HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-12, Page 7NBWSTOPICS OPlWEEK
Important Ev.nta In P•w Words
For Huey Readara
Wears dap♦ayses
Mi►Yed and rot Isles Mame
A.Ittwes 11Isane gise Ilia Ilea
Sok Fibres, -A 111.91/ ■ver•
ba ,...-hafts. bees •• •a,
yTIMDu Dundee Cotacu kaa ag
Hallway vans the Reada t&
Company the right to
a trolley system, the chllipany
eie0/ a year mileage.
rule lea,. Ur weft.
Peru has tient an agent to
who will nerfutlat. ter the Pup
IWery and machine gums and th
improvements In assail arms.
Reports are current that a in
bas occurred In as, Armenian
near Kalaer(. and that 00
have been kited.
Lieut.-C.d. Lindsay Jenlrs the
that the 7th itattalem of Lon
about to disband or that he h
Intention of resigning.
W►W•If. fU1/11'11:1.
The Sultan has pledged him
France t.., put Into Irnrm••dhttr
•loo certain reforms In Armenia.
The Hawaiian Government has
ed a full pardon and reterattun
civil rights to ex -Queen Lllluc.ka
1t la 'rumored In Devlin that
Rirmarck's revelations In regard
'teem -Herman treaty were made
venge ter the Emperor diethe:
Czar from Welting the Prince.
Tltr. ilite. I.e.(MCI,.
Thr Mel/14411U church and I•arr
at N'rllingtere with a hawse ade,
were burped.
The Governor-(:-ea-re-rat' PI ofn,e
ranch in Hrltlah Columbia was b
and it le feared a lot of important
hr documents have been Istat.
The extensive er'r,trd nettle of
ion & Sena at liradf•,rd, England,
been destroyed by tire. The lo
buildings. machinery and
amounts to 1170.090.
•111 I e I t►ta.
Mr. John Walker, a well-to-do
trier .1 Camden Teems/toe, ,"mm
sut/de by drinking earte,llr acid.
Mr. John Day. arehiteet of (le
was found dead In his bedroom w
self-Inflk•tcd bullet in he, lira,:. He
deeponden t.
Prnfeas,•r De Haan of the Johns -ft
kine t'nlvrrwlty.arnved in Toronto
week and identified the mysterious
tide at the Queen's Hotel as
brother Jacob. The remains were
reel In Mount Pleasant Cemetery
rift: lOKICCLTI'RAL woltLB
The Viceroy of India cables that
there has hers no rain In the famine
district.. and that extensive reit.
i..rk- have been opened.
Thr last ehtpm.•nt of butter for th n.
era- •n tn'm th.• Government Dairy
`++•'•one at Prince Alter, and Indian
Head, N tl•.T., are on their way to
M.mtreal this week. .
o'wime t,. the failure of the
hay and potato crops in Ireland. caua.-d
by th•- prelenged wet weather, the Irish
large ,,umber, are face to face with
and etarvatlon.
TAI, KIGNA I, ' 484 )11N:RU H. I INT. 1'111 Kral l t 1 NOV. 12. 1896
tracts for handles two swift protected
The poems of "The Kahn" an. ►m hs
published In book form by The Befit-
tea dlpectatur C7aRlpany
The W•C.T.U. soavenbon for tea A'
minket has °poked at Toronto, and tales
aaatlpa-* la .gramma fere a few
A writer In The Contemporary lAe-
y °tar Tork belles have take, r to chiming to -
fl• nosey view asserts that some °f th N
4.s,. w b coo.
amt .vmume The British emigration returns Just
Named October
,, that during the month of
e. against 1731 In persona nailed for Canada.
preceding October.
reed on a A oa_ j the anti
Dumb'. charter, endmentr to the efts
run as for which Montreal proposes
to ask the legislature, in one to author -
to pay Ise a tax on all luta of land, Including
Itt►k bile institutions aupon which re erected. and char
England Representative,' of the Toronto mus -
ply of ars !cal societies, met In the Y.N't'. Guild
e latest Hall and passed reaulutIone I.' -luring
d favor til holding a music festival In
°shame•• 1317 to celebrate the iOth anniversary of
oil ag,. the Queen's coronation.
The New York .,ens V w 111 be closed
rumor o
us an. I It is estimated that 660,000,000 fest of
lumber were cut in the Uttawa diatrk-t
this year.
self to It Is expected that the Dominion Gov-
ernment Tariff Commlerh'nw
execs !ts enquiry about the 11th Nat. HI begin
tario will be the first Provinclslted,
"r d
[ her Hamilton and Linon.
n I)ec
ember 1.
crani the commisek,p will We In Toronto
ani• Prof. Bell of the Dominion Cled
al Surveyb of the opinionthat fila
Prince c
t., II. - m found near Sudbu
in r•- cite coal: but a. It 1s In vey in..instead
ig th•• of layers, he Is 'loubttul It it will be
found to paying quantlttee.
Wheat was strung acid higher in Ch1•
cagt� Saturday, l)ecembrr selling up to
ening. 711-.e on good buying. This is wl'htp
1-/e 4 the recent high price. North-
., hi* west re elpts were smaller. Caines
urned, were higher and strong at the advance.
put,- Commercial advices from M• -ears.
Dun and Hrad'atr+•et a agencies are of a
Dae much more buoyant nature than ter
liar. have been am -untamed to fur rine time
MI u• past. Commercial failures In the United
stock States for the week ended Friday were
230, as compared with 2S0 for the comer
sp,nding week of last year.
far- P1KELT PCRat/NAL.
Int. d The Duke and Duchene of Y..rk are
arranging t" ,telt Toriomto In the au-
tumn ..f next year.
nth a The marriage will shortly take place
waa of Sir Alt.ert Kaye Rollin and the Dow-
ager Duchess of Sutherland.
eye- It art.at Parra that Emperor
last William ldd a secret visit to that city 1
euc during the reception of he Char.
ht S.r Charles and Lady Tupper left for
hu- Enfrland on board the steamship Nu-
nn mldtan, which nailed from Quebe;. on
Saturday night.
•kir Edward John Poynter has been I av
el.,-ttrl i reeadent of the Royal Ac -ad -
tiny as the suceemor of the late Sir Tb
John YON.. w lin August last
died 1n A Th
. cc
'the Queen has decided that cit. Poses we
Wei net tt'eatmnnater Aide,' shall be by
the central scene of the functions oaman-
etated with the Jubilee accession fetes In
next June. cc Fr
At Ai meeting of the British South Po
re (''.
African mpany in Findon, a meek -
holder called feethree cheer, for Col disin
Cecil }th.,,i..,.. and they were moat rent
begirt Riven. (I,as
Frank Merarry, who disappear.d -g
frons Cornwall a year ago and was Tr-
Ccntly th', sub).. t .4 a sensational
story hY Mrs. Winters, hasle..n traced
to Montreal. froth oho h !"'rt he sailed
on the at.-amer Lake Superior as a
Pattie (...y.
ala alma
herein( air For hie Wta�gkkews.
Lues • Sete tai« softtj aNbowa.
b. . wt ereeese
tk the rapt leek that
When Me teak el love was earl
Will he never stoup am .•y.
"!tura.•. I ata tired today,.
Like a child fro,.. toe witch'May i
tyles ire la the .te•er ser ways"
Nay: i esaaut think It Se.
He well come he me, 1 Maw.
Smilingsweet had speakleig low,
He w 111 euiue, os, 1 will go.
Father: only let w greet.
Here, ..r wherveeceer his hot
a•• upon krve'• errands moot,
geed hie -- take ase . as moos meet.
--Jamas So khans, la Harpers seam
The H«tropolle 1.ap•ated to Deellae In
1'opu1r11.r R.rr•tort b.
The result of the reeent census
that during the last live years
popular!+.,, has Increased 'tomeless rapidly than It did In the prey
ten -1881-1811. The number of pee
tamed out to be mune 15.000 below
estimate formed on the basis of
The difference Is •nail but import
as It shows that the previous fal
the rate of increase to maintal
The population la gn.wtng at a b
rapid pace. At the egtnnjng of
century It used to increase by in
than Let per cent. in the ten years
tweet' successive censuses; 1n 1881-
that rate had fallen to 10.4 per cen
the lowest un record, and now It 1s
leas. This movement le not part u
genera/ decline; It 10 peculiar to Lo
don. and seers to hulk -ate that
huge overgrowth et the metropolis
begun to cure Itself. N.. town can
on growing indefnttely, and even Lo
don-.m.mstrous a-•. It is -bas nut
filled the expeetabuns..f earlier ata
Octane. Two hundred years ago it
Neared to be growinso fast that
William Petty, one of the earnloners ci
In demgraphlcal
kuned that by 1$N1 the popular
ould reach 10.000,000, supposing It
cntlnue at the sante rate. th
°wryer, that a natural limit, wo
reached before then. and placed
the year, 1!100, by which time
maculated London would contain aomg
Inover 6.000.000 Inhabitant°, an
rest of England only 4.SOv,O0o. H
es very nearly right about the to
hk•h actually was about 9.000.000, bu
intern only accounted for one
syn. Since then 1t has nearly reach
maxlumum,whk•h.curiously mouenn I1krly to prey. -a real natu
mit. For the four years, 1871-74, th
'•-rage birth rate was 36.2; for th
our Years, 1801-04, it was only 20.
err !bas been a gradual and almost
meats' fail off from year to year
lch ha, not been counterbalanced
the simultaneous but slighter f
the death rate (real 22 7 to 19.9
w, -r people die in proportion to th
pulatien, but still feaer are bo
M Merman
explained by the cMermanlinatlon 10 emery. The mar
.- rates for the two periods con
ted aro- 19.0 and 17.3 respectively
t. James' Gazette.
1 In
be -
f a
rc ,
31r F T. Shutt, chemist of th.• F,x-
e.7 ,,,ental Farm in Ottawa, will se.
1, tt'ashingtom to attend the annual
menti, n of the atric:utural chemists
•4 he "nited States end t'•anada-
Pt►1.ITat'+a_ 1 wr•a. it 111..
To Temple, the new Arehele-hop of
Cantrri:ury, to aao(st'ne the rl•.vern-
meet In drawing up the Education Hill.
Mr Cecil Rh.a1- iii seeking an Irleh
Parliamentary se t. and if elected he
toe appear aa a supporter of Mr. De-
At a rneetine of the Br.tleh iii -Metal -
It• !oases It was claimed that 11. Kin-
e,. • ete•M)rm Is a victory for Interim -
Weal hi-rnetalllam.
Th. Min heetee Guar'll: - say.
whimpered amnesty hl-In•-talti.t., that Mr.
J'eenh e'hamher•faln, during h!. risit to
• the retied States. beam,. a C"nyert.
The Satuaday ttevl.w, ti+ art'ele
ren Canada and tie- Imp.-rial •' ,•r no.
taloncalls attentlem to the-'agere of
dl.affeetien with the *invite. which is at
• w..rk in Canada-"
?NE RCLIottii-a IURL.l►.
•1t the special meet Mc of Dicer
Pound Presbytery Rev. John I.Ittle re
fusel t., aeeept the call ex:..n•f, ( 1"
btm by the T)uttnn r-nngregatlon.
It 18 rePorted In resiaetkal circle* that Catholic
"f 'Pf"•inting a Papal ahl«Cate for can-
asta has been recognized by the Propa-
ganda. and that It is very entite's th.
Rio Father Forbes, a Scotch memler
of it.. order of Jesus, will b - ap-
''. Puis.(e.l, a
A .sire deputatle•n from the Awgltcan
I,fl' 1 have interviewed Premier Hardy
area :he members of the Ontario C.'abi
artfnr the Rurnnae of urging upon eh,
ft. •L•vrrnment the necessity of setting
*Part regular hour. for religious In-
ane nen in the Public *chums. The
1sr"mi..r Promised to oonside, the ma' Ur.and to mister with the Minister of
"".teles-erA N ADIAN.
The t'anadhm deputation to nego-
tiate a treaty of r•eelprnelty with th.'
'' ' •: Ft.itea will probably visit n'aeh-
tnrt,n in shout el* months.
Tit• Pacific cable conferenee (pen. d
fr, t, ,•.t . on Monday. Sir Teemed
"Moll Ron. A. O. Jones and Mr. San
p!••ming represent Canada.
Th.- Liberals oaf Cornwall and Stor
teat mese: In eonventlen al Newtngtnt
e"N"' I1 to nominate a candidal
the. 11.•.tse M Commons In Mese'
toot i„ h•- tete Dr. Bergin.
TM• alanftoha canines held a titre,
krnin . •stun to discuss the elves
tettk•1•,,.nt. The atrrerme It was
t•talh rstlflM. tett Bene or two points
b " m!4rmr.1 by the i)nmtnt..n.
•r !Angevin referred to the
ilee•eee In hie fletaday evening sermon.
111111t ireAD.
Int William iii. yandsrhllt is dead
11►. tt'atierron of St. Catharines fell
was :n the ftoman Catholic. l'hureh at
Arlt mase on Sunday.
r^' Henry Harris', a retired .Neth"-
oe. 'towels'. died on Saturday in T.
' fame
es HenrymE. pallier, for mon'
y year, prc.feenr of i.MJn
Du`•ttne'tlttl College, Merton, Is dead.
TU. Rev, mimeo M. Quiet, D.D., urn
• Moat inent al-
y▪ �nw land. died ddenlliyn011
Lips,* ? urvllle, one of Mont
►aserg bete -it awn bushman men. and
mwille.eirier ef the legislative (*nun' 11.
Mr R.• was eel years at age,
GGregory Coe. Us, well-known
•Gregory ^f Si Catharines, Ont., a m•,,
►bt r; tede ll11, of Olin and Tale, t.ar-
v.ys: Ege l 4etre .hash two
1 ert.AagersYF.
A Dental Hammack.
Hammocks have shared In the de-
velopment of al !thinge for which there
Le any demand. The cord has been
every imaginable color, woven
loser and stronger mesh, trimmed
b fringe, put on frames. hung with
ong and ernam.mtal chains, and. ei-
ther, worked out an elaborate and
ed aso,rtment of itself, specimens
'hick are swaying at this moment
very corner of the land, says the
York Times.
✓ real comfort and the cool side
he piazza, nothing has been evoly-
better than the swinging ted of the
tie," the real sailor's hammock.
you are summering by the sea in
fishing village, or even In
1 on the shore, you will probably
some sailor abo.'1 the neighbor-
wtto will fashion you a hammock
nulne sail cloth, duly laced. gear -
and poled after the moat approved
nip style. That will be a treasure,
and when swung on your lawn
verandah and piled with pillows
prove a most inviting lounging
the benefit of those who cannot
he real thing. a description of a
substitute le given. The denim
d be of the heavy quality. the
out and end pieces cut in one pieta,
feet ana half long. Fourteen
from either end a tuck three
deep is taken, through which
is(soden rod the width Of the ha -
is run to bold the hammock
y. The aide pier.-.. an - nine Inches
and are hetmel and then over -
with stout waxed linen thread to
.ttnm pieces. The sides and ends
eyelet (.tholaced.
s hrough which linen
he heavy sewing la diffleult the
thing can be inexpensively put
e hands of he a orner upholsterer.
g cloth makes up very effective-
) these hammocks.
ramie *1(8CRIWIN%I.a. ! dyed
The penitentiary tnvrwtlgatl..n corn ' in c
mission bas cornmenoed work at King- I w'I
Moa. sax
Chargee oe
f bribery have been brought togs,
against a number of Montreal Alder- I van
then. of w
Vandals broke into All Saints' Church In e
at Kingston and did a lot of damage New,p
to the church pnerty. Fo
The poett'Alee at Burford, Ont.. was of t
brides Into at an early hour, the safe ed
blown open and about 890 in cash "fO caw
taken. - Il
Lady Tina Scoot. who Is under 1n- some
dk'tment for ha. int ' riminally libelled hole
Lord tuasrll, has fled pieta Ju
of ati find
Rcatlon. hated
Captain John Marr.4( of England. of gip
who wan captured by brieamle near ed
Smyrna ami hell foe ransom, has maty
been relented
1 indeed
Eztnaditton proceedings were begun or
at Buffal.. against Mrs. George Sterna- win
man. who 1s wanted at Cayuga um a
charge of potsoning her husband. dace
Edmund Harvey, late City Treasurer get t
of Guelph, having plead,d guilt of denim
embezzlementebezzlement of city fund. and made ghoul
restitution so Tar as he waw able, was
sentenced to three months' imprison- bort
ment by the County Judge. He L said eight
to have paid the city 211,001 of the $17.- in -he.
OM odd in question Inch"
Mr. and Mr,. Castle of San rem- a w
eke° were put upon their trial in Lon- mock
• on on charges of having stolen a num- et.',et
bet' of aril. les from city tradesmen. deep.
The charges against Mr. Castle were ,oast
withdrawn, ami en the advice of her the le
counsel Mrs. Casts.• pb-ad..1 guilty, and
was sentenced t.. three mocha' imprint -
eminent without hard 1a1,.r. Owing to tape
the unfortunate woman's ,rental condi- If t
tion It la thought probable that +4ewill whelp
receive Eaecutiv,- clemency. • Into th
east ILTIEa. I Awnln
' 1y int.
The new wharf in course of etin-
structiea at $t John gave way and wag
awninged to the extent of
The at•"oom-r Maggie was cut 1n toe
Lc the steamer lite' n'.. St. Jo' tea
Nt1,1 . and tW rteen p'r'a,•Ils drown -d.
Themes Mallon of Iinn•at'tlle wa•
-hot the-•tgh t.'th lunge 1.y a cowman
Ion nut, 'b Harty Ferner: Ishii, Mint -
Arehle (.i1,,e of T'tmonater w•
wounder by a '*•> friend r 1 point
a r.•videer al N:,lf ,ot knowing (1 wa
The t.-h.e•ner 5:'•.'ra nos wrecked !+t
like Er aryl 'h, et the cr •cr .1 "c n
ed. An- fli - t then) wok Ma:- olio Mc-
Leod of Termite. •
Ethel. the rix -year -Md da'trhter of
Mr. J I. firnun of linen c •,•td. diet
front injuries n-reive. from a .awdor
falling ,.n her
The Maly ,it Thomas Bradley of Thor-
oM was loom! in ins, °sn.it. lie was
riding a bey, 1.• al"nK (8.- bank three
week, age`, and 1. suppoe.'d to have
fallen In
The ,s-h,..,ner Wmuk.e.ha was week -
ed In lake Hurn maim 'o the cote
duct ..f A drunk" captain end crew,
and of the s• ,-'•n persona on beard only
as flit c M
one w
MOW/4 W Anderson end E Bur-
rows, flahermen .4 Pert It11lie. while
trying to make the hamayer of Port
Burwell 1n the gni.'. sera drowned by
the eapslstng of their heat_
A boiler ezpleeton Saturday morning
blew th. Pater«,n !treeing Manular
Iuring Cavemen • premise. on_rout
Mr ,,t east. T•r•.ntn, 1.. ruinssat in-
jured three employee, who u pr•enat
are ba the kurattal pegramtnc
loose 1.«..ow• From the Lowly
"Ind.o.l we may smile," writes Lilian
Bell of "other tittle" In the Novem-
ber Ladies Homo eeurnsl. "aa we often
do, at the primitive eu.tomts pt the
lowly, and at their h.wtely throw* .'f
'keeping company.' It makes a de-
lightful Jest. But beneath it M a
!treater regard for the rights of a man
cr woman in the metal scale. With
therm to 'elect one another 'to keep
enntnanv' t. Tike an ober e -'f maatWge,
To 'keep steady company' 1s the for-
mal unnounc,•ment of an engagement.
WI 'eh Is the first step toward ma -
i tTbnnny, and 1s almost as sacrad and
Brat. With their more fortunate and
envied sisters In the smart set an an-
tfatteme•nt lo the l•..rst kind of }wand,
end neither man nor woman le sate
rreen the w.intng ••t ether nun and wo-
men until the tnarrl.ige vow. have
Peen prenotineed. and. if your aoclety
• very fa hI"nahle not even hen. No
that this tee 1.•ty of which 1 aprk
could undeniably be ewiled 'good' "
a T r.r n( I..AIM'/ $..,.
A new miff which Illustrates pas,,
f•e'tty the fashion of the hour Is long
and round in shape. it 1a male of
Persian lamb, but ha. it Ia1fe vista*
ended around It. The bead of the
aatele is arrar,and to Met nn the front
ret the mnff. At earl side et tide mud
they. le • full niche of deep easerald
green Ark velvet. widen 11 Aab11N
0th ivseotul beim shad nada. The
muff tr Used with Ise same abide et
mesa Ila arab.
,lea OWN r..eew.d a.d sesinnsed els
Thew Noah..
Loadom Nov. 11.-Thit case of lir. and
Mr,. Walter M. Castle of San Fran-
! cls• 3. , Elim arereu
°sed at -alum U144. ,
came up for trial in the Clerkenweil
Sessions thee morning. There were
era,eleven Indictments against the Prates -
era, charging them alth stealing artl-
clew the total value of which was £42
10 shillings.
Chairman McConnell presided, and
on the bench with him were half a
'toren magietratea The court room was
A GENERAL'S STORY. Coal & Wood yard
wa• caugp a1° SOX DOWN aY TUB orraae-
elva Call/ATI 01 10114 sag L0TOal$D
ra N$I7LAJD-WU lU -PATH= ro1.-
u,waw u1 rove!. MR IIs • aaalova CON.
rrem the Haag•klre Iadeitswdeat.
Tares 111 Goth/sig More 'stemming thee
i8. talk of oar I.r.vt defenders. wbo have
.erred their yeses sad meet,y in far di.
:eat lands. To talk with as Indian odium,
thanes hie remtatwewee sad adventures, is
what those who have enjryed it slways ap
W. we... ('„s«qu«nils :1 er. tee s mama
repsrter of the H.miw,,►re iadepeed..t) 1
0.. delttb ed n" re, etre inetrucu.es to in-
terview L Mstesawt-(:ewrwl Shaw, whip has
sur hie enure na Italia. .,..i u note living
with hie (.milt, in honorable re.iretae." at
St Paola Vicarage. Sb.nklu, 1.1e of
W •rhe. 1 bad rra.prd the bell pull and
given it ooe'ug •.hr• the door opened, sod
the grs.r.1 stood beton. e... You knew i•
was a soldier at mice. His manly, upright
nearmr, hi• emtl• his ples.ot .volar --ell
reId you that yes .'n„1 to the presence of
The undersigned begs to inform
the public that he keeps on hand
Special sltentlec l•i• en to
OUT and wood
Call and get prices And see samples
of w.,e)11,
office and yard. NELSON -ST.,
mar Melte Pres. Hetet.
crowded. many of tl,ectators being
ladles. A number of the .,efle',ie est
the United 8tattStatersEmbasay were pres-
ent, Including Set•retary Roosevelt nod
Chief Clerk Hodson.
The case for the pronecuti1en opened
ptotnptly at 10.20 o'clock. WhWhet,.h.-
chairman called for the surrender of
Mr. and Mrs- Castle by their ►..dnds-
uirm, they having, been at liberty I. ,-
der £40,000 ball pending their tr ..l,
there was a pewee during whi the
crowd was hushed and expectant. until
Mr -s. Castle made her app ...., mice. at-
tended by two female nurses and he:
!'pun the trebling of the charge Mr.
Castle stood boldly uprightnal aan-
s•-reap "Not guilty" to each of the
on behalf of lfre. Castle Sir Edward.-
Clark.- said that she pleadt guilty o
rash charge, and proceeded to give the
reasons for making such a plea. tv note
Sir Edward Clark -was ape..klnte Mi s.
Castle remained seated. She was dress
ed in sombre black. and kept her [at -e
c..vered with a handkerchief.
the jury was beim; soo-n the silence
was broken only by Mrs. Castle's sob-
When the first charge was read, that
of stealing a 'Bbh-tte worth £9 and a
.kin worth as, Mr. *ivory, [.•r the prose-
cution *aid: "Subject to any opinion
which Your Lordship may e'en -5. it
appears to me that Mr. Cantle was mot
a party to the thefts, and. t''e•• f •re,
the prosecution will not offer any evi-
dence.agalnat Mr. Castle. Wet'.' h -
case wan In the Polies Court, and both
J-risemers were denyli, guilt, a wa'
imeeeelble for the prosecutor' to take
this course, for a.. long as the wife de -
Mei her eutit It was pogihle that the
htl"Ind had taken the things."
Th.- chairman replied: "1 have read
the depositions carefully and have ar-
sins. CASTLE.
rived at the same conclusion. Ther
Is nothing in the evidence that has im-
peached the inn•%.•r•.. et air. . sb,•.
and 1 entirely approve the course you
have taken 1n the matter."
Mr. Avory, upon receiving the rep'y
of the chairman. an,ouo,•• a tonna y
that the prosecution would not offer
any evidence against Mr. Castle. The
chairman then addressed the jury, say-
ing: "As there is no evidence to sup-
port the Indictment against , oct-
ant. Walter M. Castle, It is your duty
to render a verdict of not guilty."
The jury responding wan a verdict
of not guilty, Mr. Castle was ism
dtately discharged. and upon the ap-
plkstton of Sir Edward Clarke to the
court, Mrs. Castle was allowed to leave
the court room attended by her nurses.
Mrs. Castle was again brought Into
court and the clerk the court aa-
trimliekl that Ella Castle had beep
convicted upon all of the Indictments
against her.
Chairman M(('onnell said: "The
court has had great difficulty in deal-
ing with an exeeedingiy p ilnful ease,
upon which *empathy so powerful has
been hrought to bear as to almost In-
terfere with justice:* The court knew,
he said, that the sentence which It Te -
came his dutJ4to Dasa upon the prison-
er would be well weighed elsewhere,
and If any suffering danwerou to her
life or Intellect should follow t would
he Immediately met by another au:hor-
Ity. He would not prolong the pain-
ful scene• and. therefore, would at
one. proceed to pass entenee, which
was that the prisoner be conn est In
hilt without hard labor, for three
The Central Nr,. annnu.,,.,,4. that a
Petition war lodged at the Home I►iRce
thea afterne en praying f, r the C1u..en'a
clemency In the ens, of Mrs ('API`.-., un
the gn.und hat the lady's physical and
mental condition is not anus, to the
etrafn '-f Imerinonment.
United States Amlaaaadnr 'Useful
the Central Nexa save, has also ad -
dreamed ts note to Sir Matiheo %V lttd-
ley. Hume c,rrets, • on the aulrj,• 't.
Pea meters Lavages.
Wtnd.nr Ont., Nov. 7. Di. Golden,
(jovernm• nt �•eterloary Surgeon. found
aamletakable tram.. of bog cholera
o* Walpole hostel and at Whttct•read.
A sm411 anal ,n•-nt nn the ninetieth
The (loa•erntnrnt hats ere., .1 t.. •
alaulpbt,r A( s411oet one thousand !soya
In the vlelbity of Rallacwhtrrg. fir.
McEaehran hast quarantined 14 suer.
farms near lIaldatom• ('mea to pr, -
vent th • spreading "f the dlse see.
About 200 hogs have died.
ie•thwie.l aaN,n Ilwalea /nennuer.
Ottawa. Nov. e,-Ac"'Mine to ad -
viers received fly the Dairy (" I-
naireletrper, the last ehlpment• of hater
for this Peanut from the government
'airy Matinee at Indian Heed and
Prince Albert are nrnv en their way
to Mowteent.' •Ins, quantltr
Indian Read qyg the made at
22.271 pounds, and 4'rine. was,
Molle pounds. it Is •Tp21r .4 et th
output at Myth ted that til
double the Weans next rt'�r w
aeerr.n hat
Lir.Jrtsm.t U-Larrr.l Moo,.
on N ••ore's g.•nt tem. r ; hut, alae ! he h
• time table, amd 1 telt that the iarervie
mart mode be 'hers, However, ne usher
net in and •r mice nut meat my ewe by h
• ffah :e ono veraat mu.
"I am ./'aid,'"that von have come
los, di.lauoe : hot (et n.e kuuw the peso.
*teat of men visit -'
1 explained to •he General that I w
most entices, with his conmet, to obtai
some persona! exhumation •e to the metro
escape I had heard one of his daughters ha
recently experi•rcee
At that he hrigbteneel ei.thly. •• Vo
moo knew," he said, e I am rest a bit
ea eathasia.t on this pain, ; In' the tele
very shore Me d•nghter •wmr home fr
lndi•, ant when I joined h• -r ie Len.lnn
feond her ill in h. -d She bad !boomer.
and moors Imo pain.: she was perfrc• I.
hloo.iless, h.'t•e..*i id • gen.rsl weo,k area
prostrate condi•inn A decree wee .ren,bu'
.he eem•ieed •hen'utsly colorises, wait in
great wret.•hedness and eufering from
anomie or hlondleeerees. She lied • kind
of lever, nervone heed•che aud .other pains.
Well, I herd of Dr Williams' Pink P•11.
or Pale People. \ly daughter took sora,
red the tint hnc had • msrv..11o,,..freet
She regsao.d her ro',.r, Inez bur pins, and
hereon* •Itegeth•r diff --,...t. She h.4
Mies glow upon her S',. went on taking
he pills and i am geed to tell yea that ahr
versed oompt.tely i have roo.mmerdrd
W.11iarn.'. Pink P,11. to •l1 with wt oml
e to ,entaot, and all who take them di -
ve great h.oe1t therefrom.
"1 have a oats ar .Inches, and she has
ken them ff.r . 1 .ng one.. ►••1 ham always
mmended them to other peopier, tine
unci then, to do • g•eat deal of good t.' .0
how. ahs, hid e•oomm ceded 'hem ; .ad 1•
yself, wb. a 1 hr. rd of peop.e bs-r v
I, h•�e takes chem or aeon them scme of
see pills "
Dr. Williams' fink Pills diree•lj• eariob
purify abs, Mond, end thus it ie that
y •r. •n f.mou, f..- . he our, of ac:,•mia,
henmatiem. scrotal,. ohroaioerysiylae,and
tore pale and til' w couple. 0 • to the
ow of health. They are also . splendid
vs, asi spinal tonic, and have curer
y owes of mirelrus locomotor stove.
nennlga, a'. Vete' diner, and macre°°
ache. A emetfic for all troubles of the
ale, and in sten cure .11 cases .r sing
m worn, overwork, or indiscretions ,d
pain has raised e20.00e,00o for war.
A pretty colored Picture
for every 12 " Sunlight " or
every 6 " Lifebuoy " Soap
These Pictures are well
worth getting.
Address :
I Lever Bros.,
102 a.rW4N,. T.r..i•.
blood is sure to
do havoc some-
where. The only
Preventhe is sound
ki.lneys, the only
Cure, kidney med-
icine, the only
Kidney Pills,
Is upon ue, ,and the true .porta.
man is beginnirg already to pier
pare for the prince of sports.
When you want your outfit we
hate ever% thine you need in
GUNS and SHOT and
Machine Waded Shells always oa
hand, or loaded to your order on
the sliorteat notice. A full line
of the beat Atnerican Pow-
ders always on hand. Call and
See our Shot Guns, which for
quality and price downs them alL
Sewer and
Culvert Pipes
An Shies Mean 4 Is. le 114 is. Alm
4 min retinas.
es.0T0nr AT 11111•000. TORONTO.
AdnIteration and auteeltution pre -
ducts hate of late teen besem. -
evil. that teoteratsent•etety bees
ote god to call in the services u• ysts to
• heeit their spread and eases tee . • of the
Oto, of the in.wt impel -rant r food'
For pure ebelesome Brest It must be made
from Malt and Hop Yeast ; fee thie reeem It
a eater soluble in !ix Mime of the stomach.
or. in other words. lieht of dominion.
Bop anti Malt Yeast le prOlnutineell by the
beet analysts is Znitlitod to be the pure mid
waarlulterated yeast, mid ie weed by the beet
bakers in the country.
Yon ean art for one cent aie attach Bread made
from Hoe Yam as you ean for infee meta
horn the preened yaws which are forcing
thenmelyee the treble.. but which do eat
T !tend Drove ter yonmele It le the mese
w said sweeten bread that can be
produced Or may yen,' trt the n•rket. My
Nig eaperenre In the !tottery boomer. has
leaanfactnrer of al1 keels
awoke Stack', Salt Pena, Sher', Trod
Aad beater ia-
•re• Pipes and Pim Fitting%
Sagan sad Water ' Valves.
= Chtotaatily ea Rase et Lowed
A append bee of Steel Water owe Hag
Troughs fer me of farms, *ad othera.,.
Ella-tp P. O. Sae timerseb.00.
Warke-0.08401, 0.1. R. Stades EatheakdE