HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-26, Page 2E
aTtAMTtC OClt/t:-
A V.rilebl.• lira••••Jd of roraomee
Maths liwpelw.ea 1e a seaweed be-
dfast boo.. strange. tt rind Yarns of
sa1Nr Harertee•oael.le toa.drtle.e
Far out In the Atlantic Ocean. says
The New Y. rk Journal, away from the
regular tracks of ocean travel and
avoided with supertst It tour dread I.%
sailors of all nations, it a v.'t'sbi'
ocean grave yard.
There. amidst a silence never bn•ket
gave by the scream of the sea gull or
the wild shriek of the storm, rides the
Death Fleet. dreary and desolate by
day. under the burning glare o1 th
hot, nem!-tn.hlcw sun grim and spec-
tral in the silvery light of the moult.
Fleets may go. and fleets ma) .'"air
In the world of men, but this Leath
Fke-t mutes silently and gh•a•itik•• on
Hi ceaseless journey toward th.- inevit-
aide .end
}1•. e. er madly the storm King tie y
lash the waves Into fury or the taumm''r
hurricane sweep up and down the
waste of waters. the Death Fleet he• 'Is
1t not. The ships do not head to 'tai-
hewind. nor run before the tempest. Si
lenUy and weirdly they moa-.• in thea'
More weird and ghostly' than any con-
ception of Matta romancer is til- uses„
graveyard with Its F1. -et of beach
kn.,wn to geographers and seanie-n a'
the Saragossa mea. it is a ma of
death In fact as well as fancy, and 1
La In this midst of death and mien -
that nine -tenths of the derelicts w hlch
are abandoned in UI parts of the At-
lantic eventually find an end 1' fier•
wandering& and, reining the heath
Fl.r•t cruise about the seaweed sea un-
til. waterlogged and t.('akened. they
sink to the bottom of the ocean.
That peer•ular portion of the ...oar,
known as the Saragossa rtes lies in th
Atlantic. w••sl of the Azores Islands.
apPrn1Lnately in latltud.- ..-' north.
longitude 40 west. and Is In app•aranc •
unlike anything else on earth ..r sea. 1
bee just at that point In the •.'-H'
where the eastward currents tut
southward sol. half circling the rtara-
gossa Sea. move sharply se.•.tward.
The .swan here is nothing but a solid
Team tet sena%e,.1. so dense in places as
to CUPI'Ort t h. weight of a roan for :1
short Hm,•. It is he -r• that the rnai.rtty
M derelicts. eaught by ocean •'urrents.
which seem t.. centre at Its east, r
edge, finally drift. and. once aitho
the confines .1 the Pea. it is rare that
a ship ever escapes without •he aid of
steam or sail. This mans .4 s,ww..d.
Mika ID extent. is so solid 'hat even
the heaviest wear have little effect up -
co 1t. •" anything that t,.ty le. otth:n
Hs confln••s. Isolated, so far away from
the ,ordinary track of ship.. it Is sedum
vi••it.-.t except 1.y n<:carumal scientific
parties. and some of th.- reports whist
they have brought Lack read more Ilk
ti ti..n than fa. t.
Ther., are shires in all stages of
%reek. come lying on their beam end,
others turned bottom up. w hole ,'4hci
■re apparently as staunch and sen
worthy as ..r, the day they war
launched. ' Some.are partially dismal.
fled. while th.• rigging 0f all the differ
cot .-raft is in all stages of dilapida-
tion :tea gulls find a nesting pia.,
e.'.•ry-u her.. clout the abandoned eratt
They scamp,' over the surfae.• of this
strange sten, and there are ungainly
crabs and she Iltish. unlike anything In
any other hart of the globe
Several att.•n,pts have been made. by
t••nturesoemt- salvage .eskers to cal. -
lure mem.. of the craft of the T)ewth
Fleet, but owing 10 the density i.1 the
sea w.•.•.1. and in ea er•v cam - tt e,embi-
natlons of unfor,-n.*•n circumstances.
the attempt h:u' ende,l In failure. in
the majority ..f cares the wreckers coir
side•r...1 the•ms.•ite•s In kat o get awn:.
with their live. and to reach their
bomes in safety Then they told wild
tales t1 hideous monsters, with hun-
dreds of arms that reached tut in a1'
directions from al.'.ard the ahnndon••.1
craft. entwining in a grip of death the
men who had the hardihood to invade
their lairs.
Th.•v told of strange, uncanny so'urM'
at night. when through the d,erknes•
the raging of th.• storm and the flash
fog -of fife- betoninc eouM lir seen and
heard outset. the limits of th.• myster-
ious sea. white within its canflnce all
t• JI!. stl•-111 as the grave. Not even a
sail would nap against the masts. an 1
the adventurers would stand in speech-
less fear upon the leeks of their own
ships and gage in horror to. they saw
pale. greenish -blue lights 1111 about th.
de.'ks of the Ikealh Fleet. Under such
circumstances it 1s hardly to b.. won.
derwi at that the aver•age sailor re-
fused 1, continue the work of ralvag
p' eking. and was r.nly too glad to
nl,andnn the enterprise,
And yet there Is move than fan. y in
these etrwnge aallor vertu of the Sara-
gossa ilea and is Fleet of Death. Th.
hundred armed montttw,rhl h .•ntwin
od men and gradually killed them we:.
only tine of the huge cutUe or devil fish
hich aI.',,nd to that sea while th
t\elyd, greenish- blue light, which Ile')
t•...k to Ie- the form. df a ghostly crew
moving about, aas telly the phoophor-
..e.Mtt R1.'ams well known to every
r•h,"olb y 10 be cause -d by atmoepheri.
lotion on decayed w.awl. and made vis-
ible by the darkness of the night.
A record of some known derelicts and
their drittings have hem kept by 'h
e:overnment The longest one on re
c..rd Is that of the American three•-
' oastrd ..Maser Fannie E. Wolrrlor.
lumber laden. abandoned Oct. 1t. 1111
rut ,'ape Ilatterse. Two menthe later
eb, was first reporteg no a derelict
in almost the sante place where eh,
had beer. abandoned. in all eh. w-•
righted thi'ly-four times An Dec. sot
Ire,. she wee reported am being 1n
shout latitude 31 north. longitude 3
v est, having drifted more than ha f
wag turn.s the ocean and crnsed art
owe track four times in Ming •o.
She then drifted south. and on i'el.
rune! M. IgM. after baying teen ahan-
dmaid fife days, axld having drifted 752f.
seam was within a few miles sf the
plass mime she was abandoned eb.
'urge last seen in the sortlemsttra eve -
gest, mid Is behead to have felted the
pies* ^sot la the earag.aaa I
NATURE'S Wief)0 .
• Oes,ltselaa Areeanest 1. Fewer et the
Mara. of Ttalage.
Wastes ?Inkley was silting on the
15111T--61rIke-tie. T11raw,ug corn to
the pride of the bousehold and the
tope of Thanksgiving. a solitary tur-
key. says the Washington Star.
He was about to shell an ear of red
corn, when his mother called to lulm.
"Hot up der. akar Ain' yoh etit nu
reshet'k foh cis feella's o' dat bird?'
.'I ease' sayin' nuffiat' ter 'Im, mam-
Actions epuka louder'n words Yoh
woos rainier tow dal red co'n at 'Un.
Yoh nun' all/ on yob bui nese. Yuh's
been a lr'nln' noun' ter dere tnen dal
talks 'bout de fres coinage u' WmOtal-
Ibm, tell yoh therein' know what yuh's
"Dar tin' no Insult ter de tu'key In
red oo'n no Fawn dar is in yeller. Cu's's
"Meller 'lin. Ilut er lar key 'loan' like
tt. He git mad whene•blwr he sees K.
an' i dosn' want ',an fretted. case dal
Stills de meat.'
Wal' Ef dal tam' .1.• f.s.li"hret! De
Idea. oh er tu'key tu'nin up 'is nose at
Rood victuals' rase o' de •-uiur."
"Hush dat .alk Ef er tu'key had
Pewee •twould 1..• de ruination ob 'fm.
Hit am er evidence or de wisdom ob
.cure .nal h.- ain' got only,'telllgence
'nuff ter eat."
'Aeolic card hut nob ody.-
"Ua's er mistake. Hit kin be out o'
place same ex &eyeing else. 8pos'n
dat tu'key sus er onderstandin' aot-
mile. He'd go erhald an worry hiee'f
thin ••t...1 J• les -tion an' de tlanclal
question nam•• es de white folks does.
an' by do time Fankaglbbin' come er-
long dar wouldn' be nuffin' lei ob Pim,
'c,•ptin' er rack .r• bones.'
141.p-•.rl ••f
sea tire I. nlnnleghrm.
tine of the egret features under the
old management was the disposal of
the scw.ege. Hy way of remedy two
systems have found adoption. Under
one th.• health committee collects the
••Lal of house.. anal either destn.ys it
or turns It Into fertilizers. This Is
more offensive and lees sui•eesl.ful than
it might be made. but ts apparently a
n•c.•aaity until the pan system has
been abandoned. A sewage farm of
nearly 1301 acres haat been developed
several miles front the city. some 400
feet lower In elevation. The sewage.
first mixed with lime to prevent too
rapid dec.,n,.aition and to armlet In
the precipitation of the solid matter, let
passel through a series o1 depositing
tanks. during which process the mud
is removed The remainder Is dog
into the land one-third of which U
dealt with each year. the effluent being
discharged In a harmless state Into
the river Tame. Upon the other twin -
thirds ar gr•otn early- vegetables and
grain and hay for cows kept for milk
and market. The net annual cost to
the city is about E24 000.-Nove.aber
Sloe •...r the la sad.
Take a p' Ilshed metal surface of two
feet or more and with a straight
edge; a !arse- handsaw. says the St.
1: •ufs itrpuhl. will answer the pur-
pnee. Take a windy day on which to
make the experiment, paying no at-
tention to atmospheric conditions. for
such an experiment can be as suc-
cessfully made on a clear day as It
can on a cloudy one. and the- results
•.e tIl be equally gooai in summer or
winter. Th.• only thing you need to
lark out for is that you do not at-
tempt to "..-e• the wind" on a rainy
or murky day. as conditions are then
very unfavorable. When everything is
In readim-ns hold the m.-tailic surface
at right angle-. to the direction of the
wind-- i. e.. If the wind le In the north.
holt the metal east an.' west. but in-
stead of holding it vertically. incline It
about i_ degrees to the horizon. When
this has le -en done sight carefully
along the etlee of a shapely object for
some moment. and you wise see the
wind p uric- .V r In graceful curves
almost like t• o'er:
Tth. •.line -folk is St. lean. C.rawafl,1lung ON 87c. A"EEK.
neve Ask on • Saimiej, sad at tie beam.
wag of the sass they popish a esadlmse
asp' set tea presale• Ge Iles leaf esseelsa
racy deoksred ties-4h-hSlMamermWea.
twosome of 1 heir bmsday Observamse
la SootLodi ass. some et the debeemen
...ver do ..et n. A%.d.,...d believe that
11.ev hm.fit by their shssest•tie, set only
to morale. bat .1•n i. profits,
Sae all bah are not godly. In see ease
• M ,winnow anso.n.ted hes iste.•tos of ..1 -
ma's/ the deb tithe. and, by • Parham
.•ois.tde•es, the ►erring moot vatted Ibee
t,.'ri.t .Lis.
►o .11 prohah1111y the L..o.ehiw M..
Y .hertes Committee will mak. %s.dm a
noose time is the taterest• of the fob.
'team* k.e long k "oohed nu the
hese the n'd belief that the ees u w neaz-
h.u.t•l•ls treasure how.
Mamas es sSMar- ,
t:.• your O'oIhim ole.•ed or dyed
I.ak like mw at Parker. Dye Werke.
I -.ro•te. 1 hay do the flame of Werk.
are moused ani dyad well 0 donne a•
Parker. Dee Work& Lose. orders at
\limos Yates' milloaery mere. tialerioh,
Iran 00.4 no • :taw frreerever.
•' N , voles is this std Oa' A,at there !"
exclaimed • '•iMtlirf•IS" dealer to
• •.,r to as observation that the twt•Ilfo
r.lus: appeared hardly likely to repay the
trouble of owning it away. •' 'Course, it
Mit worth the $100 nr $125 • ton they rive
for it when It to mew : bet this 'ere . spas.
games 4100. •• Fre call it, though it IS all
tate and soils earl ecnpe,io valu.l le enough
for me to give $4.50. toe for it and pay my
own cartage besides.
" it ain't Dolt in pocket wither se 1 re
t...e the better since I took to de.d,n' is it,
• I've improved in health also," -la
•• Hole''
" Well, it's jest this way. Yoe are.
hen the manufacturers have had it lying
rusting in their milers for two or three
• ears or more, it .11 gets mixed up into a
P lid masa, and when we 00.00. to oar, it
away we have to hring hooks and rakes te
wet 11 00' with before we can Toad oar hate
kat• Doing this k•eks up a rare old duet,
anti, ere von se", 1 am covered with red dant
from head to foot
•• .ma 0f 'his dost gets down our
three•* sa we're workin'. and the doctor
Int ane as it was this that had dose tome
gnrsi and s"t ma up like a new mea -jot
e , yon nu'• • nail in a hied's water to iep
• in hsal'h. RV. of enures. we h• tan
help it dews with the ►ser as liberal gents
like veo, sir, always give tow Pard weskta'
It. U1... MI6 Iaeta 0111 of Vary fad
rotate to M4ao.0 w a reser et also
tteM.ae's 1110.e.., TM •'He.ltky gurw-
tlty" we Wood Deaaed.
Ther. 1s one man at least Oar whom
th. prhent hard times have nu tat -
1.•is. for he ktwwr hoe to live ••••
t. cents a week. This up to -dais
profe•a.tr of economics 1s Nov. Miles
Grant, ul Hooton, an active.- hard-
working evangelist. who dose no spars
Ltntaelf In his workand yet, Grouse
keeping strictly wIthln the tlmtI • 1 the
expenditure named. suffers neltbe,
physically nor mentally am a result 0.
lits unique system.
While at the tint glance 11 Pocula
seem impossible that a full ml ow n,
healthy bring could live well Or such
a auto per week, an examination 01
the Rev. Mr. Grants account of good
things will convince one to fl/• con-
trary. Herr 1. his Ilst of article's,
tip ny of which can be really varied
Ind .1111 keep within the fixed ttseit'
1 pound Irish .'coral
quarts dour at 's. quart
Iia unharmed bread.'
Peau. :; a quart "
fear. 1. quart
trues taeuad
1 •,,tea, 1y pound
\ea ,'truer, ty pond
Rae egg*. 1 doer,
)Silk. a quarts, at '4 cents
Trr.tblw *ofewtag M ase Mom Sates Inn*
Rh esteation -pirtotio Tear. • aaferv.r.
Dat . tired by rem amines et mete
Americas tbeematk rare.
No pen coin 4••orihe the tateeeity of suf-
fering that .0.v seene from an attar* el
rheumatism " For fifteen veers," save
Mn .lobs Ro•alnoot of i{leota. Olt., " T
have lees more or Ism troubled with rhea -
"Evian. whish took the form of mine is
my hack, often confining me to my hod. and
Tenderise me part of the amw whol'v aofit
for my duties. At times I tottered so in
tan'wly that 100aid not turn in my het.
sad the abeam w.. fart re•ohine • paint
,.here both mvself and my husband had he.
e me thnronrhly discouraged of reenvery
4 friend recommended %Oath Amerio•"
Rhenmwtic, tura, and after the fleet bottle i
wee able to alt sp..nd before four Viotti..
we-. take. I was pigs to gn shoot r wool.noes n have beis collet health vises.'
gel i by J. B. D evia.
The TnmhM-tt"eed.
Tumble -weeds spread themselves In
a wholesale fashion. Instead of send -
Ing the separate acrd,. out Into the
world with wings or hairs to carry
thein. the w hole plant breaks off near
the root. when these are ripe, and goes
rolling along the ground before the
wind. The bare. sun -scorched deserts
of the great wool produce several
tumlde- w.wis. and there are some In
the prairie region. It Is natural that
'hey should be most abundant where
there are no hills nor trees to stop
them In their course. But we have One
tumble -weed in the east --the old -
witch grass. so-called, maybe-. because
It Miles the wind like an old beldame.
in September this Tram spreads its
head. or panicle, with warlike, purple
branches. 1n every sandy field. When
the awed• are ripe the plants are blown
across, the field, often piling up in
masers along fence and hedgerows. Al
might he expected, the hair -gram.
which has no effective a way of spread-
ing itself is found throughout the
United States
Rt. Nichola&
from ocean to ocean. -
4 1.k• of %oilier mud, tam miles In sir
minimisees, exists in the related of Java.
nue► Solo Ms.•y of soft, hat mad coatis -
edit' rim, sail fall. and has mud habhles
Mire helloes'. explode with report. like
Rua*, at the rate of tire. • minute.
- AND 1.111f1 Tfd011fllLRS.
AYER/S Cormier
"Two years ago, I bad the grippe.
sad 1t lett me with • trough which gave
me so rest sight or day. My family
peptides prescribed for am..bssglag
the *.diciue as often se bs loud the
Wags I bad taken were not batptag
Total ... _ ... h:
Great savtnf may be made In roum
of the articles• as, for Instance. whet.
t.- tires' of oatmeal porridge, :he Rev.
Mr. Grant varies It with cake. of
Indian meal. a ten pound hag o: which
costs ten cents; or two cents a single
pound. Grapes may be eubstltuted fur
.,as, and prunes for dates w :thorn t 4t-
,• -using the total output. For the un-
ieavened bread all that Is nrt•es'.ary is
!tour and water.
tit course there Is quite a trick In
preparing such simple articles of die:
t' rho+'• on the Huston minister',. + -t
to such a way as to make therm palat -
alt-. This, the reverend gentleman
rays. may be easily learned, but, bet
t• r still, one can soon b.-t-t.me ac-
customed to unseasoned food.
Take for instance the unleavened
bread. which Mr. Grant make, his
prin,ipal article of diet. It is made
by the simplest process, the flour and
cold water being stirred till the cnin-
tlnatbon Is about :hies enough fo: grid-
dle cakes. 1t 1s then baked in cast-
iron gem pang. This bread is i laced
at the front of all healthful food, n
which the doctor declares he lives
web at a cost of 147 cents a week.
There are no tau things, he says.
o hick will enable on.- to accMttplier.
so much work, either mental or '.hysl-
al. as will bread and oatmeal por-
rdge, made after the lame formula
as hasty pudding. No matte. what
n.inor changes he may make In his
hill of fare, certain articles arc never
allowed to pias the Rev. Mr. (.rant r
:lps. On the prescribed Ilst there 1
her flesh, fowl, pies, cakes, tea.
...Mee, sugar. apl•s. or pepper and salt.
The Rev. Mr. Grant has made the
question of proper and evonomlca; eat-
ing a study for years. and his rules of
diet have therefore an expert valu
va this subject he lays:
"In relation to the healthy quantity
of food. 1 became satisfied that most
people ate too much. When I came re,
decide on the quantity that my sys-
tem needed, i first let my appet v de-
ride; but it soon .arurre•d to my mind
that my appetite had neither reason
nor judgment, and therefore was not
competent to direct in the matter Th.
:ate Ttr. iii•. hewn. ..f Boston gave me
a very valuable rule on this subject.
which was. to deside on the quantity
and quality of food adapted to a
healthy system. 1 found that when 1
followed that my stomach made no
more complaint about Its work than
did my eyees when seeing. Para attec
hearing. or heart or Lungs when breath
Ing- I have not had the wick headache
once in forty-five years.
'•Concerning the manner of eating 1
soon found that fast eating was I,
o-nmmon had habit. and one special
cause of Indigestion. I had been in
the habit of eating • meal In five n1
ten minutes. instead of moistening
my food with saliva I.. washed it down
with tea or coffer. My rule Is not 1c
eat a tneal In less than half an hour
but i am usually much longer. All
the food should be converted Into a
complete pulp In the mouth before 1'
enters the stomach. 1 drink nothing
when eating.
"Am to the times of eating. In my
early life i ate whenever i felt al
appetite for f.""i. which might be a
dozen times a day, i became satisfletl
that this habit would lead' to the ruin
f health. For thirty-five years 1 hay
eaten but two mush" a day. and oath
Ing between meal.. i take breakfast
at II o'clock. and dinner about 3 o'clock.
1 have no desire for food except at
these hours-
ours"As i grow older I feel younger I
ran preach every evening and three
times aunday. and feel as flesh at the
close of the day as in the morning."
Sodom Costa .fes •elp atan. fat Two
Destles et aestb ts.eelrw5 kidney
rise aemoved the aMwei.e -
T1t ae•ry M a wlegb•an
Kidney themes ciao be cored. Mr .Toho
moll, • retired forms of Wiegham. Oot ,
soon: •. For two year i suffered untold
misery. and at time ooald st walk. and
say H.n ti.R po.itios VIVO i0105es pais.
the result 0f kidney disco... Local phy-
•:oi.,.e ooulol not help me, earl i was coo-
ormally .rowing worse. 'Miele alarm.,"
faintly Ind 1riesdr geeing South Ameri-
es. Kidney Ouse advertised. i grasped .t it
-• dotes maa will 'reap .t ssyrhi,V.
R elt-lrfore half • bottle bed been taken
i -vas totally relieved of pate. and twn bet -
Gm entirely oared me " To cure kidieer
Airy.* • liquid n.4ieiue meat he taken,
•ed pan that M solvent. and ass thus di.-
sel.. the mod -like partiel.0 is the blood.
=old try J. R Davie.
e:144.t .". Looked 1111. Part,
A farmer came into the office of an
attorney at law with whom I was
studying a few years ago. says a one-
r.•apndent for the Youth'" t',.tnpaatbOn.
and In the absence of the lawyer 1in-
vited him to sit down an$ wait a few
minutes. While watt.ng the old gen-
tleman amused himself by walking
.r•.,, t i the rears ant locking at come
pletur'es of eminent jurists and states-
men whl,-h adorned the walls.
A p•rteulaely fine portrait of Mr.
Oladetnne attracted his attention, and
after regarding It for a few minutes he
Inquired "Who is this "
"That Is Mr. Gladstone."
"Iknts he live here In town'" he
"Oh. no. sir: he 1s an Englishman.
He Is Prime Minister of England."
"110." resp.nded the farmer. "i
thought he looked ilk. a clergyman."
A Qasea 1Nyar.
The mows curious use 10 which paper
le to to put Is that suggested by the
....rent patenting of a blotting paper
towel. it is a new style of tale towel.
consisting of a fun mit of heavy hire
tins taper A person upon steppiss
out of hes morning tub ham only to ar-
ray blmeelf in one at theme sults, and
in a second he wily be ea dry •s •
Th. It ...allow f elorw
Tie iampeor of Maoris Ass signed
an Imperial order decreeing that the
bolero of tbs. nalkutel sag et Romela
.ball benewfortb be alit., sew and
reed. plated i erlmontally ekesl one as-
other to the order aasd.
toy Met Mian•.
Mr. W. J. Violate,. ee lime no emeemed
alto of 8t. Peel'•, was I mea et great freak -
sea as wall as resielity.
Nagy 3•.n age there sane to St. Paul's
a yeag estate. wile osmddered blmsoli a
very bit man indeed. Heist very I.xperl-
s.oed. he ooasidered is his memos to set
everything to rights. sad hell•• with the
P,,meeisg epos peer Fielding he feud
mosey 'salts sen eugleeeee various reforms
ila•dist listened patiently, sad ,Yes in-
quired deferentially whether, 1..elermimg.
is would set be wise to heels with the
ememe.s, asd take the ether Wass is duo
exist wad degree-
•' The messes ! Indeed 1 Really Moe
is meat reefwshiy t We did set know that
w • had the lessee et mitten is Ihe Meer."
••Oki yes. we hay..'' wee elm ebHdPITw•
•• *ad pray. if i am isel5ded is the list
of bit.oe who fall seder the .._...re et the
g .tlsM of the abate, what may he the
teals yea have sedoed is me
•• Ono .111 be ism* be Maris with.
Vest readies Ghee makm the serv,ss rNlo-
5105.. Fe otuollo, coke you 116110 M
read • H. that bath ear to hear lit him
hem.' hew de yes smpposo yes give It r
•• 1 dm't limey. 1 m sera
" W tII. pee .ay. ' He that bath mho M
.►,1.t Yin yak.' De you p .
think pee
Metes to -tows without Mashie/ it nasal-
. r
The ~Me ,sorted, teamed his bed sad
wet 1'2 way
Twenty yew elapsed. end me day, as
Field's( steed es she nee• .t verb WM-
✓ , er, atter • great sat►mlag at whisk be
.ed msg. • rest', plump. kmlal .lee memo
same up said altered kis heed. F1.Mi.e did
.et rsersi.e hist, mired bus sans, sod was
still 1n the dark. earn ilia ether. slaws,
him heartily em the 0Malde r..=elsim0 -
• I35 that bask yobs to yak. let Ma
year " end berm Wee • riytsg
" •h, lir FieNku.'4 M ala. " 1 need M
desk tysoM very/4•e, bbea I a". you roe
mo • Hems that IMF whisk T w• '* t egsk
i em a .Fled teas sew, VOAa I age cos=••
*rajll a goM
d Ih4ar, mil I " 1 M .y
sal, Wow
e'ls7aV meshear t
las, hut. in spite of his attendance, i got
no Letter. F.tlally, my husband,-read-
tntt one day of a gentleman wbn had
had the grippe and was cured by taking
Ayer's Cberr• Prctorel,--proeured. tot
me. a bottle of this m.dicine, and before
I had taken half of 1t, I was cured. I
bare used the Pectoral for my children
and in my f.mil', whenever we have
nerd v1 it, and have found it a specific
for ••old.. e.oegbs, and tun_ troublea."-
EMIt.Y Wool). North 8t., Elkton, Md.
Ai..-;'; C xy Pectoral
Nlghc 'Meson at World's Fair.
ULM= ikt t o s $arutpwila
always on hand.
N ere not .w.l..t How D•e Ib.
There are all kinds of ways for say
Ing "How d'y do"'"' A Frenchman
when he sees a friend Doming hastens
forward with his hand stretched in
and says. "How du you carry your-
s.lf" The Italian greets an acquaint
anoe with, "Hoe do you stand'" and
.he Herman asks In hie hearty way
'How do you find yourself?' it I.
quite proper that the Ibtryptian. who
lives In a hot country, should greet his
friends with. "'How do you perspire'"
While the Chinaman, thinking of bit
dinner. says to hie Mend anxiously.
"How is your stomach' Have you
eaten your rice'" The Poles say.
'How do you have roamer"' The
Rusetana. "How do you live oa?' anti
the Dutch, "Hnw do you fare?" The
Persian baa one M the pleseante.t
all greetings. He says to Ms Mend.
Hey thy shadow never grow less
And you and your friends ay, "Mow
are you' I'm glad to ase yea"
The rinufal tl.rvaat.
1M.rter I.ddre.Mns lel. iAmh seta-
..rataM)-"Terrence. I'm galas tate the
newastry to stay at my mother's Mass.
if ori i,.Mey ea1N 5511 him that, ill
be book M 'lleostksi.."
TevewM "Regnrrs, T will• amyl Aad
(ono, a penes) what will T be alter
stain' to him W M dis.w't esti wort
The • est and only Scranton Coal in
this market.
SOFT and
- COA.L -
always on hand.
Ail ('oaI weighed on the market
scales, .o that you are sure of good
meaan re.
isnot. LEE.
or Harbor Q••y.
uv111& S8..'..
The Signal
055 Aim 05110 sNes5.. M Its
JMP&i•tisg an taw
ostsid► thageamps
ad���'°� .a.s.Nus el all Atoms l
Frits is .• permed el this assesses
meet may
sennelliikig yea may
be ha mod of,
suggest si
is please
1i�saiiss we mli-
tte yoar dent
tbst our snorts "r peas. will sot with
ahs apprt.val of oar votress
rf Ott
This useful alae is kept in the
of i•hies mune as eller
Ilk trtwo. %trad.*
are not so generally used, they
an important plum in oommercia
oorrespon lenoe, • See what we've
Rot under the above heads.
Letter :Madre
In this line we have a very Lary
stoop of fine writing papers suit
able for every clads of business
rlire.ented in this locality, mom
prising laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, aa may be required.
ISA% %:tae.*
if the " pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
or account paper would not be
so great i but there are some men
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at pretreat our stock is mom
plate in this line with four Mass.
Good paper and neat ruling.
iNtoxeme is
Both single and double dollars
and Dents columns. They Dome
cheaper than bill beads, and are
the proper thing to send after
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
P•a•I Ie (Taal -•:coot 5TAT1vYf
Sea 11.1,1. McMartin. V iteashme e•,
Oat., owes that a.etaaes'. "looffosy Owe" wwi
ba .f Patti. .-4 .1404. rrwM.ad war ado of hrlady
•r .,....
asst._ 1'h) salami •.id tier, age ailiiii/2/6
• ever .teomin• il..w d her Wgat Selo
Meted bar, hit 10.4., Mut 1..alktag ,raead lig
Its Moods how Ryekmsn'e " a
oeirwer rause suss
W iris vas Imo ase aware to, i 14 1M
are J. W. Sermon Corley. MoganPet•.
senses nr•roiu1T eF • gammen
Levis wenn da. •••n old, ..5., sSawa4 .y
IMsr sloes her hnh, has Icon votive{) owed .d
bar g«rab quem hunt up to Rrrkm.e% "gwemee
Omte ''lis sows teen se, g$ en ie • were em.►
eases meds by bat siesart min.. George white, lily
ebbs.. 11.. isweb.. on., dated July a, 1M
04..e J. r. amok, 0.try 1•sM1e.
a teluPIIATrba 01sTrauxn -- SWIPES
OVATa1r0IT Magi&
o+'tan S. Pomona. t3 Oaribe.rigb at.. ? resect
amt., .JM • esserileat:.. •r amen tone ab1
aurins .war W«r lomat* nun
est eareeal `torted a .etht. lou W appgillo
and nee • •.,seems� 0404 eau Nes li.doevs are sow te •
kms maatlse . W apprtet• goat, ekes ear
wesapue. eared ; all tin ... dos
e 5r
f•1•1 Ow.' He ambos omni
.Ids 1M laws lessee J w figs...
1IE �ET�
Pump & Fannias Pill amus
ISO? Dara*TMalWT 1
• large meek of very eh.ioe Peseta. mass -
tees end front selected Meskoka gaanetrd
pine with hearts .5t mt. •
These Pi.sp. are .ion sfeetorod 1. a number
Of WWI to Mt everybody sod every p1.es
Very may worming elvi p• for deepyordewalla
6aeemetec & 21 pompe for sobeel-
r'whre fee epea►teg feeds,
weebtar nowise @stases. eta
1�Ms glues is slew wtor
Irma was • dtwaaes tram remrp.
wed llplwg: ween. Mw sereskelm-
Ipso •
- Drdeep Iwo:
fid tf a st !wad jmf� .- antis.
dorsi screws WMaa/ MUT.
A:347=1:"56s fief' Co
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelope•, and to
keep up with the demand or
them we keep a large stock o
hand. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prions will range hum 75c. to
12.00 pee -21l, We handle corn
mercial anti legal sites excluair-elt.
has already Area. partially seism
orated in some of the heads above.
There i•, however, a vast an'oon
of work under thin head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tug
' hvittataO%i %
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require 000siderable taste in melee
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
mock the very latest and hest
samples to be had. Call and ee
Y r °gr aaat,s
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but nest to the most elegact
with oord and pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the differ
est kinds of work we turn oat,
but especially in thia, and 1. eep
in stock plain and fancy paper
suitable for all requirements.
C ar d►s arid► 'tAA IAS
Thio head sows a iliqpimp
work, Irma s bread er milklos
to a neat oellirg card, Viii an or-
dinary *Indelible! isioa ticket lea tasty
baroness card or a haluiruesb
printed membership ticket.
4 osttr
Our facilities for tarring out this
oleos of work are evidenced by abs
fact that the great balk of it is
done by as. This line also is
which our three fa.t-raoasfg lob
proses are able to tarn out in
surprisingly short time.
t Oi\t ?, \1
belong to the poster departmeet
also, and we make a specialty el
them -promptness being our .Mt
in this respect A notice of sale
will appear in Tau HI s•L free of
charge when bills for sante are Rot
Rasa►% Oj W or1L
eco� siahiya
can be�
lo an expeditious and szll 1
aaetawle sod
Our 'Vv utas N11%%.‘ NAL jOW.114
tear% r tasoicatike.
W. trutesti awe limbo low plat by
ere. and seillid i duaiaarua of th'
'eWT. 11.1 CaliVIA,
POS_. lig=e.