HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-10, Page 7NEW ADVERTIKSMt T$ - DEC. 10 Thin Bu..s's Freie. Steady Bre. A Y. Lay'. ateap►--Fullerd t Co 4 aslslmg.-T . Fah The Great (1frpss R.s,o-O./ber,. Bre. 8 Christmas Time r Near -F. M. Daee- b.a...., 8 McMay *ode- Ina Reheats t 1 .et s. it- R. W. M*K.azi. 5 )R..Watiw Sale -W. *Mesa it 8.s5 There Never W.. • Tisso-R. R. Mosta Smpplem•at . Viss.ri. Over. Hesse--Metrep,litea Co 5 Alas, Peelle, .d Butter -4. K. King 1 8tareilwg iiabmeet-t►. P. MoL.a. Supplement 6 Orged Opwi.e- W y.ea's Fair t .Ysrmer.-D. K. Strn.b...... Page MARRIED. lbt'P-Mc DON AGM- • t the ire/4mm of the die tether, &ablate. es Nev. fptb. by Rm. It. 11a11. I. G. lope. T.rws. to Alla F. A. MoD.n.gb, ot *aeadd. AI.f:irN- BL' IC . Al the by Maw. of the • Isobar. Nor, illy, by Maw. It. H•11, Rate fire!,• Blake. dSgabter or t Make. te Swber. Agee, West awa.a.b. I'HE TALK OF THE TOWN. l FW& the R•Pt08'f!'a Notebook. terser • R.I. ta: a' ler Coma tees• to isms fs i • Akre Amens Ne fit' Imes. ea' stab fe9n wrest N.' -Sera.. T• who hate said that shy world has no obeseare. Ease oo the tether. with photo of boy, &1.o es soother who andel on the tree eeriewhich taken b, BALLO W S gives runners Sheks-sere makes King Richard say . 11I ttttiertaim • mere or two of tailors to study ttaaehlm• pew eiders my body. • If K Iniad,• flea 'ita/HtAH DMe•d tit the score or twoot were alive to day le would mn *anent THIS SIGNAL : GODERIOH. OIIT., THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1811 sheers that eight hyaena, raM0 be resod M she real the *dens* h 0.11eatate J~eel in I the sae. arms M • ire wiebewt the least ma" 41.8111 46161. . Dawn v Pa.. Fall � el leo tttspply Whet. . fs•sor• tae. 0. $„bertsem. a D. G�..%�abo ~ Mite ` i" Q{l1 p. Gditsea in .pad pu.iIl s with �,,,� ILL ,- risme* she Fire Underwriters Assetd•tise. Mare • rehashes,, eas.8,A , awrwered the gn•etlee drawer, tied thea I'amima?Annt. -On Friday tifMtasee the same inteemisst•. Mas Canis piessb.i, inedeitee .lass of '96 met in the slags ream lieges the sassed pert with *sweets* .f Med shortlyrw.rde ia.treeler. S. Femme ballade. Lie w very P. Halls„ 1•IeMAWMAW. A • wet pre.eated with • hand- Pleasant uI ss pts a �. �. rmmdism, end the ease Dor,•, dierwiagty germ ley Mier L !less. J. ('. Martin read the last sf the medeltte pse- deerioes hr the term, with m*oh skill, and we eases* allow 1h. '!l.#s*Nt Joure.l for 1886 to per late oblivion weakest msntbn- iag the great ple.sur• we hevefleriv.d from its later imam. Mies M. 'Prim gave " Daddy," • eel., asd earpritd oaasy of Ism (mead. by her sweet .iy1se. 0.d `rare the Queen dsa.d t►. proondina.. address The Mad • suitably weeded Presset•uea was made by B. truest, the address betas read by Mm K Read. The r•wplent sekaowledged the gift la • short •peso►, d which bo heartily tb•aked the doors, The pse..etiea elid- ed at ed the term, the 1a.t loosen from the wh- oops! baying bees gives shortly Woes. Tiro **wane. -The oostnoso.e for pat- h the sewers 1b pastime ta0e, sod •ermet u W1117011 street, the y distance from the pain* of et•runr bele drew d.:ly •treed •wheel is I.msdsn ever hat • Inge. Until Warren street wsher, are her lissom in the B.IBab reaobsd, the dieglag was all through &obtaroh worth under t8 per Gamuts each. cloy, but is the Icer seed.a opened us Sot ;rem Britain's •zpeadit.re per head en arday quick mad wee found, sad it s •s navy a nearly double that of ass other meted that it will be omit Alta la every sec 100 MOO maul Britaans Read is rsaobed-'her hioyoles seed 1. the Freese army Mears_ Humber and Cossey base made eh has a. el•.tri. light, which ora be geed start, sad if the sand is not ov.med .n ne off •t will. womb/monis and the weather keeps opmehe m..et costly bicycle in the world has they will be well ea the Britaaata road bee prevented to the Queen of Italy. The fore Christ ns& Day. vele .re et pure geld. C. 1. Txc.ries.-A meeting of the Cul-oeles are sow mode w delieate thee a legi•te !astatine beard was held is the neo-mture se • Moos of paper with • se" rotary's ofo. last Thursday, the folIwingl pssml min be weighed. members being present : Joseph Williems,the 6sgItsb language is spoken by only oh•irmen : Maws. Sheppard, Jordan, Collis 126,000,000 parsons, while Chinese * • hundred (y ' the wed was opened ve nu$Ar.d • d .Nest tau. abNmd borne, Aobeaoe sad Dr. Un. The of Inspector Smith on bis examination of the Institute 0000luded se follows : " The 000dtttoe of this school is mearslly s•tid•c. tory. The few detente Chet exist will, l Wive so doubt, be removed as soon as pos- sible. I hope, in particular. that the board will find it practicable to !improve the school grounds. Well kept grounds sad •urrnundts,e .re not without an edooatios- al value. ' A loop diaouesioo took place oil tome of the pointe criticized, but no action was taken. A H*yusuttt Sioas.--F. J F'ridbam,the 'sadism fas5soe•bI. Dilor in Western Out ,rio, is now is bis sew eters, sod • bend• .ono one it is. F. J. P.'s idea in 6ziag for new place was to do away with the u..igbt- shelves, those old-f•ahionbed nate for eddy, and have every roll of olotb within let and towati of lbs puroba.er With the oelieat tables as now arranged, the buyer easily see what be went., and whet be wants being ..ithin remit he ass test the g5.lity. The front half of the store is wo- rsted by • handsome partition, the win- dows of wbiob are of tine mottled glsse, that, while affording light to the cutting room, oanot.t be tato threa,h. The flow a covered with linoleum ot a cheerful pat- ters, and the i•o•ad.•oest Iigbt shows up the artistic fittings admirably the pro- prietor of this Emporium of F•sbiss de- serves the mimeos that rseerslly follows wise, If sipeesi.. improvement., 8•Heot. Botta -The regular messing of Vie Public school hoard was held os Men. day evening. Prsesut--The obsirmao Jeri. Buchanan end Trueness ens Hall, Colborne, Chrystal, McLean, Niahel.ea and Reid Minutes of hat reveler me.•ioa reed and affirmed. The Pr -Meyers report was read sed 451.4. Tim report showed an •vacate e edaam of 285 boy. sed 257 girls, • total et 542. It also showed that Mee B 0r,hem had taught 7 days, asked that entrees be purchased, and recommended that the vertical system of writing be intro - demi as sues as the system u authorized. Oe -•etas Miss Graham was ordered to be paid. the arsvose purchased, and the new style sf writing adapted. if Inspector .aid teseh see deemed it wise. Amounts, Ft Tich• bases.. 81 50 : Harper d Lee. 812 50 were ordered to be paid. The ...rotary was directed to .dvertiee for the eaav quantity of oerdwood. The I.epeotsr was requested to supervise the placing of Mgt eats is t0• ward taboo!.. The to.rd •d jonrned. CHANCE rot A Ntr'S YOUNG NG MAN. -A dare ago an Foglia trait dealer re- d • barrel of •ppies with teae following tool • : " Them apples were grown dz Irma(:od.rich, o5 the shores of Lk. area. They were grown, po ked Mad aped by era. Kindly let me know your and where you live, whet prem yon and is what condtiaos they were Ad - Huron onsety, Ontario, Cas- " So far so good. Bat there was • o.leorip*, and is • lady's hand, and, rally, it was the mast in1.rs.tisg pert he oommuniesum. It ran : " written is daughter Elsa. W have eleven under orchard jest loaded. I've bees es apple. all week. ! think 1'd nearly seen get married as pull apples, m if yes • .dog Toone man just come along, that my if you are not • farmer. I dm's want o pall any mere apples, Moth* r *debt say 1 was too yeseg, but sever mind. Tm s vestaen. I beer papa aomiag, se I meat quit. Edam -8estra .. LAST or wiz Tsar. -Ther was • large teadanes at the closing roasting of the is the Collegiate Institute . s.ibly es Friday evening. The 1.5 u1 sElm. e a the p •gram was as instrumental W ooly played by Mien G. Strong. A t followed, with • reeiatios, ably tis. • amid O. Howard rave es *zodiac' lag. Mier Bailee mag N. Cricket as Hearth prettily, seed thea Mies L. Mem TMs Moim.n.. - The •154.55, of the It 1896 model elms are bettor cleansed this th week, seed by Friday eve tiag they will be atR threage. et A GRAND CAMa1NAT1o'.-Mask and Ar• can incur, see of the beet specialty lemma ea aril Maim are with the Metropolitan Co. next Monday, Tuesday and Woda5.d.y. Ltvs /Tore Satrrsiryta.-Lest week An- drews Brea std 4.. ebip,ved • ear of mixed Nook se Tomato and one of iambs i. Bmf tale, sed on Tuesday of this week • oar of bogs to ('oUhgweed. Sit THAT YOU GET lr.-l. these mor Mews of the Lu.w ice where Rice's Pers Salt Si bsinm freely used then e • settee* i prwveme.t i5 the health .f the people, mid better mid obese. are of better quality. FAiuova,, ATTENTION -51 the ad. ia m- eeker column it will be was thaa G. E Kia* of Wiegta•m pay. 3 Ws tor dried apples, 7 ata for madmen turkey., a.d will sake any g.m.Uty of roll better at markt * hes Ors Rola. or Horns. -Tris SPINA/. has • roll of honer. It se oompo•ed of enbsorib. are whe keep their wbeortptioos paid is mi- meos. So far we heye pieced forty -.we subscribers on the roil ter '97, •11 of wham we ham ity thank. A FAt.y Tows. -O. Mader magwi� Shoes of our *strew who were early= bad the pleasure of seeing • fairy-like tows, 1 ,.ryerale hevtog covered tress .ad bushes. The .eese was the prettist of the kind we love ..s_5 for year., Mad if Mellow. could have takes the whole of ear Olty in ons Mo- tors his fortune would hive b..5 made. Arrl�ti.--Woodall & Co., .f Liverpool, gave the following thea Eegleed, P wing primes i5 their thea lest *sake New York geld. tit., 8. to A 9N. 6.1 : Boston B•ldwies, 7.. 6.1. to 9.. : Maier. Baldwins, 8. to 10.. 91 : Canada Baldwin., 8. 6 I. to 12. ; gpy, 9s_ to 10e. 9d. ; Saew, 15. to 15..91. ; Kings, 14,. 6d. low air to 17e 6i1.. Resseta, 9s. bd. to lbs. ; Green- miles tags, 9t 6d. to 124. H A Cementite Gm. -Lest week the eams Women's A.ztltary .f St. George'. churoh mid rt• large bele o Priam Albert, N. W. dm,dr me et the •.•lege adopted • .1 and ocher Iodise *tildes'. The peak- p •.e ease mad• up of • year's wilt for lea- aro bol. • large assortment of °!.thin, and 0f 1 bedding for the school pap* lead • Tian- by h city of groceries and amass metal .t anfes Christmastide. pu11i IT n RAID -Itis said time of the wage as mea d the model ole.s est est is es•ag•d, %re El t* though if teachers had net been tmparled from ether omegas some muse have bow. The joke of the thing is that is one seethe where the tree*. are N. P. male. • teiushar from aamher ...sty bas hese imperial, thea Maytag ha Mimeos • Heron bey. It would thus mem that cruet•- mer believe ie • duty ea hogs mad free trade t. Wash - Fina Paoyat'rrot.-Oe Saturday esm• tight hydrants were tossed for the /urp.as of seeing hew hr the reserve* e.sW be lowered, sad although both eugh.s were gsaett ter • perils. of the time, a was net redwasd digester bees. The ems therefore st twat teamt bee solo Join dared nail *be HARDWARE 1 SKATES ,otwfhii g new TRAPS that ran catch any tire and kited of AXES chopping a"d spliltistg. TIE CHAINS wed HALTERS MOUTH ORGANS leeri*e bawd, ih. dant ever 4er.d. CHRISTMAS GOODS BARG/INS10�1.. tfltlf, f.' d Prim - . atm. McD. t, now clearing I..... to tTOtn 0 - and new, at ex... Ladies' and Misses about 15 of last season a e. . quite up to -date, but a neat .. warm Coat, all will go at 12.00, former price from 15.00 to 7.00. •a.ka.=Ec_1190.041Seg TO ADVlRTISERS.1 i Notion of changes must be lefts die Office not later than 80r41, noon. Thefor oilie ggee must be left not later thanMoa lay noon easaal 4dvertttments accepted up to noon Wedneody of each week. Travelling Oaiae. an a 0Jordan's block. 20th. Oct., 1896. and Winter Underwear • • • • • Our prices are lower than can be found elsewhere for equal quali- ties. Ladies' Vests from 15c to 40c for Heavy Cotton Goods and from 50c to l ') ) or fine, all -wool. Men's Underwear, Cotton mixed heavy, 60e per suit. All wool Suits from 80c to 11.00. Extra tine wool 11.00 to 12.00 per suit. Clothing Bargains -Take two items as indicating the value we can give you : Men's Snits, all wool, 1.5.00, worth 18.00 : Men's Ulsters, all wool, 16.50, worth 110.00 JAMES A. REID. du Mitred Mall and swam Mixed Man and Repress... Reiland Repress °!'agar Mail sad Ism* MEMO Mt zed •SAND TSURS **ILWAY. eetarvs. Strayed An1atals, CAME ON TO THE BAEC11 Fails Reserve. about atr week, two stases and owe heifer, year olds . of the Meeh and the heifer are red and Mad the other steer red. (Me of the et the heifer has a part of right ear cut oft he owner is requested to prove proper* chargee and take them •w•, JOH pp 008. lot 10. Huron Road. 3odertch te se, tee to ?MERRY CEIRISTMAS'� again. happiness, and call attention to our new stock of • We wish our patrons all CHRISTMAS GIFT GOODS TOILET CASES ALL 1INDs--le TIN'r[D CBLLL'LOID--stern R_rtU$H_ITC BEAUTIFUL CUTGLASS PERFUMES THE VONT RIIINID AND ADCIlTAatg 01 GIPTO FINE PRESENTATION PIPES Many other lines. The designs are new and pretty. Prices reasonable. We can suit you. You are invited to call and look them over. W. C. GOODE SIorono mom. NOTHING LIKE -IT . . FOR CHAPPID SANDS AND ROMS MIN IN 5 CHRISTMAS GOQ146 Ara all bore sew, yid during the weak we is - seed se bar theall oorlas bawd e Imre sed la s- 'RRn7J8Es MIRRORS and FANCY TOILld' ' GOODS FIPE8 CIGAR CASES SMOKERS' SUNDRIES We would invite every person to look tbrottge our stock. and see If aa., Goods and Prices are not right J. E. DAVIS, Phm. If., Druggist and Optician. IV/ISS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER et Moak! wdz :.aM MCorner ala and w •Uccle, OdOha Id - Opera House. VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE MAY BE rental for resell parties dude/ the com- ing Whiter et reasonable rates. r1•nci1esgg and ' rsfreelemo.t accommodation. A. K. Tlatralk MasaMur. 97 lin CKEACREAMpp.rtttn't, to inform that I Irk mansard roof. Nac/mates to ug of building me PH11. . ALMOND and WITCH HAZEL Prepared and sold only by The New Chemist. • F. N. DUJNHAM ti V•14( a,•vs-%•.4A-, 4144.4.- 4,444 v.4;[ s4,.-. 4,•-�iL� ti4 ee . 044, HOSIERY. Ladies' and Children's, medium..k weight, all -wool, BlaCashmere Hose, grey heels and toes, at 1.' worth 25. Ladies' extra heavy all w Hose, size 9z94, at worth 35. bed pair, HItuatIonf ffanL ABOY WANTED, BETWEEN 15 and M Teener age.to learn the misting busfeesa Apply at this .des. For Bale or To Rent. VOR SALE --LOTS 69 AND 70 Rasehheree l Survey la the Tows of OodeeW..pas w5l•b is snood a aloe dwel- 1M e.eemiabose IS *tai 1N dtuMad a ee.. ildlee hwserialisig :"'p., ..�a ake • geed orchard. Also the Sass hit K the North ballet let Rawls Oraawelse of St. ANItti.M Eltrabera dive**. ries hwaoblp Dated Rh September, dist. Apply GAMMON. HOLY ! HOLMI8.iled VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALM -*frosted 1e the sett busleess rehire le ODIEVAINIE 4 wellimpi. sew Mem ewe timet E� she* ..catch. Cl eraif. 'r'lyA••N. 1st shame ter the mss. Apply ter0. FreRACHA$ as the sremkM f-tf ITT ALUARLR TOWN PROPIIRY FOR •ALN -The brisk reddest* overlooking sive river and hike hemert, mewled by the 1N• A. IgeoDersets sem, Menem r (aaseery. One et the meet valuable alit desirable per patty. Integra. ,. The tweeter." hums w.'N.E hews* ea the Sett t. taw tale gal so ' 0a1Rw0 New )taeelne Sllso , SW MA*JHINB Nt 0T8--A.U, [17f0! %term*dortt • as L rel k natter duped fm AND F. SMEETWS PLANING MILL BASE, DOOR AND BLIND FA • 1 take this opportunity in the bbusiness not wt all th rumors to • OOntrery, and am do every clam of work /n my J n• • window Frame to erecting • &luI • soemturo1abi� `1461. shah 00Th Lath. shingles and lumber a e q' a�►EETS• • billy ---. i Il.dri.• ....._._ tlization Sa :tion and Universal Sale. urpris must be y Bilk back and Tans, just in for 5, real value 1.50. yes, in all sizevt,at :id Gloves, dome I sizes, at 50c, Finest F. ,Printed Flannels in Men's heavy all -wool Frieze , patterns at 35c, worth 50. wool -lined, at 14.95. worth 7 a • ems house Silks in Plaids and MOD'S oxfra 6ne Frieze Overcoats, erten*, handsome patterns, at 1 fancy wool, plaid -lined, at $7.75, re- i 39c, teenier price 60. duped from 10.00. stri Japanese 20 pas Fancy pantie Blouse Silks at Men's Rubber Cots in black, all 54x74, 25c, from 35. tines, at 11.60, worth 2.50. I at 11.95, before January UMBRELLAS. AA l rfilELLA Occasion. -- Ladies' and Gentlemen's tight -rolling Siik Umbrellas. Sterling silver, gold and the beautiful burnt congou wood handles. What more appreciable for a Christmas Gift ? Prices from 1.50 to 15.00. FLANNELETTES.. 1800 yards 32 -inch Flannelettes, in 20 patterns, gale price will be 6c • yard. BLANKETS. Ib. white Wool Blanketing color borders, special _'.50. AOHESON & SON. FOR CNN Sas ... . J Yates now occupies a store lately vacated by F. J. Pridh , next door to Davis- on tit Oo's ha ware store. For the Christmas trod he has a full stock of the latest G Fancy Cards, etc. The boat in BoOks, Nta$lonery, and Panty Goods. VIOTORIA OPERA HOU Moi day, (Der_ THE METRO 79 Ann 16.) N DRAMATIC CO la • report JJJIti.4sy Sigh. Tuesday Meebte *fly as M PUy e Slope." aldoon's , Nee." Golden Must Sm.. grs Se* al Pewter's -.-M r. THIS SEASON'S TEAS RAISINS CURRANTS CANNED GOODS Don't Mot old Groceries, for heneener low the prim, Melt are dear. Old goods are altoays nal*+dots, and sometimes their use My. Me tow"datio* ,for a long doefor's bill. Rory Fresh Goods from STURDY BROS. IAll IINITFOR Skates and Hockey Sticks Prices right. Assortment complete. Cow -chains, Guns, Ammunition, Axes, Cross -out Saws, An immense steak,, and priors u low an OATS at 15 cts. per bushel R. W. MKENZIr OP This LOW PV.IORD HARDWARI ETORZ. 1