The Signal, 1896-12-17, Page 3THE SIGNAL ' GOPRkrfR, nwrr. •rwr• r:sr1 ' . DPP 17. Is116 ▪ It1UHOL*)N, L 0.0. 111111 Dalirrel Wrssltti. ROOM* aPperite Ilse PM OS.. S old run.. Orww•e 664 Sold &Mae wart • wosisim • Teem Ealerionon I M. YAIIIiI111101.4.D.-11.:07121 , D.D.B, i..D.8.-LIK1J !AL BUMuION.-Latsst sad esetwis •pp,ved ter W dsaW egetatlw Prassrva gymt ..s&uyrel tees. • p Malty Oa einmierro uasrsW. ' 111)..ai the Sonora. ▪ M. TURx$Ul4L. D.1) - • Demur Gt1g �� ilr,r.l7 meminled WRs. l)r. DI=es. M �� `L weir sad eir .ropiest Teeth seu.ted on Auld or Mum ks•w .r-Nleu gives w the 1pparrests��sswrvVNon the sst.rsi beth. 0aes to =V ..w Meek- NOV EE.dMaL TVA. TIOWION. M. D.. C. 11. +~sialB . Night audio ▪ M at oafs _ R. HUNTER. PIYIIOIAN, BUR- Esa% kis USis-lbws .inset. the rept. game NWT .screed by Or. Nolan. Arlt sols hem reswMes•s- Yokohama It 11EarwiSie LiMYeen NV. LANE. Ia1 UER Or YAO ARRIE Looses. 0.I IIM. unt. lBhLy Lagoa At/ O. CAMERON, BAKRIJTER.80L1- 111. 80L1 -elm . 30sovisisma-r, t.. .tales --car. USae ill. W M. AaN drow e.. spa.Umbers, sto 1j RNEEIT ILEATON - BARRISTER, E4 gu1Mlter. Notary Pum to Common% BMW West titrest law ly CAMPION,fd.C., BARRISTER, SOL. idtar. dentary, Lo. 011ss ever Mailed Hao. '1st sure. Oederrcb. 1( 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. •0- 111. bluer. oismreionet.M .sy is HareMom oar m wd.riees.u�.Lato...em`�t And. ane. i OFTUB L DANCEY, BARRI$TZR, 1. nona.r.O.•vurssesr. tau. 1110. MOt1W PIONSapgaMaruo~m Botta. Wdereb. 0.1.16Z rams. lierten's IV N. LEWIS, BARRi88TIR, PBi00• la.,tir new. i Omits of Oodorle 0.115'.' beset. IRS R.��r 0. HAYS, B&ILRIi3TER, 8ULICIT- �.� Oft, utilesN.nhat.. asst des lIsonaL Moo Nil •.t• roods to end at lawns raw of inter -et. 110 ARROW A PIt(CDSUOT, BAR- lI rte.�ew Asterss)s, •.•custom. 114.. Gels O M. t. J T. Osrrew. Q.U.. W. Prmadtmot„ CAMERON, HOLT A HOLMEB, Bsrrerss. aeb.ttere i Ohasser7 t. 0.Sederieh. M. G..•rw 4.1.0-; P. Ilett , Sadler Illelams. H. WARD, OONVEYANOER. re- aJe�gt�?1a('r sod .1° of � .� es remstl..e. d•psitios• or sobs. Mestere- Oleos 10 sr an: belies. salt or pro �ma�ag is the Overt of Jules. w sr Division .asson Gut. sane. a io nes ,01sT • Dl reins i' em All . stem es a ..maul add prbmsals .wows. Ridda.s .sd P.O dddema►-i)ims.s One. MMI --s! Loans and Lrewlane MONEY TO LOAN. - 150,000.00 Privets lads t. IoM et M pr o>at. ea aenlit. M. G. CAMERON. Harsos's Wont. .hese-a 0dtsrr Belsl. 0adelek. 457-tt pR1VATE FUND. - PARTIES DE - Mow ei.Msdoeg miner so ar1dam form s.serW ma de N_ at Si per cont. 6r w Pbht b Jl 1/ N ... Reims tie Wil B 1"ewto. CIMAGER, OONV11YANCING AND laaarasosesss. opp.ite$Martit.'.Hama f0NEY TO LEND ON MORTOAGZ • ar N ler .ost. Notes diaooastsd. C. IIiAGIB, saes oppe Ste Martie• Hotel. Geste- Mob. FJ. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • .Maes* Meors.o. .asst ' 0 lowest miss oise-our. Nomb-et. •ad �r . uoOM11- - MONEY TO LIND.-A LARGE • osmosis d P,tva$. /soda ter evesres a lowest roses ea tYstolose Mortgagee. Aho 1. GARROW t PROUDVOOT. RADOLITFE, OENIIRAL I11 R. sere.... Real Mow .d Moat* ZVisetroL Oily brst•alsos easpsdls Mason se land en .rte ight amuse at oohs lowest Ms i Idle egl int ana deer Wens isa.rs. Ma R loured Mmeie rite 111141111/1111111041' inoutat.. ( `I ODEIRIOR 1*H0HANI08' nom - NJ' mTI•NJ' 1 M7•a LIBRARY AND RSADOfY- ROOM, sm. •t Bmf gems ad saws INP MOIL open tram t e a rm.. sod fres i M M rm. ABOUT MO VOL' IN LIBRARY. LNd•ng Wig, giddy egad DlwalrwMd Pews. lhayoseet, oh., ow Pik. M� ONLY Rs AI atasetog One aa0 testiness, AppienWse her sismtloaship resolved W Wombs. him= 4. H. OOLBORIIL H. HAMILTON. tieasrbY M.rm .120 ISM Awwon.Sr 11H. ►PgOi� GUMMY, AUOTION>1RR A soArk .d Algot DMee*d s Mea15Irak- O. Lasimehire Ws. et- tended Mid say Mit et the Mph. *517 JOHN KNOZ, GENERAL AIM - sal Lead Yilwaee. 0.deris* est.1Swiss Susi .ssideraw ..Mprgy�1maa M w the .wrd.NI ., he g tlwdY In • - an ism altayoshtsti��st MI6 Ilse. b an ism oMSMhle Ides. Ades. 101 as �.amine►.wd.d MNOZ Cel ste AdsYenss Jrtows: ProhawlonaL • E. (:. s'rERLJI R inter A1111001A.IION 01R. LAND gRBvlToas- A. R. CAP. 500. C. a D.A00eTgNAN. ORw-Sorin %i15w 004 N.w •62-200 Kaiser W lido is b•viag • large bdidiag .reeled dose IN palms at Yee 1111a14 lar egeei•e is wYt•r. It will ...lids • gym. maewm, t•nsh add raga* susrtsr faadng moms, and • .armed Nettie Creek. PILL-ANTI'ROPY • WLdtinpy M pars yea iced *suit* for 10 rude --•1, mil el Dr. A6 ti IA se Pita Sure, svgs .))illi and piemsaa be ask No Ws. es Wiping. 10o. • viol. Pet dot Roolosio. Ise dtsbo. whir Wo- lk solk aur >MMamoss Td este 11 meek wedgie Iwo "am •rstails.Ma NdIT .*Dia` We know that Cod-liver Oil is a fat -forming food because takers of it gain rap- idly in weight under its use and the whole body receives vital force. When prepared u in Scott's Emulsion, it is ! quickly and easily changed i into the tissues of the body. As your doctor would say, I "it is easily assimilated." -Perhaps you are suffering from fat starvation. You take fat enough with your food, but it either isn't the right kind, or it isn't digested. You need fat prepared for you, as in Scott's Emulsion. THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. There's • Imend that's told eta gip', who dw.lt In the lands when the Pyramids be : And her robe was embroidered with stars, sod her belt With devices right woedrow to sea ; And she lived is the days when our Lord was • child on Kul mother's imrse•telN, breast ; WINS He lied from- pori -whew to Fppt sx.led He west down thea trltb Joseph the beet. this Egyptian held converse with seem, atethroke. And the f.turs wee given to her raze For an obelrk m•rk•,t her abode, and • spatter on bar threshold kept vigil always ; She wse pensive and ever alone. nor was seen 1s the beasts of the diseolu•e orowd ; But eommsaed with the ghosts of the Pbae•.hs, I woos, Or with visitors wrapped in • shroud. Aod them mote an old mea from the desert one day. With a maid •,n a mule, by that road ; Aad • obild os her bosom ...Used, •.d the way Lad Item straight by the gip','• abode ; And they seemed to love travelled a wearisome path, Fres Stases saay sod mesy a league. Front s tyrsdt's pursuit, from en seem i s wrath, Spool with toil sod e'.roome with fatigue Aad Ib. gip.y came forth from her dwelling .ad prayed That the pilgrims would rest them awhile : And .1. offered her coach to that delie•M maid, Who had corse many and many a mile ; Aod site fondled the babe with affection • asses, And else booted the old mea would re- pose : " Here the stranger," she said, "ever Sods free mow. Aod the wanderer, balm for his woe." Tb.. her gowts, from the glare of the noes - day, she led To a seat is her grotto s cool. Where she weed them a banquet of trail; and a shed With • manger was foetid for the male With wine of the palm -tree, with dates newly called. All the toil of the day sbe beguiled ; Aad with song in • laognage mysterious, she lolled Oe be boom the wayfaiis, child. When the "Spey saes is her Etbiop band Took the infant's diminutive palm. 01 ! 'twee fearful to me hew the features she .noosed Of Ile babe is his Member m e•1s : Well she sated each mark sod mob !arrow that ere.srd O'er the 10.sisgs of destiny's lis. •' Wesson nos. Ts !" she wed, is e- teeiebsent lest, •' Fos Txts Cw11.D IP or L.1111Aru Ihviwc "• Fres the village of Nazareth." Joseph repliedwe dwelt is the land of the Jew: We bows Bed from • tyres% whom garments are dyed I. tis tete .1 the ehildrea he slew. We were told M rmmaM til so a.tl.I'• moo mond 8%•.Id .ppotnt es Um bear M Morn : Bet ill the oro 101.1(% the ferdp.r'• Lad le Egypt we make our sojowrw." •• Then ye lorry wish me." cried the tipsy. Is Soy, •• And y make of my dwelling year beim: Vas years have I preyed /tat tide Israe- lite bops .f the Osmels) herald .sato. And she timed both the Ins of the hast. mid Miele And adored his at .seg 1 while a smile Lit the es of His sib•r. who si.srf.11y dwelt With bar boob en the batiks .1 the Nile. CRISP AND CASUAL. Voltam has a strewn Silence 0I.b." s.mp.sd of married mos, lobo met. dee. sad .peed the emus( together gelatin1 WF. r- Pelvess, who e.epil.d the •• Golden Tremors el English Lyrist." has prepared • book traring ah. tr'..tmost et lad.•N• ia poetry trees Hmo a rt lnee to the proems day. A Leaden p. ••miry is •bent M pro o-, a dd ;Mph `••a�er (M° noble • workidgmaa to 1e.... • .cobs of the Regard Dliwasers. Sarco ••- the velsi•1. hos a red 8tradI- varle•. lar whir* he .air. *Mr jug mimed on sear d 1510.000 mode �.y1w • mamba" blur rot/Wm Mak at I1.o00. 13.000 .aa 01.001 . Thies me sew 5660 mass el elostrto is Esrop•. se t.srm.s .l 111 ohm theist obs yew. the .nose .t ears lar ree...d Irmo 1ts monk IMO .t 15. .l monksad 517 mw. then M w Freses with IID .11. .fIII ems. Omit sed Brimis with 66 .ilea sad with ab menod 1117 ems. iamsod SI washer Amero-Reogarhat she �w ean, 01 firs miles ll Ihir-puns Ems 1)1 w worked by 1*s .verb•'•d argafa_A q•r+ : Mem. OM sash is Oer••dy. Rttp- bed tsad �p j rwhad sloe lsoion aid �wOm.laa.'- SHOULDERING A PICK. Wiwi Weald Sepses Sr tie siseas were remised Out as Ones M rade. W.•►loottne Pest : - W hemmer the din onseses as le the failure v some adtortsa.b M stake • demist livid l• ia programs. tiem le usually beard the remark : ' 1 would rather take • pick ler *hovel) as my Moot - der and go oat 10 work." There is • lofty sod independent savor about this sssttewt *hat maw it to he r•..ived with •pprovel. Without stopping to consider whether er r•• ego► • prow.edine a p.r•cUcable, the audience *booths the Idea as eotsethusg eniaently correct and worthy of admi- ration. Ooe thine in this ooeb•.1Mnn is over- looked, sad rh.t .• that neither the penes who formal -me the mimeos arm the persons who have head it uttered have ever tried the thing neaff. A pick suet en artistic el s:eatilb appearance. bat shoal 1 ..y iDfx- perisnoed individual a.dertak• the .•.t pel.tron of one. he will seeks • somber of d iscoveries F... mrsats •f •winging • peck will make • .sir of ) potted dumb bells appear ie• nl6sss• sad the handbag of them obild,.ley. Aside free. he • oral inability of mos an aecuseomed to handl .g the iastromaet e de say serine• amount of work with it. item aro • tor •6•ots- pore hands, atilt jousts, diest•led mswlea, and as uoaoogaor- aMe desire the next dor to refrain from exertion. The .b•.vel is worse than the pbk. la tiro Brit hoer of *tithe -teem it •.s be operated somewhat longer, perhaps. without pastier and gestin* short.winded, tut the next day 11e,. Is rhe same feeds( of ferior..... he earns deshisd hands, the same • •ff joints, the same rigid mond.•, •ad in addition a beak which a•n.•.t he nab to ammo the perpendicular without great effort and some pain. The theory of gots, out to work with Piot •r shovel f- beautiful and high- omod- ior. bat the oractieal appl•oation is another •fair •'i..ether. R..;4.e then. i• so td- dutios•1 item in the matter which has eluded the observation of the shovel or pock bear- er. Work, even for ••xperi.noed heeds. is n ot ally. ye to As found There are tome • prnh.I ly tb.•u-suds• of mon expert io ths see of the shovel or pick, seeking work il'nab, • What chance would one who know. n"th or •hoe• ouch work hats. to do•nlav ht• ...tempos and otos. pari• v! A manly and proper adependerme i• a Ane thing. )•u• .he •hovel bne•n•-e • honld net be entered into lightly 1t should be approached with emotion and ex attained ori' h intellireno• Only strong spa • ole -baste.' num shooed prank with the trick or .hov. 1• Uses• yoo are 6• few hard w•.k, shy at them implement• Pickier and ohnvdlier are honorable and neomo-ry voestinna, hat as • means of d•mnnetrs'l-•e indep.wismc.. entree sooemp•oied 1v ply aim) .hility, they Omni.* h.. 5.044.4* M.k. Ape study of the paint, -•.:•Sow. weigh thea ah•rem of carcass, and having felly master ed sae •ita.'ine-order •sou are •• roof and he•1-bv-41ndt try it. Lot it. .I••o.e. INJURY AND NEGLECT. tie Felted is Weigh and mremgtb -t11. asd- . ey• irises,. sad be rest Neild'. 1t.l.ey n n.. Dsseronto, Dee. 14 (Mpeo.al) -Among ha.bsn pe••ple here. and spseialiv by his fellow • nrkmen, groat i0tore-• hu torn taken in 'It* case of Mr Jams S'ok... who for the poet Biters yaw. 1.n been shipper for the Rat hharn Company Lately he had run 4.•wu in health and strength to the pout of beige compelled to gait work. and hi. recovery now se the re. sail of wow Dd' • Kidney Pills •e the talk of the town Oo seeing )dr Stokes be said : "From ••ver-l.f'inr and etre o i •ofd red growl. from kidney trntt',I., briog ed.i..d. aft., .11 ole• i al faders, to .w. n 4c'. Kw. rev Pt';. F•.tn tiro firer rimy l oro• .clef, sn l ho ,dr. Ie of pen le here ooh v my !oro Ther Harm Nee' Toronto, IOtee. 14. A pool of blood oar Iticbnn.nd•5treet.aboelt 75 yards west of for lire hall, septa the spot where John Bertrand. drher ul tun ao.al.l Ore eagle.. wee picked up dead at a fro minutes atter :. o'clock yesterday afternoon. Al -. o'einek an alarm was [lyre frets box 37, tailing the brigade 1.- longe and MagIll-•treet.. Tb.• steamer wits sue,,, in the street, with John Bertram, driver, and Eagtaeer 6. W. Brown In charge. The horses had Jost flirty won steroid when the frost .heel el the st•.mcr'e tenet want ince • rut In the roadway The driver was thrown off. the tr.ot w..e.•l peeping over hie left leg. elnoet .viting It nR at the ankle and the kn.... the bind wheel of tb• T:100-poaud engine erasing .he side of his head. taking off the car and badly lacerat- ing the face and nark. 14.11, was •Into•; 1asta.taaeooa meg timbers aril rlearialms. Wlti,deor. Dee. 12- Holt cholera does sol =oar a to he abating Is z county, and tTttwe mere townships. Sandwich R•... Wast sod booth. hear bees quarantined la Sem townships so bogs may be stench bled askew the ewaer makes a declare tom that then has here no disease en kis Arm for throe msstas. A penmen reeklag a fad• declaration Is 14.14. to • heavy ea. Tree reit N rise. gather, Oat. Dee. 12-210 afternoon Yr. Jahn Kidney, • well tode farmer, who re. idea about three m11s from town, whll• 1■ tie act of telling tow with seine metes khepd�, lad beth pegs broken by the tree. w1Wk they were rotting, falling epos him W Wang Nm till It was removed. ?be Boar" of RshM Rome. Dee. 11. --Else Pope has approved el Rts 0Watlo. et Rev. Jaws R Quigley. DJD.. to be B4.isr of Aof.lo. N Y. May Tet We letaad a.e. According to the end eon. of the hydro graphic bureau, the level of the Gulf of heels. 1s nue foul higher than it was Is DAM, and, of court, time encroachment oe the surrounding o•wt* hae beep greater or leas, depending on their character lar souse pi. -,s where the marginal lands are composed of bigb, rocky b1aR,, this change of level has gone on fours year to year without attracting attention. On the other bead, many low-lying points Isom* that were once inhabited by the primitive unbebltanta • r by the pioneer white set- tler,. are entirely-ubobrrged. The canoe of this change of level has not as yet been isacrrtainr%1. but It i. rea.unably certain that it 1s the result art either a set - thug of the dry land or of & general and uniform uprising or upheaval in the gulf lad. No mnu .aro ha. given the prat ter moment's thought will argue that then f- more water r the gulf pow than then was tuirt)-ave yerre ago. Ott th. cop- trary-, thew SIMI the Ira.t doubt but that there is mash h.. However this may be, If this r+Rens eneroacbmest is steadily maintained. L.•kak will Its a deep water harbor mil Pt. Louis nod the whole a 1ti>sottrl will be entirely submerged la less than 40,000 years from Jan. I, ISSA- St. LOW/ Republic, Ow.enMlp of Esgag....t Rings. The right of poo.er..ion of the engage. ment ring has enwaged the attention e4 the courts of justice ..f the Irani to a mark- ed extent. in Nap York State It has been decided that the ring belongs to the donor, the decision being es•wutially the same es that recently pronounced in Vermont. A young matt in the latter state sued to re- cover e.cover a ring that he hail given to b young woman who. after accepting the ring, rs pndiated the engagement. The judge de. rided that it must he returned or e1se that the rr.•ipient must fulfill the conditions under w hick it was presented. On the ,r .er hand, the English eourts some tirse „ . dreide.l that an engagement ring ie ,ec..reral.le tun ler any circumstances. I. ...e decip'o ns are interesting to the s .r der. M.:eunuch as he may find him/tell it the me.he. of a complicated lawsuit, It le i:ar. orlulilnily sold 11,.- jewel On credit r on au iuotalmrnt payment plan. "Tait- ! Tat1 .t one am.iderat iuu with another." as :1!litbtrt'o potlicen,:in reasoned, the best of 11 method.. in the wiling of an engage. mint ring is to demand cash down -- Jeweler"' Circular. %pb.rl•w.• and N..la.. 1750. "For one poor person there are & heed - rt.! indigent." "Many have been ruined by buying good pennyworth,." "The eye of a master will do morn work than Roth hi%hands." "Katy what thou ha,,t no need of, and ere long thou shalt sell tit" n.c-u,arien." "A plowman on his legs is higher than a g.-ntlenlan on hi. knee..." -'A child and • ton Imagine twenty ah1) inure and twenty years can uever hes spent" "The second vice 4. lying; the first L. rul,lrf.g +)debt." w'rditointrw hive better memories than debtors." "Those have a short Lent who owe money to be paid at Faster." "Creditors are a super.titioa. set -great .sawyer4 of tet days and timet" -Notes and Queries, Tory Likely. When Whistler and Wilde were 1.11 mate the artist named a kitten which had been •.rraented to him "Oscar," as a tri- bute of affection to the poet 1n due time Mr.. Whistler appeared at the studio door ODP morning and announced: "Dear! What do you think hap happened' Omar ha. kittens!" "Imp...ible!" exclaimer) the artist: •'Os car i• n..t that kind of cot." When. however. he was led to the .pot •• her - Owar way.. purring over five ditnin- utiee-. he said. 'Well, if Oncar h.o had kitten. he must have plagiarized them."- Tbe .amu.ing Journal. A New Reform 11110•010•4•111. Merlin, A mo -t cnrions club has just teen form- ed in a eumptuuns hotel in the 1)ontbof- Platz at Merlin. ha title in a poem, "Der A ntibaudenlndleho.ehha%chenhel lent -ere in." It is • club whose minion in to cor- rect those people who have the habit of putting their hairdo in their trousers' poo- ket.. The members of this would -be - well -bred club are very numerous, and all thus members of it seen with their bands in the pockets of their nether garments have to pry five pfenoige •one half -penny) for the flit time, and i mark Ions shilling! for the second offense. - London Society. '•1.... 1a R1wl." Kindliness of disposition is Christianity itself. The New Testament inculcates good manners. A Chri.tlan by the very conditions of his creed and the obligations of his faith must be In word and act a gen tieman. Dr. Han. In his "Guesses of Truth," says. •'A Christian is God Al- mighty'sgent leman " Palatal Piety. Piety hi sometime, anything but well mannered. it i. %our, it is stiff, it ie home ly. it is pretent ion.. it is very good, it is very may, 4Lin very painful. it is enough to make it man run from church to seg some pious people. «iotrwine r de Ills bike, eh t Raw lg. vow ;ay ear r g' 01, I ldeen'f get tint far." 5et �IYEN • Insed awes I eethly willaOemp igilans will Lk US%mil will be amailikamed 0016 100eillk WO. BICYCLES FREE $1,6251 u u� =TONES� EACH MONTH 111 As Follows: L� PA N le FM Mbar $100 Duni11141•16. . , $ 1,111 S suss w $ 1014 >rt11111 . m iplss foil Isidro Om Bar one . . 1,14 ht 12 TOW j1•.• 1 her 11.70 $1,o5« WRV. tie RS HOW W TO OBTAIN THEY. RULES. -msem t iwatasam ors '141=21.1."4`...t..4 5at= t5►. 7tsusao t WHEN IN TOWN NEXT TINE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR . . . "LUDELLA" CEYLON TEA Which is Strictly Pure Sold in Lead Packets only. All Black or Black and Mize¢. 25, 40, 50 and 80 cents P_1 TEC$ .A E LT Ac OL)_ TOIiOJN7 TO. Whoblesis Awnlo. FALL MILLINERY. We have a Targe and well-chosen Stock in Hat,, akin the newest Shades of rib- bons. 1'elvt't, Feathers, and Fancy Wings. All are invited to come. We are pleased to .hots goods. MISSES YATES, The Square. Something To be Proud of .. . • in these days is a Shoe that fits, is w......1 in correct s ape and please}, the eye as well as toocketbook. It 1s one o athe things of which a child can be proud. Don't waste money buying inferior - SHOES because they are cheap, for they will in the end be tbs moat - Lpenaive. Repairingineatly and promptly done. � a SHARMAN, JR. Ye rljnland Year out �n1x roazsr cm- pr staff. AND SHORTHAND rou.u:x. V .H.C.A. Bruin:to, gives Ow • eel prate lost Bus,... and Shorthand Course obtainable. Course asrefal!, ERooms sad eroiya est the hest. Stadesassistedt• assisted to pro6t•ble pommies weekly. Good board, 12 50 per wok. For particulars of either course address J. W. WEBTERVELT. PrinolpaL THISRSEABO N'S TEAS RAI8INS CURRANTS CANNED GOODS Don't buy old Groceries, for homer," low the price, t •dear. Old fDods are ahoayi nauseous, and sometimes their use lay lhr foundation or a long dolor's bill. Buy Fresh Goode from STURDY:8ROS. CREAT BUN ON STOVES. . . at WORSELL'S din we wish to sell as many Stoves as possible before the new year, and knowing that this is the season when people are looking for Bar- gains we will giveou Bantams in Seating and Cookie $tones from now untit the end of the year. largest stock- to choose from and we will snake the prices the lowest in Goderioh. We always mean an(L fulfill why -we advertise. J. U. WORS=L s The Btu. and Parham situs. $I will pay for "The Signal" for a year,