HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT.. THITRSDAY• NOV. 26. 1896 5 Very Special Il Men Ready-to-wear Overcoats We opened this week in stock from one of the best menu- acturers of Clothing in Canada a consignment of men's Heavy Frieze Overcoats, in blacks and colors. fine tweed Tined, cut the latest, and finished in first-class style. Value is fully 20 per cent. better than regular prices. We will clear them out rapidly as every one is a bargain Inspection invited, '�- .A.CIMESO1NT 3Z SON_ I'HE TALK OF THE TOWN. I; 1 9d. to . yam, t to 11. ; Saow, 11. 6d. to 14. 3d.: Comedian Baldwins, 9..3d. to l2a3d. : Spy, 10s. to 110. - King, 12e.6d. to 15s.3d. ; Reesets, 10s.6d. to 14s. ; Greer*.%, 9s 6d. to 12s 3d. From the Reporter'. Notebook H flw'v0 • el$i0 in' : Ter Cowie. 1 rode Ire tent M s • norm Amnon We Tars.• a.r.n ea' teeth sill 'oyes* n.'- Bures. The silver medal SALT OWS won 1..ttll In Terminated the oboes that earned ft ars mow in ale studio. 1f you sere ass seen the win stag some' call at messed view the beat 1n CanadPRIDBAM le on the move. and his over- coats and Winter suite have been moving the past two weeks. All good. PRIDHAM the saki sad will sell are like the fixings of hie sew seer.- op to data. Now Worl.0 rT t.00k. -He paid the debt of nstnre, het left the printer's debt behind weeld be • truthful heath/se to some obitu- ary .edea A GRAorATE --Miss Groom Wilson, et the Huroa Road. graduated from the sasses claw of the Toronto General Hopi. tal last week. U+■ No OTHER. -If you want to enjoy • meal without the pales sad peeelties of in- digestios freely ase that ohe.ie•ily prepared Salt of the Earth. Rise's Pure Salt Teen EMI MIN/. Sinews -A Thanksgiving eeryies will he held is Kook church on Tbankssiviaa day at 11 o'olook. A.Y. A colleense will be taken up on behalf of the per. New Pmts ANP New Copra. - Look out for Jas. Yates' display of Christmas Goads le hie new premises next Davhoa R C.'s. hardware stars. He has • oomplete, new Meek of Becks, Stationery and Foley needs imitable for Christine/B. Tea BAL.tioaAL_-Cell •t the Relators' Crib, Bedford Hook, for • variety of °beige tehas►memts. Everything in mama. Try ear shell ant. large variety and always fresh. We aka • specialty 0t oysters, raw, Mewed sr fried. Leaches at all bean. Woteb for our or Christmas whd.tr.. Fa Cuwwrs*s --One of the beet and o.rteinly the longest remembered proms to seed N distaet friends as • Christmas gift le Tera Swim- Dee dollar will pay tor it Its M 1st Tris. 1898. end for Lada stall sum peer detest ones will have • weekly bud- g ie/if Hares news for 57 weeks. Call is or ea./ ik your names sad dollars without de- lay. Ors BARrrrrIL-We have • double barometer. " Oar S.bssriptlen List." On cue side N shows the fairest of weather, • lovely 8.neer temperature being beet up by geed friends with dollar bills for 1897, while the Mbar te,Artow nn for the want of the ptoesMed ierio ter 1896. Will our madam degas smash the see side Infers C•6rieeMa Trainer BRooe. -0e Friday bra mesa berm of the Ged.risk (N Ha.d Rile Club bolt part 1a the obese far 17 turkey@ at Bark.'. Mem. Oedsrtb townie*. The tlmdmrbk dM..aesmt brought be* mixtmea . t the birds. the toiletries Mien the wie- n ers : T. Swartz 5. F. Proley 3, A. Devises 3. O. P...i..to. 2. Jas. Andrew. 2, D. M.Osr.kk 1 A111.1111. -Woodall & Co., el Liverpool. ✓ iga the Wag g.eh1has as follows : New Yerkeddwl... 7s, 9d. to 11e.: Newts. TRAI'Nsa'S INSTITUTE MESTI Y,.. -J. the eyelids; of Friday. Nov. 27th, • sEei•1 g•tbermg of tr.ateee •.d teachers will be held in the Assembly Room of the Collegi- ate institute beadle,. A good mneioal and literary program has beam provided. Thane will be a amoral discussion os " Th. Out- look far the Publio school teacher." Ali pr.ssst ars invited to take part to this die- c.p•ioa. Retre.hmeot. will be served &u- tile evmiag. ANOTH,a CHANCE, -We hey. begs in- formed that %).dreier may have • glove .nd mitt keitting factory ,1 • ~tete amount of o•gtal can be obtained, as • porton well recommended and thoroughly up-to-date in the manufacture of these articles i. is town for the purpose. It is said this particuler class of msrob•adios is always saleable and yields • gond profit, and that snob • besi- eges will not interfere in the lean with the (ioderiob koittimr factory. Fun ELM -110N -(,n Monday Thea Car- rick was brought before His Homer Judge Magoon for sled%. and wishing to be tried without • jury, and pleading guilty. the case was .00n disposed of. The Co. Atter- mey stremgly recommended the youthful ofeder to moray, and the authorities is Wineh•m followed • like coarse. and it ap- pearing that defendant's oomp•niomo.soaped heavy punishment. the young cogs being fined and the elder turning informer, sad that he bad been in the onmmoo jail six days, he was • ewo.d to two days in the Couaty jail. (HRI•TMA% IS NEAR - Many ponces thoughts are now setting is the direetio of ('brtetmaa. Indeed in these wild November days it is good to look forward to the Sea- son et psalm and good will with its great humsoziag o.sociattens and its lemons of humility and relief. Already we bear of Christmas partial and Christ mas gifts that will in etrsu,e and diverge ways d.ligbt.as- tosish and bls.. May we ask that atom intending to delight their own and gener- ously bestow on others the blessings thea ahold flow .t this hallowed period, will keep an order for our Christmas fruits that just resoled es from the levant. STrnpv Bens. N.lbo Meioost., .f Odsreeh, who drained is brow. with ,ail. L C. 17s.e.s. of Pries 1- 1s..ddlo Renneed Dr. L1.s 1 so a largo Mandebar .f Mande ..d .oged.ft.so- of 7...� eogrowers, (.eats were proms It.w York, ger, Tare..., Mien (lod.riebnl . Roseville. reuse. .ad Afro Afttit osrws.ey was preformed, 1.eM. sat dims t. • mneue pb.s th Th. brad. was e r*dpient of wary arm, .. well as usdsl .rid partly, poses ear seam to the lush w . h. ie held by her (deeds. Mr and Ramsey, who will take .p Nair .bode belt, will have the hese wishes of all Mom. e..rw Correr-On Wed.osd•y of lap. • youth ...ad Thea. Carrick w.. Mayor M.Ks zi. of Whm rh., charged with breaki.g into • store sad Mealkig three oadMw cc of tobao, .as ..t .f end a pair of hoots. It appearing frees evidence that defendant with other b.A hrok.. into Hankie's store, he was matted tor trial and Deet to the am jail wr se Fall and Winter Galt lll., Underwear head - Ss. Mob Iles. is who week bider. See the Soya aim• sy Sv.UA1' WHEELING. -Title, from an e:. oh•ar•. rontaies considerable truth. While we dse r Dee any greet harm in taking • short roc nn • wheel oo the Sabbath day, we meet enter our proton% •rains% what le hemming too Myoem --radar sealant time. 11 the law does not reach pooh mass as Aat should be passed maki.g mob Sabbath 460 orations pmaiabsble by bog It is little bet- ter than ber.rrseiog sod would be stooped •t mow Comp Nor as For ftp. _-On Saturday M Parkinson. et Ushersy was in town m.kteg enquiries •boatis brother Simms'. It ap- pears that the abesat Doe, who is . etriet temporaries man enl had mover bees from host. en .voider. reiyre4 to hod as.s.sl on the evening of the ',47th. bat sot op about midnight, left the ,boos. without awaking to big wife, and bed not been heard from by Saturday •fternn.s. It is opposed by big relatives that he had be cote in••ne and was wandering in some bush in this esighhorhooel, as he is supposed to have asked a person he met, the road to Goderioh. Parkinson is • full brewed man. 5 feet 8 Inches in height, weigh. •boat 175 pounds, is fifty years old and bas a hall heard slightly tinged with fray. Last w.ok then were 50 ssarthin. parties *O- ng through ' At 0011017 in all direetis.• try- ing to find the runaway. r • N • 11 ri in m .r 00 7 f• of so. fo R• H 0 go as Pi ani • M Inn tba Poo et se Meg beard m A pia s•i M@n her then • .M d Mrs. eel he 11Sm esti• Pt seem d he ask Span ex least dress. ter e a piam lady respond mos a mar load 0.y d 1 A mks, Were hes ty poises, was sa Snarl meldJ w.• CrraM Mod tied .4 ea. lonal W. (w•.ItlasadPPM LITERARY Mot -IETV. -On Friday *veal° be Collogiste institute a.eemhly room be good audience, much to the delight of oommitte• who had the control of the ar ra.getnent• in ooneotion with the Al • tiene onecert. A. mentioned by t h•irman, H I Strang, R.A • the idea be ranged to the Soehety,th. Collegiate et.ff be ng out of the rats. The oh•irman men toed the fact that the Kl.iser entertain eat was e°gineered by himself, and as light low resulted the present proems% prepmred to balance this acoo°n1, • rami hat followed through the attendance of many kind friends. The onnosrt was Me late st•rtinv. the cause being late 01 vale If the few who were behind time would remember that punctuality in attend s entertainments at the Collegiate le irtt•, they will surely strive for this DOC .every blessing. As it 'mitred 8;30 the ohair an ..!led for the opening number, an in rume°taI dost. piano. by Minim Uwe .n impion, and the French natio oann mplain ni the msoner in which thee* Dung ladies rendered some of France' vorite airs. As for years past Franco .e ermacy have boon following each other o.ely is the .rte of peso. and war, it mod appropriate that Germany should Ilow, so Harry Housings appeared and v an exo.Ilent recitation. It i* true t hat e have beard the one given before, hut •rry gave it so well that it seemed • new ens. Harry Johnston. who made his ore - 4 appears/Doe. rave a plessiag solo, and ve it so sweetly and with so much effect to earn • unanimous encore Ws were sawed to hear this young gentl.m.t 0 hie se000d •pvearanoe• and we predict that th care and future study be will attain high position in the sole world. A. J. .ore was next called o to champlo For- d, but the oily things he oonld find that t portio of the Empire exoelled in were try and painting. He 'motioned many her things,inch:dins the aristocracy, the teblighed church, and the Englishman's bot of reading. After Mr. Moore we tee .weeteet of H°nr°rt•° ask eaarmingiy played by Mira Lura *hese. es the violin. As to Mies L•Mra's rim we con oely any whet we hays often e1, tbs.. It is o°o of our greatest treats to Wan to bar skilful and masieal manip.le- of the violin, The lady was heartily ,moored, bat did not re -.seise. Miss Ethel Aahmon, who .eoempenid lbs L , played port ex�mm.�'�,� a ts.IL Mi. M.9trnohan appearodellemil awl sang with soh ▪ ryenMosules1.M isles is. w ed It MA pretty Aimless Alsi 1 seeel am e me- wed R. W. Lovas sod Mine G. Doyle fo - wed. This Rev. Mark Turnbull was Id M eo ehe.pies South amorie., whirl did rhea loyally. Although the rev. tle°w's address cest.ined essay Mor- s prs..al issid.°ts that caused muse ' ,orrisroot, be fogad demo to .Miss may melee teatimes .f Me people he bad Itvd tor fortes yuan. No demise grim hi..ojesrs in Chet distamt oesMry, nest with pope who were for from pleat. bee Day the good qualities .f the lard were mistimed. The ok..pias'• seem. oo.ene°.d el Newish was .m the w itiahl. Miro of his appropriate ad- idin Coatis* tam took the platform Trams, ..d is the language a silos .� s.a.try, and without the .id of sr any ether emer.tnmt. s•vo softly mostly • plaintive tailed. TM was deservedly ea end, bet fadlod is meant aless we bpm /e bear y *aim Womb Mll.d. es future emaskiea D. Md)ilbg.ddy was Asa sailed le speak tor Ir.M.d, °.d boos by r. k lee- ! Yr Glair..., 1 ...ld am •11 the pd *imp about tam smeary tis yeses "' The speaker eW.d Mai reload bad its mole, sad asked it Obey 'had forpottes Mews.' mrd also whet that ..sib siglostod e.�Ory bad saved the Mae ><m.Mrs, " fan," said the soaker, " sate taker Wellesley appeared m the Pada- Napoleon was .op.rantly) sw..pl.g all aim." He thus spoke about the .t the •ru.sry mad sassy Ober mad es.ol ded by goyim thse Mane am hates. M the dear .fd load thee bee .mM iay.a.d IoM wee Oahe N em - the semi beautiful mums he the . Tbe lase le impose was Mies Grass ca'd's, ..d w aa'.'. or.s4y. Canada. /Wy.�ph.d tae pus. "nig kine Fair (*0. aIlist say ir° the plassr"P lased whet she ilei M1*.... mod The limes with • essre.he.ne, u.pa1.l. Vele thea sow the p¢auseead Oas,.i. own one proem* Mrs. L W. Leg_, war the -,_pairs, sloped who tr.r tt0dlMy. ase beam the (as., el* flaw M tie piss. dewed . tae • Ws ee� 4I weds sad Its bob I Id the •1- M • was t se • w • a of • d TATO EVENING. -This Tb•nksgivingeven• tag the .m.•1 hot .upper will be served in the basement of North at Methodist .hurl* from 5-30 to 7:30 r m., and as then will be some fine th•oksgiving turkeys included is the bill of fan we doubt not then will be • large •ttendaaoe. After supper these will bean exodlset program in solo., darts and ebor000w by the choir, solo, by Mime E 9etrlisr Cess, of London, • pupil of Harold Jarvis, obaioo ...ben by the Her. army Orchestra, short addresses by Roy. J. A. Andorrans, B. A., and %iv- W. Godwin. and • spaniel address by Rev. E. Soma, of Toronto. Tiekets for supper said satir- t inutest. 35ots., ehildrea ender 12, 26. A Novels see WEDDIsa.-Apretty wedding took at the rr'id'Mu of Mr. sad Mrs a Y.�u.�. (1.M, .. Tees - flay, the 181h1ML, yr i`.ir Aram, was indeed 1s mmrrlsge to Ji*s D. Ramey. The bones w.. prettily deem - Mod with emrrreess sad Was. minded with bo.q.s1 .f .►efo bowers. The bride who was prettily attired i. a .est..s of pale blue rlk with pawl sad ehHim Wtm- mbtp, we assisted by bar Mead. Min HARDWARE . . AXES A fresh stock, new design.. SAWS Large new stock in Crus.► -cu*, Bock and Hand Haws. LANTERNS that can hoe a hurricane and 'till give Tight CHAINS new design' in Tie -chains. RAZORS A new lot of the guarateeri brand. SAUSAGE MACHINES in four designs --just the thing to make tender shoe. MITTS for thra.be,s, pr(l serm, and every ens who works oat of PORTLAND CEMENT CUTLERY ?may A. McD. ALLAN. • ••••• Our prices are lower than can be found elsewhere for equal q ties. Ladies' Vests from 15c to 40c for Heavy Cotton (foods and fr 50c to 1.00 for fine, all -wool. Men's Underwear, Cotton mixed heav 00c per suit. Alt wool Suits from 80c to 11.00. Extra tine wool $1. to $2.00 per suit. Clothing Bargains -Take two items as indieatl the value we can give you : Men's Suite, all wool, 15.00, worth 114. Men's Ulsters, all wool, 16.50, worth 110.00 JAMES A. REID. Jordan's block. 20th. Oct, 1896. BEATEMALL Try our BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE \TARNIS: Leat odor, brighert lustre, quickest drying all Stovepipe Varnishes. It's a dandy. Tl people are all learning that, and otreaksgro every year. Take no other. STOVEPI I'E VARNISH OITR CONDITION POWDER CLIMAX For horses and stock. FURNITURE Canadian Hone and Cattle Food. POLIS English Healing Oil. 25 cents. W. C. GOODE. CHEMIST NOTHING LIKE IT . . FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND ROUGH SKIN IN ALMOND and WITCH HAZEL CREAM Prepared and sold only by The New Chemist. F. N. DCTNHAM PHIL ID. VEGETABLES CHOICE TEAS DRIED FRUITS GREEN FRUITS DAIRY PRODUCE FINE -FLAVORED COFFEES ' Quality the Beet. Our Prices are very Reasonable. N. B. ---Our Christmas Fruits will leave the Mediterranean in a few Days_ STURDY BROS. The Oheap Grocers on,�T .,Bauare THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT goesun,o.. Nov. M, . Rau Wheat fold,. p 8! 10 0 0 flour. family. per ewe100 to 2 es Fier ,swot per .wt Old ...._..- Deno Wbaah bosh sq.mkM. • as w«d Pelts Ly..d Hi Draneod Hos Bmgoa. Ham. par lb.. ..................... ('hews. oar lb.... ...... .... 11 00 ee12 00 1 00 toil a 22to0le uta G° u 00 to 1 00 15to02t) 14 to 0 15 15 to 0 16 00 to 150 10to600 10 to 030 50301.000 76 to 3 75 00ta5p 07 to 0 iSto014 it to 011 TO ADVIIRTIS=RS. 11itio• of change. man be left at this Ole. not later than Saturday n oon. The copy for changes toast be left not later than Mon day uses. (weal Advertisements . oersted .p to noon Wednesday of ea& wash. •=Alta 11RUlla MA1LWAT. Weal Mime= Wand Rrpross leer adeno .mTA.T. 10.30 a.m. LII l7.Mp,..'-' 7.00..a ILM • st Fall is at Hand So be prepared to meet it with a rod Hat or Fur asp when it comes. We hems pet in 'tock all the Lts.t Styles el Pell and Winter HATS sow quality and pries (snot 1M 1n stook are nuniero.s sorsensots of the latest in GLOVING SHI1tTs. KITTS. OAPS,, DOLLARS, ROSISRY. aurora. lrtenyzi vsAR- a ILMiiAOa no ..Alla Some II.e111 . ystl.. LUIBBR FOR SALE. The Goderich Lumber Company (Ltd) has for sale at the Harbor and at the yard on the G. T. R. track, Elm, Ash and Basswood, and Pine, Hemlock and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and sines, and Cedar Posts. Also Slabs in any quantity. GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. Neat Saturday Jas. Yates tris nccupij Me store lately vacated by F. 1 Pridham, next door to Darla - on 4- Co.'* hardware store, with a complete stock of Books, Stationery. sad Fancy Goods. KEEP YOUR EACLE EYE OPEN And see the quality of our Goods. We keep only A 1 Stook and can please the most fastidious. At the pre- sent is sent time we are actually rushed with X -mar orders. Photo, Kerchief, Glove and Ti. Oas.s are in great de - mend. . mond. Embroidered Needle Cases, Tea Pot Handles, Am ko. make useful and appre- ciative gifts We have a pretty idea in "Match -Hold ere. New lot of THE r� cuTE A main iBeen t Hie of R1d-Body Dolls from 20e. up. Come early and make y'oar choice. THS FAIR. P�' ACTION HIDES WANTED / N�la7�p TAMMY OAS W. P. i A. EMITS • w Deli- 47 \1 in -:� Y. " 00 nk e.., .,h, °° ' GET ON GLASSES. 11 ;your sight shows signs c failing. Surely you would roc become blind. A little timel attention may ave your eyes It is wise to let us examin them. No charge for the examinati and best lenses supplied a reasonable prices. 1 of J, E. DAVIS, e s Phm. B. Druggist and Optician. For bale or To Rsnt. LYOR SALE -LOTS t l AND 70 [ C Hatehineon's Flores). Is the Town of Ooderieh. epos which is erected a nice dwell - Ing house. Also lots numbers It and 19 Rich's Survey. °adarioh, oontalninir 2 scree. upon which le situated • comfortable house. and there Is also • good orchard. leo the rant half of the North half of lot 25, Lake Rang.. Concession of the Township of Arhbeld. Western diviMoa. Dated 1tk September. 1 pAppplly o CAMERON. HOLT t HOLMES. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE -situated to the Drat bu.iaees metre In Godericb. The property comprises two dwellings. one well-equipped groom? store, Gee up-to-date tttecbioe and blacksmith shoe. Reasons for lack selling. of railway m000m- modation. Clem tit!e out be given. A uplift - did chance for the right pian. Apply so D. K. STRA('HAN on the premises, 81-tf VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR .ALE -The brlek residence overlooking the river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. M•elk.rmett esp., Master In Chancery, One of the most valuable and desirable Pete pertlee in town. 2. The two-storey frame dwelhnghouse on South street immediately adjoining the Brit- Ieh Exchange Hotel..a1 present occupied by Mr. Andrew Waddell. 3. The dwollti g house and aelioiniag grounds near the O. T. R. station, formerly occupied by the late Judge Toms. Prices and terms of payment reasonable, ape ply to OARROW & PROIII)FOOT 70-tf Solicitors, Ooderiab. Loan and Savtnara Mosls$y. T r 14 NOT WHAT rut, EARN, BIM J WHAT TOD SATE. MACE** YOU R1lJB. THR H!'RAfr ANT) RR('(- 5 LOAN iN t ESTMKN'T COMPANY !Antler -room -eampron. Holt end Helen. Itiir'parTa.--later.et Compound every .as moths at ?nue per rent, 9'-r annum. or num from one dollar upward'. Depositors will find It to their advantage to come and see us. ewAxs-M .y be secured at any time wit delay ea the eecnrity of approved deelrmW property. K.xpenete• moderate. Application' reeetyed by the Manager or solicitors. The Company's ogee. are Ineehlid on North strut and Court Ho'.. aq"aro-opposite H0.0N Ritmo L Odlos, HOI3ACE HORTON. J. H. COLP"' `R Manager. Prrrt/Let San of Lands for Taxes TOWN OF GODERICH. TREA8URER'8 SALE OF LANDS FOR TAX SII. By virtue of a warrant under the hand .4 the Mayor and seal of the /torpor", ion of the Town 61(eodertch, doted the 11th d. .,f 9.p - tomboy. 1056, commanding me to let 7. •;nn thr lands banisher described. for the - -eel's., se taxes doe thereon. together with cote. notice Is hereby given that unless such tikes and costs are sooner paid i shall. pur+n•nt to The Consolidated Assessment Act. I8gt pre- med to well by P.bIM Amnion the said lands, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the said arrears and costa. at my once oe Wednesday the Twenty-third day of Doosmter, at two o'clock In the afternoon. The follswfog lots are patented I Q Lot or part, Concession i I s of let. or street i E � ' t Ip Rua.in N�-.4 P'lllb 'I �1 7r .. 1-4 i • ,i...i " , 1-S '-1 • mss, Teeenb.lP. t M. tlMr1 i w 3051075 K! 7518 57 st 61.3 1 31 7777 11 Mt7917WI 1 7n 1 2 66 11 26 6te2*0 661 apt 100 661 7 7 eep 0.110 30 31 7 eMe0i'! 11 to 13p 7 l2' 2 0. 10 q 7 113 0110 O. 7 431 .0.10 M 7 613 60 10 w 7 11t 10 00 7113 1001 7 it 1 0710 00 7 622 00,1 W. L HORTON, Tows Treasurer Ood.rleh, Sept. tun, t.0. 0713*. Nsw Slashfne Shops. XX: MAURINE SHOPS -ALL RINDSIL. nesel Newts Week des..s Rumee.abl. �rt+ns� I•dsaasaki ots tor oasout dhtbra�as ebe �, Mms ma J tTi>RhrTUlr.iC1 71.44. FARMERS and STOCKMEN M allm. me1.0. Dr. Hur 1 ees'. far H.rs.a. r awuse•M t.er r par posed•% WIlesea y tr r. Q=..omrim w mayM M last E les re .tee s•llta .f fee • po.•d W • __ wWILSON'S am