the death rate .ex Ira tan - .W. him bete weiliag fee Jar 5w d mender ei ta* "Teesei,.s �e with wea- •tlae.f Psi. J Assn s,da gads** gee •sd.aeesd tet�wsew ORM apse �ta es see eMe ~iiikanee� w� M the ewwr4r w ab holiest advartistae �weeWls et s b .meow. I Wedeln The M pie � w w of the letter. rev► proven h de'e'r batt (atha will have _ • ch111 peculiarly their eastrtes ,fend* the 1wr ev a so one area ' that 1a so penetrating that fro ors has t e,, etrrtrft for use pa_ I ever plunged Into the sea for a bath tenter for libertywh^ are >ltbtteg .}. cheer and returned to th, •nKwce to 1 or : b• taiide fight a ( whetrelatehie Hooded/6z saran Mast that bt or PPror w111 be • While the pops• of the rs•ehga live 1f rM, but Inn.,, who will soorwhe dimetate and lonely liven, soeyaty m • freta have as atersc- ft watt 8. trifle ["art Manley arems b 1 •e end IelHfisswt s� live Info Tiler. 1s a mels/ chsh 41tb a hes reeding room and a library a•►d e11•et 5t 1. reaming* e , rd ea wry td* ret. w. 5. oil Iiemsv.. but ns* to moot pnllttna and Mamas Iraa.•ta ave r a 'aru.w. Nwwl balls twice They have ' One 56.4 eves eq"* it bee lee. reeved teal a masio ted ' heerthi b Ave.'. iliese-v,l • • 1.•M slese some. adioand eedonefs &ours reel), es 18. p** smtlyes, as. �gin ase a 1.lfah4e 5553. -alto.• ree dfra, of mor ll seder the pet 11 abed eine at*** errMT of �a a,leaetaey the Gower a rife taw that hes amt tens[ Is k.dflsaeI • -swat when the Rritieh war ship Miran wag la port that for osier the wind aid sot blow. and that waft a c••ndltiun e• 18. range for .Alen the buil .hula were wholly unprepared. They lute a new *sower, Mr Wsstty (hivernme.t tlasrtte. They have a [rational guard of 1N men. They have a police. fore. and magis- trate at Port Stanley and lite Is some- times lurid* there when the ,sesunen freta' some C.pe Horn ship get 'annum with money le spend at the sumer+,•l . Th srus shopai the people are intensely Wye warmly need be said. After Prince Alfred visited the le.ny some years ago. they were so proud of the Tac that they built a monument ovet tb spot where he first phased hot toot on the tensile dock. The statlatWs or population and Tim - ducts are not without interest Mr Routledge places the number of t•rbab- 1lants at 1300 and odd. who occupy the 4.180,000 acres d They ey own 711.(100 sheer' (round neunbersi and 10 1114 the colony exported 1,000,008 pounds of wool, valued et £ IK,NN. He sl - des this, they exported sheep skins worth £1&,431, fresco mutton worth hearty £ION, awl tallow worth MAW The thrift of the ootoey le shown In the fact that the total export!, wets £111,&11. whir the Imports viers but £111,3 m 15. The public revenue a.eated to £11.111 and public expe.sss to ell. - 314. The Governor, Bir Roser Tuohlll vs Uo4dsworth, K.C., M.G., draws a 'alar, d £ 1205 s,g and has a lot of tea' in addi- tion, but Mr. Frederick Cte-H4Wt.t, who has two odeoss. Secretary and Treasurer. gets only £41en 0 and no few. The Wand* are sully reached from Ar- meseither Montevideo or from Pulite Ar- es In the Strait of Magellan, a Ger- man line or steamers making regular calls with the mann Was•fae.ng artag orae An agricultural exhibition which tel been opened in Paris. under oaotr 4 of the Government, tncludNe1000 en- tries of agricultural implements and machinery. The exhibits very sktn trtg- ly illustrate the progress made bys Permmanufacturers tn the last few years. At one time nearly everything came from logtand, e w e • P BT. IeL AR'8 \ 27th ANNUAL SHOW' Christman and New Years Fat Stock and Ponl- try. This year he will show Two Southdown that have taken the sweepetekes prize at New .Pork and &.eat all comer, at Chi- I cago. A Thorough -bred Heifer that; took first prize at (;nelph last� week. A magnificent Jereey-Duroc Hog (the new breed), anti soma• of the 14nest Turkeys and Gee6e ever shown in Goderich. Teo heifer masrioerd 4111 be shows at the Cellars* Hotel .t..blee until Moadev, the 21st Dec. R. McLEANI HELLO, HURONIANS heve• you seen thew I seen what Why, I be MAY QUEEN ... CICARS They are the Best Smoke them and patronize Horne industry. VANUiA(TUkt1U s4 PADDOCKS & KgJBBDI OODERICH Planning For Chrlstmas What you shall buy --- Where you shall bug 1 If so. don't plan any longer, you can settle the question at once b.; '/' ng the GODERICH BARGA N CENTRE Competition does not touch this store in Variety Quantity or Value : Kid Gloves (Paries': awed Peary', make.) Silk Neck M..ffiers, Children's Kid Mi,.te Gents' Kid Gloves. A large range of Rugs, Handkerchiefs, Umb-ellas, Suspenders, Hosiery, Underwear, Lace Curtains, Che- nille Curtains, Gents"ries, Table Linen, Table Napkins, Blankets, Quilts, etc., etc. Every article carries within itself the convincing proof that in its purchase you are saving money JAS. ROBINSON Corner Weet-at and Square. the Winter,.•.r .. through all its varyig model you have your clothing interlined with PlbeeC1' .s., s. 'Illia won- deia it fabric is so light that yes neer notice its presence is a garment tin you get out into Atlitin ivied and cold, then yoe realise that you are cosily warm even the lightlychid. WbraCiainy/ is a oalupiete nO0,'cloachectar of hast sad coil, net the 'ltell^"m' 1J cam the nolowal warmth of the wintry �y ba..t can penetrate it, n.. body nape through it -This soils for 2� a yard gives the will. explanetion and the fact a thin it • health tied com hirer salve siert, and easily proves that for Toe cant da without it. HING Cheaper Than Ever at Card's Clothing Emporium Hating just purchased a quantity of Clothing for (mash frown an over- stocked manufar•turer, 1 am now prepared to sell Clothes at lower prices than was ever known in the country before. On my own part, 1 au, not forced by stringent times to have this Cheap Sale . but have been lead to do so simply to meet the need of many who cannot, particularly at this time of the year. imy lam prices. We are not bankrupt, nor suffering in the least from dull times,but have done well during the thirteen yeses we have been in Goderich. We are pleased, however, to he in a position to give our poor friends and customers good, warm, comfortable Clothing at merely nominal pricer. LEVI CARD • Zabsithbe for "Tile igii' for '9?-Oy ti Another Immense Sale ! WYATT'S + FAIR 1 Saturday, Dec. l9th, '96. ra The Ppu rchasing power of the dollar is the question that interests everyone. This worth eve times ta rd* For listeay we will offer some wonderful Bat•gaina : •J A RDINERS-w. heve the r largest aortment in the city, and Driers are the lowest, 12, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 sad 50 cents. Trading lace because we look after his interests closely, treat him ceerteosaly, amid TLVERW R + .peci.l in [Iver ruple. The following goods are guaranteed Quadruple Plate and so stamped : Fruit Diahe3 (high silver stand), Pickle Cruets, Cake fatketa, Sugar Bowls, Silver Maas, Cel.r•r Tr*7a, only 12.00. Gall .sd see our goods. A [� fall *a TOB e. Seri haaCE 8AL; i: only 7e. Children. Cups and 8euoen, only bo. /Peary Chin. Plate, all sixes, from 10e. op to $1.00 ; Bread and Rutter Pletee, is pale pink mid gilt, 104 ; M.jol$o. Juga, a MI line in all edars, 6, 1 and 8 grate emelt ; large) ewe, 26 cents. yet ria& WYATT'S FAIR Goderich, Ont is the Working Man's give him his money's LAMP GLASS ' ' Beet T )YS --A full line of Toys - Flint Lamp Glasses, b and6 oenta. Children's Seta Dishes, Toy Storer, I)OI,LS-A fall ire of tea, Jack in the Box, eta ranging in prices fro,n 10 emits up to $OA PS --_One box of Hyacinthe 12.00. Now is your time to buy your Complexion t;oap, containj-�., 3 Large Doll for Christmas eakee,asade from pure,t oil el BO(o(3--Fancy Colored Picture Ib' m„k u,. sanative, oft Saturday Hook Orly 10 heroin I tents. Story Books of all kinds. Call early and avoid the rush. GMS- Lotto. 10e.; 1d Maid, lOe. ; /Familiar Qeodatioas, 10e.; Auth- ors, 10e.; Jaok Strews, Iia.; Fortune Telling, 25e.; Rad Ridiag Hood, 21e.; Cock Rollin, 21e.; OM Mother Heb - bard, 21a, Meteb MakfiS*, 2Ie. 1f yon come early on 8atnrdsy, you, will be able to Foy 3 cakes of Violets el Clashmeie Complexion Soap, ems - Mining buttermilk and veaeiin e, for 15 ends BR(Mt Beet Orem Cora Brooms, 1 ma epees will net permit las to mention all ear bargains, bet call and flee for