HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-19, Page 7THE SIGNAL : I:1►DERICH, ONT., THI►RSDAY, NOV. 19, 1899 7 TWO VIEWS. Lbw wesma. slave tee iambi Porta a•a Ilandlied sal tial MY: Hee .ver deserved --es Lew. b Ma - Theo sash a sae se* saver ba Bat wase -who has a wiser sueak- Itiel wane dose ant seek Me knows sad weals it a•doest.ud Tae anal els kind is mach too Rood. CRISP AND CASUAL. Moot eeterptll•re poria mem farm of alpha Tho theatres of Leedom will amt 60,080 Ha▪ il • willies clerks are employed in The jawbone of the ayssege whale M 25 fest us ,e•gtl- If would rewire 18,000 teeters mierobe- to askew tach. It r satt.ns'ed that • IH,btuisg bash slily rissole t ,r the 1 20,000 part ef . sec ease I1 is ..id by anatomists to h.. fact th.t met p.•aple hoar better with their mouths spm• Nesry 1,000,000 blesreme pane unveils the p,ato6id* in the tem of Lopdon every week. Tia. Epithelium, air apper skits of the the tangos ie beteg oomst..tly removed and reliewsedd.. Its reoko..d that there are at least 1,000,001 dillor .t •pests of hisses in et isunoe. +. A roU-mskiag machine prosiness as many mark lar • gives time as were formerly made by 100 mtea- S.vesty-two roes inhabit 11ts world, and use 3004 d hereat tonged. There are .boat 1.000 religiose. Oa met voyages of • first-ohies mama sloe,,,*, .bout 3,000 pietas of glassware and crockery aro broken Nearly everybody swims le J•pta. The girls heti* whets they are tea years of age, and the bey, at now It s mlima.ed that the temperater. of the earth at • depth of 200 miles V sot lees time 13,000 F.hre.lteit. Franco hes kept 800.000 toss o1 oo.1 stored .t Tenho mase 1893, to be ready u omit war ...1d break out. The death -rate of sailors is the 'berme. Ute arise is twelve per thousand -whish is considerably lower time the death -rattiest Mad. The depth of water hes • oosoidonble is. thews on the Speed of steamers, wbi.;b are found to move slowly where the water is shallow, The Rod.I .. Library at Oxford acquired 60 296 books .ad p.mplea Iwt year. Two. chards of this •umbo* rim. in trader ths (' opyrtgbt Ant The habit of breathing through the mouth. say, • dw'iet, will is time mum the tarts to .hriak anti the teeth to biome loo.., and fall wt. During ;bis satin career Str•.diverius made from 600 to 700 violies. Few of theee none sell for mor. than £5 daring his life. Now .mute of them oomm.ad as much v 12,000 A whale rsmolt monied in Arctic w• tare was fused to have imbedded to its side • harpoon oat heloar.d to s whaling ves- sel that had been out of s evios newly halt • mature. R s mud that if oar .mite atmosphere cook,' be tended/al total It would oocnpy so more emee than an .goal weight of water, the ,store aur suntan would saly be 30 feet in th'ckmsss. I eeked's oak is now 'made i* Germany.' Th. great roe(.b Na. of Winchester GOM4. rsI w bey reaowed- and the wend sed i. !+'*tt,r oak, out is 42#ft. lengths msssaritug 1» 1'y 18 Wallas Never eat whet is known to &m•gre with the stoa.ok Many doctors believe the bo- la( that it will disagree with the iedige.- tion to woo* mysterious way often mouth ate to Wit result. TMpike is hatter provided with tooth this any other lives, astura Ir has torch all over is upper •od lower j.we,and spasm Wm assume the purpose st teeth a its toevw and palate. The masses of the human toots* are more a.mpliested them those of any other organ, and crone and interlace ebb otter 1a each • manner as to permit an almost ood- les. smoky of mottoe- A good deal of " real " memos, leather is made from the skin e( the ray, • ass fish very like a sham- As for the salad*, its stria is also teamed. The remit is a very •ttraoure malemi.rked losithor. Trio es*s.apyes e( wheat in Brits* te nekoned at six barbels par head per m- ama, whish. nen the hada e( •s .stiallod pepalat,os of 381100.000. sake. • peal osa- tempt ins of 233.400,000 Whale. The deemed for Ames Hair VIvor is seek widely-eeparatsd regions .o South America, Spain, Australia and India Ile kept Moe with the boas esneumptae,wbieb beds to show thee these people bow • fiend thaw when they try it A seaII arse rsse*tly seem to Was • . errsw in St, Jaws' Pere, 1.e.deu. wbioh k! Tinkly seek to the water. itse bird them ISib.r telt' drowsed the sparrow, clippie/ „hoar sed over agate, 1.11 tbo Pts: little lode km/ tinnily dews. with every vestige of life fled, and Shen, wick esu gulp. h we reel towel 1 0o may est cheap food .d boa he seri- ealy hurt by it: but you Maoist take Neap modicums sanest psaithe ajery- If yes N• lay ..b.lita1 hr ArWil hir,aparila, rs oe so as the peril of Sur ha.ltb, pae- ll•ss ^f year Ilia beast a Moho Ayer's. sad se ethm. As guide* drover gases -to that hes woo Mrs thee loss! fame Y. that of the (',...tem M tt'srwipkjt her a " Shakespeare bor- es." where she bas souses.(the shrubs, blins. sod Mess watiesod be makssomre M the weber a 900. The Ile load . " saetlstaet w pHA, .Tart Sewer yaty ew out be a hissed. On wry 1.1 Ylmt theft a e !tin Wien an ...Peerless we from ewe* past IN THE DARK VALLEY. -11/604* Mbilstsit Mk brave •ryes my Mee' IM Is Sold bo riammalsa gi gT%oomoills- .t, " le the valise and Amdow of death "- " eP tains." Therm aro mnyed thleee KfbOwe& today wtt. t„ ti KHAN" rayw . kses °ems. de see &sswa es � Yis y sphis ""11.11 Rides. TIiIV iliw fi0ae WW1 b •164411 ',eh lehte ism Sta ybe,la make -4 turas jump M lets" ~�s1�Ms"I'ma i rMa.ase 1besens es sero'/ .1- e��i' kmelr. i. Is we\ .1 a take 0 t kilos. Pith dim Se balm Agana 4 es•••• Shoe few sow have awl Me sed the. 1. ib. One OM • salla Odirkefts.% whisk 1. 6r MOW the SALISBURY ENDORSED Mr. John Morley ApprovN of the Premier's Remarks ON THE VENEZUELAN QUESTIOL A ranm.ervaW ve ttisesod la • Tkaee-comber« Osamu is Rwdpee Setease of taro. c>♦ssM From hams mn Sambas .•..sere of £ammm.n•a el:em- soil sews my lays. London Nov. Mt -Right Hon. Jobs Morley, formerly Chief Secretary for Ireland, spoke tonight at Montrose. 8uotlaod, ethic: district he repre0Onir in the Howie of t.ktaunona, la the course of has speech he expressed ap- proval of Lord Salisbury's statement at the Guildhall banquet tart night, regarding the practical settlement of the Venezuelan question. He said he did not beflnve that there was any international dacusofun of more im- portant*. nut even that regarding the eastern questio., than the one relative to pen s: anent arbitration between Great Britain and the United Staten The cheers bye the atdtentx,- waa greeted with Cbottnuing, Mr- Morley saki he trust- ed that the two nations, who are tar ahead of the great military monarchies in a them is this other aa splendidAsot and beneficent example. MORE BUTCHERY. raw to Asia saner Pleader a Vidor, kW a ■..drsd Peepie awl sum the P1aee. London, Nuv. 10.-A despatch from the United Associated Presse,,- repre- sentative in Constantinople says ad- vices received In that city from Kala- arteh, Asia Minor, state that a band of Turks have plundered the village d Everok, killing one hundred of the Artnenlan inhabitants. and setting fire to and destroying fifty bowies. Not one of the Turkish marauders was kill- ed. Kaiaarleh, the advkes further date. has been thrown Into a state of emalo by the outrage. PEOPLE WE HEAR ABOUT. i'rinoe Nichol.. of Groom . a said to be am ec.xmpluhed '• drawing -roma" oojursr. Salm his atonal gained snob popularity, Mi1snley %%tryo.w has blooms • very metho- dical writer. Ho cra.id*•, • thousand Words s. gotta sof*omit for • day's work. Adelaide Raton, now in berseemty -fifth year, •do teen wintering in Rome. Few artiste have had a Ione ao expensed* et t h• drama, as her first appe.raooe was male at the are of two menthe. The gores area wa. Lasses, l , preempted with • fine'oll •o•son .,f Mae Ind .ter. mho! lies which were rot her from New South Wales. The 6 meta were !r, ren Is ioe, and w'tso received wire *mid to he to perfect wn•lition The Gaud Dake Paul of Ramo is on tall that ass hotel hod ,. lust .nou,th for his comfort, and be hes one built in eseetiorna wh oh be osrrtse with his Iofmage *verv• where Toe tied is put op by • spect•l m-chanio, ender the eapenates'Isoee of the royal valet, wherever the l.raod Duks see. Tbe Toa!„ Ktsg of Spate saw hie first ba11 lith' •.bof,timeego His motber,th. Qae«r.Rensot, who hes • horror of the brutal .port, postponed ill.. sweat as long w proemM* ; hat eves •hs was actable to override the Easiest court preoed.ot th.t Ir.ecrihr.s •tto:Aso s to hull fights w brag part of the education of • Moaul.h moo•rek. TM ..newts ot the sol se of Tardily, is tis event of Ando' Ra•nid'e dapne,u, a, w,nld proh.hl• be h • Mw her, Mohammed Reeked Effendi, who to mraetta.11y . State prisoner at the Polars of ib. lwreagan. He is wet allowed to rete vw • visitor or read • law. newspaper n- iook that hes not pas- sed ander the eye et the Quasar. The C. ante= of Warwick, who was Pm- o•.tly .looted • .n.mher of the Warwick Ro.rd of Ilu.rd,•m, describes her work is Mat *opacity w on. of " the delights of her 11fe." When residing at Wrwiok Vast*, she s roe of !he hard.•t working members ot the hoard -smiting the p.r.rboailil, pro vidin, tie std women with k.tsti.g and other reer«tiv. employ= Ent, and the old mem with b, oke hod e*.*p.rws, and osa- .t+.t'y Ioskh, after 'h• ohildren a their schools, besides ett•adiwg Ito.e.a4s of the herd sad its nnmmitt .. 11 may )• of interest te sots taillike ,lame On always seems to have had • taste for "sobs wing," fir. in 'ening over the master roll of the 20 h MIid1wx (Artists) R P • gra Med tthe' h. wa• serving ha their reeks from 11372 to 11374 sod wee described as "a steatitic of mediae* " This was donbtleee whoa he was at university Col- lege Hospital, galls • leen utmeh•r of mato were moils, ester Jamison* a Resin Ahie• bre had paned threads the reeks of rail remota- Velto.teer regiment, which on ifn.aay, February 3rd lest, " presorted woe " se the remain. of timer Ill,strinos header, C lsaet.Larl L.dghtes, were laid to rest is St Pates Cathedral A FRIEND. There. • .',.tio a that Male wend. A Spell Chet .msiokly Mede s, 'Midst the downy web of pleasure tram, la whatever ,rood it Owls a Who MTh the world is •l1 fee ..H. Asa friendship mem delusion ; That life is not • ebsoam wow Of woo anti deep esshsie.' A waste? Ah t yes, perhaps. for hos WM over solves hs stili. Tb• pram.Meas of the awed Totes He tab wild oak • Nile A west -ter hint whose surly seal Repels his fronds' •deoesS. And nems them meant for eh.rhsb cads, Asti hila by awful Aeneas Ro speer. Lea shy soul se fres, Asad mew* to he • .m.raar, Awl ttiemda so true as ever breathed Will roe as .wary mew. The Revert ?Headship is mere deed. Ret Yves sad lives far steam, a b And it awtlet rani and .mfi As wee Asap. Pother Aver- " Hew mush have Pepsin .sat yea ulna ymr N w s.., what afsf-afs.hys0 sr IM mash. M nem end a Rif. Pwheps f -A esegi r, paper *uuowom this en the semis et a .mel S beer aopl..l• 1• We •sMkwk.s• 1 M Woe. tame mad tear nee were kti7sL' TSIs BUtlzlrzaa Boom 'fr�rtr > lfiyw1j �sw TwM b loWotag sed Mon esseshag Week Anna, Ms Lino. Richmond. Va., Nov. 10. -The Tre- dodger Iron Works has started up It• spike mill, whre•h gives a ta,nslderabi.• number of men employment. aiders ... .1. ?Male. Harrisburg, Pa. Nov. 10. -John Mut ter of this city W In receipt 01 a loiter trout his brother, Philip Molter, who to one of the members of a firm upeaat- lag a big tin plate and glass plant at Anderson, Ind- In the letter Mr. Mot - ter states that since the election of McMlnley the firm has contracted for some $300.000 worth of tin plata and Wen expects to start its glum plant at once. enamors. steel works se area. Juhnstowlt, 1's., Nov. 10. -It was au- thoritatively announced that the great Cambria steel mills, which have been cl,aed down for some time, will resume W urk the latter part of the week, giv- ing employment to a largo force of then. The company hopes to put the mounting and billet mill in operation about the same time. Rolf • 1111111Uso I► aids. PRUadeIphla Pa. Nov. 10 -For see- erab days heavy deposits of gold have lo en made in this city, the total amounts reoelved by banks, trust coen- panlee and lavings funds being placard et 010,000. Well Moe the seep... Hollidaysburg, Pa, Nov. 10. -The Hollidaysburg Iron and Nall Co,. and the Eleanor Iron Co. of this city, the Portage Iron Oar- of Dun.;ansville, and the Oltenia Iron Co. of Alleghany. have resumed operations in all depart_ nsente. The Pittsburg Limestone Co.. chiefly controlled by Andrew Carnegie. ':as leased extensive lands at Canister near here. and w11) double the output of its quarries In this country. times Iaevresrd. Baltimoro, Nov. 10. -The John 8. oitaie t•o., one of the largest rennin* industries In the State, has increased wages 1. per cent., to take effect at once. THEY'RE OUT OF _I .LOB. The teaer.•ta a elwaale..t.sera Illel at ytwblagNa, Am mer, fapert 1. Rove %Wks:, 1e Wperi. Washington. Nov- 10. The Venesue- lan C onmisslon met w -day. with a11• the• tatmbers present- The re'itrt of Prof. Burr, who has been at the Hague stiadyll.s Dutch archives. was Ievely- eti and the Ph,fesmur was heard on It. Mfr. Malec Prevost, secretary of the c , tenon. +ion, made the following state. mr'.t a'ter to -day's session: "The ataterttenca of Lord SAW bury, at. reported 1n the morning papers. mai.. k probable that the boundary t J;sputa now_ ending between Great Y B: fair and Venezuela will be settled 1-y artaration at an early day. Un- der theme circumstances the oommis .t -•n, wbile continuing Its dellberatto,s Ie the prepare thin and orderly ar- rangement of many valuable map., re- tains and document., which have Leven pr cured and used In the course of Its woo John, does not promise to formulate ; is any d.rlsb,n for the present on the th tra'tety subject to its examination. It w'I. continue its session from time to ' ot 'it',e, hut with the hope and expecte- 111.1.2 that * friendly and dJust settle- Id m.-r.t of alt erects be- - tw•e•n the natio•-. Interested will make I m any fi,-al decision on its part unneces- sary I w sarf " !a THEY IIA 1'E SETTLED. to w a i•wltxr or the Dik4eb. rause* ism f )hear b fe mob t* Regard to `m the selene/ wggemeatl- I m Winnipeg. Nov- 10. law -chit.) -A member .r of the Greenway Ministry tills' afternoon h •ntborltted the atsa•tusot that there Ia no bib b In Ilse school question e -Mimeo* ao l that the negutlatloi,e bad all been elated satisfactorily Iwfore Mr. Tare returned aatla ao,wuu.Iut I the termmy s, there said he anaeaneemen1 .nuM be fnrtbeomhK short ly. Premier Greenway in raveled back to w'ioulpeg to -morrow- That the school question has Pon settled -.rather that the Govan's/sod Laurier I:overone-no have agreed their Ilse of actbu--nay ossa be ai coapted a. a foot. •r•_ -� 7F -L/ .. .�_ MILKING AND CARt OF MILK. ••eewi. lerwetlesl ♦openl Io War boot Metheeia. Comparatively taw dairymen, says H. it Gurler, la the Breeder's tlasotte, aopear to realise that milking is a trod.. kindness. n.atn,w and re- gtalr.rity must be observed, and all the milk must be secured. The cow must be ktmdly treated at all times. She cancels a part uI her debts to her owner e(•ery twenty -fever hours. When she is well treated and furnished plenty of palatable food and pure water. and made uumifortable general- ly, aIle dues her bast, 1,u- when she is abused in any way . .•an.tut do her boot, and 1 have s..r.i, Utnea thought she acted as th. ug'. ...it• would not le she ovoid. She ma, nave lees resent - anent than human.' •'. but I doubt It. I know that she dor. pour work wheal puurly treated. The dog, ur the buy on horseback after the cows is, as a rule, a mtatake to say the least. The cows should have nu fear of the persona, caring fur them, When 1 find my cows are afraid of a man, after he has been about them a sufficient time for them to Wi- nton* aogtaanted with him. I know there 1s something wrung and that a change of some kind is nrc•ts.ary• and 1f no other change remedies the trou- ble a charge of the man does. This tolnt should be insisted on rigidly. The cow MUM be kept clean. When 11 IS necessary to wash the udder and teats before milking, do so. Each n.11ker should have a pall for this pur- port- and be given t-, understand that it Is to be used when there is need of 1t. This requires but IItUe time and is a necxosity if we are to have clean milk. The filthiness connected with much c.[ the milking is sickening to a person who sees the wort, and marry tithes it Is to the person coq- buming the milk fifty miles away from where It 1s produced. I was much in- terested and s.,nt.-what surprised a few months ago in reading a report of investigations made by Dr. Back- bone. of the milk supply of Bertin, in which he made the statement that the Ity of Berlin consumed with its daily mile 300 Pounds of cow dung. Is It probable that we are doing any higher snide of work? I have had some in- eresting experiences during the laat ear in my little city crt DeKalb. The doctors frequently presorkre my Clover Farm cerUfbed milk for babies and In- valids. I have learned of a number udrysaa. of carom where the parents had, re- turned to common milk after a time and the babies would not have le but b spit It out immediately. There great need of more cleanliness in e average milking- Prtxnlscuous milking should not he lowed. Each milker should have his r'eirular cows to milk- The cows will o moot' better for it. My cows are 11ked in the stable summer and inter: lb fact- this is a general rule the dairy sections. There b a great 1Rerence in milkers; some do not try do good work, and others cannot hen they' do, try. I have found dlf- erence sufficient between the work of Iikers to pay • tan's wages if he Irked fifteen cows. This is not guess- tr•k, but a matter of calculation on *rs facts. and proves that we need to be lar U n, of it to al w co an Ir th to n: see mer t w - Is Ing his far PI the th an be hab the tea The bar Lo (or at hav or II ed toes nen The two the 111 oma weM d tae• Of t nut how 1.11). 1 ite.b nn (1,01 1 t tora 14. dra ma fruit the aH- tbe him out dery anti Ute aleeal thin, BRA NDON MAN DEAD. Trek Mtyeh*isr. Roe w0rseav by ■b- eans or tee N lee 0Nw.-Lds a ,semis the Paris. Brandon. Nov. 10. -Mr. A. Thomas, fo rderl a of Paris, (Mt.. iced suddenly fn m th- effects of a dose of strych- nine. Thomas had b,, -n In 111 health f r some time and it le ion known a tether the fatal dose was taken wltb suicidal Intention or in mistake fel s'edtclne.its 't>�avow A Sided and two children who made at Parra. et AAs Jur, araNt, The r.fdraw..5. Alae Vibe dry &111M by Use tors ad rb*heepeaa� Otratford, Oat, Nov. 10. -Tie young man killed at ehatespe•are Station last night was John Byre. of tkb etty. 11e heft home Met evening between 6 sod 7 o'clock. Intending to go to Toronto, where work lied been procured for by him by •n em- eloymeut agency. The maogied body was round on the track after the evening train for the eat bad left rhakew,e.re. Life es extinct and death was apparentlyIn u .tanneoua No railroad ticket was fouud on the body. ■al the tieket egret hero hes aro recollection of selling him one. and the .npp.atltioo 1s that he war betping himself 1., a ride. As d.re•sed was very newt - sighted it IS supposed In retakingthe train nb at akewpearr he missed kis footing and fell to the rails. I on.oer Itankln visited flip *erne during the eight and deelded an looniest aanpr.,- tary-. Byrn. wan :0, years of age and lived here wltk his parents. Rabe W IS5,ee Rea.. Warren, Pe . Nov. Id -A baseless Mild Is tap latest curM•Ity dluovered by Coan- etlmsn t'ouarrm, who Is *inborlty for the , rat. lomat that tae rand, *boor name 1s Plitt., Is bsu of nothing but skim and muerte. Me family le poor silo the rblld w111 be taken In ehaege by tk, l'oma- ty l'mwmteronera a Meo.w.v ■ea,eegI. •mrd A•eee*L Kingston. Nov. la. --Sorry this 00F140$ .s the steamer Monteagle ear peados thea four nine pilot ob. ,truth a Moil and Is herd on A tag sod lighter lore go** to her asml•+ssee, and a• the weenier is Ilse N Is *sported ebe will a* relieved wIlbowl meek demaselute fres loaded et De loth for Klspem with maw Wshets or grata. Chrvw1 Mlleei* Werk mead Sero Passe.. (emir as IO :.da *bleb 0.0 •Nile Roll t for the better several tkeneod mol. Tk. .r- age e11. 1•e loans, boors aN Isar .sed pay sad viten. ••vim • A gusher tut Tremble aa,. 1sea. 110.-A Iffed L. Hart - f• , has br rt�bees sr again. sad trek • look after the milkers. There should regularity in time of milking. The ,ws know the time of day and are neatly when not milked at the usual me. Have patience with a kicking w; she is hurt. or frightened, or has been abutted in ninety-nine cases out a hundred. When milking. make a business of and allow no other business to In- rfere with It; talking ahou:d not be towed- Always milk with dry hands; liking with wet hands Is filthy. The Ater has milked fifteen to twenty ws regularly- for months together, d once milked thirty-flve cows ',o- ral days. I mention this to shdw at I have a Matt to Wk. It L best milk at the same hoar morning and ght. ass as to have the time between iking untruth's. The best results are urtd in this way, or at least, better tilts are secured when the time De- em 1s twelve hour' than when 1t eight and sixteen hours. The ?1.w Y•en•leg. • The coming farmer moat stop buy - anything that can be produced on own farm. and his own products, as as possible, be made to take the ace of those he has been buying. Farm product., will sell for but little ore than the cost of the labor, and t must be figured at a low wage: erefcre one marmot afford to Pay to other profit on anything that can produced at home. The buying tt, cultivated by the good times of past- Is the factor which keeps o -thirds of my acquaintances poor. pile of tin cans behind sane farm buses sugwe,t• a canning factory. baler, !Almon. tomatoes, sweet n, beans. frult of all kinds are kept all country stores. Farmer, who e not tamed spring chicken, iamb veal this season have risked their es eating "canned hone," arid trad- thelr fresh eggs fur canned tome- . /oro and hearts. Where is the my to pay for them Doming from? y mostly buy out credit, and will amazed at the doe of the 0111 when y come to settle. OM friend replied the question : "ph! sell a load of His oats. yielded 30 bushels per and are worth 20 stents- After se- ting anything at an for the um. he land, hie labor and .moth paid for seed. threshing and fertiliser. many cans of tomatoes ran he wlih the profits ? How many •1w of everything could he rage that acre- with no more work or then hp expended on his oats' h.- haw no plat devoted to "truck" Las* "It don't navf' one w111 Ary Lha 'Actors a over- wa, but the facet remains that the lnrltr of farmer* grow n0 aahall and have no garden worthy of narnr•,•te roomy tnatanee• some at and In many others *sly what wife either plaints he,wai or .poly int . arshig. Why people MU pay bard-/rrrnwh wnrwtey Por tits stale, s.upttb emotions put Iota "ease* whet to movie& t h0.ssbee with ansae dent of foods In mash Moet then at lase vest- by growing Oile 0 • .►y*tunt to as--deuotry LUMBERING ON } Coal & Wood Yard Ae A LIPS OF GREAT HARDSHIP AND EXPOSURE, Alegi 0Wy&W1 orTxtl WAIT user IX ICY WATM,-rale u,•K•u maim Till P55 grime o roctoot --- WILT TUE 0057 so - sow CSX STAND Tuna WEARY IWl':ro ur TOIL From The Ottawa Free Prom. Ouly thew who Mime/mooed is the ardu use 000sp•timi ui lumbering know bow dearly amroed is their livelihood, for awe the slily voosttoos of mem that of lumber• sag ranks •moog rhe most dangerous and ,l,hoalt. There is the heavy shanty labor, from sorbs dawn to evesung star whim the Wee ter kali the year is remote from hoots Sad toted., a•d wh..m daily round w to cut and work sad s'e' p on y, . e stag .m 00000 - meal glimpe e' ' h•- c•ti• a ..-oris thromgb • lose looked I.. atter from su tie loved me f✓ sway. The* the ‘...es teng•hea, the poem lake •ra•ks up,•ad . oho t he dnvia, of logs and hews timber do en the rortornsa swift -roe. ciao stream, wheo ■eoew,t• oft.* nails the driver to wade body do. p In the swtlt tlow iy, icy paters Nose but the strong o•u eerie. in •neh heat y Inbar, o••ly the most robs.t ere ole to stand the tem hours of dotty toll • Oh but • mil -day hour s ,mai '. Se*h, in brief, is rhe 1 (e of many thnu..0 's of i.h••rer• to the 0 rams v.sley.'nd •mune +M nrauy i. Thea. Dottie, of 130 Head u•, Clam bare, wan tor t w sive lose year. h ,e wrought for the greet lumbering kink, J R Rooth, sh•.tyieg in the snowy nothero foe net., nen itft,og the,. inch deal■ donne the -Ammer hoots I is not to he w..ldered at th.t t. b:a loos.xpeneno. and greet ._pre ure he .hould oontr.or • severe cold the u LIMO coal perm.uent ladeing in the memo of his loin. Sad kidney., L,ke many others he ttonvht to work it cii, but is veru. Soon the pains to the regio. of the kidoers Moons so intense that labor was • torture to him,, sod it was nn:y the Iodomttehi.• oonrs*e, born of • kneeholes that other. were dependent upon hem, that urved him 'o pnno. Ate wsery round of daily toll Every , a t .i nwvemest mf the body w, a as a thorny goal that m de him winos be - math iia sung. Added to this was an an easel and excessive •weattag w h'ch nsosost- t•ted frequent oha,.Ke4 of clothing, ems whtoh weekend hoe t.. each an rx•ent that hie appetite was .bnrwt morel! goes, e.d sveatw.11y hsa' little food sod muuh water was hit daily fan. Homy vain eflorte were made by Mr. D.hje to free himm'f from the trains whiob had (waned them.1ves upon him, sod one medicine after soother was used, but without effect. Life became • harden, and exie'etton. thing almost undo - nimble. After woe fruitless efforts' he was induced to era Dr. William'. Pok Pilo When three boxes were taken the Wage in h,s conditinn was porv..IIme. vers his own words aro, " Whoa I had take six boxes I war anew man and o,osirler the euro worth hoodrede of dense. ' Mr Dobie,.I. tbonah onn•pletely cooed, cautious. taking Pink P.II. oocasiceally, sad is very 'ethos - matte in hie prelim. of what the pills have dose for him. Many of hie fellow work- men seeing the great change wrought in him by them famous pills have hero led to give them • trial fen other ailments, sod are un- animous em deolenng them superior to .11 other medicines Dr- Williams' Pick Pi1ls sot directly on the blood sad neves, building them anew, and the. driving diewee from the system There is se trouble due to either of these moos whish pink Pills will not our*, and in baodreds of came they have restored p•• ovate to health after all other remedies had failed. Ask for Dr. William' Pink P,11•, and take nothing else The fieeui e.se .1. wan seafood IN hexed, around which bear the loll trade mark. "Dr Willi.sa' Piak Wile for Pale Peep{." Me M mot from all dealers, or ot postpaid o0 •.owlet of 50 cents • box or six Dives for iar 50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Med- loins Co., Brookville, Oat. It not tee nosh M eay,asearte • diabase that is Orme Britian 16,000.000 might be saved mutually on fewil and marriage oar. omnale, with so disrespect for the deed and ea Moreau of oomfor• to the living. 1s is eeamseil, supposed that Mr. rheas - Mohan is the lamest amateur orchid -grower is the world ; but this is far frees being the ow. His oolleotion is worth (mea, (14,000 to £16.000 The ooueoties of tie Dowager Ku res of Germany is worth nearly double The undersigned begs to inform the public that he keeps on hand all grader of HARD CIIIDO AL BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. $pecW'•ttastlon given to CUT and WOOD SPLIT Call and get prices and see tramples of wood. Office an'! y'artl. N EL.SON-ST., near &mita are. Hotel. D. C. STRACHAN Proprietor THE HUNTING SEASON Is upon us, and the true .,porta- Man i,. beginning already to pre- pare for the prince of aporta. When you want your outtit we have everything you neer! in GUNS and SHOT and POWDER SHELL. Machine loaded Shells always on hand, or loaded to your order on the shortest notice. A full line of the best American Pow- ders always on hand. Call and sere our Shot Guns, which for quality and price downs thew a1L DA.VISON WE MAKE_�� Sewer and Culvert Pipes All glass Emus 4 In. to se tn. Abe Ceaaeei/e*s, WRITE FOR PRIOES. THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CQ 00i ADlLAIDIE •T. E.. %wo way nosco• TORONTO. THE STAFF Cr LIFE. Adulteration and enher! ution i,, ' pre: - duets have of late years become .• •- e an evil, rhe+ te•overnesent, *very ober. -teen obliged to eel In the •erroees el •o...y,ta to circa their spread sed save the rim. el the people. Oneof the most impertaall of food Ygomtlosably til R1taAD. 'Grimm wholesome Bread, 1t mals be mads from Wit1.lolblassefofthis mdy sad Hop sof stomach. or. or. Iw other words• light of disemtion. Hop and Malt Yeast is pronounned by Lite host analysts to Ragland to he the pun and unadulterated yet, and is used by the best taken la the cottons. IN MY BAKERY You mea tet for 00010 much tired made tom Hos Yeast as you eta for throe oras from the pressed roasts whirls ars forcing .hemselvee ea tee public, but which do ••e1 and swot give the same sweet flavored breed 11Y BREAD Ie MADiL FROM THE PURR MALT AND HOP YEAST AND NO. 1 rryyMANITOBA PATF.NT FLOUR. Twhoboome a*d sweetest it sod prove far �I bread ltthatle hcan be ero ',adored of oar yews ow the market. My Sag experissos 1a the Raker, bu.tsem has proved these to he fart. D CANTRL019. GODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, 9wmemwe1. Oltrpemal & alarki laasahetarer of all elude of B0ILBREL Smoke Stacks, lea ani, Sheet Trow Works, ate , A.d Dealer la-. F,aglno., Ma.Nbary Outlaws, Ao. All .lass of Pips .md Pipe FistitsR., Room said Water (awes, Glebe Valves, (beak Valves, Insprwters, Rheims and !a•ess !0..rMd 1y ea Raat Lune. • tyer*ga. fee el Mhos.; bosses andbee et geed Wager sad Ha! Raaarhg lsunp4, sehished aft 0112T 111M1-1, P. Met 8.4 ttib. t]. I. Ww1W a.qe 8 ?. a. wallmh Si.dmb,