HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-10, Page 9THS SIGNAL : GODNRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1896 7 POET'S OORN ER. . three r .. rens withal • thew !" Wb. .s .sS had nue tree. W know that gate el &Was hers Oar leemespe a11N paw lotto.M l w(i sale .id seed, Densly 1011, tb.81 •eared k.ou • ' Who tL hs.Adar seal sea l ad, (lard. ad eons. hat (led •ism. 1 a.,.. ee Theo. " Bat Thea has saagas s. Mar Thea art MU pt.s... is the srowd.d street, la wary Maly. wirinit beam Th.$ theft we mese : "Arid .a one sample. Uvng dead, That 1.s.aa deem, .r Wise.. pail, Or awn sae awoken sed, L4.as svisa: "Rime may ttaesies joy we *eke. Ter mea sad trona tbat we me, It His eine/ ler Tby mho, Is Rives to Thee." THE WONDROUS CHILD. Oen is royal Darti's sty. Stead • lowly set t le.hd, Whin • gala laid her baby L a sager ler Rie bad. Mtpy was that askew taild, Jesse cart her Utile child. He se a lawn te earth fns Haves, Wb. is Osd sad Lord of tJI, And Hae shelter wee • stable, Aad His cradle was • stall Wish the poor, sad m*.•, and lowly, Lived en earth out Stirlen hely. /lad through.l1 Hie wondrous c:.ildbeod, He would boar and obey, Lave Ong watch the lowly mother Is .heed gentle arms M ley. Obr$.Maa 'Addrs all man 1s Mild. obedient, good, ss He. Ter He. i• our childhood's patters, Day by day, pike es, He ire. He was little, weak..ad belpl.ss Tears ad smiles. like m, He knew. Aad He t.olstk for our sadness, And he sheath in our gladness. Lad ear hones at last shall ass Him. Tlires:b His own reclean' love ; Ter that Qd4, so dear asd gentle, Is ear Lard is Heaves above. And He leads His Midday co Te the piss .hen H. is gen. Nee in that poor, lowly .table, With the oleo .feeding by, We shall see Him : bet i. Heaves -de 8e0.t Clod's nen hand on Dish. Whoa, like eters, His ekildrea maned All ie wines obeli mad monad. QATHI NED GOLD. ?52 CHan metes entiuATiew. To de ler elbows is tome eat What Thea hest dens for nae, &nee in seek work thy .mats Wye fogad A dear walk with The. Noe M deepen the lowliest task. It dose but to thy names ; Why morn to 811 • serveat's plias Sas Thou beet filled the mane? --8eiesal. w1Txasurm roto as. Ants 1.I. ret era ! awe t 'Mo year craw Ta bear vitae ter year lead. Ter yea are hie esrvwts truly. And vast heed be'. ry word T. sleet stead up boldly for Him, Nevar sewatimg eon or porn. Madly bearing are and suffering. 9e hie Demo may glen v gain. Christ's's. see yea waits Warily ! Soca the Bridegroom will be born. Woe do atekt r growing darker, With the dews He will appear : Are year lamps alright and shining, Ready for the ~nag sty, Praying others se Wilma In, T a s the Lord indeed le nigh , -K. F. Halirmi.y. There me heights beyond ear dreamily There are nye beveled ear seheeaiag. la the carpo.. sad the seemed Of ear Leel. Arad our peace is folders, Within the promise golds- •' I ria with thee. sad will keep shoe, ' T. the utast of my weed" L'I.AIas ?man... 01, bow '.like the oeaplex works of .an, Heaven's easy, artless, uaeamatbsted pus ! No astetrtdome eras to beguile, No elteeteriag ornamente to olog the pile Irews eiest•ti.s as from wahines fres. It .sande Use the oersle. •rob we sea Majestic h its owe .impiieity. I.eedbd above mho parte' from .tar. Campine= ea the brightness of • liar, i -gain Gly ay the light they give, Sant the seal-galokening words-- 5115vre ten Lira. --Cow rs. 50. 5gtnL SMHT&. (By so old Writer.) Whoa .esrsiy slather, The bear. I sailor. ♦ id sad thasibte amber My weary Berl The $ .'sghs will either Me. Thar Then art ear pas : Wheat ear bbear M L well bl.1laed. My sad Thou keep./. Who saver deepest ; 'MM gbaom the Napa, There's Witt above. Tate eyes beheld ate, Thiol are ..fold pets, Thy weed ha told a- " Grid is lea" MAN AND WIFE IN DISTRESS 10 CATAam11 - iR nein rr e PDYutwe Til reaper Dm Amwav'S w't wsai.r!r SAD, IT MA WC MA roWD Oa1.D I• Te. TIM VOUS Top B... Dr. Bearer, wife WIweirs omarl, hot he. th meal We past tired d... A. mem rolled w+w. ' ' We bi.�.. ti'`y. ..d 11.Y..se be se .Weea or es deeply enthed warn �, sae hir J. D+ 11b t the trot0 -Y i �Mgthelmniee Is � .1127eWlash es Nis wailese&" /�en pawl leek dews Is 4"maMlks se Sisk al. AL MIST rtwAnnan. an- - says : "led; wlthe maine today paw- aft - HOT CORN. Hawley --1 .y..w,de Toe really belie.e that romantics is Islas r Sawyer - 1 do•'t kite. Y us .w to he hoop." Mrs. Behan --1 des t .ee bow you ems to.,k an in the too. !" Ma B.abr A ma oats pt " d to 'buy tbiatp. -- " I hear that you ars Wildimg • sew Yee. 1 couldn't very well build an old ono, you kne.." -- Sb. --Yoe peened sss in the street the other flay without aka at me." H. -If I bad lacked at yes. I ouuld sot Wire panned Tea." Old lk oyer- - Yoe ha- ve eared your pet - t. Now abet are roe worrying stat!" Vona Doctor- 1-1 dost know .hot neo of the medicines cured bins" He -They .y .M's worth halt • millios. rt4. - W.11, eh. seeds is i• bar Wainer " 11.-- What'll that " She- Lwotisg for • bab•ad." thematically Ia.Uod Tourist (in Wales) -Whet is the death -rats bare!" Native ---cisme a. It is e.orywb.r Mee ; one death kw every inhabitant.' •' Wasn't thin aloe of (terga to my that 1 looked mat like • quom " That depends. Did yen over e. • picture of the Quota of Dahomey. ' " 1 think ICU's sow photographs must look exactly like her.' „Why v+ " She ben.'t shown them to . living nul. A wag reoeatly .wan exceedingly pot pogo man w•lkieg is • siren la Torah, whom he immediately •aio.Wdthus "Pair, may 1 enquire if you me wheat is par - neuter !" " Why," inked the pretty girl-" why do they .y that love is of the heart '" " To ekow," said the Doleful liaohalor-- ,• ie new that the brain hn nothtne to do with it." "Now, ohildren,'said - the t.ober, "whet do you Dell the meal thin yea en in the =overt ! • " Oatmeal ' ' prompt Iv reepo.ded • nem- ber of tete ole. bin. Murphy -1)o you as. mildewed auk!. Mrs. O'F.hey-I think it must be.on• dossed. Ther• is never more than • pint end • half in • quart." Big Sister -Dick, I tbisk it is time little fake were is bed" Little 1)tek, on Mr. Ni.fallow'. knee - Ott ! it's •1l rieit. Mamma .id L was to may lyre until eke mute dowees•ita" " So you are as leasee • newsboy. but *= other to • theatre! Hew do you like the Snore !" ,. Firm rate. I always telt I was not bore for literature. bat for the stove." That barber bas sha- ved me for two yen, sad I doe's believe 1 have spoken • darn words to him." " How i• that !" •' He h.s never riven a• • ob•aoe. " Mrs. Dawson -Ns, my k.sb•ad ain't dope much ter twenty-five years." MR Daley-Hea be hem ea invalid .11 that time !" Mrs. D.wtta-No ; his boos . pelic a •n. " Briggs -Well. old fellow, I .m • Isotopy Gee'" Wilson -How . "' Briton -i bare •wt succeeded to borrow it eaosgb to pay every omit 1 owe in the worts " Robby, did you .t that Tittle pie your m"tber side for von yesterday." Robby-No,.ir : i gave it to my teaober. " Did .be et it Robby -1 *appose so -i suppose so. Sbe wasn't at school today Jaok'. M•mae.-Then wore three salon of oak!: ie th. cuphe•rd, Jack, and sow there are only two How doss that lapen w J•ok-1t was so dark in the., mamas, that I didn't see the other " Wan Rosebud -Don't you device •t 011, Mr. Lovedey !" Tem Lovedsy-No. 1 ha.' never leers ed how." Miss Ro.bud-That's nothing. Lets of as 4.... woo lav never ls.rsed bow." Fins Guest se .er.sp- r)-That woman d..sin4 with Brows le sndoshtsdly bad- man. bus she las • marked Sok ot 'spree - era. " S0 sed Oast-Isdsed ! I faairy you sever beard her express herself. SM is my wife." -- A Literal Trea.letiea-Papa," be bade. " what's Oa optiatn j" • 11'. • feey4, replied tits father, " wham seerriee thinks • wise pima." ' Aad what's • peeshniit !" " A .les perms whom *arra Utak, • feel." " indeed. Mer Dinka. yea are the s- ly girl I east loved." bosss the yeses! ea who gas : " eap swegagee yen b� bathe d Winne sort el thin .N be yea fee the past toasty years : mgt n this wleaae- " Sir r Sol--W.s then •.T parliw1r tt'.g Mat the tars thee Omit it you!" • brv.1 " Is Is allover r 1e the armee Maid sd theta wards .he daopssd to the leer. The baby had .pilled the Usk. Hied HN -Mildred -Revs you heard the maw swat Charlie Hanks sad WWI hast•. r ♦d,1aNs-x.: what is it r Iffilandl-Hey to love whi hr." 1I,lgW�-Rens ds yes kw r jalljred-He worked two hoses or • Weal We b " te leash her meths, th rite the bleyela. The a inmpest*/ the was el the lam • memnsi. and Sham passed say froth the ideate ' h'% see a.ida' pee N revs tree gap awe ON gel t side.'!w�� seit 0... "I Ma thamme wmeh ftep . NOM the maw. 11... she W we wee elNrw.th� igen abs labiamew •• tet e. w CRISP AND CASUAL The word Eska, means " Raw 1.h la Atria wives are ••.silo•• said her we p.akese of hair lima. Every tea-tkou..•d.tk purses lives be be 100 year. ,.14. The regul.tleei step et the Beittwh Army is 120 to th. =Leeks. Lead.aers wets 07,611 letter. • day, nag thirty /ellen .t ilk. A horns' weighhig 6. es 7.a ie we- nded lf.tded with about 10,000 ems. ('.sten-pnMrag .whim.mo ba.. repieesd 1.500 per at. el Mad labor. le •tl Spaeh\ Amara the Isaias !arm the gnat was a the papa nes P tae bemired eel emeety tear thousand ohtldr.e daily attend wheel . Leaden. There .re four Matas is the HaIiLb Cheat womb seder E8 per •etasa sal` Great Britain's eopeaditare per bead as her wavy is nearly double tact ed ay ether ..two The t"oyoles seed in the Fr.ask army ' soh ha .e Marie light, With ma be tureen on or of et will. The m.ot mostly bicycle ie the world hes been preowned to the Questa of Italy. The wheels ore of pan gold. Swim aro sow made . delicate these a sig.ture se • peen of paper with • sell lead peed mu b. weighed. The 7..0(1•.0 leagues* le spotses by ab' about 185,000,000 dorsal., while (Bassa ie .poke by ever 400,000.000. The how law of Swedes forbids as, aeon bailor drink without b.yiag some- thing to eai .t the e... time. The wipe e.11•n at the Crystal Palen., is. *Iodise the accommodation for bottled beer, ea mon pals • mile in length. Over thirty of tIss largest seas steamers of the Vatted Kingdom eaa be ooavorted late snood cruisers t• .110 hears. la every .boot in Paris there is • rase surest where free meals are saved M the children who are too poor to pay for them. The abase of lead felling to .sob lab•M- teot of the globe in the event of • parti- tion would be about twenty•tbres gad • half acre. Among eery 1,000 baobalone there .n thirty eisbt artesian, ; unclog mar- nad mew the ratio is ay sight... per 1,000. it ie estimated that twit yens are re- quired for else (;opt Sema wow to twee free the .bores of Florida to the oats of Norway. The authorities of Beaton Uaiv.reity have decided that the etedenta man either give op the use of tob.000 or leve the is- . titnnon. From Cine £92,000 worth of boas hair is exported annually. It Domee meetly from the beads of malefactors, I. span •.d deed peons. An smart watchmaker era turn out from 260 to 300 watches each year with the aid of .sobieery. 85 per at of former basil labor beteg time replaesd. Hair from the beads of .rimisl•, peep- ers, and dead people in Chins °oaatttmtes •a article of er,tort is that empire n.Nt ti.g to nearly £100,000 yearly. The wings of the owl are lined with • .ft down, that sables tb.m to Iv withal making the slightest sound, • were import. ant mutter to • nocturnal bird of prey. Berlin le see of the moot oeamepoliten of European eines. Though it is the o.pi- en of perme.y. only thirty seven pee sees of it iasbitants are Ossa=s by birth. lb encourage the Enelish silk ind.try, the Prins of Wates has eoseated to own the fashion by wearing many -hued silk waistcoats when appearing in erasing dress. The. .re 1,250 mites of water pipes throughout London. Eos., the New River ('aempay baying the greatest extent -300 muss -the East London bar axe with lIM miles The sire of the loafue in the human rain ben no relation to the bought. The sagas of • wears 5 ft. high is frevt eetly leaser thaw these of her husband, .ho rejoice' is 611. 10in. Aa •ami-bloyole league hes been o►g•airod in Pares, Aleph member of "Isiah pledges bash never to got out of the way of • hi- oyole. but b.riooslly to allow himself to be run dews. The work performed by the he.aa body is • day, is oiroal•ting the blood, breath- ing, and other 'involuntary protases. Is e qual to that of twenty-two bores power for ea* rams A " boas arrow " le eon ot the saw - noes in London. A young wom•a is shot from • bow,m.d le eaglet by •'other young woman who le .uspeaded head downwards from the roof. le Ksgle.d sad Wale 8,972 miles of rail- way out ed (4,044 miles of doable Base ea world on the block system. la Nalaad praoii.11y the whole of the Wan" le worked an that system. Isle often a my.Nry hew • old Isar been ' .right." The fen Se, bewev.r,sba whom the bled is pa ad the system dope see Worms pemlisrly liable is d �d� When the appetite er streagt0 fails. Ayer. Sarsaparilla shagld hs takes withal de- lay. A. aaeileh motor -ear .ammfaataaee ie Wilding a two tory beam M rem en wheels, prepUd by a .sir soder It. The the stew ie nIaptibk, .a as le s=able the bow to pass under bridges. Ayers Pills, befog oessweed of the es - sweat naves of the hese ygple1le apart - ate, without •ay .t ihe weedy or fires ..terlel .bates, is the mesa why they are . much are .smears sad eatable *as y star eathrMes The ben favid abyths A tailored vitae i. an ♦.ria mart reseed♦ stated that be was mesa M testi- fy as to • e.rteia ...arses. lasagne he had • " domestic tremble " le about thin time "What was Them Wasik nreuble.prsy !" mk..f time .x..i'i.g • W*U, I mu the tr.n, 'beat," sand the winsome, " I was is Me pathway for stea le' a ow." Jack -We yen • keg e..rtahip, old fellow ! Will-Oruoras. M 1 My .W had due NW brothers aim sham ' Rosily, bat white peerenee did that make r " Whin diastase f Well. M you had be bribe • resod like th.5 be keep eat of the ram every time yea "wt te leo year gal. you ..SIJ ems watt te wt dews the eR. pans*" ♦ very aria s.nsant is tidal, the seal- of ek01 Ones. }e the law whish alms le eh- &pawy for wiry as'i te ridge te Ilk the hap woos ha el the tidy Mw .1 ha rgMr ah. vs. We sir r �IiwalL 11. MwMg eller lath bees m- itt pis d e.adilil ! tyre tie women esu al lewd te e .hiked iMIMM lige limit FUR TOCK We are anxious Stock during the n offering : BEDROOM SUIT8 BED8TE08 (eourtav SIDEBOARDS - PARLOR SUITS DINING TABL " CHAT BED 8PRIN MATTRES S (.buts) (00 ut the balance of this and for that reason are - $7, 8.60 and 10.50 - 111.60 - $7 8, 10, 12, 18 $15, 20, 30, 32 4, 8. 7 80•, 70c 50, 1.76 bc to t3 • fro and all oth Furniture correspondingly a chance . dom offered of getting Furniture duced p es. Great Discount Sale P. This is such re - THOS. GUNDRY, assig now going on at WORSELL'S as we wish to sell as many Stores as possible before the new year, and knowing that this is the season when people are looking for Bar- gains we will giveou Bargains in Seating and Cookinj Stoves from now until the end o/ the year. he largest stock to choose from an -it we will make the prices the lowest in Goderieii- We always mean and fulfill what u'e advertise. J. H. WORSELL The $to44 and Furnace roan. S. mews re drew d 7� oe�as .fie a doo.sss.. Y. y lar. 1 - IN BICYCLES G11 EN FREE *1,625 ANO W/TONES EACH MONTH As Follows: R ' FOR IN Total gives during year 1897, $19,500 WRAPPERS 10 fleet Pita, $100 Stearn Blank, . . $ 1,000 Salmi " $25 .sial vatoh . . . . 625 illleg fid Votress Ow soh nate . . 1,825 HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. RULES�.�y rremit v.en/(is$ s *551.55. I alierr.,itae.50 5. d ar.i a le refa gaol t p.U5 ee.e.0...write- Toe..▪ .Mere .M ams ear 5.4 ns rs a a .m base.. r.15 " Nakao .ones. �,raa..aa5e'esssr�a• �astreve g eloper ties . tit. Ween tuba. ow mils. ISM sod n etivE, a enesse• epees. • WY. w i' ens• en the tee. et Pas MP- W. i W. M 1 HAlas OW BBTtICT ..thew e...rl.. Comer W. .1 rt C..55. al. gee. Mee ed Hata P,../.pe et few l..ewn.e .q err mete. ..fag tat. wss5r r.e.a.d re w kr MO .weep mass wee .m r ram ra.lies seal r awn..M5..e. 5. .ssia..& tern a 0.. laws /helms. 1AL. W Omit ...a... •t. ..saes er 1. ��prre let d .Arts l b.a...Wi./.Nrfd.m r hews.. r ...preme 21 lays silt alb ..ream r3. ia�a low .beams Ir.. wig ese.e.R r •.re .e /err bitty r .M tar•tag.M).spall lm. Lir a.eaw..J 5.5s0 .. a.= saw. r •..ser ..tweet mm... lass, 0505,, 11&r 1051. like '( leaved ieseleseiePmekkoes LET= sito...14.. ss Scott at.. Tecate maw r gmr.a...a ae tae ribs" sed br.a.,ars memem=r A. B. COR 1EI.L, almer. Beautiful in Underta prices. Mrs. LARGEST 8T For Low Prices 1. Don't pay big all female cases. FURNITURE in TOWN at prion' low Shades fine lot of Window t on South-st. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE 1 Th' BENDERSON BICYCLE CO.,'" having pareheeed the Odsrish ihwlty Gad all it.'P•tterss for C=rape. ie prepared te ,apply PUN POINTS, also SILL, IGIICl1LTUMI. and STOVE CASTINGS a abort noels% as the Mrt. Steve. 1...... sad •ll ge done was .diem~ Awis� lett. Iferage.wEhis use Som.. Biwytda We. saaWa a.r.s... lisp is always spa mad .ar:iun f em. repass siesse d with Wm work en year osiers sad ria a pia•nsl p'esad ler..hssp.�e eeptyr Jar WILION, Manager. Coal & Wood Yard The undersigned liege to ttatwila the public that he keeps on Kana all grades of $OA�° N COAL AND BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. 8pootallnit tloa rises N OUT and WOOD Coll and get prices and see mwspho of wood. Office and yard. NELSON -ST.. soar Malts Bras. Hetet. D. 0. STRAOHAI r Proprietor DAVISOMaGOO. The Up -i0 -date HASDWAHS and SPORT- ING Goons E.soiuuM wirh 80 call at- tention to the fact that their '96 and '97 stockeof S�at05 are to hates and are be- y and dom the finest assortment and best quality ever brought to town. Already many pairs in Ladies' Fancy and Gents' Hockey have been sold We have repeated our orders in some liner, and would advise in- tending purchasers to leave their or- ders et once, as many of the up to - date lines will be scarce- DAVISON carce DAVISON & CO. WE NUKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes W allies ire.. a 1.. to 14 tit. Slow treamertleas. WRITE FOR PRIOES. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO. �e0} ADELAIOS ST. E.. •Almay.. roan TORONTO. THIc STAFF Cr LIFE, Adulteration and .ub.tetutlos is food pre - elects have of late yeah. lissome . ,cease e evil. that tmvernmenteevery where have been obliged to t. I la the service. a am%alysto to chert their spread and .re the 11, , . of the people. Otte of the 100.t important mirth Ira of rood unquestionably is BktICAD. For pure wholesome Bread, it must he made from Melt and Hop Yeast ; for this reason It 10 easily soluble in the fuioa of the stomach. or. Is otter word. light of digestion. Hop and Malt Yeast le pronounoed by the boat analysts le !.(lead to be the pare earl unsdulessuted yeast, sod is used by the best bakers la the oonntry. IN MY BAKERY Yon can get for sae ant pe much Bread made from Hop Yeast as you cam for three sable from the pressed Toasts which are twsfm� tbemsah. ea the public bWattdut Watt woe mad imam give the ate sweet flavored bread MY BREAD I9 MADE FROM THE PURR MALT AND HOP YEAST AND NO. 1 MANITOBA PATENT FLOUR. rt and prose ter yourself. 1t is the .eat end sweetest broad that 05. be predmed of ear yeast on the market My ewe sp=iels. In the fakery burin eon has proved twee se be fact. D. OAINTKLOIN. GODSRTOH STEAM ;BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L,g at.ess•ewte Onneal • Illeek.f rwuhet r.r of • 1 kinds of BOILERS. Rmoire Stacks, Salt Pana, Sheet Ire. Works, etc., etc., Aad ilenler bi- Bagl.s., M•a►bery rieetup, 11 . Add ars. .f Pipes and Pipe FNtier , Sant and Watt Oras, Ol.bs valves, Cheek V01,...*je.s etsair b - 14i.... O.m tebtb , Fit L.wt A .poeia) Ino et Steel Water mal 1.S 7`eeug}.e hr ea of f•r.a and Ohms. >•w.t•*.s ttae_prtr ellunbs M A. S. AAs.. 11111 -le P. Sit toms W. S.MMa. t . w T. L tltatiu. asembh