HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-19, Page 3THE SI(NAI.: G )DRRICH, f►NT. THIJRSDA1' NOVAS. L$IS f M. t� ! ite IS Tat. 1gap•rs\ DNae v. the doctors__She "e~wn-.t......" thinking thatemit", se any rola. he eboot {{ Thegimdo. Lle.t•mideddne d Bosom aiw [fair*dt ttot�a•�a I wtwt..1 to 4J ionosetf Medias, la *Wes wet • fp.eleltr. 1 i. MABEE, D:Day. L.QN.-DIN m(aiir__ 1 [loo�f ,w Moe sear JMt O estIN. Cog ne ew.eA°•1 see i TUUHULL. D.D.N., LAS.- i D.ttiol �r�w t141e17 •eeod.ed w it Or. 530.11 Ngiaitnr l a.0 ..4 perm - lesiota. l took .•.at•l ea gold or •Li- [ b•i•e. d.l ,ha sdti•n10.glowS• .. 110 H.salseew1Musk.urilly-iI liedlsaL Issesill"Seentlasesgr. West a.rtrgrad at �• sada _ R. 1iU1$TIUL PHYSICII.AN, eul ea a�°.gM a.d_ !f atthe ytkt met wens reeliares. M&rt I*'O L&N01Cm- WLANK, 1$SUER OF MARRIAGE . Liessem. Ged.elab. est. • $1y `E 0. CAMERON, BARRLS1'ER, SOLI - 171. otos. 20aarp•a.er. te. UdM.--Dor. Hs.4 tw and tit. Andrew -Mo. OIL Coiboro. kJ >Q-ty ERXEST HEATON - BARRISTER, SOWN". 1010,7 Public Aohesu.'. Buick. Woo Swot tiw-ly • CAMPIUN,Q.C., BARRISTER 801.- • totter. Notary. La. Otho. ever Medico Halm. gpeare, Oedertok. MU. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER, SU- . Reiter. oe..Ytteser. sic, Mery le loan. oa ick Hamilton sad at Andrew's streets. LoFTUB >< DANCEY, BARRISTER, holtoitor.Otnvra•o.r. to.. M*. Mossy .loan at lowest rates. 14.rtee'0 Bieck, op goons Colborn. Hotel. O.derlok. Ont VN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, Pit. U- is, io Martis. 0•.rt. of Owens ,,a•. -death Colborne bow. Nall ItU 0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- . 01, tc. Defoe North., out doer Must. Oae.. Private foods to lead at I,weet rot.s of laterst 1114 GARROW A PROUDVOOT, BAR- r0* o. Atetersage,1kll.ttwR 8a, Node dab. .1 T. Darrow. Q.C.. W. Pr..df .t. tADMERJN, HOLT A HOLMES, V Barristers. Cdlelp.. la Oh....p to. OMwtck. N. 0. 0•meres. Q.O. ; P. Nett . D 1 D. WARD, CONVEYANCER, tl . t•.. sod ...mlmiseer ter` tem and se - miring resere t . l f ball. seamier et .alrmeuess. was se memos doelaro- ao•• le or soy tattles, emit or poo ▪ lag be the Comma[ hoodoo. the Oozier Alei aro Donor er Diehesse laoN. A* v ant Oak I0*- tf LtOaY MUM i1lialNr I1,IONEY TO LOAN. - 0SSI00 111 Private lands to 1.ai aL.0- • sally. 11. 0. C AN ZROX, klook. apposite Colbourn Haat. 07it PIUVATE FUNDS - PARTIES DE- siroue of etiolates maw on f.,....wity oma do w ot Si per ese OF Slime Bundle J. A. Torroonto UH Roomwlthe I skAGER, CONVEYANCING AND ..ee et>O.. eopoalt warns•. Hotel �f ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE 11 a1 bj per seat. Notes lMoouated. C. altAOMt. Ones opposite Martin's Hotel. Gods Pleb. L' J. T. NAPTEL, FIRE, LITE AND •roes If ertoon. sodtd.�es• te, Good • stick. O >pr. it - &100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO fl CAMERON HOLT t BOU.11ia, Node v .MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R O 1 7 asosent et P,lvats it ler I.vMi ' 'Slowest mos so . • ilARROW t PROUD RADCLIFFE, GENERAL :IN =name Maser rstrwse•d. Meow N Load en on** 1 Haat• at the Merest rate of I.1....4 wlmg, f0 .aside doer telrem1t the e• dgeoro. Wetre t, sed.- see iffee lglaslttile IJsaUIuia. L ▪ ODOIIIOH MECHANICS' DOTI- eaukad, .r. wttaisl $q s ft+r Bees tree i s S P. s. and frim T is l e r.Y. ABOUT 1000 OL' IN LIBRARY. Leading X11, Weekly seed Iileulfro W _f_'elirs,111Yeaibm, os., see Ma. P osiesMew 1411.17 sod taw uer.' N ." gs washed gl J. IL COLBORNE. H. RAID O.tMsh umemrta*t THOMAS GVNDRY, AUCTIONEER liseurstool 1 . ashes at - "dad to 1n any ta.1.f the Daus[♦. 1417 JI NIII OHN KNOX, ORAL AUO- ttw.er eel Load Wiener. Opted& flat. Hamas - eesddersble •[pushes•. to lie is a peettles le ad este • gni him. :$ b40 tbe ihsbeno .axt..ts veserfeh PPOSSIa lonaL E1.1'.8TEELE �- � e1t• A.00IATION 0.T. LUND WWIYUTOm. •• e. ran..O. C.a D0ApOeTamAX. um• -•-tor. R--- e/ N..11N.•_.61141s T-foot T eas age eleotr.it . • Mw�dsi = le in .Mo stroohosorFt 40 GEMS, 10 CENTS. Aa••Tee Lew Fills wire An T',10000 "dolt tram Torpor el He L v.. lilt eel gii.h-R. r .lel' Pretty as bald sail .oils .a howseala teem the gram. loor 10demodl Ms :urs p. 40 ia 4 4.4Oe r �I+�.k• sold b • Davie ' _ x:11.•,., s approve of .Scott's Emulsion. For whom? Poi men and women who are weak, when they should be strong; for babies and children who are thin, when they should be fat ; for all who get no nourish- ment from their food. Poor blood is starved blood. Con- sumption and Scrofula never come without this starvation. And nothing is better for starved blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil with the fish -fat taste taken out. Twe site., es eases end I1.M /COTT di Edevee. Oath PICTURED. Let us paint her picture! -'lake • wash o' •hies With cool shadows to 'em, ho' you b.'. her eye. Shadows where the 10.0101 resoles -hut the blue, Beautiful an' boa mto'-g1••mi0', stresin io' through' Lot us pout her picture •-Take • m.dwght dryer - Doe. •n' black an' 'Larium., so' lea have her hair' Yet. there's Tight about it--mmethmg you can mark -- like an April shower twinklin' through at dark ! When yea slip the ribbons from tb• curls an a11, Down they o•ome, atumbli.w like • water t•11 ' That's the time they d•ule-.ilky threads e' night Falba' .11 [round her-ah•kin oat the light' Lips! they're like • sunrise to the night o' oarle Rosy -rod that mingle. with • gleam o' pearl" ; An' two shiny dimples-playio' bide an' met in ..woo, the flowers •-bloomio' o0 her oh.ok' West to paint her picture !-Think o' all that's ore set, All that beret* on beat for when love makes 'em Croat ' Taos. wire Love the pewail, dipped to oolon fair. With year heart, and let Inns poor her ptc- tura then. NEWSPAPER STORIES. f.0 ltbeu.ae be toted! The application of Nerv.lise-*torr• pain oars - which pommies sash marvellous power over all [terve pais. goes greedy to prow that it nes. Norville* .es on the serves. soothes thorn. drives pain oat, and in this way gives relief. Try it sad he ono tined. War idea K lt.pptoe.e. " Mamma." said little Ethel the other day. " I ain't going to marry." " You have time enough to think of [bat," said her mother indulgently. •• No. I .i.'t going to merry, persisted Ethel. " Are you going to bean old mead `" ask .d her mother. " N.. r. going to he widow, like Aunt M eases she always dresses in black • 4 Mel'. w money [end homy -"- Washing- ton Ti... tied Word Timm. Oe the occasion of H. R. H. the l'rinoe. of Wales laodiag at Aberdeen from the Royal Taoist labors. some time ago, the writer was standing beside an individual of the gw0iae " oo•Iheover " type, who re- sorbed (when he beard the mvi•tr•tora who ei0g the Prisonns as they seeerted her to the .•rris m in waiting) : "• Tibet's an •wiu' tams chew. The 'sly time Mee billies Doo speak Med some* se mak' ye hoer them in when they're gi'w' a peer temp sixty days." And he ..ssteied n aively : •' rye beard Sha. P' Dad Ar the T.tw. A takes wee expl•Woi to his two pupils a lar greism•ti0.1 rules. The Int ponies Y the grew .peakjmg," he explained ; **The emend perms ie the pass spokes be : the third poems in the a1." pA ffew testes after Hs boys hews ~•Tea • m see whisper." said the torr. "• I1 it vada to whipper when • third mom M " Irknew why, .id [Jae yesagetw, with • twinkle. " Why r ..&.d tea Wog. " Benew the teed perms is the para.. . pekes M. MY C•re Ilse Watt. Way yeses Hs Quem Vksdh .welted • k..4.- grads founds es • halaH.g way.Y•.prbg. sear Balmoral, is Sosilaed. She lad mase steppes tot &risk at the apnea. awi the Mee of the !metals .•erred le her. Carved is the stoma was MM in- saftls. Aped "• VMlt.ri. " : • Reel, sermerar, se this lovely .eine. Aad drink and pray for w r fins ld'. Queen." The ether day t following wee Mead written is .balk underneath the le.alpdat evi/setly by seem weodwlna wertemas fr.. w %eethww .antr7 wise dld nM MINA Ifo *bind'. .ppe.priuius .f hi Querns. It rood - " W.'11 p oy for Gems Integr o here Hat mi end dries bus hod* he her." Tr7..e M set " Ossa A near ".H " M d•.rlbed le Mf. Bows - em's anl1•w•rrephy. He we waying as • e rsle Wei what eme of the peep.1 sees wire were shondsg tea••l• propene. thee they should have • ernes Is • tams .M bemired Fordo sway, sed HM the Man man who taeaed M woad .dorsa • peeoley set wheel, esa.ss•s1d .1111 He pnreasse d ihmitypik Hageme de.lesed that he .old w rue. be serried s slosh weight .d tree me is 4.o 11 hat • mei mere pesd.sas old garde.ap doles/ Hat he weal try. asd lhfmm 1het1a1.. es.m.asa af•s. 1< of waist[ and had essmistoesi H. oo.ttau.d se .oke /toy • I..gth ahead, sad soddenly the p.wllortty of is. fest that he .h..14 be boot.* yaws[[ and solve mea flashed •pats h+.. Thief must, he felt. b. • trial' some were ; w on resobi•g the rail, .set.ad of to..►i.g it. he turned routed sad watched Ids vas tone male is the rase. No o.. elm, however, touched the rail. sod thea the oily .boemes row through the catch. If he had touched u. he would bate boss the last n.an ' to do two, .s nose o1 the not would have pat • band opo, it on aey eesoont. That 5heeth..4 Clerk. The vgr•rtee of the shorthand transcrib- er are (rtq.eatly respoos.hle for • good dot more than .m0esme.1 A short tt.e oleos • oertaia north oou.try tiros were thrown into • oo.eld• gable .tote of exotteme.t, and heads (bald rine.) wagged am1eou.ly Over • tetter received ••f • " preposterously Joint' - 04 doeoriptiw." It referred to • difference between nee of +tae firm .•d soother part• per io • big ,+,.eaf•etunog oowoers, sod was polo• . ugh 0.u1 the last sentence was nacho' : It year representative, however, says otherwise, we .re ready to •rase he u cracked '' A vigorous protest despatched to the ...odors of the insulting mosses brought an e xplesetioti toy telegraph " Thousand apologies. Lotter tr...arib- ed by idiot Word ot,jected to should be 'oorr.ot' " Tb.. peace and smiles reyt.ed egos mon. tN NMnteresred. There is • rood .tory of an old darker who was very food of & hins. Gay .hoe day he used to be at the end of the pier with has Ifni and hook., and generally with • group of little d•rkses around him ..'b their hook, and lines. On a owt•to nccast..o one of these little '.•1lu.• lost hu hal•oce and rumpled Into the water. The w.rrr was .•v. -r his head, •.d it watt apparent if he dad not fist help he would be drowued Then the old darkey threw down his rod. jumped in and ravened the boy A .prot.tor, who was mach impressed by the o1J man'. heroi-n., .,ked- •' le he your •oo' •• No ..h. No relation," mid the old dark.►. •' Theo voo naked your life to save that of • child who was nothing to you ; why, that makes the hot even more heroic •' Well, .ah," answered the old d.ekey, ,. you .se, dot miseble *bile had all de worms in his pocket. men te be Avoided. The man who, having by accident been thrown mice to your oo.pany, maks hold to bawl your 00115 cwt, sad to *bake your hand profusely whom you pose biro es the street The man wbo, pleading old schoolfellow - .hip, which yon bate quite forgotten, menu you without trying to extort • $6 00 bill. The mon who volunteers his critioi•m on your opinions and points out your wont fault. ID preaelce of roar wife. The man who shares only once • weak end has • horror of clean linen. and snoods you as " old fellow " jos? s. you are hopion to make • gond iropr.sioa on some well- dressed lady friend. The man who, •ittior just behind you at the opera, destroy half your .joyt»wt by humming all the airs. The man who lards hie talk with little soaps of French after looking op the list o1 •• Poreigh Phrases " at the end of the din Seamy. to finish with, the mon wbo, who you draw book slightly to appreciate • pie - tare, coolly camas and steads in front of yo0. sad thea. receding, also treads upon ►cur toes. • earl Del. The boy had hew deep in thought for several minutes. •• Father." said he .t last, " it's wrong to fight, ire'[ it !" •• Yes, my •o•," replied the f•tber.ple...d to .es that lois 1e woes no that *object had not bean wasted. ' it's wrong to try hod settle digitated points by ressettng to fordo, I.o't it!' eon - tinned the bay. " It is sedated," returned the father. "The whole tandoori of modern u:vilizati on is to de away with fighting of rill descrip- tions " " Mosel. dens Dot ooent for w womb sow as it mood to, does it •' " No, my bey. Pbydoal preemie does net rash se high se .Notal .bllity is the world today." The hey mato relapsed 'tete thought for • few minutes •sprse% pesd.rin. 1110 father's words. • Tb.n, .f stares. we're •11 for peace Dow," be said. '• Of .uses. Perham pesos is the ideal for w4Ma we strive .w." Aad we should .hive for that ideal is private se well se is p.blio.B•ir.,abo,lda t war " Always." " That's what 1 th.ntbt," .id the bey ream:Moldy. " Dee't you t\lek that we have • geed opowtnntty to apply 11 at the prose.[ ti.e . iD what way, my bay Y' " Why,lee'o arbitrate the gm.stios el that Ameba, that yes ars seise le Vivo .e right after demur. Everybody arbitrate 1 sew." .rbitrstd. Mkms'. gp.se4. " Please 'omen me, m..." Roble 15.11 advantage of • Utsle loll is the tall[. Mai. dropped hos knife sod fork in aetwM►mset. Who is the world woe the mother with Rotes ! Why, he'd sely jurat Me Seale Over fork MM the savory .7Mer .Dollop he liked es mod 1 -and bagel*s was widen is be „'soared "1 W. Readoe slob • Meese '[hues me, mama," RAW .id palmy, wire 1hes mama eshe•kd Ha the.... bawler es shed dole geld hook es to dn.s, ss4 wt thea es ho.Wy to wow iei. R.41.'e resod. rosy f•... H. dide'* leek mist • kit. •' Why, SAM she s•td.,yeti esse'[ w of awns, i1 yea Ase'[ soy dieser. SW 1 *maybe you liked maimed embers rs en stash." " T✓.. I d. -'dr adf1Oy'," Raba. old, Whim as s*pesot•ttve Meq " I Yb 'as -- 0. my 1 Prato► ems I 'spook I'n ween some " *hat de yes womb be la massed ler. Hes r gad i.sa . boat. s saes- ass.leek sas- t.., was seeker • near lade 4*00 m We was the queens. p.oa. 1 '1� *.him bid dews w fink .ad woke a BMWs apes*. e he N theme, Pi be Mend wed gat le e'er wish. Tbm .0. I as .a tow my Ana 1'd ba .1us1 '[•eed4 .71 w.ka•w or em.,a.'--w«r N 101111 CJJf S ISO DOI 11111 YOU RAiI I? Wiry *hot mesa. Kw n�. - ! • ed, omit tl keine/ .. and mut it will buy a pound o(& wn Label • ba f... was reser-.b..k.d .ill "h" M .0r.,"I rename" takes; 99 .p..ch ended. B.t ro•.e'. too. Iook.d r 6 6 lietle treehled. She o.ddeoly remembereu hew soy times Robin had to ash to be "'wood " before .he Dot seed kis polite little robe. The •• grows .p woad be busy talking. and •h. would be hernias or talbtog, too. Poor little Wawa -tr. that ta what he moue ! Aad woos thought --and don't you! -that Rohm was wry polies got lo put that part of it into his 'pesob. - A.!rl* HAMILTO!. I)usNm1_ • tte..rbabte Ph, .Ir Is•. Last spring, is the of y .t Nett l or k, o001Ir- red Doe of the meet ro.,ark•ble funerals ever +itoemed. Tb. hearse was attended by sixty o•I1•be•ren, sed each .aa of the pity owed bis Isle, eerier God. In the nits- iar•tloa of his then here. Behind the hearse walked eight Misdeed men an lime, hardly one of sob.•in but was indebted to the deed man for hie ability to he titer.. Two hundred and emery -three o•rr-ages followed. sod these in ,aro were attended by a large .usher of people en foot. This mem weals simple east ..f" physician, who. patients were dwellers 10 the teas meat di.,riots, and whom mourners were the poor ,n whom he had mieisiered Doctor Arenson opened, at ht. own ex pease, • hospital for oewemptivee in the Dense.[ parr of the pity, and threw himself heart and soul into the work rot •'Ir.v•tine the distr.... of friendly., pati0ate. Once he es. taken down with hlnod.pniansing con traded from • patient, and for w.rk. 'tow- ered he' weer life .ed death Then . wnnd.rfgl .nd beautiful .irh, a me .. o. Hundred, Dame daily to vapor. for the good phvstolan Swage. 01 po0916 knelt tneether in the open air ►round his door- step oorstep and prayed aloud for his recovery. When by recovered, he e.ad he would glad ly undergo the same again to again save 111.. At last came a day when, upon his return from s ^.II on • poor patien•. this good man dropped dead npnn thy sidewalk rear his own door .tep, hie end thus con.iny, just as he had long hopod and prayed it might Dome The end Minn, we have mid. Hut who can pre lir' an sod to • hfe so 611+d with the ,pint of Him it ho was pre emiosotly the Helper and Healer of me. ! Bede" \..w a Wig Tier. resides in Washington • lawyer who a •hurt time - go retired from the pro feesion in which his name was • power. In his early days the lawyer Inst his heir, the result of • long spell of niokee's, sod from them day. to the present time hie head km bees adorned with wipe-yeritahle works of art --from the hands of • oelebnted makes in New fork A. time rolled on he exob•ngen the glossy Mack «hook of artificial Mir to an iron grey, which he affects sow. Th. wige look so natural that only hu intimate friends recognize them se such One day he woe defending • man accused of stealing • pair of trimmers from • hook in front of • t..cond hand store while the pro- prietor was inside Th. ■hopkeeper was placed in the hox. and identified the prawn er as the man who attempted to snatch the goods, meotiootng at the time that the thief Worn • wig " DO you know • wig when you see os5 oe someMdy's heed !" asked the 'mosey. The witness smiled sad replied in the of. firpeotiye, " Dose hie honor weer • wig !" " No." Does soy of the jury wear me!" ••No" " i)o I wear one !" The shopkeeper laneh.d outright •t the idea of • man with such • magnifiosot head of iron -gray heir wearing a wig. and be re- pli .v1 emph•tio•Ilp 'hat h• did not. " I ko.w .nn didn't know • wig whoa you saw one," retorted the lawyer coolly ; at the sane time littler rff the grey locks and exposing • pate se smooth ea • baby's f.oe. The court -room was convulsed and the defendant .egmitt.d. A R. CATHOLIC PRIEST FATHER OROUIX, OF THE ARCHBISHilP'S PALACE, OTTAWA, CERTIFIkS TO THE VALUE OF THE IttllA&K0111 woo,cIXt, IMMIX/Jen 400T- 11eAT coma Anbbhibp' P•1•oe, OTTAWA, Dam do. Nev. 8, 1886. Mr. 8. S. Weakness. M.P.. Hamate., 0.. : My Dear 8ir,-In order to empty with yew request. I raised r lose Hon weeny - six parses+ a diagram sees and esetditle.s. residers is ear city, who had used the .ed. MMus .•llod . Kootenay Onus." Upe .y wgdry,seme informed me that afar suffer- ing •1.1wd•.el7 ter ...y len frees Rhen- wads., seder me 1•rm et mother, slay bad .btale.d eoed4snblo relief from the •b...-se..d remedy. and were coin[ it yet wit\ she arm hem and sham ser4Wty then is the soar Mere all the painful easels would disappear. Others told me that stay hod bee oared .seepi.Mly,feit so mese pale. .sold digest weedy, sleep a.anily, bad remised their lest weight, ..web . tutu tem Mgr said be said s have base 1- 410104 sal ns hem bees trend r.•d 10. sew ones I .N with ave asses .t aa d1s- .•w, n whethe nadide. hod prsdtsoed waederfil regalia, esped•Uy is Des .ass .f u lame aim years' sten ding. 1. nevoid aa�psssa�e of Rhesaealti.. wed Paralyds...r- .it.jphyskttais, shier e•reful .*.dy.b d pre. seeseed the ems* lasemble. As Ressm - Mem is seg* a es..•e •ik>•ge4 and as de.. Mrs lave always sash Mawlty is eve.e..- tyt it, 1 Web it M guile to make karma mob • r's.se1.lM ready le pose, wdlerlea b..geit7. I •ss phased is hem Hs ensiles et rese..tmdleg its ties petals of the OapiiaL Whist you frlher masan is your us- drtaki.w. believe see, dr. (t114ed) ammo Osoetx, Pr. • very pes1Mr sleet was predated by the lsllswleg ess•msgama i eanleleed le a mem" Wes .l.,j k.mmle ' Ammon Was swath* L_.L.a at fiifs peat fdr Wee w� ill be 1► amwalse Asa - her masa Osup es- w anis •.h ;pee be isibilltmes el *he .ice les-Itte Q yes harm :Ise it� aaia. NS S eseed Ills* WO lee allitiled• t -Yon 1 I said W me r I g.alib'k W II CEYLON TEA When once used, always used. LEAD PACKET ONLY. BLACK OB MIXED. FROM A LL c R00ERS- Millinery MISS CAMERON is now showing a large a*.sortment of the latest styles in Fall and Winter Hats. All goods are of the most fashionable design and wauufacture, and the prices are within,the reach of all. MISS CAMERON, FALL MILLINERY. We have a large and well-chosenLStock in Hats, also the newest Shades of rib- bons. Velvet, Feathers, and Fancy Wings. AH are invited to come. We are pleased to show goods. MISSES YATES, The Square. 66 Eye_ Openers " Misses' Sizes (11 to 2) Oil Tan grain leather, button or laced boot, solid leather in -sole, pegged or rivitted bottoms, only $1 00 Ladieb' fine Kid buttoned Boots, made on the - new lasts, patent leather tips, made by The J. D King Co., only $1.50. Men's heavy No. 1uality Granby Rubbers with heavy full shaped Sox for $1.65 per sett. it They are Money -Savers." H, Be PdLLOC& The Low Prices Shoe House. Ye it in?and Year out (Tet rosxrr CITY uranium A11,0 e11100THHAND o0LLaot, Y. M.C. A. BUILDING, gives the hoot prootic.) Rows.....d Shorthand Coarse obtainable. Courses oar fuIiy =gv.d.d Reason•ad equipment the beet. Students ..iel.4 to profitable position. weekly. boa. $2.60 per weak. For particulate of either mares address J. W. WE8TERVELT, PrinolpaL FE INVITE , you TO CALL ANI) EXAMINE OUR GASOLINE AND COAL -OIL STOVES Also let us send t ne home for you to try for • week •ad if yon •re sob alluded, to tag under no ob lialflba it/ is bee d ala. Mtatinia Lid. 1