HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-26, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODKR10H, ONT., THURSDAY. NOV. 26, 1896 TREATING AN OLO COMPLAINT A- Old-Pashies•e but Ixeeetlrr lure mtwpl•.eares. ' 11111011118111 1s hest cured ty out .1 late. Thta has been said a thous. denim, avid *1111 sufferers Bothe* c. prebend the truth of it. Very peupie. Indeed. w 111 1. / fl ee ph•se a a whole day out of doe . and alert eu much a `..Iter ..f habit that would be worth much ere t tend es trtvancr t., get this whole day out doors 1st many a rase Where such .measure le treated as quite "cat of buesteet. tine such day may se. h to break the habit of tering awake to unser other sleep-proveking vices effect've dc%M -s that with the open-air expedient may have ttrly fallr.l. Remember Prod Ten tells r.•rdltet lr the hopeasnras of vetting geed In the house. !hi the lost you can Mot' course. but we have his authori and demonstration to prose.• that ail i door air b bad air, and all the w., bads long ago ?mend out that geedL the finest nerve tunic and sopor ever discovered. On pleasant, desirable article trod Is Invaluable. In fostering sl.•, ar.d that 1s lettuce Wad ryrt r•ly lettuc.; letttpe I* iheOd_.•t•ut the and flavoring of Refit,' that gu making a good .ala.l of It, increase greatly Its soothing powers. The gar- lic s ref centre. merely ruteeci ou the - dish. but a pretty thorough use of it Ir. that way helps the case in m•t.•tals. ways. It. like all Its %mutable• kin. ha a definite alre•p-producing tendert, y, apd therm it masalad '. a salad s, well that you rat twice as 171114-11171114-11171114-11of as you utherw9w would. and that 1s a merit gained. Itrsid,'s On express soporific tendency. Met p,•eetele's stom- achs stand in sore need .4 more saladn thathey get. and they profit tri sl... by an tmprored digecanesnn Very stub - torn canes of tnsomn!a are frequent- ly cured by a steady habit •d (-[tine !etch d, ch a salad as •wcribeed at the 'even - leg meal. Baths eon be made Invalu- able In treating insomnia, but e•tthet a hot or a cold bath just ..-fore going t, bed is ahem perilous to sl..•p; it is . stimulating. not soothing. For all who can stand such nerd treatment a cold morning plunge- Is Rand for sleeping habits. because Li tome the nerves; but the bath im mediately alewp-provoktng. is the ettz t4k.•n In conjuncton with a hot foot bath: a bet foot hath .Jenne is often tried but where the brain ac•tivtty is strong. 11 le not eff..•tive enough If drawing the bleed teem the hes.! If somethingcne has not a sitz bath -tub something approximating the sits bath can be- taken to an orernery tul, by filling t.. the d••hth of ten Inch.. or s., with hot tater and then airing In it. with the f -.-t drawn tin pit of not wet the lenge s.bote the kn e; five- minutes Inthe tub, at .1 w *ter ae het me . an to borne. then rut. off (mot of the perw.n, re - r ember. shame not t.:- wen. jump Into tett and fen ate the casae that after Mme. preceding ding he.urs out of door, and a lettuce salad for dinner won't go to .Itep and( may asleep. - In pone- ea..'* .4 extreme elee.pb.sa •- • ie great help hap ain`t found by put- ' r':z the patient in a harrow)... k, where • ` ••. could be gently swung. .'r swing •):,meelvca Rnowocking is deplored now fel e htldren. end certainty it Is bet- ter that they bis trainee] to sleep with- out It; but when It L a case of sleep- ing for a person of any age. It If bet- ties to Seep by rklns than not te' ca Corte I t ell. In the se of the ham- mer* *e' Rain. are with many other Crvic'es, may be great from a temper - MT use of 11. Get a prrs..n In the way of sleeping and It 1s te ownerattvely easy to keen him in the way. .>f rather measure, more or leaf fami- liar and frequently rrcommend,d. one of the beer if a little light fo�wi to bis o.ken at any hour of the night when trakefttheesp begins The late IR J. %iari..n Rims was a great friend e.f this habit and taught many patien'f .'f h;. to keep a little tray of bislang and hedge-Chic/mewine or milk by their hedge-Chic/me Record. THE LITTLE FRENCH 411114.. She is • ■ee tatataMesses .ed J4 T••gba sa •ll rvistse Arta n However Inuoaot she. Isla? be. • lit- tle French girl Is much more of a tit' Mlle woman than a child of eine other nationality. She doer nut rump, she le games.e„ detnure and quiet In her games. w bb.h tor are often imitations elf a grow a per- ms 0°04 life. She 1e trying re. learn how few to he the mistress of her homer by fel means of her dolls, furniture, kitchen es and /timbre. Feminine ant are still a it part uef every well-arrangedwell-arrangedFrench n.- education. writes Mere tester to the of Century. Men really care more fur ,t these accompllehmenta that. for the th• .'here, as they snake stay al -home ell' aloes who leek •fter their hems -holds: a• ,end as a Frenchwoman'■ principal aim '1" r to please her future husband, every "tet '.other prepares her daughter fur Ode ut end. This Is why she dues Dot hermit.•tun close an lntlmay with little boy "It -eosins, !",'*use ten years later a),wl- arr ,me husband would take a dieli,e ter for these friendly cousins; nor would he bosom friends, like his wife's bos,friends, in whom o- she confides, and who never leave her rLt any better. air Mothers, therefore, permit few Ifthese fe any ftic intimacies., and these all elnouwed „( and selected slth the creatret (.r.. One. advantage .d this eystern W that I'• the name of friend 1. not carelessly beetow..l right and left It take,, time fell end good reasons for simple acquaint' ,nce to else to that rank. The. mother nut only wards off little boy '•'tains and intimate girl friends, but she dls- ce'urages the litUe girl in showing off her knowledge out of the e•laas-notn, for she la fully aaar. that nothinc could he les. attractive In the eyes of th. ell Peeled lord and maet.•r than s bluewtocking. A bright little girl I .would name haat by chem.., picked up ,..ne asironorn!- ='al gurgle, together with other erten- tine facts. v.hieh allowed her to shine new and th'•t, One. evening, while Playing in the garden. lei,. heard a frh-n.) of her father/,' exclaim: -w-hat * darsting roar!" "That is not a star, air. she said. it If a 'demi." Her mother w.u, In dcwl.air for fie would rather a hundred Orme. ha. .• found her fgnerant than hat.. seen her -show off." or capable .4 ,..emitting the enormity of -- cting an older Penton- •'1 y hope. '• *he said. jestingly as a sort 'ef hulls. that when vette Is 1R the poor little thing velli have forgotten a great Wirt .1 Ie hit/ she knows to -day"' Th. ohne ata enlace. All the scenes and atm...t'hero. • nos naive tillage --If one 1* f..rtunat ugh to hare been born in such a ality-he around the memory like the horlsnn line. unreachable, Impanre -*+'t.r ttien a *o-cidIrd coram repel ltan man has nervy seemed to me a v.. holey being and a eosmnpolitan child !f shove all things to be Pitied. To bl. n M• reified in early me orira with *rine I !need and therefore characteristic ser on that 1s hapmnenn. No child 1 Old enough to be a citizen of the world R hat denationalized American hasten 1" "ramp as provincial is for children. -at least, a sating grace.. You do nut eela Sect provincial. All this Is par- ticularly true of theme marked nut by ternp•ramenr fee a literary career. Le -rehire neoda for Ira materiel only Men nature and books: and of th.-se. tit first two are everywhere and the Ito are easily transportable. since you can pit. the few supreme authats trf tn. w.erlei in * little corner of the Minn. -et tog r Min. The Cambridge of Th *b b"yko.affrighted me all that hu- nter) heart .•ould ask for Its elementary training Those Who doubt It might. Ion hence. have been gainers, If they bad *hared 1t. "He despises me.- nnmaid sev. Jfe'n "because i Ih'. In an im silev Tett him hsoul Hype In an NI' Y.-- Atlantic Mnnthty. New 1., Garment. An exquisite open wet, le a full cape cf cern inter satin, veiled with .:`rim lac. and trimrne.l and lined a ith it hit.• Th Orel_ one of the boss most In vogue conn- slsts of a ru.•he cif necot'dion-pialtei r•hlffnn. wound In and out with gable tells. in the front the- chiffon in made into • long, snake• -Ilk.• tsw, with two tall. faften'd to all. h end in ..leek chiffon and ermine this makes a na.wt effective nick ad'.rnment. F• -r street wear it. is charming in brown chiffon and sable. One of the moot mahn,flcent 01 the ,apes wrap. is a three-quarter length rape of mauve satin, nob raised clus- ters of pale tlnt..1 violets In vele •t •rnttered over It. ea. h hunch tied with silver rlhbona Failing from the y..ke• hack and front, if a deep ruffle eef soft Ncud-like white fox. The *acne fleecy rue is need for the high storm colter, and ate. for the lining of the garment. A fur and velvet cape which has all the fafhlonable frills .1 the season Ie m*de of gray v.•Ivet and chinchilla The high collar. which rear -hex far above the ears. is of the fur, and se, also. te a deep rnllarette, which comes to a leant In front. Beneath Lille ehlnchllle collar appear twe full ruffle., of gray velvet, each showing at the edge a ruching of cream white eat in. 1a•gelp,* Is the Ihrawtng-Rowe. The announcement that the drawing ro..m amu•e•ment thla swum will oe bagpipe playing by ladles is some- what dismaying. and is by no means an improvement on skirt dancing. Even the polite morons who are aeruatnmei le remark. at the end of amateur Per- formances in the drawing room "Thank you; a.. very charming." win hart f a.m.- MlReuity to pre -erre -Mg their ele- e gent oomi..fure during a bagpipe dis- play. The details given are tantalis- ingly scanty. Are the young lathes to lee attires to the correct if bar'bark' N.gblsns full dmfs. and are their op - n' ••r*tL.n, to be at.•'mtsni.-d by the- true Highland whosp" Th, new French trawing rot in craze -character reading tev the tweet). er buccal phyrl.gnomy. es It is caked, the rest of the face tee- ing conceal l --se, •s to u* far prefer- - ahle.-191. Unlit' (laz rte. Noe 1w fish` Vesseberry Jelly. T -eerie er*nberry jelly. wash •eare- 1u ;, quart of .selected berries and put firm in a Doroelaln-Itned kettle ul•h a email cup of water and half a Sonne .f good white sugar; allow them t" h^fl steadily for twenty minute* 11)4 then preys thrntyrh a jelly hsg int„ a mould whleh has previously been 1%1'4 with meld water. f4 t away to a e r'• Plate for Revered hour., when 1t 'I'M he ready to serve. pante la ►wrwtrwre, ?tie severely simple Pavnaarnle chair t' 1101"Pr*lt0 rax hall or ercrptl..r. a"r" but In spite at Its g weeenI Imes b es 1Mtltute of peal ontnfewt as oaf Ib. lifis ref tta .mottle namtaelat t-'lonial arta ebelr, with Its wide '*rl*p. and ('tom dmfyl`1 le es p1.ea K faintW f. flan A4111 renew ha am= th taw GEM/ e gNs11g ttltarlersda w: Ant 'n • tie • The vl••k t rel..ls supreme es th, favole.l rice .-r .4 f.uhlon. toe c aril .'htf..': are t/ee.t extenflyele en lit handeemeet rte+ gat m 'cot children %ear the tee tet.. as well as their m*m•:tea an.t the empire- coat - ere ten; eec..mtng to then, The dr, p, chiseled empire belt of satin er vett rt 1.- f a. t; eenehr f -ur.'r but imparts a fhnt t-I.I 'to! effect t, *tout people. In a healon t. hen g . t.:a•ey mu-., waists are corn t'arie-ty In 1.11; 1 es, et.Oary. There 1e a battle i'ete,.•n tl' advocates of the .tide and earrn,. belts. neautlftil blue and t:r••••n I•Inld8, no email cheek,. but great big Pit' '.• here and there a \.Ikea. A i.., ., red line, will he an autumn note;.. Thr 1 p.m,- irate i.,.'-., Pink chiffon covered with 'Weer - spangled t.Iack lace makes A Kett,. bodice. The tailor -mad. girl now Indulges In dozens of hut tints. Tweeds and w.wdenm in mixtures of black and white and black and gray are likely th be in great demand throughout the fall, and drewmakere will do much with black trimmings - Meek brald, paasernrnt*le, guipure. ribbon velvet and block embroidery. --- wishes of Fair W«.... An .zeuh.tte mull Ache with end. of oriiotai embrolder'7 is d.wignMll m wear IMO J_, is elder the eatsid. wrap. Oarvfd* Meters TOOT `'all over a pees of easdbnard wigs. talking 1t atfL M HIM blab to Prue``.. Its leattl.V wssi e., ae Eases& Ottawa, Nev. 11.. -TD. Governor- -.'1101114'11 has had under ounaiaare. •.011 the oars 111 the , roan i,hur Prentiss, who wee seutenc.d to owl th at Ce•buuig fur Use murder of i tt •'i. I ingot= It has twee dovetail to ceutntute the sentence eB Prentiss to penal servitude fur Ufa. The grounds .JI,a4 for conotiut ug the *entrees ere hat 1 iwuUss !s utuy a yeting man, 1[ years of age, that there was no sirs meditation to utuldef and that the .tct was that et a le strung and ob- Cu.ate youth. 11.- prisoner feed Lln- gard had • emus el over rabbits abut fey 1'rehll*. on Lingar'd's ground. .'`..teas .could not give up the rabbits w L.tugard, who tout a very much stronger hien than himself, and ra- tter than yield to the latter he fired at Unsaid wltJu his gun 'and killed trim. The whole trouble did not Out tore than half an hour or w, and, lhereture. there was no premeditation. Mr. Osler, hi C.. had several inter- views alth the Minister of Justke In regard to Prentiss, the Jury having presented a reeve endation of mercy 1.. the trial Judge, who furwarded the ..trite with his report on the cane to ttt&Tv Mr. Osier pressed for a new trial or cotnmutatlon. The latter has now been granted. The order -in -coun- cil ws. signed by the Deputy (lover - nor yesterday and the sheriff of the county advised p( tie commutation. wlMer..rets[ Dews Lase. The efforts put forward by the Do- minion Government, under the direc- tion of Prof. Robertson, for the pro- motion tit winter dairying are begin- ning to bear frust and the farmers tit this section. nut willing to be behind the tones. are commencing to take an interest in this breech of the dairy atdustry. Prof. Robertson has been Invited to address a meeting of farm- ers and dairymen at .tlezandria un Wr'dneaday, when the question of the esta.bhehment of a winter creamery at Alexandria elation will -be discussed. Mr. D. 11. Macpherson. M. L. A., who is generally known as the 'Cheese king," is energetically ae.•undlnj Prof. Robertson, and thr'.ugh tris Instrumen- tality twelve creameries will be open- ed this winter, chiefly in the Counties of Glengarry and Huntingdon- In rut IT case a cold storage apartment will be connected with the. factories. The output, It 1s expeect.rl, will equal a carload per week one of the eream- 'etr•r, at Manville. on the C. A. Ra11- way, will begin operations at once. A arra M.s.ter, Petrol.a, Ont., Nov. 11.-Tt.h, morn- ing about 2 u'a•lock the barns belong- ing to Mr. William Ball, to , miles went of herr. were dia•or er•d to be un 111'444 The buildings contained about 314)0 bushels of grain, srten head of cattle. three horses, five pig., also a In of Implements, three Lugg'', hay at awe etc.; everything wee destroyed. Lens about Pelee' par:ty covered by lneur*nce in the Lantbton Mutual. Cause of flee unknown. Reath of ter N. entwine. Toronto, Nov, le. Ret. lee. Smeller, one of the oldeve Presbyterian ministers in Canada, dl• -it In this city on Saturday Deceased came to Canada from the Orkney Is lands, Scotland. in 1842. He went to Hamilton, where he preached for about four years., From Hamilton he went to Fergus, where he has 'atone] during the last flfty years with singular suc- cess. We. *are. Palmi.., .10.1 whet you seed if you .re tro,let-d e' h .chiug ears. Pet•am'. I'•tol..,.;orn 1?ttractor act* in the way. It makes no •.re spots!. .c'. speedily, releuv'ng the wors' ,`0,101110 t sesty fo*r hour,. Pi•nse it C wo Extractor, the only sure onrn cure, The United !tinny and Europe pot to oohs •►a.. 252,745 blind people, seine - this/ ism asses mut is 1.000 AT TWu HOSPITALS. rt..- tree. 1• tel retie-senatesMt * 14.ey Pllb Conild T... b tar apes. Hkt•estrl ., Nov 23 i 4p• otall -Mr. W. r. .1a. k en, . trier/mph operator of this place, nae had an experience which should he, *hire it •own, of value to every .n an 111 fined. He ..v.: -Without re• led les Hue y•.n. 1 have ere. from bad te worse with kidney dune... Mass be •. .`ewert at two hospit..la -1 hiooeo end Mom t,s.l-and took he hot Spring's ours all to 0o purses I have takes doctor.' edvior .nd their medicines with the seine rerun.. My care commenced as mita as I eternise eking Dewier, K deity Pelle, and after taking 'ss bo.... 1 am happy to say telt my our is perfect. L... s •a tadeliaite capacity for sul- len... The average .haroh and chapel gn.n •a Essl.wd and Wales number something hk• 11000.000. The number of sermons ure.obed every Sunday aysreges 110,000 : Imes is ...we mimetsr tor every 700 par .ewe, and ons plum of worship to every 500 SAD FOREBOQIINGS S NOF AUTUMN ebwa•*s wee ��reset a■ Attalla M fa• tereb o W .■ter-. 1 .N A ppataos- fel Catarrh ('aa he *..Lard radev the Masse Teseb ar N. AIAew•s fatarefaeI Powder. This is not • dominate., et*temeat, sirnag u it may amen Leading members of Per- i .•niece the most primmest olerfymeo of he Eweoopal. Presbyterial, Methodist. B.ptst and Houton C.thelio chewable have ''orae testimony to the efheottvesem of thin wed none Mr. Joh* M.oEdward., the popular psrner of the Caaadisa Paei110 .framer Arthabara," s nee wise wan nured of intense .names fres aNrrbal •►nobles by the see of this medisiaa Good 8onanten eke he has weer .ince renews mewled it to any who suffer Riad off an streak by having this moduli.• at year head. Sold by J. R. Davis Tem ---Disk.I've jest met year wife. Mb.'s •harmhr - eessetielly • WOMAN of the period. Dink-Tbhk se' Hear her alk To n --Yea A brilliant merseesNo.- .list. Pok -Yea Bet • period mesas a full .top. Mb* never step DEATH FROM SUFFOCATION. A'ss*u a patallty awl fes Si' .ro`a'n (`are for /Mr mart-ate..ew niers of a Uwrlkwst [M!. A des* is he dtsstld is test free wffs- retiew, and yet this iw ewe seta. seri plow" el heart dinteea. Yrs. J. L Rinser .1 Wblt.,ned, N W ? . men as ..er thio 4aarsr.ss plat as aged be She say. • off 1 wag muesli sits steel with hart raiders, 1a feet. i staid sat sleep or lis Iowa fes tear of eaMatl.a 1 tried all tel dinners is thin ,s,Mms of the ..aeta-y, bat Mary failed ►* glee w. relief. A basal dr. 44N resew .tsdsd Dr Aiyw.w's (hien far tel Res& i tried i1, .ad with tee mai* .bat i beeedi. •tell messed ens OW i lid eon keels be Vero and titer taking farther Mss al Mm mmtlsetes Um MGM, alesessesr Mfr it 1. .*t MIs mtN le say LAN N IBC* my bfe - Ads bpi. I Davie -....-i: THE HANG OF THE CANDIDATE. A .aluglug mead tar eineh'" great. And .peaking on lila• .yuan, Jim toured akrag, the .eu.11date. Ohne cherries moo th.- air. Aced a hr ruug the Chang*. on The haus of ne. laud. the 1*01,1e wrong the Joluts upon 111. hearty, gladsome Maud. lie shook and .bewh ,u. li ulawmuth crowd; 11, wade Ite augers ache. .t was a wondrous fest. 'twos rowed, Ile, twin Maude to .bake. lee blusher .111, the- touring rale, leeerr.d Mei out a wile, N heti thramglug farther. nagged bis .rale. And shunt from ween till night. •l hey eb,x.kaud .bunk .1. h t-IiIdul Our. Thew honey heeded ..,n., Sod gut .0 0*4 t„ ..Iw..ug blw they "ab.n.k" btm at the polls. About K .y 1 .'rears•, %Valiant the Conqueror, before the unyu. st of Englund, wore only the +•t' of a French Duke, but after that et a nt added a ...roue•t w lttt points The marquis' cr..a n bears four straw - .e try leaves and foul pearls. In France the strawberry lott.,, are replaced fey le-atesof parwley wr•.ught in gold - The oldest (teen premiered among' the royal regalia of t;Irai Britain I• that a hleh was worn by Charles 11., tieing made fur him al Isla coronation 11, teeth rtt- crosses on the I•:ngllsh re .al .r.twn were introduced Ly Richard IIL luring his short and turl.uient retgu; (h. arches roe the diadem sere .decd i y Henry VII. in 11v4:'. Thr neural (r.wu, a lt.•matt honor. Wal, of gold, deeorate,t 0.11h battle- utrl,ta It was glveu t.. the seedier a to, dating the rlurulu.g .f a eity, .rat mounted the ene•np•ee walls. The nephew., and nieces of the Eng- lish sett'n.•ign are- emoted to wear itr'aWherry leaves in their crowns lit- e -ad of the fleur-dc-ba algrr.geriat.d o the use of princes and princesses. The .town of Rudolph 1L, chn•tly re- narkahle for the tat mimeos with %% tech t Is aderncd with un.ut diamonds and her Jewels, Is pre -served iu the Imper- ial treasure holler at Vitlnrta. The '.11dr. 4)4.4. World. The consumption of hors. flesh in Paris Is en the In. ease. .'harming devils in China Is nor ..i 'he meet she-rtaeular affairs of the day :n that country-. The atmerigine•* of AustraJia tie the hinds of the a,rpee•s fend pull out the ttng.r nails -thio for fear that the- dead sill scratch their way out of the grace and be.•ome vampires. Sailors do not like cats, and they hate a saying that when the cat is frisky fie has a Kate, of wind In her tail. and a eharrn is often resorted to in a calm by throwing the cat over - beard to raise a storm. A woman In Part, who waw cut tins( bread recently put a knife through a part .d the loaf, holding the loaf sennet her body. Sh.• sae so startled by the ntetement sof `Meme one le -hind her that she fell. driving the knife some Inches Intra her b dy. An illuminated bird's nest is to be `net with In India. The ttaya bird of that country spends hie spare time In ...etching mammoth flrefliee which he fastens hi the sides of his nest watt, moist clay. On a dark night a baya's nest is said to look like an electric street 'snip. A 6...,.l ( elleetlwe. All the letters of the alphabet are 'stained in the following: "A quick frown fox jumps over the lazy deg••' The L ndnn & North v.'ptern Rah- way passes through more than half of the 51 counties of England and Wale.. A New York iceman, who has a mar- velcufly retentive memory. has weld her h. -ad for five pounds to a medical col- lege, to be examined by the experts after her death. From June. 1791. to November. 1813, the French Government enrolled 4.564. - an. men, nearly three-fourths of whom died in battle, of wounds or of diseases contracted in the field. Lighted cigarrtt, l, w,•re dl.telhute.l the other day among a 1'.t of monkeys at the Zoo In Peril, ley t..me inischie% - '.ua urchins. The animate puffed away at the weed with evident enjoyment until the advent of the keeper, who put a stop to R. Probably It he not generally knew n that the wife of the Lord Chief Justly has the right of driving through the park mater( of St. James' palace Just as If she were one of the royal family. She used to have the right, moreover, of driving down Constitution Hill when It was closed to the public. The *tamp fwllrelwr.. The Chinese use the ordinary can (-eked portage stamps In the construe teen of screens, forming beautiful coal hinations with thew• little bite of ns "red papers. The orielq al issue of United States stamps waiof tie-. colors --brown flve- rent and black ten -cent ..setae. Sines then there has been a variety, includ- ing blue, green, pin.k. vermillion. yel- low, carmine, orange and purrpple. Some time after Confederdtl-,n the Federal Government of Canada ascer- tained that oartain persons were buy - Ing Targe quantities of bUl stamps (hie third loose was Ill use at this timet In Nees Scotia and [tending them to the other Provinces, there being a differ- ence of about 2 1-3 per cent betwev.n the Canadian and Nov. Smotla our- rency. To prevent this. an order In council was passed, ordering that all bill stamp* for use in Nota Scotia •Mould be surcharged with the letters Peewees. seed Li/wrsry. Tolstoi, like (Gladstone, enjoys hirn- setf in his lelaure moments by felling tress. nwrtag-Gould has finished a perse,nal life of Napoleon Bonaparte, upon which he has spent the leisure momenta of fevers! years Reginald de Raven, Whin has set to mimic a number of Megame FiM4'e `mems. le writing new week foe nine of the poet's late.. hlllak8as, (*nets Vanderbilt M oridtser et sight language's--- Rr.rtdt, Itagthile (been.., Italian, Spenleh, faun, .•needt and u.w.der• Greek --and has a tolerable *e- qualntane. with Hebrew and aaeer[rlt- IN THE SHADDOW OF DEATH. The ultdergigslstl • Walla lla all grades of HARD' SOFT � THIS CONDITION Of MANY YOUNG OIRi.S IN CANADA. rites recite •50 BLOOMS= LIPS- - idea.. To a[A UAa a[a - [yTazri w V 5511.1. MIA= PALIITATWN AND 0?l4S& DIa- ?%a51No •Y/Kowa-TK1 issalis Ctaa *LAUILY AT NASD. ANU "'BLACKSMITH GOAL: keep* From the Leamiagtoo I'wt. Tb .1teotho0 of the Poet has lately been trsgawtly called to remarkable ours u the oasis of a young girl living wit►tg a few lades of this town, whose life was despaired uf,but who was oou.pletely cured u • short .pace of 11110 by the alum wonderful of all remedies, Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills. Sinm rending is slalom *very .esus of the Pant of the cures effected by the use of this medi- cine, we felt 0 ', be a 01.41) we owed to ls- vesupte the w.e .1'01. h.. eo urges/1y been brought 1., nor, Ootler, an,, we are *are the interview will be reed it tit. 'merest by the tbousaad, nl 'wee, girl.. .,i over lea - ads, as well OA 1•7 gam panus ..1 ouch tetsr• 'vomit patxats. The young .ady m ywes- tioa is not •.nous 1. r sotureei y, but Is will- ing to mak• her cas., kun. ei in order that others who are ism fitly • fli'ltcd ntay have •a opo -•'unity of teeng equal v heeellrted The et mpio us in her resew dtdered in no way frum those sfleot the thouaa.ds of t, eesc Stifle at, et her age She was suffering fr. ,n extreme wmitime..c.used by •t, teepee,. t, ed condom'. of ,he blood, sod her mincer et lite ...nod to grow lees evert 11.3 The lost nod '.nvneest fade .w.y u 0,11 as otter. but . hen we nee • young gtrl 0f •et levo y•.rs, w',o •"-1144 !1. ••. tn• lee' of Molle, w h c`••.1 lis•, ♦t the rosy e duh of 7 ,it. , ,eo. ee . s ► furl...04 fl whine jou: •M errm., s, with melons Me. k. , Kid legs l'✓ , Luke* m inert morin,,- d' 000 den de•paning .•• ,fee eh no . xp.- t •inw or .npsof reg.nuag he.l.kand vitt unit one wish left, that of coml tete rear pity and me10u1, white. k it nue ..1 the ..44 of s'gbt*. In the quiet little hamlet of M r ogfeld Eesel coon,`, Just eucb • 04es esu pees .d to tit w►ro.tsg eyes of loviog friend few months ago le the hereon of ]vies is Beacon. who freyu.ntlt said oh. did Dare how won she died, as life had charms for her. To our rep else she Mitred that lite had been • trurdei,ibot .t sudenng in the wet for mouths, and att trying all sons of remedies presunbed physicists' or furnished by .needs fro cherished recipe b*uded down from th g reedmetber, but wtthoet being benedtt so the least, she a.e at last persuaded by • neighbor to give Dr. %libelee' Pink 1'i • tate trial : but ells trial e.. many remedt without rettleg rebel that the still ref ter some weeks.. However, .her repeat larvae by her parse.a sad frieada she an the fess of for p111e. Before one bo se taken eel experienced roe.e relief, •n her the use of • few n..,r. 10; 00 Ohs w reetoted to p.rf.at he.ltb, and there are fe ..ung girt now who enjoy `de more. Sh yo she .wee her lite and happiness to Iler Marro' Ptak Pills, and is welling that a he world .hell know It. }for el.,. attrac d much ..nears. and nee perfect recover as sweated much . wive... t. foots shove related are important t riot., as these are many young girls jut ddiag Mtn won-aabnoei *hese candlelit)to my Use lest, mon tel critical than , rests insegi.•. 7 b r cumplereo0 is pal d waxy is appearance, troubled wit cart palpitation, read*ches, shooters o renal' on the slightest •xeroiee, f•i*t10 d other dsireeeing svmptems wheel) in variably lead to • premature grave uol slept step *re t.kea to bring shout tend 000dition of health In tbis ems d e ery so remedy yet dttooverenee suppl e place of Dr. William.' Ptak Pille,wh,o ild *sew the blood, streogthea the serves meter* the glow of heelth to pale end low oherks. They are a ~tato care for troubles peewits, to the female system slim mire ng or old. Pink pill. slim ouch tteeneo11 se rheumatism, neuralgia, miniso IT.io, loomot.or ataxia, qt. Vitae sat*, Deryos11 headaobe, servos* proof re- , the after effects of le grippe, inflater i% n sevesnide, resew* depending as .germ la the blood, such is scrofula, owe eryotpelu, eta It the name of been y vgeet • redicel erre is all armee arising ee mental worry, overwork or ozoa. of *store. teal est , 1. et s to li♦ DOI as de tet er by n. rte 04.1I. used .d be a , w 7 • w h W ba ,e, W h▪ 0 b ao to pro e a g th ba -ewe eel all hos 1 dpars ties said b elle the frost any n egr • ew • t h Gallant --She-Yo. vij , ' Re- Yom wake (Raymer. , For the successful Treatment of all Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Kidney Bright's Disease, Diabetes and Paralysis, and all forms of Blood Poisoning. Pills kris nesse So mot nim, PasMad~by ea nrientsbsi a..d Ssst.rs --.mer by email er M be11� .. . ns , aft *Marttt11/4/ear same lbws Dorm's moms eAtitb Measles Co, !areata Gentlemen -A new mwdbins .alias Dodd's KMsay Pula has bean me by sty Oh .bels., ye advise, I mood see dellar,tba psi*s a two bases Mess wood thew widest delay. Tem truly, AWfl wine. Magmata Os.. Hamm. PRICES OF W000 REDUCED. tlpecial'attention lee ea to CUT and W000 SPLIT Call and I,►et prices and see samples of wood. Office and yard. NELSON -ST., near Seeks Bees. Hotel. D. C. STRACHAN Proprietor TRI HUNTING SEASON \ \•C r t'tl 1 ,. se 4 11 •y' •.}�- r• i • ' -44.0414, Is upon us, and the true porta- man ie iw-giutilhe Already to pre- pare for the prince of sports, When you want your outfit we have everythius; you nerd in GUNS and SHOT and POWDER SHELL. Machine loader] Shells *heap, tel hand, or loaded to your onler on the shortest notice. A full line of the best Amer*'af1 Pow- ders always on hand. Call and see our Stint Guns, w Mich for quality and price donne them a11. DAVISON &. Co. WE MAKE Sewer and Culvert Pipes AU airs nom 4 1•, to 14 he. Alae roaaerth ss. WRITE FOR PRIOES. THE ONTARIO SEINER PIPE Cat - 101 ADELAIDE ST. C. MOTOR` AT estli3p TORONTQ. TB STAFF CF LIFE. Aeulteratioo and substitution r • pro. ducts have of late Jeers beetome •. • sa Pell. telt bore•ameere every srhere . ..nes obl`red to a!1 le the services nl a , -,a to ehrr.* their spread and save the 111 , . .,`-tee people. tone of the moot important *rticie• .t food Oagoeatlonabl; 1s HHLAD, For pure wholesome Hred. It must be rued' from Malt •ad Hop Vomit ; for this reason it is easily soluble in the iulee• of ti,e etom*eh, or. is other words. light of drwest-ion bestHoeirs. si� a goeMalt s isised pronounced by the o les thepure and unadulterated yeast, and is used by the hest bakers in the otuntry. IN MY BAKERY Yon ma get for one meet .s mooh Bread made from Hep limae eta you can for three Deets from the pressed yeast* which are form..` thenteelter on the public, but which done and asanr nn0t give the esweet as. ()red breed MY BREAD IS MADE FROM THE PURR MALT AND HOP YEAST AND NO. 1 MANIlOHA PATENT FLOUR. Try tfand prows for yourself. It is the most wholesome and sweetest breed that an be produced of say reset on the market. My o*g experiene•e In the 0.ken business has proved those to he hate. D. CANTBLON• DODERTOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. CHRYST Hw'tees.erto C'arpeitsi !11118111116 etlaaofeet*nr of e11 kind. of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Balt Pana, Intent Irate Works, etc., etc., Aad Dssle ta- Eastman, Msebi.0ry (L.uage, 11,e. AS elms of Pipe* mod Pipe Finales, Stem mod Water thieves, Glebe Valves, Meeh Valeta, iasetraten, Rjoetere and la- = Ceseleatfy en Read .t Lew.et A lino of Steal Eraser ted Hes it..q . ler se* .f farms/. sad .yew.,; Aapslefag fR+spW arts sole as. A. S. OlIZTICAL. 44, P. 0. fes •. MMaileh.OM. Werto-Oppsessosill T. R. Meese asilsitsb