HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-19, Page 44
M sensenne
Or.a Osilartt.. wtr
Tomes or Nassralwa s
00• -sere, is •d vases . u
QMy►. tm.a .• •
i It
Lose se V..er Leto/4.
Tr. ? label M a wondlws goo ti of Itwls not
to wide, you aro veld up
s Wbe• a Mame of ewto, to bdi tam edrols le desired, bots
toe eld and the new addre•w .hoold bo glum
ver indigo ■•Ir.-
1,yw1 sad °Owe cowed advt.rned 1 eo sayer lies
1"" tine for 9rN tare• "n. v
f r 'weft sut•.egseat In..rtlo.. Isea.orod b
• see parrot coals coder. M Per
Baname cards of ids liars and
y eA '.ertl.emsste •t lost, Found'non
Weeders Vacant. Sttuatlose n
eed Bse..naes Chances Wanted sot •soordls( 1
It•• • neepar.11, 111 per „t.,nrn. rote. rot N
it i on Ssle need ?woo. on
.r red illi..--.. el ft r drat moot.. Mr. pm sub-
• ., rat tnoe'b. Limier 54 •.. ls esuieortloa
A14 special notice. the orlon of whlob to w
remote the pecuniary ber.est of any 'MI -
vide. 1 or ooetpsny, to be oossidered es ad-
vertisement and chanted ace setinet7•
Loral notices in nonpareil type ems cwt ow
word. no notions less t ^as t'ho.
t,ocal notices Is ordinary r -•ding type two
Coats per word. No notice for low tbam IN.
Notions for churches and other religions ad
besevolent Instituttooe half rata.
dubscriber who fail w receive Tea SI•waL
✓ erularly by mall. "NH c ,nree a favor by no-
auatnttag as of the font at • Neely an diatom
fittsN o1a
reMl.Aers xslee,
m r,
he Tousel. of Ooderich, has beer ap
looted Local Travelimg Aateut tor the town-
er Ips of Ooderloh. Colborne. Aehdeld and Ws-
Local t•ostntaswry over the district are 111..
, mpowerod to roc. re suh.orlptlos to Twg
9rgl .L
AU communications mut be sddremed to
11 Yotlli IOUI)DY.
Two Suer e
Telephone Qsll IS diederfob On
THE members of the Government
who comprise the tariff commission —
Flau)lxe and Hon. K IL. ur PATER-
/ION—this week begin their work in
this Province, holding their first sit-
ting in Toronto. Thence they will
proceed to London and other points,
and we are pleased to learn that Gode-
rich is one of the places where a visit
of enquiry is likely to be made. The
decision to visit Golerich i:, In our be-
lief, well taken, as this town, in the
past few years has shown unusual de-
velopment in manufacturing enter-
prise and has become one of the few
progressive places on the shore of
Lake Huron.
The desire
that the fullest information may be
obtained, with the object of putting
the knowledge thus secured to the best
nee in the interest of the country at
large. They do not come as parti-
yans, but will give ample opportunity
to our manufacturers and others to
impart full infcrmation so that event-
ually the greatest good may result to
the greatest possible number. The
merchant, the manufacturer, the ar-
tisan, the fernier, the laborer may all
be heated, without fear, favor or affec-
tion, and it is to ter hoped that as
many as possible may avail themselves
of the opportunity. Clique nor class
will not pre-empt the time of the com-
mission hut the intention is to listen
to the voice of the people.
In Goderich we have the nucleus of
a great city. Anything that will
tend to improve our mercantile and
manufacturing enterprises without do-
ing injury to , ther callings, will tend
to the growth and advancement of
Goderich. Any scheme that will en -
tibia the town to further utilize the
harbors accommodation and the magni-
ficent lake privilege that lies at hand
will add still more to a general de
velopment, and thereby aid in a
greeter growth of wealth and influence.
With an unrestricted or reciprocal com-
merce on the chain of lakes the future
of Godencb is i,ssused, and every ef-
fort should be pmt forward by our
residents to accomplish that end.
This is not a matter of partizanship
but a movement towards helping on
the era of prosperity which is now
dawning upon the country at large,
and it should be the duty as well as
the proud privilege of every rsa:dnt
of Goderich to contribute as far as in
him lies towards advocating a policy
which may enable the town to get in
ine with other places that are joining
in the march of program and pros.
of the commission is
IMM td money, or disomies or appoint
gray mail &tier Den 31. The old
pribealaty MOM to bees as,
petser baileesr the tint day of the
Steads and the sitting Ili the new
body on the .eooad Monday, which
may be as early as- the eighth, or as
late as the fourtesoth.
Another amendment requires city
and town deputy returning officers to
precede directly from the polling place
to the Jerk's office with the ballot
boxes, on no consideration taking the
box to their home. This is a vgty
necessary promotion, conceived it the
interests of the officers as well fawn
whom they serve.
West is it that possesses
TM children w their deems,
Or the •borob-goer ID hie paw!
Their jeers lust keep s -blow«,
&alive keeps • flowing
With this lived meting obew.
11w the *away o1 the weaker.
Abtioreooe ot the preaober,
This wad of ohawing gam.
The laws keep up • or.okisg
The lips keep up a ewaokl.g
Till ear. tired of the hum.
And whoa upon the st:eet
A fair young girl you meet,
H• r mouth koapa up a ohewng, phew.
A. her lips part in a smile
Sbe says, te (Mewioir all the while :—
" So vert happy to see you "
The young find snob a pleasure
In 'but sweet mouthful treasure
That they can't give it o'er ;
They most keep up a chewing,
Se'er mind wise' else they're doing.
Aad so speed Dew galore.
The drunkard's poise cop
Is as wily gives ep
As the chewer's bit of gum.
The Templar's mouth is going
As he talks away as knowing
Of th talents' glass of rum.
The little hard lump eraom
AU out of the way places
To wait its tarn again.
On the wisdoweill it's stickiest
Near where the clock is ticking
Till tempo it we would fain.
Oh girl : if you must chew
1)0 so wbeu not in view
Sees by your closest (needs.
The boys don't all admire
The girl whom month won't tin
Of the rale gum she reeds
—M. V. La T.
EXETER . The remains of the late
Mrs. Jobe Corby, of Heasll, were interred
is the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday.
Ethel: Etbel ohms. factory cleave for
this mason seat Saturday. They have
about $4.000 of cheese ready tor trtarket.
Reltrays : Rev. A. Y. Hartley and
dau,' ter, ot Reif/rave, have gone to the
`loo, where they intend to spend the
Exeter : Mrs. Rrawn has left for W rox-
.ter, where she will speed the winter with
her me, I)r. Brew&. She will return m the
Ford wich : J. Desaghyy shipped 400
pouode of fowl oo Wednesday. in the shtp-
meot there Was a turkey which tipped the
beam at 19 pounds.
SfoKillop : Lest Monday eltereooa W. H.
Aitobeeoo, an old sod moor higbly esteemed
resident of McKillop, pawed away to his re-
ward, aged 76 years.
Jtolaeworta : Nn Robt. Armstrong in-
tends leaving for Manitoba oo Y.turday of
this week A c.1 load of goods follow her
0o Mooday it •rge of Albert Armtroag.
Clinton : ti are sorry to record the
death of Mre. D ('. McRoberts. 01 London
township. sister of Mews. Wm.. David and
Peter Canteinc, of town, whwb eosarred
unexpeoudly on Tbured•y of 1st week.
Orange Hill: Metter Willie Bell. who
hes Wee for s oosaidersble time suffering
from some einem and painful disease of the
tee, left for Toreeto on Tuesday, totem -
paned by hie father. Mr. Jams Bell, to
oe.eult as expert 000uli.t
Important Ewntle In Few Words
For duel' Readers
sac NW Wooden /apt seless &0151/4
esytl.d and PM lese leery oma
aawnlly Mena nee see a..dees si
sir raper - A MOM Renee malsymsel
Is tamer.— gew.a-Ml•a.
KAILK/MD nennLI%U.t.
The C.P.H. telegraphers' 0Ornotittee
L well pleased at the result of ha In-
terview with the railway oCIctals.
FOLK Kktwito.
D. Hibner ! Company's furnitttty
stactury at Berlin was burned. The
bow will reach p5,000, and over 150
hands will b thrown out of employ-
ens DeAD.
J udge Burnham of Whitby is deed.
Itev Dr. Stnettle. late of iror'gs.
tattier -in-law of the late Rev. D. J
Macdonttell, died Saturday at SL An-
drew's Manse. Tomato, aged 15.
t'IiLl ell''. 1•*IKL1U\.
During the last fiscal year there
landed in the United States 343,111 im-
A Radical attempt to defeat the
French Ministry failed. the Govern-
ment securing a majority of i0 on a
confidence motion.
The failure of crops in Ireland will
produce very severe distress. which.
however. will not amount to a famine.
Prof. Itoheeteell. the Agriculture and
Dalry otnmiwtoner. holds that the•
improved lands of Ottnada are chpabie
of feadlnfl twenty -eve mUNuma of pet,-
The Conservative managers In Wie-
land are contemplating the erection 4
a club In London capable of &mam-
nx,dattng nfteen thousand members.
The St. James' Gazette slays that
Lord Salisbury's admission of the prin-
ciple that the United States has the
tight to intervene In frontier dtsputest
of the American powers he a formal
recognition of the hegemony of the
United States oo the American conti-
!it 11-5 DISK.
Clinton • Dela. the yeomen child of Mr.
Jacoh Taylor, hes been ander treatment
daring the past week for blood pelseineg,
but is •ow out of danger: the child rsa •
rusty nail is he leg, wed for • dam 10e ease
looked serious. Mr. ems. Helms, see of
Rae. .1 W Holme, Mitchell, has also
been softerbs' trees • ease of blued poises -
elision : A few days cies while Mr.
Arthur Comb wee .Ilehting from hie wag -
gm he gave his foot & wrea@k musing an
esoeedinely painful diary He wee laid
up for a time, bet is mew able to hobble
around ea oretehea Whet is considerable
of a 'oleos re the feet Chet M hoe ea sec -
dent pokey which gssreabses him for lest
FOLLOWING are antenttme•mta to
the Municipal Act, paned at the lest
*maim of the Ontario i.egialsture,that
may prove of intiermst to our metiers
The new ooeeeile elected ne the first
Monday in Jansaty will meet on the
'entwine Monday instead of on tee
third Monday, a. ki .erly ; and i n-
I.d>� eomttetls will OMNI to have
power to vote money fee say purpose,
pais any byte., or eater into nay Mid -
teat er bargain iavelviwg the pay -
w bam embued vola. sad & bited C1/4211D3E314`IOi3 IlARC3AIN
sults &galeal the city are lathed
The total anneer of talism to l
Us -
.dm if* pat tweak wait ill mastic SS
for the previous week &ad 411 sates
week last year.
/11. whiob are Doming to band m
the Duaitaloa Department of Flabertee
Indicate that the export trade imel Wt
and horses is nearly uv to that
The Anglo -Canadian trade Improved
somewhat in October. The exports fro
Canada t0 Engtand increased Per
sent. during the month. &nd{i per cwt.
for tae post ten Months of tee year.
Commercial advice.• from the United
States all agree 1n stating that the im-
mediate business outlook Is more en-
couraging. Not In one direction, but
all over. idle factories and mills are
being reopened. while In work& %leak
have not ceased cunning. the number
of employes la trier rapidly Increased.
CommertW tellts in the Un.ted
States for the wrek ended Friday we4
217, as compared with 253 for the cor-
responding week of last year.
cottage AND l'KIM1NALs.
The ado of the pootofnce at Dresden
was rubbed of several hundred dollars.
Robert Morran,chartged with tita mur-
der of Hannah Hatton at Holland. was
acquitted at Winnipeg.
Rena Coral. a four-year-old girt
adopted by lira George CurreU d Lon-
don. toes kidnapped by & woman.
Brennan. the slayer of Mr. Btratby
at llarrie.. Is reported 1.. be In • very
low state. and It 1s doubtful if he will
live till the day set for his hangtag•
The British Govet 1ment has decided
to prosecute Sir Halliday Macartney.
Couilen1 i fur the t'htnese Legation W
London. for his share In the arrest and
detention of Sun Yat Sen, the Chinese
The Hamilton House of Refuge Com-
mittee will allow either the (Town At -
turney or Chief of Police L. Lmetitute
legal proceedings against the House of
Refuge contractors if either one trete
en disposed.
The Cabinet adopted a rep •rt from
the Minister of Justice recommending
that the sentence of death passed upon
Arthur Prentiss at Cobourg be com-
muted to imprisonment for life in the
Kingston Penitentiary.
A spy or the British Government, giv-
ing his name as Jones, wino entered the
Clan-n&-GaeS and other secret Ineh-
American organisations. gave setwa-
tlonal evidence In the Ivory dynamo,
trial in London last week.
While Serge White, Zone of the moist
highly esteemed members tit the North-
west Mounted Police, was attempting
to arrest • fugitive Indian murder
named "Charcoal." about 25 miles from
Macleod. he was shot dead by the In-
dian. "Bad Young Man" has since
been captured.
Mr. James Wa erten, a well-to-do
t .enter of L*mebank, committed sui-
cide by cutting his throat with a razor.
Frank Dawson, a resident of Dlckln-
son's Landing. Ont.. cut his thoat on
Friday night with • razor. The body
was found to a hay loft.
Mrs. 11. Dunn of Cobourg drank a
oup of .•ualoll and then poured a lot
over her clothing and sot fire to it.
She died from her Injuries.
rime Y or WAR.
A bill well be shortly placed before
the German Reichstag to increase the
navy and to rearm the artillery.
Cr -at „erastation has been caused
by floods In Bosnia.
Mia Arthur Piper of London was
knocked down and fatally injured b'y
a trolley.
A Cold Wave .... .
Terms or peace have been concluded Mr. Archibald Campbell, a wea'thy
between Italy and that tough old war- grain dealer of Lakeport, was drowned
hoe King Menelik of Abyssinia. at C.•Ibwrne.
An Austrian offieer dl Iced as a John Grant, the old roan who wai
dervish 0.s been captured by the Be- so badly burnt 1n his hovel et Hol-
ti.h near 9uakim. He Is to the em- land Landing last N..it, died In the
ploy of the Khaltta. General Hospital. Toronto, on Satur-
There were scenes ot great enthusi-
asm throughout Spain when the new
war loan was nearly all subscribed on
Sunday by the people.
On the 10th ult. the British merean- gjchsu.o fatally. He mistook him ter
the steamer Boyne. while off amnia. a deer.
took on board a boatload of escaped Al) explosion of about thirty pounds
Armenians. Immediately atter the of dynamite at the contractors' oaks
Turks demanded their return. The of the Niagara Falls Power Company
captain of the Bovne refused. and the killed two mem and fe/ally Inju,ed a
United States warship Minneapolis third
supported hl. refusal and Bald the re-
fugee. should safely leave the port If Mr. Wm. Batgate of o misMken
he had to bomhard the town. while hunting near Bala.
THF: 115:1.1 ! WORLD. for a deet; by one of his companions
The Jubilee of Rev. Dr. Torrance
's and shot In the abdomen. dying a new
ministerial service was celebrated at hours later.
Guelph. A McGill student named J. T. Stew -
Rev. Canon Th..rnloe of Sherbrooke alt "f Atheist." Quebec. died from
has aattownc his acceptance •.f the hemorrhage of the lungs brought on
Bishopric of Algoma. by over-exertion in a scuffle between
two of the classes.
Little lick—Ma-m., may 1 go sad pia.
with Robby Walker, .ad May them to die -
ser if they ask sae?
Mamma -1 thought you didn't Uk • Robby
Ds.k --1 des's, Mt as 1 passed hie hems
jest new my bort shamed toward. bits.
Masts. --Did he leek lemdy ?
11i.k—Ifee mamma. he Imbed hawp.
Maims— Whet &beat t
Disk—He said bis asetkar was m ktert
apple demobs*
T..oher_ C . yes give ms es example of
toothless animal .f the mssts.li..
Bey—Yes, sir.
Toshe--Iadeed. whet is it
Bey --My greeds...
" My port is the modem tbaab'ieale
meld sot have bee • temple a tenure.
They Aid not him me."
Of tsars met." replied km girl friend
•' people meat yews and him se the rase
While deer hunting near Pine Tree
Harbor, on the Sateen peninsula.
Royal Gawley of Spry shot his brother
People who are foresighted will be prepared for it. Ths niggles
er- beginning to grow doily, and Comforts and Ilimfkeb
are gladly welcomed. We are showing extra valise in
Flanellet.te Blankets, Paper Blankets, All wool and Union
Blankets, from 75c. to $8 per pair. Comforts —1f you would
lie comfortable thew oold nighta. We have them in Calico,
Seteeo, Eitlerdoeet, from 75c. to $7.00, lovely patterns, large
sizes, anti will please you.
in Children's Indies' and Mea'a Compare quality and
price -.
A lar>;e hue in Novelty Dress Goods and Trimmings.
Don't forget that we Inutile Oil Cloths, all sixes and patterns.
Corner Wept-st and Square.
scuooi. STT1NT. °°"YATES
More Details of the Terms
rrevlertal heetrel sad lesperal.s - t attars'
Tell ne.ts Meat be Icer sed Teases
■ase rave heper 'reiterates AL
mime Viera to be r■rdv weeslar ea
tearers.r Lscepi ter the ia* NOUNS"
Rosa W.
Ottawa. Nov. 1L—(8pecla0—Mr. Bit-
tern will be here to -morrow, but his
stay in Ottawa will be brief- He sLU
be Immediately sworn 111 we Minister
of the Interior and at once rets n to
Manitoba to seek elecUoo. Numin&-
tion In Brandon is used for Friday.
Nov. 27, and podding fur Dec. L
One of the Ministers inform -4i me
yesterday that ducumeata showing the
"enact nature of the otrriprotnlse wIS
not lie published until Wednesday or
Thursday of this week. but public In-
terest in them has been largely dis-
counted. To -night 1 am In a position
to give a fuller synopsis of them than
heretofore made pubic.
All the schools In the province
are to be under the control of the
Education Department, existing regula-
tions to apply to schools in Catholic
equally aa in Protestant districts, and
provincial inspectors to have complete
Jurisdiction. Uniform text books must
be used, and teachers must be properly
qualified. being compelled to take the
prescribed normal school course and
pais the teal examinat ions. All
school work is to be of a purely secular
character. and to occupy the shove if
the sch000l day with the exception of
the last half hour. when a minister et
any rellgtous denomination may visit
the sch..of t,• instruct the children o[
parents belonging to his religious de-
nornlnatlon, provided the parents are
willing. In camel where a parent ob-
jects to such rellgious Instruction, re-
gular school work is to continue until
The dose of the school day. In dis-
tricts hating an average attendance
The TheOsophk crusade rat Mfr. Ting of 25 . Roman Catholic children the
ley and her six American dl.clt les n James Bell • hotrlkeeprr of Oran teacher is to be a RonMls Cathobic, but
Europe is reported as very gut■ssful. a member of a hunting party. W&.-4 fully qualified according to the require -
drowned on Thursday In the neighbormentor of the Education Department.
Gen. Booth of the Salvation Army . hood d Havelock. Eff arts have leen a'hllo► In districts where children speak
announced that the army is to extend made to recover the b'-ly. French wholly they are to h iv • a
its operations to the while tR the Ma- I
The coroner's Jury In the case of teacher speaking both French and
lay peninsula.
Apple Barrels •
ForSale - --
Eng -
The Western As.oclatn of ongre- l Albion Hotel, Montrealurn d aver- lbh English
as rapidlyin bed in th. soat asthey possearn
sible. may1
bt'The read -
rational Churches. meeting at Hamel- dict of death by natural causes, se era to be used In such schools must b•
bilingual, that 14 the selections are to
be printed In both languages. as now Is
the case with the readers used In the
French districts of Eastern tentacle, iso
that children will grow up from the
first accustomed to the English lan-
guage. The principles involved In the
.ettlmmen: will be Incorporated Into
the Provtnctal Education Act- but no
Dominion leglalatiou will be necessary
tun. haw expelled Rev. J. C. Madill, there was no evidence of suicide. His
pastor of Hope Congregational Church. identity M not yet established.
Toronto, and Past President or the News was mewed that the summer
P.P.A. on ohisSunday u er. eMnd
male , Acadia, missing dnce Wednesday. Nov.
t at the
to his theherch and claimed 4, was wrecked near the mouth of the
that the action of assocfatlon was
taken because he would not renounce , Mlchtplcoten river on the northeast
(irangetsm. Hope congregation unanl- I shore of Lake Superior. The crew was
mously voted to stand by him, and saved. having reached the Sault after
consequently he won't expell seven days rowing in a srnall bo&L
POLITICtt—CAIIADIAN. ` Georgina `cult, five years old, was
The writ for the bye -election in accidentally burnt to death in a neigh-
bor's house on Hagerman street. To -
Brandon has been forwarded. It cans ronto. on Saturday morning. and in the
afternoon James Gorman, seven years
old, was km eked doe n and killed by a
horse on Queen street east of the Don.
1 \ lI. A.sI VELD.
to nominations on Nov. 27 and poll-
h.g, 11 hay, Dec. 4.
The Ministers who are to conduct
the tariff enquiry begin their work at
Toronto on Tuesday morning to the
Board of Trade rooms.
The following collectors of custom/
have been appointed: Mr R. O. Fish.
Berlin; Mr. Alex. Brownlee. Parrie ;
Mr. J H. Fraser. Wallaceburg.
It is expected coat the corning er
eton of the Quebec Legislature. which
opens next week, will be rushed
through. and that the elections w111
be held 1n January.
Mr. Clifford Slfton announced the
terms of the school settlement to the
Brandon committee of Liberals and
McCarthyltes, who expressed them-
selves as being m&tlefled. A re.olutlon
to that effect was passed. and Mr.
Raton was urged to &cceet tete nomi-
nation for the onnstttueney. watch he
did. Mr. SKton left for Ottawa.whers
be will be sworn In .a Minister of
the interior.
rrRRt.T rRR.O!tA1..
At Lowest Market Priers
Wholesale or Retail.
The Queen atMved at Windsor COMM
hewn Balmoral oa Saturday.
Mr. Wm. Bradley. postmaster and
merchant of Huntley. arrived In Ott. -
we on Monday. and bas mysteriously
Air Albert K. Ro1111. M.P. tar the
south division of Islington, wen mar-
ried to the Dowager Duchess or Ruth-
erland In St. George's, iianover-square.
Mr. Justice Tamcharteau of the Ru-
preme Court has been granted sev.-1
months turtker leave of abeance from
the let of October. He 1s rem In the
West India&
Slane the release of Mrs Gestic tress
Wormwood aerobe Prison. her canal -
nein of health has been so dantrerous
that the doctors now rotate her per-
mWoe to sail tar the United Stags
at present.
SU Casimir Gsowaltl le to he adede-
btr ter 0f the °overcommit of 0ntateo
durtag the shame. of Hie honor the
Llemtenant-Deovernor. who has been
granted two months' leave of &*'ewer.
foe the peeper of wieldier reclaim'
A big abet of fear led WlmaAes
the eret to arrive at Belenh , the dr
� Ene.hmre
stess at Woremes sad WWI- tame Ming revered is Moth The
ealtflr'd. pips" were meets larger Ude west other .ere motes. at tralle•
Sunday at neon the electrl^ power
generated at the Falls entered Buffalo.
Knolcney, under Uwe c•untoms survey
of Yew '41 remit ter, will now lig
known as Yon R cele.
The London Co my Council Is ta'k
Ing of obtcinlug • 'meow of water
from Wales at a cost of 1100.u. 0,000.
Ntnnip.g repor.A a cold w..v. com-
ing. '1enpereture at Medodne Hat mei
Ito d gree. bel..w .,, . 8unuay morn me
'The New 'fort poptottIce intends ex .
pet 'nting ..Ithsn a week 0: two ion
h ers. tens . simmer for %tee. %welt_17 of
mail matter.
The Transvaal Oovernrrent will ria :o
el,lts0,us0 from Use lint @.t
rice Company es lad. -many to. Jan'
son's raid.
A despatch from Itl.mb.y says the
in eleven district. of tier Der a .
Conran 1,125.000 people mar ere.b.v.-
be on the verge n' stair* 1 .1.
Prof. Merman. Jr , of tin. G:o og
S urvey Staff. ha• retuned t . ti.. w
from the Behring ei 711s re• • 1 .
show that the destruction, o. s - I 1
is beyond anything that s.as _., ,• .
The Judiciary Committee of the ,'. I.
Council Saturday non—...... to beat'
pig of the appeal from t . Canada
Supreme Court bet wren the 0 •.lent•
menta of the Dttminior., of Ontario and
of Quebec respecting the pa) me rat .1
annuities to Indiana iedetnent sea
An Immense orowd wttnresed the de
=sire of the motor tars In their race
frcim the Hotel Mousy)... i , 0. ientnn.
47 miles from Lindon, Eng.. on Satur-
day. t c1ro'A beteg sin great that the
poIlcy had considerable dlalculty In
clearing the ws.y. Fifty oars or ear -
started. ltd by • pilot landau
st.*.d by Harry Lawson. Atter the
vehicles got clear of the erowd .bey
weal .8 at a Sae pars. The .tesrtes
was & *5&15. and whim the earn lirdi
Mears blocked by the ordinary trat-
es of the streets tD tr wee was shook -
ed Ingllantly. The rete wan wee by
the Aatertese Danes meter. abbe yam
.ser ..rteasw.a ka-Ito-1 In ontreml •
Bee his 300 -page Map Scribbler ; *
is a good one. Complete Stock of
Si sol Supplies.
3•][2$ T♦?s1.
A comparison et this agreemest with the
offer submitted to the Dominion Oesem is
doses by Manisa' last February @bows
that the pro% Woe bee koinpletely capitulat-
ed ea thecii.-t polatit for which It bele est
thea. AU that Stttaoii end Cameron wopld
the reseed* was complete soealarls.tlos
•t the mimed, or else halt as boar for
relishes ex- If the trustees s de -
Mire.. The Desolates Commlwloners asked
for a wheal atteadance of 25 tellereu la
tewasond villages and 50 tie cities. This,the
edefyMat as wblcb negotiations wen
Weke. •`, ow retard by the
et Jrec. v
Geweraemt to e delegablewr
vafly Federal Watery. it Is now cos -
cede by Oreeway sad Me friends to
Liberal Federal Mlabtry.
Dean .r ~roe net saes.
Whitby. One, Nev. le -Judge Burn-
ham died here at t o'clock in -/Oahe
aged 73. He was the lar, one of the
original appointees to the County om.
SW in Ontario Coonty.
or Overcoat
Our isles lied so u I'. ..• a. •
coma ■p, because we seal hot the
lest Goods t. r .1)! o Istr orae.
silly aro ohsreod. li,r es. and
tr.-n .Neck will •hunirs'ly repay
Iesp.etios wed .. would .troegly
new tna Lades to re. Its es early
stenos of thew reyntremwau for
(2 '..taw Presents Remember it
.k.. tine• to take op yoer work
'wed by purchasing sow you ger
the oboes of the new 11ee.
If you need a Winter Over-
coat or Suit, call upon PRIDHAM,
The Tailorif you leave your
order with him you may depend on
getting goods that will snit in
every way—in tit, workmanship
and promptness in delivery.
The bat a d epeap5M Slime••
. and Forane -s w hr isle at
The peeetleal Nem sad Fused mew
i iiiware e . e
At CArrta Beot. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Wile have them—
all kinds and sines at lowest possi-
ble east priers Also leave your
orders for repairing and selling ffP
of Stoves. We handle the best
Canadian and American Coal Oil.
Plumbers and Mows.