The Signal, 1896-11-12, Page 66 UNTOLD MERV `RHEUMATISM C. 1L iCias, pater Talky, Kira . eared by Ayer's Sarsaparilla For eve years. 1 iw.ered untold marry from muscular rheumatism. [stows remedy, consulted the best pbyst- elame, visited Hot !Springs. Ark..thrre Ua.*. .pending sotto there, besides doctors' buts; but could obtain only temporary relief My flesh was wasted away r' that 1 weighed poly warty -three pounds, my left arm sod Isg were drawo out of shape, the sauacMs TAE FtI.3N .4 I i:t ►I ►P:R IOH' ONT.. THURSDAY. NOV. 12, 1896. 000 ,000 from it its tee Ecce., sd thus •up I s'nownVelaa. ply the world sitb.cod agate. Mr. Robert IOdaetr, tai moDertor of Th. world censuses losers Ham 50.800 (teen hound. shut' blmself fatsLY toes of av, to. re. 4 ell casually. It le large- while out bunting ly weed is botei• and rsslanrwa as 5 sty an s0pkwion o1 g a la No. 2 sbstttut• fur salad d tewtag and for Irina shaft of the meal wire dllNd an W Gab being twisted try In knots. 1 was unable to dies' myself, except with animals', and could only hobble about by using a cane. 1 the d m ors. that !tno rend not live. The pai, and was assured. ns. at tones. were so awful. that I could procure relict only by means of hypes ante injec- tions of morphine. 1 had mt Mimb: hut these 1n clay. to sulphur. in pis gave only temporary relief. Atter trying everything. and suffering the most awful tortures. I began to take Ayers Sarsaparilla. Inside of two months. 1 was able to walk without a cane. in three months. my limbs began to strengthen. and in the course of a year. 1 was cured. My weight has increased 1. bas pounds, and 1 am now able to dozily full says work as a railroad blacksmith." AYER'S The deteot:on of an souner&ot u cells r lulu"' Thr Usunt's Rook LfRhtsblp, which disappeared to the resist groat ewr'm m the 9rtttsh omen, hag born found sunk near her moorings. A hien! y-rt..pertable fatvn.•r tram Shone.. tint.. named t)ourtiarid bids, was drowned on Thursday night at Port Uocer, by failing Into the slip at the dock there. Violent storms have prevailed upon the Portugal coast. A naming twat foundered in the Bay of Setubal and h. r crew of 14 men welt• drowned. Soy. the /stn of Anthony ti/dwards, jr .1 Chatham. Ont.. felt utel r a wagon laden with corn and o as his ab- domen. n oover, both wheels passing do men. 'lie will die. Mr. Oeortte Shaw L"'1.trte, President of the Local Oovernment Board in Yr. Gladangerous gtu : last condition as tine result In a longe of a tall from his bicycle. The mystery surrounding the death of Mr. Win. Maynard of Oriltla wM .olt'ed by the finding o1 his body 1a havingLake Sirneoe, he n while Sshtttj off Strawberry Island. The cor'ner's jury in th • case of William Rogers. the Belmont farinee, who was found w Ith half a dozen wounds of various kinds on at. body, returned a verdict of " •ocid•ntal death." eiede may by the um of a ,otereeeope porueles of coffee use seedily dtst11 untied ey their hardwire from these of ea) add- terost. It is said that the Werner grades of tee are greatly Welter .'.ti by w... tineas who wee tar that ppurpor, p,ea.oew.., urmeric,10- dieo, ptuestaa blue, ohisa clay, and other sotuteso,e. The railway utetals het wee& I.undoo and l:dtol ur.h-- • dtsuuce of 400 miles—are 200 yards Innger l0 .umtaer i heti to winter This •a owing to the evpalewu caused by the extra heat More than t21,01)0 OW ererl ng repre- sents the sum aoraal.y *awed os es ever• site durir:g the post five Vohs le treat Brit- aio to prosaotiag ^0.005O,ee that gave no re- turn to the shareholders. Over 150 ambulances are provided i. Lon. dos for the tremolo., t of people injured or euddealy taken 111 in the treets. Your ts ur persons ere killed 7 F• metiopole, sr.d a scare or so are in. jarred. " Turn the rascals oat,' the familiar Dar ty-ory, may be.nplted to microbes as well as to mew 1 i e gots• of d•sesse that lurk to the blood are " turned out " by AY•v'• Sarsaparilla as effectually se the old poet masters use displaced by • •ew Adminis- tration. Bullets made of precious atones are rari- ties in warfare. But it is reported that, in the tivhrml oo the Kashmir frontier, when the Br.tieh troops defe.ted the rebellious Hui'.*. the natives used bul.ete of garnets encased in lead. Toe camel's foot is s soft cushion partioo• Italy well Weptrd to the u1ane• sod gravel over ehtoh it travels. 1)uriog • staple i•mr- oev through the Sahara. horses have worn our three seta of shoes, whits the oamer. feet are not even sore Tie Queen, in her long life, hem travelled very little abroad. Sb• has Dever been in Russia, Denmark. Austria. eden er Nor- way, Spain, nor (:reeve. h Yr set eves on any of her oolooies,00r upon uv part of Asia Africa or Americo The new illustration of the distances .f the Stars Is that it would take all the Lss• ooihire cotton farterisloenoughrun red year. to spin • thread long the D earest fired star, at the prettiest rate of n rnduotioa of about 155,000,000 mile. per day. An untamed ...allow, which had its ars is a farm Dear l'hetwt•od, in Shopshire.waa caught and taken in s cage to I endoe.wb*re it wee released. It returned to iia emit in 80 minutes. Miring ocoompltab•d s diet—woe of 14.i miles et the rate of nearly two miles s minute. The construction of a cigarbox may seen to be a very simple matter to the novice, but the box passes through nineteen differ eat promises. beton) it is ready to receive the cigars The wool oomes from Cuba sed Mesion. the torm•r country supplies *me .igtbs of the prcduot. The IN* "SOY'S Fair Sarsaparilla. ara;a'i PILLS cum des.ter"e, CRISP AND CASUAL • Amer'.tso r•ilwave employ nearly 2.000.- Q00 m••u St. Pauls l'.th•drtl was built from • tax 00 ., a oval. Th) .lephmatein the London Zoo earn £800 • year. Nearly 20,00) horses are imported into Broom every seer. The overage gee pet consumes five cubic feet of gas per hour. The i:leegow Savings Bonk is the largest in that United hio,ldom. 1'he oil of cocoa is largely used to the manufacture of cone time. According to • statistician, one Britisher in 2.000 rates to disuno•ian. The are 22,000 children to the hospital, ead workhouses of London. The average lib of a tradesman ie about two-thirds that of a farmer. There is only nor piece of worship in Foeland to every 4,000 persons F,re nuodred end eighty-setvo different 1•oeu tree are spokes in Europe. l.00don. to monetary value, is worth two a.d a halt times as much as Pori-. In e0 average ever) cent is cirout•tion obsoge• hand+ eleven times • week For quick and easy work For cleanest, sweetest and whiteatt clothes ikvpdse Is Nal For every nee about the house Surprise works beet and cheapest. sea kw yinimes s. Season of is9sThe Bicycle HARDWARE. mnssM A wash. Tavistock, Ont., Nov. L—A fire at- tendee) is lth fatal consequences oe- currt.-t3 on the tarso of Mtcrtael Parodia about four tulles south.+'*: of this vil- lage in East His orre, about 7 1hyr-old-son� k Ian et ening. Lorue ag west t•, the tarn to do chue'aw, and t1r some meats unknown set lire w the building. The young man bravely ran a buggy out of the building, And then undertook to take out the horses from a I".x•-tall in a di4tant cut net. Here he was evidently smothered and burn- ed, an bio body t.:.a found where the stall had been, along with that .f the horse. The father Is worklug at Murphy's station near l)weii sound, where he was informed of the Slamity by telephone later in these Pe .pie set 20 per cent. more when the weather as cold then when It is mild. The Cooed Suttee has 46.000 oil wells whioh produce 130,000 barrels of oil per day. 11 is said that out of "'very kuadred lives insured an great Brsiate salt' 5ve •te wo- mee Tee houses of Greet Britain ars ster- ling. sup- posed pnssd to be worth utterly 0500,00% ling. It is eolculstsd that the 1 1nonme of She British workieg classes is about 81,500- 001.000. The value of the British ships and me- mos item every year w tow i sheat $35,- 0011,000 - Ts be pettedly pswpreleasi•a was ghoul d weight twenty-eight pounds for ettsyy foot el his height. Ninety thous'•° boys and sass arm sole- ly engaged in the 000upation of fishing off the Ileitis& Isles. A " carat," es • weight for gold and ds• moods, was originally • gram of Indian wheat. well dried. It is estimated that fully two-thirds of the public mossy held by the Lando. boots does not bear tntares< A000rdieg to • meantime who has bean mokiag • special steady of omen wovse,th.ir speed in a moderate breeze is 16.8 miles be hear. Twe-third"' of the yearstotal numb off see in the United s child- ren Ki homedasdesa under is homed is se way or an- other. otter. The messiest .sadlepower in anco y elight • need is a lighthouse M et Hnethelm. Dee - mark, whore obs light te 2,000.000 oasdle- power. A Orman eeisti t+'b•s discovered that trees, the trunks of which ere deemed with Was err heiress are the meet liable to light - Oleg strokes. The amount of tempereaee Ariake .•• • soused i. or exported from 1 greet Brit his as - easily resewss the enormous total of 250,- 000.000 doves le the King et Mozoey's m0Suere, mt 1)reedea, there i. • oherry-etoe upon whits► by a atiggene e. more thea o hundred fast ata M dies stnish•d• dues wars but we potato in the world • 41111111611 saltwater might produce 10,000, Dew is • greet respecter of oolors. Tr prow• this, take pieces of glass or board end paint them reti, yellow, VINO and black. Expose them at night, end you will Sod that the yellow wtll m comma with moisture. and the green will he datnp,whilo the red and the black will be left perfectly dry. A Nuremberg company is bringing out • new kind of sole for boots and shoes, for which it claims great solidity end oomfoet The sole consists of • tort of trellis -work of spiral metal wire, the interstice being filled with gatte nerohs and ammoniac resin, whioh vices them both strength and supple nen Straw Is shoot to be employed oo • levee scale for the making of gunpowder. The strew is pulverised, chemically treated. and then finished in granular form for me. The new explosives is said to be 150 per Gest. stroogsr than an spoil weirht of 0.00 - powder, cod may muoh superior is every respect. Ian. asereamen is sett. Buffalo. Oct. 30.—United States De- puty Marshal Kane had Mrs. Olive Sternaman before United States Com- missioner Fairchild to -day. Mrs. StelStarnan pleaded not guilty, and was remanded to fall to awathde- clsion of the state Department Washington. Detective Murray of To- ronto is here In ooanection with the case S Wase sued accident at Ce.rasMvra- Georgetown. Ont., Oct 31.—About noon to -day fire damaged the residence of Mr. Wm. Forgrays at Glensll1tams to the extent of *200; no insurance. During the exertions of the citizens to put out the ftre, Mr. Ben Williams fell off the roof. receiving severe In- juries, Including a fracture of the ankle. ASTER THERESE. is now over, and want to f ) uu R. W. McKENZIE Still on top with Lowest Prices and Seasonable Goods 'I Thorold Cement Guns at prices which cannot he beaten. • so cheap as to surprise everybody. for the sWinter, I have the aocoomodation, and will take them on reasonable terms. I would remind cyclists that• Winter is the proper time t., overhaul Wheels and repeat if neces miry. Everything In the Repair Line glategases Tewtaers Eserwsed. Paris Oct. t0.—An official despatch from Antananarivo, capital of the Is- land of Idadagascar,afnounces that the minister of Irktertur and Prince Ratsi- marga have been executed at Antana- narivo for complicity In the recent rebellion. and that the Premier has resigned. LADY SI'PERIOR AACR*1D HEART (GREY NUNS) OON-. VENT, OTTAWA. - kept on send. sod not.. but skilled bso 1s rest toyed. J. YULE, Q -t mark Liegey Elastin et tore Your Wheel • the genuine Hudson Apple Parers Best American Powder the Best in the Market. kept in stock Ac EOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS TME BLOOD, Regulates the Action of the Lifer sad IDdoq% awl will be found Indispensable In eases of Female fglfecoloyfildg and Vrta.ry Diseases' - !low awg/M et mai Ind 1/ Slams L SWS aJM11ATSQYe L-eeleses eco PLAN= MILL. l "THE SIGNAL EUTAAIIttMI I MM. Buchailalls & EkyBas! ■eN by shnasio.. London. Oct. 30.—A despatch from Smyrna says that Captain Mar- riott of the Norfolk Regiment of Eng- land has been captured by brigands, while out shooting near SmYrna. The brigands demand a ransom of £10.000 for his release. Mrs. e'asameit AomaMSN. Sleeve. out., (bet. 70.—The close of Lira Bea Cans:Dell was dislserd by the Police Magistrate to -day. these not being mo=t est evidence produced te aawmlt. The greatest mon are *knee whe learn tF • want by the fee.... mit eriewess, 86.1711 TOV TASTViD A TII.MT OF RICKHAILILitigrrarAlre� CC RE WHEN „BUILT UP. RUN. �� That's our .4 DOWN w' l7, Ick; ailing woman ail (_d. and there's nothing equal to •+ INDIAN WOMAN'S BALM for purifyingthe bhoJA toning tap thed, nerve., asset liaddlwtg up eat Health. 01 TOR '6MTITT770.1 la FOLLOWLL ar A`r 05 DoK81111 l'1mT. a list, Se I. A. DAA. IF _a,. Us a"itt-1 N is the Mort itelciem e' all ran' I MO WILT I% MAD frafIKIli STURDY iIROS siowersoirmuss SASH, DOOR and BLIND Sacred Heart (Grey Nutri) Camper. UTr*wa, March 4th, 189b. M S. Ryckm•s, Nay Handsome. Out. Dara SIR —11 M with gnat pleasure that I write to inform you that your valuable remedy. •' Kootenay Cars," hart been tried is oar histitaties with most gratifying re- sults. I rise My this, se i om one of thorn who have oo..ol..ti.0sly tested it. i have De I+msit•liea h reootninendi.J it M • cos• dotal mediae«, for Rheamatens, • disease', which has baffled medical science for se many years ..To my ewe 1 nowledre elms the remedy has proved meat bassSeW i. oases e1 D►.pspst` 1 have much pleasure is oosamai.ating the foreseing teetietoey se regards the bane It. which 1 knew "Kootea•y (,lire" Me esuferred ne many sufferers, mad yes hay. ny 1.11 perniMis to evoke ire et nam tset- iroeiel is any way yom may think et. St•TRR Tensest*, lady superior. r 1 later (gruffly)—ANS yea the editor' Editor ( without tisk lea tip hem ids work --1 mm. Awir&sgsr (more molly) — D. yea ►cid yourself reepeaVl de fee eveytht.r oppmr- iag es ' is this gager Rdisor (rising te kis nil fed three Melees) - 1 des hat's ea your Wad' &t all. sir. Visitor liereblyl—Oh. o0*5t t 1 minim Pro. i was mailer the hysmesae0 that the little seas over In tie earner Melt ell the respssiNtity. Aume peoples ata .1 religion Is to .at .mid dissent eta llmad&y. "((Abbe wen Swore tanm ism before yen ME." ' iris : se Wok &best t5M t M waited ✓ ea edges where he amid gill Ames ter seeking." ewes.' thM — ISOMse•ataer � ietaw is aseMnslet awe rl- Tim hew that iMy M vs Give the Baby a Chance The only food that will build up a weak cons- titution gradu ally but surely is Martin's iCardinal Food a simple, scientific and highly nutritive pkparation for infants, delicate children and invalids, RE.., warion • GO . e.e.«e.•«. Mewree•t Dealers :a al! k'stie of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Lad frau ses material of every dssortptlos School hinitaro a Specialty. all . s a • Announcement. New Good.: and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Rest-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guatanteetl in Quality. Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP. OYSTERS FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER 1NEWOKa.FlT�A�fND EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA 1•easreret tote i 11.51 g INetheetit-e Write Daileaey et Viewer. aupeer 'it( le olialltW. AND "GLOBE" FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARYaRfoll1898 $1.60 (ONE DOLLAR AND SIXTY CENTS) Subscribe at Once! AND GET THE FULL BENEFIT OF THIS BIG OFFER. Call on or address MSS Charles A. 311)NMi'11 HAS THHYe STANDARDS and SELECTS FINNAN HADDIE First of the Season Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Competition. THE SIGNAL," Qoderich, Ont. Tae oailiw S s.u�smmtJw `::tv5 *S wvles • s . wk, Ask sad pe"'- It is t a be▪ nisese getadylw bad la the lateral galeas • ft e.slpeistet=t et every Deism whir sad _ • i�gt Metes IT= Inbhres te the et r peelitles Uiriyalld w� t�. Mesa' vwws sr liver -1 $c. ileartthre in igmeter'emit Ting sad Peahens cab. "M.11!aefta W 1""' fd. 1111111111111111111 err is MOM .10 111118 SNOW t e . .kA tea' Before the font Ontario railway w►• istilt, Before 'tt' hi.t ocean .teat, -1 asr'rrd. Before p os ago• stamps were us,d ttr LaMAn. Wheat £. s. d. was Canadian Currency. asimen E. 13. EdJy.'sM ;tc1;cs i I wee k:town 1hr'e (aitm* N, t` III as they so. a, the arcs& matches '(. la FOR FALL mod WINTER. L HMSO. Jett he Wd---s large sad rafW Meek Dearne le sad la prtrd Ita0Raiir , JACKZT CLOTHS Miosis Noel Disable: SHAWLS. Ogg tai...s dwble warn. last 161w1`. LUSTS= .�. peemissd .5100 Poises Osie ONSETS ml 100161 b„" Will weaned weeps. 1 HOMO A. IIUNRO, Drape.