HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-19, Page 1T'23113 LDADINt� NEWSPAPER OP HURON OOt TY. 0112 DOLLAR WU.i. PAY "'Oa TH E SIGNAL Fos Oss Fite. FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR. -259t; GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY NOV. 19, 1896. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS - NOV. 191 lea Year (a amid Year Out --J. W. Westerr- .«ewes 5 a. 16....i.1-Hesdvwn Btcyole Co 6 ge ashisa 1 be Proud et -Wee. Sher - ass jr 8 Fee Cele. -r. H. Dsmb.m b , Te.e fl.I-J.s. rritzlsy 5 A Tem Days 8.1.-J. T. Aoeesen 8 Very Missal- W. Anises A Bet 6 9i Cbtldrea ts Shoe --Jac. YoN•ogbtes 8 Here. County Cowbell- Win. Lame .... 6 L.Eb.rt.g ea the Ottawa -Folioed sit Co 7 Tenders Wasted-I•rpeoter of Penes6 •.Oewei.-R B Smith 8 Tesler abated,- l► Lawns Meseta, ehd Feed Floor-Oplies Hutch's . Caretaker Wasted -C. • Humber s e e s TmMere W sated--(lsmore.. Holt A Holmes .f Valuable Property -Cameras Belt & Holmes Hua el Valuable Farm L•sde-Uunirse, Holt & Holme° Webs Fwtray --H Morland b 6 5 6 6 6 6 THE HARBOR. Perish gave tie harbor the go-by the pest week. The steam barge Jessie left es Saturday to lead lumber .t Geld.. Pelley. There ere but Mew legs .ow left is the river.tbe high water lost week heyt.r help- ed to dear them nut, The steam barge •rsba, frees Fort Wil - Wm, witb forty tbe.esmd bath& of wheat lir wilare alone the 4;. T. R lino arrived port oo Sunday. The following ye..&s have takes op quarters in the b•rbor for the Winter Sebe. Corias.d. and Tedesma, and etre. losses Chess. Evelyn, Sea Q.sw, Seibold, Sen (.11. Kegs, See Kiee, Qatari° and Deady. The Int three .reed ars es the Weed for raisin The seb000ers Sophie, Creases sad Kellen ars els expected to wisesr Mia LOCAL. NEWS IN BRIEF. 1 his day week will be T askegiviee Day. Tromps ere reported to be ple.tital jure mew. Another lot of Palms jest reo.ivd. 'Phe Fur. A slam wee in tows this week who waste 2,000 tourism The teas essscil will not meet tomorrow, Friday, seems. Andrews Rros A Co. shipped • carload .f lambs es Tuesday All the lady Modellers' but teres hays ob- Weed shoots for '97. The ° air/wore for the town sewers have osmasenoed the work. The Oddt.11ews meet a regular semi.e this rbered•y evades - Six inose of snow em the 13th of Nov,,. bit M • good begtooisg of Winter. Rader mere thea tad seal smother of farmers were is town es S•' nrday. Mies Dark bas moved lead bet nsw home 0o Vetoes .ad 8t. David'. streets Q•iM • .saber of Gderioh township foresees skipped apples is boxes the poet week. The Model School mediate base ova pasted their josr.eyuge to the Ward wheals. The sidewalks of onr male streets were wowjed with youthful .Leah -riders e Saturday. The Soh of The K.•rth as m•mef•otured by the North Amore& Chassis& Cs. r tad bed sad pared made is America. For McCormick's most idtaa.. Jersey COMM Sodom ..d Co.lss0s...ies go to C . Ittaokee.e.'. West-st. Oyster Parlors 93 4t It is I. be hoped thew our people who ben remind the suwpssts. 1 the Bass - bent Lottery will set be %dish emend to sad sway gad lane! for se& • freed. COMING AND GOING. Beaker Eliott was he Ottawa ltd week. P. M. Baer was ia Calming the pad week. Harry Bothwell wee V Iowa the pad week. Orders taken for •1l Weds 1 ICmittlr. The Fir. Jas. Ores, 1 Sesfe,M. nest Seedy to ( A. M. Tedd. ef (mob&, was h tows s Sasureay. Mrs. G Busk. cr., a visiting hinds lm Y he Thes.W Githeael TwN.oi .., spout Sri" laredia . Waimea 1 asafee1*, .pat 8seday R Crosby, ef Mater, was M 1*e (:cooly Iowa s Friday. H. J. D. (Met., burlier, of HessQwee 1a tows lest week. imepedr Robb. ef (Tits, wee Is the Co. tows hot week. ge eer Poser Flowers Were bedew skiswrkra The Fair. Flaky 8. B.Mk, 1 Brenda, was a the County Mose this week. W. W. Ams, 1 Hens•ll, wee e Gederieh lad Thursday hsp.t.g 1 Weed Rev.se*, A. Cavus. 8bNfeed, wee Is fewe ea Friday. Mrs el d her daughter Mrs. Kagan 8woeeeap~ Mseager 8asede.e 1 the rrr ieoleey made • Webb_ vide le Myth es Tow ela J. N. WOYal& is es a .oe1*1 vide le hit daughter dye. AJerdr. Lisboa. Mea Al.,. 8bowerl sad &Orem left es PIWAV fir Now Y.rk.wh ee they will raids ffir soma Ileo. Thos. Weeyela neureed es 8alerdey lift lbe N•5 vile te Nt.lbha mail ernieweolt Wil W. ii Deli!&, ef L••yFa•, North moms. ache he. boss .Ytkug her home Ian 1e•ssoi the )lose M wadi. •f Yee. Cape - Obese 1s0 a ise OUR OTTAWA LETTE What 1. Ooltg on at the Caps R. te sart& yes with datum i she past few years .d sada hove for the firs twee baa Tag BsNAna tgal Coeur vetre, wrw.papare pled espy. ADOITUNAL LOCAL NEWS. e.. Psouiourso ArraaczAT[D.-Om Friday dyes to the !able by %.w Uses .p.. she Metalog er I. 4 I.E. INperanseet of she Nd admst.- i•.r.tM-Rioels blade s• Stearn Mosey ITS tad I.p•eter. OTTAWA, Nov. 16. --The tarn and responsibilities that have devolved up- on me of .xpoMeg !the politto•1 .tm.er lave sot lessemed ei... I teak that •eeell r- silp-wil►out askiwr. 1 am gouts to be sone of your bask asmbee oes•tore .md if Me job carries so eal&ry 1 .m gotog to oos- tmm my work in the good eauee et trytsg Is moven the political belittles. Speaking of the heathen do you thick it world be . &fe to wad Mr. Haggut of oar friend Re Adolphe or eves old Sir Charles, who are sow out of • job, oat into the field of mu- *Se•ry work, to labor moose the betake. Hottentot where it dor act take 18 yards of dress material to °estorm with the • ague's idea of mbdeey. But seriously speak tog, will my Ewa aeon ever cease - Not till boodl.rs cease Doodling sod political criminals chase to orimo. New ober is this I leve rue up .maims. 1 have Jost Doth into po•seseioa ot • gent of • document ; at Int I tbmk Mi For 18 years our merchant. and im- porters had protested &g•mosc the system whish ambles the oflimes of the °•°tote depertaseet to oppress them. la 1889 Mr. Holies moved m P•rlsn.hot . " Is it resolved that it is expedient to .msod the C..ei..a Act in mob • Moaner flat while ssoorisg every peeper sad mosseary proteosies to the review, it witi relieve the honest importer from the danger of oppres- .es and i• the hsse 1 person dery d with vivatise of the Caress s aw provide that so sus be subject to the or them exempt after • fair and public trial ; mad provided farther, that us ou sweet shall the oaeore making seizures participate w tee fie• or forfeit :lapsed for such offeeo.s". This ruminate was voted down. New read the following letter, wrists, by 8. W McMichael, ohiet osotoine ia.p.eter for the Dominion to .lobe A. Grosse, .f Mestrenl. who for several wean wee a special officer of the C,am•dias Costsm• Cr,.yoas Dsrituruz e. CA'Aw•. Financial Inspector'. Ofb.e, TotawTO, JANUARY 20. 1887. UtAR Gast :- I melees herewith file No. 4319 of 85 and seize.• reports, re seises made .t Clifton free FMi.e... A Ce. &ad the Vienna Pres. Yeas Co: se she • letter jest r.o.iyd trees tad Commisooer of l'wto.s You will .se what the Commieaioser e.g. gest. in his letter. and I would like to know whet yea thick se to the propriety of cali- ber apes the perti . and e.deavoari.e to extract the mosey from sheen 11 you NMk the the better plan. it would be &soea.ry tee you to opine up here sod as- sist me, ea 1 deolim to hot alone in the matter it, however. you think it will be waste time amyl star in endeavouring to silos from the patine, plasm return sir the papers stating your view., and I w111 reo.mmesd that the seizures ho released es the emend that the settee of Mr. I..ped& Nowhere ~rased tad pieties he martin the yes& at the values apes whisk they were iayss.d. Yours truly, (Signed.) S. W. McMicaAn- Jofe A. Gsoees, Seth, Montreal Two anisate* tad bees made epos tad goods of the firms Ee.tioaed for nndor- vlu.tioa. The sus wieners to sver the addil..ea1 duty had b.es deposited by the dens seder pretest. They resisted the okra tor tad mdditim.al duty as it wee M- inded fieat U she seine was essfirm.d It woad fix a rate 1 value .pen mems 116,000 worth et Reeds that had is previous years bees imported by the Ikea sad mesa white geode they would have hese liable for add1 • tMee•1 demi... 1. the Int plass we 'ked Modelers! writhes Green to k.& what be1boegh a 1 tadef alas* apes the p.rtie .ad .. ..she0to menet the aesey from thea H. ad ears le sell aless bet weed Orem* to kelp him. If. layover, Groom thought it weed be wade mime .d lathy Is esdsevo.rieg he sanest from the parties. be. M.Mi.heel. weld reeemmsed that tie seinere be n• oilseed "ea the ground that the reties se Lasseter Nowhere w.rrestd the parties 1. estsrieg the yeast se the via upon whish they were eveiesd." tall 1111 TER MM. TM ewe firm. Is goatee, however, re- sisted .eft after b•uig*K fire for tea years (the Eisere wee made 1e 1806) the Osseo& Depress& es the 16 •gme,18 6estosded *0 *4*. 8... *0 qs.a01 I* .0S *4 *04 depseeted le error the •dallied dies re• gsrdieg width Melishael wrote Grams "1 weed like a k.& what you leak 1 the propriety el nabg apes the s.rwes sea esde•.e0OMg be =treat the as..y from thew" Titre e es a•o. hi N. ems aspart.wt 1 the letter M.Mf.he•1 refers es as having reedy& from the ..m- Eodser. la .osas.tes with the meter 1 have • regime to make. What Mr, Mal* the sew Post -Mester Omni. masted es to ha vended* the .MI emend series he &- yEm.�mi Mae .td emd.who W .. wewer *. d the IW 1 *sir twdmr te e eseseai- sses the Isis ft him mod the mai has baa the exposure 1 .01.01 very eroded dads. New Of _mosebeets era who have boss oppressed by the C�mtmmm depertmme mad Its semis wW es.mIRi- este the faste be the mow O sigerar 1 Om - tease they may &mad w deadol ON seism mehiallfty trasmmtMEa The Wet 1 Mr. Y.MMhael speaks it Mesa I will alsth ns eommme bad inn M Ise you Me drew year sac MIlssti.es se l hew the Wired the Out depart - west base boss samidie.ms1..der the ate gr eswmstr .gsmlaa d drs im�wmmum*6.. wM es* hips* be gam Mis arm ee. We de wR rpt et swim 111:::= Mil eveot.g the towhees and several ex.te•mbers of the Centra •ad 8t Aadrew'e ward I suborns were .5 to tea •.d spent • pte•wt eve.u0g as ., reeide.oe of one et our well. koews coot se. The isvit•ttee mew • reu- ugstu.-o of the webers' .flora ha •dveo- tug tkeu pupil., sad that chs r•eoug.ttten wt musts appreost i u evident from lee i ki.dlY ,..a.r in when thou present speak lei the beet and busier. A New letnerai -Thr week tee leo itory recess ly started by /does. Maddock. sad Ksu.edy a. to fell running order .od otg.re of first clime quality are beteg saws teetered. Mr. Mad°ookt is tee of tbe most exprieeoed makers s Uut•rso, and being as exceedingly good judge of tob•coo 1st. three who patronize the new firer may de- pend o. • fine devoted and out smoking weed We treat Messrs Meddocks and K eosedy may find their vesture • profitable om. A Scon,N CALL -Mr sod Ali. Tilt re snored • tel. gruel ..0 Tue..ty worth d them that their eon b.4 died that in Ruwl.ud, Brhwb C. Iambi•. The sew was rs • ..veblow M up to receipt of ib telegram there wee 0.. reams .o-u.peet ht • .,t company, of Cleveland. 8be to to M Soria 415 feet ; team, 45 feet ; hold, 30 " feet. Her anrsos are high pressure, 23 a inches: toterm.dt•te, 39; low pressure, 63. ° with 40-moh stroke. She has two heifers • 14 feet 8 inches in diameter and 12 feet long. She has three 46-iooh fetuses to o earth boiler. She se equipped with eery modern ooeveoteooe She is equmoped with II Mo Elwell Parker system of eteotno lights. 1' Her captain or A. M :shepherd, formerly on the steamer 01 moo-, and Is & thorough ▪ ler tan as Wel as n•vmg.tor. Her first • teamster u Mr. Fred Harmon. an old Toledo boy, who le in every way capable and is thorough is everything be do. His many 'reads bete were pleased to see him The nams cemp•.y ed building •no•h.r boat, to be five feet longer than tate Reese and three feet wader. Engineer Harmon will r bring hoat in the sprier of 1897. The s Ree. on • draught of 15 feet 6 inches. w take. 6,000 toShe brought here 5,000 grime Lou of ors from • Leake Superior port. • three ree taking on • swan et coal at the Hocks' Valley wharf at 10 yesterday fore- noon. Superintendent Toed. who has °hetes of the yards, says the Reese is use ac of the ferret sad finest boats be bever ' Reece seen. The Reeusrries 2,700 tow ot water ballast whoa running light ('HAxcaY Collar. -The Fall sesion of the Chessery Drumm of the High Court of 1 Justis was held on Monday, t'basoefior,the Ho.. Juba A Boyd, presiding. The firs calledee saes called wHelmeted v.. MoK•ugbt, es •shoo ea • mortgage covenant. Mr. Holt for dad ad•.: applied for an adjournment, bat His Lord.hsp t bought the trial should , hearingpremed. After hearing the evidence the Hon. Chancellor gave judgment for plaintiff 11,750 and costs. J. T. Gerrow 0 C , for i paot uafl; the defendant wee not represent- ed. Johneteo vs. Dotson was an •otos for administration Consent minutes hone,hone,been put so, Hr Lord.M meet p directed jade- ent sutjeos to the approve' of official guardian .000rdlo.ly .1 1'. Guess.. (4 C., leh for psuf, Philip Holt f -•r two executors, Wm. Proudfoot for other d.fendante, Joo.BoeBoeingsHkrMur wows.. l.undry its Johnston, an earns for not filing au esigbmeft por- somt to ..otton 124 R S 0 Atter a num- ber of was nesse bed been he• rd Hie Lord- ship reserved judgment. L F. Dee Dee for plumed!: J&mes Parkes for defendant. Erb vs, Bleu. v action •gaunt •'elicitor for ad Wildneelrgenoe. At the 0000100/00 OIlb* Lordship declared defendant entitledentitledto 2600 for hie ossa against plei01150- , I ether with $178 26 sheriff's fees in the snit of Erb vs. Erb, obargable to defendant. If lemuff s Dim hold bum tad coots shee- p ff'• omits taxed. Ne Dts 1 sett.'. a either party. A H. Clerk for &wait, ; J. T. 0errow Q.C., for defendanTh t ere were more se et two moasst edown for trial-Willie Jimmies•1 v.. Beattie et al, and Jimmies vs Cook. wag The former wpostponed sad the other was settled by e.swt at 1 smart. The e domed as court d 7:40 r. u. 10 the ekes, MEM e peede.mt Iodise while he the eesoleded hie leases beteg test 1 ► rear.Those wee beard him last sight were shay .d with ►r orlsieeltiy. ►r base - or. and above ell by tee truthfulness of hie te portrayals of e people who egotists* 'New e s's.ghb•rs." Their oretoMu anU s, d oeoe•rl- tietraits of oh•r•cter to be oemmesded ue and ariined end se feet .veyt►iaas g set them were shown •e In • mirror by the speaker. Then Inset - meet, much to exalts ri- meet, bet sot s atece.t°.1 wee made by m him. bas frowest*some bees& could be der .ed. The wios which "our •eig4- 0.'re" fall foto were sot overlooked, bot at muse e time many of their wrote, some of • er.e as well es a I•ugh•ble character ap- plied to the 5sdme0oe, and oil this account the looters will perform a more important duty teas simply that of afford'st eatr- t•tomaet. THs W. DR smra. - W • Dopy who follow- tng from the Toledo Blade, as it will he of at.reet to many of our readers, the Cap - use of bks Reed being w.11•ksows is this locality. We may election Oust the aver- age speed of the steamer ie 15 mules per hour light •.d 13 loaded. -As doe • steam- er a bas err been wee in Toledo te now in port, tad Roes. W. D. R. Thr meg- odic-set set waft is owned by tW abs. Tree - es) way ucp.t rd. :thusw deceased left ;oa few •tkt sins sinh was full of hope se to the r.•uit of hie visa to the gold fie his sod he suites death mei be herd by hu nosy 'nee& with doe sound. DIED IN SA.a.'tA. -Word was rsoeived on .•tsrd•y that Wm. Gooding, declot of Saginaw, had died, his death beteg due to oonsumptmon The deoe•red was • well konwo figure to Godes-lob • few verse Piece. he belay • leading athlete and • helper in ail kited' of - •mu.emeo's Hs lett town shortly after oomph/tong his articles with Dr Ntohelsoo and Mittled in Kist Sati0.w, Mare he wined the reputation of being the leading dentiet in Must •eotmur of the U sitd State KILL Tit (Items. --Where the pato Woo beam smpu d, there s dearer ot the spread of deems ger.r from the parte that have been oovered, beisg left exposed. As pr.- esame is better than oars, we would r. - mind our 011/140/ that • small quantity of the ordawry quick Gine spread over the •x• posed poruee will preveot trouble. As the remedy ie very cheap, and the Medical be•Itb officer rroommnde it, we trust it will he fwd In GPO, t hwt•sos where there is • likelihood of danger. Arians -Apples sold u Cardiff, Wake, &000rdiar to the latest reports as follow.: Boston &advise, 9s. to 10e. ; New York and liaises, geed. 9s. 6d to 10a. 6d. ; New York Hob►arestoo, 10e- to lis ; Canadian Bald wise, 10.. 64 to lis 64 ; C.wdies Groenieg, 9s. 6d. to 10s. ; Candise Seeks, Spys, Bea Davies. Soowe, etc. 11s. 6J. to 13e.: Cinadian 20 oz Pippins, Kasre, Blenheim*, etc , 12a 64. to 14e. 64. The pro.;ecta throughout Greet Rusin for the este of properly packed selected Winter fruit were geed as there was an screwing cleansed Aed • probability of & fur oJvence. WATER Ann Liowr.-A meeting of the water and het °resoitte. we held o0 1M lith int. Present, ('barman Holt, Rowe Pr.sdtoot, Comncsllorw Csot.l"t,Tbompeee, Nieltolsee and the Mayor. The oontrwtor ter the *tend pipe was Allowed to make nom obtsge in the pats and bracing, and the engineer was requested to mak° ..mo knows to Hunter Bros. Moved by Proud• toot, eseeedod by Thompson, that Messrs Haddock* A K.soedy be Allowed tree water and 3 light.. Inst Moved by Canldo., seconded by Proedtoot,tbst they be allowed free water for drinking sad d•mping leaf pass. C• rrted. Au meoss&& of Wm. Marisa for 164.00 was ordered to b. paid LUMBAR.. Literary eatert•immest i& the Assembly room of the Collerate la - imitate tomorrow eves* bids fair to be the susses 1 the aha.°., as all the leading solo- ists, m.rlek as, readers sod apothem ia town hays eeuse.ted la take part. The program will be one .1 All Nations," °mopes& of seeg., r.oitatio.., meek •&d speeches of ..d oe..0rsbg .very promise&t oessery now shows s the soap 1 the world. A. the Literary ..maty lost mosey as the Risser est rtsisa...t & &ergs of 1b ...t will be made for desimies, ..d it is hoped that there will be triads •nsu5b Is bow& en Friday to fill the Assembly roses L all these whose regularly amend the free w111 ten est em the -'--- - they will p the moiety led he press& .s tb• bed estertei&ment ever elves is the hall. TH•s&aarvtxc Stances -Thakagivig services will be bid a hank Steed Methodist Che.& se 6uedy, Rev. Was Brlggc, D. D , el Tenets smashing both mrsi.g wed evesi0g. The mania Ise Nee ..rvine will be speed for the eeseelea. A. Thursday. TWk.givteg Dy,. HM Sup- per will be served M the beeriest from 6.30 bo 7.30 p.a. and we are hferad that it will upheld the tells 1 the North Barad Chew& ...e.1 Tee. At 7.30 p e. • Thseheglvea estert&eimat will a m- eease. width will bashed@ tles dimes, sad eb.ee.se by the sheer, aniseed by MME E. Neirli& (Lass of Less, s papa et Harald Jervis The Heresy Meths" will .Me be present. Short speed& will be 4.11..,. & b Rev. J. A. •sae._. B A. •.d Rrv. W. (.4w ., .rid R... iC 8..te. 1 Terwte, will define . special address. • Masks - riving .fktaets will be takes up at sash series se the Sabbath, sad ler abs str- teMemmst sad supper the &amides w81 be 36 skis shakos ender 12 beteg thawed Ms The Wim 1 the shoe& who ere propene, the sipper till be pleased a nes • large se- tsiansy red se • serial levitation le sztesiled be &1. the b0&&med .bald he Ovs Ifm.Ms.st.-The Olt Refers& wee promsi as Thee. l/eAfdlIlw 4 • db. a.. ea Our Neighbors to Ms Bagel& dim& a that tees sed thee gives his M.• heses 1 the e&mr&e-per seedy tee dd Mr. Thee. IdefilMesake 1 T. roses delight N0 asfilisse moseeded1e the &swab les* sweelee with hi teas bntse& (her 0 �s t w w.ihas �thw rte P spokes et byfev4.a sod is is btM fair le me that he mein all teep hos smida them mef Y 1. it • mese s lies 1 Ye brow ken IM asimessom me 1 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. 1 Prom our own CorPMpOlidsaia Ther, la e.M..aIN. See 10.1 Cameos be Nand •sywhsre mos -Mews of W essaft Meckels Mep.rued A. The 'fail..'. BLUEVALE. 1t ssuAY, hew. 17. Jo& MacDonald, of the Royal Hotel, • gave • •bootleg nabob last Yndey. Yr. Theo. Flekr h•e moved rte the home lately oosuped by Andrew Helms, Yid Ltubte (',.peaud, of Tease •ter, was wwtiog .t Yr. Juba k(otiertrus'e 1•.e week. Rev. t,. Resturd, of Toronto, °estimated the servh0es se the Presbyteries oker.h last Tusepay, Noy. Gordon'. drug i •s.r, maw." drew KRNOVID.-Jas. Yw olirayue loft ! ac Mbre Ys dere s Wsovbam, was IuJ up fur • tow /MOP) for Kintatl where h. .nttsest's bless last week. ~ryes,oe • good bwtner in t•dering Dams Kt *io .-Dame Rumor puts it that oar bead! has purchased an interest e e bakery e°ublrhmeot at Hayfield, if so, we wish him suooer In the new set.rpri... ENJOY ix.. Hu VDUIT. --Mrs Jam Mo - Mayo', of Detroit, and formerly ot Col - bens tiowrhip, u enjoying • vest to bar eater, Mrs. Aha Trimbte,asd other relatives ' le this moimtty. Erwo.TH Luctt -0a ^. .urway eveu- en am. Nov. 2610, tier. will .. held in the MKhodet church • lora t • .,tertuamwt, subjoin Temper•oos, mule. .26 auspices of its school homes by the elect lathes el the sommsdty, and .t 8 r. R., alters woo• metal attempt to seat the crowd Is the cherub, Rey. W. t,odwus, pastor, present- ed th. following program : Anthems by the dimly; soup by Misses Hillier, H. Bousta& red M. Johnston ; rectutlons by Harry Beaming ; •ddrama by Revs. J. Edge, (s. W. Aearew., B. A , L Oli wt and J. W. Andrew.. A pleases( feature of use .sea wee • wbrtlug eesmpanu0ewt by wa- ft Mier. aHtllter. P.omed& of the evaaiag, 150. Clark has less messaged et Frdves, Mies Luse Merlon Ms bees .ageged be tem* the steed hewers as Martin's, sod Mees Mary Wilma et Z.ta.d. Although there oases re b. • cry et d. - pro a.. te basin& •Emma all br•eoh.e of ladessrv, there las bests as anyone ring .f wddj.g bells for the Int tree mouth, sad the ring seeme to b. goalie' .tro.ger. • geed bareset for the ministry. Henry Ri.toul has sold hi. 60 -•oro farts situate en sue west of this village to James Gotka for the sem of 82,100. Mr. Rate& 1s sot very •cruor. tied has ma - elided to buy end settle either in this of in emir a the augsbortng villages and retire from the hard toil of • farmer. DUNGANNON. NOTio .-The local emetics a Pairemases Owlets aeanu. 1. at the sake of J. GI. Word, J.t•.,.wwttpaser, Ito.. who wi11 receive or. dere ter wr 0.lpUeow ad%rttrog and Job , wax. •ed 1 ant to give receipts, for sinuous paid ter the same. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. MON1AT, Nov. 16. Tie anniversary serves' m oas.aott05 with Zion Methodt.t oburoh,Goderieb tows - ship, lass Sunday and Yeed.y were a grail - tying success. the sermons preached on Sunday by Revs. Joseph Edge aud A. Ham• litho were eloquat and forcible preeeets Hoes of Divans truth. Largo ouogra amens weeded the services. The tee-esMit ig Monday evening was pronounced tbw Molt I essesestu1 in the history ut the church. As ample, varied &od rich repast was seised AUCTION RALES - AI psalm .•ttlog their sale Mlle prltatd at Me elks will barna tree maim ussers.o Is tee 1W up to the time 1 saes. There will be ..Id as pedis antisu •t the house es SonNN, mess tad British Heti, es Fide Nov. 27th, a large •..ort- mest 1 od oe fersita& Teas. Uuop.y, Awies..r. u ee.testeeeoer sm.eese WO me Mat who publisher. 1 the Family Herald sed Weekly Star, Mem rel, are re - well merited applause tor their y paha& premie. peeve " This 0,pheo's Prayer." We dab if se many meted anises .ed judges ever beige wrote to • newspaper &oh 114.n et ware sen - gratuities es appear to be psurisg tet. the elfin 1 the is.tly Herald amid Weedily per. The webers leets& w feimees all ever the osWwt Fr 1 weak we w111 make eluded Uwe Piper [asp Shad.., large deer, is say shads you obsese, for 76 eats Remember few see week .nly. Tbe Fs&. 041 -Metier, there wee s dead uses. Is the milk -pail. Metier -Well, ad.'t yea take hat t 041 -Ne ; I threw the .a In. W hy.e--1h . phyeeepa.isei say there sg- bielttremens impulsege & people n rally have eyes i[me -If met at Ileo, they gee tem hair. whis- ky lee de rbnrm&4a Dose it delle his ray geed 1' " B. says it dohs him the weir ef geed. but I meths eh. Wwlere@ seine mass dm more frq.esatp thee ewer." MeTeethe talkedN� aseyilss •M.feew " White dna he shy r "Ay thea he loved es" 0d Nur deed& deemed es dyed to leak rhe etre mit Parker'. Dye Werke, twee& They de the Nose 1 week. Goode are elessd mil dyed well M isms as Parkers Dye Wmka Ls& erelme as Mims. Teel► kms dein, (wish* i SHEPPAROTON. Tt: mnDAT, Nov. 17. Our progre•.ive bon was .0 oboe a Tberudey last with • manila. Dakota seen to the shape of • plowing bee .t Geo Bar rows'. 29 tease of Lb. best muscle •ad socia of the boundary turned down tee sod sad stubble to the extent of forty The pewmeo beteg •ye straw and .ton Air aid friend Peter Gree. kept the lads geed tonwith copious dr•sr,hts of Adam's ale which they sad was far stead of the f s .area t s v tamed Dunlop tonic. Durso the afternoon the Kangaroo plow, of which John Knox, of Goderwh, as the nest, wee tested and was mush vimtred by all. John Barker, of Dunlop, us the saion did some pilean plowing, and la the Juniors 1%m. Carrel took the lead. The day clamed by social dteouwon on questions et tate day, in wbiott the opinions of the eteat Globe, the Alas" and K.mptre and The Wanes were ex pounded over the sob.tsnu•1 supper board. Some pdro paying wee Also indulged til. George says this bee was the beet of the many he has had. the Epworth League. germ • NINRU1.-J. 0. A1Ma, principal of l)unganoou I'ubliu school, on S•turd•y amt took the upportuntty of baying • good time sod s0o0emd din bogging • large part- ridge and two red equurr.55. So much for our Domtos. ON • VISITING 1urs -Hugh MoM40.1. left here en Thursday of lest week, via I:oderiob, to •pend the water seas& with Ole Daughter, Mrs. MONS Be..ieh, of De- troit. Hu numerous [rinds wish the ven- erable gntemu, • happy sod pleasant time sod . 'e return is the sprang Snow Swats-Duringlest Thmuedey Might we had q..ts • fall of snow, and is eamesgsence of which sleuth and outtr hells were m.rtily jtogling, but owing to • suedes taw on Saturday which cawed the beseadel to rapidly dsppeer, sleighing was of short dur•tmou. However, many of oar statue enjoyed themselves while it !sewed. We aro ei th. it... of writing ee- 1'r'iag &nether spell of Indian Suesmer. FAILURES INeTtrrTz MISTING. -un Fri- day, No., 20th, • meeting of tn. Farmers' Imtitete will be held at the village of Kis - tail, A.hf old towoehip, when there will b. ' two •1511005, the Bros oommeooi.g at 1:30 r. r., and evening session at 7:30 r u. Further particulars of programs may be Mien ou band bill.. A goorl •ttend.os of fanner, their wives, daughters and sone is Polic:pater'. Addressee on iotssttog sub- - jcete ee t.rmtne pursu.t■ will be delivered by several prominent mpeeker., among& wt. .r. are J. T (lerrow, M.PP for Wed Huron, A. McD. Allen, of Godertob, sod others. Weatb& permitting, en interesting time is stimp&t.d. All who cue possibly Attend w oordi.dy ievtted. LEEBURN TcGNI) AY, No.. 10. Ix Vfgw.-Tho Sunday school staff of the Leebur. Presbyterian church bold • meeting Wdw.Wy of last week, sod de- coded to thee an entertainment during Qantas' week, for which arreogemeste are being made. CEAtOOD Hta RLSI D[Nct --Our pwtor, RS.. Jas. Hamilton, bas moved from bis house on South -at to one on gest-et, ae•r too G.T.R. depot, (Cdatoh. H. a now Mere 05.15*d to hl• pariebto.on of Limbers .0d Uaiie °bluebes THs KAiwAaoo. -Thr now plow, which takes two Marrows •md is worked with three horses by ons man, was tested on the farm of Jas. Chisholm, Wd.ed•y of last week t was worked by J&.. Chi•bolm with three Drees on stubble stsbo and sod. Tb..pr. ere all well pleased with its work s&d that the peeteee .re correct E sayiag en t can do the week .f two semwith ems hone and • w lass. D.ri.g the week its aosr.1 meet, Jobe Kees, el Ood.riob, W h.en hen& it used as several farm. u the township. h w agreed DUNLOP. Teem.y, Nsv. 17. Miss Agmen 1•milt... of Ued.rfek..eit- d here last week. Mies V. Cass, from near Kamer. was the gnat 1 Mn. Alla this week. Mn, Sawa Morris sed w G. A., with Slim k Alas, elated at Deepen& this west . sad Mrs. U. Y. Williams were the mina of Irk. sed Yrs. Byndnts. 1 Sea Mr. est week. A MAblbltr= Tvsarr.--(ler three town - mos Roth. Hess lett • taraip •tt the Re - whisk lipped the weight ter 37 lbs Tete the beet we have reseeded seer usds.Nad am Reboreamasses. with lbw press. may w Ind 1* may pmes.rve It fee the *M s birth of tg Kxee!•ie Paris .t the eters. A. D. 1900, fat yens Mose. Mrs. Ales with low daughter Mrs. S. rris wee a Oderk.h • tswweip a the ink eel 1 t0 the (.. e late Cate .tirlleg. who deed as her lather's Robert Stirling) r -Hr oee..tt• week's The e. diem T&eased eh= Hale" and was w -ll knew. here Ws wick others mead per deepen* sympathy tc the be - reeved fom lly es thein hour of sorrow. The fussed to the funManias/ Osmiery sew . argue •tteedsees. M 7thast &es WHITICH UNCH . MowDAT, New. 16. in. J. Stalker'. sissy Meads will be phased W lean that the is ado to be .heat sgtl1. Several *tidies ie chi • eloty.,, •Mese• s white makes the &madamall epi& 1 f ethe ashes& soma sad her Mho Way Mersin. who lave bees rmldlaR to Masao ke mss yens w esa•bd tame le • few days s sped • M mei with the& per - ode sad may lands. J. 22.26cr his bees powestaid M lace ser else'M the seely yaw 1Mil. limbs NILE. TrgaDAy, Nov. 17. Mrs. Joseph Knight is on the siok Irt. Mise Arden' Morrow is not improving mite in health. Mrs. Andrew MoWbin.oy, of Crowe, t• visiting ber sister. Mies Ag.es Morrow. Chu. Elliott has completed the s.so's work buying, pudica and shipping apple.. Mise Rachel W dem is improving is health which her many friends will be glad to bear. Mrs. Riobar4 Ryan, of the boundary, prse.et.d her liege with • beepi isr haby boy resontly. Made S. J. Bell spout Sunday se bit 5r•sdfseher'.. Ch... Girvan, the veeer.ble patriarch 1 West Wwa.osb. The .ate.a1 toasting of the Bible Society wee held es the 11th inst. Rey. Mr. Stoutly delivered the mooed atddre... 1).m. Rumor says that before this esu. 1 Ti. SIGNAL. will •:rise eee 1 otter most popular =ladies will have ob.sg.d bate wornPrhap the old body i• wrong. Nils pads @ethosd is nowise for its ma- nual .semhealou. M& Rusk and Mies Poste have bats re- ,.eared to teaob the yes& idea hew be .neo& We thing the tree..m did the right thine. es tbiy ism* 'nerd s•tl.t -ries last year. Nil. Sabbath wheel is pr.p.riar In the &adverwy ..d Christmas tree new have adapted the ire. will oterhR te mise ta for rryise ea lb* tbrr 1 the .etel for emth.r year. The ..m4Eittie are doing .11 they as to mak. ft • geese& Rev. J. W. Prtug, .v paler. has filled our °heroh se who a...n Leet 8aed.y he took as him text heads i..e., 12 : 1, ' Re - youth," ..d r•ye yawn papas • et 1 d vM., width is mash aseded. We that. if the head. 1 families would tore the yam/ MMIe late their sate.s w!1* thea and all airship together im awed 1 al thein e4Udres to serve the devil in the= •••Io, mush geed watch he doss If J.s.h swedes* eessisa.s, W young saes will be mud. t. Mesh as • poles asst, end thea they will be merry. Parsnta, do year fsV, sad save . weather e npleseemoR sadahsreh from We Osmety )irtiti.. acre all the raga if they matinee be la kiloton posslsi.elil.itti ss. Of �withe ll hue ve sur ewe secs la the pr..s el Hugh the pepsin reeve .f Aided. sod M the ether Metre oft ahead 1 him they will have to get tee1tr 1arslay We, for he e • ladies InNle. 1, serest thefrood they have .efts of law, the rda .hk.•bble John H.es.(h).1 Wlagha.. who hosed 1*. lima sod 1 the Inst Peelle wrr'•r ea 8dMerd (whoa, thanks to the tows. mover N -reeve el .d s* l ee M.MMw Ike tweed tend Deeehl ore ft theyas, reeveleieo & wee let to mind en let d tfOlsi• mod taros and M hem