HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-3, Page 2•
2 THE SIroeAT (lN'T T�II'It�l►+v i)F.C. a, lv(ut
halls Wady epee wrap sod will make nide-
hags, that% egg, ossa. list wet have
will This Magid 1 std we w
"i Of ear Oevers-
... is as *Ms H the era itlsss is white
• y/MR bid had' Malas" ars awe a to
host er us Hely essanraoe hi. is ...king a
Die yes{ ask ewe what osis be dose I Well,
W se lash first at the Mia- The meaty
Of MIMas bsaato and jostle Manse teat as a
farmateg 1.0.147 it e.ases be s.rpaased is
°alarm Asd yet, as yea pees along the
reads, you uaoao% tail to he struck with the
beak and lnos app.arssee 0f emus of the,
bosses sad tarns buddies.. Here aid there
we ego a Ise ants.s of trees I.ad►.g from
the read to the hoses. bare and then • well
keys garde. and • freshly -peewee! fifties
Aad wires we see this we my. Hen aro
the people we would like to know. Hen
w the Ntwsrd syroi of • hat.py Mese 1•.
It M set that tame telaeo betoken prosper-
ity. but they show that their owa.n take
pltde in their pias, sod that t.h.y have
swine aa.wem.at, ousts totarvet in els otn.r
thea the *motto'. of keeps'' body and soul
to(Oth.r, or belong up the duller*.
Aud sow let us open the deur and walk
Isevie. The boys and girle are going to
feign school. we will say. They have Ito
gi.red there • taste for reading A new ap-
petite has been created in the family, a blob
Uiu.t le satisfied if the young people are to
be ooutet.ted with their 'lie roil koow
bettor thea I do how many formers make
any attempt to satisfy them tastes 1ur their
children. Good books and magazines are
abase. There are publlnbiog house who
will supply you with • library oa easy
tonna -for a few dollars • month -and for •
dollar • year you can borrow all the books
y�o w•ot at the M.okaato.' Institute, How
sneer farm houses are there that you
know in which you em any literature ups.
the table beyond the local newspaper' How
ataxy farmers go near the Mechanics !esti-
totes • 1 wee startled the other day by it
director of the Mecheur.' Institute at
(:ud.nob, who told me that of the one num
dyed and thirty members of the Institut*
this year only tea lived outside the town.
W. .re cursed and overrun by societies
to this county. Rot there Hi one more •0-
oist y that 1 should eke to ma started ; and
that is • sou etv tor turning houses into
home.: bones with book,, pictures. music.
Sowers .1,d paint. Hare is • gnat bold fur
the aaergtes of mothers and sisters to keep
up the home choles .ad to make home life
upon the farm happy. attractive tad bright.
Those who do the., do mon tor ('wad•
than all the politicians and plattorm speak
era in the co00try put together. I hope we
shall 0e0 the lathe" sddr.eeing the farmers
iDstltutee upon this suhreot.
liut the young women will •.v " We
went neighbors : term 1*!e is lonely and
dues not pay Gentlemen, 1 ask you, Have
not -the prices of farm Dsoduoe eons down
early ems-tourth • The prince have gone
down of everything w• buy with that pro -
duos. I. it not • fact that the gospel of dl-
venl6e,1 farming h.s taken the place of an
tsdos(ry whioh depends entirely upon
what' Aad is it not • foot that 00• man
iron make mon otf fifty sores team soother
man take. off • hundred'
Chet is my answer We want more in
tease. more scientific cultivation ot the soil.
And that means smeller heinous, less capi-
tol invested. end Dearer neighbors. This is
• time of transition and oh•nre of methods
and in the education of the farmers these
institute. are doing moral work by afford -
tug at opportunity for diecuseton and the
interchange of ideas. And we must not foe
get that we ars oo the verge of an age of
electricity. AS a fertilizing agent, as a mo-
tive power. and u • means of oommunioa
tion electricity u destined before many
tears to effect a reiv.dutioo in the social life
of our rural distncte
1 have said enmethine stoat education.
That opens* tremendous field for argument
hot in. general discussion of this krnd we
must be 0001.01 to coofiie our remark• to
tbos* point* which particularly bear upon
our .0 h je et.
There are some of ui who believe that
principle of free higher eduo.tion has been
o.rrted too far in '/otano.
Rut we must remember that we •1e
marching step by step with the civilization
of the teat, with the oializatios of Eng-
land, Germany and the United States. if
we are to attack the principle In (4oada.we
may be oharged with attacking the pollens*
which have been adopted in most civilized
reentries in the world. It her been for
some years the proud boast of the people ot
Ontario that we are ahead of other 0000 -
tries in ahu respect and that we have the
most perfect eduo•tioaal system in the
world. Every mea, no matter how poor he
may lie, bari here equal .oesas to the foun-
tara of knowledge, an equal ohaooe of runny
to tb. top. lo the support of our system
we usually ezpeod upon our Nigh eohools
end Public wheel. alone, to soya nothing of
our Model oohool., Mechanic institutes .od
Universities, over four, million dollars it
is • large .um C•perilized it repn.eats
$80.000,000-a mighty power to nOIoesoe
the lives sad characters of the rising gener-
ation. We rrumble aometinw when the tax
paper teems in. bat we do not grudge lbs
mosey if we koow that 11 is wisely
spent. Hitherto we have be.ls guided large.
ly by theory, and we have bees ooao.t to
trust in the oo..otoens.m that we •re fol-
lowing the liberal spirit of the age. The
system hoe now boos long entomb in pros -
t1 . for 00 to throw theory aide sad to
jades it by results. L tt suited to tea
eo0ntry' F,zperien08 has shows in Canada
and, i think 1 am right in saying, in other
°ounce's* u well, that higher education is
used solely as • means .f earning • liveli-
hood. Ezpari•oo. has •Iso shown that if
you ednats • boy on whet is celled " lib•r-
v tines" to a oerteia pofst,be will not work
wills bis heeds if he can possibly corn els
bread and butte" in may either why. 1 on
will admit that that system is best adapted
to • country whit* iodates tile, energy and
ability into every kind of oomappaat.ioa to
that country without nverorowding soy
special vocation. 1* Ontario *e bays, as
we have already remarked. a moa sasotor
• I .tam of "ingestion in what oar young
people these days all the 'higher wails in
'fee rased so that the Illor.ses of mw lim-
ing on their wits bids fur to beams •
greeter masses to the country time the
esmnars1ve ignorance whioh prevailed is
tea peat geweretros. and that In spite of
Oho toot that eerier to our pendia. positiee,
wag as se d0 aleageide a more pregreesive
IMMM. apreeking Ibis same loaves. as mar-
lelvss, thepeal balk of ear Teta ram
Whig ate name be And .aep•tiee at hems,
Seek to the Seise ef the Osited Mateo, s.
Nat air neighbors laugh ate for .prladm0
meMP in the.dreuWsn d As edeas Suter
Sof ass we eseefort ourselves that .e rs-
lNs the key me he Ie. ..ostry sad
. tad Ilse worthless asm away. for • good
teas der ase slave fid ea spewing es
►sad, set eon he Aged to will fr mist .lid
M M the ..M -r0* MN ansa Ma Wlity sad
e nblll.m ethe slefhsr eel i�gi lw�s. ns,
Il, thou, we mesa Me lsais. of eapml-
wesr II we great Thal hr4 .iesalLs 1e
seed solely es ei lags �l auI , owl NM N
will �g w Ile Log es ham.
o s ■ell iamlhls VM. le IL U w. shard
.e. Tit liresedi Men et � *0 ass
reel mime des .ear epees el Nader oaks
thea ere w lensed se dM 11.110540•
1st whemi teaal essiees i. sea adapted
the swede el the euo&My, sad the mean
sem. Meass as s/10ted. the hetes.
deedssee. the moieties lies to year lands 1
you who newt take the licit ialtietiMemo in
ler sly Memoto ear *poem that might
some app•.r r n he • bask ward step hem
Word stead • bat we have mites matt or
mato from the people. 11 a monotone
that w oatt
Oaten.. lsd..a le within
Held of part v politise. 00 olio side
members .y ally .ippon the policy d t
Ywater : a Ilse other,■o owe has the
are to stead •p to P.ris•me0t and say bol
ly what he thtake, for he would M met
eweee testis the Caere* that he era 1111
is his views sad babied the are The prey
too, the grant parts oreaoe 00 both sides
prattles, have joined heads m Iw4104
.n to the skies, arid neither sale oe
to take backwater : they ase the sleet
bat they are walling for wme teen of pu
' PI 010C. (sur o.-w.p.p.re. in this met
will follow but thrl will not lead the
fee the systema dependent urea their
'ributione, sad it ie no light thus.; to to
ter reepoasibility of disterhmg public o0
filte*. Nor iso ws look for help u
gm.laooe to the teachers' °comm.tlone whi
hitherto Mirs.eomed to mowopol'se the o
euesion o' euca0•
tioI quad 100411 (t for woe
be wsreseoeable to etpe et .0700 a
* to /trso
with his termed end butter.
Now, t are jest two sug1.eeri tis
the way of reform wbtoh i want you to 00
eider today. i think that *oo will mgr
with me that oot only is it • °reelty to 0
young men whether they be the sons
farmers, or of mer: haute. ignorant of t
world ss may ..f them ma,wltMint interim
commotion.or bus,eee commotion. that • p.tern
Government ab^old appear to offer vedette
inset. to 'hem to tet.e the ranks of on
producer. in oceupotiom• in which they M
not the ability to make • lino4 in tb
.-.'uotry. 1f we are liberal. we must e
our 0omm00 sense. 1 menet for t11
life of me see why • fernier should sot be
well educated as seyhofy else, but if sate
meant • hay to be a farmer, sod if a lits
extra dote of Latin sod French ie going t
spoil him, in the name of He.ven,etop who
at that point and give him something e1
Then ere tome peonls who believe that
uratio* by the State should be limi
to the three 1('s i doe'{ think that ye
will scree *,111 that But if 1.00 a
going to pay for the higher education of a,
hoy, you want to know that he i
tarot to to of same um in the world
When we get bevood el- emote's'oduu•tlon
there is a seed of atone diaerimtnatioo, soul
Frommfting From This I submit could be ob
taisod by oinking whet we pall oor high,
education mon Dearly self maiDtionio4, u
teamoietiesl 1-
IN providing a system of acbolarebipe goy
ing free d0o•tios through the High school
and t'niversiti,s to those only who re•c
• strnd•rd, which giver promo* of •btlit
high eoongb to ensure its po00rkier being
• edit to the ooust y. thissystem has fo
year. been in angst- in the 'exile schos
untvemities and the law schools e.0 hat/land
it is found there to he not only • strobe in
• g
esettve to work, but aid. Le yo0ag me
sod to their pereou it *sleeting their occu
ration is life
Now let me draw your attention to •n
other feature of our Educational yiyetem
which has • strong influence on the live, o
our young men. la ao able treatw, en
ttt:ed Itvfecte in our Public lcbool System
tlr MoMvhu, of Torooto, has pointed on.
th..;, we anomaly earn out from the Mode
*chorals an average of twelve -handfed
pupil.. The total increase in the rooks of
teachers frcm 1867 to 1892, was , .ly 1868,
or 126 a year. N by, we may remo..biv
aek, ars 1,210 teachers required to 611 125
positions' The death rate among tea -here
is sot, we believe, higher then In other
walks in Ilfa lio we not know it to be •
Not that teaching, generally speaking, le
looked upon not as a pretension, but merely
its • stepping stone to something ales' This
is sorely nppo.ed to the bet interests of the
public. fear children are oompe:Sed to sub-
mit to be taught by • succession of raw re -
emits and many yeas, mere ot email •tt•In•
memo are lured through the Huth schools
and Model t.:hnnle to starve in occupations
•Ireody over-or..w'(ed by tb. immediate
moonset of a memo of corning their bread
and butter T • Prussia no mu is permit-
ted to teach he school. under • oert•in
•re. sight.an, i heliev., and every tesoher
is oompslled to hied himself under penult
to serve in the schools for at heat three
veers. Tits poor man of coarse wants •
ladder, and we don't want to take it from
him. Rut if we adopt the scholarship sys-
tem. whish I have sugge•tsd,he will be pro-
vided for. We might then with advantage
enforce the Prussian regulation., provided
ere improve the tinenoial prospects of our
teachers. Wn should thus •t the mune
time nibs the standing of the teaching urn
feeMo0 and do sway with the maohtevnus
tendency whl--b 1 hare pointed out. Main
.nggestieos will meteor to you about the sub
jeeot% that are taught, the introduction of
teohoio•l training ud eduction in agriovl
tore. I am glad to me It reported to the
newspapers that oar Meister of ltduoatina
is rimer hie special at ootlo. to this matter
But I bays spent mon time on shirr topic
thee I inr..dsd, for 1 went to touch upon a
matter whioh bas never received prs,,tfoal
treatment or the actions attention whioh it
There is many • farmer, who has, we will
my, four or five woe° He is anxious to do
the beat for them all, but he h.s only one
farm to lave b•blad bum. Tle•t will de
for oso ate, or if they have his broaght up
re a ientibo farming,two may make a living
off it, hot what is he to do with the eller
two. They bee., web will suppose. in par -
titular ability, no p•rtioslar tastes lying
my me direction. Hs sessile Ip the 0081,
and he finds tet it ease law to make •
teacher or a lawyer them M set • lad .poo •
fans. Amid se we ase that, trona the
parenta point of view, gss*tioas oi.eoonomy
end hnasa help M .well the exodus from
the farm.
(15014.1010, is thea net semetbing arms
is 001 rn•disary ben ! i)ose there sot soma
to you te he sensetbiO4 of irony is the
tbonght that le the Northers port et On
tario, to coy nethieg of our North West,
we have millions of swim d geed fora lend
lying *u1iag fee the plo.gh, tint het* up-
on the farms of Hosea (Dusty •ad the
°tine '.tried deeded' of this winery bre
hudreds ud tbowade of pleas mom thus
whom so tetter pige eteld be found is
shy en0atry, teak we psi due Ufa tete
ease pecked to nee them_ fellows lase
(rise. of Anteaters l sod Ins the
ether te Ishii set et s cls. met • Awhht.l
Sent d soignee. from teanee M she pear
session et the Aesidowe wbielt the 78004
Obs disc pesos by. Rarely It *001401.10
re eseidol at wftb senslsas OMNI 00d es,
Mangy busies= prnssiples M spend tee thee.
004end .r .se le the sorbing
et seas ma M denies ear smwt., with
e ar ewe seam. And safely. If the .lsiwal
O- .....ant oma safely leas sawn Is the
Ymenstens be termite Sok mime% ie the
Iters west MN i.pism..L, end pad
sleek mine sham amt he destesd M Po-
eMea Mad *0r the aslasisess of Me 0.s-
is the
t a
te'eg r mbM
eel dle. i eat
e nse res arfN sr Iha0 le Is
vpm1� amps wrp1pla s M =art a/ it*
pswhamm M were eN a mghwgem bi
.ollesem ilm then M het ewer Ms Me et
S pot.•.ThAAN""
'. M.Mtda.oraav ther•wim w
.1..41 ...tar)d. Ibere a once tM' .r EGYPTIAN Qt1ESTIO>>
w„r• 1.. 7 to ►'w .Ie.*' lib 1 kersap..$. u al.a.r .a ib...edv sI i40a
gy...ia. int I1 to ter hvynoOn .47147riOien.`
n :a, 1'.e ..t. 01 ler p.e•.01 1*w.. q•1 l
he.• doh oral. y .•au.' w dim 1V •.a. elle.•
'0'r• yeNe
the ire" e4r) t+e WSW rhe tete
'er bel 'O. &Item,too M the Per i's Pint
1 '• *r '11.. 1 I' •*, already 0w.n.t rsh.e.•rd
.orae 00' I"Oe • ho 1/ tree well to hear me
JNettie. we 33.11 Ir,.o 4ba dl•,•Ilrtns of
1,.•..•e ool..s's.tlnn n I:• stied 4.4.0 le fns
.ear oeat 1...111 4 .' iken,.s'.e.a "(A a h. 6th
..t ., noarv, . h. h i • ant to bring 'his ge.*
tine to • remitted tree.
1 Leet o.. *or,l I. lore 1 else. ; anise. l••••
aro 1 wog •..kine with • g,o 1141,00 sou
0•.* 11..1.1• an . m •1 pewee. 10 this pre,,
:lore le the 0.01'00 Of e..nv.rev vm M re
nu►ke.1 to n.• l'•'u t' ..a 1 .Leta .press
tr..". the w.'ll " Surely, sew lentos. it 1. sot
for me •. reamed .o. of my M•o•rr• lh.i
ohs tvmrr dee.. ant •coed r• rlsr b.e•r..n4 'l
...r .;Lal ....14'. IA ht I. It 't..,: a .1041
CeswiilW 'n'ae'we that I,oder u bece•rm
ver,. lemma 'hey .. oat ret .•R the f..m The
v"urger 104.0 seal deueh sir• 04 IL••.1 •1.
''•'•men do not 'eke 'LN etre 4.f ti•. Itf .
f .1 they env. .aur to rale. nein 1,'p...
t A.4* Eve• upon the farm. Th. t 11.v- lase,
'•rou.ht op .. *..I..,, that *he *..,.1nm .wit
ndete.n.iware of a Inerner • hfe '• m.ire one.
••new. •0 . gen' lem.0 than I. 'h.. 'tar ..1
clerk. 1 t iet tree that trloay of them are out
.•e..ful hat they see right in their ,.1co
Then *0s • tins In the old feu rel days of
Kurone when the hQ•, ,*l t I. • •11 ...tett .1
l.-gianow *n has lard. But lends! net sum
hums nn rise.) is ('.ead.. Kerry f .r'ner :e
Ontario i. hie o.o vases' end hit nee. 1 -.d
ft r1. p.n,le upon him..'f whothet i• I. we
vessel or as lord he 'ekes his stand :ref Ye
the world.
To Young people, hoes sad 4ir1•, .'.*is'
s0nirstiona .re natural. and they ore ride%
1'o• the men and women, who now live up
en the farm■ in ('4sed., '-k• Mr. pr■it.,...
ahi..h beton,* to them lilt them realize
that living is somi.thiog more thea 4ertiog •
hying, let then he brightness iv our
Mmes, "litotes, and rein• men. m '.r Liv.••.
{Phe. ?hie ie mote of • common rah.
tennewor we then it is tn.i0v, we .holt oat'
hear mets nnenplein:n, that the. -.rte moron,.
from the .nit, hut the prondwt boast of th•
rm., men •0 *110 foto.. will he tIet h.:.
et {F, ., ck end owl* of no +'.n for h• is ht.
own 1.indlnrd, and he live. and he work• np
on I • tar's. 'Newer HCATON.
wAt THE '.*DICT IN 25 reeve Ha 1*-
\- tnTlr: ATal,
St. Peter's 'dilution Howse.
Ram II, on, Oat.
S. Q. Ryokman, E' 1 , M P.,
Hamilton, Dat. :
Deer Sir, -Acting Orme ynIr m•irte0litm,
I made tereoa.l enquiries from 25 per•ena.
ot different ogee and winos moist n.nii
Goes, who have herr .offering from Rhin•
mo'iem and kindred 4ieeaae0, as to the of
feet ot emir medicine upon them. From
each mid .very one the reetimony ,. o the
mem : " Kootenay ('are " h.s Saved eta,
S everal very striking melee of Chrnn,e
Rtommatism, P.ralyet., Low of Si,ht and
Rearing reit. under my notice, 004 lead i'
not been for the rammed te•rimnny of the
detienr. themselves, 1 meld not hare h.
l-evst th51 anoh eremite teen. po.wi'ie. From
'MINI and old come the same hoer*, and
g rateful testimony of p0io renooved, h..irh
restored. mid a now lease of life rained.
Wishing you onetinued *•00.81,
i am, enure faithfully,
Taos, GMM0004`t, Rector.
«'roreter : Mia Mary Willer, daughter
of Rol•t. Miller. took • dose of colt -pato.
and .tilts mistaking it for melt., and was
taken .erio0rl* iii. The esrviow of • Orr -
onion were speedily ~mod and Hiss
Miller was pulled through sale and sound
Grey : l . (i, MoDoo•ld, who taus+• in
Q. M. No. 4 for the 9.01 tour rears with
splendid setisfoetioo to all. has reei,n.d,
ted will take the pnOOirwl.hio of the H►r-
ri0ten public school at New Years at • e•1
arY of $500. He wee the choice out of 170
Old time • gosrt r-a-bt.r Punier, " are
Quit -Hag the A01d in whole
Dr. Agnew's Liver P111. at 10o a vial, are
driving them out at all points.
Iteosoe they sot se•ti7, more 0100011.17,
smear pain, tad are easy to 1eke.
Hick headache .5seamhs to nae dos.
Chronic UwOtipsMoo dispelled with ons vial
sad St seaeh of years' standing
absolutely cursd. '40 doses, 10o, at all drug -
lets, Held by J. R. Davis.
tkossels : From the present service it
now takes 12 hears be Dobie from Godoriok
to Brawl*, 11 been to re to Tereetn.
Pelmants° sad Klt.ordis• are tbe only
dations that ass be reseed sad rotes
the same day A man oeald do it a teat
se wall es by reL
Hallett : bora. Me4leager, robot of the
tam Dasid Wandler. 1.akldad0,, diad at
tee residws et bar .ea. as the ere of M
nen sad 9 swathi. Dessesd was bees is
(lrgew, and mate to tide Mwssbip sheen
50 nen ago, bet kwsb ad s.tslhg es the
let 50 *Wall she died.
(4m.sdvin.: Venetia, B.'b1ee, et Kg-
anaddps, nae of the older* nsidwd el
Tsekese*Mr, died at Me r.sldeste at Fs-
m.sdviile en Tsfed.y last, lads, reseasi
the geed eon et 73 years sod 9 mats.. Mr.
Reehler wee • Ovens.s y b4th,.ad mese M
O res41s sheet 46 years ewe.
Melee : The death el lire Dahl. of
ammo till, .eesrre4 hem emdmemeed se
Tesimim thamm 1 33m the seed d.•Rh-
eder d i.00Ntsa
le, el CHEM*, d bas da
Aly .ort able bar weenie,*
mime sit 71st. .ee• the loses a bombard
mrd dire Adana M mem Mr {.Nim le
lle male t Wslersdmf elf k00 mak Yee.
N.T. Cleary r ►..t n56 with . wimp midis.. 0
ffhe WeekI llatlkg hen a Moes ladder.
S sad a swum rl■klsp 0p. Der. Ihs pat week Oda ars 0150 a awl .red
wry urldleal. hei elle Ie wdns.wbmt hetes
Will the Brltlsh Expedttio
Move Forward ?
154 Midst sad ford e.t4Nr, Slam /e,..
lavly t •alehwee0 Is L0.... •ad 0.r,.
N winets7 Moe Wier 14r ria team• u
kali •ark rarer .a N wow Leta res....
l.usdoo. Nut. 2Y. --thaw York Tribute.
COLite.) Tbs Lays/Has diut.t.uu lulu•
ha%v occupied uatcn of L.**IJ tia4touury
time lately', tut- .emu -al art.:weber has
boon closeted with taint ftegoo(Ltly, air
well as a*t1 Lulu Misname,. a.ulU0.
t:rtdlts the ei*dar with .hearse in tun
s lnc/ag Lutd lialtaUwy ut Inc capeui-
vucy end Utceasny of cuntlnutlg Uat
eel ante trout lwuguia to Klwvultp
Lut the lotto w u, yruhal1ly twit w urn.
it is Until apilat*. tumoral Isitched,.
lrlMfh• ►u 14ypt el melte 11, a.%01t th
ara•lslun of Lite Court u�•Appeal to ta.
y' wrrd/ngs 4karieo1 thc a..rr.
fee report that Italy has entered In
iv a e.tirrt ti tats v..10 till,1 /0 e &
.)'Iap.uW 01 the utiraatu.aa tau0ru 1.y
the ttwtnarck til.clu0ut s., 11Ulto batt
irratea a goners* distrust rt k:Urupra.t
v11rl.,lnecy and c11.',. 4 a a".W... u .:...
katl.nte.10 Intrigue. sit t..li.teutly 40-
UIg .,n. Genitally It.r4t ua. tr.ru •t
the debate utr the'lreat-
cupied now elite
MIS anti the a.m.-
1 Cray and 144 ae-
rial to beruarcom
control -y to tie
while saheti0*Sd
and university
burning 1
ht. but It
ctut•ir of
ces.ity of
genius of
by mita
treelt 1"•441■lett.
N. 1. York. Nov. ... - .0 London ape-
. [n The Times say n. "1-:nalatid u
awakening to a rea:isau..n that
Ler Saute Alnesui troubles hrt•r QMy
b•Alen• it Is not so niuch that the
Hata-bele* revolt threatens to break
torch again on a ranger scare than
e%e:. ur that the mote -nate for a fresh
t:eadlo.k la the Transvaal business are
bra%ed to be sevumuiaLJhg at both
1 r.tetwia and Berlin. The really serious
�• atone is that detailed information
ab..ut the rinderpest which 111 now oat -
,ng .n reveals an unexpectedly terrible
eu.:e of affairs. The plague Is now
1. aping sixty miles a oey. It cannot,
so far as now known. be checked by
any human device, and must tnevttab-
ly 0114 every head of cattle in South
Melte. The aUempts abide last sum-
*** to stop its lavages by a wholesale
*tau: Iter of oath r cattle provoked the
rta.ng of the blacks, and if they are
repeated among the more powerful
tateutak Zulus, and Griquas, who lire
wearer the coast. they will produce a
mutiny against which the combined
f"rc.tr of the Dutch republics and Ike
Engttsb colonies *ill be powerless to
stand. The advice now pressed on the
G o%ernrrlent 1e to stop killing cattle or
otherwise fighting the pest. and In-
e tead to use money in taking a newly,
of al: the tattle. In ti.ruth Africa and
c•'mpensating owners, native and white
a:1kr, atter the epid- mic has passed.
anti 011100e 'it;! *arts none.
New York, N. v __.-A London spe-
cial says : A 4.nn'-allc tragedy,which
can scarcely 0. t..,;tched 5004 unna-
tural unna-
tural crimes, is interesting the tnhabl-
Hints of Warwick. Two slitters, one
aged 16 and the other 72, were found
Dead 1n their home. whets, apparently,
they had killed each other in a terrific
quarrel. It le known that they . ften
had serious squabbles, the elder one es-
pecially being quarrelsome and almost
trreaponelble. They had begun. ap-
parently, by throwlhg crockery at each
other, one room being littered with
broken dishes. Then one had retorted
to the tongs fur r weapon and the
other to the broomstick. Both were
considerably injured. but the doctor,
are lnr•ltned to think that death was
roused In each case by the violence of
their exertiona rather than by their
wounds. There was no robbery or
signs of foul play by a third party,
trig,LtO Mao FAILED.
Mot Ss formally Admitted t■ Raren.-
•p.01ah Wirers 1:1
Rey West. Fla.. (oc. 1•neeeng.n
who •rrlvid from Havens la.t night n^
port that it 1. currently ad,u:*ted slur
Weyler has failed In bit .•awp.4rlu against
Macro. Weykr'• own•brs have 10011 en
foot and rte soldier. hove sutteie4 greet
hardships. to consequence dbutt soldiers
bate been scot to (:andoria. Most of Wey
lees Glatt err 111 1110 are returning to Ha-
vana. Ile Is also falling beck and ill*
soon be near Artraltsa. *114.11 be rlalnu is
a better has. for bis operations.
(Leo. Pando, who I* coming with new re-
inforcements, la ludlreted as Wryler's prop
ably suece•eor In Hsvaa, and moulder.
the outlook gloomy.
It is said alk town ut Cktoria. In Han.
tlago produce. L beta/ attacked by the
rebels. The train starting fruw l'anlrtusl.
*as obliged to return o0 account of the
large mases of rebels crossing the line.
.u(,po d to be the yeatten' of (comet
marching west
I S•SS,e W l.dhll.
Toronto, Nov. 22.
Word reached the city yesterday that an
old mon by the name o CovI.gtua, who
was for years section boar oa the Mldlnnd
at Ntoufvllle. Int, has Just been ',.,tined
that his shier Iu England did the other
day, leaving him a brew of $1 ,I.tesi. The
Old mss liar been for rem* time io redness!'
circumstances, and tba t...-gw.et means •
sudden and tremendous potteries of lits
tort c•as.
Fonr children share thr b.n.et et 10.
bit 14'(047 -two eons. RIIIt0m sod Walter.
proprietors of The Stour/erne Prete Prem.
and the unmarried daughters. Addle and
*Seep Werth that,
N*agan Rall., Oat, Noy 22.-iPpedah -
A car cratalal■g 17 bead of 'beep of the
Rampa0lfe sad r le ford to., ed. pissed
(0100th here yesterday en route from Iticlt
Ila■ to Mad1w Square (iat4t., New
York. These safep were Imported from
argued last spring .0d •re c meed to he
the Iafet wool producers evil la America.
burins the put aeaa°n they have eon
ttouaaade of dollars l0 priors at .zhl
halons and haws sonar been beaten. In
elsa group mere to a yearling ram, weign
lag Mai pound*.
TM trade tae, err.
Ottawa, . Nov. 22.--TIad* returns
for fon' oaths of tb. current
Moral .bow an Increase
In export, 'tm ening to 14,727.101 and
Imports elf *2.102,114. Por the esti
month theincreased 01.411111.0011
Tete ImporMs . fell off *1.Nt.110.
Ther. was * reductloe to the amount
d duty las month d $110,iss, sable.
t]se total revenue from custom' for the
tour mon Ma *1*L100 leas than for Mei
corresponding portal lark /ear.
really Mas es leseat.
entreat Ks. 1 .-Asysestensi
'p w1NAh tt 1* belM.N • men wee num
Mae r ante. bee ben ripened b tb,
T••••••('Nmmiwp, q� ken y�s
es Ca0og street, Mn.
lwswdsy meref and • few how0 seam
{�w1aeseedl1��wee liked le .e sarssselene ,rip
tee �tee wthe s Id�el. 0 Ord
soft tie .e'mti0R 'e.0 eaNlr.d, cella see
psi evl4eaty been tie visas .t bel play,
WIN M bsltL tweeb kfrld shV II=
t a tun, Wafer 1YI/ry, alk.. wry hp
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
'Per eve yore. 1 aallend unseal awry
item samssudr .111----» ilhissiatime. 1 herd every
stows nease. essedisd Ye hast M7d
mem MOW RS WOO. Mb. ewes absent
spending Mine Tems besides d.seeoa' Mil;
Ms sold Metals .Wy Iasi ma essIddi - s0iwef1l/e0(
only sheetr-Mree gooses; *7 I. ass• sy
leg wen draws oat d May els a rem
MOW IMAM ep is knout. i was amen ae
diem easel; except *Nb aselstasre, and
sada only hobble shout by ming a est. 1
end oo appetite, dad wa• sashed, by the
doctors, mat I could sot live. The psds. el
tams*, were .o awful, fast 1 amid moon
relief only by means *t hypode nsis djan
ticse of morphine. I bad wry Iambs Imadmidd
d clay, In sulphur, to poultices; bed these
gave only temporary relief. Atter try'sg
everything. and soRering the most maul
tortures, i betm to take Ayers Sarsaparilla
Inside of two months, I wee able to walk
without s cans. In three months, my limbs
betsw to strengthen, and In the course of a
year, 1 was cured. My weight has Iuerewsed
W 156 pounds, and 1 so no* able to do any
tall Cay'. work .s a railroad blacksmith..
Ilalp %Ws r*
4133'/ PILLS ease 8epm4si1L
always on hand.
The test anti only Screntott Coal in
this market.
SOFT and
alwtly1on hit'..
All Cowl weag:.Ctl 0e the market
.capes, Ito that you are• mule of ,;Doll
mosso re
or H.rh0r tniaer.
PARA Lisal ft4ZD-aWmut MATU1110111.
its Karr° Ines , f7 r -Anises Pt 7Me.�
Om., n ewe tilos k • a, vin s • hostenmyJ 00re' trod
herd 1 .r.'... eels eaM.r^.4 en.1. 4. re syr belly
•' 'r"
r..).•14.0 . 1...41.44,04 ems rraw
A eror rverowfvetr tee ow err how ansa• �a
4eseid.4 oar ..11 1•...as env e..ua4ng afauud 5H•n,
her brawls now kycloran's "11 Cure
law Ws neopiesss 4. w $eymou Uor1.y.0rallotary P nil { -
RArtetwr er • slu sIR
else0*., Mir yes. ort e1•q
ihnies a
th, ham bras owed awed .old
his.sasrwl sisem built up by kroawa�
Ogre' The ahem. rem lin item 'n • s.t•v. ane►
MN* wood. y ars metier Yrs O«.rgs wefts. la
esas.a et.. Y.'■itsok Ont.. dale., July I. IM
Mime J. F. Week pilary ?abbe
A t*elaal•Tl o 1.1114T1 • 80110 - •w•111•
sir* TMt,Y1' 111ARC
dohs & swe.e. u wrlbnroo t,r gL, aemain
alae M a se./1vsgsn ,sir Need , Rhea.
aw•sns► earwe Kelm., Inward sod
Wes heysently disturbed a• nigh; Loa hie eppererre
an nes *rJ sleek .as. ar It '-*n.,. 11011100 t. •
eitsea. kr await. soot, Wisp and&
y '?atlpM°e fend; an tri. w M• y
sae i oWien r, J • Lesesse inn.- He u
s p
NgKE:At# 11111111
mutratilki E 08. Atop.
Pump & Fanning Pill Wokra
mar •trAw RISST t
A tante .took of very maim spa. saolas-
teetered tram se4esei Mueiteka aswrmsd
Woe with 1oaele cat est. rat r A
Theis Pumps are Isasutaetar.4 Is a a1Mr
}0 .trim to .Mt everybody sad .very
1 err .m17 w100.( remold tee emsyr
y� . Mem� puma for
Prilit PUMPS
73,41.4„0110•11011 wisteria,
ptrd. s, tie.
artzetnmrs foraying Soma,
ewesI� a.yaee.a
from wOY•tt sin adhem des water
1wwin▪ o▪ r
s ea er .m coot
otortomae. mos
0l It rettylrANe1/ MAT,
YJ, I :.va•
L ierne011A BROS & Ce
The Signal
eamess tans N
oesstsa be in
wink ere mist
pasimilh= u. •isiee Ur sits pnwpl
sad ..mode. d all Maw dA
pf�.tCg"'"A pmsml of Mho mamma.
mom may mom, mandieknag yes an
Its in seed d. tad is tad saw we est
els yesaadde s
Mad mae1ar0 to plow *ip emirs oil►
Me serves! of ser pet: Jos
tmott k tts&s
This useful sire is kept do the
atualties ensile *0 titter
Whi e
WIlbVAo. iieadt►
are not so geuerslly need, they
an important place in co *nsroka
correspondence, Bee what we'
got under the above heads.
I,t«tr iitU %
In this line we have a very large
stocn of fine writing papers .nit
able for every class of business
rnpreeentt,d in this locality, cxlm
prising laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unrule'd, as may be required.
1f the " pay-as-you-go " plan wee
the order of the day the demand
or account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some men
who get so many thinners that
they *outlay if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at pr.sent our stock is own
plete in this line with four rises.
(food paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and mento columns. They home
cheaper than bill heads, and an
the proper thing to send after
delinquent once a month. They
.re sure to fetch him 'round
not\oat lb
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envei er, and to
keep up with the demand or
them we keep r large stock n
hard. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75c- te
+12.00 per M. W e handle cam
niercial and lee& sire. 'xclisively,
C °mutereata\ 4v;vitves.g
has already bone partially enure
orated in some of the beads above.
There is, however, a vut amain
of work under this head that Is
etaumerate would Wore than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tis
to an "At Holme" or a wedding
require conaiderattle {nate in .mien
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and beet
samples to be had. Cull and ee
rot oo.ms
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain bat neat to the most elmant
with cord and pencil att&ched,
We aim to enwel in all the differ
eat kinds of work we tarn oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper
suitable for all requirement..
Caird.% putt\ T %eylttt$
This head covers a larged
work, fr-nm • bread or milk tots*
to . nam. -ailing card, from as olr-
tiinary ads, legion ticket to a tasty
busmen card or a haadeosl.1y
printed membership ticket.
Our fadlitie• for taming oat this
claim of work are evidenced by tis
fact that the great bulk of N is
dace by ua. This line alio Is
which oar three fast-Irunning job
presses are .hie to tarn out in
surprisingly short time.
beloog to 0541 poster deoartmsld
.Lo, and ars make • specialty d
theo__prempisseas being Lean dm
in {hie rsepeo . A soaks of sale
will appear is ?aa 8,sssL hes of
- s when bills for case.. g I
4o. liCtrtds .oaf 'W10lorrc
in toe filar P�
Mie be in this ggrMygrtpgtaf►
1e ne SZpad1N000 .tut arable
110000*•, 0141
Ov►r P 1etett wU. *IL 500.114
Ste% Tt4IOw4Al t.
We Mend ser thanks for past f•►'
ors, and @obeli seosth•sames elf ti'
r'V +11Z0.10.L
stomp" 0111