HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-3, Page 6THE BEST !OILY MEDICINE lilac Au Lamm Ward, of Piaui. !rata • New York Lay ler AYER'S PILLS "I would like to add wy t..iiwoue to Qin of others who brie used A, et s pills, and to say that 1 Lave taken ti,.va for uuady- years. met always derive.' the Not "auks grow their use. F..r ■t.•ur Mb and OW troaw'e•, awl tor the sure of headache caused by liboss -"nil... masts. Ayr's Pills cauaot I, equals. When my friends set me what is the beet remedy for disorders of the stom- ach. liver. or bowels, my invariable answer is. Ayer's Pills. Takeo in sea- son, they will break up a cold. prevent la grippe, cheek fever. and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take. and are. i nerd, the lest all-round Maul!'rne.lr. ins have ever ku"wu."— Mrs. Mar Jolter..... 3n11 Rider Avenue, Nee Y..rk City. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. *Met $anayariila Can all SIMI Wwysld. OVER: THE HURON TRACI'. I The Grist from the Local Mtll THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH. ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC. 4, 18116. A SPENDTHRIFT CITY MEW YORK POURS FORTH MILLIONS FOR WHAT IT CALLS "FUN." seem Loamy Matemease That Will May t..sr Need lew$m-♦ tin Thee Nee ta. uremia Per Capita Wall\ Is the World. Mia New Y •i: Of wit- Jo an over - rich. over -lacy, luxury -losing big town, Slays the New York Journal. P.iur loaf and eke folk alike wok hard, hitt goodness knowa they p.ay bard. too. In N w York mosey is unlade )astir than to any other tiettooells on earth. Mat when the purse etr.ilg t. lamed. row :.:; '_ : ,_'w fit' U .....Kate wsmith of the Great- er New York were dh,ded pro rata among its 3,1 U,lllo intnutilttsnt*, the share of each would lir about PM - Tide Is the largest per eapka of wealth crown in 1ury city la the World. Rich- est of all dues. It le the Meet luxurious aa well. In the ltrtne of wine, beer and spirits, cigars and tobacco in various ruin•, theist patronage. pleasure vehicle. and line horse*, cut Sowers and ornamental plants. Duro- peen travel, diamonds. jewelry and Inc -poles, there is annually etpended Ia New York the col.tmal num of i1f5,0011.- /WI, or about $..t per capita. The unit .,f crimpartou.: a the figure reprw.entlnr the total population, or the ernbodwtent Ot 3,:r•.,0u). Aceept- lag the argument of the prubltdtionat that all manner of malt. lanais and splrituus beverage.* are luxuries pure and eunple•. It would appear that a "Sal ..t $10e,Ouv.(t01u is .+pent on the beveeogess that cheer and alai in- ebriate. of this total, 430010.0M Is laid for lager beer. ft re -peen -ma 3,- ..0 Ouu barrels of thirty-two gallons ach, or one barrel and a fraction over or every mall. wututan and child on Manhattan and Lung lsd iaua. The $74.uu11,O0u that pays for the wine and ht spirits commuted d in the metropoUa omen Over the contrasted luiunles. cow York is essentially the home 01 be Wine opener, and a statietk;lae cvn- nected wit.' the trading wholesale quur dealers' newspaper says that tefuur•th of all tine wine imported from uroi.e and made in Catilurnia r wail..wul on Father Knkytetb. kern land. Next in the scale 0f luxuries Is to- bdxx,,. though some very wise and ,nn•st awn maintain that Lt is on . the no .sent ire of life. The average ulcer u .11 hake that view of it. The ort• ..f $30,UOo,000 is agreed uponra proxiat.iy ua•reet by manu:occur rs and experts in the trade. It subdiv deed In this wIse : 7,&rt.,..u0; ,'igareltes, $9,000,900;nd elnak tobacco, $3.e00,000, achewing to x.,. 81.4100.0011.81.4100.0011.There Le but scant Inducement e pun:hearer of trotters in New 2 ere Is no pia...-. to trot then. Borns h em flg w • )Weekly )Asset sl 4.ewll 1roe anted be .r r. tap Lori.)bed) - rub see 11 Twat t lipped sad tsedeased lag from ia arro relles. 1)154 as MA gears.to oak. y there wilt 1.. a speedway on the Its of the Harlem; name day we U1 see it. but notwithstanding the t that moat fourth and fifth -claim ins have more true "boulevards" than can be 1..und within the limits of e Greater New Yurko the atiewald lees of high -bred roadsters, trotters d pacers and thoroughbred saddle utsee averages. tte•writing to the 1Rtlm..ri3 of the veteran William Eaton. 34.000.00e annually. The trafpe In carriage horses and ploaaute ve- hicles of all aorta will aggregate twice this amount, and the b,.n. n maters. teed deet' •-e. ^roan.. tn!ne -a. ooach- •u.tcw. ud scud i.,) - Revell the al of q I tore to $1,..100.000. The a., t, is: .glees at diaataorda and Jewelry have t, •.•r k. .e to senor 113111.0.-0.110. is a s.i.gle ; Nut that was :a the o wu ,..d '!irk at which w !1 M o :attach ilex. bot did not pi le • et the time A oorteerva.- e ra..,..at. by Marini, lane and r Broadway dealers; place the local sales at 12n.000.000. The complaint of the socialistic agi- tator that th, Arnentan metes his money' at home and spends it !n l Trope it partially borne out by the figures. Th. =l.. of steamship t.ivikets at this port alone amount to $4.000.000 annual- ly. The ag.•nt of one of the oldest tutu -Atlantic linea mares that et leant 26 per cent. of this amount in sold to citizens of New York who go abroad for pleasure. The amount of money taken out of New York for this one luxury alone Is conservatively animat- ed at, 3:000.000. There will be sold in the Greater New York during the next year not lees than 125.0e0 bicycles, wh/oh may be averaged at 130 each, and there 1s a cool $7.M1O.000 more. New Yorkers are a theattee-luring lot es 1s shown by the rant that full 84.- 000,000 is annually passed into the box offieet of the pliere of arnusern.nt, in which this olty abound. as does no .ether rlty In the world. ':ea York must have fifM',tn nn all festal or.-awinti.. and at all social func- tions. The more out of season the ti.wer, the mos. Imlwratvety doe, New Y irk demand tt, and for the a-ratit)cY- t1on of this mom luxurious of appeU- toi she pays every year a round 13,- 500,000. fireside : it •i I.sog, Easter's apple Th gra king, has elreuly eh 'peed 180 care of apples, eon moon captained 23,00 barrels, to forenen w NMI Lets. Sac )Julien . Fit. A. Si ruug, of lot 12. con, to kith. has sold his 1Y sore farm to 1)..id ffesoom, of G des:at' township, for the muse tit of $4.500 Mr. R omen mine time ago s.„1,1 ar his owe tum to .lobo Clue. an L.•dbury : 11, t'. I)••rtonce, formerly h !'nocipai of Lordlier, Pubis school, and lits of Mstroot:a. fell through • trap door oe the premise* of his employer and received rapines from the edema o1 which he died. lirlmor. On Yaturda• n+Thi leer lire, A •. hienio-pea 1.. ..r s• a rte of re - an.` need 81. be 1 b.. s 1u foi . ion tii. w• ks .,t7 o. ,c r el M et. n.. •h wh ; h '•all roe 1.*t .• Tar de r, wit 11100 of the hour rl it .IK of h Iodo-I'*milt • 1 wn rare re•.ran ,- i 1 ou I. 31 up as the ..,,r w re :•l . ke )lease. Thee are said to be identical sn tis •very respect to those of the ancients of upre Polynesia. Taking the young and the old together, it M fouod that twenty or igen(' the average at v.hioh people die in Lindon. In )'ng land and Wales only, more than 100,000 persons are always *lowly dying of con- sumption. it you are anxious to find the most reit able blood purifier, read in Ayer'. Almanac the testimonial* of those who have bees cured of .00h terrible dowss aa catarrh, rbeurnatt.tn and scrotal*, by the use .f Ayer a Sarsaparilla, 7 hen govern yew • salt eeoordingly. Lord *Yimlorne's deer hired of Achna• e tellaoh, is West Ro.rehtre, is now the highest -tooted shooting is Seethed. Tn., extent fa 50.0.00 scree, and it ie heavily stocked with red deer. Its primes 1ee.e. par /4,500 for the seams. As an emerreaoy m.diotne. Ayer. Cherry Pectoral take* the had of all other remedies Fcr the relief and cum ot orwip, whooping oonah, sore throat, aid the ,ianserous pul monarr trouble. to which the young are sc liable. it li invaluable, being prompt to mot, f ere to cur.. Amon/ the wild., tribes of the I'anea.us every obild te taught to see the charger al most es .eon ae he Doe walk. The children first learn to stab water without making a splash, and by inosmasat practice acquire an ertraordisery command over the weep. 041. OODDS KIDNEY PILLS QUERY fio Do you know of a case wherein GOOD'S KIONEI PILLS fail'd to cure any kidney ailment ? If so, we want to know it. Over a million boxes sold without a single complaint MUM SEWN Mu► TOa011TO Th. Art of Writing v. r.neee. 1n speaking of the "11••newtla of a sermon•.. ih AV anion elect niftier In Builds a few ,lays apes) dssliared the sermon to be the result of ads pro- eas,ee-.eleetf , In which as a smatter of fact, the preacher doe, not select the text, but the teat the presr•ber, which makes friends with him en- erally (2) e.Osriaion, the one ides be- tas ae'py►ated from its ninety-nine Mead rerative. (Ansae psm.ei w "am afraid to preach on one ides, because the people will think they bsve sot tthw other idea': (3) Yktrninatios, Pea - the s pirated idea In the goblet .f LI the life the preslher knows: (4) aaelltatton: (s) eiaborealon: (a) revision. The pwscher -is rarely wrong to slap- ping an adjective" Is the cowapasi- tixa of the arises) there should be witty, *1*h arch tartans effect that tthongs% now mhos)! repeat Me alone thing tti.riy .111t.w•tett tents thirty wit_ nem. e a ir1 declare that Rorty .list ,ant th n ?'n to were yw11. ?vire should lie beauty without slang, ."fear Isagtiaga unworthy talk sr serolsetle Isngtnga There eh...id be ht.man1*y charity ammo rile. anger Is a flaky bonnie. and 1.11 .mm la d on- s•. There Mould he intensity la de 11'ery. and the sermon would I.r more effective Y deUvwwi mternesonaneseellY thaw if rend. "lr a mean *sada be In«s the iaamamas advantage of aa- vltesm. tL' 7!. caritas )hawked fMair be gtrsolm, them the saris as pro- /area btasasilb at tea miltiaw— CRISP AND:CASUAL ua • heavy wasp will kill • Noised ay About 130,000.000 meters am yearly aired at Liverpool. /be amines Heresies heals sea lift 1 Statee it sea wetK6t. lM Ne settees 1s lads sleet 2,000,000 oar mew reed Keehn'. The film ot • seep bubble as Use 2,50, 000th port of as m [hacksaw, las re - 19 Over 15,000 tom of wire are msaufaotsr- ed tato pine aano•lly in hnaiasd. The average aoattal rainfall of the whole globe to e•tuuatad at •beta 60 tante& To model and dress Dome .1 Madam. Tn..aprd'e war noires oast, over 15,000 each. 7 ne d4-tiMt frytnt•paa weal become claim .1 soaked for !va int« w''egeoe;a mad w •tar. whirl 1 g is very interione in cold eeather. as it dries the lipe and dually tweaks Nem Sayan hundred rad twenty ante psrsoae were seotenoed to terms of penal servitude •a KL/leed last year. The sm.,leat of gold actually to oiroulatses in this onuetry n a.ttasated to b. 1110,000,. 000 steeliest, or about 845 torr. to Lu.doo alone the natural increase .1 the pooakettoo, from exams of births over deaths, is about 4,000 a month. Protease Limner, an authority ea enter mol..gy, says that there are • m111400 o, more epeeses of insects in the world. The prise° populattoe of Reglsed has fallen otr of let. years. tint of 113 prison., fifty eases have bees altogether closed. Th. common hive -bee has eo thriven is a wild .rate to Australia, that colonists iy tht now gather the honey m tone, if it would pay to do so. Potmemmorthodmutrooeeoolate to the atcet an+uluttua to the vocabulary of selene., It to me nam. •ppl'ed to an anti - Rept t lately discovered. The tail of the kangaroo is the fleshiest p..rt of the animal. li is (*neutered duty ford when toiled in it. own .kin, which afterward* may be drawn off like a glove. The statietios of lite insurance people .how that is the last 25 yawn the average et man's life has ioereseed 5 per tont., or two whole roan—from 41.9 to 43.9 years. There are three places where green snow a tnund. One of these pieces is near M,•sot Hone, Iceland ; another 14 miles .act of the mouth of the Oto : and the third near Quito, South America. Ft.LV* YOU TWIT= LADA" CEYLON TEA It to tee Mot Uekneis of all T. *new esti le LIAO PM' Ts ai STURDY 8)108. Fall is at Hand `{o be pr'e•perwef to meet it with a good Hat or Fur Cap when it coma. We have put in stock all the Late* of Fe', ..r.•1 V. itit.•r HATS w bi. l for gn .lite sad prie•e • (*tie, l.e' e•iutii•.1. ltist,.at a+e LYsaerous lila •-rtui. 1,r,e..1 ti., .,.t• •r in GLOVES COLLARS. SHIRTS. HOSIERY, MITTS, CUFFS, CAPS, NECKWEAR. O. it. SHANE & Co. 1 his reliable Hai sad Furnishing F weporlan Gray's Syrup of Red Por Coughs, Spruce Colds, Bron- chitis, Sore Gum throat, etc. RtwwT. waTsow • Oil.. ,sa.esevese. asewvneant. FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nx, �rWaz,BTc.;x�rro EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA i`esse.... the fdlawlrg !Hatton/re tierce 3i04107 of Flavor. espertasntil tflyu quality, at to the sermenew Dreemene. Nutritive fii_lfti.s Unrivalled V QarIarsofma Tim sad Peahen eel, ((.aril., az•n. i mariittssernls For quick and easy work For cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Serprks is but The Bicycle Season of 1896. is now over, and if you want to Store Tour Wheel for the Winter, 1 have the aecootnodation. Attu will take theta on rt•aionahle terms i would remind cyclists that II•iuter is the proper time to. overhaul Wheels and repair if necessary. Everything in the Repair Line kept on Mud- and neoo, but akUlad hen is employed. J. YULE 1 - lti:•y,:eI..,rry ktngst.oaat PLANING MILL. FSTAILISMED 1155. Bocliaiiaiis & llbyllas lteirtreaCTt'ItaW. SASH, DOOR and BLfID Dealer* to alt t!nd, or LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And butldtr•s material of every demortptise School Furniture a Specialty. Fall .... Announcement. New I;(hiss awl Brit Values in the Tailoring hue at the oi.i-estahlisilt•.i itn.1 re! table - Weet-at Emi.otiutn. Satisfac- tion guatant.-.'d in Quality, Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. GoTYYOuRSTERS FRESH Charles A. Nairn - HAS THEM STANDARDS and SELECTS FINNAN HADDIE First of the Season • Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Competition. ✓ elines Tan oa.ba.s se opla �a�,9 e b.sa .issa� "1Z, dip ea e et la'assrvai wh. It 1. mmegieil ea tudeal ir1a.M1.. w a. IOW . i of !trey pawns wits Wish eeasassa see Ibis a� Massina. to osa.11er Mahan tater . dd fees M.,fhrmarila and tibia �r ashi lalga rti a, a•ne4/NR INN Lanai ifiaaurs. anamy HARDWARE. R. W. McKENZIE Still on top with Lowest Prices and Seasonable Goods, Thorold Cement Gluts at prices which cannot be beaten so cheap as to surprise everybody. I 'ell the genuine Hudson Best American Apple Parers Powder the lust in the Market kept in stock Ask"ur Drte�slt �r A wonditrfut Tonl+z lr,l2andgTE�rKidney g $Imed1`Ir�,E,Q� Weakmpure BIOod, and Liver TroublM. w..e...ee... w J. N. MasL[OD. Hausman ONT. "THE SIGNAL" "GLOBE" FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY Ist, 1898 $1.60 (ONE 0011*11 ANS SIXTY CEM) Subscribe at Once! AND GET THE FULL BENEFT OF THIS BIG OFFER. Cali on or address "THE SIGNAL," Goderich, Ont 'rw�vNi„v� ((4 - 1 The float Exacting Admit that even their Was *what e .satlttltltea 'Ater Malars•" are sur~ssed 7'M . t. MIDDY CO's ELEait/►PH and ELEPHONE. MATCHES. • <( s3 FOR FALL and WINTEB. A. MUNRO,' Jost M hs.d. a large egg varied lam* D aerials sad itspsrud ,YARNS, GLOVE/1,I HOSIERY, ifkesk ami Dosed yd :JAOSET CLOTHS cloak. end Deshler SHAWLS, Orr hm•as doubts woes, lad blast LUSTRE'S are preserved ethics rasa. Oar CORMS are ss.eed te alma.. 1* :rk•dly %feed A. MUNRO, Dreggerd