HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-3, Page 4A TBE SIGNAL : GODF,RICH ONT. THURSDAY DEC. 3, 1896. ght cifistuti, EVERY TRURSDAY RHINO ST D. McNn iHtilmI Ogles of PabMasttea-1 sad le, North -Meese sdestob, Ontario. Telma of aatteesfpeNr 1 One sa stb, la advance i 1 3 Three months, .. use year. ,. 1• Lack sl T... Lobel. Tour label le • steadiest receipt of the este to which yea are paid up. See that 1t is mot allowed to fall late •reser. Wlice a change of address t• &oiled. beta t ee ole sad Go sew ddress *hoed be given. epic of pedagogy, and like Woso♦ woer'H's rustic . A primrose by a rivers brim A yellow primrose is es him, Aad It is .slides moss The result of all of which is that there is bound to he a plethora of teachers of au inferior grade and transient or der, and a fall in the market quota- tion of teachers' salaries. In no other profession or calling ilo men and women endeavor to make a door -mat of their vocation as do teachers. Not once in a •Dore of teachers wi 1 an acknowledgment be made that the individual has made that honorable calling the choice of his or her life. Oh, no the usual story is, " I'll teach for a year or two 11341 then 1'11 go lack to study, and become a lawyer or a doctor, or a preacher," kc., kc., ad uauseuw. The w' ole trouble is that tLrre are not enough real teacher; in the profession who teach hee•auee they believe that duty hes called them to labor in that corner ot the vineyard, who love the work for the work's sake. and who de- sire to die in harness in the further- ance of education and the hest inter- ests of their thce. Advert4/sa Rate- 1, a sad otter casual lad vele m itieesta Me ▪ or 1 uo tot fire h...rrio., and 9 onto per Ilse fir o.oe eabesase.t faeartloa. Measured be • een t wee l it, we. BuMasee cards of six lines and ender. Si per year, ae'vertlsemest$ of lost, Round "rayed Mstints V.o.nt. fetueticee •• a•ed and oo Chanes Wanted not •eceedlag 5 Es- • Nonpareil, 11 per man• n. Homes on dale coal Parnas on Sale. sot to • t •^d 3 iia,.•.. 31 het lost mint h. Inc. per sub • -sent month, L.er••r •a• •.. is proportion ^y eoecW noels the ohjer•t of wh rib b to p wt.te the peeuutery benefit of any tall • dual or company. to be ooneidered as •d vertlevencet and cleaved aecord seely. Loral nottoee in nonpareil type east oast per word, ao notices leo glees ro. Local beams la ordinary reading type two oats per word• No aides for less Goa boo. Notices for churches and other religious and benevolent Institutions hall rate, entiecrlher who fell to receive Ten 8•axu . regularly by mail. will c new • favor by ace quassia s us of the fact at .• early •m d•te.e po•at nee. P.bllateie delle., J. C. Le Tou.el, of Ooderieb, has been ap punted I ne'il Travelling Agent for tb. town Ohips of Oodelece. Colborne, Ashfield and Wa wanosb. Local postmaster* over the district are deo empowered to ren ve subeortpttone to Tett e'ait.tt All oommuato.tions neat be addressed to 1) MoOlt. 'CUDDY. Tea Sana'.. relaphMe Call 30 eledeeseb Oat g0DDRICH, THUD/DAT. DSC. 3, 191K THE C. P. R. TO GODERICH. THE leasing of the Buffalo anel Lake Huron R.R. by the Canadian Pacific, particulars of which are given on our first page, will give Goderich a status which it never before enjoyed. Instead of being looked upon as a railway jumping-off place, the town will now hold a potlttion ass great transhipping point, and we look for a corresponding benefit in the way of I progress and inch of population. If the C.P.R. does for Goderich what it did for I )wen Sound, the peo- ple ecple of ''iia town will have reason to biers the. .lay that the change of lessees wee 'mule. 1.497 already promises to be a big year for Goderich. An expenditure of fully ¢100,000 will, in all prolabi!- ity, be spent in harbor improvement-, and the advent of the C.P.R. and its tine of boats will give further impetus to the business of the place.' For all of which, those who have teen living in hope for lo, these many years, are truly thankful. THE TEACHER'S LOT. WHEN "The Qutlook for the Pub- lic School Teacher," came ur for dis- cussion at the recent gathering of the West Huron tesachers, a very live topic appear(%) before the chair. The manner in which the Public school teacher was being battles -kernel and shuttlecocks) by the overcrowding of the profession and the hardhearted- ness sal shortsightedness of incotn' petent trustees was very freely com- mented upon, and t he commotion of opinion was that tlellot of the public school Masher, as at present exempli- fied, was not a happy one. That the vocation of teaching is be- ing somewhat overcrowded at the pre- sent time is no doubt true, and that many trustees are elected Itecause of their niggardly proclivities may also be allowed, hut to our mind the rea- son for hard times amongst teachers and the overcrowding of the profession is attributable to other causes. The chairman,in enumerating the qualities necessary to the •ooceasful teacher, gave a list of attributes that would have done credit to an antei of exalt, ed place and power, and spoke of the teaching profession M bring one in which all the attributes enumerated would find full scope . nevertheless, the discussion that ensued brought out the fact that • large portion of those who entered it .did so nterely as a stepping stone to some other sphere of action --a sort a temporary camp- ing ground and not a pressman plea. of trust and duty. And right here is where,we believe, the trouble begin.. Of retedSt ears it has toren quite common ler young persons to take certificates and 'en- deavor to obtain schools et as early an sage as the law allowed. There are al- ways to be found amongst trustees those who would purchase ability as they world any other eotmatorlity at • bargain counter. A certificate in the hand of ea ineaperielsosd hey or girl is of as much deportees* to tris ekes of tremens es would be thee d else la fire heath of a trod std trestsd dill► SNAP SHOTS' -What's become of tt.e Scottish folk in and around Goderich t Has St. Andrew's r ht become a ing of the past t -The cot snap by way of the Chicago bonen* belt is with us, and an onslaught on the coal bin is in pro- gress, as we go to prem. From recent Cuban dispatches of our esteemed American contempor- aries we learn that WETLER was way- laid by MACRO. and was nearly Maceo- '•red, as it were. -The anxiety of certain Grit office seekers to get jobs is only equalled by the determined efforts of Tory office- holders to hold on. 'Twos ever thus There is an " off" and a " nigh " in every team. -The cable tells us that a number of the most influential French news- papers now advocate the cultivation of a French alliance with Great Bri- tain. There may be something in it although it looks like a Cock -and -Bull .tory. N?JIST9?I O?AVK -The Northwest Review, the only Catholic journal printed in English published in the Northwest, says the settlement of the Manitoba school question recently made is a settlement that won't settle the question satis- factorily. If the esteemed Northwest Review will outlines scheme that will settle the question more satisfactorily THs SIGNAL will have pleasure in publishing it. COMING AND GOING. Important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers► The mast leered • U.p s•ImP ('mr'sutlr C..Ml•d ser Pas Isle essay end allesOlre a*P• toe sae teeeere et One Paper a belle IINar'5 taH/mr•mI te raraa►asbea I.Maseeee. TtlIt hili get -teem Frisby's livery stable at Aurora wan burned with six horses and a 101 if carriage's. s ro ltT l e t.. Mr. Frederick C. Selous, the African hunter and explorer. intends taking a spurting trip to the Rocky Mountains. .. 8I..xUAU KI .i ..,:... •. Mr. Schreiber. Government Engineer. is going to Hamilton to adjust the dis- pute over the Toronto. Haumilton & Buffalo spur line crossing. 1'H le 'YEAH. Mr. John Douglas. an old and re- spected resident of the township of Percy. died on Saturday. aged 43. lei' had lived 1n Warkworth, Ont.. for more than fifty years. Coventry Patttttor•e, the English au- thor. Is dead. He was one of the as- sistant librarian of the Brit.h Museum for more than twenty years. Hs was 73 years of age. THE t't ieLII' HEALTH. A Galician girl, a h.. arrived by the steemehtp Persian, was take'. 111 vi .th •mall -pox in Winnipeg on Saturday, and Sunday another of the same per) was seised with the sante disease. The monthly return of deaths from contagious diseases throughout the Province for the month of tk-tol.er seas Issued ,Saturday. The total number of deaths from these causes was 236. Th: number of municipalities reporting was 627, out of a total 01 746. Telt. 1.Anon WOKLU. Twelve thousand dock laborers are on strike in Hambur f and neighboring p. rue The Secretary of State Is inquiring Int,. the alien labor cane at Niagara Fall s. Tont Mann. the English agitator, was alb -.t.-d at Hamburg and rent out of th ••untrv. A vote is being taken by the Inter- national lock Laborers' Union to Eu- rope nn the question of declaring a general strike to rapport the Hamburg men now out. Pte/.IT/Cue - IISP9Itl A1.. It is announced by a London newspa- per that the government will devote .C1.000,000 to the endowment of a Ko- mar Catholic University in !retard. It is understood that Sir Matthew Hidle). the Home Secretary. will take the opinion of the Cabinet on the ques- tion of the release of Dr. Jameson, the leader of the Transvaal raid. It is stated that the Imperial Gov- ernm,.. tt tie 111 ask for a credit of sever- al millions for the rearmament of 1 - artillery increasing the Infantry .nth reeetanislne the transport service. T..1. Lack tot was in town last Friday. Jon. 1.. St..rdy return's' to Harruton oa Mondey. R N. Creech, et Meter, was in tows oa S.t arday. J. Arnold', of Ottawa, was in t:dericb haat week. Ar. Thompene visited the old home, tisk, a monument In the cathedral, and th ever lila M4 las bees tweed, sad the siatherlithes have now taken the master in band c NCa.&Nl1I EIr. Five temente as Lord Duaraven'a estate near Limerick Lay. been evicted }lot non-payment of rant. James Duncan of Windsor. Oat. W begun legal preceding* t.. recover 3Sfi which he claims 1• dile him as secre- tary of a local council of the P.P.A. Prof. Caleetdar, of University, bas succeeded la photojraphing a man's lunge. showing with great dis- tinctness the disease.) ..onditton of the organ. St. Thomas has now & population of 11.003. and an aseeasment of $t,$SeJ190. The exemption of the M. C. 11. pro- perty expiring this year adds • millt0a to the ratable property of the city. The Lord Mayor of London Is Writ- he, subecrlptloos to endow In perpetu- ity the Que.a Victoria Institute for Nunes. founded for the purpose* of nursing the poor In their own homes. Mayor Mason of Windsor has been summoned for aa.a" (ting Aid. Skop- herd, with whom he had a dispute at the Council meeting. His Worship la alleged to have choked the Allergia and hit him with his flat. VOL ITI(eti-l•A Si A W AN. Mr. Charles J. Mlakle, M.P.P. Birtle, is the new Provincial Seer. Of Manitoba. Holt. Clifford Melon. Minister of the Interior. Wee elected to the Commons in Brandon by acclamation. Cbl. Lanier has been commissioned to investigate charges of political par tinanshtp against Postmaster Farrow of Brussels. The writ for the cornnall election has not yet been lamed, but it is ex - understood that the nomination w111 be held on December 19. Mr. Laurier and Sir Richard Cart- wright are expected to visit London In the *print, when several Canadian questions will be discussed with Mr. Chamberlain. No evidence wail offered in support ae the petition against the election of Mr. Edward Cochrane. M.P. tor East Northumberland. at Cobourg, and the petition was dlemiesed. At the Liberal convention for Sa.- katchewan Mr. T. O. Davis w*as nom- inated to till the seat In the Dominion Parliament made vacant by the resig- nation of Hon. Mr. Laurier. Sir Henry Strong. Chief Justice of Canada, has been nominated by the Government of Canada as the Donde- Ion's re -presentative on the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Mr. John Crerar, Q.C., of Hamilton. las been appointed commissioner to inquire Into the ctrcumatances which result. -d In the election tor Algoma be- ing held on June 30 instead of June 22, 1204. Ministers condurttng the tariff In- quiry hold sitting,. of the te.mmissinn In Hamilton on Tuesday and Wednes- day. itee•rmber 1st and Nut. in Brant- ford n Thursday. the Std, and in Lon- don nn Friday and Saturday. the 4th and ith. r, t' vat % 1.T 1 Ea. litre Duncan lL c %eachle, of Elder s Mille, was killed by a train near Wood- c3ODF3hIOH 13 Alt AII•T A Cold Wave OI'3.NTRE. People who aro foresighted will be prepared for it The nigher an beginning to grow chilly, sad Comforts and Blenheim are gladly welcomed. We are showing extra value in FAIVIETS POLITICA- FOREIGN. bridge. A despatch trorn Pretoria says that W. Watson, a minor of 'Wetland. was the Volluraad adopted .a Immigratbn drowned In the Columbia River while Restriction B111. removing driftwood. 1t Is expected that a serious conflict At Roeeland. !I. C., In a dynamite wfl take place this session between explosion on the Alt mine two men the Kaiser and the German Relchatag were terribly- injured. of the question of the navy budget. A Polish r.-i"dent of mere, named A Berlin despatch tray! that Grand Blavonskl, was killed whsle drivine, .Icholas "t Russia has second acrossthe railway traelt at Renfrew. Emperor Franck; Joseph's assent t.. a Mrs. !amen Reid, of Belleville, was modified plan for the partition o3 Tar- burned to death by a lamp which was key. knocked from her hand and set fire to 1 The Shah of Pentia announces that her clothing. hereafter he will dispense with a Pre- Of the 215.±24 masters and 'seamen neer and will preside in person over 4anployed in the British merchant ships the Cabinet, which will consist of last year 1.543 were lost by drowning or twelve Minis • -ra cued d ether accidents. RELIGIOUS WORLD. Robert Walker, a workman. employ - The King of Servia. who 1•. a cueon the new I. O F. building at les - , pet iof King Humbert at the Quirinal. paid Tonto, was killed by a brick falling s visit to the Vatican, and wee granted from the top story and etrikine ham Ian audience by the Pope. on the head. Arch),Ishop L►ngevin and Rev. Fa A shooting accident occurred at the Cher t'hee cher again Breeched t.. hirer-, young woman named (Nicotine- Par- t congregations On the .chum( question at enteau was Instantly killed by the gun 'Winnipeg and St- Itoniface on Sunday. she was handling ezple.dlnt- north end of Jackesh lake a by which Flanellette Blatlketa, Paper Blankets. All -wool and Union Blankets, from 75o. to $8 per pair. Comforts. -If you would w' be comfortable thecold nigbto. We have them w Calico, n Sateen, Eiderdown, from 75o, to $7.00, lovely patters, large sixes, and will please you. UNIIJEII ..nom.. llIES 60815 and Men's. Compare quality and A large line in Novelty Dress Goole and Trimmings. Don't forget that we handle Oil Cloths, all sizes and patterns. JAS. ROBINSON 9 Corner Wel=t. -et and Square. TEACHERS IN SESSION. West Huron Institute Meats. a *my Isere•l/.a errem sf mtara••Ies•-- N ee meaU•e. ■. A.. SlregI.r .t Tracker.' Ia.tltuse. Peeress t Ferias el Lire Reeslateers, 'ri1E Hitt Hurot' Teaebere Aliso- statue liso.taws met a the ('uu.Itta• Insatiate .t 11 A s., on Friday, Nov. 27t13. aoeordiag to the tia11 of the executive committee. sad ea taches of R. E. prows, :•Denied by W. H. Johnson'. adopted. Go metes of la,peotor Tom, seeea/ai by O. Baird, the thank• of the Meehan's were tendered to Qhs trustees of Oederesh Collegiate Institute for the rte of the assembly r000. sad •leo teat the eooret•ry pay] the caretaker the sail fee. TM eleotloa of °Aieon was thea proceeded with, sad resulted se follows, all bel.a sleeted by .00lamaties President, S. J. A. Boyd, Belfast ; vice pees., Miss Kate Warms, Godwin' : fro. • trim., (ace. W. Haman. Hartsdale ; execu- tive oammities, Time. G. Allis, B. D.Gr•.t, S P. Halle, IIA , J. A. liregory and Miss v {aper. G. W. Holman ghee introduced • res,tu• tree ea the pr•otios of undermining and J. S. 1)elastr provident of the Mamie- - u•d:rbiddia* roeortd to by ta•obors. l.• tone, ueouplyd she chair, M. Ktlty seeo.dd tbs motion: which, after 1levotwaal *Romeo were coedacted by I 'vete Jlreaa1000, was Mowed .o the reesis• `S P. Halle, B.A. 'doe committee The minutes of the prevtuue meeting at Mr. Houston thea prrweedd to dames Exeter were red and adopted I " t trammaUc•l Analysis, dmlteg mere pr - The following committees wereappotaied, t''iulsrfy with tits 1)310.1 atriotan 01 •i yds.. Resolution, Masers. Baird, Tom. 1'-eglfsh se•tenos. Lockhart, Mrs. Robb and bit. Wiggins ; I Mr. Homes di.ce..ed the suiject a as .udtt, T. A. McLaughlin and .1. spencer ; able maaaer sad mo 'h valuable tnformatiea program, S. P. Halla, P', H. Johnston and was Owes- 1'M te...•hen took • bveh to - Moe Toyer. I serest in the dieeu.ewa sad •aimed highly The presrwo committee then reported Phased. Jebwvw lees t►en o•Ild open, that the4ordr of business se laid down In i tbo program be followed. sad explained hu method of teach's/ oor• " It was decided that Mr. Kurd's notice , pesitioa to sealed avid tilted o'aloe• of moos with reference to booming pert ]Ir. Juhnstoo dealt tally with the subplot edema be the first order of business In the sad be remarks • ti• oeuerly h.temed t0. afternoon." The discessioo wee further oonrinted by Ge motion the A..octauos adjourned to ! Moen Brown, 1:rvory, Tom, Boyd. Hd. eget .t 1 30 r. r tome and Ilelgaty. The hour of .dj-urament having srr:ved. A'Z•xxso.c the .e•ociatioa adjourned to meet at 1:20 The Aesootat on trot .t 1:30 r , the ear. proudest in the chair. A,T&R'.l 4 ' .a.+tit,\, The minutes of the morel/Ng .eest00 wen The asootation not at 1 30 r w. reed and .pp"evail. The mimeo of lummox previous luusg Mr. Ihtrd withdrew leu resolution on re were reed and adopted. stricttig the n..nuung of peridicl, on re 1. the absolute of Mr. tcatt, S,J.A. Boyd comae aesaraaoee 1'ttet the 80anci•l stand timidly uoseented to take tae ..Meet -- sag of the Assoauuos will permit the 000- .o Proper latrpretoties and Working of t'nuance of the praoeios• Some to Emotions.- W m. 0ouet.os,li.A ,director of LeachersMr.'lord', •sp'.am.efoot seemed very est- anetn'utss, proceeded to domes the object idactory to the teaohe•n prows,. of teaching literature, taking se the baro A ti ries thea took place en the nes of his remarks leo „1 dT " Bron'e poem•, of the •palling book w wheels, a whirr the "'ask," c the Bu,' orad "BredI. Bruck, tollow.01 took part -Messrs. Holai, Rre•k," copses of vfbtch +en distributed Brawn, Boyd, i elesty and other This ▪ rg the tegoben. Mr' s n- discussers proved very totetestiav, and be man nnint. t marks wewell nonmed, and the embere gam very greeted was very beseech' ▪ to dense nook benefit therefrom TM following reeolut vies as unaided were adopted by t M Assoc tat on 1. That 'his Aweciattoa is of the *pistol' that the t:age series et vertical wnttag umiak' receive immediate •sthortzatl•., as the present system 15 ustiatutectory. 2. I bat se account ot molter* having to seesl& at the high eobnol entrance mid P. 8. Leavieg eaaciaatia,. and dee the @shoo, - rooms beteg sed for tem semiserious, it is the Maim et this As- sociation that the high sobool estraaes ..d public school leaves' •z.mi.atios should be bold after the 30sh ot late to mob y gar. 3. That we, the members o1 the W H. T. A., seeress sur disapproval of the preense of tesehern .pplyiag fr polige' without 3ret asoerteiniag whether the presser Masher is htely to be r. -e s sed ar iot.ad tb.t every teacher 1e thin tasp .oterrate,beve di oabee- log d.'e ped h _rile deg t , e s e dwet. she!' rimer' eswstary oft • Aa.00iaties who shall re - pert the dames of each o/enders a the ex- ecutive, .std she •.•,slaw sh•11 take Neel .ciao& is the matter se Quill be deemed is the lost f.teresta of the Mackie( proles - e lse. 4. While .pprsiattag fully the Seeress wif.nMd in tameness by the editors of ea pipers tbreugheet the coast w. meld that e@wdttses of is be M' i. dilike .t parts of she IiipeetwMe who WW1 sash 'Melones sail tease Mat- tes to stimmiM@..ad el Mewed te the teeahimg profession Is general mid {degas w sea teM published is the lad Mews of theggi.h• A Musty noes ef thanks was Qondwd te the timbers and their Monde who Welsh- ed the excellent setertel mast srevi$Sd 1r the essociestes as Friday sight. Rev. J. P. Westmw, of W alto... former teashr, mm is .ttoid..s as the sssssis- tiNe. Oto. W. HoinTre, tjmnyTrema Mr. 7 rdlval, journalist, of Montreal. , 0. W. Holman introduced • discussion no who has recent) r. -turn• -d from i1 .me, I As Mr. Vous J Curr;•-. an old and re - 1 ed resident of the too nighty a. ohs paw °Opo hooks and ceodemned the says thea Catholic authorities are deter - 1 Erremont three miles 'from Mount I NewIs.d s'trI•0 as on"ter •r• I° the • mined not to aceept the school settle - 1 1 Forest, out.. wax descending a well on sehoces, and inferior le every reopen to menL , Saturday It caved tn• preeipltating the I ' hose of Gage's. la A hbf bop The memory to the to rc e • earthfortun and stone kerbing mein the un- R. E. Brawn oleo spoke strongly of Canterbury V to take the form cf in the afternoon that the body was ,ks. sums, recovered. W. H. Jokesters ,poles tw the same ss, and urged the adoptees of Gage• series is West Huron, regardless of the sensori esoe o se to leof grant. 0. third suggested the neo of the old satborzlid book until a better is author :red. 8. P. Halls, B. A., said the Gages series wee decidedly in edemas of that New- mod's. G. Bird thea read • earef.11y-prepared paper or • • The Dare of school property, whish woe well received. He said the reader should be imide by LM same later - est i• the sobool property ea Mor she world meanest is NW preervuoa of his or barbown. Mr. Bird lased timbers to be very net. exerciseli last is the exercise of their duty is s pre- servation of the true and otherimonte ee.•of the wheel premises. 11. K. Brews ties read a paper ea " The Teethe/re'io Dignity of the Teethe/re' Pr.less.." It was midget that Mr. Brews had elms mach thought be the mMter sad ley vdsabM hints were throws sit. further question wfurthdiscussed by Messrs. Boyd sed Jete' at . The edon esAaMthen .d j cried te meet i• the stersisgM94r. on Tbareday. • ompletlon of a portion of .Ino. B. Kelly. ot Blyth. was in Goderich "del' Two Detroiter• went to Fitswtlllarn the past week. Pt'RE1.1- PERSONAL. Island to Inspect timber limits. Capt Mies Batman. of Kincardine, is • guest Hon. Mr. Tarte returned to Winnipeg Tyson of Wtarton, on visiting the 1s - at the Recto on Saturday and left at 1 o'clock in land. found the body at Mr. Rankin, r1• the afternoon for Ottawa one of the Americans. In a hoz stand- .. M. Berry, of Laokoow, was In ':ode- Mr. Alfred Austin. the British roue( lag against the wall of their shanty. nob this week. laureate. had a narrow escape from There were bruises nn the face and WilmsMrs. Wilo was visiting n eft. Thomas drowning in the Tweed last week. body. and a note pinned to the breast the pant week.The Duk. of Orleens and his bride stating that Mr. Austin, the other 1n - J. M. Roberts, of I)naganncn, wee is have arrived to Brussels. They were Spector, had gone to Tttbermoray to received . d by King Leopoldsend word. As yet no trace has bean town on Friday.found of Mr. Austin or the Nide, Mr. Israel Taylor, of Clinton, visited God.. Dr. Jameson. who hi undergoing Im- George E. 13elrow of Tobermoray. nob on Saturday prlsonment in Holloway gaol. is pro- POK MEx or WAR. Hayden Wtlliems spent Thengesevtag pounced to be in a serious cone condition. e e Truro Cath - at, man. It was not until tato! 000demthe e Newland eerier of copy The III health of the Princess 'I'be rebellion in Madagascar has De), in (.oderioh. the Quern at gpremover nearly the whole Island.prevented her visiting Mr. and Mn. H. Clams 'w is Ode. Balmoral, and may eerloualy interfere Oen. Weyler bas left Havana and will rioh the past week. with her plans for the winter. resume active operations aganst Ma - Mn. Joo. W Vaa•ttr was is Wlagbam The Queen has sent a blue woollen Oso' daring the past week. • hood and a cream quile made by her- There is a feeling in Madrid that Cleae self, to the meeting at Frogmen hoes, has failed. and that he will ow, McTaggart, of ('lingo•, tom is of the County Needlework Guild. of be recalled. The 27th Purijaub Regiment of In- fantry became riotous, looted shops and wounded several persons who restated them (:clench the past week. Misr Eva Aoheeou has an engagement 1. 14s•fe rtb next W.dsesday. Mies Ethel Vomiter meat her TMnks- triviag holidays is Stratford. Oeo. Morrie, of Oselpb, was vietti.4 e town and vicinity Wt week. Miss Annie Caslpbell, of lie•torth,- tom Mme for Thank.givlse Day. H. I. ening, R.A., wee in the Queen City on Friday and Saturday. T. A. Molungblin, of Bruesleld, wale is the meaty town ea Saturday. Mt., .1. Motioogall reteried last week from • leugthi visit to Detroit. Mies Mclennan, of the Collegiate slog, was in etr&tford the past week. R. Daher, of Ridgeway. W been vlsittlae ►M brother Themes at Dsag.aass. Ooh. sad Mrs. A. M. Rees, of Tweets, were at the did home the past week. Rx -see.. Jas. Jotaves., el Wessman'. wee Is the misty tow. e. Saturday. H. J. D. Cooke, b.rrise r, of Hassall. ,peat Tba.kegivi.r Day 1s Oedrish. Mrs. Farm ad me remised frees • visa to relatives in Kt Themes es hooky. Mr. and Mee. J. limlls were .WIbM Meade is Nsaferth es Thanker/ivies Dm. Mr. sad Mea Chasm, of Oalt, were the vest week the mash el the lady's mm1Yar. Mrs. Sasha Mrs. F. 0. rheas& wbe whited her maw for • kw deyy.s.. left ler her hem, 'brise .Ble see A•ttm i y. Mr. ,ad Mrs. lam,., after a r,sidones of fear 'melee is Mere, deft ea Moody ler Dsmdty •meet 1w Aearge. Mash" r Amery Mdeem.on a sail ses-msd to the hells, althea" he tom re- ported gg nawhae Imprsv.1 es Meads,. ...m....... a. which Prince. Beatrice la president. Rl'FI NEW.. t'p to Nov. 16. 4030 vessels passed through the Canadian Soo Canal sin, the opening 1n 1309. Commercelal failures 1i, the United States for the week ended Frl1av amount to 300, as compare 1 n Ith _79 for the corresponding week ot last Year. Protease" Robertson, Dominion Daly; and Agricultural Commissioner. deny - creel an address@ to Toyotto business men on the advantages to be gained t.v the atabllahment of cold storage ware - honors Wheat was active, strong and ad- vanced a tent early on Saturday in Chicago. hut the market boos,• weak later. After selling to SS 7-11c. May wheat broke to 33 2-4e, and cloned at 144c, or 3-4c lower than Friday's elating price. entre: Avon (111)E1NA1.1. Mise Kate Walsh, a f•reeir'v daugh- ter. was robbed by hlgbwaymen sear Hate Inge Dr.' Slack of Farnham, wbe recently pleadeii guilty of uttering a forged 1"•root 01 attorney. was ae01tence3 to twenty-three months In gaol. George Barrell of •luelph, ani a man n amed Page. hots M•.uot rarest. wet• arrested in (Iuelph on the charge .t sandbagletng • teleelve• operator in Berlin. At (`hemhly Caritnn, Qac.. during a street fleet between Deese. employed ea the public works an -1 town -p• -opts, two men w"er•e stabbed. One, Frederic Mare, died en tM spot; the other. • Mr Dube. M not sp 01.4 t recover. A ghl named May ()ullbe. d A1es & warts, pyo birth recently • an 115► China is reported to be about reor- ganising her navy and building a lot of ship; of war under the direction of I.1 Hung Chang. A despatch fr..m Manilla. the capital of the Philippines, syn she rebels nave woe, a vktory • th : ar.irh foram. and that an attack up. n Manll.. M feared. A ropnrt comet f'• m Tokle to the st- reet that l:u-sfa nus i.. en grant,' the rigls t•t t. .d th • Pike- a. ,I 3.ai way through Chinese territory and defend It with 1tuealan trove. The Militia iiey.artment iv Investigat- ing some of the suppiiee received under old contracts, and u3.ton era that shod- dy blankets were sent by Inas that tendered for woollen ones. As a result of his recent visit to Quebec. Mr. Borden will recommend immediate wort upon • number of mil- itary buildings in the Ancient Ctepltal that are Wittig tater ruins. Tho eltis.es et Battletord and mein - here of "C" Dhlslon of the Northwest Mounted Pollee. have recently erected a pair of stone pillars and gates IS memory of those who gave up flair item during the rebellion air 1 Two Llanadt.ms, Richard and Jetta Seattle, have boon arrested ander mat - t41 law In "ulna. Their blends have beneath the matter before Mr. lJaam- b.rlun, who promises to bread a 1a the agtaadea of the Foreign Othea. A Assisi ese/naS► From Oce. Massa is The New Tore Jest. MS,: W. have withstood the meow Is teems este emitters, and are ;weaved ter eely Mare be may mak• We have deep bin gderiate child, sed cot It• throat with mime, Iai•t7. sty wt11 M to wlah- &n ordinary knite, afterward. bldlag mad coy of kip attacks -Ir same time he body ever the rouse wbe'e Ate to tea" tivatrnia. A eery sessessfsl " At Hems " was held .t the Collegiate 1••81.30 Assembly ream, at wrier •-lipleedid program was rendered. inel.dbait ezoelless redtetioae by Misses Jea.stsa and 13.11. • mks by Mies Stroh•s yd emrtmenter be Miss ghaer. A lively ekes.dem wee held. V Aloh all were M- own M participate, ea the Nebjed. " The (liklsek for see mase ashen Teashr." Meq of the Stigma of Deirish wen are• trot. heladi.g the Wheel trustem. who took port M the disasssles aid made sea valuable ellsssatis.a President Deigns escaped the Asir sed delivered his mama address, wrath wee well remised sad very favorably e.mmsstsd .tea. L. bell net Imes, a. smash I..sh,i.tl.deg mks semi eve•. wen mind by the Mashers of nal. rash and their fre.Aa I. this part of the pr. eam may tree am b d • elms i ora bd Me eansfastiles of .pps+si.leg bit se Mr .we Warts. " Oed Rev. the Qtssss' Meegtt this ••will.& ..teA.l.mms1 to • nogg M • timely bear. Ooowoa. Rev, M. IBMs The Asssn•YNe met et 9 as., t e prod- dtae r Ms shear. Ihneel cal onsrnam west eusImulsi by R. II Illeora. Tie IIIlliow et -_ leeveui germ were rodeo" edl Them llr anent was 1M p rmIe . Hs 151.tr'rtn.---O. Reids J. .1. Hanlee VMS tobrought before Jades Maims for sive- tea The eberges maids dtlmdsat wire false priestess. fiegory, end. Amoeba be M • phis emwas adleerosa te the Desemtr sashes whish will eel"' brat Tuesday. FOR CHRISTMAS . . Jas. Yates now oesuplles the slats lately vacated by T. J. Prkdhea , asst door to Davis- on & Oa's hardware store. Tor the Christens trade be bee • fail stook el the latest Guess, lheaf (lards. eta The halt in letatleambri. and Ilr0_ Osteine.