HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-19, Page 2THF SI(P L : al►PRR1('A- ( T.• THTTRRT)AY- NOV. l9. 1RKR.
THE NEW SENATORS m* froth tis. d
malt. tWU .Dt+tm and fire cite
wry .t .0 or &h las doss
acid. The peeper who pay
---�-- money tor whir vinegar should WOO
some guarantee that they are not get -
Meg the aortic acid mixture.. leo dsai-
.r, May b• called upon 1.. distinguI.
1.1wern the kinds Seated.
The Uwtlsb uutrn.ment u aaking fur
information In regard to Canadian pulp
wood. I►snut.rk's supply has bosh
drawn from Norway, and It has urea
playing out for years, WI prem. have
sway upas an there are good pro-
' Mark the Flret Step In Reform -
Ing the Upper Chamber.
The aeve.awent et air mNrter 401001 will
Rave gear et ewe teen 1 ',fro galled
1 Meese Seat T•nmash 1'.wada rel
I S INA feae(ry imam -
Ottawa %ewe
O'tawa, Ont.. Nov 10 -Thr Pre -
Misr to -night c..uflrr' .d the re-
port that Hon. David Mills at.4 Mr.
George A. Ons. president id the LOMA-
dlan Bank Of Commerce, have thea
appointed to the .senate for the Pro-
vince of Ontario. filling the vac•.neW
created by the deaths of Dr. Ferguson
of Weiland, and Sir David Macpherson.
The apprIntmen,. of Messrs. Mills and
Cox was made at the last meeting 'f
the Cabinet. and the ortierain eounell
are now on the way i.e. Lord Aberdeen
in British Columl'aa for his signature.
As sown &a His Excellency approves et
them he will advise the Government
by telegraph.
The Journal says : Tate appoint-
ment of Messrs. MUIs and Cox to the
Senate Is an Indication that the Gov -
eminent is going to make an effort to
reform the upper chamber. and Lori
there is no intention of abolishing 1L.
Mr. Cox Is one of the ableat
financiers In the country. His
same Nos mentluned at one time
connection with the position Of Fi-
nance Mlniater. As for Mr. Mills, he
fa one of the keadt.g public men 'f
Canada. Ito lung service to the stale
as a Minister of the Crown and 1r
Parliament n.ake hum eminently ritual
to apo the boder of the Senate.
Oliver Mowat. in bringing about those
reforms wjticb he h&a promised In ten-
necton With that WstIMUon.
The attention of tile Gov ern-
Ineet.t has leen Balled to awlaw
just enacted be the Legislature
of Cape Cedony, which pre
teas. Impena.tun int. that coup`
try. al...'er heavy penalLie*..Of "any
ounce let trees, or any fru t. scion,
ct•.Itng brei., mot or reef. the g.iwtn
ur product tker of. from either Car-
at* or the United States" Heavy
I.tneities are provided for variation 01
i,h.s lea. While k may he •►,t• tbat
nu gnat .quantity of fruit o. fruit
tree ,a -e exported to the Cape.
v : the Fruit Growers' Asaoelatio--,•e
4, sue .e that the ft crd..m of Qwuadtan
c t ... • dr from disease may be demon
rt,ateu. and this unjust •mbet.u. evl-
deo:ly made in ewut•ranee of the tater.
re LA'. .1. It is likely. therefore. that
thy .: irarttnent of Agriculture
trek 'be ma.t••r me, with . tow t)
• .owing to the. Cite: au .hurt es that
lite• la was paired 1n iv- _-a:. • of
the f••ets.
Arco ••frog to Inturmatlrn which has
' re•.cbr:' the ng' i. u:tura) and iatifY
G•mm,ssioner. a,.other .•)t appal
o: "fll el ' cheer. has been sent t'•
Liverpool fr.ns Chle'ago via Montreal.
It ace P'of. Itobertsup was advised of
tit firs' sheetient of filled cheese to
LrglanJ. the inepeetur aapdntext to
examine into different shipments has
aretully watch...1 etc&. lot of cheese
tieing :extreme In bond. On Saturday
av t a euaplclous looking bast of 17:
1• •,s were fount en route trent Chi -
Car.. t° Glasgow They were not
bander In accordance with the regu-
Litton* of the United States law. deal-
tng wit: the manufacture and expor-
latt"n orf filled ct: tee. Prof. Hobert -
▪ n wee forwarded full panteulars ort
t14. lot to tit:' chief of the dairy divi-
st)is of the Department ut Agriculture
at Warhingtnn, ;a order that such tit-
ters) ma) be taken as will effte•tually
prevent the skipmemt of any filled ..r
lsttnor cheese through Can. dian
Juts to Great Britain, unless proper-
ly brar,lyd ae such.
Teen Premier is sanguine as to the
Out -oma of the negotiations retarding
the school com;iromise. On being
leaked to -night about the repeat from
a Innlp. g of a hitch he the ne•,totla-
tio:,s. Mr. Laurier cbaracteriztel it &a
".ti: hash "
Recently petitions were sent to the
Jelrlster of Jueti. ee asking for the re-
rnte•lon of the sentene a on Patrick
Lyen o Toruntu. who a doing a term
in Kingston Penitentiary fur perjury.
These ..etitlon• nave been considered,
and It is understood the sentence w111
Pot be interfered with.
r ccot•'ing to the flew of Government
ofli• isle Capt. Ruelle. owner of the
D.Iroll mud scow. Is entirety out of
court -,rilh bis claims for damages.
CI.J._ :41 of Cie CUNom. Act says
Ata' It the owner or claimant 0f •
• thing wised or detained, or the person
all •Sed t.. have .neurrrd the penalty.
dt.es no' within 30 dao. after having
been n.•tiled of the Mihlste-r's decision,
give Met notice In writing that aitch
der.slon will not be accepted, the de-
clrl.,n shall be .anal. (apt Ituelle
failed to comply with this provision of
the sae hent.- any court of law will
doubtless rule him out.
The om(er, of .he analyst branch of
the lnlvn.: Res •yue Department will
take ut. the question of the aduitera-
tien of hoary ant analyse samples ob-
ta'ned in different parts of the coon -
e: It will be remembered that
thr ugh the t -n,. gy of Ur. Penult.. M.
P.. .en ae•t was passed Last session, pro-
b:M•Ing tit. fieding of sugar to bees.
Th. proposed test t.y the anal>st will
Jemunstrat,• to •khat pate+, a,,....y now
on •h.- mark, . is bring 'dulteraled.
Major C. Kitson, of tit.. King's Royal
R.A m, reported commandant of the
Royal Military College, Is a past staff
college rnan. He le major of the 4th
ba.tallen of his corps. Ile u lust 40
Vea.• of age and has served in the
army since 1117:.. He wan A lee. to
the Brlradler-General at Aldersh,et in
114-i11. A.U.C. to the Major-General
cmmmanding the Western dlatrl.r tail
15ati, and district staff "Meer and De-
puty Assistant Adjutant -General In
Wheal in lithe He saw active servk•e
'n 8:8.. expedition to Manipur. Indite In
1101 and was mentioned in doapatches
t( i ondon for the same- Former eom-
m indents of the R.M.(' have been at
high, r rank that the Major As there
are .leltenant-c dnnele attending the
e .11• se, Major Kitson. If he be the
nornlltwe for =laget,t a evidently an
able offerer. He is at Alderahex, sta-
tioned with Ade corpse The pr.nwdurw
le for the nomination to be made by
the home anther -Atlee. and cenflrmed by
rode la eouaelt hese.
ertis !)ominlon Analytaa haw. been
teekmg Into the samples et vlawgam
that wore (*fleeted In dtlinrent Mares
esti pert up by different makers_ The
. yrmtnat.wn Mani not the .fact, that
tee term -*Meter" le rout s bdeflntbs
so • an well he Imagism'. There are dN-
ette kends of ., ks , el selling an -
- the same rt•selt Ib different
m ono another. • yle.thers
tee, tree ..nate made Them a. sear -
specie 01 Oanadlan pulp wood finding a
market there.
The relic hunter has outwit Ottalle
occasionally, as well as ether Mine
Some vandal has spade a beg belregi
one of the curtains over the Vico-
Throne In the Senate Chamber and car`
reed away a pity of teem rich old
hangings that cattle up from Quebec.
where they had done service In the
I.egsiative Council Chem l.er.
The medical staff of the Protrytent
hospital are again at loggerheads wttb
the hopital director. and It Is said
(hat tM rwlgnatlon of the entire Medi-
cal hoard is one of the probabilities
of the next few days. The trouble is
over the eee:tl.n of (oe•• new attetad-
Ing physicians by the directors Leat
week, replacing; two ..1.1 physicians.
A sign of pr.:eprrity m the States Is
evlden.ed by an order lust received by
the Pontiac anal Pel& Junction Rall•
way to b4 prepared to ship ten car
leads of Iron ere dally from the Bristol
mines Quel.e.•. to Pittsburg. Pa. The
minae have hewn worked under lease
by Ennis & (b of Philadelphia for
some year•.
An action for 050.000 for breach of
agreement was entered in the High
Court here to -day by Messrs. Mao-
(`1a,keo. Henderson, & McKay. acHag
on behalf of Messrs. John F. Hendrts
and S. S. Ryckrrran of Hamilton. The
defendant's are Messrs. Rufus H. Pope
of Co.kehire• Quebec. and J. P. Graver
of Spokane. Plaintiffs state that the
agreement referred to was entered in-
to at Hamilton, tint., on July Yu last.
and was that defendants agreed 10 Mel
and convey, by good and sufficient
conveyance to plaintiffs. a three-flfthu
interest In the mineral claims "Mascot"
and "Mascot Fraction." situate In the
Trail Creek district, West Kt...tertay
The purehaae prise for the claims was
$:4.000. 4)1 [hie $4000 was paid down.
and the rest wave to be paid in thirty
days. letalntlRs claim that defendants
disposed of the minas to other parties
before the thirty days had expired. As
the property is now valued at the lane
sum of 01,500.000. they therefore claim
050,000 for breath of the agreement_
Dr. Saunders, director of the Experl-
mental Farm. haw returned home from
a trip in the Maritime Provinces, where
he held a course of meetings, at which
he and the MinIster of Agriculture gave
A number of Quebec politkians ar-
rrived here to -night, among them being
Senator Thibaudrw, Mr. Pretontalne.
M.P.. and Mr. Lemieux M.P.
There is every proalect of a lively
Mayoralty contest here, tour candidates
being in the field. They are ex-Itlaeor
McDougall. ALI. Cluff, and ex -Add.
Crannell and Bingham.
T. P. Owens of the Hansard staff lett
to -day for British (Oolumbla being ap-
pointed OBfeial Stenographer by the
Canadian Government to the Behring
Sea Claims Commission. The Uni�
Staten Government will appoint
other stenographer. and it is probable
that Mr. McBride of the Oonereaatonal
Record Staff may get the pc.t111on-
Senator Temple was here to -day. He
left for Toronto to -night.
epewteig of the General Assembly se
■eehrMee-Tbe )•ernes was Meeh
what They will *.mated.
ttoehewter. N.Y., Nov. •0 -The regu-
lar session of the General Assembly of
the Knights of Labor opened here this
3413rning. There are about 100 dele-
gutter present from dit.,'rent parts of
the United States and Canada.
(senersl ,lar • er Workman Sovereign
v• and Introdu^ed Charles
\t t'eht of this city, who welcomed the
delegates .' . afterwards introduced
elioor War. who delivered an ad-
dreos. General Worthy Foreman el. J.
Bishop of Boston reeled to Mayor
Warner, in which he stated the objects
of the order.
f. B. McGuire. of Amsterdam, a
member of the Executive Board. de-
livered an eddres, which was greeted
with mtch applause.
Mrs. Ford of Re.cheater, 'he only mo-
rtar delegate., also made an address.
alter w'%Ich the meeting went into
exec utlye session.
'-he meeting throughout was strictly
seent nothing being given out except
:h odgh the members of the Preps
Cc•mmlttee apt"dnted by the General
M.uder Bot kman, tut - representa-
eve of the Associated r-e•w was de-
formed from a very re, Thi source
th:.t on' of C e rn..st impoottant deU-
beratlont would be the subject of tariff.
H. was Informed that the present
Courses-, will he asked t.. take the
tariff o^' witel•.w Slaw+, and that
ill he ' acre I I.y .rune of the leading
snatch In the 1'nit-d States Senate
who fernier:e favored a tar!ft on that
t educe
41 f.P.(t. OPBllt.'ToI1.'.
she le the rivet rreakMk .t All the
1'arb►L eters.
The principal oblects of interest to
be asked eye star -teaser this muuth
t:lovenntwt), &aide term the oot'%etalla-
,ina, which tray readily be located
widb the air of the planispherr, ar.
.he varialae star Mira, the Leonid me-
teors and the planet Mars.
Thr afar Omlorott Ceti, better known
to "Mira, the Wonderful,'• one or the
meat freakish of I.L. variable star's-
eerUculaly Interesting because of the
„teal range ef 14 variability -is now
'.tt the point if coming inks Visibility
1., the naked eye, and wire prubsaey
.tach its maxImuun oe Militancy sumo
..iter next month. 1t is in a parte:Mer-
good position for observatwn. and
ee Jibe who is Interested in .yelesLta
;.1.rnumrna should miss thus tipper -
:unity of forming the star's acquaint -
aloe and noting its ecoentrlclUea
The peculiarity of Mira Y this: Or-
dinarily It is lnvfatble to the naked
ye. betas when at Its faintest of be-
tween the ninth and tenth ntaan•:udass.
!laving remained at this point of low-
ed brilliancy for aunty weeks it begin.
.,lowly to brighten. and atter awhile
it becomes visible to the naked eye•
It continues to brighten for a month Or
-ix weeks longer. when it attains a
•naxlnnum of luWlanoy.whlob is usual-
ly that of a star of about the third
n•agnittde. In this condition It re-
main,. sometimes fluctuating in br!gbt-
i.esa, for a fortnight et- so. and then
I.eglns to lime its lustre. and in about
hree rnont.hs it le again beyond the
reach of the naked eye.
Mira runs the cycle of its changes In
ar average period of about 11 months,
t Lehrer. there is a considerable Irvegu-
I.•:-icy In ate proud. as well as 1n its
i.rilltancy when at Its brightest. Its
1.1.4 maximum occurred some time In
January last. Owing. however, to the
i•revalenur of cloudy weathe* during
:eat and the preceding months ob-
r•nera were. not able to fix upon the
precise date of the occurrence. nor to
ti.terrttlne very exactly tete Marc'
greatest date a the occurrence nor to
fallen short or the third magnitude.
The (Auer of the singular deportment
of this and similar variable stare 1s
uniting the enigmas which science Is
.tell attempting to =riddle. Upon
r. Luckyer's •' neteor1.c theory"
. lira is not strictly speaking. a "star"
that is. a sun. It L dimply a con -
di -nab -1g shoal of meteors. its light be-
ing due to heat engendered by the col -
lesions of these metivra. wtlk:h are a*-
sumed to be in motion among them -
• Ives owing to their mutual attrac-
8 ,n for one another. There are here.
:u ' • riding to Mr. Lockyer. two such
eieter,r ahoala, circling about each
.'cher in orbits of such eccentricity
:hat. While ordinarily the two mases
..f meteors do not hnterefere with one
:.:,other, yet when they are the nearest
t.gether one of them erases ur pewee
partially through the other. As a con-
sequence the collisions brawme more
rumenous and more violent, and ver see
the "star" Increase in brilliancy. Th.-
si•eectroso ogre shows that the star's in-
crease In splendor is due mainly, If nee
wholly, to an •wtbutst a glow in;:
ream, a fact which is outte In har-
mony with Mr. I.ockyer's theory. In-
deed. this theory was based originally
upon experiments made with the sp.r•-
troscope. When ahtnfng only faintly
the star is decidedly red: but as it
I -tightens it loses Its redness. and its
eieV'trum shows bright lines, Indleative
of luminous g&aea, among which is the
you -present hydugen.
Mira is now at 9 p.m. In mid-hea-
vtns In the .outhe&at. To And it -or
its isw,ltl n. for It Is not now visible-
llrwt find Meeker, the second magnitude
'tar In the snout of Cetus. This star
f..rms with the Pleladee and the pair
.•f stars in the head of Arles a triangle
teeth nearly equal aides. To the ryrht
Menkar is a grouu d three stars.
ar shorn on the pianl.phere. The mid-
dle one of these 1s Ganrama Ceti, of the
third matrnitude. The lowerme.et. of
the fourth magnitude, le Delta Ceti.
This star Delta 1. almost exactly mid-
way between Meeker and Mira. With
an opera glass a small triangle of
seventh magnitude stars may be seen
In the sOot here indicated. Mira will
make es app.aranee at the centre ut
this triangle. Keep a watch upon It.
1 I'la.i 1 rr.lrr.landlag •.ash d and &a
Agrerna as Masted w bleb [I.Ide
bowl tee ear tear.
il..mtreal. No.. 1'e..-I$terc8l.l--Pot the
lee tea days m rnr.teersre has been gels;
..0 w•Iw.r•h >Ir. .. W. a,.rmrr. ..np.•tl°tra-
tk•et of Ih.• I as.eru blvrb.n . t the 4%18111.
steel e1 toew.w"nal .wp•riso hdeet. ase
...eh .M 1•ga..•. n.pt.apbtlug 19. . n.11.. Ir.•..
seer: i. the .sine W11...u,.. '4olt, a •_N.
wader, set.' dle us ed ::..1 g ..II rte• ■ w la
W.M. fiat. and 81110 .'.rising „ is 411 •n de.
alandii,s was n•a..led and an ,Y.Ih ,..est
dgne,l regarding tl.r hhta'm ...'. 4.•a. pity,
rt.•., wloeh will 1.1.1 ;omit int 1w• y. •r• Ail
parties .'a8, that 1:,. .1tg.n'In•. e:a
dlap..a.'41 ''1 Ie at 1e9.:, err ar e....r,.... .u•.
men mud '11•
4.• w. d AA 4 4.'4. • ItwaM1.
New York, Nov 10.- -troller wheat"
appear. to b.' in sight and the ' • s-
pect Is that the flow se g 'l.. :. 1.1
Europe will hon be reeune ( ash
wheat Nu. 2 rel. the standar.! trade
Nil to -day. at el cents a bush. e. o to
August 14 teat It meld at C c. n •. The
ga'n. tber.f.we. It. less that' three
anatbe has been m cants a Luehel.
Fire Aa.... ver Olio .re..
New Yolk. Not. 1o. The brume, of cote
sere* says. "TA. err In.s n, lee Lofted
d ame mid 1'anode for the month of 44.. -
Mier •how+ a !near of 1114.11113.11441. T►le u
a remarkable lu•pPoernenl os er IMtnbet'•
• bewl.g` In 11414:.. whoa the fetal lees was
q 411.Lsl
'lily total for the grit tea meati, 4d
1Me •,Mots • gpramtltylig redeetlea r
emaperl«'n with few agsr'es nor the same
mead of Ithe."
Tb. aerate.
u 1 shoed die te-•Igatt-
hea would you Wok tt qt taus
Awe wish sue back age u wetY air stall?
Neale ss: the years of rating 1 have meat
I.pr.uurlt•g ell your kard-earned grata and
Wile smut reture Ie butter. meek or meat.
Nub Ilttir ease a pile of 1e.eb.d-rut dues
Rud m) ..+ I4•ty to bare behead:
e told rurb a 811' work wake you' wlah me
If 1 should die tonight?
1thiessee arse.. M t Teme ,
gsatere weer . Nev. 10. A smoke trio
.Lear. 11.10.. Waddle r.. sys M.
:cat barges lying tis teltt�
./.m1a to tie Weaken of ?teeth
GNw y
IMMsavlag Arm 1. easel. le reader OW
' e•�taare en aee'nant of the ttesna�s�
eM whleb le ramose'. ewe tsr t 4eesee
tam taeasiest spereme tae
gMa ellesars M M Mae" 1-e is passe
Th. rex mar .
1f 1 should Ole to-ulght-
I'd be ten dollars better of by .peing,
That money represents the difference
Ilrt..a'u the foot that you will guaale down
Before the stow .welts and the aL'Y auol
That you eau lwnufacture from that toed.
1f jou abouli der to -night- - I d thank my
And If jou think of dying. Art me take
My as and turn you lino beef, at best,
Before you dee tonight:
-Rural New Yorker.
Taw Appetite ..t . su.all N.J.
1 weigh In the nelgbbortlood a two
hundred puuu.is, and 1 am the happy
father tat a small boy who weight
about forty pounds. As neer &a I can
figure It I ought to require about three
or four times as much t0 eat as that
buv. This calculation takes into oun-
e. 'eraton the foot that lee buy Is
Isom lta
NOW 1 eat three fairly good-elsed
meals a day.
This is what my boy eats:
A glees of milk on getting up; two
crackers while getting dressed; one
cooky (Purloined while breakfast is he-
ir:, put on the table).
llreaktast-,about twice as much as I
A large piece of bread covered with
jam to Induce him to leave the table;
two sticks of trendy to Induce hien to
be a goe,d boy: a pocketful o[ cookies
to keep hem from starving while at
his morning play. more or leas sand
while at aald play; one green apple;
one rrtarhle (swallowed accidentally);
one gumdrop bambooaked out of an-
other boy; more or leas baby -food
hooked from his baby sister; a piece
of We (wheedled rut of the cook, 1t be-
ing her baking -day).
Dinner -about three times as much
as I rat.
Another stick of candy to induce him
to be a good boy: inure or les sand
and gnat•. -1; a large wad of chewing -
gum lain° .wallowed accidentally);
or.e pen; three glamor' of milk to make
him ale tens another stick of candy te
endo h1® to take his afternoon nap:
• pt of bread and jam on waking
from said nap; more crackers; more
Supper -.bout four times as ninth as
1 eat.
Alter stepper. cookies. cake. candy.
rte, apples, nuts rattans and crackers
ad lite; three elatwes of mUk to snake
him sleepy again: a large piece of
bread and jam to Induce him to go to
Now will 'somebody please tell me
the why and wnemefore of all ties, and
what he does with it all' -Harper'.
tapoe•1• Isa..$a.
Many insects ter taster than biros.
The common house fly cart ordinarily
fiy twenty-five feet In a second. itut
when it is alarmed it has been found
that It oan tncrease its rate or speed
t., over 100 feet per second. If it
toted continue such rapid flight for a
mile In a straight line 1t would oover
that distance In exactly thirty-three
*4 onda It a not unooxrnnon when
traveling by rail in the summer time
te see a bee or a wasp keeping up with
the train and tryout to net In at one
of the windows.
A swallow is considered one of the
swiftest of flying birds. and 1t wads
thought until recently that no Insect
could escape' it. A naturalist tells of
an exciting chaos he saw between a
swallow and a dragonfly. which 1s
among the swiftest of Insects. The
Inseet flew with lncred '!e speed and
wheeled and dodged with such ease
that the swallow. tit .ylte its termer
efforts. coinpletdy failed 10 civet-tpk*
and capture 11.•5C4entw.
Graeae Mose.
The tame of "Ceramic Stone•" ham
been given by M. Garchey, a French
inventorto a new building stole ob-
tained by him from broken Maas. The
a:ass--broken bottles. window plates.
etc. --e reduced to powder, different
kinds are mixed if variegated coker
I-: desired. and the pulvmAsed 'sweetili
I: devltrifled by oassina tttaemelitivrty
'trotl's.% two furnace*, the Mound be-
ing one of high temererattme The
pasty mass is then pawed leder a
pleas which gives tt rape sad cos-
Thlvq rite« taea the r- -•w.
The greatest depth. write. 'fee.or
Seeley to the "Story of tae earth." et
whit! earthquakes are ltso.• n to orig-
setts Is about thirty mese. et
l'ao boss a lculat•d that a heat w -
eMent to melt granit• Intpt maw et
..poet the same depth.
The Je.tere Chorea.
"I art sorry to see that Yeas Mabel
appears to be losing interest in re-
ligious things."
"Why. Dr. Fourthly. how can you
say that'"
"She has joined the choly."-Chltwgo
Fweddle-Aw, Mims Cudley, do you
believe In this nonsense about men be-
ing evoluted from monkeys'
Miss Cudley- Some men may have
evoluted from monkeys, but I'm sure
that you never did.
Fweddle-Ha. ha'
draw the Une?
In your case it was degeneration in-
stead of evolution. -Cleveland Leader.
Why. do you
"1 Nes we'd better tell that errand
boy he'll have to give up his habit o[
whistling." mid the business man.
"I shouldn't do that," his partner re-
plied. 'The only time he is hurrying
le when he 1s keeping time to a
march." -Washington Star.
"Mello, Bluffly: You didn't get around
last night to hear your wife's excOlent
lecture on the faith cure.
"No. I was laid up at borne with the
dick headache."-Detrltt Free Pram
"Where are you working now,Mary'"
"Ain't workln' nowhere. I am In
business for myself. I got a couple
down ladles that pays me a quarter a
week to Dome around and ask Om for
a place, and It makes the hired girt
they got mad. and sh., won't leave."
-L�imclntatl Eaguiref.
Wanted T,r. Aligarh far north.
The janitor had conducted her
through the building, and she seemed
not altogether displeased with some a
the apartmenue ray. the Washington
"I hope." she said. "that none oe
periople here keep dogse'
"Some at th.vn do,"
truthful ewnploye.
"Are there any chlldreslr'
'There ain't any rase of Insiatin'
folks twin' born growed up."
"The style of the decorators doesn't
exactly please MP.**
"They're all brand
sfrald the landlord
"Does anybody In
the piano?'"
"No, ma'am. But
pe. 1s learnln'."
'9Ttat'm too bed. I dialike. noire► It's
a very glee place In many relpectw.
But dogs bank. and children cry and
pianos jingle, and I'm eery particular
about decorations."
"Well, ma'am there's
1 can say."
"What a it?"
'Ton aer''t expect
for IBI a month."
replied ,he
new, and I'm
wouldn't change
the bulldfng play
two Or three 1)4.'4)'
only one thing
to feet heaven
my the re.Rletent Iter Of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"1 was troubled for years with a
sore on my kuse, wL.ch several
physicians, w'ho treated me, called a
cancer, assuring we that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak-
ing a number of bottles, the sore
•himetta 1ladedaesa
The palm for abalent-ndntlet nam r
probably taken by a learned German,
wbm • Perlin mesio paper on Prete
Dowel a Dona. Oe. day the prnfemse
noticed his wile placing • lamp bou-
quet re bels desk. "West dos that
swan?" he asked.
"Whys'' she •telalat.d, "d/a1't yea
bow that this le Ike *0sM+..ary of
year .anlage?"
))) "Ab adsad. le 50?" said tees pretest-
- p05. '1Kbedly 1st tib. irnew
Aga .vase sepal mesa& rod 1 wig
impala the
began to !...Appear and my general
health Improve. I persisted in thin
treatment, until the Clore was en-
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood -purifier• and, in-
deed, it seems .w 1; ugh I could not
keep house without it." -Mrs. S. A.
Fin.Ds, Bloomfield, la.
Tka Orli Wcrid's Hr Sarsaparilla.
Ayor's Pins Eceeinto tho L►w/h
V =-1TJ01
always on hand.
The .'est and only Scranton Coal in
this market.
SOFT and
- COgL -
always on hand.
All Coal weighed on the market
scales, so that you are sure of good
or Harbor Quay.
3A82113 s LU'$ Stem
The Signal
Mmase attils McOveisa M iM
Jed Irma ere malar
pard rage theti halt the pomp*
rad meanies r all aims el
prta . pew of Ilia maaaase•
mos mai seggen pa1, asd 8. mandif g yea way
be la awed sea
s year
dlbab ea/arte q pisses wW steel wit
Ms approval m[ rear patrons.
�o%t ' 4 bo.11
This useful siae is kept in the
r+o�e d gw'same e as rete!
heads Win e
l�clnto. iitwd►th
are not so generally used, they
an important place in ia
oc. we ooa1t11
See what we've
got ander the above heads.
That. iitwd►s
In this line we hare a very large
Moon of fine writing papers suit
able for every clans of basinees
represented in this locality, coin,
prising laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
Or unruled, as may be required.
INA‘. iitwd►s
11 the " pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
or account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some men
who get so many thinners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
ran out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is Com
plate in this line with four sizes.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They oome
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
aro sure to fetch him 'round --
✓ *at*LTea/ cram -awed 8,T*mwL
Vim Mamie MoMarrla, V aedeahaa k,
Om. woe. that Ry0W.s's "Releas, osier woe/
beret Par.' -r' .hire rendered ens N4. of Ir b4
*.&8l0.•..8. _. Phvderne said there was ria theme
s. .ver .roe rw.rn.rfnr the ave of her Saba Reps
4.ssnsd bar, but to -day Mer walking aroma! Selling
her Meda ho. Ryck.s.'s " r Core' gave
her Nes and h.ppl.sr gamer. to, Jaly 11). 1fal6
Mess J. W. aq.o.r Corley, Notary Pohl&
S WORN sT•T5NR*T er • SRATuns
Lula .elder, .8.. year. old, .ho oases veld
assess Mow bar birth. has been satire.) ostl .Id
We general *yews Malt up by kykw s "Seirssegy
Ota' he shoe* hx•ta are give la • ewers 111•11•
nod gralla by her mr•Irer, new George wink le
a1t•esa etas •a.lIoa thee-, dated July 5, ion
Wire J. r. $Marr!, > y Pale.
• a7eRpg•Tter NSTLRata - swan
l7'rh, a. $o..•n. le Marlborough et, Tees s
MemelLehrer teeth% end entralp•iesh
estwAad et Hew eft his appeals
and me s ereerry� Mk sea Me 1Mew.. w .e. le •
�e.e•alsep k ilen4:appetsock see -.s me.e.p
vMlpsNw emend : Ji Mr .r awe t�
wslf Re..Mr Qws mese
lie nabob
�sb Jti Im has Meese J W. gws,s
11l1ILEl*LI • i1ETAll
Pump & Fanning Mill 'hire
0.03:0Zi tIC?8, ONT_
P riv e11110ARTMa>1T e
A lane stook of very elrolee Purees, ewae
ramersi teem selected Muskoka emanated
pf •'44 with beats est mot
There Pumps .r. .sa.Motnrcd la • number
estrus le omit everybody sad every pl.o&
Vary easy weruMg pseM ter 4eep wens
1 ewgmelmsd teem imam fee roboal-
y Ny s, liras mama eta
NRaT roars*101.
W- earmea
ghee M drawlag wow
treat well a d0aase Asa pease Tres sad
weed Aperseresel. leen (teed sr
;IIiffilige weed se
MOW swing WAeal*U seal,
email amid Et- re AS gM Sheila
e ii r.r as. isisa
elders preemie
11,1X$T1i0a4 1106 di Co
Now, it would be hand to get
along witbooenvelope., and to
keep up • it t, the demand or
them we kl e•1, a large stock o
hand. We have now ablest a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prove, will ranee from 75c. to
$3.00 per M. We handle corm
mercial and legal sixesexcinsirele.
Cortvcltere.•tA V im&t it
has already been partially einem
orated in some of the heads alloys.
There is, however, a vast au,nun
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adr't, but we do it all at Tia
Z t1•vO4i.0..i000S
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in melee
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping is
stock the very latest and blest
samples to be had. Call and es
To l�''iro.rias
of entertainments and mini
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attacher
trtuA.ar s
We aim to excel in all the differ
ent kinds of work we turn out.
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper
suitable for all regmrements.
or 6.s wad. rC ,e•)Ltts
Thi. head coven a large used:
work, i frim a bread or milk fieri
to a new' nailing card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a .self
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket
Y osttr
Our facilities for turning out diff
clang of work are evidenced by dig
fact that the great bulk of it it
done by us. This line alio in
D(Ater s.
which our three testi-uniting lob
pre•ess are able to turn out in
surprisingly short tine.
%QNt ii!MXs
belong to the poster dsoartmeai
aloe, and we make a specialty e1
titers-pr'omptaese beeitag our aim
in this respect. A noticed .ale
will appear in TRU SIGNAL free of
charge when bills kw saws sae gel
#\t NGymks or11L
in the typographical
doaa aMLJ
be in this
in an expedition sail
manner and
Gear V teats 81W8 er dt j/10114
*ix rtge.110 >r ibAt..
Ws egessd aur tl1UD` /0/
ors, and eabeit at Ike