HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-12-3, Page 1THE BAIT THE 18 THE CHIRAl'!Ctl'! -Ani.. THE $IGINAL Air FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -2598 THB LAEAJDZNCF NEW8PAPDR OF HURON COUNTY. CODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY DEC. J, 1896. NEw '4°11"T/4/Emirs - Dec' 3. OUR OTTAWA LETTER LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF D. McGILLICIIDDY, EDITOR. • LOOKS LIKE BUSINESS. '"•° °- the •�ti..ad D��r)• of tis. (>,rdw T� E FARMER'S SON. Hasd.w used Skates -A. A. Davison Cog The us sol .:ammo will anon be as w►ta\ wee •ttrwouv• aoJ well ree•ttted by t F J. PriJbom has mooed tow his saw I Yoe• srwaeot, and will, no doubt, result is As lttearsW Ctered-Fulford k Co 7 Whorls Op1pH on at the Capital alar• Z h the Dumber of members of the rimming was brought to • glome oar t•poeisA of an provided by the Court. Tenders ter Mal *woke, W is Should Boom C3odirloh Cent he .sled -fest I Hely Cemmseiee gnat Sunday •t Si. .[ d excellent oyster supper Omss Department 5 George's. $sokkbt Neap --Lever lime 7 Merry I'bratiw-1V C Goode 5 chromium Gesde--J. E U.vr 6 that erm..tee leatrr r.. s... Breech Leit--Sim ern. Mee ... . 6 K-. T. Acheson 8 Hudwsn--A. Mol). Ally 5 Fer Ckriotm..-Jas. Yeas 4 Spayed Asuseaab-Jud. Raises 6 her../ that Aar\ that reetra.ser a...er. It was as ice walk aloe✓ • portion of the tt . teater.d that the faaNtan auris• meas Mater\ 1. aiNad -T\• rower ) do, a es Salida DUNLOP. I aallwar Ala Lewd the N41e wad The Nubian . sol board holds to regular TOWN COUNCIL. IWsers •l the Met gtegayr fflesttas et Thal mndv. Fatu&v. Noy. 27. Present, Mayor Shame., �M •• Councillors deputy - reeve, ouncillors T wall, Good., Wilma. Niro, Campos. Ntohekren, (hawse, Curtsies, Murat« of last mestteg read. approved and stewed. A oommsawsanes was read from A. Mob. Allan ooseera1sg the ereuuo. e( • tout mill u baa. 4)a motion of W Pro♦dfoet ••goaded by E. Campton, it was referred to special eSmmlttoe to report. A eommUOsostioo from the Medan of Mast/sad oemstery, stetsag that the among• roof leaked sad that the env• unite seeded repots.. sad that tie could au work bsaawlf was rya , t t ] moues of H sad Nte►oissa, th. .,..o•..r was rafsrred cemetery 000mit•..c • b power to act A °0esinuai .u•,u tr..u, tae Kenelart Vomiters Co. sskug f r soother bydren agar their mems w.. read. fboi ..it was referred to water and light commit to report. A oomm°afeatloa was road from the es Ie.tor of oustome regarding the ex wars housing of mai was road, sad the car dtrooted to sa•wer it, The following •sessata were read and re- ferred to Mame committee : W. Brough, $307.25; U. M dare, $2 ; ism•o 5.lk.ld. $136,00; 5. Kasen ftCe $22 00 ; Natio.- sl k2eresra C., $21.50 ; C amedt.. General ('o. ,118 60 ; lease Faber, 1.3 13 ; W. A Mcllrmost $4 36 ; Ontario Rama Co. •rate•• la Peltier. - Goat Ref.....et Mn Sterx.k b.• goo* esget4.g °e1• •t •sd•y eight. OTTAWA, Nov. 30. --With SU least detrootioj from Um m tasmbere of the Goversmest "we t lite the work of their respective ulnas, 1 must say that it was • f *fag for the lar. x payoof lamed& woes -- • watt to t.odenub friends. K tale Unna lot.-teedertra and es the Soothers e:ral. Trailer egut.r thetin f M out In 33 A F, and A. M., 0.11 Tuesday even. Frtwi the ye. t«..1 other Wt- 11'' the report of a deal which tilt bruins,Jae 1-•tes bas moved tow the •tore to t sa•dias Pwllic Railway a .aid 1.0 h.v° ! depart• i Hort*coupledo'• block for .o lung • time *coupled made with the /;rand b r ha + v u ..t1end Ledge No 1 ortuoate rid m' theb l; IR" there will be s might luso from Detroit to tiedislo through !'' levy will •II be w.00 Mr. Boner selected for hie Postmaster try, en. grey and (Durex• as that ehowo by R. Wm. ldulook. There u not • department a the whole service where complete re- ef animation u more needed than m the Pest Office Department, mad for that duty • wiser esieetsoa oould not bare been mals Mr. Retook is • millionaire. without doubt tab wealthiest member of the House of Commons, and it a therefore apparent that he u sot In the Government for salary or what he can u..k• out of leu position H,. whole heart is cow bast on the grw.t work • as undertaken, to rise to the country •I complete postal, money order and savings' back system ata minimum oust. General • mise possessed of the •bel Three weeks frim too seas, empty stockings, fall Wal morning, Oa Thaak.,n�tng who were playing w Oared coder them. Rey. Jsa. A. A J. 5. Heaters n, pulpit. next Sat The mag thstiweg •b Wigwam ie hie garde Ibtu.d y IMO uoer bi..wau Of N. onlay t,enlu 14. (. 1'.meroo, beer:wet, of Gua nos Legal les teen Arra for, ti,• meet 1a this ditr.t Mrs. Curare, of Detroit. who has boon Truing metier. .rid f► sod v i i - rnoa re true, then /g loosed road himsecured an •Imo,, pot visit, hews, the guest of Mte Aoote . TO.bay, Ilea 2. The scholars of 8.H. No 9, eaj•'yed Thanksgiving ley of 1896 es a bo11da1, and on Friday they enjoyed anothee,the te•oeer Nim Imwreace, Mang is Guderwb &tteod- Reg the teachers' ooaveattos. !Lass Vila Halls, formerly teacher here, but now seaobing et Iamdele, was in Gode- rich last weak atteodine the teachers' °os- reotioo. !he lady paid our burg a erases. of the boy the harbor A , pad R.•r. 1 will eaobwge i the Buffalo trod Lake Huron branch of th Growl 1 rtuk, sad will haws another outlet 1..r Northers luso. The low, it s said, o•.. ere • period of fifty years. fbe Buffalo and Irk. Homo was built from Buffalo to t:oderich about 1855, as an •i.,:epend•et rood. before tee I;rand Trunk (401 11.. t was hunt. The old Great t%'avtern wed to • bed • I u• a... a for 1:'ae•ero business an those days, terieh, there being no through berries via the F.l:e of Jus I to liutfalu aunt vile oontplenes of the Greed a- Tru..k sod the N.. link Central to Lewis- tcn, de. The Hod.lu-GUu.riub 1105 was ab I e..r. ed by the I;read Trunk to 63 or '64. but of late v.•rw it bas bine of little use •I Nag node im (,udench He voce to his ethos at nine o'clock in the ed to her home Iwo u ae. k 1000mpa return -It 0 Lb. n 041 morning and, save lunch and dinner hour, I her friend Mies R. Healy. 1►•mtsd by Lc, I he roaming oo011000 sly at hie desk maul eleven, and more often twelve o'clock at The Ito bNpsyen N lhlnh, o on night wading through correspondence sled To thea Itditor of Tum Sit:v.i, w t aootrecte, 0550el1i4g those bearing any svi- 1 IfrAit 'Ik.-Toe now s now at head se r doom of oro '. t-.o.k...r which have a.mirdsd to bean , whoa the ratepayers of the wuuty will be 1 tee 1....411051 I.vonW. by eb. kw galled upon under the new .ystem to meet pan Government without tender, at the sacrifice !woodworm u•s.Ldorm to reprerrrt w thein the county N sa I. of public money. It would Ise impossible ! ouu5(11 hem, as they do most of ,bur eastern bus ee ton the (:oat Western, which they .b- awled about 15 years ego•. foe bust.• betwesr, Detroit and Iluffalo yin the C..ad►.m Pacific • new -lamed liar gale) be largely pa•.eor.r tt.tliu, but the c4.rI0g of the Buffalo and Lake Huron041o1 by the Canadian P•cwtk might nuke import choose in the hauhug ot the oribwest grain to Toronto, .ad in this ay : The (Mardian Paoalini "teenier" now Ing the grain to ()wee Sound, when u anThe o! ' i • $23266 ; Cassaba (iesersi Co., WWI Star. $29 50; J. 5. Platt, $10.50. roomy 001A• Your oopitW has, alter due delibera- tes, employed Walter Brough. C. E. to superintend the osn•tructioe of the tows omen for the sum o1 5800.00, be agrwtag w also supervise the ,wostr°ouon of may addruoaal sowers wbiub may be oonstract- •d during lbs time allowed to Humber and Camaro to flab their oosH+ot. We roomem-d ae seises to the matter of the oom045 ' -Una of 11sa. Kobin•o. Romany THOweag, Chuan... 1' S. -Mr. hkoegh also agree( to seperta. ,sad the ooastruouoo ot lb* Mead pipe for the above stipulated amount ow mottos of J.l'r.igle and R. Tbompseo the report was adopted. FI'AN(-1 • owvtrrr[ 1 our oom[ntttee have slammed the fol- lowisg •000sats sod reassumed their pay- ment Harper A Leo, $60.48 ; THE SIGNAL. 560 J0 : D. K. Sambas. $60.54: Jammers Raid, 5125.14 ; A. Kirkbride, $45-62 ; t &median Gapers! Co., $967.94 ; Golds. & Co , 150 ; riterlist Co , $3 89 ; U&Oshms Redder. $10 ; Star, $36.86: Wm. $300; Canada. Klemm Co., 69.79: Gan - saws Co., $72 66 ; M o('n11 Brea. $34.40 McColl Pipe Co., 546 39 the Mies la., $11 19 Year oomm4ttee have also ex.miswd the last report of the treasurer sad report it cerraot. Your mama Pm also r•sp•ottelly request the maned to empower thorn to employ the wt'ose.ry ti.atanoe to props* theta animal wat•wemt for Ieo•mrsw. E Corriere, ob•trman. oe mottos of R. Campo,. ..d H. i)salop the report was adopted. sous COINN n?xa. 1v tbe`i•tte' et the gaieties sf relief re- ferred to Alga' committee, we rmoommeed II" lean be 5o ey°teatie mmmswre of re. 1tM •noted is any rams, bat •het the 41fer. set relief officers have power toa.�.m t relief a names gamma. ROBERT lloer•o,, tketrman. Os mons et R.'Ile.peen wad H. Dunlop Y. rotten wee adopted. itis by-law and egrem.edt re the electric reed was presented. mid ea modem et the Tum and deputy reeve It was referred to ♦anal oommittes to 'sport at sat meet- ramose. Moved by W. Pndfeee„ ssemeded by M. Naeb.l••s, that se relief he Maim' mita the oboe of the individual is breseigated by tb alum of the ward. wad oesewred la by aster, wad he emote • written order to Ib Worse of the word that the arm a an e am Carried. (wMerot by P. Hata mam�d.d by Jae. hal the water mid Kehl esmmibwe Meowered to here • farther .,wars.• ca the Meeks alb, with stri0rere er "It°serialbirds pissed owe, mamk severing at ow "awed It, R. Thempess, seessiedalete ber•. that ere the MM. bbsae bead 1V* Hi. a Marls sad (Llamas pe+pwiMm Waship Moan bid order /tea p60 to 11174 fee helm. (li mried. a4 b tate roma ddgda/d K.0.m- Mt*at the meson de new adIiws um - 40 e►isd4 he 1100' highs. tate les\ •t 8 P.O. AUCTION SALES M flultlat thetr gAseMsttnpyw/r •t h PUP =tar= urMay. Des. 17th. at 1)s Ls.i'. Albwt. at I p.m. pert of lee Ne. es inks Harem, Hera of et the Pim muff LPOlt. ennels.r. Os a she N. I7th aim d D.wa.her, Lawmaw. the Asea boll d M len Raw CM., Hera of the More pubis easeles a* De lewd. MyA bursa. Jar Lima. her. to enumerate the my evideoose of e ueaw no doubt a to w )act of the l� fraud .o e.. 1... .overs • repre•eateuoo fedkeend thereby keen bad 1 k d oollwi ,seat and the mail aostractor that have •l. the eltwoa• of county uuanc.L, whwh ready been brought to light by Mr llolook become ween the lat•t ruduo. th esergr° b reeve.. K betber this °boil i the 1 It wall all noma oat when Parliament in the Usetcl "w y reside o the (hoar 1 taee14. Pal Act providing tor depeq- W fu u 05001111• mail coo of ea m to b R tracte by . expenses' will be at -ceded minium to be th. hundreds where he believes the try's ,stere.$e have been .ori4o•d awarding these ooetraote by the tate er0ment, he a rigidly edbenog to the oiple he laid down when he t•nmmeott•d work, that every mail serves should be sp to testier and the ooutraet award the lower* tenderer. It is true then he some fault fisdtse by friends of Liberal party who had expected to find oentr•ct• awarded to political friends the hew reeime as they had bees, wit tender, by the late government Rut SMr. Msleek has choose the fair, straightforward coarse, wad .hale there may he come disap- pointed cues, the country. 1 sm son, .ill oommend him im the end for tie coulee be is taking He ie most anxious thtt moor tenderer in the p..* who ha. reams to be- lieve his tender, although the lowest, was overlooked, would romm°moat• their sa.- piettme to him. S nos I drew attention to this matter before .oma ore" strange "vela. twee bays oome to Tight. He waote your on -operation in this matter. 1-oe will be surprised to learn when the House meet• the amount of money his vigilance has saved the country. THE ,'or. -Tay Fai!N, is Eva, , seta, but the reduction of the number of represeotsilve. oould neve, m (soy- greater pert. been effected without the gm- priu ploymen• of such machinery and wr b Iottl. hie ! or no •xpenee, simply by otrik,og out Ike pet glomes in the Municipal, Act providing for ed to deputy -reeves. Thus wav of reduow` the stay' num4wr of gouty couaolllors, I believe, the wou:d her. given more Nombre! ea the a• each muoiolp•ltit' would a.v ilitderpresentative elected by themsel bout j s.amt.gly nodus power ,bus Then is no mosey in the 000.1*; that is vested with the ems amount of power, for geed er evil, as the country newspaper Wham 1 started out in these lettere from Ottawa moms three years aro Io hove • weekly oat with the *Motors of Canada, I did w with • view to keeper you thorough• ly posted as to wb•t was going on behind the sasses, that when at came time for you to render your judgment at the polls, there might b• nothing bidden from you. It was seam to expose the polttto.l Wooer Chas say remener.uoo 1 might receive for my letters Chet i inflated this fe•t°rs of journalism, and the fast that now mono 130 papers of the oowiry tress h.m asked a to furnish them with correepoodenoe from the capi steads in evidenoe, 1 think that my efforts hove hes appreciated and potato to the good 1 ay yet be •ate to do With such • powerful lever in my hand 1 here for the future as in the past determis•d to divot my efforts towards sso°rlsg honest, mos- omio•I and pare government in this, throw. to party 511e'aaoe to one Wok.. I feel I have sloe-ts.tbs of the pe pb sed press at (,rind• with a. We have ear Liberal, Ceassmative and Independent press. Them who have e.r•telly wsubd the events of the past few years .....S but be impressed with rho idea Ih•t the day is tam sp- prembine when the press of the eesstry .ill altogether be sen es fair. (sd°padest line, free item party servility Then are very many movie is (heads .he today behove that the pyo is the way of pristine and advery.ise frets *. Goversmwt bays op snob papaw Let me take the last report of the Auditor Oeaerel .ad elastify the Cenerwotiv. papers .hems infamies time ere many M believe was bought rip with this Government pp. Of la total .umbar of papers reesivise m°oblast mar, 110 received frees $1 se 0 ; 211 ►sl oved hem $1 to $60 ; 958 rood ed seder $1(10: 31 r.gglv.d from 5100 to $900: 16 frees $200 to $300 ; 51me $300 to $400 ; 6 train $400 to $600 ; 4 from 5600 is $600 ; 1 hem $600 to $700, while 16 m - volved $700 and upw.rda Tee .ill trate tb•1 181 GLaegrv5Mve papers teesived hes then $100 ease seam aft them in seam rem. s.g fres $1 M $d sad that is salad Geran- meat pap." L N rersnble that any sewq.per would WI est its &MMese• ler the paltry ems I have emoted. Hardly. The w therm will likely sew be mode seeyat the Liberal peens but 7s ma am hew little seta. le in it. Thea M K sea be shows te the minim that • Amin d Owanmass bee really stagged • seen sesasselsel mamis- utgsWn of Its slake gad that tee emdl- then of trade have beam hemeeted by • these• d MIMy i think fro may safe] sit Meme that the present O r enseene w111 re. wive • heir Wap 4..S sapper% ham may el them papers width bed appaaa8 ie when • apposiMaa and when es • party oft they mad emir the ewntry we vggesits Taw Ssa.*oa. F. A. I least the ()natrsier eM Ogateese r seh without `re IlaYfiY ktlw te own n - es, and the Ives to smaiar manic•p•ling oonld have been neu- tralized by the 000oert of th.. Luger moot oipahtiee sod g Ily lei an •ppeel to the meaty judge It le melees 'o speculate now o0 what u,ight hey, been Not bovine been oon eul•ed,even by oommesioo, it sow remains for the ratepayers to use tbeir crest ju.igment in selecttag mea to represent them, meg who will we the people's m- sew to the best advantage eo0e:•tent with efficiency, and sternly apprise. .11 attempt., from whatever warce that would ente:1 unnecessary e1 - p editors. The promo time above all others to the history of the count( 119011.. prudent eoo.emy in the oonducung of both public and private business When the farmer who t• bolding his own •s rather the •z- orpuoo then the rule, when the man0(•o- terse s straining •very serve to ohespen production. and the question with the mer- chant is, not bow muoh but bow little profit he can put upon his goods, this, 1 may is no Mote for new pad costly project. that will salad permanent expenditure with no re turn. Several such schemes are already on the lapis. Tt• sewers at the poor -home had hardly bees got to rum the right way, nor the main walls of the banding safely propped up, until • scheme was on foot to e stebhsh • county hospital with all its is di.peo.blee, in 000010lies with the poor - bow, they the mars' board of health is • troogly *demoting the appointment of • oouaty medical heart, inspector with, of ooare,• big salary. All this is in view wises the county is /remise seder its lead of of- ficials. Some say say tt don't make any differ- •soe who is in, then will be • certain amount to pay anyway. Tale is mi most .bt•ke,as may be mealy proved by eoamL- lag the pay list of the manly mem! from the year 1888 down to 1896 Take the year 1889, the tot•1 amount paid ter fess and "admire was 51.294.80, then that of 1894, $9,414.00, and shot for 1896.$9433 40. Jos leak of tt, the same work performed by the same number of lose sed just about double the pay. But they war. net .1) the seise taco, the late Pm, Kelly, of Blyth that sturdy advocate of the pubiss welfare, and mem others were sot there •a the larder ooameasne M sal' ler • mooed ef the votes which had the ed. -°t es mom than sae oeiadeer of rdeppisg the latesded rrob. Personally I rem indifferent as M wheys Um rept..staid vee may be so beg es they w ale ef fair ability .ad .he will sal e-ssider 11 their prceipsl and drat duty 1. iee'ee, their ewe se gem favorite'• mart' este, tithe by metal maaaeoment of the p°blie bugloss• wi♦ establi.Y • pro.dss for the 'sidearm of ,°tem ess5ils. Years respectfully. Jamas Josmat,r. Asr*taaea prow famised AshM Per. We deabt if ever Mem is the history of (.•sada, the Ue re Liaised Statwee°sepelled to eek for •mi-tesee hem Old Ha'I•d te 811 • Canadian seder far roods. i• stem is edible, but web m the saw for sea, The Greats* Art Hesse in Amorist meld s•1 panda the •• Orphan's Prayer " picture pig s°.'b to stmt the demand of w► °.Micas pt.artse into the Family Nereid ash Weekly Syr, of Mentreal. The gam of Romney k 0., Lemke, Kea. were se tabled kw esaaw, sad they tee have b• - NOS work Mm mad nimbi is help the Fomtly Herald N s* of their d1Awh Orders are base Sled es rashly s pr re srdlese of wpm* We nee that every w boardber rediae tan MOW fer the payer for es• year meshes the "Orphan'is Pes�r� hew. sod NN se le • marvel he. n he 4enc, ire dents the e.Mbeidyr7 Is. send areata _lie Yl enpreseiest/ drag.w brought to Toronto by rail Tb. road Wore Toronto to Owen Sound, however, ie said to be to bad shape. It was built year• •go without mo'-' .en. -d to engineer legend the Br.dsog is so poo, .hat an engine of say • capacity of 40 oars 0anaot haul moo then 1', or 20 Oa the other band, the road from Gode•nch dun good •hso.,and,tho0ph It mai be • little lon'.r,the extra mileage would be more than oompeneatod for in tt.e increased haulage !salines. Tee" th. leasing of the Buffalo & Lake Huron r,.ad by the ('ansdiao 1'scido might e•o•e Close Sound t•, be &haodoned and Godeneh *elected Instead. I:oderich hes the finest harbor on Lake Huron, and the ate+mer* would ha.e • course •Insect straight down the lake toet.ad of having to in in Island, where :broach the es theC P. R. ofaters an steamer, the Algoma, in 1885. The new hoe would make the haulage of .run to Toronto Rimier, but there woatd apparently be co object in *ending grain 1. Buffalo, .a the Comedian Naafi,: ships to Europe through Portland, Halifaz and Moatre•L The Canadian Paoifie. it it said, is net !tidy to woodier, with the (:rand Trunk in is new •rrwuge mento The best relations exist between the two reeds- and the C P R. would prob mill, build • line for stet( should the (:rand Trunk refuse to lease the road. Ar- r.ee.meoa could easily be made for pre- venting competition in peeeeager rates. 1'e. Comedian Peoidc, however, would eons - pet. with the Michigan Central frau 1)r - triol. to Buffalo, the Sli.biga Central veiny 251 miles, while the new toad is only one mile longer. UUNGANNON. o croon. -The annoe Canaan SsewAL (thee Milo in J. a Warn nos oh ore et J. o. Ward, dere for •a pp•UUte"ona who will reseals r of . work. and is authorized wtoogl.-e eg and too amounts paid for the same. give magnets fur Trtisr Wm. HaSkirk and family�w visiting lhis parents .t Blyth. 5ervlom wore held is our village churches cm Theok eivtse Day, and were welt .t wooded. Oar Tom, of Linoolo, seem* to he laking time by the forelock, ea M appears to be on his Christmas holiday tour. John Gay .sed family- returned home o0 A•turday last, baying .peat Thank.givmg Lay with relatives .t Ripley. Wm. e are e pfemed to be able to .taw that Assn, who *000 tl7 swayed w Minry tbroggb • fall, is pottag better. For some sights Past dadaists sts hes b u the .Soeadaot, and in ocissememosmyna trio lights am mach needed es oar village. Jobs Bailey rad family, who had been re - suttee is Gederith for some time, have re- moved es to his term in West W5wo owb. Mise La Seamby wbo had been en an ex- lsded visit to relatives and friends a the rem* Clty and visinity, returned hesee week.atter having had • very enjoyable Mara Krwo.Tr La.op. Torr, -Tho meeting i. the Rpwarth League os Moed.y mes- as will be the regular eotwor•ties .d roll sel1 mesas. W. L Hiles will have shares tai • 4. dttt as. All w medially invited Jan Goodish., sad wife, el Melrose, sear BmlMevlla,are visit*/ Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Alas. Mrs. G.edfeflew b • soler of �N i Alba,sed formerly • resident of Uel. P Herr. -Sims oar last, Revelator, whish wee s ae.psw.11y fnv.robee math as mist of weN1r unity, e•ttls..4 .l, bas lakestarsals. t its •OTI S Mlle the maims el Old Father Tim. ad Dr ember is new ea band. ''Toa Gamma -Oer metal barber. p.1. liaats M•rWa, who had hes hero fee ease lases. left ea Meeday last ferabei .m he 1o544es le deny ea besisme was mei esMeseed fee his ehlylse anti meb wu5ve deperemat, ads • Sikes le de - delivering is p ensee. is us fares he had the oppgronalty, A frim& with him es ear senvillse new limasa wee.• r Htaysm momma.. -O. T.ed•y 4e'eulet, tab 94ei .N., • pay ea .ys N. yd °e.s- tog time was °pwst is •addter hese, the eos•.en bey as epos seem MOW Ma sa/ enurt•yesens of the L O. r., of Ossa% Wawsns& Pow 1,�7. R. D. nes-' LOILwan edgy.'far sa LEESUR N. , rooter a•tioo.l importance to C The Position He Should Hass The aeh>r•t rrw•emed ea the Farren' re - 1 Nreate of We metros -slew w keep II the tiers ea She Sum - A Live Tepee. ! THE following address was delivered by Forrest Heston before the Footmen' In- stitute of Wmt Huron held st Ksnlail o0 Friday. November 20th : There are today few topics of more stemma! interest and N. gut jeot. of madams TUESDAY, Dee. 2, than •• Tb• Farmer's Son J. J Wright ate his Thawing/lying turkey I We .re seasonally an agriculture in H•miltoo, where he was the guest of his moo, Phomas. mduity- In Caned'', perhaps, more 1 The 1'h•i ksxiviog sew . (sir turnout of 1.k. soy other °aentry, u a true that fee the oungregauon, tb. Rev Jae Hamilton t tie of our *ocul ,•brie. wad 11 speaking from the p•eeage in the New Test- 15. 1y follow• ,bat the wider end th *meet to which 1'sul •peke of tbaokfulnoe•'Droeperou• u the foundation the for bounties 110011ed from the Higher11:10:111./m. and mor.• firmly eotablabed will Power, lbs address being very imprredve building of oommera•1 tndestr e• w and instructive. I raised upon it. And so, If we are t In the afternoon of Thanksgiving ley, a way solid prulrees,ws most still be moo number of the men of the congregation ' °Ur soca mut follow ID the (Dotal turned out and banked op the ohutch, three 1 their fathers, raver plashing and ady teems being on the ground to draw the epee the loin• of the country the l earth that wise used Henry Green and aviltz.tioo. Wm. Fulford were the directors of the bee It s, therefore, with t. • as o which was • decided rocce.•, natural and well founded ' in, th realize the feet that the rig* genes SALT FORD. made of different stuff (root the last, Mostur. Nov. 30 is an old story with us now that the P. 1dcKww s rebuilding pert of the Manus, the energies and the soptran salt block th.. farmer's sty are directed away from Our Congers at- hevio term. He deepirea the honest •west Y partridge* andoo.I tuck these brow, and he hunts for .n occupation shoe, mang where he will not have to soil his band shot, was with a0 azo. ID top boots and • H. Wednesday anor000n of lard week two of •h'rt that this first generation made our popular young people were united in canonry what it a, but the work of d•v the b..nds .•f matrimony , Mies Manse Czar- a sot has well nigh stopped, because r.'1, or ly •isughter of thea late John Carrot, sons of thew sturdy pioneers have wt t being rstarriea to Rieh.rd N Frit zley, rid- mind. upon working out their salv•tio est boo of K. Fntzley 1be wedding took patent leather shoat and wuh • silver h place in 8t. George•• church, I:oderttb, the ed owe Weal) know the result. Ito rooter, Rev. M. Turnbull 000ducuog the of ■3ding to our national wealth, 00• t meet°. in the proseooe of friends of lb. of our young fellows ere rt•ry am to 'aur oo0tracting parties. The bride was pretty- cities, while the other third, 1 bed aim y dressed iu grey cashmere, neatly trim- said on. hal(, .re hi Iping to bold op mod with pink satin mod chiffon. Her eines of • isometry which has never bridesmaid was Hies A. Conant -nes. of Dun- friendly to os and has lately Dame to op, end the best man was J Fnt rl.y, of verge cf hostilities with the Empire of .h Goderioh, brother of these... The happy we beast that we form no tea eignt6e. couple were the recipients of many useful part, All thin is true ; we all Irmo. i and valuable pro•..te. They will reside in tree, fest we bel we cant' help it. sod Silttord for th. presemt. cemtert ourselves with things will right thea.elvee in time. er BLUEVALE. Almighty has provided • never-f•ilieg Tessiti.t. leo 1, relator for social oneeestioo thestomac Rev. Wm. Mose i• •a the ne list. n t Moses Mary and Aho.. Duff were vi•itiog wall improed the ved mechtnerydwritiog is rher rleeppriv tends an 11'•waoo.h last week, many of • mesas of livelihood. The It... kir. Ninos, of I)my toe, preached aeotntinn of business interest• in the hive try .cc.ptahly in the I'resbyt•rian church of large a -meanie' makes it more ditlic wt Sabbath. for roan' men to start op in brains•* f Mies Jewie Malcolm, ot Kiou.rdioe, and thwowlves. The deper:ment•l stores ha Mi.. Jessie Uo1oag1ll, of Montr..4 etre coin, to stay : and the empty •hops a iGiting wt John Robertson's the past 1 I" ✓.• •' , ire Toronto, .re an eloquent • sek. planation of what they mean for the rata Louis R Dull gave • conceit at his school man. And what shall we say of the prof o. 9, W•wanoeh, Th...k,•grvi0g night. •tons' There are today three hundred '• • "Naval* choir, Mn Geo. Slclyouwld yen in Toronto who cannot pay their ern °reledt, and the Harmonica Bead as root sod an equal proportion of doctorsw ted, A very element evening was .pent time .hem rho ('an•dts not making toeir salt could he f air all ptomot. sure of finding employment in Amort C- OLBORNE. eines. But now in the street. of Chime Ti ,., , , 4)ec 1 you may 60.1 matey young Canadians vale Thr f, flowing is tl e report of S s. No 8 looking for work : for the limited States for the math of November being brought tans to fee with precise! I1• Class-- Lillie Fisher,\. Isom SI. loamy, the same problem•, pad the wave mat Albert Walters. Son 111 -Alden .11lio, tare back upon eunelves. Yee ' We • Isaac T.hh, Lillie Kerr. Jr. 111.- Henry right when we say thing. will ri.ht them F.01.... Florence Kerr, Jaime Mitchell, waves in time Rut at whet • Dost t Ar Sen 11 El's Sleets John M•Ibo. Minnie rested growth and hese of population for th Tahb 1. iI -A•la Moore, Sophia Waiters. reentry, wasted sn.rmy wasted lives sof Joh 1 min- ium is n .tug a Oeweo- e more broader bethe etch u to eon, ape of booing tae of f very •t we ,soy u for IL • ow of mthe of the to lite 5, It oriel the •lop the heir o in sad- teed ow' d est the boon the soh ret. t a we hat the re h be ed 005• d• rel• or ve pee 1• 11 w- oe he • Iv Dan 7 u 7 •000 re e o *i.Iltnn H .1. Moorage, teacher- feria sod di4•ppoiotineot Int nor wino I war to Peek Apple... es and ata not busier... So we shake • tr • I w N Tb as W fey. We know this toll well, but it ie not poli tics . It Is now a well-established fact that 00* heads over mer woedetoele in 'he .100 - choice Canadian apples are as pals,- iota, and leave the solution of thee..gees- able a fruit as there la offered nn the tions to •nniahets end to cranks. Is it EneIls i market. At the same time, right' gentlemen. le it fair to our eons oomplalnts are frequent of the o0opl- end the generations that will onme after o,' Don to which a largo peromitage of W. laugh at the Turk who in the time of them arrives at Liverpool and other danger dee down with folded heed. and British ports, Thls Is due to the meth_ says at i. th. will .4 Allah ` Bat that u u- od of packing. In which very little ad- wetly what we are doing ourselves, eye ranee baa been made. dos', want moodiest, we don't want crooks., Goods sent acrostt the AUanUe are but acs do want horse nommen sense, sad it certain to get knocked about more or a hen that we can dud it. It is hen is lens on the vo'yat['e across. no ,natter thew essences of the Farmers institutes what the weather conditions may pat that thew quassies• ms beat be dewed This militates against such a delicate mad di°°°w•d• mad remember there never fruit as apples. but surely our shtpperi was •tamer ••yiog than '• 1'rovidesce Helpe part adopt some syutem which will those eke help theos..l tend avoid this. It we am to mod tend the situation When they are pack.•d In hulk In bar from tee •,endpoint of the farmer'. eon rets the chasuen are against Inst an all •ed apply s remedy we mast make sad op.. nrrfving In perfect condition, and rsrsoi•ee lbs feelings f. th„,...or. kid .4. a huts...tlon b made In this connection h ma°f °f'om the /arm. Oates 41 Bride that L worthy of oonalder.atloc. It we life e, from tit. and Public, 11 el ewe, has been tri.d already with •0conras- He will say, tum nae erefwheel a the ICK results by a well-known High wheel, and it i. sere after n readies • ase others might at least Elva It a age taktain es eases in Psrhepe is the ishfired It y to wrap the fruit with ambt o°. Hs hag heard of • rail hemp the skin sound, and ship In boxes States, who became " 44.11 " of the Mouse Bdparaterd tike our Premier • ps•ester'• " devil " wbo r • en- tre (ansa The o=- pyeesisr e( (`•°sda and • K (' R., or • vtl- td'a •:peau• installed would be mo0mstd- lata mason' boy i. Ireland 'who rem to be arable. and tf the fruit •rrIvcd without Lord Chief Jamie. of Rowland. Mere of fling bruised It would undoubtedly tee it Is sew of some es, whom be have a quaker male and at better blows, who wean fine obthw+ sed appears Priem than if halt were canned to pulp. to haws • better time than himself. He re - •s Is often the cave under the present teras home with " • bee in his beset,".d system. At any Rte. the experiment thetas will not dreg him back to tor. ba 1s worthy of a trial-C�an.dian Groove. living aper UN fee. Farm life wooer' ea- Iy • Heiag, tab outside world is fell nt OS - Canals 1Ra.nv erreeh.d. mho possibility's. The mattes le all The ease with whi. h ship canny mar IV" U it i re•!, if be bas 1114 pevesversa•s b rendered nail ai less I U. of war haa and Muth be see it through, and iodates. warm Deem brought forward as w wblYtm w ail• an la50 i."1. aaste for Nes argument avow dependence bales .5M ` the world, Oven though he may see pteeed nu these water ways fee stratsgf tries w the heights of his boyish drama. hal purpose. An Illustration total' am we may read • ale et mad .4splies. paint has just has .4 hit eo•anettish Waal d ksswled'e Of the world sed west with the Nara! !!aa -Rain° canal, tam of oaf/east in the feet the, there are German Aeet 'Ouse i. le take part In bm •wise df Otasdlamg Cod• seas to term- ini the menu, naval rot. leeln' nib- 11mm ems eoltt other wee will tell ahem fav vase ,bratoMsr'sd, rte Ihe� h YM • abietaks umtte1' .f a Dana\ .east rIsrh orad r 16• esbstira d thea 't.SLn wad ►hat sans at tie IsMala and of tam wee t e.M boa boor fid heifer d H ttte7 entreat* to tis. M the p.1*"&sM� ., w d. tab wM. way. Trolls a• the w mwaf 0.aa- tbe rte.. Canal ham a1�s tabs aaes/iaMn blltsrl7 Ibat tag bnvg. �e Codm/mea*d eel ed the °most . Tse f Mad i Yeaar bases an tin wadi e.- WI Ile. aga, binektim pap the water etPrevel therewbaaea thee he e