HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-26, Page 6TAB 81GNAL: GOI)EKICH. ()NT.. THURSDAY. NOV..2o. 1896. OVERWORK - IID UCZD — Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by 1. De. et Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Bonito years ago, to a result of too .lose attention to business, my health tailed. I became weak. nervous, was enable to look attar my tutr-ests, aid manifested all the symptoms of a de. ans. I took three thioles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve at oat,` And gradually inrreatted my weight Preto ens hundred and twruty-tive to two undyed pounds. Singe then, I and my tamilr have used tau• medicine when needed, and we are all in the beat of health. a fiu•t which we attribute to A; Pr's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- dren would have been fatherless t& -day had ft Dot berti for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of wLtrh preparation I cannot say too a, i, a. "-0. O. JTzv 1ON, Postmaster and Flatter, Kinard'., S. C. ijer's Sarsaparilla etnl':ss v::t.t A- ROM's FAIR. A` t: .' ; Piz :.avo Doctor's true. THE GOLDEN WEDQING. Come, tut yon down—for fifty vein, dear w fr, we's e Rived to see. Since i'.rsoo Adams came to cnur•h to marry c u anti me The atop of your has surely gone, our hair is this and grey ; But the light of Ioye is w our eyes, su o. our Wedding- I►ay. What though 1 have an older look sad wrinkles on rr c ',row • Thu heart of zeta« is youthful still, and goes "a -courting now , And yours, m spite of time and cote, se jest, sa warm. I know, For I feel the promote ot your heed like fifty veers .go. What though goods dsys have shadowed been .a4 friends I. in the grave' "e'11 only think of that bright day whoa " Hood sad Heart ' ee gave. My of all days, the sweetest, beet, we never can forger, And new, though fifty years have passed, uodarkeoed by regret. (,o, fetch me down my Bible, dear, and bring my glasses, pray, And let me tied the Very place that tolls oar tt a lding 1)ay Our children's hir•Mises all are here, now men mid wainea grown, Aol working hard, and doing well, with children ot their own. Theo let me draw up to your side, as I was wont to do, tt hen the Llush of youth was on your cheek, and 1 went pearling vuu : Our boys anti girls wil soon be Mrs -we .ked t nem all. you know. To come and keep our Weddtog-day—just fifty yeast aro HOT CORN. Mistress Our church is lust like nae family. Mrs. Candid - Yee, ]sdood ; 1 ootioe there is a good deal of quarreling among Ike members_ Daughter i reading Iettsrl But, p•, dear, u tbie lest word you have put • letter too moots. Pa ieelf made and nor a bit of pride about Man v• 1, dear' Never mind i dare say 1 ve left one ont in tome other word, so that'll Minare it. He( tremblingly) 1have only one wi•wish to to ask you be -before we part la a. -roger for ever. She teobbinglt 1 Wb. what is Is (Mee George He—Wf-will you me meet m' next Th- Tkareda . u -uveal ' `Ihe—f wi-will, George. Mack—C.. you rat me • look of your sister's hair. Johnnie' Jebanie-No, but I eon tell you where tae gigs it. -- First Writer -- That srtlel..1 yours on 'Troth i. Stranger thaw Pieties ' i. • horn meg. Round to attract .Ninthe. Whet.) dM you get the foots Sowed writer - Made'sin ask '• Who is the belle tesisbt t' asked eke. As they 'toes ea the boll ream demi He looked sronad the teem to nee, And she speaks to him w mere. " 1 doe's thick 1 shall co to America s. the Tau bowie. "said Mn. Perkins (loser waists me to, alit seems le mm they mast rust bat very oareis sly. She's always Weak- ly/ her record," PALE GIRLS w oak. la id and holism ..Le.. ins from heart pslplbdlo., am- vo,r.n.e.. .tonne..* ansbls. er rxw.(tpatnin, .Gould nes Iidtw.l Women'. Rslm. U masse. WEAK WOMEN. Ron down, eerily tired, pais I. Midi or Imes, (roehld with disd.ses, tush of Mood le the Asad. faint feeling, ommea, try I.dl•a Woman's Rolm ne stM.rs.s remedy kat wo.a.. (leer,* 1 say, t:w. want's bnspeed l Yon surto skew «►•etessl swat the whole city relies bear sea !iris.. (Om No, bet 1 ve base £sditing my tail- or for eghiee• mouth., and today I've set the mourn to u y pocket to pay hila. Mrs vi kite An 1 do roe ocean to say that you ao l t .ur husband alwa)s nurse about everything' Mrs. Black Always : .Zone., of course, now and t hen, • hen hes out of humor or pigheaded. or toms.►tag of that tort First 1'ouug L.•.. Ilii y .0 always buy two kinds of paper ' K.000d Young Lady -- Always. 1 oe .es, when 1 write to Freddy 1 u.. red wpm; that means love. When I answer slim'. letters 1 use blue paper, which mesas •'faithful unto death " Friend \ ou Innk blue. doctor. Doctor -I am blue ' 1 tool • me.tb's vawtioe, leaving my practical' is the bead. of • newly 'redwood phyeioisa, sad woe. I retsina I bud n't prrctioe oompletely rained. Frwd—lhdo t know his business, eb' I►ootor--No He actually cured every patient h. had. She Ito young poet -How much do you get for your poems, Charlie' Charlie ',with pndei—From • pound to thirty shillirge. .he-- Well, isn't that cert- little, Charlie ; i see that Mir Walter Scott got five huadren pounds for one of his. t Lara'.-- 1 . s ; but you .ee, wr,' i«g poetry isn't •be oueinees it used to be There's toe mach oompetitien. Joe--.asci's nes wife won't speak to ms. 'rens—nhv hot' Tse --1 Rot confused at the wedding, sod soder«d him mss sympathy instead o( con- rratul•tiotts. CRISP AND CASUAL Tammy (studying, hte lessons' -1 wt. pa, where does the Thames nee, and into whet sea doe* it empty Pa --1 don't know, my eon. Tommy - -You dont know, eh ` And to. morrow the teacher will Itch me on account of your anteroom. OUR LADY OF CHARITY OTTAWA. THE SISTERS OF GOOD SHEP HERD HIGHLY REC- OMMEND RI (KHAN'S KOOTENAY CURE. A LOOT VOICE ttrertiaart—Olrteraelna Da Wy1sa7:e•1—ritA(PE tares Wit/ME PLANE WAS DCE. hloseatety of Our Lady of Charity. 40 8t. Andrew at. Ottawa, M. 19, 1896. S. 8. Ryckmaa, E,q., Herniae', Oat., (tear Sir, you must Dave found it strange- ly ungrateful on our part never to have tl.soked you fur the Kouteoss ('ure von were so kind . to send us last Winter. The fact Is we had it for • long time before we knew to whom we were indebted. until Rev, Father Ilc:uckfo, rector of the Ot- tawa l'bitersity, told us that he had soot you our name and you were kind enough to load the medicioe gratis. Those smnng•t our tisters who took it and themselves muoh beo•6t(ed, especially cease of Indigestion, poverty of the blood, and the atter etl , te of the 1,rippe. Rut there It One three which it curee,ead which ww are happy to he able to announce to s11 great angers. One of our Sisters who sings .n our choir took the (.nppe last De- oember. She wss Ill • long time, $. It spec- ially affected the brooms' tubes, and, al- though she recovered slowly, atilt continued weak. Her yo.oe, however, remained so husky that she had to give up singing alto- gether. About two weeks ago she began to try the Kootenay (Cure, and besides feeling stronger, finds iter voice Doming back so quickly that she is •Ir.ady able to sing abort pieces. Thanking you heartily for the medicine you lead ns, and recommending it to all sufferers, and especially to .11 singers. we have the honor to be, sir, Your bumble servants. THE SI.TtlInt Or Ora LADY Or CHARITY, Uncia SHEPHERD. " Higbee has a servo. ' - "Whyto,. _ "I threatened to nue bim tor those tan sevweigos he owes me." " Yes " And he .•ked m• to sue him tor twenty wad rive him the other tem- Hit—And, love, you think you would sever tire ot me' She --No, Fred ; not if you lived with me • thousand year.. He ---Rut your father' She Oh, well, be might not care to have you live with him . long a that. " Yes," .rid the lecturer, " snob a as. is like the wpt.i..f • orewtees vessel e. a .borelees .a, Happy would sash • teaw be could be bring hie asea safe to Lead." The men with the meet erp.aiesee is mskier, resolutions taros net the poorest quality of the ertsils. Mei (lased 1. 3 sea ..agate. Dr. Agn.w's ( iosmsnt will mare all naris of itching piles is from thew to ax .jsbta. Dee a io.tio. briers comfort For bNad and bleeding piles it Is peerless At. serine Tetter, Arlt Rheum, Eeseua•, Barber's It.h aid all sreptioas of the .kin 36 mesa. Sold by .1. E. Davis. 111111101.1* Stone league sjll 1terd , tithe week/ w� word ; W K(le ethers stns their whelks Ws w. lbs. d s at Ism, u.k.ewa, unheard. combiner—( 't yes welt spas sae • i've lame neatly so hoer. Two pounds a liver N fl.i.b.t-8aery,�bet Nmw's tor.e og lour ahead e1 yea. ire y yea don't west yew liver out *1 seder. He if yea loved Ise. why did yea .t Grit refusal Nee • Rhe --1 weeded be see what yeti woad 45 H.-- Rut 1 smirks have rubbed ell wittiest umlauts lar ea etpla.ad.t She- -1 bad the doer leaked. •• 1 hear that nowise i. why M be mar- rW es the like." "Ys. t hq baa silt' these mere day. *kat to M he Tammy (who ase maw onwllso/—"The lick three days they /lee MID W W.UM alit bo mho kr, Ike % IMO, imps The first thimbles wore made a Holta.d. HsJoiag buds Ily swifter these stay other btrda- Awtrala shipped 1,803,466 bales of wool aunt' 1492 3. 1t oats the world 13,000,000 a year he pepper its food. Trained doss will hereafter assist Wreath life *avers oak the coast. About 40 tons of lettere Mei dauy through the London pmtothoe. There are 3,700 miles of telegraph in the Trensysal, bumped or in prestress Of the 4,030 uoovtoted criminals to Caw - ads Jost year but 132 wee* abetaeaer• Frsec. has more money to ar(ularios i. proportiou to iN population than any otbst mantra. Th. ..pphirs which adorns the summit e1 the British crown is the aeon* that Edward the ('oayueror wore in hie ring. ('loves oozes to us from the Indies and take their name from the Latin 'cloves,' meaning a nail, to which they have a re- semblance. It is noted that the women of tee royal families of Europe are, oe the averse., much .trot ser, mentally and physically, than the n,eu. The dre!ect spoke') by the Indians of Guatemala is though' to be the most tinniest language to the world, even older than Sim- ile/1i or Hebrew. Th. 4'hioese pec for time immemorial has been • brush made of some *oft hair and used to paint the curiously formed lettere of the Chine** alphabet. There .re over 400 deaf and dumb rand - Pen on the roll of the Loodoo School Board. In these mere epeeist ioatruotlon written by • staff of male and (.male wut.nts. Argentine and Cruguay .re the richest ot . !t conntrie• to horses and horned stock ; Auetris has the most sheep, Italy the poor- est booms, and t'ortuval the poorest cattle. A tticycle fitted with two M.x,m guns, each weighting iwsnty•five pounds, and cap able est burs. 600 shote • minute, is one of the lat. -t ioveat;ons. leach machine urns a tboussad rounds of •rrtmuattton The owl's eves have no zeuwlee by which they ono be moved. This detiotusuy &toped for by extraordinary tlexibuit-y u the mu.el«e tf the Deck, by whioh the owl can move his head in any direction. Italian girls sod moo maks the hest ser- vants, writes a lady who should know. They are said W he obliging, friendly sod oltsdt eat, and to lack that peculiar habit of some servants -o• habit of chimiting from place to dace with Itttle or no .rcuse. When • servant in Vienna 3, about to .lean windows from the outslM of the house, she multi first attach a stout rope to her want, and securely tssten it to • staple Provided for that purpcw This a tcpre- vent • fa11 in case of dtuiaess or accident. " 1 'wearied bring • confirmed dyspepetic by taking Aye's Pilly in time." This u the experience of many. Ayers Pills, whether es .0 afar -dinner pill or se • remedy for liver complaint, indigestion. datuleaoy, water brash and nausea, are invaluable. In the Sandwich Wanda the apple has become wild. and forests of trees of many scree ars found in various parts of the country-. They extend from the level of the sea far up on to the mountain sides. It to said that miles of these apple fonts eau ocowatooaJ I r• he seen. A cup of traddy coffes is oar wholesome, neither is • cup of rend.ty mee riles. One way to keow • reliable .red ski Ifally pre- pared blond -purifier is 1v its freedom from ..dimes,. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is *Iwars a -right and sp.tkliog, because it is an ex- tract and nota de000ttoo. Last year the policies in force in Greet Hi -trete represented ioeursecee of not lees. £456.184,135. Its addition there is an in- dulin•! business holing done involving 1:90 - 000,000. There are altogether near,y ly50 000,000 for which inauraooe oompantee have made themselves hat,le. RAVE Y017 TASTED LADA" rt'-" ,lei T'iv It 1. the Most Dulcimer of all Tea•. ti.Lls .•SLi 11 LEAR r*C1RTa ay iIT RDY BROS. Ia simple, scientific and highly nutritive preparation for infants, delicate chiidren and invalids. t Rawer wa»oai•a CO , ••e«r.ae.ew 1 .4 1Tar•t N •- Give the Baby Chance The only food that will build up a weak cons- titution gradu- ally but surely is Martin's Cardinal Food FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER ix[cmcseEsttmExo EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA lyes .nee the fnit.wisr Illetlastive Merits Dsluisey of haver. BOpSfafat'F ut Quality, Draggle sad g te the weever sr Natrttivio aMlltkas Daelrallod • Qateme mod' ow aM r..h.a wt'. 11111111=10611 alt.. ee �as H AY RIS,.EST 5oAP - EYERVAY. The Bicycle Season of 1896. is now over, and if you OH/It to Store Your Wheel for the Winter. 1 bait. the atroolnorletion, anti will take theta on reasonable terns. , I would renitnd cyclists that Winter is the proper time to overhaul Wheels and repair if necessary. Everything in the Repair Line kept on har•tand moo. hut skilled boo is employed. J. YULE r 124 Hifi:s L.. pry Kingston et �rnxnca anri.� BllchaiIalls�Ryon u*r.•r*0TCrirxa SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealer* la all tittle o' LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And anuses arterial of every desonptloc School Furniture a Suecialt,a Pa►11... e Announcement. HARDWARE. R. W. McKENZIE Still on top with Lowest Prices and Seasonable Goods Thorold Cement Chum at price, which cannot ix beateu. so cheap as to eurpri,e' everybody. i sell the genuine II udeon Best American AS.pple Palters Powder the 13. at in the Market. k.•(•t in -to. k Ask your Drugiat for A Wonderful Tonle end Rfor s Sil%It././..(1.1nritv'eint1511 r_'-����mpure Biood, Kidneyand Liver Troublaa. wa.ee....ew me 4. M. MMILLOD. 111146.1t41.111.4. OMT. "THE SIGNAL" AND "GLOBE" FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1st, 1898 FOR $1.60 iNnewthGoTloarnngBest �-�Iue:►(ONE DOLLAR AND "SIXTY CENTS) old -established and reliable VF est-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion gnaianteeil in Quality, Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. GET YOUR OYSTERS FRESH Charles A. Nairn HAS THEM • STAN DARDS and SELECTS FINNAN HADDIE Fjret of the Season Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Comoetition, ?.. O.11AD*A5 PACEyR E,w.! E a� h.. rs oma M et. � m .�.• rOt�Y.O anuli wit! ih and ems. R WareYt �orsompeeltabet.e. ttet.d!Me. aid le ethefteesgd •van tr..e. wNtalif see ay Vag M e!re1� M. aallsMairMl. X/ If Load Mamma 11106111111 Subscribe at Once! AND GET THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS BIG OFFER. Call on or address "THE SIGNAL," Goderich, Ont. f 1. �.�-.%wy.ry _ ". • .V /�i./�V ..../�n/./b �v ( ;! The (lost Exacting Adult that .ria their Ideas .f what tk.natitutss "Died Matellem" ars surpassed by . . . . . . THE d, e. EDDY GO'S TELEnRAPH and ELEPHONE. MAIMS. •9 FOR FALL and WINTER. A. KUNRO, Jose t. b..d -a large a.A varied sleek Ilematlie and immersed YARN LOY*8 HOSIER4, Bidet acid Ostend it= std w ff A Atli 1 T CLOTHS Sisals aid Double SHAWLS, (]sr fames doable wars. him Meek: LUST== w peenwred endo. velem 011tr oolaiers ..ami/ M .rete. hopassisaVisalli Malbsd A. XUNRO, { 1