HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-10, Page 44 At $ignal, m rp.t.lsem EVERY THURSDAY RNINO ■i n. ■maLLY/7Mt! Ogles et Pablle otos—L and 10, Uaethetreet Oedenol , l)ateri* Teets et MMewtmism. 1 O.emesh,toa1r••ee ...... •- t 1 seaso tes year, t h.. .. - - - N 1a t..ea as Tess Libel. Ytv label 1. a wodlntr raiment et the 4•• to which yea are paid up. dee that ;t is •a allowed to enol Into tinier. Wbe•• • atonal of set tram 1- di elr•M. be, o tN old end the sew inn rem• .ton e d wee, a. Ad yen Sales tale. Lift and caner oe.u.d edr.•rtf.".t•rte. les p►T for Ara lsr•rt a. awl l Deal• per Imo Loo each subsequent i5..wtioa. M.* sred by •asaerml*..s. la..fn.s car le of as :,ase ar 1 r •oder. 114 Leer seer. Ad tits of IAM. r and t•y'd •tealk.s. t•-esat. 'M••mtioe• Jed end itarleem (' • beg wat''ad • .t -.x• .'la.' t Har. maps. e I. $ l per r •n' n. Roos On ••al.• •t..1 E..rna .mss., Mg e ss• sed L li $I ter a- ' m•.t 'W. pre e • MO, 'h. Ler :Cr td''e .e w.p''t.s pruaioteroe 1 ei'totmeta. R boner •cot /• ti s o y 41:01 Of • metpa•y. to y„ 00• '1t' 4 t as a4 vertlaoeara• and ohar,rr•! raw"r .'. .I7 Loos! motet sin seep. fell tyl a 001 cleat row wars. a antioe• lea.' 111 0 Me. Inntnd.type mots per word,Nonotioefur ass than see Notion tor oburchs and other religious and baaevolest institutions half rate. Subscriber who 1.11 to receive TEs BreaAL ✓ egularly by mall. will c •neer • fever by so- iimuatieg m of the fart at a. early •a date as Publlsb.r-• lettre. J. C. Le Toenail, of Ooderlch, has hese •p po nted Local Travelling Agent for the town ekes of Ooderioh. Colborne. Ashfield and W. w.no.h. Loon) pestmastera over the district are also empowered to reo. ve .ub.orlptlos• to Tits 91601 At AU communications mart he addressed to I) Moult. IOVDD?, Tis $ls i1. TNaphsae Calla) re o.detleb but. GODERICU. THURSDAY. DSC. M. MN THE PASSING OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL SHORTLY before the midnight hour Friday last the county council of Huron passed away, in conformity with the statute of t )ntario governing the dissolution of that, at one time, powerful body, and the place that knew it shall know it no more. For thirty years the county council of Huron, consisting of some half &- hundred ot good men and true, had passed in and out amongst us twice or thrice a yede, as circumstances war- ranted, and the institution had come to be looked upon as a part and parcel of the municip•.l machinery, which would always prevail, to the tune of Men may come And men mai ro, Rut Igo on for ever. as the late Lord Tr:Nevsoa would say. All this is past now, and the light has gone out on the old scene. Never more shall that galaxy of stars be gathered together. The old County Council is as utterly anis thoroughly dismembered as was the ct•lel•rated " Humpty- I)umpty 0 that sat on the wall and had the .,rent fall, of which it was written : " All tha Ktag's hereon rad a:I the King'. MOS Coelds's put Humpty 1►ump•y together Mate.., _Ind now that the County Council ha+ been '• smashed into its original atoms," as it were. Tota SiosAL can truthfully eats tha• w arse i to it% ti •os bsve existed that the sante cid- fashioned County Council. True, it was not composed elttrely of I.rlllie tit MOO and sound thinkers, lint it um" newer without a fait representation of such. it was the nursery of our parliementariatm, such as Dr. MAC - DONALD, M. P., Joffe MCMILLAN. M. P., THOS. Grfr.oN, M.PP., AacH. BISHOP, ex-M.PP., J. T. GARROW. M. PP., and M. Y. McL&Alt, M.PP. Sheriff ()lumen, another ex-M.PP. graduated from its ranks, and THOMAS GRIM/MAY, the present Pre- mier of Manitoba, had the foundation laid for future greatness while fight- ing the equalization committee in con- nection with the rate on his township. And there were others, who, although they did not mach parliamentary honors, still were able to hold their own with the stoutest controversial- ists in the brave days of old, and in this respect the names of Leona, CRwIWSLL,STRACHAN, WILSON, K[LLT and others could be cited, as well es almost the full roll of the " latter day saints" who stepped down acrd oat at the midnight hour Friday last. The ob"quies of the county council weir brief and in accordance with the eternal fitness of things. At the con- clusion of the regular husinces Warden SiRACMAN made a few remaiku of re spinet to the memory of the old Coun- cil, and referred feelingly to the good work that it had dons, and the es- prit de corps which had been so mani- fest amongst it. members. He wan followed by Deputy -Reeve Holt, of Oor4erich, who in his turn was follow. .d by Deputy Reeve Cattitwo, of is.tew, and the grand Anal* was rung in by Reeve Saaws, of Hayfield, who THE SIGNAL : GODER1CH ONT. THURSDAY DEC. 10, 1896. his p.rtioslar instance in January nest The entire Cp■pt;il then stood up and joined in " Auld Lug Syne," led by the Warden in an exceedingly high key. and the dt.solutioa of the County Council of Huron, under the old style, was an accomplished fact. Previous to the undertake& being called in, photographer SALLows took a " dash light " of the remains, while certain irreverent spectators made the night hideous by joining in a ohms which sounded alarmingly like, "They are Jolly Good Fellows." And now the old County Council is a thing of the past . the die is east, the curtain has fallen . the members hive lost their mantles : the gas has been blown out, and the Statute has called, "Domino Sic transit gbria munch. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF 4'hrist tee@ tomorrow two works. %Yell. how do you like soft water • The (.'. * ). F m..' next't'usdey evening. 1'h.r• was skating at the gravel pit last week. All pure Silk Ribbons at lc • yard, at R. R. Smirk. There is fear and crumblier smear( the feathered tubs, We are .zpeoting our old mond !Amita ('lau. in • few weeks It is rumored that weddi.tr belle w:L. shortly be " • nape In • few day the musty °dictate will be woof' incandescent light. Regular meeting of Huron Encampment No. 28, nett Monday evening. Tb. county Poultry A.eooutioa will hold • meeting in S.storth on Mondy. Did von see it The reduotion sale at The Farr, McLean'. block. I►os't miss it. Popular phos et Viotoria Opera House • ett Holiday, Tuesday sad teedsetrdy. Th. Tempters of T.mp.ranoe meet in the Temper.00e Hall every Monday evening. Those dealing in oordwood just now an &intend bow to raise it oo the market. For all kinds of fancy perfumes and when to hey them .se 1)unh•m's ad. oo page 8. Huron Cht.pter No. 30, Royal Arch Masose will meet in Masonic Hall nett Tuesday. Several of our morohasie have dressed their window. in • style that must please and .elL Ma Tillie Graham left last Thursday for New York to join the goners) hospital In Neat city as • nurse. It is said that the low prixs of truit the pest ssteeoo bas ooklderable influenced the sale of nuiesry .took. W creep is selling stoves, cutlery and tin- ware very Mean for the balance of this year. Call and ..e the barg•ine. H•mlink'e apple evaporating works ovine 'mooed work on Mondav after an enforced rest of • few days through frost, Why are • womans creaks like • team of hones ' Because there is one on each aide of • waggon tongue. Pat. at Th. Fair. Why do the people so furiously rag. about goods •.d prices at The Fair, Mo.. Lean.' blook ' Remus they an 0. K. t: ,o•lnaes grooming, just to think of it— leather sohool bags at 35o., worth50o. Get the boy one. Thd,Fair, MoLean'e block. At • shooting matob last w.•k, • member of the Rifle Club brought home 3 turkey. and 3 geese, the reward for finding the bulls era A R..bleg tsalaw. I►esp . from Mom r -.l ni• x in ! he the At..kly S:arfrefics, working carom' • wet n ..wirers ort .'o..rmo.s e0 We u ' e • any of our roaden c • s e col 'r.. by and mg • poets! be pblrh.v a ie Montreal. e busiest Herald and extra staff are of new tub. teeplhalpu le The Cramer,. V. ail know what • bother it is to 1•k• gnu from • but in the usual way, a'.peoi.l- Iv if the bin b, • high nee, or .f it to to be hilt replied of re .wntest•, in whtoh coos Die mat h•dg •onto the sharp edge of • hesrd w ith hs head down ail nit. hecto up, i i i sax••1i-.te d.m.rt t of an attack. f vern,to, or .amarine lake it if bees ere to he fill- s -I. one t,a•' wit into the gr .In wits • • yup sad •loth --r bold ,be term oatdds Now .f this front. bottom board bo male to elide, or be hung on hinges, the work is mooh easier of •000mpluhmeat. This may be opened, the scoop used on the floor, reaching into the bin under the second board, and muoh awkward work avoided It V better yet to have • long box—the length of the bin front—attached to the foot of the bin on the outside. and open in- to this bin iia hill size. The frost board of the boa, which else serves as • step when •mptvintr grain lob the bin should be hr en hinges as before described, and Derma. red sed Mooed in the same way. N• neat - ter bow loll the hie the prawn w111 lever he en pre•[ in this box as es greyest closing the front. AUCTION SALER. All parties getting their tale b11k printed st WS .Moe will here • tree sates in.erved 1a this list win to the time of .ales. Thursday, Ileo. 17th, at ihs t Alba, at i r. a.. Dike H haze , 3, fres bows plot. Oa Thursday et the hoar 28. Lek A YOUNG LADY'S ESCAPE FRIENDS THOUGHT TIME TIN SPAN OF HKR LIFK WOULD BS SHORT. AT Leaf w IT. *VT A OLIS or FAR. am NOTllaa alattlitICTaaap DR wnl1Aae' riga PILL., £ *1) .aa la Stow cesium. Tram tM lamatreal Nereid. The world is tall el Masse. Them are ehsnpe that slit ale oosst,t.tcm of alio indlddid. Menges tint wilt mew). we. Gen est avert tsar toasting, bat we mer parry th..ssaletarebar.eter of their toilsome.womanhood ha its useepttos se .u.sepaibie of obaag•• Waal deeaa.d the most judioi.se atteeteos sad predeath o-rs to einem per toot development teed happy atst.nty These of ages are so vital sed w sabots to tbetl- oharaotoe that MANN the utmost vtgt lance and disorineinewoe ie .zerotaed is the choice and •pplwsttoe of reputed remedies the went reattlt• mer autos. The emelt Maw mey be waders toed sed ill. earn.• of theses* tostered. r isero.e lite tis at the Inns of all «4 vast aced enooma '10 be weak is fa his 'untenable. It is therefore fuedame.'al to every interest of humseity the* W.'• red, ted stream zee kept pore lead healthy. Owing to se.leot of these par- tioulare easy yeas( womes have allowed Ills to booms. a harden and • wearisome ✓ ound of duties. Faint and week vary apt- ly de•onbs their (meditioo after venturing to perform some ordinary household duty. What can be does to a000mplltllt the re- luveo.tios of them unfortas•t. ones? There to • remedy widely known sed Loudly ap- plauded, whose virtues are prool•in.d o. the pease tops • id whispered sails* streets. Tea tbosssad mothers have ree•mseoded it and swim ten thousand d•tigbt1Le prams it Read what oat of them hes bossy. la the v*I1.. of Lancaster there lives Mrs. A. J Macpherson. widow of the late A. 1. lisopher.es. She to well sad favorably known to the oolnmanity. some fear or five years ago Mrs. Maspher.oe seat bet sides' daughter to New York. While there she resided with her tool. and attended school, beteg then only about sixteen years .f ago. The social life ot her temporary home made rather severe dens sd. upon her time, and tame ambtuoua .he was •1xtow to make tepid progress in her studies. to eaob particular she enjoyed • covetable measure of suoome,but at no small out Many remarked her pales.es and loss of oolor She felt tired and weak after • little exercise, such a. • short walk. Mies Mwpher.on's stay in New York looted about two years. All this time she au and slept tutly we1L In the Sprier of 1893 .he came home, and her mother oould not but r imark how °banged her daughter wee --pals and Wagon unwed of being bright and ruddy. Thinking that nourishing food and perfect .{uiet, with jodioaous exercise. would restore the lost vigor and ruddy glow is was participated u to the fullest extent. For • month trie was tried, but still Miss Macpherson was as pale as before, hable b tures of weakness and with an uasate•ble desire for sloop. At thee juncture Iha fanc- ily doctor was coesultod. troopp Pc wen prescribed and a tnp to the Tbo le- l•nda takes, the star solus about sax week., donna which time everything wee done to help her recovery. The frt.ndo with whom she stayed mine to regard her recovery as extremely doubtful, and when . he returned honk her mother saw so im- provement. Oa day while making par - cheese from • dealer in vegetables h. 1the dealer) took the liberty of making some re- marks anent the health of Mies Mscpher- •on, which was obviously sot promising. He strongly urged the nee of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. Mrs. Maopher.os was not over ulons of the gwehties of Mos Pink Pills, but they were ',archived and used to the brat a'lvhnt..ge. SOON •f er begu'o'ror the wee of the fills, wy• Mrs. M.oy.ersou, I thought I saw • reddish tinge upon her 01,04 k. and in the °ours. of a week or so my daugh'.r felt hotter. The ure.t (esus, be- gan to vansh and the •bnertnal .1. aptness began to yield to the io0..oce of Dr. tS'tl. hams' Pink Pills. Costteuius their wee the proemial of her restoration was o0owe- noms and complete, and her improved looks were the ..njeot of ooarrration tor soros 11r10.. Today bar health is all that could be desired, and both the young yu l and her mother sr. firm b.lisvers in the sed nal virtues of Pink Pill. •add otos recommend them. Dr. William's Ptak Pilk create new blood bn:kl op the serves, sod thus drive disease from the system. In hundreds of cases they have cried •her • I ether r module have fstl.l, thus ett.hl mhingthecle.o that they are a marvel am.•.`` Doing es of medi- cal a huh.. Genuine Pint 1'.I1. aro an td r oly in beam, bearing the full trade mark, '•1h. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People " Pro- test yourself from impeaitioo by refusing any pit: tf l4 does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. day of Deosmber, tb half .f lot el the town Oe., Nor by public Aa embalm may be defined as a man who M happy when he's miserable, and • peed - mist as • man who ie miserable when be'e "PPS ii we scald 11.. our lives agteh,we.bould, so deem, .void . great many of ear mar takes, and realism them by as easirely diff- ergot •aeertwieet. A deetcor la b1e blg►Mede of ftstland, these patients erre mattered ever a wide di.Miet, takes earner pfs.m.s with his oe hie re..ds, sad seeds hl promriptime wait Han te the apsthseary. No leaven pbsem.. t.e, with dbta.t families, to be lot Mese when his servile. .re seeded. 1'he hlghost .S.e Itsildlr u the world le the Manhalsan life fasum.me Oaapay's of New York shay. Its height above ab oldie walk ie 3117 femur. .ed Its boadaii as go dews 00 K bedew the gray S0 feet helm tidewater level, rankling • anal .t 400 baa This foamed".-. I.f IS mammary /lank ..d are ..reed by the some .ember of nine •suns e. no hatter wee malt so bed reek deserted from the bream rack bybp • .6.11.•••i•'A• s•.Ww•g prephesyieg a glorious resnrreotien i, (= w• mei /r aha fe..aLM•a — W- • ✓.a. r:.�_ Chir: •� .. atik. I''`ea,t.s' LUIBER FOR 8A1E. The Goderich Lumber Company (Ltd) has for sale at the Harbor and at the yard on the G. T. R. track, Elm, Ash and Basswood, and Pinel Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and sizes, and Cedar Posts. Also Slabs in any quantity. GEO. THOMPSON, Manger. KEEP YOUR EACLE EYE OPEN And see the quality of our Goode. We keep ot.'y A 1 Stook and can please the most fastidious. At the pre- sent time we are actually rushed with X -toes orders. Photo, Kerchief, Glove and Tie Cams are in great de- mand. Embroidered Needle Oases, Tea Pot Handles, bm he. make useful end appre- ciative gifts We have a pretty New in Metcb- HoMd�- 11EE OV L.TmagnificentS 8T R Body Dolls from 20c. ap. Orme early and make your choke. TH1l FAIR. atoms sal i Anwsre s • a At CATTLE Bede. Now is the time to enquire about Heating of Cook Stove& Wile have them— all kinds and sizes at lowest port.i- ble cost prices. Also leave your orders for repairing and setting up of Stoves. We handle the beat Canadian and American Coal Oil. CATTLE BROS,. H w.iltee-a Plumbers and Tinners Cutters at Wholesale Prices - - - - If you are going to purchase a new Cutter this season, and want to se- lect from the largest stock carried by any tirm in the county come and ex- amine ours. We are not confined to any one manufacturer, but buy only what we consider the best value. We buy for Cash, and can sell much closer then any one buying in the old-fashion- ed way. Our Cash Price is marked on every Cutter, and you will find a Good Piano Box for $20.25, s Better one for $23.25, and a Splendid Portland for $30, $34, and *35. We are going to sell them quick, so don't wait, long if you want to have a large number to select frons. GUNDRY'S AUCTION ROOMS Hamilton -at. Winter Suit or Overcoat If you need a Winter Over- coat or Suit, call upon PRiDHAII. The Tailor. If you leave your order with hits you 'nay depend on getting goads that will snit in every way—in fit, workmanship, and pnimptneos in delivery. PRIDHAM TEl TAZi4Q - .,, Holiday Goods... 1 We are ready with a large range of Holiday °axis. Competition does not touch this store in Variety. quantity or Value : your own intelligence will justify that statement. The choicest goods will go first, and sensible people will buy early. Try and do your buying in the forenoon you avoid the rosb you have a better light too hey by. KID GLOVE We ��k we ha T. the largest rang of Kid liloves w wane We I►aeedle Parvin's snakes, Pawny makes of Lock Stitched Gloves. We hate • very fine r.ntce of 4 -Button Gloves for 4(c. We have also a Targe meg" cf Gentlemen's Kid (lives. HANDKERCHIEFS Calcis.' Hem-etitl'btld, Fancy Edge, ('onled and Plaiu. Children's and Gentle*ueu'e. Also a Targe range of Silk Handkerchiefs. We have a Targe stock, and give our easterners the benefit of the lowest priors. A nioe prrseot to give would be an Um- brella, Suspender's, Hosiery, Ties. See our White Shirts, linen fronts, at 50 eta., the best value in town. See our Linen Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Stamped Linen, Sof. Pillows, Ladies' Fur Capes and Coats. A well selected stook of Seam" able Goods, up to all tour requirements and at prict0s within your means. It pays you to trade with us be. ut.e you get .hat you like and what you need. You get value for value, and quality for quality, at FRESENTS JAS. ROBINSON, Owner Went -at and Square. t Prepare Now for the Cold I • • 1 rstato-ame by seeing that all your ordered clothing is interlined with Fibre Chamois. It will not add weight and only costs a few extra cents, bort it gives a grateful comforting warmth to men's, women's and children's clothing which will defy the coldest blasts of winter. For your own sake don't try to do without this backbone of all winter comfort. Don't buy any ready-to-wear snits which haven't the Fibre Chamois label. Think of the healthful warmth, the difference it price doesn't count. Reduced to 25 cents a yard. " IT'S A HARD WINTER FOR THE POOR ! " This is an old Irish saying you may not recognize, t'ut ate application now is to call your attention tai our stock of Overcoats and Underwear two things jfle poorest of us need to keep warm. in the first I have a line of manufacturers samples for Men and Boys bought in hulk at a bargain, cod with Irish generosity I'm offering you the benefit of the sante. You can't equal the goods at my prices anywhere in the county. Who wants Underwear at lees than wholesale prices ' Everyone, of trounce. Well, that's what I'm giving you, straight' $1 Suits for #0c . $1.75 Suits for $1, and $2 Snits for $1.50. How doer, that catch you ' This se call our Gfear 1l ..ember Sade, and will include in it several lines of MEN'S HATS Wonderful Bargains, and all our LADIES' FUR CAPES at 20 par teat. off regelar prices. Everything in these line. must go oaf this usoutb. C. R. SHANE & Co. LkADiNG OUTFITTERS aim FURNISH ER's. GRANDON D£C. OPENING ].^Lri• WYATT'S + FA'IR 1 (BRANCH OF WOOD'S FAIR, LONDON.) NEW 00008 - NEW PRICES - NEW EFFECTS. A BIG FESTIVAL FOR THE PEOPLE SEE WHAT CASH WILL BUY : are dirt's deadliest 'me»st.- 12ars Laundries Soap for 25c. Ruby Laun- dry Soap is one of the best .saps known to the trade. It is regularly gold at 5c. per bar ; our prioe Satur- day, 10 bars for 25c. TMEAL. SKIN SOAP e - STAR 1n every line of goods we endeavor to heighten the value, and at the same time lessee the cost Here is an instance. --1 lb. Lily White Starch, put op in handsome chremo box, per Ib., 7c. ; 3 lb. Carlson, hart laundry Starch, only iso. ; very beet �prepareed�Coorn Starch, per Ili., Rei without emasoe.ry WWII you canRY tper chaise a goad supply for the merest WYATT'S trifle. 100 page Scribbling Books, only 2c. each ; best Ick, per bottle, 4c ; inserted rubber tip Pencils, lc. each ; 1000 sheets best Toilet Paper for 9c. ; 24 sheets Note Paper, 3c. ; 24 sheets Fine Notsr 5e. ROCKINGHAM A N D WAREBHEN- ROWN almost Tina ble artic every houinhokl. We sell it at about one-half the tmual prise. W 1 N we do notgive Whips a way ;; but at the pries them it tomes very neer to gi away. A good Gft. Bugg So., a better one for 15o., and a ty for 200. COMBS, Tooth Bream, Hair Bream, Packet Books, Toys, Damm and Fancy Chinaware in endless pro- fusion. TINWARE—Our tinware bar - pine are se numberless as the sands. The goods are not of uncertain good- ness, made to sell, shiny and shoddy, they are strictly high grade in every particular except ponce ; dietis of a w lb- cam of Oteam BakinNg Powdar, lleads by Vienna Saki eg ()o., of Boston and New York. Will be sold on °peeing day for 10c. per can. This Powder 111 sods Meat purest uretseiale by one of this Iona* Arms o1 say kind in the Utitsd States, and is gt•rentee'd equal in, if not batter that, any other Ar- t101. r1101. manudaetarad. Nkat'% miss this abases. FAIR, Goderich, Ont • 1