HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-17, Page 2In Few Words y R.sders .sags Mag/e.iage tlaeseatlr abslered W TOT lime S.aey sad a simegive tl see gas ties aa,aNae .t ear rhyme - A ISM hien*•s gajarmeM la raratwsphrA llaMtatNm. KAll.KoAn MUMaLltint. The threatsaad strike on tea London Ilk Nsrthwe•stern hallway has been warted by the corneae% and the ten aM71is be•ltUag to arWk,n tratthe dot �•�e��ywtbetween tarot. at, it 11% ti%. Reber( Trumbull, a y nen; Hatnlltol Dian wee tereatmned t., 'boo Master a few weak• ago becaua. Mies LUdre.i Bfa &l retired to marry bun. commit tad suicide by taking strychnine *line being removed to the jou t , wiecti h. vlue sentencer for an assault THY: ri nl.11' MLA •', Twe tttore Cases of gma'lpax bat been repot teal to the hetet'. concise. It Winnipeg, one oil 8 ,turd .y and th ether Sunday. This make Iv. came lo that city Angus Macdonald, egad .J, who eel - le the meaalea ward Of t1. • Wltlnlpe.; alnrral Ht.xpkal when anis lt.ue wan ifrat discovered. has been ta..et, dor With the disease. THE Ral.lea(1l'% The SL Pant Pre.byterten Church at Hamilton has united on a call to Rev. !fell McPherson. D.0 , at Pietrolla. Archbishop Fabre showed a slight itaprovee,ent •n Sunday. His mind remains lucid, and his conversation la cheerful. Tire Dominion Oovoenm.nt will be asked to interfere to prevent the bar- barous practice.. which prevail among the pagan Indiana In the Northwest roLIT14 ►t.NaCle:\. The Spanish Government mot that bo ,worms for Cuba will be diecuaaed until the rebe1110 t L completely crush- ed. By a vote of 104 to 7 the United PQtes Houser of Representatives has passed the bill prohibiting the sale of ilntoxicating liquors at the capitol It is rep.rted that the Vane:uelan" are oppueed strongly to the treaty made en their behalf by the United Stat.-. with England, but neither Mr. Olney nor Sir Julian Pauncefote attach much Importance to the agftatkm In view of Pr'esldent Crewe' pledge. TOL DEAD. Fred Kant, one of the defendants In the action of Earl Rumen against b.4s mother -In-law, Lady Scott. la dead. Mr. (caries E lasing Coll •. tor of Customs at Cob, urg, Ont., d1..) there Saturday, aged tK. He bad been WI - lector at C.obourg for 15 years. Mr. Donald Codd. aged St one of the - pioneers of Manitoba, die.' of heart dfeesee. He wen; to Fort Garry with the Wolseley expedltlonary Dr. R. G. (lowland of Hamiltex,. Ont., aged 10, died in Baltimore. He went to the Johns Hopkins Howp4tal bat week to have an operation performed. 1' Sl'I.Aeel 1.11. The Montreal Herald has bee„ changed into ar.etening paper. The building vomits granted In London an,. unt to $3i.;,u00 ter the year. one rat. p'a)'. 1',. ..t Guelph will vote• on a bylaw t.. rate.• $38,000 t„ provLfe for the city furnishing )tto*twn electrlr light Great endltcnati.•n prevails in British entlquartan quo rt,os a4 the conduct of rural ...ntrar•terr in braaktng up Druid. keel rent/tuns to mend country nada ]lies lethal Smite of T'urontc. was presented with the-Saaturd gold medal by the itoyal lOmmdien Hunuule Atom - Oaten' fur bravery in clltyiltty t . th.- boy aid b1410' Galbraith %ben err, • ked on Strawberry 1*4.ad last July. ur trate:%T . U YARN at.M Prof. Ruta-rtlion want. ( j..adtar, far- mers to SO into the bum:leas of shipping canned butter 1.• Folia and Ch.n.. Hon. Mr. Fisher le K•'tag W R'aeh- basica to mar what m•-1i&ucfo.u' can be made of the quar.ui..ne regulations be t t: e.•en the Oyu cyan t ries on h• •reel and car tle The (t.e :.;.. wb.•at fur k t wan etr..nger and ulgbrr on :'atur•ia.. gOod 104 ::l buying ...Ovalle • •t ' ie p c• . Liv - eeriest cab', a were high r. 1 at w he of eloped at W s., as Li •aa t• r .h. d y f eta rent, I IIE Site SAM tangier w Lemilia Dams of Ma ehiterutheopess to present Wm with Sr sldwa d I*w.w, t. psiaoba1 proprietor et the Lotion Daily Teas- er. 1St maimed the Telma [ Wallas grad a large house party at hie country Sawa In ExdhegWnehire Let west WIUI Jolly an old colored dnmulatto= Ott, mlreel W /merry a young mulatto gtli et twelve year* of Windsor The girl was &mod up and taken before an immser of ltoeneee, before whom Jones& ewe she wee elgbteeeA. The old nun has Just bean found guilty of perjury by a jury. POLI TItJtt�t'A9AYIAN. The protest b the Nicol., election has been diem Beed, and Mr. B.•cn,rt retains the seat. Mr C J. Mickle, Provincial Secretary to t4. Manitoba Cabinet. was elated by &cclam tion fur Blrtlr. Winnipeg Catholics held a meeting and pied reaolutlous pr•otesalni against the terms of the stSewl mole - mem. Mr. Alone° O. Velkeau has been ap- pr.lnted cellertor of contort:. at Deat- erunto la Pam of Mr. Richard Reborn, dismissed. It to reported that the newt am - Won of the De alut..n Parliament wilt be called far the de.'patch of butanes. bet..re the end .1 March. The (7overnment are considering the request of some of th • llontr.tai Lib- erals that thus.. Canadians who want to Brazil Mould be aedsted hack. Mr W. H. Hoyle, Reeve of Canning - toe. ma nominated by the Conserva- tR•rs (rl N..rth Ontario to oont.mt 41. riding in the Loa! general electlaea Nominations for Saskatchewan took place at Prince Albert. The only nem - thew were Mr. Thomas 0. Davie •tad Mr. John hie -Phan, both Lib ral& - Tee nominees fur 14e North Brwadon vacancy In the Manitoba Le.ielature are Messrs. A. C. Fraser (Liberal) and A. Post lethwalte ,independent Patron), The appeals of the Dominion and Province .1 Quebec again Ontario oats - corning the payment of Indian aneul- tlea have been dismissed by the Privy Oouncu. ('RIME ACID CRIMINALM. Tice French Government has decided to abolish the penal settlement at New Caledosfa The convicts will tot trent to Madagascar instead. The jury in the caw against Irritate -1s Clark and John A Bradley, living at Cte den East, for conspiracy to defraud the r'redtturs of Bradley, found the prtw.r-e guilty. The Hamilton House of Refuge Com- mittee recommends the City Council to prrwee'ute Frederick entail, Wesley Peacock and IDarae•t Peacock tor al- leged oodaplracy to defraud. William Graham, the lad want to penitentiary for thee years for larceny from the East London pops 4?l e. has received a pardon front Sir Oliver Mo- wat. Minister of Justice. The two convicts, Myers and MoDod- ald, who eeayed from Kingston Peal- tomtits/7, menaced to steal a %eras gad MOST at Collins Ray and It le now thought they are beetled Pursuit Nightwatchtsan gateman of We14nd was atta -ketd by burglars whom he was ettempUug to drive away from Brown Brun'. liquor store and beaten lneenslble. 'Ibe burglars escaped, but felled to Moir alien the sada The Kedtor4*y Court of Appeals Ota Saturday reafllrmed the deviation of the lower court In •entenciag Almaao Wail- ing to 4*.��,,uaItt►►tied as the accomytice d Scott 3*.iiwlrn In the murder of Pearl Bryan last January. At the Brantford Atomises lasab HUS an indian 74 years of age, was sen- tenced to ahs mantles in the common jail for the rdtnalaalghter of Abe Clause, hes eteyetw. Robert Carpenter was .extend to reeves yusu7 m King- ston Pnl*ltentlar•y fur the manslaughter of his wife, L.atie Carpedter, nine Bee genu lila Mrs. Elisabeth Snook of Dover Town- ship N•ae shot by burglars, slit, tired al her through the window when she was sitting al ne In the house. After steal - Ing her purse the miscreants went away. and the wounded wotnas lay O'er the. days without care. until alta grew strong enttl$t) to *tialt her way to the near. neighbors. She 1'. new in the hose.' .1 at Chatham In a Willi - cal state. Caen ALUMS. A despatch from Bombay states that the bub. n.c plague la spreading every- where The lociy found on Tiny Beach a ow days ago hao boa id. netted as hat of a young EngUabtnan named Tart. F.ort. en ut the crew of the 13ritb4 Ship Pe. -r weer, dr. i. sed an the ore. It et the resent on the douL, African Wiest Mr. Allan Barr, a 11rt_e-r living about two miles tent Perth. was found lying hi by the readied, with s neck brake* The Ogle, les intend t . er et car v C Wet year a nettel..3t .r at M mitre J with a e&;'' :ty of 5'u,tw0 be to .,. an 1 Pother 1n N'.nnapreb with r cog .41/ ate 160.000 bushels, making thee. tot J eleyntRoot.oRoot. ity fo. Manic. .a wheat 4.101.113 ht: '1..•Ia roll OEN OI w'.t It It Ir reverted that th. Nanus of Abymal:de has ceded to Itut•nla a anal' stretch of cuaat bete-•„ ub..k and fo F•rfthr•ea as a coaling station• The British army M 4. to y strengthen - .d with eight /mew battaJi.ns ..f infan- try and eighteen new t"ttt.•rfe. "( ar- tillery of hour guns each. tend the cav- alry force 1e to be rt-.rgu,.zed te The Bermaethanol- Salter, with aes crew of /0 men and 214 paengera, undered off the moot of Suutb Aldas with an oo bonne The latest report regarding the death et Macao le that he was Invited, under the protection' uta .alt td tome. to Me- cums nattere with toe Governer of Ma- drid. and es main am be was within the Spanbh thtes he wee treacheruualy shot down. A u,4liery has been goaded at Aborts- &nt, In the mouth of Wales, and Loa men wbir were in the mine 11..1 u rase ,lar their lives. Six were drow*eu. While mane children were playtag the Credit elver at Cbeltehhatn. tb* hos gave way and Then!., the little Wm of Mr. A. H. Frame, was drowned. The Admiralty Court of England has decided that the 88. Vancouver Ls re- sponsible fur the oulllsuun with the Janke Ontario, which occurred Ia August eat the 8t. Lawrence hoer. Meseta Harry Murpny and David payer fell through the vault while coking un the ru na of Lb Sparks- treet ore at °tte•tl. ret., er diel 1n short time. aur Mur4,.,, la 1341 •a- peetttd to rev..vat. A serlow, eprlafdrt of the datives is le reported at Lorenso Marquee. Portu- gues, South Africa The P.'rtugue*e 8 and British forces are acting together, w but the Britluh column, which numbers only nye Mandrel most Is facing thirty a thousand .Dienere and greet anxiety b ,sit. BVS1111st1a. A fifty barrel oil well wan struck on e the Porter farm near Petrone. The (•Rtivie Company will tend other imolai train with flour for Am- gen* to Yaamttvtr on Saturday. n, T'tb► 6.1.0611t11 In the Government fav- bi Inas bank% for November were «244,000 mt and the s tt draw ale 1244.000 • The report re the Believe Mtneralo- b gist sari that iaagimnd is within an ap- preciable dielaoce of mai tabaust on. While at yuut.dt Lien Gant 1 Uglier with way at it it.. ate 14 woo,•, M� Wog north ,1 nl. Nt.. a. n. ..111t Direct y . talons rte. vt. 401., 4.e. a.1.1 wad hurt att.rwa,..d. Juan B.•rlrao ti,.• drat -.t u► . T •- nu, L,omteettet . et Reamer. fell t. -l_ • box elute g•.•/•s t.. ;. .0. :.und*y tersuon. The re... wheo t ut ut. o a• y ogle• passed ervvr Ina he..... kitting Im instantly The •.erman ably Rajah, from Barry. Wdea for Hoag Kona, has foundered ! w la tea Bristol Channel. Two of her Drew have boast picked ap. Smvente.n * Obera aumprlsieg the reenaleder et the Brew, were drownU ed. j The boiler et a tbreak4ng engine at I o week ea the tarts or Mr. Arehtbabl Pergusom, Yarmouth *ROAM. Mt. AJsaaader Forbes, whir owned tips res a was Snack dy • Ryles piece et the b u• book of Mist hitt este eget w tllw tlr.a saber p&sa W� a At seri.*, fm t4• Preetaes of AaInt- alba a boom aretalalag M paeedse eels o Inmates wvtula< )►.fig W en 4 ,.males te tae as1.4► r• BOOM Sep Mem w..="011011i imam �'�*h. Writ Meow t*e1r. •` 33em Ille=rimi Wend have Au usd U. ofalp Si CeeamareLl ashore. In the United S tates Cur We week ended p'rtday w ere SSM u compared with Liv for the cor- ner 'refine week eat year. Th. Alkrlght • Wilson jrsetro- ChwbltaJ t7mpaa of Groat Britain Mare Same 1 t with the Nia- g ara rano ream Oelmpany, and will abewe to Niagara ratio 46. Y. 2trs4. mast issatralia stases gist wlta that Satan? OA= 11 Ales ftarKrt a Ohs want a[ iea3� rvIaaLT rel *dn&*.. -41al sap lAnahaie gat =e tr- W._atYs ea the �mMier SONO ilea MOM Ow Osilesen '�."' Oft aowegw • lits.eTtirr� r•:. it 11 U T. THU10•11),t DEC. 17, 1896. A MANWITHOUT FEAR INTERESTING SKETCH OF TUE DOER PRESIDENT AS A MAN. * Ise.• W141.* tuaataate a4 r.es•a- aUty ea .. astlmYM of A..tts.r (am Ire Mle r.ret.t...e uaaer rat" ,baa 1a t-.ry Trrles ><e ierrts, Yruger's tltrlatlanity le sot whlc:, he reerrvea tar the pulpit - truest it. He carries kis rel.d..M west hoar. and there ere plenty of w euth. monied stories' about bhm show that his Life wan a fair redo: of his faith. Por Instance, he saw a Kaldlr str:11g11sg la the n obi': other £amts afwd on shore .pet-.*tura. At oac- he jumped In the purpe.se of saving hid Lite. But W r e moan lust jus head. and grapy Kit., et with sunk ri. Iet.ce as to ren it more than pr.tbei,le that lath wo draw n together. Kt uger was a spa did .wrmm.r, and ':as able to rem a very long time under water. t)n t ova. Lon he could only rid himself the ?tenth' teat* "7 tura, tmrr*tun, so 1. remained under water fur petro of tune which thoroughly alarm ed those• who whet u.ed the perfo: anon but at last he- emerged upon surface -wit out ..le Keine Ant thor instance ct Kruger'e read near ter suffer in the glare of anot oceurr d during the troubles with t Orat.es Free 'State. Its Preside Bueeaoff. had mom prisoner •t Tr%•• -vial burg -hero who had bee and a lel. (h rime- •) orders. In t l•el;aage of Krugeos friend, who w plva.est: "When hearing thea, the P orient at once whited his buret rod' te the Orange Free State Chia ,y as peastile, lnfoienlng M Bea nog that he ought to ,tet those me free and hold him (Kruger) Instead that those men lied merely tarried the c iders given ',y himself as su com•randan1 of Pretorlus. This w &bee: 1257.•• It ce-t•tnly 4 not comm 1n modem war fine an officer to ort bluer • if a nelson& for the men wb hat ' been taken pa limners while ac Ing under orders. 1". Presldenl hale • violent tem and his aid friends think that d tat year* he has had '*creasing ditficW in restraining It- slut quickly as be oa. tar about wri- te tloa once ver, Y ter the led der rid em- aId his of and a m - the 1 - her he 0t, nee a h. Y and ag r. a out b- on er • t- pet, • ty ifam.ioa y t- tbb a language a era at cortege • hat as a t. meddled 0 11. • be P1s- e rou•.4, so quickly does h» cool again; and no man more tiwnkl ases forgiveness t o a wrong comm/ ted. Use day in 1224 Kruger and Meaner of State, Dr. Leydt had sharp *Jter•ratlan. Strong wee used, for the minister too Is man of ('motion. At length matt cam. to such a pitch of passion tfi Kruber burst out with these words -One of us trust g't out." Of Lryds hake 'Theft d course, I ern th ode to meek way," with which he took his let and went name. supposing t hie career in the Transvaal was at end. 1 the middle of the night came rap at else door of Dr. Leyde, and walked the President. He had bis horse and come over by himself expLalakng that be :tad been unable t sleep and had came to say that bad been In the w.m.g and to ask Dr Leyte that what tad passed might nompletely buried. This story Dr I eyd_ told me to Illustrate the sktent's generous nature, and. abov all, bis mastery of himself_ Kruger1s a strict member 0f th independent Congregations! Ch Ittu he is not on that amount inteler ant. When Dr. Leyds was Mat asked to beoorae Secretary of State he de- clined en the groursd that he me not .4 the •acne religious faith as the Pre 1 dent, but Kruger at once dist..s.. to this idea "If you are an hrmor+ab, end able public servant. i shell never oak you what your reliri•,ua views are ' 71sfs watt a very atreng roneeto- t/on fee a man of Kruger's a'victluns. This rroerostty of Kruger is notable in hes political lite. He fights heart and sail for the success of his mea- surer. but when the maJe•rity has de- cided 4e loyally .b4dee by its decilitre. end works with It Ian though It were her own. in this way Kruger has steadily in. r -used the volume of p.r'itf- ca1 followers. and onrnmaruled *Doped from even his 000101es. L ruge•r wan shooting one day wh.•n bis gbh* exploded and blew away part et hie thumb. The surgeon to whom Kruger finally submitted the cane frond that the flesh had begun to mortify. eu.d advlwed amputating the aryn half -way tri.. 14tt Krutier said he Dodd not &Nord to Loge his anti. for toner 4e would no longer Ire able to handle h4, rifle. Then the doctor said that Kr uger should at least &Mow ban to oat off his Is11 band. But even fhb was toe much for Kruger., The sor- geed thereupon told Kruger that be would have a•thtng whatever to do with the Daae, and left. Kroger thee get hie jack-knife and sharpened It earettdly. w that It became am attars me a meter. He than laid We thumb tweet a atone and himself ant eel Its extreme joint. But, to his wrest eta. grin, Mm Rech would not heel at that point, se putrefaction hmd gorse ,al- ready toe fax Again he laid his hard upon tee acme, and this time carefufy cut &waif all the flesh about and above the second joint ee the thumb. and this Uma the flash healed and his hard was sparred. He now wee kis left In- dex finger as a thumb, and salaam small objects between the first two finger* of that hand. Dr. L.eyda almost capped this anec- dote by telling me timet white In Lisbon Kruger had a toothache, and paced ftp and down the room, seeking rebel in vain. AL last he quietly pulled oat Ile penknife and cut the tooth oat of Me Jae by patience and per letenoa What can sash a tout Mow et Wart -what can be to him such things w nerves? it Is grartfytng to recall now that t all the stories I have beard about he 'Transvaal Pr ttleet. not one In- tcates that be to extol sr vindl,Yve or ntruthtal Mea of all poltttnal pintoret unite In aeknowte�tng hie nurser.. his' goad m.nee. br hen•.ty, t t paatenee, and a host of other m aim - 411e eWalfUe,. If seise member et hos family had .Mlarted but a tithe St the It things he has said. I have no tat was should have to -der • volume table -talk replete with ?r3glt wit *a• 1•.3ely et Martin Letbr._Itrima -white Menlo Arica y P.a leaoy Bfwd.w. ` waryaryr 2lsamiae 2,r Deesanhsr. terdL e, Os lbw nasm eo. r �er1r-= O"••rA semataMm �r••i is tilranit btm- aboilm TURNING GRAY Alen tizaaAwmpo WITH BALDNESS the !!agger is tithes& 4 Pam AYER'S "" Y,�, "Nearly forty years ago. attar some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate bakinees. H Ayer's Bair Vigor highly apok 1 commenced using this prepare` A'an, and wan en wen usttatiad with the result that I have never tried tiny other kind of dressing. It stop - p' d the hair Crow falling out, stimu- lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to r. commend any of Ayer's medicines t.. my friends," --Mrs. II. M. HAIQIde, Avoca. N et1. Ayer's Hair Vigor earner*. ne NUL AYER d Me 1 Sarsaparilla 1srnesJJ 2tss4rt•.. THE OLD ELIABLE CO always on hand. 1 he heat and only Scranton Coal in this market. HARD, SOFT and BLACKSMITH - COAL - always on hand. Ail Coal weighed on the market scales, so that you *re sure of good measure er TN M. LEE. Harbor ljtr7. IId.13PY8 & LICE'S '41mre. 1 rst&AYtr et BSL,-$W0.g RAT1dBR Kra 11srrM lir wart i . 77 F ed•'ahatea al, Qat. eww - Ire *yet met "Cedes.. her ar ►w- . , •nder.d ewe Ade 01 Ito body .r -.i . lye Dare. dA there was tel Mew w •' a •- 'ea• rent abs u.e er her Nobs efaewr.-1 fl.r. • ut , ,-At- ,p to r .aik.ng arousd shim ea treads n a trcte,4a• • k.otenr ,'urs' ber ILA se' ,.pp.ww aaw,te to �,17 t4 1•K bear. J. w •,atmos ( *ley, Notary Nein:. IWosg UTATea.gy N A *1AltSDa 1401111101. Loa white we rear old, abs selleed sir Dome ties her bine, bus barn ..U.'.4 eared aid bar gaaerd tenures bulk ep by kreloaaa s •,Eethaal Dara' Tb..boes fans ere gx{f..n to • were lata► essa scads 45 M 314er. Vs. name..baa Be gives. •L, B►metmt, oat, dated July a, 14.1 Maw J. I, Mach, gooey rabl4c. • Op>rei4 ATiOg Merge ggo - gwsple *TATg72tYT M a1L E. german, 13 yh,1boewrU p►, 44esM Jot., _til a em.api4*ska of Mead treader. Shaer .aeries, ewers .eery wea,i.t and walllpittala flea ereeetedy dlm.rbed as aide lent Ms seeseles a'1 we • ea r� . Bi t goers an ook p merle a salt esimpipetlin da4Yp.N'at mead .a tion . Esse motes mon misuse* es 11. ootwor �e JW. Suirsomi rhe. Jul K IM mum__ � Autimunto BEAL &CO. Pump & Fanning Illi Weirs CSODIDRxt723, PillerlIMPASSES/1T t• kslss Tim mem- teetered 1r3. soli•• leek sd M >>fusbsd quartered P Ti es mmMarinut a.t Times Amman to • neater O solos a soft everybody every pima Very sway warning Pampa ter PM wells. rBe*+6t dame /N pomp ear seheel- Per.ss. .tw mats eMell IMMO str.Tstt tag waeltl baguet waterier gsr�sesm. .,tb• mews ressre aseItllablag elm els upselal MMI1yse gives le drawi.g water nem wee • MMi_mie Om mesa free sod wad wa1i. hem egret► er relletatil 4a�lusw� 10111111.11 SAW I meg• Pt.k,�K MOMS. M. 1lgarms terve wA ..'i wT, PUMPS fiRtItyci .a.,e r.. .w.. amonsorifi sus &� suer. � ffgjs Jij0The hew American !Veto ' Of �. pera,CNARLES d. DANA,Editor, 1 IN Win The American Cbssatihtttren, the Americas Itiee, the Americas. Spirit Thou fret, fail, and oil Mt lin, Iorev.rr Daily, by mail, • - tib * year Daily and Mundy, by mail, =8 a )ear The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday News- paper in the worm Psion 84- a aoyy. Dr mill. 12 a rear' . addr1es TOL. are, ties emit,eamma Scribner'• Magazine A Red - Letter Year 1897. for THE entire novelty of the plans for I$97 is noticeable. For instance, the series devoted to London as Seen by Charles Dant Gibson " Mr. Gibson has t►ot before appeared as a writer. H. visited London last Summer for Sct111.rgles MAosstxt, for the pur- poee of depicting with pen and pen- cil those scenes and types which the huge metropolis presents in endtes_ variety. Of like novelty is the first considerable Novel by Richard Harding Davis, 'Soldiers of F The hero is one of the mist vigor- ous men that Mr. Davis hes drawn. Illustrated by C. D. Gibson. The Conduct of Great Busi- nesses." A beautifully illustrat ed series of articles of which the following are already completed .`•The Great Department Store." • The Management of a Great Hotel." "The Working of the Bank." " A Great Manufactory " Underggraduat! Life in Amer- ican Colleges•" A aeries of art- icles touching upon the life of our older universities as represented hd the doings of the students them- selves. Judge Henry F Howland writer on " Undergraduate Life at Yale." Mr. James Alexander on •• Prince- ton," and Robert Grant and Ed- ward M. Martin on " Harvard" " Japan and China since the war" will he a most interesting group of articles, richly illus- trated. "The Unquiet Sex." L'nder ,tie title of " The Unquiet Sex,•' kir•. Helen Watferson Moody will write a aerie/ of article*: " roman and Reforms," " The College -Bred Wo- man," to Womar,'a (.lobs," and "The Case of Maria" (a paper on domes- tic service). W. D. Howell's "Story of a Play." In this Mr. Howell gives us the beet novel he has ever pro- duced in his delightful vein of light comedy. George W. Cable. To addition to the fiction enumerate.) there will b a series of four short stories by George W. Cable. the only ones he has written for many years. • Hcw to Travel Wisely with a minimum of weer and tear must be regarded as an art little nnderetood. ][t: Lewis Moms hidings, in two articles, will offer a variety of use- ful s.�.stioos and data on "Ocean sad Travel-" This will be happily rounded ont by an article from Mr. Richard Harding Davis on " Travellers One Meets : Their Ways and Methods." The Ulna - trench's by American and foreign artiste will lbe highly pertinent. its saga ~Ohm ilii abaw� aMruelese gsfetr+.s/M hp? r wbwtlifel Meek Arsarrws444 b.e5A le. lest Pestpald. sa re 8erlbnatr'e Magazine *8.00 per Year : 960. a cop,. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS MOAN Fihk Ammo, NEW YORK. Fall is at Hand So be prepared to meet it with a rod Hat or r Cap when it comes. We have put in stock all the L.te.t Styles d Pall and Winter HATS which for gaalIty and pride canon* be moaned. In stook are numerous r sertseenb el the Week in IBM CI. R. .� 00. iM ITh ''-Moi s.whoa nom* lbs B..Ma_. it taw 351.4 ar ' De Maurits this •a�eA� oapa•s16 le "Trine,''begae is usseber e_� with awe. avid pineasalleas b1tema�a gc4ar 4* Ll•m P----�-. sassissay * • � er sad r� t be 411fam 34.04. Other •viktgt m Daae bi Am rhea ste5 4j ek•51 34.. »a R 11e� trslead � maim "MRCS - Wert et the P amiss W e*M.ee dries tie Mamma ma t entaill.� • aeries •t imam M De. li.s. Medib W 1111. .. supple - taeniid w ovatrt� •a seamed eagj..aa b► aspen asteetime. Article w the *habena 5h b A .•w W�ati••et6st•d•a5 is a 'A, rusty Ken . - the aesbs el . • swift as charges P. L.ammlt -"--" r Wastr•ted-Me result eI • *,.eat vWt so Mexlpo wtder/hkee her 614RP1R"g .tfitlll'N Merle. i. •eambeadr & SUrer Mae •gnat**. and Its �asateel 04 entirety ea a sliver haat•, owing M the dM.mmle. • muds ec n•mie prob- lems 11 ••.aa•tlee wish hems et areas Mm- pMtYe1 is Aario•a pansies, ,Mae /a,• w/tl saom•aad reasr*1 attttlN.a Aer•resi•e. Woodrow Bach gallIlheles nt Teems abiW Js i;usaM�••ss. The Ist.ytebe tem � Ceatlas•tles e1 of ehersdoe's SOW. Sea Femesd Mmtabeattees es mamas literary Aaerl- arms ♦Npp T*1$*AST :-Whose e Ahern. • fatlyPeeliese y�Wmati•ted seeie, of pagma s•ry tiers raring a roeat r�t •f Mesaaal gents the whole Selo et tat�epeaaa s�sala�eat�. •t teat •auatry. Diemsud 1=sset lkspkas ,Issas! ea Me transformation gang es 1 coal YMey, rased/ •shied era dsss11.r. om by 7.4Mms3oeer4e., writes •sd of tie reheat OsrOerwk atloe etJttk. C•ar,by DRe4- ari Hardie. Dave, Ulastr*04 by R. Castes Woodville, who was aomatarismed by gemo TNM M co waist • picture of the oawey. Jy are met to copy Gets odorefu- wiser Brothers. 143 swear or'd r tl Harper a Harper's Magazine vi. otos Yam •M.N Poems Pete Malt sa*erritiere (a the MOTTO Matas, Canada sod Merge. Address : HARPER t BROTHERS, P. 0. Box ne. N, Y. City llarper's Wooy IN 1807 Wick 1M Dad of 3. HiRPRR'N wg g. LT will have heed tarty teats. la that Uses It hes partial at d with an the seal sad power at its of411*m4.3.. M the� t paevened e*11 14*e Slew •It Me nowt*,. sed it kis beam mem abilltakente ▪ .r1..,,sreglierst on t.epy yew et the Oman ivied sad the amelioration et kustmeesodiUme sad of maas.ra W4at the Wit= I. Y t at bees la Its mirk sad Pmrpose. s 11.5 have s... amal/atMd Prt&s/pmnr la Its editorial gnaw, it will ser Moe to be. It le impesyble to pr'orowee with precedes all that t4• W kZK LY will mama eerier tee year tape. i1 were as easy no a•aeoses .kat ahem se haps la tee World, what tr1- amphs tee lined 00verases., are to he woe. what Adroit'', et the Pompons.. io es .code, Mat le to be the rtaMme of 1 be met/aims Nowt ie Is the la arthe rexReekwhat r a be the s'at• of Ke'.po twelve maths hese, what new tearvels et Sawa, are to be revealed, or whet are to he the a+1,vm.a. w .&rr. and 14.0 tem, ter the WEEKLY is a se • pictorial record of all Ohls. (*5lsem. will still ooutlw to be s feature. •.,•s1 .,.rtes A New M41. Marr Y Wilklas, will la 1* alma Warr by .try. A tele of tee Omsk a1nW�g 1aWset the Tarim. by Mr K. F. Demon, the author et Lade, will follow- A sequel es The Beal., Bast ea cin 8t x, by Mr. Joh* Kendrick Beam, Ul by Mr. Peter Newell. Mese Meet Moles will .,pear L the WIflh*LY Ikea u bait bees nw)b4. se pmbtbh donne lied. or t -Mr W U, Hnwetl'e •' Life o Leiner* bate bees sate g /he areal ohsaa.4agof *erlodlael literate. •; Mr. L S. Marts, .wd.mthere wb1 vootllbmceoberrystl�•lta•le ea weal N os Is Tab Busy N orid`. -ATM. eur peri' will ,•mato lbw most import - s31 departsmest of 441e kW b the 0uee4ry. 7 h• WY KKK L Y will weds*. to 31.1.34 M l4 readers the world'. saws mot btrweMlg to A.seri. ams, to ,sake 1 1 •drama b both the literary sad anenle Leaves aid to retain for emelt the wading pleo.1a the Moo ' traded JocrW4sa et the timed. N ere est a MAL. ad•ertisr � the *epees order of Nanette t • Harper's Weekly Fon Oma Yeas - - 41400 Postage Piro to aU seemeeters hider Craned State.. Costae... sad Maria. *tines : HARMER. t 4R[yr1Eka P. O. Hca iMO N. Y. Olt,. llarpeYs Bazar IN 1897. The BALA P. a thoroughly ap-ti date god- •d4es4 tier wee --. will ester woe Ns Thirtieth 4 Velem L MI Asa pes44a j.•'rsal 1t Is aa.gegasssd. rad 4.Y b4 requMte 4* *very mil dressed mama. Mr "arts. De Ferim writes a wetly latter oe moan tombless nous Ptah 1Id�SewwlWreek wehion sheet �.�3ad 4s w teeetaisat- 4.15111. dbaotla3•. sad Swam tet e fan w mild cMklrsale *4M4*bg 1111010t.= as rust disigeawe .s.g mei ee ..w•. �rTikse..eset b tor ash/ will be : TM. Bets std Mislw Peek ensaassies. by Octave .series wtu be seastanty - ��s���I••aa��,, whom Gm Barlett Hwa odd 1pawsd. balky Bred RaMargaretth ete at a Brame. Doe �rW lemma ere wells le ~Mat Parts at the Dales wUl term a miss et apsiai is- we.t Other I%4.1 thait Natures w The O ee Thwer gremem. dented t• hMftky .perm rad par time t Mesh, • wesklr cringe' neem*, 11f merile to New York : 4wrtenr TArw/ra4aml t Meg ry and A'w'edleeeerlR imbeb4"1 6101 e Dead Cowl H.swirealtty, ^ �r C ere wary," "Carraf and Make Neer s.- ash Pi r_ beide gig seed trot* .rtdlal •camas. Ilea rad Weems. Colonel W. T. HMOs - gels win regmlt Ip esmtlae Ms v las er- Aagwew w Comes whew. Tide Memo r °animated to the basset rad eavetl3ee et reader.. end all q sestlems dw __.weed b at . se promptly .ad tally es passer era The BAZAR let .o4b4. 31.3.3 ask tom reemidtbahgt ttbe moot beech llwalks 1dm 44*.aeoa4 P1rie Dai New a! s4i4111s_a 3144 r..�•de�a_esa�r. evsr,My men ler r brerrie4.. Afl4*u d Werra.'. Pees. -What SIR es_ be ..da be 4wtlie' sla Sem sehempeles to Seem Woo a miaow miller la year abe.a eat MIL gyp ir• mot ph4 o.s Baiter 01.0 �a sio=ils ti. to shard WSW t =+�r� a1s� �w vomppr.