HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-3, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODISRICB. ONT.. TRI7RSDAY. DEC. 3, 1896
ern Or Ttia beer a•HA0•A0L0 Over ON ha-
001110- TM TEAMS Or 17Tf1a1 •.real!pu
IMO* acpT* OH1O0ATIO* -Till Wynn.,
.OHO &T,a T14►tTa4 n..4 °VT or s.•ra Ile
fent', Llba- AYA11r aa/ruaf4 To •.Tion
Prot the Newmarket Advertiser.
W. impps•e there le 0w • resides, ei
Newm.rk•t whu 0e,• out know lir. J A.
watt dee. not knew •I his yeses of
sa/ertag mid woo hot not heard of Ise re
!saps f• on • life ..1 nelol...oees aid pat.
'Armagh the medium .1 Ih Wi loam' Ptak
PUIa t.•feed we deuht of Is the .mash .f
-.dtu..e tbat. M a more roue:A e s roue-
n oise
est♦..t.se taken hi. bees •000•np+ubed to Mr.
Moffitt'. owe, mid be 1,0111. LL hL du•y to
w aak,sl le 'sake the loots boo*. through
Ib. oohing et Mas Adverliaer.
Teo bars sw. Mr. Mutat Wee working la
Ohs N.tfwatks he: fsu-ory. furuugn the
111111111111119 Of the dam room. sod pos•toiy
seer 011ibleeeiteeeto reward to aL health. he
WOO atteokd with a severe al I wbiob
•veatu•Uy •sltl.d 1n. his mobs For seem
years he was almost • .woet.et .ufferer free
rbse-eke pekes lad •pial moon mossy is
lrsatmtest for Um trouble, but with iso re-
melt beyno 1 as ooeevoo& temuor•ry r. -
Lase from paha reel', to make mate=
worse he was • tacked with undone sad
rheumatic lever. He was then t ,rse t to go
to the Temote
M. *pewee T.won • Dsejre to Ms toseel-
lee, mall/ 41.31,..I4,..
tiro of those "olra•sttpated" women
who are laid te be dal rued 1n the land.
but who can't be distinguished by euro
from any other women. atrlsbding to
the 1'hUadell.Ala T1m.s =rose as ful-
'Without going Into al lib* dry dr -
tale of the relationship of the sixes
in primitive times and among un-
cle .11aed Peoples. ere may just take the
to ,ad taco which are known b. and
.a1..•Itted by every one. Woman has,
of t uursr, always been and always
murt be man's physloal inferior -4M
In times past she tray been wally. If
h e literally, his •lave. She has been
th • toy and sport of ntan, with one.
an ' only one, , 4hey've of ase ertl!g hat•
he f.
'This has been the exercise .4 per -
mood charm, which bets enabled her to
Move in roan the passion galled love,
god thereby to saa•urr an ercenden(•y
over him. Th. love of power. widish
!s csonwrtun to both sexes. has been
hers. and rrail:int that she could only
bt poo erful by &maulintg this aor t iaaen-
tai passion in roan. she has put forth
all her endeavors 'to Head raver 1:1 ills
fright,' .e the old phrase has 11.
"Naw, es Ole of thus- women 10
wlwm men apply the scornful term
'emancipated.' I should like W point
on: this Irnpurtamt face, that our sex to
Srldtlaily briOnning to rc'ignize that
it is Ignoble to seek for admiration
•btidY for Its doll -like qualities %Ve
bare net loot our vanity though we
are no valuer than men --but w.• are
mew aiming at winning admiration d
waw tiler Acids• -lamely, in intellectual
"We shall atIU pride uurwMves ..n out
gond kooks when ee have therm; we
shall hull do our b.T.t to dress well
u..1 tawtetaally; we shall elle Mak for-
ward to wifehood, anal .hall not lime
our maternal Instirc•ts but we .hall
no kaiser &flow our return. and ..ur
gowns to dominate our {Ives,
•.l•ndnut.trdly we eras 'entencipatrd.'
All fie;da (.f activity are being rimmed
to us, and the men who now sneer and
g ibe at op fur our 'newness' w+il ounce
to see that we are more ay.mi.a Mon.u.le
sed ;softest. more tasting attractions
than in the days when our facer were
our fortune and when a few wrinkles
and gray hairs ennuunced the end of
our reign.
'To out my arguments Into a nut-
shell. my cuntentt•.n Is that the preval
ng Passion of women hos t.a-en the Inv
•f admiration. became it he.. bee one
eredttary Instinct of the race th-at 1
personal charm lay our only powers
ow that we are at last allowed
uprate our Intellects and put them
o practical one, car bid tor power wi
geeeral hospital whoa it was foetid that he ,
was afflicted with wr.roolbe (wrV nook).
Durta1 the drat ata *oath• to era ho.p.tal h
be was ender tn.. tre.taswt of the staff
eleotnsien, bet the powers of .leotrestty a- N
Ifrelh fused, ad .tier • 000aultateos of e
photybean• it w.. deemed advisable to per- t
form .■ operation 7,41 weeks 1s..r • mo-
oed operation was performed l hs opera-
tions proviso eeo v.f only In eo for to they
a. MilUsgtea Meller, M,L., Writes of 10.
rhys1.a1 1Laws Nadel* Severn die
Operation .f -hailed elle
stilt" H•p-
A number of hitherto mystvriuua pile
11nmena are at te
Um pr.ynt ale of 04:04:1'41l'
Ufic discovery arranging theu.relvao In
to a methodical lad easily apprehend, 1
system. What ':ham been pesainC
strange b becoming overplain.
Thlugs hitherto called "ountilt" are
hlddvn ne burger. Things which, oc
ctirring ie. the everydayab
live. of s
most commonplace people. have beet
classed as supernatural, have In the
light of ascent science been hound to
br merely the wurkings of a math
to nee. therefore unclaadfed, and. In
fact, unknown.
')f these are '•telepathy," or "thought
Irenierl'ence," iso -called, also dreams
vein..e etch vein.. true, forebodings of dimes -
ter, and all that series of phenomena
which, the supentltiuuma have been wura-
to attribute to some superhuan
power. s
Marr are Instanceof the manifesta-
tions of this sixth sense. They are
no doubt. tarnUlar to every one.
1 look steadily at a fellow passenger
In l train. In a longer or shorter time.comparativeaccording u, the comparative +straingen
of our wills, the scrutiny is felt and
I Ax my gas, on sine object on the
table, and atter thus burning its shape
end other Qualities tato coils In the
sight centre of my brain, 1 met out
sum, Individual In the room who is
what hypnotists call "ser.Mflve." and
try to fun* him. by pure thoughttransf-r,, i-4 to think of and look 'a
th.- same //Wet. If my will la $trona;.
I usually succeed In making him do w•
within a reasonable time.
think just u I step out of the 140111
d."or, "I will meet so-and-a.t to -day,"
and to and behold' we come face a
Nee on Fifth -avenue or Broadway.1 have a dread Intuition at such and
such a moment that a very dear
Retie friend. with =hum 1 always been th
sympathetic" Is dying at at mo-
ment. The mall In a clay or 80 beings
rte the awful confrmatkon.
1 sit down and write t» A.. and "w11I"
a that A. should write to me at the same
fa ri,drient. The letters thus exchanged
wit het: the parsage of words- pass
each ether in transit Ned are delivered
in widely separate cities at practically
the same moment of time.
If there Is any one absorbing bent
of the science d the close of the nine-
teenth century. It is the study of **ThePhone! of Ether." .!
Rtr William Thalm-
ann and John Tyndall have contribute
generously to our knowledge of this
perplexing branch. Their researches
and these of a boat of inve.tigatore 1n
practical phytin show us that ether b
a tenuous, eleat(c, impenetrable Nub -
stagier, which fills ail snare. Its par-
ticles oocupy all the crevices and cran-
nies hetwrees 1'he ree4ecules of matter.
if i push my hand through four feet
of atmosphere in tent of me. 1 move
all the ether in the universe to a slight
degree If I push this elastic. impen-
etrable"jelly" tee feet away from my
r.hnuld.r with my open hand, Its mo-
tion conipl.tes the etr•7lt Of the globe
in a record, and the tar end of the col-
umn swells out and Alis the vacuum
after my forward -pushing hand. in
ocher words. 1 push the air, and the
ether pewee through my hand.
Electricity, light. the Roentgen ray,
I sound are all different forms of the
• t motion of this ether. If it be Befit.
the motion is In the form of undulating
waves, like those produced ina rope fas-
tened at one end and suddenly shaken at
, the other. If it be electricity, the mo-
r Ition takes the form of gradually wIden-
ing circles about the wire. If It beouwind
sound. and . Is primarily alr-
motlon. though practically ether -mo-
tion -the impulwe is transported in
what the phyteleist calla vibrating
Nerve three resembles electricity
more than any other mode of motion
of ether, except that It moves very
elnw•ly. My friend Looks Into the selen-
ium rre
relver of a "telephote" In Ra
Francisco and f see her face in the
transmitter.PClenlum trantltter. which t hold In
my hand in New York. This discovery,
made by Elias E. Ries, has already
been described In this paper. The rose
"Me.ks" Into the retinue of my erre
and Its Image Is thrown up Into a cell
In the sight centre of my brain. The
me"-hanisn In both casts b prectsaly
the same The ael
efentum receive!.
chromes light waves Into waves of elec-
triclty and bacte k agent at the trans-
mitter end of the wire into the original
And now let me apply the fact we
have obtained to telepathy, or the evi-
dence of the sixth seer. Every sena-
iloh coming from the outer world be-
gins In a loco/ disturbance. not only of
molecular matter, but also of the ether
which permeates It.
The lighting up of an image or of
Images in my brain cells by the paw -
P000 of the electric spark M thought
tenses a series of korai disturbances In
these cella. and the. wave= of tither .n
marled widen out from them until they
reach and light up the particles in a
cell In some other brain where the
Image of the same object iw sacred.
This Is the physlral explanation of
telepathy. F.v.•ry picture wbk•h the
thought spark lIghts up In one of the.
1 rain cells c110.1 ether waves in the
very ani of becoming luminous. Thr.
e eves circle through Mace simultan-
eously in all dire Oohs.
11 1? very easy to understand how
toning attuned to the reception of these
..-Ikcto space messages may alrnnet
Ir.tantly apprehend sights and mends
and thought's whom original disturb -
amp moues many miles &fray. A. Mil-
lington Miller, M D., In New Tort Jour-
teap'w•ry teller, H• r.twueed a
the booties! Iron X ,re Mew, 1490, till Jen- + .
eery, 1892. sad with .11 tile modern rose ; f
dies • ei eppl•.00•s known to the staff of :
that well Feu pried 'mutinies. as penmen- a
eat rebel 00011 he o'.t..ed. 111 wee then
advised .o g•• 0.000, pertly 13 the hope that w
She ease* nubs torero neaedotal, Out a ! sh
steel he •,ont.ouahy grew wets•, sod 1n. I a,
March. Iikd2. was argon forced to take to ! p1
his bed, aid those who keret of hie omit. t
Oise did sot oeiteve he tie! long to lira At jw,
tau tame •very jam?. is no let.ty was swol• to
les sad di.torted, sad he salferd the most
.cony.excruciating 1f • person walked t
emcee hie n.droom it inteos.'ied the poo w t
though he was beteg pierced sad torn with ere
knives, aria it coedited he would Doreen
eked a wo0v. la this state of hopeless H• rm
suffering hie 1' bedfast for eighteen
mouths. sl. the while using all *anon of a
a/edalaee from which rile( might be hoped w-
for. Thin be wee pot under the treatment • m
e Tomato celebrated Toato speot•1st. but won
w better result. After this loot experiment nt
bide 1, tie detrital sod to try Or Williams' I.
Pink Pills, at ths same tone di•otaunlog p[
all her treatment At the eon of three e
- orifice there war • very notioeabk improve- d
meat in hie &mein ion, ans
d 0 meth so that a
kis mother thosght he could be lifted out- a
side. He wee still •o week, however. Mist I so
be wee only &hie t , remota up • few mioutee pt
es before. Walla Woe b&ok to bed b. felt , tea
• sadden tingling sem'Meg up from a
• Wee es eel through his jousts •a4 spies. si
The next moraine wheel he *woke the pain sp
had left tate body •a4 lo heed i0 the sons, on
Nom •0 for some weeks the pain titled
from place In plea,. is the amod od the. ' eel
Mai disappeared, sod h• has not h • p•rtiel.' ch
of pain Meow All 'ha time he was WittigI tet
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills end slowly but of
surely reeaininr his strength. Thea se in. pu
vMew er was pro &red, oaf M ION1 of
wheeled out, eatooIly he was able to '
wheel himself *best. 'I be oo.d tisswe of th
the Ptak Pills o..••taetly added to kits ! L
e ts.egtb. led then the chair wan diee•rdei of
far ers,
wt lte•sel the the l crutches ter • mipar
Ar tit's Mme (Sept 18951 Mr. Moffat had es I Ira
far renovated that to was • trimmed, sins. th
tribute, to e columns of the Advsrttser m
• rumoring prwring • herr end baggy he wee •e- til
Miffed se p
Leel reporter ter the paper. The • n
moo utterly helpless iovold le Dew able M bo
go .at, sad to get is d out of his buggy
without ere essistsee
., sad is et his poet of bo
duty whenever celled epos. Inar
This we Sad that after yes of s.fferieg be
and helplesess- lir Williams' Pink Pill, du
hairs reale- e prnved suoseful after all other re•- e
dies sad the hest of medical treatment had TU
utterly tailed. With seek atarvIloes cures
se this es its eredit it b to weeder Dr. Reef
Williams' Ptak Pitts is the meet popsies Ion
medicate, with ..11 oIsom throughout e nm
lead, lad tide owe o.etaiely jesesae..he le
claim pet forth o0 its behalf that h "sum "suat.
wheal ether medicines fail." at
t 1 • .bt/wl Geud
The women of the presentday--at
east many (4 them -are remarkable
or a last of reposeful atmc.spher.- of
hat IMsur•ly individuality wha•h made
n eider gener'otton so charvning and
orb eshing. It may be inevitable. 1f a
on,an has too much to de, that she
cualways be at high pressure, n0
en er thr ugl. one task than soap -
Ice with the next -but why has she n.
uo much to do? dimply. in the ma -
fit) of cases, be.•ause she attempts
do t.'.. much, under the mistaken
te it en that activity. In whatever direr-
Ina is more useful and praiseworthy
hen repose. In the effort to do i c !
rt deal she eases to be her true
WW1 poeedbie self, sari a writer in
.1 '
a.er'. Radar. 1
For instance, have we never been in
summer reer' in the mountains 1
here s..m' intelligent and active wo-'
en happen to be upending the sum
mer? Ito they rest Ir, th/..delicious at
osphere of the 4.449, breathe in It
e lm, amllat.' the feast of beauty
be on what I ermeider higher grounds.
• g.'nrousty spend atw,jt them, and
nrich their von- .outs and hearts by
eey rommunjon 11th nature? Ivo they
the poet se truly although whlrisic
Ply puts It. "L. ef. and invite the!
ul.?" N.ot at al! They make halpam
Howe. meowing the wools for the ma -
• without swopping by the way.
nd plas the glorious taouotaln days
tting to their rooms, cutting up the
it branch -v., and sew'.ntt the covers
and the rutti -e around them; and
sometimes, by oreenlrinr a band to
i the results to: the benefit of some
tufty to their fellow -guest, they
adage to «.-trey nearly all the home
all the summer in thispralua-orthy
rsuit. Or they ger up a r pr
theatricals. the practice and pre-
paration for Wch ob ,rb a we -k t.f
elr time at least. out of the very
e.rt (4 the golden weather Or, worst
at. they play duplicate whist ;n t4.,
lar. In a nevi -r -ending series of
num with _their Amerlpan Leads in
sir laps to ref....to. an excellent
ind-tralning. no daunt, but hardly
at relaxation and refreshing of soul
d body watch spades "recreation" of
These sante ov
v':dr1n women, et
me, in the wnter, w111 be found do-
g embroidery In every spare moment
twren p' -tial engwtome nt• club
tele, viol:. among the. poor, or
ur•h work; and, while they are
shiner everywnere, their prence
britags •tow here that peace, that deep
pfu!nees, that qui -t 'harm. that be-
g to reposeful and Individual wo-
anhond. If they would onlv not at-
inpt to do PO much, but to be tome -
mg Instead, not to touch the world
an many points. but to lift and
resit -then where they do ramble In con-
t with It, It would be an Incalcul-
e gain.
Reese/1W : The NMI ..pas- el W
fsmoss Holiday law suit •ascarid 1e warty
111,3011. 'ebb seweet, it property epee ea
lbs meds, would hew gores • keg way la
.aktee them iamb safer for the travelling
T.rsberry • Os Saturday of lest week •
tea of Job McN..gbtee, 2.d one. of Tura -
berry. met with • eerie= saddest by fail-
le. • dt.sa..s of twelve feet from • beam he
the Mr. te the Sew. His shell was free -
Rsaferth : 10,. sat Ms led Davie.
$••Mrtb, sensed M the Welker lest weeks!
• wa idi Who their Whtheir trash
termed w
p at the hestdry • few peke .f old
tests were •tlo.hed be the reps• whish
loved it.
ilnesseh : 0. A. Dial--- reverse We
sews beige better Ass .seal fir Mart -
H• peer his .spar het week sheet 19K'
yiee end bas 80 slue peeked is chaff
▪ �M *Mails heels, te winter in their
The sae. whit ales dew! M well ler a
MOdve wesertwo t y te ka.uk at his deer
11111 amid . Ohdak wises ea hie .haat.
sired et b wield
6 MO • -ea .he b
Mime the r--Wil,sty Loyale gide 1l s -es .f
Re Orphan Aavt.sse.
Australia has no orphan asylum•,
stye Tit -Rita. Every child who 1e not
supported by parents footmen a ward
of the state. and is paid • permit n for
support, and placed In a private family.
where board and clothes are provided
until the fourteenth birthday After
test he may be able te go to wast. In
which ease the tvneforr. Is planed to.
hie credit until the tale of eighteen,
w hen he becomes a deism. with a
be:wee, due to hem fn'an. 111e .tiler Se
bream Itte with. Tail traoal0atas a 0. -
mane. charitable and remaneniespirit
In a. maiden to, 4.0r•essc41 the ehanea of
pa.ierrlsn and pieces every young
m a r tan • fair and s4•••'• befta•g
with the woad.
The new I..4.. fere MAW -
('apt Ate Laminar We4a,pI the >Ayv
navy has lest bees 110ads[
W the
London ("runty Os melt the
talr.shtp of the emellarlpellhs lire bfI-
gode. He he • was ed O fears •f
age, who at the tato et lits Mp•vt_
'nest wee the sealer serer d the Me-
e ntentanded • tsrpeSa lest at Ihs bow
1hare..at d AlesMIIliME.
1. W.w.•.'s World.
R1Mann velvet teas again returned to
favor In Vandyke skirt trimming.
tsr'ge violet velvet hats .re I. groat
demand, thdr be-omingness being a
deldrahlie attrNrtttp.
shorter gowns are said to be the
mandate of Farb modistes. On teeny
days the style le er'-.ptahle, but ether -
ease u r deeed.dly unersr fol.
Telt. .,.•aro M Um tell bas fktally
arrived, and women w•lreww. It 5. id
toothier dd.reble article that helps
these toward knowing what to do with
their te.•da
We are anxious to clear
Stock during the next week,
offering :
BEDSTED6 (ex/Meters) -
MATTRESSES (01144.Lei)
out the b 'lance of this
and for that reason are
7.8.60 and 10.50
$15, 20, 30, 32
$4, e, 7
501•, 60e, 701'
tram 76c to t)3
and all other Furnit;.re correaponding'y cheap. This is
a chance seldom offered of getting Furniture at such re-
duced prices.
THOS. GUNDRY, assignee.
now going on at
.Is we wish to sell as many Stoves as possibt;F
before the new year, and knowing that this is
the season when people are looking for Bar-
gains we will give ou Bargatns in Seating
and Cookie) Stoves tom now until the end of
the year. The lamest stock to choose from wad
use will n3ttke the prices the lowest in Goderich.
We always mean and fulfill what use advertise.
The Stove and Furnace man.
The TenM
Terse of these Monthly Camp.tlt•s w111 commence January lat. I891.
lad w111 tin ronnnund each smooth durin Inn:.
$1,625{ iN eicrcLes i 61 N FREE
SAs FollowsFOR B ht10 First Pm, $100 Stearn' Bicycle, . . $ 1,00025Second" $25GeldWatch . . . .Neldatl.dwttaha `bels loll I11Mth.1,625
during rear 1897, 519,500
si of .weir a •,e�lees e<l -
�� :ti,LSrif
A "1•re M b. seat etl,{so.4
�w•tpps •.h..et Italieof p•aer ea w aka
ter eea
m,tes. written s
or per hell aiae W M •Nr...,
ala ter nailer /oil
�{re■t l e he Meese.
WrriMrI0�� d. oft .14.����Pes.esi ...
TMt•r•T tlitstietteer Hve•'a.
1. awry -•p10 4.rt . Or. la earn of tae 1
a.ul0a Mem inn e. 00,..!11 .. PIM ms ,
me s ,meet we .aa ewe la Ow ler-.
•ML esae_h,re of eoyr.e ilea til.
r.+.s.e.M •
*hick they ••WY.or •
r•r•r�e�q-i..i •� flak
�l�10.�.�.a..�eppelelhtr..00 sod M. tats pent
III= i .al. ►- tar new ealMa
nets .ul•.t.s.r. omnia. • hays nit
s heft
e. 10. a.ppw.tM~' .Alin r lam We
tneleet en hie air •h.t• pa�a40* Mt Ower
awn wells pt cal p. nae te.atal weeps
le /..i ssMtne'�.04 ter .a at.,ee till ewe
tee., asrhra Ll. W taeer %alts, .n a.rnw nal
r A;41. art d strew is a ea rtl4 '. tem r'•t -*0
dn•...4.i b .or.u..e. 71 sera .444 4 , awp, 000
5 pMNaana Lamm ,aisle, W .1•10 .aA.wr.r is ....4
Shebut len r.rrnae e.t .a eke pm11.1017 Is the bap of ask •e.e.�we.a era .ad ),,swa
IM e..M of •'.ma loan 44••0.4., lura. ei w•i aawpt
LOITER BRON„ awl., MI .sena llt.., Targets
al la
Spa Teen Tar MIME
OR N MAIM awl/ alleg k t
eKT1elff 10.444„,
A.elwie. •.tl ca....n... W a.N11. dC .
404 e.erstaii.r sii ter...
W1e�(Moatw. P. • 11. crater
•,wets. et este Ore
it=}f ews 0esal. w E'clftt it
gET0. PMvM.n'M'M.lr.t..I 2Men.. 'r nerd .r r r et.+'r a (l. ,
Ir4Mre X. T., a Twa.l.. 1. ar ` 1.N a reaes•t- MIM e..1.4a ..• Im Iw.,Wish„,.,
Undertaker - and - Embalmer.
Beautiful Black and White Bears, For Low Prices
in Undertaking go to A. B. Cornell. Don't pay big
prices. Mrs. Cornell ateenda to all female eases.
at prions lower than the lowest. A fine lot of Window
Shades on hand.
Good S -room Rouse for Sale or to Rent on Houth-.t.
Apply to
Hamilton -a'., fioderich.•
harialg p•swb.sd 1be Oedwieh F•w.dry •.d all its' Peewees far 1 Wrings.
le f1yrnd M wp ly
at sheet astlee. se lie Utratilbeg YIQ awe. bees,, and ~•p h e sem always apes lad work gebwg ea
er isa.eslae with ken awed
dime presort/. see week. �F-.is�-ses, halo r rem sad
..d yes will
wall M pleased
Om -
mos Hilo ilwJ.. lir. Wile... SeiWee bregbe bold 1s imp el Ye � saw
Jt!!. WILSON, Manager.
!Coal & Wood Yard
The undersigned begs to inform
the public that he keepps on hand
all grades of
,pedal attention gives to
Call and get prices and ,toe samples
of wood.
Offire and yard, N E LS1)N
near daolts fires. Hotel. .
Oro prletOr
The up -to date HARuwnkll and Sewn%
tare: Goons EOIPoRI1'r wish to call at-
tention to tile fact that their '96 and
'97 stock ofto hand,
and are be Sklire ates youd doubt,
the finest
and best .lu•Iity ever brought to
town. Already many pairs in Ladies'
Fancy and (tent. Hockey have been
mold We have repeated our orders
in some linea, and would advise in-
tending purchasers to leave*their or-
ders at once, as want' of the up-to-
date lines will Ice scares..
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
All plus area t 1n. 1. 11 W dbs
l'sa • eel leee.
i"OTowr AT a poo. TORONTO
fill STAFF CF LIni
Adulteration and e.ate.'i•ntion in food pro
duet. have of late veers become .o grave an
evil, 'het tsoveroments everywhere h.. a bees
obliged to nail in ter servlree of •r, ' -is to
ohere their spread and save the ti.-.; the
tine of the most important article ,r food
ODg0•sthoosbly Is RKICAD.
Rob pure whnleaome Bread. 1t must te made
from Malt end Hop Yeast : for this raison it
is cooly soluble to the lubes of the stomach,
or. I. other words, light of digestion.
Hop and Malt emit is pronounced by the
best analysts in Ragland to he the pure sad
neadulteretd )east, lad is used by the beet
bakers In the coontrv.
You can get for one cent as much Bread trade
from Hop Yeeet se you can for three coal.
from 1h, pressed yeasts which are f
Ihemtselver on tae tubus, but which do •ai
toad cannot rive the sante sweet flavored bread
Try it and prove for yourself, it Is the most
tremone. and sweetest bread that oma be
produced of vier feast oe the market. My
oat experience In the Raker- business has
proved these to he fay.
seesesser1. Obeyers' A. lO•eb.1
Maair•Mmrer of U1 Made et
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pang, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.,
And Dealer te-
login... Maobf.ery C4sMap, he.
All dee. of Pipes sad Ptpe Thaw.
Sham mad Water tl..,e. Glebe valves,
Mesh=umeasety at Lamm*
Villves. limetimtlitasedon sea la-
A 11•a .f Steel Water sad Hy
ter flee of hewers esu ethers.
llesati4E tlsetspt>r etesaflet M
m►b P. 0. Dia O, ew-1s11.4►