HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-26, Page 1ITSII 811t1T
.... to THE BEV'
t LJIi
Foe Us. Yee&
Dimwit Bebe of 8tov. • W.rs.0 ! Co.
(ieaerel BM000t WNLed-MR L. K.
Yowl and �1 Bettor -ti E
Next Saturday -les 't .tee .
Fuc Friday sad Sat erday - J. T. Aar...
K..lteht Soap-Le.ar Bros
Keep Y Kyo Ope.-The Fair 6
Patiolana►-W Stutters 1
Nothing Like Il -F. N Denies= . - . 6
(creat Di•.e°at Sale- Humber It Se.. 8
Victoria Opera Howe- A K. Ferre... 1
Stray holm -E Mitchell
lialitenlOtb-Mrs. Walsh 5
('utters at Wholesale Prices- -Ga.dry'a
Awaken Rooms 4
H•rpi.e, Bergai.•-H B. Pollock 8
lleeriest 8.l. -T l.odes. seeigsee4
W.HCRON FARMERS INST. 1. b;y .04' .c .moi NEAPS OF THE DISTRICT. 1 ( .b -to Y;; . Lbw. OVER THE HURON TRACT.
plai»ng god I y prayer
A Capital Msetlnt At Klntalt
8I There was •
4 Progreso
P'ublle Nonan
PaNM [sows i. hereby glym that • ttse.tleg
ret the =sobers of Count Cosset! le N.
1. compo -ed of the mo.�Ip.Itfss of Asblald,
odiborae ..'d t►od.•rich Town will he held !a
the Agricultural Hall. Du.pano•. ea Mon-
day. December 21.1 IMO at the hour or owe
o'e.vck, r is.. for he purpose of uomineUe
candidates to mermen, them In the Comte.
t'etmcil of the County o' Hume for the years
iso; and I(e0. •red that 1. tam • poll le de
mended and allowed in the u.aener by law
prescribed. such polls will be opined oo the
Ith day of .1 nuar.. INC. lc each of the polling
writs -is -one at the time nod Uwe flied by
by law of the municipalities in the said ort.uly
(rated Net. Tied. MMMT.
2742 No•ni.a.tnr .'Mow.
supplies Ilea drnimed wt1 receive traders for
1Wup noes m
MONDAY. NOVEY88t:R 39TH. trite
• For the supple of butchers' meat. butter. flair
and creamery. ri. tea price for each. floor.oa
nisei. potatoes cord wend err , for the tollow
i institutions denim the year ISL. vit. •
At the h�,i.yl.m for the Mame la forest..
Lomita. ICfnpptto.. H•mlltee. Mlmloo. Rrocs-
r .Ile and Oreille : the Central Prison and Mer.
.•' Ref• ,mato,,, Toronto: the Reformatory
rot Hoye, Pe•.et•ai/ui.hene; the Iwetitutio.s
f.'r the Deaf sad Plumb. Belleville• awl the
8811111 a Westford.
Two rea6.-1-nt *ureters will be required for
the doe 'ointment of each centime..
dpw•lfostio.. •ad forms of tender mea cooly
be heti by making•ppiicuion tothe berme of
the respect l . e i•et it uttoa..
S. B - Tendere are not required fur the .ap-
ply of meat to the A.ylom• 1• Toronto. ion.
doe. Kington. Hamilton and Mimero, nor to
,!,e t'enti•i Prison and Mercer keteratory,
The lowest or an) wieder not necessarily se -
ieep.•,-tore of It len• s ant Pob le (Tarlties.
Parl..m•ot Winding.. Toros to. Nov. Nth.
Ire. i.: -!t
Legal Bales.
Under and p.lsa•at to • power of sale oon-
'..11ed in • certain mortgage. bearta/ date the
.th dey of January. 1tlt, and which will he
pronnred at the time or sale. there wi11 be sold
public • uetton at DEI.RNOY Hetet. 1s the
'. :law.' of Por Allier,. Is the County of
Iluron. by J..hei Nem. •.,dowser. o0
TH1'RtWAY. the 17th da; of DECRMR2R.
les 1. et 1 olden* le the after•onn.
the • eitaifelag IMwecr valuable
e o f less. Ensile I,•
Lot No. 3 heaths( ea I ake Hare.. sod North
of the tows plot nservetlen is W Tow.aiy
sf Aah4sM. Wooten lyrl•loa In the Cy.Np
of Hume..xe.s.ther therefrom • let tl1 the
.arth-east otrner, 000talda/ by meo*.rsme.t
53 acres, mace or lees.esd herons • frontage of
1e challis more or lees. ea the Ehcardfne
Gravel Reed.
The shore property is situated about It
mise. from for town of Rod rich, •sol is Ig a
Mod sect lop of lir gantry. The toll 1• •
good cry and clef loam There are about
three sere' of trod orchard ie good modifies.
Upon the proserty then b • good cum"rate
hone with titehee =tanhood 15116.
The tomes. which are rail and board. are In
nret-'1••• coalition.
The amyl, property w111 be sold engleot to •
reservp4 bid,
pure and Cementite r. - Teta per V
the purchase mosso down = the Dale
sad the balance h 311 days .her.efgr
For further pargkode s agi fH(Os w�4
Dated t .r use • sect
day of Novembar. A.D. 1�t.
JOHN KNOX, Verden'
AoMhams& NS
1. BRTY,
1 -oder and by virtues et the power d tale
costumed Is aescudo martesee wade M the
t"rodon. bearing date the 10th dey of Jan'
vary. 1111l. •d which will be "reduced at the
time of sale. there w111 be sokI by Nbilo see•
(accent DELONQ4' Hotel. la the TI of
Peer Albert, t° the cost of Floras. by Jobs
Rsoz, aegtio.eer, es THURSDAT. the NY
ter of DSCRMBtft. Ila. = 11 'Moak. sees.
the toiletries tows sreptety .amsly : The
Routh ball of Lot .gusher 15 is the Lake
Rage CMeenrias, morels of the tows DIM 1n
the towtshlp et Aehg•td h the eemty .f
Aaron, eoat.Mlag 1N7 sores of land. more or
The above le • ant -clam farm. The troll 1.
• hoed clay .d loess.
Three M a wire fence b Mss sad the rest et
8. Ppwseft teased.
shoot sae mile
"""' teased -
._T" asd Illerty tsiutilee.�from Ooderiol . and
Is yolk. tress R11My.
TERMN :-Ten per rent. dews at the time
of eel* see the b.l•ae. l• 10 dors witbM
hFt further partleeknee apply N the s!tiF
newer. or te
VendWed tide nth dey of November. beIMS ttsre.
JOHN KNOX. asstb..ar.
Nsla tondos will be renalved.addruo.4 M
M. (' cannons. 1.q.. J. armor. set later than
hero meek m. es the Itlb day of DIIIL'EM-
RRR. A. D 145, (Int the Firehouse of the fel-
'iss loads and premium Lt' Ten
southerly t sum soiree M' let Mole
beth In the Wirth *..wjemt-e of the toy,
aero •••••Meed eore1pederiek iwog w Is the girt
Is'sti ed tarn
- tast*d wttb-
There I. utsatd es the farm • trees. dwelt -
:a Freese bars
how, 1 >thcM : • ham Mrs s
TM7beYe ` • a arm es the Mmes ger
mese awl the Mgunn. la Rv. e�sal assist
oa I Ir
CAMS1tOIt. M01.*'li�lgii
"NH eeromher, Ma, ISM
rise estead.aee •d • heed
wee rrevlded - nesse ad-
dreeees Were noes es in herb
Lvehed tslusr ...
'rIIE first supplementary meeting of
tail West Harem Farmers' l.etit.1, was held
its Kiet.i Friday last, oomm.couag at 1:30
r. M , President Bulgy, of Woo Wwaeoa,
hi the *herr. la opening the meeting the
president mod It was nearly three year
.tow the last &meeting of the W. 11.1. wee
held 1° Kintul, end if the ewe tetereetw..
taken i. Iles meeting as m that, It was
bound to be • sumer. J. T. Garrow, Q
M.PI'. tor West Huron, was to have bees
present to address the formers os • very Im•
portant .ubjeo*, but was unable to attea•I
o• .000n.t of oiroumet.aoee over which he
had no control , Peter McKenzie was .Ise
called away and could not be pre.eot, also
I) Mctallto.ddy was unable to attend, but
these gentlemen would he held to reserve
for some other 'mount,.
The president thea celled upon A. MoD.
Allan, of (.oderioh, whose subject was the
Picking sod Sbippiwg ot Fruit. He divided
the first port et hs .object into three parte:
1. What to Pick : 2, When ta P:ok : 3,
How to Piok. The subject was very taw -
astute and much needed 1'be wooed part
of the .uhjeat was Shipping Fruit. The
speaker believed the old •,.tem of .hipping
bould be ab."a'rr•.d He said the proper
t ay to .hip M s..0 bun,. that would hold
s. • signed h.e museum le teem • 'bee M the
eeatias ea sad after Thursday. Nov. S. to meet
all rakes. livery effort will be made to give
coot to my pauses Orders
Mi •� No. 51. Jr/NATHAN
tgtuatiOna % aught.
s.Mt. Ashy M MULL. E. DANCES',
EL and Ib years of age,(* learn the printing
b..+...s. *poly at this WAce,
The Council of the Corporation of the
county ot Huron will inset in the Council
Cbember in tb. Tune of lledererh. no the deet
Wedoeeday of Issaemb.r newt.= 3 *clock r.tt.
W. LANK. Co. Chert.
Dated Nev. H. IN liS tt
",�'HOR1's. AND FEED hL()UR - A
►7 limited quantity of hurts. said feed eon,
for este cheap at Ofilvice d: Hutchison's mill
at the harbor.
.lepton rural ure ('o Ltd., (Joderich,
ELM. Pliti$W(N►D. Ars1.
Their wei eremos are open to the public.
1aU sad see their sew designs. 71-Iy
'Strayed Animals.
o tram Wewtn.ah, on the 7th November. i
• teen. 3 years old. two of which are meet-
cys. Ow of the m.oloys le white and me h
rd • id white, and the others are •Iso reddish
white. They are all breaded on the hi with
an U. Apply to HUGH MOREi•AND,
NII$ P.O. Mit
of Emanuel Mttobell, los 12. eon. I. East -
en Division of Colborne, oe Pride; 23th Nov.
1H. two oohs. 1 rice 3 mad 1 Heim; 2=
old. Both aminal .re boys with white
The oweer can have tete colts ti��tgofs�pro
forty end ming expanses. 111 IWITCHE T.
00a 11l•r P.O. 27 4
Tones la1 Artist
e Ha sod cold baths es premises. Our
fo.,.l°g.•kampo= stud every ether require -
meat carefully 40 � some but oom-
ppeettee.st haat• emper , WUU.a•' old Na°d.
McLean'. new Monk. nen door to Beltls8IX x-
obasgs Hotel. 041
Teacher Wanted. --
1 t, Colborne. Apply. uangos-
tl.°.. to the esoretary. D. LSA Uat
For Sala
i1 H. .eta stove with hM .w�e.� fts
. hashed. mores Wogs M meow
.t tM R.at of
Aggty M CRAO�ML 0SER. 1a •H .set
arc to. wad aeeZIRT r«iso ow
am M
Opera Hausa
let romtsd ter mon parties d II the eons -
asessimedatiss. A.
II q-im �
Want d-
1R pJ[110.
I take this .mermen, - le Worm the
nI am MIH in bednerli
ow, sus the *.every. of work Is ray}Sin
old tome
illi"" yMemm�d ur=I Lteruire:
jy at beYMg .eatmtal. snob se
sad lustier • ismalstr.
Odnta.V0v 14 1
1. MUM
fraud cared o° h a esttin
both coeds of the barrel, an say second
clans trust m the middle, owing buyers
be susproroas He recommended farmers
ship their own apples, thus envie/
middleman • profit. for m tames se dew
we heirs, we require all there is them to
make them pay !tarter his dsesures vers
were manly o• 'sows put relative to the
fruit id.etr, 11 of which were very •ette-
t•storily W .red, ae the (armee lound a
man who underwtood his subject and the
fruit problem generally.
Mr Heats*, of tladerieb, tort addressed
the nowise on The Farmer'. Soo. His dse-
muree Mewed that he had Rivet the sob•
jeer • resat deal of thought and wag at-
tootively listened to.
At the close of the address • gaieties
•rout as to whether the paper was ons that
should Dome hetet. the Farmers' Iostitui.
m*etim/, the Preside/4 ruling that we could
discus. the taper but as retard. taking •
vote of the Institute upon the =beam set
forth In the paper tt mould not be dote, but
as Mr Heaton hd given his paper • great
deal of thought and wished to speak at the
Dungannon meeting he would leave that
with the meeting.
It war moved, s.00nded sad carried that
Mr. Heaton have the privilege of reading
his paper on the saute sub!ect at Dungannon
in January.
This closed the aftsr000n seeeion.
a et
so P'r'om our own Oorr 'upend eats
as there la leferaasu.. Mere That Cannot be
Mad •eywbere alae -Rewe of t►*
elessep eeeatatlrIteper•ed
M The 5* nal.
5y1YIS.. .Ia&TI'...
The meeting opened with music on the
violi. and the following program : Speech
from the president, .eoogr•tul•ting Kintail
on the sucoem of itg meetings, song by
Morgan Dalton, song by Miss MoMuroby,
(tad • speech by A. MuD. Allan. The
speaker said be wondered from what be had
seen that this section should contribute
any to the 300 lawyers starving in Toronto,
and thought that the parents should give
the children an interest in the home, es
incentive to beautifying and making tom
pleasant. He also thought that echo*
trustee. ought to rive • prize to the bee
collection of dowers kept by the scholars.
The address was followed by • song by M
Wallace, music on violin•, sing by Mr
Molnnt., " Never push • mac when h.'
ening down the hill." and • speech by R. i)
Cameron. He was happy to meet the reel
dente of Kistail at their Farmers' lastitata
meeting for the first time, aDJ was surprised
at the rapid strides the Institute was mak
ing, more than doubling its membership end
meeting Lbs last year. Ha set forth the
heoe6t ot having a public library for the
benefit of the young people of the rural
district. Then came • selection of music,
the question drawer, answered by A. McD.
Allan. song by Wm. i )' l..nghlrn, 'Desch by
Mr. Heaton, •kowinv some of the reamed
why the form.-'• son leaves the farm, and
proposing • scheme by which the Federal
Government would loan money for the par.
Doss of colonizing Ontario farmers' sons.
Moved by Mr. Adams, seconded by .1.
Lane. that the minutes of this meeting be
print.'1 in the 1.uckoow Sentinel, (:rwlerich
Signal and Th. Star .1 N. McKenzie
movnd,seonnd.d by NI. Dalton, that • vote of
thanks be tendered 'he speakers of the day
and evening.
Meeting .load by all joining in fringing
God Says the Queen.
MoNuAY, Nov. 23.
Uo Thursday the Ioug•talkd•ofehlotta/
tu•tob cam. off, Mutland tea. vs. let ..d
Zed mooseciose Peter Fisher Wag ca tem
t Ithe Marled teem and W.1Ftgh. of the
other. After • good dye' sport the port
were wanted, when It woe lege that the
Maitlesd squad bud stored 12,560 poi.t•.utd
the 1st and god 4,500. As the terms of the
contest were that the lowing aids should
provide au oyster supper. both teams sat
down that evening to • meet eojoy•We
spread at Pframer'• hotel.
Trumpet', Nov. 24
Welter Haggis was home for • few days
last week.
Will M•eCslly was borne at Kiaburo for a
few days last week.
The children of the Methodist Sabbath
school .re practicing for their Christmas
Rev. W. Quad., of Belerays, gave a very
interesting address .bout the Bible Society
last Tuesday eveeisg.and on Friday eves -
Ina Rev. Dr. Moffat, secretary of the Tract
Som.ty gave ss address..
Modest, Nov. 16.
Mrs. lien. Galtre none of the beat-knowe
reetde.t•.f this vicinity, died on Nov. 11,
an in the 82nd year of her age. During her
• last illness Mrs. P. Austin, to whom de -
1 cored was greatly attached, looked after
t her waste, so that nothing was wonting to
make bur last days peaoeiul. Mrs. Utilizes'
who had bees a - ' some two years was
much ropeeted, t made many fried•
• during her 45 years' residence in Ashfield
sty her kindly ways. The deceased lady
had •ocumulat d • otos sum by her own
efforts.she having been • very industrious
lied clever women. A brother, Tho. Gar -
forth, of Eovlad, was seat for, and ar-
rived in Ashfield ju.t one week before hie
relative died.
It 1. a nee seeress,,. Ia.1d. and Owa-
Open rise M.1•ew..
At last the building that has been much
talked about s recouped, and from tomor-
row its baetoees will be ooeducted therein.
Aa the edifies s • credit to 8.deriob and the
corporation whose business will be trans-
acted therein, it seem. 6t that we should
draw public attention to the noble struc-
ture. Of course• there may be those who
have not sem l it in moans of er.otiom, and
will, therefore, see it for the first time in iia
finished form, and as ,sob may want le
know how to find it,we °t•y my that after
reanhiag Goderiob Proceed to the Sgo•n,
walk mos around it, and select the prettiest
sad meet quaintly -constructed building. for
that is the Bank of t'omtnwers.
The eye of the visitor will be .oetraok with
the outward appearance that he will be
1oroed to enter and make • depesit. As
w000 as his bailie*.s is traesseted be will
viscerally ask home official shout Hsi
size, the mabrial,and the builders. Should
ern m•a•per be present he will 1.11 him
that the °Rae ceiling i. 16 lest high, that
the building ha. • treaters m the Square
at 33 ft and 55 on . Whoreeat: that the solid
mahogany desk .. widish he places his hills
was furnished by the Oederio8 Ora.. Ca.,
and that the wire morose along he edge and
that around the teller's sage was sod•
the Donnie Wire tete Irma Co., Unlink
Then, herbed had bis atteeti . drawn le
the be.-.dw..s ISMM, the variegated rile
lacer w whit& he sh ode, sod ail flasks
. d table very wevenieatly
for Gatemen nae, he will t.. Set ed
the menage?' roar* where he will be sheer.
.d by the sparking bless from an old
fashioned Old Country grab. While se-
joyiay the briebesess that premeds from
the blazing e.al,he may Imam that there are
woollens (dirks •p•rtm..N ever the bask,
that the building is bested by • oembhie-
tlos system of hoe water ad bet air, sed
that the masslvi .sol solidly o•aalramtod
vault could heist the deeds .d valuables of
all the heak'm ouMomgrs. Bdag teterested
hi the details be has heard he will west to
take soother leek at the outside. sad as he
.a.mrrma he will remark, troll. •111 the Mae
Swish and the be•.Ufel natural wood io-
dic Wes a pity the town can't neve IMO
essIgbdy polo away. se It Mode M the
.Moet. Ravine meted that W is red
premed, that ate wi.dewm are emmi-(iet8ie
and that the whole is well fined, he will
go beam and remmaat to the 4.1417 min,
what he .w is O.derieh. The m..trsmssss
ter the were Bam&es-- t Rhyme
J.mtasaa doing the bgim&werk, and
the .sahlt.rN Smith t Bird, el
Hoeferth : Same peep, would .ell Erol,
swab fee Sham ease as/ the buyer would
smite • mighty per brrptsie eels .t that
prise A women is tetra minimise • Meese
sad war as task N bathe sod mmmms.d
te Erma It she bound than N wen Seed with
•pldhe- Apples are est worth am* by she
horrid. bet alma ream blot M she par
*nem M dr.. per pound.
MovoAT, Nov. 23.
Quite • number of the C. E. society wore
op at the (meeting of fellow worker at Car.
low lest Friday night.
Mus Mi°°ie Mo"000ell. who taught suc-
osssfully m 8.8. No. 5, Colborne township
(lee pretest year has been re-engaged for
('eras'• Ntrra..-Wedaeed.y alternoon
the W. A. f '!•'tees( at 2:30 P:M On
the morning of Thanksgiving iby there will
be divine berries at 10:30 A.M lo the •fter-
Door%there will be • heat. of rhe . cugregation
to hank up the church and other improve-
mentts will be mad. .but the hutldintl.
Ite.t ti1.o Timm. -Tbe fair sex in the viol
.Sty of the Temperaew Hail were roused to
the dim dawn of Monday lot t y the Dun-
lop architect with hem..er rind sew making
extensive repair" to the 1.11 lord's residww
which shows that something may h•pp.n
to the •ppointineot n( a now gentleman to
the bachelor foresee( Iwebure.
The following is the monthly report of
the pupils in S S. No. 5, Colborne, for the
n -oath of November : Sen. Fourth Arnie
Taylor, Alex stogie, (jeer'. Glidden Jun.
Fertb-William Kilpatrick, Allan M.M.D.
ns. Bee Sewed-Wlht.m lhomp.ea,
.James Glidden. duo. Sewed -Clifton Mo -
Manus, Ethel Thomp•oe, Part I1. -Eddie
Gadd.., 8dith Kilpatrick.
M. McCONCIu., T•nsber.
Ttr .&y, Noy. 24.
Wm. P. Lane, our popular m•rehae*, bas
goes hem to resume kis median. and J. D.
Seim W moved tate t►. store. We wi.b
J. 1). prosperity. t
Patrick Wallace, Pur resemble milk
hauler, has removed near Peri Albert.
H. had been • resident bore far over thirty
year. We wish him •wo.ese in kis sew
(Pas. Rowe has his new hew *early
completed. It it without doubt one of the
fleet randoms. in the village, but as the
weather it pities odd it will sed •
warming." (Aeolis will please covers
himself meordiagly.
The C.O.F. inert se Lea. ie ',.wine is
m•mbssskip steadily. Bre. R. D. Caesarea,
ol L..know, delivered an examlee% lecture
m she kn-
ead work of the Order two
weeks a.v w dub h.. greatly revived the tereet **ken by the ss.mbsre and as • re -
soh there Will ha • .ember of inimt•riws
Ecus sighs of meeting.
Drina the Outmode, atom oldie posted
e ver hots ea Wednesday moraine, Alai.
Melissa's here was •creek by Hr►t.M41.
whoa posted dews tato the basement of taw
horse .tails de.avbeg It slightly. Strawy*
to my, ere an askant was Burt. Mr. U. -
Le.. • old bars that Mood e° the mine rite,
was horsed through Pyh*dag • few yeses
Trustier, Nev. 94.
Math Reims All.. enjoyed • pleasant visit
last week el esvarsl days,
.� e, the rows tea meetteg dur-
H Jambi s Rr.s. Mammy. the venial fatrsm-s
hreshing resaMsa.
Herm. Oddwabr township. eon
midst last week as • trsasl..t vitt*
•��Joss Time, Demeatus.-D.rhig the
Uccle . of h.•• week mu ersklle•s dug
• .ms Manama ter widish he pet
MM Is. resift Jobs bomb wet ezp•se.4 he
wee bowed he w get the Mere d
hen s he worked N by eight. the brief*
rays d Ibe mean sawing Um th* m N .
busters or d es the siu*le Webb
d Amhara sr tem the OS sad
d ate' M host John 1,.
Thomas, et the week r the day op.
y N 1..eemrs .. • gesmel
day liseheghleg te the MORN Pewee
ever, usete•d of being • d• of N
cured into • day of pleneure and Pew woe
shippers are m the ohuron but • large nem
bee OM be loud abseil. re in d8Qere•
spores *0.0 dna% cones for spiritual bless-
ings. Te the yews, people this day dor
harm and web year im the past we have the
reports in Lbs p•pens of untold trouble this
day hao•twd TIM day started them on
the wave to uaneoe•.•ry expenses while no
pastor will report • large .steed...s te
bear ill sermon. cwt the Government ap-
point • Sunday to future sad not • day t
the middle of the week to take everybod
11 The Griot from the Local
Norton -The Local enemy h Dung•nn°
foetus 8MNat. Is at the ogles of J. G. Ward
4.1'.0..t•Mer, too., wbo w111 receive w
dere for euhecrlptiooe, odver•tsisg and Job
wort. and le at.thonzed to give remain* (u
amounts gaol for the value.
TCL$L.AY, Nov. 17th.
Mrs. Wm. Gray, of AAbfleld s still vee
Thea. E. Durran, who had been In Maui
*oho for wine time on business, bee return
d borne.
Miss Agnes Morrow, of Nile. enter of our
predates and feed merchant, is very 111 at
(Jnr rental clothier and tailor is doe` •
rushing bestows, which proves be ie glob,
good satisfaction.
The topic at the h: L meeting o. Mee -
der evening will be the second sentence of
the active member. pledge.
Joseph Stoth•re and family has removed
to Blyth. where he bas purchased .n inter-
est in • bakery, We wish them success.
Mrs. Ann Patton and tamily' recently
moved unto *heir new premises au Albert-
s(. We wish them happinees to their new
Mrs. Hugh McPhillips, of Ashfield, fell
en Hund., when Bev it,r for church, frac-
turing her hip,beatdee reoei. Eng a wound on
the bead.
A mostly .lines or tensity news Navel
se 1. malt everybody - nor and
Mat Cllpeed ed feadeaeed
Dress Every meet/...
o M A Ii N OCK The Hoover family 01
Mar000k are all lard up with typhoid
W ingbarn : Clothes -has thieves are oper-
a •ting in tow..
• Brussels : W. H. Kerr has sold the S•l-
vaiioo Army Barracks to John Wright for
✓ 1140.
Carlow : Mw Tyndall, of tallow, u e°-
Rand to teach is Donnybrook wbool for
T 1897.
1 Ktbel: H • runaway accident Robert
McKelvey ben • valuable horse • *bort
time ago.
Grin. : Mr. Williamson, 16th con., is very
ill, cod is now at his son's rsidenw i.
W i.gham.
Wingbam • James Green, •o employe in
Bell's factory, out an ugly gosh In his finger
es Monday.
I Grey : Mrs. John Herrn, loth con., was
ttatd in msarrtege to Robert Bennett, ot
the Erb coo
MoKi11►p : E. Grasser h rented the
form of John Zeigler, avit . :30 annually
forth. *am*. p
Ethel . C. .Stubbs, lately with R. F. Ma
Allister, has secured • position in • rrooery
store at Paris.
Brumele. Robt. McAlpine, formerly of
Brussels, has opened • Gents' Furnishing
store oo Yoope-et, Toronto.
Heofryn . A number of bunters from
Preston bagged severity rabbits in the vi-
egIity os. day last week, besides •• number
of partridges,
Clinton : Rob. Coats, gee of Robert Coat.,
is the winner of the Fred Wyld prize of
125 at loroato Univenes
lty, for the beet es-
say w l:oglt•b.
W1.1'8ba02 : 1)r..1. R. Macdooald propose*
leaving town in a few days for the gold
field.. It is his present intention to locate
. t Roselend, B.('
Seaforth , Major A.dereon was out in
Morris a eruphs of days this week hunting,
and he came home loaded with rabbits,
fox.n and other game.
Exeter : Chas. Snell, .1r., bed on exbibi-
tio0 tbts wink • turkey weighing 211 hound•
esti a pair of four moethe' old ducks wetgh-
iav eight pounds .sob.
McKillop : Last Monday afternoon W.
H. Aitohesoo, an old and most highly es-
teemed resident of McKillop passed away
to hie reward, aged 76 year..
Bruevel• : E. R. North, now tetchiest is
the 2nd department of firmed' Public
School, has secured • pentosan for 1E97.1.
l',.tro. Out., at • slurL' of b500.
Z mob : 11 re. W tn. Met linciwy, after
tour d•t.' sect seas, died on Sunday last.
Her remains were interred in the Bayfield
cemetery last Tuesday afternoon.
W Ingham : George Green, eldest son of
our aaerprising toensm.o, law Gress, M
ransrng • hotel in Rowland, B.C. The
youngest boy. Elver, te also there.
Clinton : Ed. Cantelo., H. Jackson and
C. Dowser have returned from their hunt•
keg trip to Reeboks. They captured three
deer wad any quantity of partridge.
B•y6eld : Mies Lizzie Biggart, one of our
newt popular young ladies, was united in
marriage to Tom Stm.o. on Wedo.day of
Mgt week by Rev. McDonald, of Yarn..
Below* : Mi. Mary Halliday has hem
swaged to teach is S.S. No. 13 for 1897, as
•woo0esor to Mies Irwin, who returns to
pursue her studies at the ("Antos Collegiate
Last Wednesday morning we were vetted
by a Ightniog and thunder storm which s
an unusual oceurrenoe for November. It
was cold 'l hursday,
lianas Rumor put. *that there i. quit. •
somber of aspiransi for the poeitto0 of
county counoillor., ander the new regime.
John Hanna of W Ingham is C•oYM Ing for
Miss Clara Augustine, who is at present
teaching in S.Y Ao. 6, township of Telles.
Welland county, is re-engaged for 1897. at
an footmen in salary. Her many friends m
this vicinity will be pleased to bear of beg
(lb Tuesday, the 17th, our genial and
popular barber, Samuel Roche, was pret-
ested with • fine bouncing boy. He is in
cee•etluen3e wearing many smiles. Mother
and baby .re thus far getting on nicely.
Many congratulations to Mr and. Mrs. R.
in the happy arrival.
Tboe. Smiley and family has • surprise
recently M the arrival of his brother. Jas.,
wbo left hero about thirty years ago. He
fee been hcisg in Meiic' , where be was .
employed on • railway. He brought with
him • relic, in the shape of a piece of luny-
uso-bee which formed part .8 • •emple Ludt in
the pity of Mexico sortie 332 year. ago
Thew Smiley has reoeived.word that his
brother Jan had died while on his re- g
turn to Mexico. It appears that be cell•.d
on Mrs. John McPhee, wbo is a distant
relative, and oil Thursday e.ening leaf be
was attacked with infamm•tioo of the
lease, and though medical .id was summon-
ed, he .uoosmbed. The relatives have the
sympathy. of theoemmonity
The water wee exoeedisgly low on Satur-
day and Sunday.
The filtering basin for the waterworks ex-
tension arrived last week, and is now be
The steamer Jeanie brought in • oargo of
lumber frog the Bruce Peninsula last week
and has taken ■p • wince, berth.
The wire attached to • tree ea the south
side of harbor hill should he itm.t,54 M
.mos, as. if it is left tong, it memardehlb
to the ash.
Some ten moethe eines sore ret ereseded
the .,,.oboe et a mad fame oar the smith
pies wise of the lite -boat house ad this
necessity iMt new bang put up.
The repairs on the North pier reoestly
completed uder the direction of James
Wil ie•oa wen a step is the riebt dir.ot os
and if the isop.otor ono get • groat sniffin-
e ss to level up the 120 teat of the tiltieg
over part of the sits structure overeat=
wino ear it will he pleased.
R. Wilton. of 8eaforte, was in town oil
R. Ras•ford, at Cli°tos, was to Gederdek
en Ft'tday.
W. O. Reid, of Sealorth, was in t)od.rieh
the pass week.
J. Welsh, of &aforth, was is (iodrrieb
last Thursday.
Thes. Bell, of Wiseman. was is the Oe.
terra es Friday.
J. W. Cbldley. of (,hate., was in the Cs.
taws e. Thursday.
T. R. McAndrew. el M.a(orth, • •e s
lled*rieh last week.
8. Davie. et Climates, was is the County
tow she poet week.
MI•. Tilt, .f the Tereus. Geaaral Ieep(-
taL was in Lowe this week.
P. Males.ros, barrister. of Lsasow,
was in Oedema this week.
Mrs. Jae. Aebmoa was vbllieg is the
elm et Bsuotlerd this week,
Mi. Edwards i. •i•iti.v i. Tero.ta, the
g uess et her brother Chisels*.
E. L Dieke.tm, barrister, Wi.gyhem,
nes M tor. the past Hada,.
Albert Oeedbeg, d Muslims. la visidag
rotative' and Moeda be Oudrish.
Mrs. 8lramhe e le speedier the Whiter
with her deelgkser Use. ilmalew, hi Oldeags.
J. J. Ware, et the Oeverement dredge
Pert Amara/ wea home far • how days lost
The Meerser el the
► 1ert.,, hi cos last Predates
es Milo Ma Mph shipments In brim.
Gderiob township : Y. Campbell, whit
bee bees MaokiMg .t Taylor's ('omers, has
bees re-eseryti tor the next year, and the
trustees bete tlhewn their appreciation of
kis tsrrbee /1,Uis rim an increase of
Ilember aa • Slave •neatoweer.
hues people of mature years wheat mem-
ory is olear about hatters beton, and dur-
ing the war Wive practically forgotten that
Hoary Ward Beecher used hie pulpit in
Plymouth Ck.rob, Brooklyn, es an auction
blcok for waves. Tb. moot famous of lei•
..lave sales " was that of the be..ufel
girl Sarah, and it was epee thou occasion
Het the wet emoting woes ever witnessed
in Plymesth Chutek, or in any other Amer.
We cobweb for that aster eaterred. Mr.
Swim was unusually dramatic : be put
a Mrs into hr words, as he stood the .lave
girl en the platform beside him, which fair•
y bursted tote the boort of leu auditors. It
was not long before the people became al -
me= hysterical with excitement. But
Reuther kept oe natal he was ready to paw
iM eolle.sttoe baskets. Then the •editor•
gave veal to their feeling., end .ot only
h eaps of mosey were put Into the baskets,
but men and women took of their rttage,
u nfastened tome w•tehee, and threw them
bits the baskets and ea the platform it
was a remarkable so..,. and .soh • cos se
probably will ..ver be equaled is this
*ountry. Mrs. Heseher regalia the .vest
with wonderful vivid..se is her article in
tb. Christmas Ladies' Hoa Jesntel, when
.he t=M the whsle stets of " When Mr.
Bomber Sold blares is Plymouth Pwdpit."
The .oma itself is rwrk•bly well breerbt
M the eye of the reader by • tanking nest..
WNW made by De Tkd.trup. with memori-
al }eyeballed the artist b, Mrs. Reach. r
AltheIr ode Mile rimed tree ire
S. Aso noise nesert.t
E21Mpr M le the Dose i f salts.
gelejrO. Tlsrwd•7. Doe. 17* at I). I..sg'•
heed. Pert Albert, at 1 P.m., pwt d 1M Ffw
3, heeling e. Lek. Hers., North ea of the
bee pith. Joug Knox, A- - ..ser.
Os Tbuisday the 17th d.y .4 1)o40,
at the beer si Rosa. the B..tb half el he
Mf. Lobe Range Oso. Werth d the taws
jesirissrill be said by pelt, sestina at De
Mel. M Alert. Joan Floe:,