HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-10, Page 5( S-LTPPLE�ILCE N T ) AO/1U TIMM 1Si *w.p*.pIEll a o HVRON GoUNTY- FORTY-EH; I I T I I Yi':A R.- 2 ,99- Y _ 4;ODKKICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. TItIIRRDAY DEC. 111, 1s96. D. MOGILLIOUDDY, EDITOR. ONE DOLLAR WILL PAY FUR THE SIGNAL iiig57,3 Tomes „ i,, A win IlidOPtlan treasury to mer, tine ea- Ji:ee.ld r.•d tr. smut ng toe 1 lens /Iii pease* of the /Madan campaign.Jerk, ‘61".r. calls a L,atK and g1..rWus Th,. Man.'hreter Guardtar, says Lord ` "'1" .- _. tllahsbury will make eery strong repro- • ittlei t/hee. Inatttatiens t•. the Spanish t:.,.. rnmant titer% 4.';' int & t'.,.. of Toronto. important Ev.ntalnFew\Vorda 'with reference to the delete s ee in t'ubu 1.,rcbased 1","••( of Mideir..ek County 0? klrhard and J.F.it Beats)'. residents Ie (tures a. l• , 1.3. For Bury R 'ad..r, of Bl itlah t „lumbna r • • Me leer warty • ■•Pe• twp t ores.(() CeMSR•d Sad Pat 1nr. Mae ,r •aa •Rears.• Oise. I.r ,1.e b.aere •f Oar raper • MIM s..., • 1..t.ye.eet rar,era Ned I.I.►ww'..* raft r, 111.11 NI.%I.iM. The piing l:aliclan girl etw w with small"... In \1't (. " CO • • similar t telt► RY.1.IV1//1+ w.,... . Just 60 years of age. Ret A (:rant nolitlrJ hie cougre•ga Early Sunday morning John Nowell. tiothen at Neinniiieg that he had written aged :7. a moulder, ((vine In Montreal. itaptist Chun. h, .ett,,..a. d shot his sweetheart. Annie Sane nisi (titles Or tilt U, th. eettora,. of tela then put a bullet In his ours hewn His Congregation. wound prose.( fatal. Dut th.• girl u 4Na. rill: h1 4 4011.• still alive. though with only slight The Ferrel 'teslas, „11.1 *tables at Mpe of rerovtry. t'a)-uga were -destroyed by Jere OY 1NTleRENT TO FAhM1 He• Mr's. John Auld of Montreal w e • The Middlesex County Council voted burned le death in a rtes that %tare .1 down a proposltten to buy out the In her re/Aherne, ..n Met Prto( Line Boal t'nrrlpani and do away nosh the toil system. StrickenI h t r , K• �, err suppeaw.l 1,. hair causal tip. I dead There are ll a 1 e rash a t Th. deceased. who had madll attempt a few days ai' was '1 14 111110.. Mrs. • Richard Hawk of fliedh a Like, ' wh.. had b..'n mentally drrang,•d for two years past. bee a dose M Paris green and died from the, effects of the Poison. 1 R'I:Ifam Poole, a farmer reslding near Thomasbure. ant cnnln,Itted suit de by cutting bin tt ,at liusinrx. tmu- bl A Are %hens etartf,'4la Mrs. Turner. confect n•n.-ry „hep. S1•xrw. street Ottawa. cause( a ban e.f S.13,NO, w,r 11164,s0 insurrt1ce. INS UI \U Pr. It. J %Fonda. lat.. of Tore, ne died at Vane's.%er, B1'. of pneumen.he Mr. John McKeown. Cassis. Crown Attorney of Lincoln, died In the note' Dien. at Kingston. Charles t'ushmout the only lirvlher of Charlotte Cushman, the great Ameri- can actr• os, died ,r, England. I r t;*urge Mat lien z,.• died •M Satur- day in the General 11 'rr/dee at Chat ham. Ont., (roto typhoid fever. aged IIF TUa 1.A SOU It UILI"t1. l The � of Han+buyt have re• solved to call upon the Striker,. (;um - m1 eo to declare • general strike. • A strong effort is being made In Bel% (ado to pr. -vent the contractors for pub- Ilc works employing t'a.edtan labor. The Hamburg employers hav* r.•fus* •1 t0 submit !APO 41111.-r. i.. w 11t1 ihr striking dock int -.tern .,. srl.ur'wtion. iti the event of th. Handout': labor troubles not being stetted by arintration during the present w• -•t.. 11 Is likely that the Herman Gov ern,uent will la- terveae POLITISs-IUYI:KIAl- Bir B. J. Ides/w,. the newly- .ppo/nted British Stuntmen .r to succeed the Mar - quiz of 1 vRerin. has anted in Paris. Great Britan has advanced. and the Egyptian '.ot ernmept has a ar.Pied the n un of Leaf/0.00e to be repaid Into the • The annual meeting of the Ontann Fault -,bowers' AraOelatinn was con - eludel al K1ngeton last week, 11 WA'. decided to meet next year at Waterloo. The wheat market in Chi ago was firmer on Saturday. pnot.ably on the lack of confirmation about the export- able surplus ut the Argentina wheat crop. May closed 1 1-4e higher at A mass meeting of the Faatnrrt.' Union teas held In I.ytnn., Frat • •, a: which the desiring in salt !ileal. resolv- ed in favor of th. exelueen of Ane , . can pork product In viee or the fail In the price of sw ine roil eel V OF MAR. Despatches from Zanzibar announce that an Italian caravan was attacked by the Somalia, and that the Italian Consul and a number of officers were killed Lord Wolseley says that tf he sea• given a fro* hand he would undertake t•' r:ai<.. it ;. ...u, .r )eit''•e-an army In titin which wuulel let intinr,ole in ehe Eaat.'and her., to bat :n Euiape. It Ir rumored in 'Philadelphia ship- ping eir•lre that ,t W to.• Inlrr,tr,n of th. seanieh tee.. rnr,e:i• le seize the Alit.usiering ship Lati..,en , ro ently- citart.•red to eaarry fruit to Spanish ports. upon her arrival In Swinish waters. - A ling•• writer in the London Terme draws *ttent.i.rr 1.. the drilling of boys wed girls in the Untied Rtwlea t., sa- h,t.• the Mars and Strife. ar.•1 •r•- thinks the ehihtre•n ut Eaglet Du' 4.••he0111 sir N",t . • .,ay is the nett Previ- te nt of t,. \'. a tern Ontario Cummer .1 Trat.•Ie,: elrictativn. The Ke• %4144. !'uw•r t'ntnl,alry sr making ,.intra, to to nupPly „elect: tower in IA mantel', transmitted a dis tine* of 130 mil -s Mr. A. 1,. Johnston was tied• d fres( dint ..1 the Nnrtheest Coin/tit-relit TravelersAlsatian.)n at the annual me. ting iri Winnipeg. The commercial failures In the United Puttee fur the week ended Friday were 173, as compared etch 334 In the cur- re.q...nding week of hoer yea,. The Government has decide.' lis re - re -vi the charter bf the Batik of France for twenty-four years. The selevt C01r1- mlttre opposed all schemes fur a Stat bank. COIN!. AND tit1UINALA. tar nuamede to all Bouin American pants. l*Tll's_1 411KI41. • The Paris polices have seised at the Garr du Nord large: pottage', of a menlfest.. by Prince VI.tur tion.. Porfirio Dias. who ' as firs elte*ed to the Presidency of Mese.. it - 1s:6, has just been inaugurated fur the fifth time. IQUAKER MARRIAGE CEREMONY. New ]Ieu.ben se the society et Friends Med gash tither. A youua num and woman In this city, t belwiging 14., the Society of Friend& , who hrve cerUfled their intention of marriage at the City Hall, are hat lug Ito undergo the regular form %tech the setnety Imposes by sating t..r the ap- proval of the monthly meu41g before they can be marled, says the Women. ter (Mass.) Uasette. The that stage in the proceedings 4 for them both to appear at th.• monthly. met4ing of .t.. Society. which lathe wily time that any business 4 dant•, and snake kise.'. n, their intention. They both stand up before the tneetulg. and the man ,,aye: "Keith divine permission anti Friends appIolwtlun, I declare my intention lo take this woman tend he falls her name) to be toy wife:- and then they est down. Dist the sanction of the so- ciety for the marriage requires more than thie turmelity. It is meet. giant - ...I unless both partes are Frleuds, and too If sae of the young people Is out.ot the f'.►d they have to be married with - cut the formai approval of the society. When the approtal is ,,*.sent the couple marry themselves. 'rhe cere- mony is appointed by the society to take pleee at a.xne regular Il..•.•tio,.. ur e'i'•' at Mme aptelally *PW,int.el. In the latter cane it ata)' 1..• .tt a house %hero auy one of the to.Iety her: the right to be present. But the most interest- ing cereinnny le that whl.h takes place in the regular assembly of the society at the meeting boase Anyone who hat. been to a Quaker service. know* the fashion of the met -ting h.,uae, with u• hiah alit.. In front- facing the reit of Che n.cetuig. The elders usually sit lht-te, but when a xu�rle ut young peo- pre are going to get married they have to occupy this cenulf.ieu"ua place, and have to stand up bravely. without minister or .eider, and marry them - Pelves. An old Quaker minister, who said he bad seen six ocouplee stand up in this way before the eon„.-regatlun, sac aek- rd why the young people had to do it alone 'and he said it was a matter that did not concern an intermediate person, but rested between them •lees and (1o4. Then he d.a.•rit,ed her, the Y••ung man would stand up In that high -perched places In the meeting house along with h4 bride and. taking hier hand, say: "In the presence of Cod and this assembly. I take thee, A. B., to be my wife, promising te be Unto thee at affectionate and loving husband until the land of the Lord by I • The New Zealand general elect .Aa took plat.- 1''tiday. Mr. H. J tt.ddua. the- I'rrnUrr, issued an ad,lra•se aovo- eating c'.mmer•14j recipe a it) with the - a llothwland. - 1 Annl.assadur Bayard has stated his 1 -.lief that before his departuti from I England Fame permanent arrangement of arbitration %-Ill be arranged between England and the United Staten.. The Danish Premier has announced in contradicting certain rumors that oeeneessiene had been naede for mili- tary purp..wrs to Itusela, that the (;o.v- ernment, In the event of the .•..n0 et e of foreign power.. en' maintain the: I neutrality Of Denmark. Pl'Hl:1.1 United States Commissioner Fair child of Buffalo, has da-ided to ho:d Mrs. 0ternauan fur extradit on on th chart. ..f murder The trial et Edward .1 hors, the al- leged Irish -Am Flea d) flit ler, he, t.e.•n 1•.•.11K•ned foe un- nr►t.U, to enabh blip to obtain %alienate. fresh New York Frederick Stitall, the 1lamllh,n ItrK. r charged with defrauding; the cit. In tie ..entra•t for Howse .,f Refuge pp:ie> plead•✓ guilty and war remanded for sentence. At Rat Petrage a Paean Indian lube epee ail falter father, think4n: him a w^endlgo, or evil spirit, was found gull - Archblahop Fibre of Montreal 4 re- ported to be dying. e Ex -Empress Eugenie Is visiting Wind- , ass 1 51(4.• as th• guest of 114.• (born it is rumored that the Queen maty visit Ireland next year, during the cele- bration of her long reign. ty or 111ar.r.laurhter. .1,141,4e R•,,. bee - him to • ix month::' Iyer 1 1.ttior. About six hundre d pe. -%o* • living in Milwaukee were poisoned, Dome serious- ly. Ly brad ot.ta►nrd (Mtn a halter. 1t contained arisen., and it be NIP - pitied the ;edam was put in the bread by some enemy of the baker. t eiCLAAMI!'I►.I," Lond..n is likely to have a new theatre• The medical staff of the cotta et Uen- eral Hospital bas resigned In a I. dy, ac.•using the dlr. ctury Ot 110. ke p ng faith. The Pac1Ac Ca1.1.• (ominiasien is about concluding it-, work ce taking testimony. The report of the commi- *kn will shortly be issued. The annual dinner of the private Canada Club took pia.-.- In London. There were riaty guests present, and Sir Donald Snoods wended, I The Unite -1 State`: ft Hayti Telegraph Company stave laid a cable direct from New York le Hayti which 4 now open John Mile. a ke.-per in (h.• Kingston Penitentiary ha„ fallen heir to an es- l•,te of 344n.oW in Scotland. • Jana -son was ri moved from 1101- •,y Jail In an arnbul5riee and taken a private sanitarium in one of the et•nrl$ of London. Me. James (liln1.eur. 31.P.. was pre- rnt•.-d with a •gold watch by the Corn- • • Ce teat iilln, tee Middlesex. with 1.- n. Ike hay sat thirteen years. e , `..irh,.tanding the enormous sums t! a African millionaires are spending 11 stately residence,: In London,. t r) .;nn..t Ret adntlsel•ee Int.) clubs and so- - ., otreIee w9lere poorer pe pie are t: r'wtrfnll. (tree,.-n,trerrd. James Buchane% a fisherman, Being "n the I)uwatn4h River. in K'ashin3- ten. has recently been bequeathed 615. - toe by a Texas cattle rattier. leu,•hao:an was formerly a cowbo • on the ca.tle- man'a ranch. and save the lives of the wife and child of h4 employer. Proare.,de* U*a. . Russian hens are prngrewelve. They laid 11.0',' 0.'0 eggs for expert to 117',. Moth ,000 in 18S.. axed 1,:50,000.0110 last year The eggs are said in lius•la an fmt,. 6 to 10 cents a dozen. They ere exported to Hungary, then sold to tier - man'. e, Hungar.un a tg-'. and finally �to England as Germ.:al eggs. ' eeath aba4 S crate us" The Minae then speaks In a similar tladFoti At the end of this ceremony a mln- later preys or speaks, and these when there 4 a pause and the spirit moves no one else, the meeting 1s adjourned. At the close of the meeting the mar- riage certificate, which 4 made of parchment. Is brought forward, and anyone can sign it. A apealal law sanetic ns this marriage oerernony. This document, which amounts to the legal sanrtlen et the marriage. Is greatly prised among the descendants of Friends, so much to, that the children often have similar marriage certifesites made for themselves. though they may have been married outside of the so- elety N.Moi, . Fananes Signal. At the United Services Institute, Whitehall, at which relics oonneoted with Trafalgar and Nelson are to be exhibited, there 4 a time -stained docu- ment. framed, and hung on the western wall, from which It appears that the famous sIgnal, "Englund expects every malt to do his duty." was not wholly Nelson's, says Bt. James' Gazette. Lieut Pasoo, who was responsible for the signalling on the Admiral's ship, makes the following statement: "Ilia Lsrdshlp came to me on the poop and• alter ordering certain signals to be made, about a quarter to noon, said: 'Mr. Pasco, I want to say to the fleet: 'England con0des that every man edit So his duty." ' He added: 'You must be quick, for I have one more to add. which Is for close action.' I replied: If Your Lordship will permit me to sub- stitute "expects" for "oonfdes" the sig- nal will mon be completed. because the word "expects" 4 In the vocabulary, and "confides" must be spelt.' His 'Lordship replied in haste and In seem - Ing satisfaction: 'That will do, Pasoo; make it directly.' As the last hoist was handed down Nelsen turned to Capt Blackwood, who wan standing by him. with: " 'Now I ten do no more. We must trust to the great Disposer of all events and the Justice of our cause. I thank God for this opportunity of doing my duty.' When Lord Nelson's mes- sage had been answered by a few ships in the van, he ordered me to make sig- nal for close action and keep It up. Accordingly I hoisted No. 16 at the top. reliant masthead, and there It remain- ed until shot away" Such, then, is the duly sworn and attested statement of Nelson's flag lieutenant, which he gave to Vol. Baylis. Q.C., who presented It to the museum. STARTLING STATEMENTS FOR STRINGENT TIMES GREAT CLEARING SALE OF $13,000 WORTH OF IREADY• MADE CLOTHING Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishings and Ordered Tailoring Having bought very largely for Spring, we have decided to clear out uur whole Stock AT AND BELOW COST FROM NOW UNTIL THE l st DAY OF JANUARY. This will be a grand opportunity for the public to buy Useful Gifts for Christmas at Wholesale Prices. Do not miss this grand opportunity. CLOTHING. 2J }ioyi Tweed Car. 4lverceats, woollen lining, were 9a avid iii, for 1. (toy: F'reize linters, extra value at =4.5U and $•'I, sale price 11Iea a Fraise I.la1ers, .ick pocket., trimmed, worth /M. for ideas Fie Ulster Coats, 1(,rn.l talus had $$, isle pare. .r , :Y0340 and well 3 7:1 :r tel We We at 47 :Al It will pay you to buy your goods in our line now, as this sale will end Dec. 31st. Read a few of the prices below ; We hate a largo stock of Men's Overcoete at Ifni( }'rice Moen- Blue Serge Suite, were 94.511 and 95 00 for .. , ... . 92 9:, Men'. Halifax Tweed Suits, goal value for 07 and 904, sialea pricy 4 :,() Also a large stack of Tweed Suits at about the same discount Youths :+uita,well lindl enol trimtnetl,from 92 50 to 9$ Children',: Suits, gond fine, all wool Tweed, wear 93, 92.7:' and �t_.JU sale price.... 91 9:. Children's Suits, better quality, were 94.50, 91 and 93.7:i, for 2 9>i Also we have a number of Tweed Ki ted Suits to tit children between 3 and S. They go on sale at. Half Price. HATS AND OAPS. Rienentl,er, we earry the largest stock of Hats and (saps in the Bounty You want one Take your choice of tie $3, 9275 and 9^.:10 Hats for 91.9A. This offer is only open until the last day of Demo - I. or. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. We have them al! Newest and morns! Stook in town Gents' English Collars, linen, 2:,c. for. " Limen 20c, for .. .. 15c, a Underwear, 2.00 suite for 1.50 1.00 '. " • 7r, - n 4,00 " have not apace to mention everything, so call and see what we can do for you You will save money. also do one of the finest Tailoring trades in the County, and will make up Snits or sell the Tweeds and cut them Pres of Charge A P McLEAN The Palace Store, - Goderich. 9 at Bale Prices. • 20 15 10 1 60 1 00 75 60' 2 95