HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-26, Page 4THE SIGNAL: GODICRICH ONT. THURSDAY- NOV. 21, 1894.
5'it Aloud,
le PUInaniali
Q em Pablimitim---11 mid IL Morthmereas
Orskorish, Ontario.
Tomtit Mt etsbostrillidiall
itioneatt, la advance 4 1
" ...• • • • • .• • • O. • • r
Om year, •
Leen at Tam Label.
Toss label is • etaxidtan recoipi et IS albs
tie which you are gold up. Sas that It is sat
afbrened to fall late smear.
W.us ohmare ot address Is desired. bats
taw old and the sew address sboold be gives.
14eeriliston Metes.
Prilrsad oilier mesa] advartimisseets.
:11 11arMoor. inn. and II mote per Ins
ree *soh eitbseqamt tasertim. Measured by
a =1 sue.o.
nerds of six lines awl tuitter. 16 per
Advertisement's. at Lent. Tonad 'rayed
alma.= Vaeast. Ittulit1ose •• rued sad
Ilirdneep Mimeos Wanted pot a:mediae
liras amparall• per month.
Homes en Salo and !Mime ea Sem. sot to
er,w-if !tn.& el for lent month, Sib. per sub
• •01'..1,1 SOOD1h.. Lerivr a4 rte. Is proportion
Any special notice. the ohyeet of which ts to
Promote the pecuniary besedt ef any ladi•
• dial or oonipapy, to be °moldered aa ad-
vertisement and cheered eminrellegly.
Local notices In nonpareil type isse coat per
word. no not lose leas thaa Me.
Local &otiose In ordinary readier type two
mete per word. No sodas tor tem lb 5.
Neatest tor °harebell aad other religious and
benevolent institutions half rata
Pubecriber who titi to receive Tao flinnet
raralariy by mall. will e cater • fever by &c-
ommi1s. us of thom tame at *arty an &item'
Tstiltikber's elettlets.
J. C. Le Tomei. ot Oaderich, has ap
pointed Lent Travel/Ina deem fer Om town
ships ottlatierieb. Colborne. Asbilield aad Wa
Local premastere o er t he dletrlot are also
empowered to ma re etabeeriptioas to ThU
All Welmatinteatiol COLAtt he lItIde••••• 10
Tee thene.,
Talsebsee OM fa eadegiel Oet.
-This S No-veniner, and there is
Ail the esteemed Globe would
say,there be. been so merinos by LAMM.
-The Manitoba school question is
settled. This is Thaakegiviet Day.
-The niuuicipal and county coun
oil eleotioas will he the next order of ban
-What will the building of the
Crow's Neat Pees Railway do for Huron'
:-.bow us the benefit and Huron will holler
for the railway.
-The way &heed of the Ootorio «Moo1
tearer ...in. dark when for a vacancy ts a
village school rmently there were no lees
Chas 170 %palmate
These are the piping tints of
peace, so to semi, so far as the political
sittieuon is coocirned, but we probably1
bare tits calm that proomide the mom.
-The great Conservative hoodoo,
Ciismirs Ti,rra, Bert-, um now in
Britainsapping soup with the nobility. He
Is es fail of fall and bitterness as ever
aware the men who " tt un him doers."
Kinn," has begun to take an interest in On- bo
tario's mining industricoobad 11 .0 there will
Ike lino mit tsars seems Peresalle
Meiglay evesiegehe emembeseed the
&se Hall Chas laresally epeeed their reser
as West etre" arid le properly mark the
manses resat • astomber of their pewees
to arta with them TIte bill et tare sea -
steed of las males% mem sapper aid a
chews tacerma ef seas. esabblinell asd
spiesh maltiamy The obeeseas. RD. Gssal,
Imre the ere oars of the toast bet, sed the
Yee, H. I. Wetses, the balance The slag
sag was firsolase, as mew be man by the
meow eof the Mager% sad the speeches wage
ia every way worthy of the club. sombey et
the pewee unto preneat showiag oomeidenside
*peaks* power, but whops ib.
~prise of the evening ries an ad.=
Rd. Tilt, whoa proposiaii • to..;. the kae-
espi being good, lead its deloverv aseellani.
It is almost seedless to my hat the speakers
praised the olub, the club rooms sad the
Playlet moor bars, and wished the Hurons •
eseeseaul sabre in '97.
"Now mycelia to Lhasa of it," R W Logan
sowed a brilliant hit in an original sag
written med composed by himself, aad ter
which he rosseived an stabaimeue mid beery
enema. R. W. legan's talents as a writer
sad delineator el lora tepee were eleverly
displayed on Monday everts,. Deriami the
evening sparkling wittioisime fell is simmers
and es meet of them bad referees " Play
Hall" they were the mese et hearty laugh
The lee toast as the list was the sea -
ars, John Nairn. who rave the statue of
the club tor 1896, mid although he acknow-
ledged a balance on bead a over 19 he had
to admit that %het min we. only moored af-
ter /resit trials and:tnisulatioas at (aerie
sad other plaoss. aotable feature was
the oorrect chorus singing, in foot so har•
moutons were the refrain. that eas meld
imagine be was surrounded by professions&
of the Bret water.
The rooms occupied ere commodious,
nicaly dtted up, and have electric light ()a
the occasion tiro suite wee prettily
decorated, Cues Jacks being in pleatiful
profusion. The ceiling of • tbe dialog
room was a masserptece, huodreds ot smell
ears bras used to make it remsehle • hese
hall ground, with, of bourse, a diamond in
the metre. The supper tables were meet
tastily dream.' and arranged, and the deli -
maim were graoefully and deftly served by
six good -lambing members arrayed ie jack-
ets of immaculate white. The preadent
end members are to be 000gratulated oe the
suspicious berinning of Me Winter same,
end they may be eoneratuleted in the
Spring if the rod *Olen on Sloaday night
yields in due teelion. The following wee
the program.
Chairman's address, fl. H. Grant : The
Qesee. Nationai anthem; Governor Gee -
seal, Judge 1)ovle : Our Country, W. C.
;roods ; Denittion tioverement. Jae
Butler sosg. E. C. Belcher: Proviseial
Goveraineat, Dr. Holmes; Armor sad Navy.
(apt. Holmes; daft. H. Johanna, C. 8.
Sheracm ; our ailire,Reeee Proudfont; solo,
A Dymook ; peens, 1). IlloOillicaddy ; Wu.
°stints' sterols, J. M. Shepherd; owe-
mereial interests. Jas. Reid, R. 1 hempen ;
onnimiereial men J. Hickory : song." Now We
Come to Think of it " R. W Logon; medi-
cal prefeceion. Drs Hunter,:thempeon ; the
dm• a. A. K Forte: the Wise, C. Shane,
J. barie ; Belo aad chorus Bee Robineeit : the
I ' nitro*, MoHardy ; sister Moho, Theo,
C Los; our gnats H. W Bali
the club mower. Jaw Natru ohairmen's
thanks, chiartnaa. 0.4*0.. the Qtren.
ansivoreary servers Larxely Atteaded
Sermons by Rev. 11111111M.
List Sabbath morniag and manias large
congreesiions aseembled in North -et Metho-
dist ohnroh te lieten to the minnow of Rev.
Dr Briggs ,J Toronto.
la the morning he oboe' for Ms text the
13th verse of the 90* chapter of Isaiah,-
" The glory of Lahmon shall oom• unto
thee, and the fir tree, the pine tree and the
• together, to beautify the plaoe of my
asnotuary, end I will intik* the piece of my
est giorous "
•' V • find,' said the rev gentleman." the
lane God in "tura se in "ram. Thle
is not. rem.- .:01er world, but we find di-
versity, van. , -variety of operation and
yet unity to toe variaty. There is owe law
sad me God, We have method is nature,
have sashed in gram. Scripture we
nd as diverse as man ia variety of opera -
ea sod in the temperament of it. enters
with tho object of glorifying Christ•
be • rush to Um Algoma dietrict 10 rival
thel made to the Rand,in Southern Africa,
seem years ago. Kverythisg is coming our
way at preemt, and Canada has Oat 11•1100
10feel proud.
-Up o the time of going to press we
there hass't been & witness before the Tariff 6
Commission who did not waist a still duty tbs
os the manufactured prodeot fed raw
raw material in oonnection with his
own particular industry. Not one of
them asked to here the other fellows' pro-
tection utoreased.
-G883491111 WiTLItli, the Spanish
oesseseder ia Celts bee returned from his
recent usetalute *gains the rebel Geaseal
Marso, bevies bad his labor tar hie pains
Wertz* admit* hie notioutames, bet gays
" Wait until Christmas r' Are we to infer
that was that date arrives be intends to
give Mitts & Chadians. box.
-The settlement of the Manitoba
* Stool quessiee given malefaction to The
Oruro Sestina!, but ear esteemed oceans-
per/ay The Mabee News -Record ie eat
disemberolate and will sot be comforted
Probably this is because durine the by.
e leetiots is January sad thegeneral *testes
la Jane The News-Reoord was la favor el
mercies sad The Sentinel oppeeed the
--Topeka, Kan.. is likely to beoeme
ea Adamant, Mei Fee dilate of a
sharialge institution of that tetra elan
Mat there are ever 400 deserted wives ia
thee town who are appealleg ter work and
assiehmis under Me plea the* "Soy have
aria batter days." Every day dimes., are
ipostoot to .1. 00.4 wombs, iisoosepatibility
being the gems/ Marge. A wide -epos
Myers law is me a geed titian to aid te
leveloping a Iowa.
C. IL L- U.
The fa/Swim' see the spies fer af-
firms youg people's seeistion whit& mese
durieg meet week :
North -et Mothedies *harsh L L 01 C.L.
Tesday evade' eh 7:80 doles& The pee -
gem will be ferseabed hi the ladies am
nosember 4 11.Loam besnerrew miming
memos a/ semert.
Use Chau& Y.P.S.C.111., Tuentlay eves
tug ea i o'sinek. Towle fee Deeming
1. " Mem teyea wad eat el your treeblea."
tip Mks SAS Ketosis.
i AS aro to Staid these
awslings, whisk ere held is the heemmosta,
minmaintokan Ashur womeser amnia. ofi
8 rash. Thlitionemiesibsee el other er
SAM esensiellv
W. Woweinneh W,W. Wilms el bra
ego hes labs the essimme
* illenier thillselik
and thus ta a many -vetoed revelatim we
have vital salty.
" Wonderful things is the Bible 1...,
Thie is the dearest -Mat Jesus loves me.'
le the oharoh we find diversity of opera -
tea, as ere read in X 11. ohap..Cor. rid 2fItti
verse : " hath sat some JD the Muria,
fist-epostes, mooed ly -prophets, thirdly
tamobers. He seat apostles in prating
(be *arty Merck ; thee Asensio* sad Mal-
sactbne and others. He man Luther to
liberate Germsay and John Kam to labor
ate Sootland to greater spirituality,sed gave
Ens/land to the Wesley' at • time when
there was muctit formalises.
Hach dilferinv in sisseido, bat mee end
inall. Some people ere afraid that the
etaarte will he demeroyed by leas ; thwr
would have oas big March with • grime big
mats " To soy Mad," said D. Sages
"doctrinal malty is • dream. The dossed -
e asiest; as we bays them gait She vagina
which we end is ate aural el amok
Preshybatianiem would he fag semfl kw
some, Anglimalem toe termini. the Repass
woad bare too mach water fa Hein, sad
the Methodists would be too many. But
trammel nalty--we have it eves sew. sad
I would feel quite as sem* as Mine is a
ripit of somber d.*004 as if I were
sty own.
Geri este dilisrmet tompereatente
beautify the phis .8Mio mnotaary amd the
rev. Risks Isolemed Me various HIM*
obarsoure, sod mews moderas sea mos as
Jam Malmo eed llamas Vlsoler and
Whitfield. Jobe mid Charles Wesley.
Tee text le emoureethig to the feeblest.
Maa would say me the seder, the glory
of Lebanon., but Oat gime the bumble
hex& place in 'beamifyieg Hie
salieteery. From the huts of the peer, the
mamas of taw MM. and the maseissi el
tbe rah, all may make the pia,* el RS Me
glorious, we my. He says the
wise, Me leGoduly limbo Oee .41
the litimblent seal with good Minim, mil
mod the malted empty sway.
We talk el the Meese et the ego bet
e ast egg oyes be the geed el Me ags Let
un tae. WM.
Like • Mem el Helms anseery.a Sidi thee
weeks binteati el sing seises brizia.es
disnewery NMI masa to Meer
Obiglains philowshers pee* OUT late
pees isereabe in his "Queer. 'ler,' wad
asIbilista, Seta* se mem lholonaonake the
Mese el Hie hmia gleams and la es lab-
kallh mama we see • grime aid growine
el youthful workers
Itessanab Mho See ad David.=se
mem Mates Iledder reel& ell les a
ample whisk sessalls mil takes a plies
ageemd God% Moms The �.. 01 lb.
Lairs house lim met la maned Weft bge
• snit01 well-asesd Marta
Ow fifty b &al sow peddle. limn le
al ie. Lot me be leillelst. Use Ms as a
aelieel-howea De all we isi. fled assepis
inssosissal areas as well ea easel gervis
Fres the kale eyed "Iimpoilterm we Mee
the Mae 01 eliariag...___Lieggeys AL
Marshes whoa Sere Ms bees es ebonies el
tee "sesoilsor" ; wham them hes hoes eit
air el " heap roar 410811•00 " Lel ele keep
Me many of the &arts in Me head 01p....,
sod remember Mat Ged maks ans el the
bumble beg s beeindylag His emeemse
la the mos s
of emis wades
power. gooey Sail mite se sown Chime.
Lard of all, to hosier Christ MA wham
He shall appear may we wish matey Sham
wipes with 04. 4. glory.
lit TUB •t.u.
There was a lags ameadame la Ms ems
um, ..dib. praWier delivered an Mans
ime sad edifying gorses Arose Haggai1:5
tied 6 •'Conoider year treys. Ye ham wee
Inuob cad brute la hill.; re set, isa4 re
inv. en seiesigb ; ye &doh, butt ye ar• net
filled with &rusk; ire mots you,hat Mere
acme want ; 504 he ass eaa ash
awash wages to put them tests a Mc=
bean" A featere el the evening serries
was • solo by Mies h.. tilitritee Cass of
Leedom, which wee mask appreoieted.
Cordwood Iles token shah% rise the past
The baseball rooms look Mos with *0. 4.
Hay wee rather piestital on the market
th• peat week.
And the ismadescasst Islits are male la
running order.
The Heyde *tub rooms armed last week
ter the season.
Pridheas store looks aa fashiebable as
tbe suite he wale:
It seems as though the water-aart wee
through for 1A96.
The store es tee owner of Weet-st*111
be crocepted shortly.
The snow vloi1.da. agar oc Rmarrelny
but made rely • short stay.
A lady ie town son it pays to keep
boarders 11 11*. boarders my.
Notwitheroduag the mow, Square
wee (weeded on Saturday aisht.
Now is the time for merchants to let the
public !mow where Christmas goods may be
Diphtheria is around us. so don't fawn
to me slack lima around the pita that ham
been emptied.
R.ev. J. X. Howell, a former
preach in Nortb-st Methodist
morning aed toweling.
Special servioss are bong conducted by
Rev W. Godwin in ommeetion teith Vic
torimot itethochet °hero&
See msr Hot Roll Clothe --ready stamped
and hemotitolied. Just the right sort of a
gift for your sista-in-law. The Fair.
The Goderich Organ Co- llb• Woe &weed-
ed ths centrum for potting in mate in the
three seetior room. 01 11*. ward schools
Geationsen You will be all right Oen
year. The ladies are making you *0.4.
os.. Tie Cases with materials purohased at
The Fair.
The mannfooture Ws Commas Sims is
proceeding apace, sod iu the Spring • peed
rider on ocie of them will make the pun,
roar mother-in-law wants a pair of are,
warm bed- roosts slippers Leave your order
soon. in order to have ready for X•rnee.
The Fair
At Trinity College octeveratiois far eon-
ferrieg degrees. Rey. Allem Seeger, ass of
Pollee Magistrate Seeger of this tows, re-
ceived M. A.
OM your clothieg Sewed or dyed to look
like mar at Parker's Dye Works, Toronto.
They do the Most of work. Goode are
°leaned gad dyed 481 11 dam at Parker's
Dye Werke. Lear* orders at Mises.
Yates' millinery eters Goderinh.2t
pastor. will
Headley, Osnetsion k Co, et Branford.
have Iota of "0001* " Lent week they sent
eix free puffs for • new book they are pub-
lishing. salting to have them imported M-
eans. " Your readers will apprecdate them."
The editor would appreeiate 16 for ineert-
ing tbe same, sad when the ash ones.* the
advartiesentiete will be given a plum in The
Pont. We are Dot in businees for the good
of our health sparely nor to blow the hern
of a erell.to do publishing house ta Rrant-
ford unless the mosesary collateral sitcom -
panne the same. -Brussels Poet.
*a eaters* Yreesse.
Amongst Me thonsedeet oomaintautary
letters sent to Lb* Family Harald
sad Weekly Star, Montreal, reirarding
the premium picture. " Gralian's Prayer."
ir• mace am from a gessieniam well
Mown whioh we thine wortby of rep/odes,
imp in three cool.... Tb. • Orphan'.
Prayer " is iodeed & beentifel work of art.
It ma he had with a whole year's enheerip-
tiom to that excellent paper. the Family
Herald and Weekly Star. el MeatreaL-fer
only me dollar. The " Orobem's Prayer "
alone sells in NOW York NM for ASS ag-
ate per copy. The fellowing opieles d
is fres Mr. M. J. Kelly,
Saboel las=laetionth Benet :
Nm. 16, 18616,
Meows Graham & Os, Montreal :
Meay Meeks foe the espy of the " Or-
phan's Prayer," I MA atis moo the ariabial
panther. bet I sea well believe with the
oopy before me Mae, im the opiates el
artiste, it Is a seemesepeass It tette Ito .we
titory-the Moly ohnetior, the Mamas -
.1 11*. kaftan' ddia-tbe lateen en
the miteria, in
give *Ma el awrow.
Yours Maly,
M. 3. Reuss
Pehlke &Mel laspeeter.
in Trimmed
and Untrimmed
Felt Bailors, sweat awe, tmaneed
45e. Pelt Sailors, uniabarned,
Remember the Special Sale of Hate
trimmed to year or4.r-98e., $1.25,
and *1.50. Gee earn of Wings,
Feathers, Newer% Tips, Ribbons aad
Velvets at hall peke
R. B. ShfITH,
W. 41.111111.21,11. Manager.
&It win be sem Met JUL P
811"111. INT hretsaidlvti = I C3NCIr.ilDiri 33.41LIVOI•A-T2ST 0.161.1\rriklit
04ls0.45e .01. .& his Wieland Mame men.
0. 1*.. geode smagetwaste to Mrs tows
sail rater a hate massfaimose
that shamble is • gemealas
Meade et 001. .04 Mtn Pea* =
mires shear dowsers
ARIUS HMO • ClUilltl&T. Graie.
rinses Teas Me boon in Korea essay
durso the pass weak, leseing ap releirres
of whom he has heard 5.00154 ler nearly
filty years Mr. Craig is a soma of ttie
late Mee. lea Sew moths et ow eseaseied
townomea. AM. Rees TM may Sew he
possessed ae le sae '--.'.0 ut his Comedies
releases tree that lie remembered int • bey
addressee/ Mean te Hugh Craig, his
sae* MeliCiliep P.O., Tuckeremith, Hums
Co Costae to Teteldei Mr. Craig pressed
• map sad dads* that Smetana was ia
Tuokerainith he Wright • ttokee tee that
Saes a remarkable eamidenne the
firs person Mr. Craig spoke to atter sway -
tag at Saiterth was • ,...*0.. WWI kad
lived osi the old Crag homestead mil wee
to gi
abie ve kiwi full direction se he where
be would lied these Miens be woe esehiag.
Mr. Craiir a as eastineer aad hes boss with
tee Paisley !wawa Coal Ceespiey ter Me past
forty-six mare. Diaries farm yeas be hoe
been staperinteadent el the mechanist de-
partment, having tem hundred sad fifty
wee in hie °barge. Mr. Craig reamed hie
position et the drat of November, deter -
mitred to spend the met of hie day* in
ease. The mesas v still retain him for the
Purposes of mesultine him us matters ,t M-
ammals regardlog the 54...-Ks.
Prices -
If you are going 10purchase a new
Cutter this season, and want to se-
lect from the largest stock carried by
any firm in the county come and ex-
amine ours. We are not confined to
any one manufacturer, but buy only
what we =raider the best value. We
buy for Cash, and can sell much closer
than any oue buying in the old-fashion-
ed way. Onr Cash Price is marked on
every Cutter, and you will find *Good
Piano Box for $20.25, a Better one
for $23[25, and a Splendid Portland
for $30, $34, and $35.
We are going to sell them quick, 80
don't wait long if you want to have a
large number to select frotn.
ami I ton -st.
or Overcoat
If you need a Winter Over-
coat or Suit, call upon PRIDHAM
The Tailor. If you leave your
order with him you may depend on
getting goods that will suit in
every way -in fit, workmanship,
and promptnesa in delivery.
Tinware . .
At CAITI'Ll BROS. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves, Who have them-
e!l kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble cost prices. Also leave your
order. for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle the best
Canadian and American Coal Oil,
Plumbers and Tinners.
Apple Barrels
Por Bale - - -
At Lowest- Market Priem
Wholesale or Retail.
HoEWAN'a 000P/3IAGE,
Id Wave
People who are forwsighted .131 bs. immersed iler -WM-sights
are beginning to grow AMA 001111.111/111 Mid Risinkobi
are gladly welcomed. We aro shorwisog VMS" ia
Flanefiecto itteaketa, aper Blankets All -wool aud Union
Blankets, from to 75c. per pair. Comforts -If you would
he comfortable these cold night& We have them in Calico,
Sateen, Biderdown, trona 7.5e. to 17.00, love)T Pattorns, large
Sees, and will please you.
/ abilithria's Ladies' and Men's Compare quality and
0111! COOS
A large line in Novelty Drees Goods and Trimmings.
Don't forget that we handle Oil Clothe, all lazed find pattern/.
Oorner • West -at and Square.
To be .
Proud of
in these days is a Shoe that fits, is made in correct
shape and pleaseh the eye as well as the pocketbook. It
is one of the things of which a child can be proud. Don't
waste money buying inferior
because tkte7 are cheap, for they will in the end be the
most expensive.
Repairing neatly and promptly done.
Prepare Now for the Cold
by seeing that all your ordered
clothing is interlined with Fibre
Chamois. It will not add weight
I and only costs a few extra cents,
but it gives a grateful comforting
warmth to men's, women's and
children's clothing which will defy
the coldest blasts of winter.
For your own sake don't try to
do without this backbone of an
winter comfort.
- Don't buy any ready-to-wear
suits which haven't the
Fibre Chamois label. Think of the healthful warmth, Ow
difference is price doesn't count.
Reduced to 25 cents a yard.
Undertaker - sal - akmbaamer.
Beautiful Black and Whits Hennes For Low Prices
in Undertaking go to A. B. Cornell. Don't pay big
prices. Mrs Cornell attends to all female cases.
at prim lower than the lowest. A Ins 101 01 Window
Shades on band.
Good 8 -room House for Bale or to Rest on fiefeth-et
Apply to
Henulton-at, Goderich.
MO* purehmeal the (Mariam Poneillry mil ell ite:Patesens 0.r Osslislisi
1. FmlIsrol INFO?
SI time solime. se the klealiNag Mrs la always epos mg week prim ma
Slims ruellibee sag eh Mire iseemembeil wMb Me week
dem prenipttp. Fames. Mom em your end yen be plasma
with mit mirth Sane fres liseglie weangity. We sake 0111, -
amen ems 41ujJ.. 0.. WEN* ki uhesigi M Ike sprite sleep.
JAIL Imam, mower.