The Signal, 1896-11-26, Page 3• THE SI(}NAL: G1)DKRiOR, ONT.. THURSDAY. NOV 26. 1896 1f1MQ DfaMNsta'W foe maalhe flim.. I eeumM 4se. M ---• unfortunate' -� to Cod-liver oil ospentte the Pse O- setd'""'"l""',ework•tp.elai.y. consumption, whicr gag Ib years sapsil.moa. most unfortunate, Y. MASSE, U U.N. t..U.B.,- DEN Its best use is before ou it TAIL al NuMON.-Went •ad approved y ..fZ.d• hr .0 desua .. w .N. Preserve fear consu m tion ; when � tu ties of the mst.t • pettish, (Mee P • r W� �! w: a • de sttees.00r you begin to get thin, weals, ogg nmuisln.l, D.b.a. D.a 1.D -y-_ run down; then is the pm- ., atlus•n teill/- •.,.otAio..d gin to tel 8 wltih Dr. pl:os.. os !sad pore. tttlm. srtttla.l.1 teat. wo.mMd a Bald et slow care, and the best way to sisal teed. ' uuatli R'ves bs the take care is to supply the prsew v.tlon t &sterol teeth. Dens in McLean'• sew block "'ser system with needed fat and 11 edictal. strength. Scott's Emulsion -=eTz'ltioaaoN. i. D.. e M. of cod-liver oil, with hypo - W a s. y"t '• >r a +t phosphites, will bring back foeslerte Goo. Uo mein.. nano t • J Y dent timetobek .esw..ed r tlenel Lidfa/d. I�dn lumpness to those who 1st. NYSE. PHYSICIAN. SUE lave lost it, and make eon. Ra. wed-Ormie the re.i- f • lately ` Lista strength where raw cod - oak liver oil would be a burden. A..1,Mere eery ,miler, ate artyret Men & low.., ansvilk, oat gee. W pease Marriage Iieffass.... WLANE ISSUER OF MARRIAGE . Llesesse. lioderloh, Ont. etaide L.'gtaL A / O. CAIMSRUN, BARRISTER, SOld- .1Nr,'.Ce.v.ys.cer, te, Ofloe-melt. B an Ilia sad di. Aadr.w-sts.. app. Co,beras M alai. A- y ERNI8T HEATON - BARRISTER. Iloneli r, Neur7 Pusan Aoesso.ls Shook West dine{. lbw Ly caMPIUN,Q.C., BARRISTER., SOL. labor. Notary. Le. wain ever 1In41.i Dad. `Square, Undone.. 1C1 U. JOHNSTON, BARIUSTER, t3U- 1�1. Reiter. cioninnetioner. etc, Maser to leen. Decor . c.w. li•aiiltau •od dt. Andrew . tarsale. Hoderech. tint. bot LOFT t: IL DANCEY, BARRISTER, flohcitor. Conveyancer, &c.. ole. Yowl to lou at lowest rates. Her'on's Ufr poodle Colborne Motel. (Madame., Ont. of '1l1 N. LSWIS, BARRISTER, P1tvU- Li• for la Marftln• Courts .1 Marto ..nor -seat. Colborne Low. !q RO. HAYS, BSRRISTSIt, S0LICIT- . Ott, �to U... Nerlhert., eery 11.014•L Mince. ValreM Funds b et i.west rates of Interest. r ARROW A P1wtDPUOT, BAR. Asters. Auoreeys, &, iatom ke., gods Doh. .1 T. Ureew, MC.. W. Proodtes". 1A11E1LTh, HOLT .t HULI[.s, • Marrieters. I eiwtttre V Cha•oer7 tee tiodericb. 11. C. 0.wares. M.O. ; P. Holt . Dudley Holmes. G. WARD, CONVEY All OK it, 1 • to.. and mem.tbasloner for Mahe" sad re- s.irtLg recoltsiasme of hall. gtisvits es aflra..t1oas, depusucss se sentare tlo•e In or soso.raies say gaiter pts osedim. is the Herb Court Jambe. the Mart of Appeal for (Marta. ter stay gooey etr Irl. tem• Court. All sir/ premed" sa.oal•A. .dams-Denuaaasa flat earteeil LOOMS re k. ..ter hi OI;EY TU LOAN. - 1110,01111.00 Private Funds to lead $1 11 persist. ea- t mlly. M. O. cAJsaltON, Hcrtosle .leek, eppamte t olborne Homo. Uoderkh. 110141 It SiVATE FUNDS - PARTIES DE- siren. of obtaining moan on truthless tans security ora do •o .t Se per cent. bp s. pa, Cyt t. J. A. McIWINAUH Remo elf, trot hold Buildings. Tomato. w81rt �t SKAGEN., CONVEYANCING AND Ir.musses saes. oppo•iteWaftWe rw1 fioderieh. XI ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE 1 st bj Per wt. Notes discounted. 0 IMAGER. Gies opposite Martis • Hots(, Hedy reit. FJ. T. NAFFEL, FIRE, LITE AND • madam losttr•aoe sweet ; at tsw.st rates Moo -Oar. North -et. sad ftquars.eei- encb, 1t- 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO OAMZRON HOLT a HOLMIL8, Dods. rich t 7S. MONEY TO USN D. -A LARGE •..Dant w Pelvises rands ter tissetment • lowest nes as drefelem Meets cm. 14117 to DARROW t IILOUDFOOT. R RADCLIFFZ, GIN=RAL 121 Emmy !,ms Agent. Only first -edam � raomp is repre.a•Nd. Mean M Lind ea orogen Mass, at the lowest rpm of betessM sett', to as wq M Aft Ha et.ssw.r. YeN.4r ear t1/.r ham rears. wastHee r aatliane Iasiiiats. ( `1 ODEIt1OR IIIZOHANIOs' INSTI- T Turn LIBRARY AILD *HADIMNI- IitiOM, oar. of least wrest sad atlases Fa. tele•, Open item 1 M e r... , and ham T te le eat. ABOUT 2010 VOL' • LN LIBRARY. Ltea ing Deft, Wieldy owl IllesoeLy �rsd atM irozu•sug . ham oris sT! librirftwairws, gds. on 1%4 r ieMlttf u er teem inembsrehlp resolved b J B IR CIH H, HAMILTON. uod.rlek 1111. 1NL A THOMAS GUNDRT, AUVrMONEIR at Art„�ll eery Oe aa.m�• w OW" - _I boy'.rt.1 M• esaasv. (1W 10HN CNOE, GEIIRAL AU0- • Raving area lessen i'gkl. .periam a la wt treas. los N Is • pwsaieh M i▪ 'sato to wMYatimw.a8 sethreta W elfin Ifs •.etfee. entraad No bin. Order, off sS Nsrtce's H sr rankle 6edericb P. eare(o�aMsadM M [sox county A.sidesam . C. BTZ:LS��� E --- meatdsor to too ore. LAID s Meow si. •. n. 0AD, moa c.a. DDAr0a!@NAtt. �•.-1nr. H.miltes aced IllaripliatiLaBia Gema, be mods ohms. 10 CENTS soma • Oesi lAvor sad awns Malik L. • .falai& rea.e.tw .ad IMM salsn Agnsteli klg a PM ars eogp�h 84 Meal hos bona fats dsmsad les* Ws hard oe Appy th area. Cisatllp• . e' Karam Hoaieis. tag rid It .i 4 0447- � th1k. skit.. eta Art aaay- aail She alms •bels ars • goal - the w tt.an..l. vlalt. 40. PM*Ll0 •aha WHEN HE WENT RIDING BY 1 west . t to gather mem hen the sue . as hang,.• In. ; And 1 lingered is the Carden. In the •neero's.ft.r glo., Weieht"e play of 1'cht and eater On the ever chancing .kr - I eras weedier near the resat M hen is Bent riding by 'Red sad white a'd y»Iles row./ Deck the g.rdee well ; Long h.fore the summer clones Then *ill fade and fall ' 1 stepped to among the roses, As the • "-ihvht tell around. And, .1.. ' some were already Lying so•ttered nn the ground : And 1 yoe•tinn.d ,■ .h. twilight Why all lovely things sh•uld die • 1 .topped in anomie the roes Ater he went r ding by. Rad and whi a and yellow rosea D.ok he garden wall : Pane before the summer sloe's They will fade and fall I was ori.vtog for the new While 1 twined some in my hair, Feel ng half •o idle wonder Why 1 had not been more fair - Why env with • heart lea tender Should have fairer been that I ; Aad 1 hid among the roes* When they two come ridirg he. Roses red and white and yellow nodded, bloomed, and died Rhee the autumn .kimi grow mellow She will be his bride ' Then I turned and left the roost, For the dew beaten to fell Lightly on the half-closed petals. A. they leaned against the welt : And from somewhere in the gloaming Crane a nirht lord'* plaintive err, And a sigh swept through the row After they went ri.ting by Roses red and white and yellow Budded, bloomed. and died ; When the autumn .kine grow mellow She will be his bride' NEWSPAPER STORIES. aepr.yed A newly -elected member of • certain vestry is • self-made eras, and habitually elotbes bis official poeitioe with all the pomp it will osrry He lately became the possessor of • big braes piano -lamp, with • yellow shade, which was prominently placed me the dmw. tog -room. When • ytsitor celled reoe.tly its world owner showed off the lamp by turning it ap and down half.• -dozes times, bat hie son, feeling that it wv not attract - tag euth.neet •tteatiea, blurted out - Don't yew think it's the bas.tilulest lamp yet ever seen !'. the ve.tr,-m•a swelled up with indig- a•tie., sad reproved his eon is his sternest tts•aper.'r meet." said he. " them words is harlot, Mere ant. " D. pen know this q •nstaon of rinse 411.01111,11heind, etiquette is getting to be nap e.mpile.ted !" be remarked. " Hew tin !" she imbed. " Welk New was • tiros whoa it wssM Isom buI■ a.aOiflsd • terrible slims •pitwJTir • amis alt i. Pie bb sada W • tum As M 1.. wawa Mw Woad tysMstivm ism as .pasflky with ma M esti as intone that it bet r. quitted e. sande. H•1I of them don't even asp to Omsk ons " " Thea yes don't always give ap your amt ie s lady r' "• That dopes& 1 die.rimim•ta 1f ebe is yeas, pretty and eha.siag. 1 always soaks as .meeptla sad ear her my mat." " Oh ! I see. What woad yes do ice my ease 1" " That's disgtaat You w • triad." Wow so Oat a Inn 5.tv A wealthy MUM apes • d•y'e a.tiy. wasted is We • bass sad sari, b., tot knowing his mesa. the bolts►ds•or d»arred at trestle' them is id heads. D.1..mfm•d so hews his drive, the °.rises pose d prying far the Yarm mid the M. be sell them Mak et the sew prise ohm he misused. Te that the Inbar saw as ebjaoNse, es the .met.mer's wants wets eapplisd, sod ear he wool. H. was leek is ti.. at the slab(•. hie messy was .shaded to ee.tr.s4, smd he tatrm a to go. Had as ! " •=elaia.d the deals. •' Yds bays (erpoata to Day fer the hits." My dear sir," was the ens! e M w biriap i• Ih. mem I he.. •' ,them Mot deiviy sly ewe berse and sari .11 day." aid he oft the astonished mem to hie rads.Msaa sake. • wl.la T. A ...lass paean :n real Ws M She fain tales .4 dent.' primeness bee rs.sntly taken pose ie • smell Oleo la Aefemwy. The a►j.lb-a IIhe named Marie C-' hose • ew_.thoavt p•mNel.g sterhed livene- d* polar arproiM-, i _MM..Mrs of eleb many quarrels ha.e lane tramembee..e meow Mem se of hi. fMere the Ors e ahoy mho sash di thatbes~ .MM Mom QII Crami_ • young since eels', hems heard the leads' r+ r ile Needs hie Amy se She wid.w d ohs ram whams* the vases euwa. Meek, be sato. was amnia m • abaciwhits M.* bar lead laver. s. The our. MMad the sap- West I ssi Day • S4, sad shall he ales, keep tome tee 1 ANN girl'. free Brew leafy pale floe I' .see say., and .he seamed ..*lots bo look d.. - when thee in Mr lover'. face, .or did she amp.ar to semi ••other weed. Ie • few meewt., however, the lever Marled to !save the room sad the Nassar find. Frew that sweeties the girl hes nm•iaed is • kind mf frames, out of which it has proved impw,ble to roues her. Mesa - while, so rune the t.1., her sweetheart hes sot returned, sad all profwio•al hypas- tut. who have been called m deviant that if the port be really byp.utsed,hte power otter bar ts tar greater thee .ay they ouuld .cert to ou ouunt.r•ct it la all other respects *be has the apposes • sacs of • person m • perfectly healthy wed atsrel deep. and the physis iias in attead- •moe dealers that her Zile .i.,..s sot appear to be is the .lightest d.ng•r. rarmeswa 1a Japan. Teo scree of land is oonud.r d • large farm to Japan, and the majority ut farms are much small'-• The eyeeem et ealNvs- tion is such h" ver, that the lead is made to produce t .s utmost capacity, sed • small Aires eouports an -average family The pomihilities "t the p•oduouon of one acre oionet Is serimated, as abundant labor and high coltian.'n is the future may aimed scything that has yell best ss..mpli• ed. soNM0.34. What does . woman think about as • getters! rule ` According to a orofound pith- orropher. to whin we 1e• • the entire re- s000sibdtty of his •tetemente. the following are the principal mental 000up•tioos of • woman .luring her ez'et..os When four years old. she things of sweets sod bonbons At seas, her doll is her sole anxiety. At thirteen, she dreams night and day of her little coa.in. At eighteen, she y..rn. for • roamer.° m•rri.t•- At tweet,- ane her thought..re engrossed by her flet baby At thirty five they are transferred to her first grey hair. Wh.o about forty, her meet.( hslsnos is sorely tried by her first wnokles, sad the die•ereshie per.prouv* they .hem up At fifty .he befit. to think of the past Ana later on .he turn. her sttent,nn to the future pree.eets of her grandchildren, Jaen law @mmr. " I am glad," he std pleasantly-, •• that you have taken up this • New W'omen' "Really'" she asked doubtfully. '•I wee afraid you wouldn't like it, but It does seem u tf • women ocelot to take • more Important par in the effete' of life.- " 1 ea indeed,'. be replied. " It will take her mind off her clothes, and that will he • great stride forward She will care Iwo fer app.sr•oose and more for the re- alities of life " "• Of ooaree, .he said proudly. " With our enlarged sphere of ueefuloese we oa•nr ally take • brooder view of thing, and bo- oome more self-reliant. Trifles cease to anon. m.-' " Exactly," he returned. " Now, if yen were not • ' New Women you would be dreadfully mortified to think that your bat was not nn .t night, but being •-" •• John she cried, " 1 most look like s fright. " glut on ■is aawnda. la a certain hotel in New York therein. • Scottish night watchman, whose only f It was • ooneumtog partiality for • little The old Soot did not t.k• kindly to • • vnsm that moored him to go through the hotel at certain hours to touch .n electric button in venous oleo's : and in order to evade tt he fixed up an automatic arrange- moat.eflosh so hs tiled the m that he sot fid of 1), and finally • pedometer was 'twee thsold Soot to Darty on hu nightly rounds This pedometer was intended to register every step taken by the wetohmss in his usual nom ureal progression. All went well •he first two afehts, but on the mooing billowier the third night the old Soot was missing. Search was med., and be was found sound asleep to the engine -room, and it was further di•oovered that he bad iogeo,wsly attached f8e pedometer to the eosins'• pis- ton rod, se that .t every stroke it registered • step_ According to the pedometer the old Soot had travelled 212 miles Reeds tawef. An •mu•iag story is told of as Fogtlsh officer who determined to ester Chimes Tioet�S stratagem. He managed to arms the (realise at night, .ad .o .soaped the sward. 0. the following day, however, while the officer was journeying dower WM Tibet, the Tibe4a soldiers overtook him aced la - Firmed him that as the .e.atry was abatis bemuse of robber., they would go with him i. order M protest ►la, to while sr t.ngamoat the traveller war e.epell.d to Aegarr.aa Ie •• few bourn they same to a river, w►ioe was aroma by • revs brides. The Tibetans paned reef int, is order M show that the bridge was sale, std thea Ms smear get lata the sew and wen palled slow by the others. Suddenly. however, they missed Dallis', sod left the lisiplieb- ata baagisg to mid-air ahem. the reedisp tae.(. le ..la be .b..ttd to the Tibn.sa be pall. They merely amoak.d .Aid sodded Their heads. The enure pose.& sad Mill the .mow bey above the leges. At lest She soldiery Wad be pee him bee& if he would Isere Tibet immedkabely. This, of swarm, be was owpallad to ds, rad took h is departure from She forbidden lased. A BROKEN DOWN LUMBERMAN. !.ell a rtwesaMl. M Wass*, • r/7.•eet Wreak -114W Peelers' .tilt. bet Osied 3. 3M Awa"w Pr..M.td by sere... debility Mr. R Errset, Mahn m.ri8a.t .d mill area, of Merrtskvi•I.. Oat, woe hand to wtthdww tram she asdvNia el halwsea iie sew : i tried .ve►ylhIsr lm the w.y of destine' S kill Dad p.geisessy mdhhsm, het esibl a loaned ms. I wee Inlltamd M urs Sinai A.Nfka. N.rvims, raid 1 me truthfully my then i bad tan labia hall • beak Were i heed baaieiel .bets. Asa toads of ..► edbatiks I Bid milysid sirens mad wash, wady ler say alaseasthusisses.wharo Wars my san..e system was se .adnr- maw& that I used suss*} ales my aria awns wteb a pa as pato' i ay, .•aly tad me a *Mb el OdMY• w Ode a derfial Bald hy J, a Rads. A wo.'1-htNwi et►Mmloem date marl by V Id • em • gnat h1 .M.MMIy pd.l.a load +eb+Yq Is hie absinth COMMENTS. re rat .feasts. A pbvesot•a points oat thee fat people endure most rinds of Masan slant hatter dna ►ale p.-ple,bec•uo. 1bey have u .aka amass% et seteimeat stewed away ta their Dames to sappers these durtag Use .rasa/ Moreover. there are meet, other assmola- Neas Ise persona of •b tMdasf girth. Thiry are Rs..raily opunnets by . Mre,g.sml sad Mir companies., whams society to salver sally preferred to that of people with saga - leg homes sad dispositions. /wed .f wager Cleemltasss is owe of ib. footers of J.p- •mess eivibsatiea, The poorest serosa bathe. ewe. • day, slimy twice. Tho are over 800 yobbo bathe in the sty of Tokio, and It is e.um'.tmd that over 300,000 persona peeresses teem daily .t the !Dost of one rem three rio per head -.bout owe fsrthisp. / reduction of three rtes i. made ter obtldreo. to addiu.a to thee, .very pnvate house has its own bath ..vein. In villages which .re not provided watt either 8.thtntt est.bl»hmeots or private bath -rooms, the people take their tube out of doors and bathe before their own hooses. Akre IS. yes. Lisa. The pottery tree of Brasil, among the most noteworthy M vegetable product•, ternn a height of ooe hundred feet, and halt • slender trunk. The wood is ezo..d,nely hard and contains a large amount of ethos, but not .o much as doss the bark, which is largely employed se • source of silioe for the manufacture of pottery. in prsp•now the bark for the potter's use it is Ent of all burned, and the residee is then pulesnted and mtzed with clay in the proper proportion With an equal (loan try of the two • •upertnr quality of earth ware is produ. ed This is very durabl.,and is oap•ble of withstanding any &menet of heat. It is employal by the natives for •11 kinds of ouliosry parpo.a. A Blakey Ibretlwes 5. ttlstseee • Ip. D. The Bishop of Norwich. who was vicar Lf Leeds from 1857 to 1859, has declined to accept the degree of Doctor of Divinity, which wee offered to him by • famous ow. vertu v, on the ground that the money re- .iuired to pas the owe.•ary fees (v:z., t�i.50a might be put to better nes In his dive...'. which ooctaiw more thatt • thousand ohurohes, some of them very poor. A gene r.,us fneod thereupon offered the Ri.hop 2500 to pay the feet ; but lots lordship .1.0 recused tine, with the reyus.t that the money should be spent in some more useful way for the good nt the church. Such die regard of earthly h..nor on the part of pre Ives to the church is se rare as tt is nom mendable. -Leeds Mercury. Welthu. Ooe of the heaviest men in the world is • t suedt.n, Iwo Whitton, who weigt» no less lien 715 pounds. His tremendous growth is not se •pperect abide be Notated tag, but when he re sitting it is perfectly startling. Leo's measurements are • Height, 5ft. 10 in.; seek. 26 in.; bicep., 28 in.; chest. 6 It. went 7 ft.; thigh 40 le, and o•1t 28 tn. He "tome. of • stock noted for putting on ftsah but in this respect he far •:cele them all. He was bore In Northumberland Conroy, Out., of Regime parents. Up to the Ails of twenty one years this heavy individual worked on the farm at how. H. then west tato business as • butcher at Snob - ton, Ont., which he personally attended to ap to within three years .go. Another be.yy individwl ter his age is Leonead Blum. c.f Miaow, who weigh. 502 pound.. What :s more ren.erksble is that cycling .kes not ie...oed t.ut increased his weight, as when he comm. cited to ride he only weighed 475 pound. H s egg is 22. A bioyole was made spewed. for h n. Belli rens by flee 1111ten. During the last year 400,000 new (lutil pew were supplied for the t.overun.eut sertrtos, and 60,000 were re -cu'. This is excisions of the 000traota for the Indies Government, which sometimes orders • million et a time, and hes been supplied with 2,291,000 is the pours. of • single y ear. Quills are also needed is unman* num bens for toothpicks, wbipm•king, fishing tackle. camel -hair brushes, etc„ sad the Admiralty employ quill berrso as tubes for powder foe ie artillery. Million of the Mothers ars also required for the ever - promise shatt0000k. To man there demands quills are ob- tained tram gone, t.rk.ys, trews, and swami. Gees nude age mostly imported from Rads i• ooaatrn ..seta d trout seventy se eighty bales, .garsgmtiag a total of 6,00C,000 quills. Swam quills are the largest sad very der, able, bas the bot of all for pew are obtain- ed from a particular breed of gees felted is the 31.dssm's ilay territory. Quids from the ewes w the dearest, fetching so nook as £4 pa 100, while the beat goons quill. most len them £1. SARONY WAS A CANADIAN. yle tame.. Row Tb's Pl5Mgr.ph eV s at mW. Cewdsaed M the as... Now Vark, N... 12 -The hoard aer.ioee Ivor she amass of the labs Napoleon Saes.}. the artist. were held yen•rd.y i■ the Church of St. Imo.. They were deeded by Re. Father Dopy. M•ay ,nen di fi.gai.h.d m art, libsnt.re .ad seems IMO i..tte.d•.es. It is believed that Sarimy's sadden pa.- dogaway was des topeculate of the brain gamey bad key bee. • eswspis.. mgr. is the msteop.lis, and i. YL crepe me.• d art ons bad se osmpeMtm. we. .avid oval him. He hams his e.r..r es • IS•gp pbi..rtist. awl bhp •mbitiou..ed want kept hies is the frost oak of kis prEm nes bare in Q.sb.s !m 1811, ..d Ms fatherless ...Id Br.sswisksr. after Wag i. the Yt8.g..phis badman ., es.eral yaws, odd ..S kis b.shsm i• 1068 and went le Setups to stay art AfhR- wards he task h the busiest@ a phots. p..kkag ia i noting..., ideas. whore hs natal 111. Thaw he .em. M N.w Y W ew.Ny8d b .s V r bit any Mdww and mat wile waadsti+d est- eem m�tre a the vms his�irgy7Stet Ontpw 'kIpiasl 081..Arrant.ais Massa wash Paw (,mss.the 1s.t� std MdIu*.ugb. the Fetes $..81v..38. reputation of OM .f aha grassess.hasessl ertlts sd being ._., mai h n.41..ws.t@s ams, besatit d pli Mem of allagowisal eb...she M Mt it white has draw. t hl oore mmmmafa. I. w.. tower idle, mai IrMa ha was ma •MsadMa M his pfsseM.phb work he was dintrlai nlei - „t: .lies 1 THE U8E Or LU CEYLON TEA in your house tuw.au• that you are looking niter to r interest ..f your fala- ily. It is guaranteed pure and you can gat it frau, Grocers. In Lead Packets onl3 ---25, 40, 50 and 80 cents 13- P. 7LQK A H 1)'T az 00., TOJRON TO, V1 huh -wile Moats. Millinery MISS CAMERI►N is now showing a large assortment of the latest styles ler fall and Winter Hat... All goods are of the most fashionable design and manufacture, and the prices are within the reach of all. MISS CAMERON, FALL MILLINERY. We have a large and well-chosen Stock in Hats, aim) the newest Shades of rib- bonrst Velvet, Feathers, and Fancy Wings. All are invited to come. We are pleased t0 show- goods. MISSES YATES, Tl± Square. 66 Eye - Openers " Misses' Sizes (11 to 2) Oil Tan grain leather, button or laced boot, solid leather in -sole, pegged or rivitted bottoms, only $100. Ladieb' fine Kid buttoned Boots, made on the new lasts, patent leather tips, made by The J. D King Co., only $1.50. Men's heavy No. 1 quality Granby Rubbers with heavy full shaped Sox for $1.65 per sett. " They are Money -Savers." H. B. POLLOCK. The Low Priceu Shoe House. Ye r in and Year out (THl rouigr .-1Ty at-naMF.ei AND sRo11THAND °DWI°!, Y.M.C. A, nt•notes, gives the most oraotit.l Bwi.em ass Shorthand Conroe obtainable. Course* esssiJ graded. Roes» rad equipoise' the best. Studesu assisted to profitable positions engin. Owed board, S2 50 per week. For psrtioul n of either .worse address s J. W. WESTERVELT, Prinolpal. WE INVITE STOu OUR TO CALL AND EXAMINE GASOLINE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let u to try for • week and if you are not satisfied, to foal ander no o h ligation by es to rning. m send one home for you $I will pay for "The Signal" for a year 34 1.