HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-10, Page 1f Nrlt a TUB US1Atnp -ANS- THE T� .... tS THE BUM FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2599 THD LEADING NDWBPAP82: OF HURON OOV TY• GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY DEC. 10, 1896. !(ler Mia TIi$ FARMERS -I MANUTAL. lessAped, dsr0Me ON ftis _Hese" id Int. me. BA_ M = HAN, FOR BALK CHEAP -A RADIANT miactN wWr X0.1 1s wee at tie* Hank et Ones - stem with keg water geese mese ktie CNI HUSR. Mall eom.IW FanI.4 QUANTITY OF Meth eel RMI bettersad Mesh ulwrew.. (Tal. 0 R. KING„ sums . ,u NOKIA* C HORTB. AND TIED b LOUR - A t 7 limited 4u..rltr of .hrtit sad heed gear tar solo sew at Opilvlss & Hatehh..y mel at the barber. OARS FOR LUM BER -AT THE Ei,N- lvJ eiseg�-Iwdtare Co lead., tioderick, il6>t. HAPOW001). A8H. Tapir trashes e. are men to the pub0o, Oell eist Me their ee w design+. » y Tslader. WMAtad. MAIL CONTRACT. tewdes% addressed to Ora Pseunester MOO be rewired at tie w• until note on the elk Jas• cry. 107, ter the cos of Her Velvety's Mail.. se • poo- emetreot for '.sur )ears. 3 times per seta wet. bet weer 'tee miller and Owls - Rom the Me February next. e.sysy0aoe to be made i• • vehicle or etberwlee. Printed Wks* oostaim.g (.rtbir leforns Ilea se to eseditlase of rree.1.1 e.•rreet may he seem sad Mask farms of reator may be eb• are pest O1111ms at Reemilller and Ogles I0.peoter.OfAoe. Stretford. 10th Noe.. MIL H. 0. HVPKIRK. �tk Per twee inspector. Nolte.. • Il d, Nt 8TOTH[Re 074f . Nominating( Asir. LAWS' Sales. 11tjOl1 VALUABLE FARM pores et to a power of e ensiege. bearing . IIEI. aged will. . t the tate or emir there •mattes at DEI.OWO'P Poet Albert, ie Joh. Kee'. Heti Y. the 17th day o'clock is valuable . titan on Lek vati sit the follow containing 1 lot No 3 tine of the rowan pl of Aehedd. W et them. ,zem nertk-east eerier, 11s.1. .0.14.1 10 eteisis. more tar Ons Read. Tbus above mime from tkered arise to geed afar .u1 tho horthree item at Uswith The terse. nomeres The memo el TERMS the end t e In eon- te the will be be add •I. in the party of er. on a ('EMSIR. .fteraone. property. tamely urea. and North In the Toen.hiy in the County a let el the air by measurement having • frostag. of es Odi Kisc.rdfa wasted about 11 reek and is le a nT n. The .o11 is a There are about a toed condition. geed c0.•rste bawd. ars in wbJect to • Cenditisr.. - Ten oeutof mese. dove at the 1 of .•1e is 30 dare t without particulars mei, te er to the aDOtioneer. 10th day of November. A iSO CAMERON. HOLT & !VOL JOHN KNOX. Yonder"' col Anetlo.eer. NH ALE OF VALUABLE FARM P1jX.►P- IRTT. ff t amid M virtue of the power,, _ u ale roe e 0 nee tela mria os@ mold Me Vied date the totb day dr Jane - 117. 1(111, will be •or*40414 at the time of will be mid iablbe w ties at . DH /, Hotel. V Village e Pert Albert, t. . ed bby obs Kam, suet • Y. the 17th dal el DUCKY : 1». ai eidock. nos., the following ibisnamely : The lienlie•sk• l or iwt y II in w Lakthe town e the tows0htp ef Ash ' T the my of Herea. eent•htag 107 el land. mere or STM above le • The soil r •fetid le • wandlrs a the tall 0t M▪ kt been K 54 ere oda 134.110. tram 1 itestednch..od pee east dews at thee Um Waage la le days part Wiliam apply to the se- er M CAMPAIGN. HOLTHOLMES.t Ve0' Solicitous, Da.d this MNovember. MIL a i0elf B'N KNOX..sStleneer. Wenner Mein er sed loth ta ofsorethe esessesies The above . bit We yK house. t a trams lora benne ENDERS FOR FARM LANDS. t iere will he receiv.d.edd_ et ... eaHem est sasad presno ages. the OM • Let Tee lel 0*... ..d et le the m farm tested with er i cm trines elf Sew Nwerlr,11f11e, IrL HURON AUNTY COUNCIL Laotl[Ntlttc Of the Old Counefl Clewing up the Wort 1odor the ea Isis gset-Ue.- severs.g lie Old TW TIM 6eres.g (1...e With lie stag - lag el •' AsW loos alas,` THI final session of the County 'ceased far 1896 opened on Wednesday Met, all the members beteg present. The words" addressed the mused os the following matters : 1 Memorial .eked for at last moou.g to make It, optional with musty eeencils to oiler reward, for horse. thieves ; 2. what more had been taken in eemplta.oe with wooed report of home of refer oemmittee .t lest seems ; 3. that prevision should be made to pay ten Does- ateg elbows appointed under the DOW Osm.ty Cousin's' Act ; 4. teat the ooaacid essmder bylaw No. 8 of l..1 session with reformats to raid nomination. The following oommusioatsns were read and referred to the oo•nmittw named: 1. Memorial from Kest county unseal, [e proteotios from &e sparks of l000mo- Meso. Special imamate,. 2 From Godsend' town council• with re - 'stomas to lighting ooasty buildings with itsea.descent Iigh4. Executive. 3. Fres, R. H Collies barrister, threat- ening mu oe It.hait ot Se•torth ('.Jleittate Imitate for three year" arrearage. chum - ed Emecet:mi. 4. From J. T Dick.00. deeming error" o two years' returns of fees paid county o.saoil. Fin•vice Report of special °ensu• 01 Hasan to allow i4 usoorporsrIoe, carte, • ties a 896 Smola. 6. Petition of Samuel Anderson' .ad four others in appeal .eain.t award re U. 9. S. No. 4. Tunberry and Morris Yda.tioe 7 Petitien from readmits of villas. of Zurich. to be erected into a polios village. Special. Memo. Kerr and Spacing moved that the .o.ie•tgtg officers of file various ooeaty doused divisinne be allowed f10 each for their eseoicp., rhea to so pr risco* bora suds for the mime is the .w ■ O. molten of Messes Turebaf .rd Brig - b... bylaw No. 8, fixing a day tor radir, Toaaerlal Artist. FRITZELY, TON80RIAL ARTIST, Hot .ed SMR baths e" prr.1SSs. Pea toamlag.ehempooieg and emery outer require inset carefully attended to, .ad .one but co.e- fnt heads employed. Williams' std staid. Meet block. cert door to BeltWiz- R1 O LOAM and 1BLP1n4111 11foe1040. IT 18 NOT WHAT Y OU URN, BUT WHAT YOU tlA V E, MABHI TOO RICH. THE HURON AYi) BROOM LOAN VI ITYENT COMPANY SoLier iso s. -Cameros Holt and Holmes DvoorT..--lat...eet Compound every w menthe at tour per ,sot. per annum. on roma froom ore dollar upward.. Depdtere win end It to their advantage to Dome and ase ee. Loose -May he secured .t say t lee whitey delay on the an urlty of approved desires. property. Kxpenee. ,aoderwte. Apollostlas. reoelved by the Manager or solicitors. The Com 7 s aerate are lowed on North tetrea aW_ Court Hots Square--oppdre Hoang Stewed Ono.. HORAOZ HORTON. J. H. OOLBORNB, MasO.or. Prs.Ident. Gale of Lands for 'falces / *N. N OF OODER4CH. TRE By rtrt the Town ef loads saxes dee is hereby 0.1111 Ore The .or l te RIR'S BALI Oi LANDS TAXIES. er tk. .7 gi =re.: et Beeember..t t • werreet miler the essi el the dated the ��the tq.Her with that sakes paid i shall. Assess e� angeb. nirrell rid the? re The fells sae VOR of et the Ktete wt atlw and t te pew iter oases. at (y-tkinl day am tad Let or part Osneuesioe of lot. w welt RumMnp IR 1064, IMP low u7 t1 I5 / 77 Rich' u 7 16 ft 10 6 73 Il 57 lg 6 3e 77 17 IS 7 37 ors 1/ IE 10 trIIi 100 1et 10 gel Megr Hco M M W. L HORTON. we Aapt, I/th. IDM sT tet FARMERS and STOCKMEN New r the thee le nes Dr. Hen". Hares and Oasis reed. yes per rued r Iter Oast wDr. Rese's r: ser•• tI O..�Mee WIZ"; Petri."r"SIS Or awls M pre& Rrow.ti heron t.► omit�egrae_m ()efts and W Ewe's fres b tar the Tar mom Donk 14 you are sen osllrsd sally r J. WILSON'S pyegsrylls. Dreg fifers. �t w�.. w .s sown p •t sew. (Outwit them •d josr.od till 10 A. a, T►.rs- day. utJUN. wY-?.v.SVAr. Ceased rammed, all the members pre- sses. A large .amber of •..swote were read, taolsdiag 67 (ism the Hoses of Re- fuels. Tbe fellow.ud reports were read sod re- ferred te oE111mittses named : Jailor's, to money prsdlirty oomelttee ; tresserer'., mot M fakes ; mestreemmr0r - - e, 1s std rad bridge ememl see. A motels riot, a furore, the sassy pro- perty oomenittee have .aperviren of the Hour of Refer as well as ether eoa.ty . property, wee soot te special oom.111e.. Mews. Samosa end MoPbersos moved that • ruin of mosey be voted b r.mso.rwte the musty clerk for expresso and extra work while sating se returns,' oflier m the eleatten of moots, ooancgUors was we to moats,* committee, sad ow by Meters. K.s.edy and Mobley. 1 hat the road eom- eu.me.er be allowed $30 for extra work to ooaseetton wttb repairs to the How of K. loc atenam tse referencia.TMmmused then adjourned till 3 r. w. 3 u'. loot K r M. Comm! met at 3 r. M , the warden in the ob.tr. An app'lo•tioa from A J. Currie, Sea - forth. tor the position of °mutable s, that town was read and tiled. Several amounts were read end root to fim.00s Oommlttee. Resta of registrar .pd letter of county Measurer wen read .pd sent M 8..... bemrrlltee , #. Amount of of Caboose was read and sent to stens oommtttes. Gu motion of Kerr, seoon by Cooper, the ooa.otl adjourned to .meet It 10 o'clock on Fnd•y. IBrDAY *OLN1YU. ('ounc.I met 0000rding to adjoaremwt. Th. warden in the chair. All members reported pretest. Minutesof Tburoday read and 000firmed. Report of special committee read sed adTweoonooil went into committee on the report of executive oommtttee, Geo. Mo - Ewan to the ahem. The committee rose and fops -ted riot the oommiaaooer be pard PO instead of $30, sod that the Mark be paid :100 for douse performed as returning officer for the county oounotl eleotiov for 1896-97. ('lams 5 w.. sme.ded by sub- mitting the slum of Sesforth Colegate In- stitute for arrears, to the 0oa1y .olositor. The word,e thea resumed the stair and the report of executive oo.mitt.s was adopted as amended. O. mottos of earliest sad Gunn the «"mind adjourned tell 2 1..10. 2 O'CLOCK r..,. Commie resuoed, the warden in the chair. A request from the obey trees. of the East Huron Teachers emaciation for the .1001 .rest of $25, wee east to executive owe= tuft. Report of eduostioa committee read. Moved by Sp•.limm...cooled bt MoPber- eon, the.. the report he sn.endod by graot- ime the petition of Union S S. No. 4, of Torsberry. Lost The report was thou adopted. Rep rte were road from road and bridge, enemoe, meaty property ant horse of re- fuge mementoes sod adopted. Moved by Maws. Yon.' and Yount, that Mrs. French. matron at the House of Re fume be paid $25 for extra marmots rendered at ;Hoose Of Refuge, went to executive committee. The motto', was finally agreed tea Moved by tiirvts,.soonded by McDonald, that Ashfield be refunded (78, amount ex- pended oe Fine's bridge. The motion was sent to ex.0uuye committee and approved. Moved by Gra, sooc.ded by Moil..., that this mused should deal generorly with the treasurer and chairman of flare, committee for the very .sttefamery services ri.d.red by them en b,balt of this county. Bert s iterative oon..itt... H. Either, ohairma. ,f how el refuge oemmittse, herded all pops.. and °erre.- pord,ses in his peeeree le the runty Mark for este kermess. Go mwoe of Meters Warn .rd Yong the o.s.'U ed jo.a..d till 8 r. E. 8 o'ct ocs r. n. Cassell resumed, wrrdes it the Stair. Homed report et freer Marshes was teed. Mewed a amead.ent by Holt, ..oeaded by A. A. Young. that the Slim ,f J. T. Wolter and the snorer a the Maio et the %Marti Collegiate Ie.Mse1. hr or - rears to relined te warder's o..mitas te deal with se they Mirk hoot after resolving the *prise of the seamy onliiter. Oar - Hod. Sioend report a .me..t,ve o..aiMee read. )loved by Holt. worded by Gunn, that erase 4 be amended by allowing the tra- veler .ad Mr. Prowess. $040 bis their see - view. Loot. Moved by (ailing, ssso.ded by Warr, that the sem ,f S860 he errred be the treasurer rid Mr. Prelim* few payment in erasers* with the Nellie' of the senor debenture& Carried. All the bylaws parsed at the seers were read three Mow rad peened sod the ..wren &dj.wned. M the wain. ei "Ae►ld Lag Erse,' led by Warden BMnshar. rein/ Migherns elite. "The newer of Clasdr a We et • Mon•n•1 Sher, mets ail over the M,wwt, Maples. pe811alena, h 7 salver' sad ethos. is a (arigree the W .f Garr` mit, the wh limited be Des -Mr •t • igures rShe will remain sosily N ill and ti e.rdlee to blmdrae. The Rank el Orrrrse bee put dense more pees sod Menem b00ib1g Orli not all ear busier sten (Mew oak Tin abase of Ieles!& tthee pose �M travels sage mikesl Ike uenq siesansHlew d. i D. ILLICUDDY, EDITOR. I' ADOITUNAL LOCAL NEWS • NEWS OF THE DISTRICT ITsY Passe - Si1 large duos si..enent. ef A. 1'. Ma The Fair. M o- in.s's Meek. W. Ado and Soo, R. B Bmath, F. M. Dunham Ord Wyats Fur. n have belle eempelled to tine ten pyres the week. AT Roes Borrow R B. Smith'. mem nosh edrertiesnoot will he welcomed by • hasdreds el heads of households who are M mai ob of Reeds at rook bottom prices. Everytht.g trees, the Merger sore, sed profit nowt wait for better tunes. THE Pu aro PULLEY --Os Tuesday, E j•h E Kidd . brought baton the Poll trete on • Starr of false proteases and after evidore sse. had bees given the o was •djoureed so W.dnesd•y. Yesterday sae the cawas aria oohed. aid the dehtrdb.$ af produoi• receipt for 600 potato peelers, the charge was dimmed. Mr. `Seeger .tat ins that thd. e .o.sat showed that it was +Marty • LOM a goods. E. N. Lewis pro oo s.ted,sed Wm. Pr.sdfoet d.f.sded A Wont) troy His Wo.*uir.-At • meet Ur of . Keg's Daughters Ss Wednesday that Deo. Zed, it was resolvesat • vote o thanks be tesderd Mayer Shannon for bis co urtesy .ed kiedeses to them durum the visit ot thew Exos&meoies, Lord and Lady Aberdeee to oar town, and oust that b w• , From our own Correspond enj�s Aero ./e 1. lrearte. nes. e Trot innet be gonad Aar where Else -Iowa of rtea Coly E apeenatis eperted M This Gigue& h• COLBORNE. ae Tca•.uA*, Deo 8. fie Hoot. KNTSg7AI'.15Bar :- A (Anoints" emtertalamoet e to be held oe the evening of 23rd, of Deo., is wheel No. 7, Colborne. Choicest miscues' of manse, dl•logues, ren- t•ttcs., etc., provided for the uooseioo. A - (geed time is eottc,patet. h:verybody wel sumo. Nes Tuesday evoking there will be given is, Lien ('huroh, Colborne, • knife and fork ,upper and entorteinmest. The supper is in the hands of well Loewe I.dies of the f township, and therefore bide to be the beet of the series ; it will bo served from 5:30 to 7:30 r. w Arrangements have been mode for an exoelleet mwtcal program, and Rove. is Edge rod Godwin, of GOdorwb, Couzene, of (Mayor Shannon) may be lost .pared at th bead of .Barn a Gederioh. At the Sam meeting, • resole/Oa theekioe the A. O. U R' , aid the Ce 0 F. for the free .se o their lodge room, wee .0aktmo0.ly passed. tI1S�tugany Magma e-Miseiosoi v .er will be held L. North -et. Methodist rot next Sabbath. when Rev. C. 7 t, SD , of 81. Thomas, will preach In the morainic and address the 8sbb•th ecbool in the afternoon. 1. the eveaias a plat fern missionary naming will be held, ad- dressed hy Rev. C T. Sow, B U , and Rev. C. V. Hort, D.D., who has bees through the recent no4 in Limas, when all t►e Gaped. Methodist property was de• steeled. lflismo.sry offerings taken et ell the .ererioee. e Auburn. Booker, of the. Event/shoal Ammar e .lino, and the pastor, E. ()Invent, will de- . liver addresses. LEEBURN TUESDAY, Dec. 9, Communion hereon Sunday the 20th. Miss Joanna Foley who Is enjoying 0 pleasant vont to Loudon will, during her stay, •trend the wedding of • friend. SHUT IN THL A. -r. -Several doge were shot by • farmer with • trusty rifle lest Saturday weds worrying sheep which were badly dammed but not killed. The termer pursued one to neer Sbepp•rdtoo when he lest rte trail. Thursday alining of last week at the , close of the weekly prayer amour* it was addressed by Mies Polley, of ((ethanol, • well-known local worker is Knox church, 1 who rave an iuter.wng report of the late • S. S. convention bold •t Loodoo- Dnelse.a SESSIONS -The December Ses- sions opened m the Court How at 1 r M. est Tuesday HA Honor Judge Mame premium. The jury roll hoeing been called. The court &joar..d to 10 A w , R ed.eaday. Oa W ed...day the mart met at lv A. r., end shortly after the opening the Grand Jury returned into moat and promoted • tree bill .g•leta1 Thos. Boll McAndrew for indorse assault- The tint ease tried was • nos jury one, Rattle v, Ritchie, w action for damage to goods, caused by the ever -flow of • cistern. Judie Masson reserved hie judgttteot. In the efternooa the Grand Jury retansed • true bill for tales pr1ieos.., atte®pt•ne to obtain mosey ender tale* petiteness, and forgery alpinist J. J. limbo. Jardine v Redford estate, 00 wawa tar eta amount, for reenov- vel from the cellar et the Bedford h lasted .1) the at aroma and was not cofteinigiten we are ganga prom A aetek (''.gtatel0504 raper. •, Th. Montreal *Vitseo., this beteg its jubilee year, bee been prieti07 stem last Daesu.o.1 . weekly page of the remi0i.os.- 011 of ire early readers who sued eurrtve, meet' of whle5 have hero of taecmatim,t In- terest. sod all of which have been tall of eager end hearty good will for the paper Much hoe been to the writers • life-long onanellor and family friend Het. ie woe of the bra fest end most pr.Ctiowl of these oontribattoos : A 1,tr1ND'� HINT. 1'e the ldtter of The Witness. Sir,- I was first induced to take this noble paper by our sr/toter (p.m the pulpit e ouoo...ik9 bed literature and recon• meodt0g good. He reoommeoded the Wit - sees •Moog the tea: family readier for old or young $bortly .i:er 1 seat ter the paper, sad elthegh over a .,tore of years the, I have been readier it siaoe with pleas - ere and profit. The price is moderato indewd. The Wite.ss is 0 true 0.01.1, tot Eng • Arm stood for rigbteo.ene.., mover - mos, sod everything that makes fer the geed of w and the glory ef the Creator. New, I have • request to make of two of the highest professions ia the land -She pram sod the clergy : yin, that the peso .hell kindly dv. slth item rete a their jemrnale--tin sue to ssooppay from the atter, std ; sed Sleet the mimiseere el the gospel .hail speak .f and rr.seernd the Wha.= to their people. as it is are a power ler rod wherever known. Jose W. McKsmzis. Gift Oak, Orel COMING AND OOING. Mrs Quick, of Leede., is in te wee. Ed. Rinker, el 'earths. le i. Sews Re.. Jr, leviamiter, Aylmer, i1 i. Sews. J. M. Roberts. of Dmse-n-e., was in tows leer week. Re.. J. A. Andress pn.obed to He s•ll hist 8sady. Dr. MsDeald, Y.F. , W i.gtam, was in teen yesterday. Ed. T. Fewer, of New York, is r1aU- lag Meade in Iowa. deo. Renders, of Toronto, wag riders hi town NON week. Mot .Arr0.egry Malosamee is re- portedevwt. Rev. J. B. Hewell retained te h1m hams, Aetna, lost Thursday W. Coate. bespester, How of Refuge, was in hews the pea wreak. Mb Les Millerel Kt.e•rdee, is the el Mrs. Rem *osWL Mir Jean Mol wgbys, of Braid., tree rifting Min !arses lest week. Moodamm Hyslop Meanies*. . is town sad Pha.en of mdse. r. Wm. Wllii se. of i las.rdtms, is Sbs nose of hs missive. Nam Reitan. Mime Saw. of le M tows. The �7 ises's Flair. Mr. sad lira Mo.Drwy. of the guest ef Mrs. Coebb Ws J. G. Weed, et Denewen.a. ear side est resod leas oen.t.m th. page Our aid Sowesssn Jaw Ifliel, ed Els- , is today the guest ed 11r. • id Kw Roe R Peelle Ideal D. Delp. el Ma- tes. Owen,. 10 Omni �orShe .eetlsg of w Cniu'sT..A* or 1896.-(75*1111mae is soos to be with us and we extend our best wishes to one end all of Tut Stumm. renders for • happy one, in their different family oracles, end how tb•t the day will be an en- joyable one with them. Sumo. last Christ- man there have been changes ; familiar feces are away, but we do not forget them. The other day your popular .untie had the pleasure of meeting two of our former r eideuN AP the parents of Mt. and Mrs. Jr Serekh.o who now reside in $altford, tied on the 27th of Nov. enter lace oelebrated the 58th watvereary of their w- ly ()ti. outs doughtier fit • oeof 12 hildros was wile them, •ll with the mewl too of two ...alive an settled in Owed( sod the Canted States. They came (.11ert)k.ada from Ie.nsie Scotland to 1863. Wt wish the rood soupls many happy pole let to elms. - ,� DUNLOP. TrLeDAy, Dec. 8. Freak Al eta wee a crabsuut rusts' to Kincardine Hue week. Moss Annie Alien u enioytng a pleadert visit of some weeks in Go.derioh township. Mies Hillock, of Godertoh township, was the gusset of Mts. Thos. T4ohbourne last week. Mrs. Robt, Stirling and sou. Mason, of Goderioh township, were trsoa4at visitors hen last week THxIH ANNt'AI. CALL -Members from the S.IV•tIon Army in t;oderioh were in our midst last week asking tad to doatioes ef enemy or farm produot. for the welfare of the Army. For the produc•ecolle.rted they had bags marked " The Social Sack " with withhem. ler. wd Mrs. T. Tiohbourns entertained • semhsr of the young people ben at • soaial pthertog on Friday evening lest, when .11 present, your scribe being among the number, spent • rood time in social coon - mires. At the close • pleos of wedding wake was divided among • quartette of maidens BENMILLER TUESDAY, Dee. 1. Oliver Lone, 1o. of J•.4s l..sg, le learn- ing the baking b.gisem with D. U..telos, of Goderiok. Jobs Stewart •etend.4 the aural sort- ing of the Frit Growers' Assertion, on, held this year in Marlton. He i. the ..prsel"t- alt.0 for the shore Society in Colborne township. Alton Gledhill has taken bis piercers on Ns tMMr'a hash farm sear Holmos.iUs brides to a.perioteed the cutting ot some 600 er mere seeds ef wood thin Winter. The wags of Shoppers sss*eod will make the maws bum sad the shite fly before the ✓ obins same again. W. Verstose bas purebred th. property .djoeiag has own farm from Neil MS(Jer.is, eemprieing 66 0oea. This parch..e will be • voluble &equation to hie already 8ne property, which s 0oksowledeed te im the rS* ttrca sod hest -kept form is the mirth - Oar Ad friend, Thos. Gledhill, has meek limpered 0t late, .sd i. in • fair way le be seen She seer old Tem he was is the days N )�o0re+a. it will be rleembered that he was elr4ok.. with p.owly.N then 9prisR..od his o pera w...festsd ; ha/ sow be is able to aaveew freely, sod Nle just • q ---.le. • than time whom be will be able to resume his b,ttrisa, as hescely. UU NIMANNON. ftiDSruI� Meg le the to J. 0Wwd, 4.. Ower•sahmar Er�ktfgrgttge[.a0.�d :iv.rrr i reedy* ad b- ew bs� paid for the s.s.t give noelpie ler Tmsro.r, lied & Wtltirm Rabkirk 0.d family have me moved from Jet.eph..s tato Joseph 8tethsow' Mmes en Bemtbempeen-at. Ihmkin0lo AT A Drioerwr. --in maw e gesmw of mild weather for come Mee, sionibrilg se preens leas • dme..t Onle Tura -Tb. glowing .sorb .4 lobi lade r Reeland, and Omelettes*. sae atimisikes Os .meneresuive ` tis.. 0f ...y eras .. fSr 6101114111 Lamm. - eeMMMWins Waft es Idiom* will be " Withers, ter .1...s." Mies V. Hasghtes. All are moiled M .0 - teal. Loos 8strsas.-Dario; Met week, Sha /soul and esteemed Reeve, of AakUeld, shipped to the senors market, TM ded.- riele, • great •ember of sheep and Iambs Mem this pout, MCNICIrAL COUNCIL. -On Tuesday neat, the m•nietp•l «Basle a Aabeld and West W•waoesh will meet s, their ileal plane at 10 o'clock ♦. s. All Maims arises said memeipahties are to be pretested for payment on or before that date. PLLAtu NT VL.IT •Oa returning boas tram window up the hwt,ees of Ora hal Comity Connell regime, which a now ohm - Mite, R. Lookart, Reeved West W.wwe.•ek, was the guest of ex-R'arden, Charles thr- vi., and reporte having had a good .d preempt time with the viewable mentleme... who, oowidering hie age, is stall °lorry and 10111 - Hao. Dssr*urED---Sinceour lot • serious misfortune betel Alex. Kir kp.•rwit jr., of Aubfield, by tome uokoow. o.see,hs baro, span ot good horses, some cattle .ad other mete/Its were destroyed b? fire 1here is en menrasoe on the barn mei out- buildings of about 11250, and =450 on c0tt- meta .ed stook, tied he b.vmg just recently rented the farm and oommeno.d farming 05 his own a000un1 will feel the loos to Le op- pressive. p- preesive. ANN*•AL NYTL*TAIY0LNT -The •nousl entertainment leader the 00ep1051 of the 000greg.tioe of Erskuse ohuroh ben w ill hs hied o.. Tbunday eveetag, Dec. 17th, is the church, when It is expected t t addresses will be delivered by Om la i clergymen and Rev. J. W, Primg. Nile .oats. The sereRoes of an excellent choir • oondnot the mashed part tat the et.tertaicme*t he... Lees soured. The committee of man•ge..,as1. having a good program, a.tieep•t. 5*..•her and roads permitting) • s.000seful ad in- teresuog eotertai0mene. All are cor lay invited. l.'ALLLD TD awry. -1V, sincerely reg,.t to chronicle the demise and interment of Mrs. William Gray, of Ashfield, who, atter • lingering illness of about ten months, de- parted from this hie on Thursday, Deo. & Her roaming were ."tarred to 1)ungwmon osmiury un Saturday lest, beteg .000m- prled thither from her late restdeooe by • large number ef relatives, friends and ac- quaintances. DDosesed woo ie her 34th year. The obsequies were emad.oted by Rev Mr Armstrong. The bereaved hus- band and relatives have the .thy .f the entire oommuntty, ea the dibesibed ass held in high engem by all who lase bar. 4 bT CARLOW. McSIDAT, 1M*. 7. Mr.. Gower, of St. Mary" is W guest of Mrs. W Young .t psussttlf, We .re plead to .se Kr. Boggs around again after • long and erre illness. Our popular blwk.mitk, Mr. Smith. is again o00velewoent salter Ole tate illness. Divine service was oonduoted by Re.. Musgrove, of Winthrop, last Sabbath, e Carlow ohurch. While Mr. T. Sallow. ..d eon, Will, were trotting wood one day of last week, they h.4 quite an adventure witb • racoon. They trailed • large elm which b. ke at the top as it struck the ground, w e. out leaped bis lordship, apparently unbart atter his swift dement thr..u7h the air, some sixty feet However, Will g000 despatched him, brought bim towns rod weighed him, when 1t was foupd he tipped the melee at forty one pounds. Mr. Mrsag•s a gel I. Nn. To the 0d!tor of Twit i1uNAL. AIN -Kindly allow me space to dissent from the conclusion you mine to to Tony editorial Int week on '• Theleaoher'. Lot." Having been unable to hear and take part in the dtsoss.tos referred to, 1 read your editorial with mon than usual interest. I a•nnot eve. however, that y ,u have either e•etgatd • sufficient news for the over - orowchng of the urofe.si u, or suggested a satisfactory remedy. Why should teachers, more than edifiers or termer', be expected to devote themselves ter life to bard and uoremaner.uve work, or to die in harness, eaertnot09 themselves out of pure philanthropy Why, when they have tailed their Forma and found that they pompom the qualities Haat go to ensure euoo.e@ in life, es ordinar- ily understood, should four young men end woman be blamed for deollsing to remain is • profession which has very tow prier, and which offers no batter i0dnosemet than an average annual salary. including what •sed towns, of $421 and $300, respectivel., as 'I'b cording to the sex of the teacher. 'is are the figure in the last departmental re- port, rid nothing seems more mortars then that the mot report will show • degrease. Lamely suppose lima all the Seashore at present enraged were to take your in.plied advise sad revolve to devote themselves for life le telab/0g. In 1826 so fewer than 1644 terher, won tat leer from our model .Sbeole with prefeosrmroal tbiro•d•q certifi- cates, sad, judging from tb. past, 1896 will ave • still Wirer number follow a their wakei0 searob of situations. In the face, on tie ems bend, of this largo throat. sexiooely looking for plasm, sad, es the - ether lead, parsimonious Sial..., ready to meri6os the interests of their wheels Se •••S 560, 575 or $100, haw seer the prises tea.b matinee to bold their plasm szeope (se .nae are now modally d.iag) y organ& mg to tempt reduced salaries. I hays so• time at pri earl to disown the matter farther, bet it surely met be rd. dews that M11 this M9oweg stream of in- 'xp•rien..d ten.b.rs i. Mterielly marked by departmental r.,.la1lese. tatt.te tum matinee to grow wages instead -of ;"{{s" H. I grmsli�' LETTERS FROM SUB$CRIBEZ Meat. Maw, Nev. 30th, 1896. To Ma 8reeA1. - Piers And es - (Awed (1 for 8to*u. ter 1A177, en 1 like M see the home sews. Ate piemeed teen. tint °whorish t. hasmeg. We h..e had a very early Wieser this year, .(.eat a .amth al hard weather already, hes I .m fanning within three .also ef w.e a the Isom awns V sash-w.Ners Manitoba, x the °- iles of where we grow•r ., 1 had wheat and et 10 web per bark, gad me Mob a lim hes lams paid 1n eat sews. We have Mendlargo ohmage" W iasji err ,y Mow Tear. 'or'' ilio tla�ltwrlTT _tele