HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-12, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODSBIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 111 epeoial Sete of BLANKETS Mt Lawmen( a Wo,.l IltIII this ate ode 61bs. whits Wool Blankets, 64x74, at $1.86, the regular price being 2.60 7 lbs. white Wool Blankets, 64xe4 and fancy fast color Borders, at $2 75. regular 3.60. 8 lbs. white Wool Blankets, 8C 33, handsome Borders, at $3.15, worth 4.00. Chenille Curtains in Cardinal, Browns, Fawns and Garnet. 38 inches wide and Full Length, heavy double fringed, at $2.26, regular value'3.00• inspection invited, W_ AC"wt3ES01NT c3L SON_ lb NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - NOV- 12 A lie••r.h Sten -Fslferd & (J. 7 Wham Quarters for Bakes --Jobs Yale. 6 The pa Mae-wie. 8bsrmee jr 8 Farm... Awaties-W. F. b A. amitk5 National h. A1tr-las. Wdeen 4 Rolla and : tee -Tia Fair . 4 A Cold Wave -Jos. Reniame 4 Partisan sad Aeekman-J.. Walesa5 Hardware --a. M•D. Allots 5 TeodorteWo.4 W. xted-Omesty 5 Niekla Perag-Bieyele F airy b Bid� Friday l�Mereing--J•,. R-Meests 4 OW item Aessiamed 'ims -Appl r M b _ DIED- RCThemYIa nn sets 63year.as N.v.Ot►. fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. PPOSI tae Hsperterr. Notebook. ■ ...'v. o Mie sb •' Tr dm. 1 redo r• twat Its • ewer. amens Te Tsai' Nemo. en' ktlN vu ►.•n. 111.• -.urn•. 8alttord re.ide•t who served hi. •pprwtl... ship at Toe Smits. Moe. We wish Tie Northwestern Merman* metinesd pros- perity. Osa.xt:si. -The Glider's& Hoek., Club hold a meensit is the Baseball Club's roma ea Tuesday evades for the purpose .4 re- orpsas.sg for the •emlag ss•sss. The sies- tas of (Moors melted as Inners : Pr si- dest, A. MoD. AUs■ : vice -pre., Joh. Notre ; see -tress., Dad Melee . jr.: ceptein km ..t been 811.4. 2200 w•NTMD.-At the sddiv.r.ary •t000 10 Vtst.rta-.t Methodist Marra dna S.•day mead oostrtbetieds will be reeety .d o• behalf et the trust feed, sad friends d the sMureh are requested to es liberally ea p.ntbls. Envelopes demireed for this menet mss are in *Menlo. tied, sod the nam asked for le $20a Arrt.as -The following are the late. Edinburgh quotations for Canadian trait Gmettle b. 9s. to lle. ; Baldwins, 10t. 11. 6d. : Bon Dave, 9.. 9d. t. 10.. 6d. Spies, 104. 6d. to 11a 6d. ; Rees. 12.- 1341. Rsseeta, 8s. 1. 10. ; Comedo Rods 9.. 6•l te 10c 6d. The deemed was tor C..sdi. pecked at the pans• mem timed. Tat AtINtvreemm.-Amelvrusry theakegivieg osrvism MU be held en Sae - day add Monday, the 15th sod 16th est-, in Viss.ria .t Methodist church sereno.. id mush oe the Sabbath and platform meeting a1 8 o'clock Monday eve• sin.. Addr.wneo will be delivered by Rev. J. Edge. ef North -et .bench, and Rev. J. A. Addenda, B A., d the Presbyteries .s4 mora .s4 Mem hewers bemire end tblrws. The tender .r lie bin •aid Cooney wee •0�tuted. but abet arse having ..t18.d ate Nb1M werk..erne.. abet airy bad .mMO 1 • tow Weep, the esi smll- w reed to w nipetyl Item trhl:t Nakao eneepted 6* - 94b.36. las loon= Coree�awaar.-T a Do- me Iskiteetree se • Rmeneher b. $.b- caih Ds Se keep it bole," wilt be the Memo of the pastor of Borth -et M.thedttt .here& mese Bods, evening. PODr•&LL. - Arsorgio eat. were .•ds yoneresy Hs • 4... toil aloe& hesweea $bS Oohed*** Iawstes d Uederl.b sod Siefert* The ss. w.11 be played ea the Asrtosltarnl Park pose& .• Narmada, al- esrdoo•. NrosL.s ?Lamer. lab, •Penn, •root•. Wap .adds, .leve Imes or say household Mensal er ermerstssiekl• ylst.d • 1 W Heade.-s•a Btoyel• Cob. weeks. Zeno street. Deal threw away srWl.s tet meg be made ea geed an mews/ Ytsssa*Ta?1Wt ADD ADDagm.-Lent week the employees of the Wipes Os. preessted Rev. Father West with a is.abep's chair lad the lolwwatg address whsoh wee read by -Maas4es iiasadecs, Kew Faresa Wast, (Uoderkb. Deer We the endersio . erepisyess o f the Gedeetsb Grose l w , 6.etre to e x egete our &perevs! of toes effort, to advisee the Nearest• of ear town geld oar seal la the edvsesme•t et the spinosa] sleds N those seder year charge, to ar.ssus sate • band. e ms Winos to the glory of (Jed sad the bs•stifyt of oar tows. We Moro t odd to year awes and sok year ses.ptaase of this chair, a000mps•ted by the wish thea yea may Imo be spored is she work et for Blessed Master. Godertob, Nov. 2, 1896. Roped se ashen d ate employes•, A. tia1aDasa, Mor. 'sabot W est, is .00spssag the bendssme nese �g Masked the eaploye. for Nair .5551405.1 gift, ..d ape • of lte appro- prtsboese of design for the osacteery. He oleo i.oted R• clever weekmsoehtp and ex teedengly (lee finish. Of the pews platted is the Marsh he spoke is the highest torr ea to material. wart esti diatom. Fall and Winter Underwear Our prices are lower than can be found elsewhere for equal quali- ties. Ladies' Vests from lbs to 40c for Heavy Cotton Uoods and from 50e to 11.00 for tine, all -wool. MoD'. Underwear, Cotton mixed heavy, 60c per suit. All wool Suite from 80e to $1.00. Extra tine wool to $100 per snit. Clothing Bargains -Take two items as indicating the value we can g4 you : Heel's Suits, all wool, $5.00, worth 11•.00 , lien's Ulster•, all wool. $6.50, worth 110.00 JAMES A. REID. Jordan's block. t'Uth. Oct, 1896. BEATEMALL Try oar BEATBMALL STOVEPIPE VARNISH STOVEPIPE Least odor, brighest lu ter., quickest drying of STOVEPIPE all Stovepipe Varnishes. It's a dandy. The people ere all I.wrning that, and our saleegrow VARNISH *very year. Take nu of her. OCR CONDITION POWDER CLIMAX For horses and stock. FURNITURE Canadian Horse and Cattle Food. POLISH English Heeling Oil. 25 cents: W. C. GOODE CHEMIST Tal L1?ZLART.-0o Friday eroies titre was as excellent pregrsm at the mwtieg et tarn the Collimate !set.tute tad Model wheel t tenet sootet,, end h wee tb..ro., t. y en- j.yed. The ul.eaiag number was s pions MN Bolo by Mtea Tv., charmingly rendered, re - speed Ghee followed 55. CoMgute Journal, read pot by Miss Mamie Drib•••. The 11...e is the journal showed toss Bosw el the stud -hots are not lacking in literary ability. A mania t Bolo, edsot.ally nave. by Ur* Stewart. a roost, Lae by Mao ileums that .bowed esti- A fell stock of Pure White Oastile Soap ; also all other to eiderable eloentierssry power : ands pretty Toilet Soaps, Penins' Glycerine, Outicura, by Mas MoC1oe►ey led uo to Me jar y . 1's., Baby's Own, Tar u Model `School Jeu..5L J. (' Marne, sae Oatmeal. etc. editor, as Moat, read do oust is, bed reed goal Minn w.IL Vrlday's member was a greet tmprovea.st ea the previous one, in fact is A. the Kesv ldemWs wan wo..by of the Model ohm d 1996 The •md another oeetsiw.d •manses rseerdssg Tao Ydd• (iit dA l's :.marks a a armor tens., dad our your/ srienda fres. the Model are welcome Special t• touow the tome bon of attack marl firer a d it helps, as it d.4 ie this isetas05, N draw tram them eomethi.g worth listadag to A deet, violin end pisco, S.MaDeagsi sad H. Remetnp wee se pssss.tly wren ea to earn as ea0ore, sad a pretty pibso solo by Mies Mattel closed the program. The dtetribatioe of med•L, prises bad pp- lon,w. for the put term was tbs. ta °Net sod H. L Stress. B A.. who was a the Moir presented team all with the .00mph•• of the Tomball medal. Thbit� rector of St Oo ngs's, the donor, perform 4 that duty, sad is dotal" Bo rods an umbras speech. F. Jordan, sv-obstrmbs of the board also sddre..ed the .eetisg. The obaermen steed that the result.( the exam, was 3 senor matriculations, 3 eusior Mavis' certi- ficates, 19 jollier ieev,.g certificate. 5 junior matriculants. 8 primary, 16 panned pert 1 of form 2, sed 23 of form 1, a total of 77. Miss kditb M. Reid woo the Hamtl. ten medal predated by 1).. Hamilton, of (*rowan, to the candidate obtaining the highest prmuters in the junior leavisl" nus primesy memo. Moes Reid obtained ('Pa per cost. at the junior leaving. The teachers' prise, emote. Imperial Dtctioser, wee woo try Maas Christie. Gerdes, who elesiesd 66 per oust. at the prim.rv. The Turnbull medal, presented by the rotor of 8. (twerp,'• to the pupil of either division of form 1 wine obtaissd the highest der mintage was takes by Mies Veda Welds, who obtelned 86 per omit. Mie Waimea she woe Maes Charlie' pries for the pupil Creditor.' Retie,. obtaining the highest utsodinf in English literature. The next habitat in the elate were Nal Turnbull, 827. sod Geed'rey Hest, 76%. Maes Msy Dash" wen the washers' prise ter highborn higb/t Form I., ob- taining 6 . 15. nest two bane Mies Msy Armstro Band Ethel Rhyme. Of Mr -pupils Me year', recd was • graduate of Toronto with lessen ta msdsra lanspeaget h...., is . de'sa in the fled veer, haws he astiobel seises, l the 1st, s grdatsds kb .odds R lftq web the gala inedel,diir G Me Gibe with the silver glad lbd year •ibol•r5hip, al.e s pa&bb from Omer with boors 1 esatbs.dWg .ted seeders eagwsgsa Denier the ..spas it was mentioned that H. r. 8te.ug, B. A • had rimed hie .fiver " PrtaGipslsNp is 0ed.- risb. Soaps. • • Merob T Does . ho wYl 10 te.k wtW led feel eine- ANucAL Me:MPG.-Th. na.Nl meeting 1eruw os Thaaktstv100 Ds, •bodId est eves d the teasbrs of wise Huron will M held sat. PRmHA saaeari `" l:edsridb Collegiate Isstit.te co Friday Altb ask the son he feet 1 power fee .ed may. Nov. add 29. oommesoast a few moths ter braes, forth Iowan n.t j �M 11 A. a. et oho drat named day. There heaps t AILOWd to uta& the pretty .collet .r will be ea MfKtaiamust en Friday .vusidp. Homes goon. G. T. R doirhswra-Th. shimming the poet week iran ate G.T. R. memos ia.i.ded '78 tall oar. Srur1AL TAMP. - A .p.pbl trate frees Stratford lad ieterat.di5• aotl.0 reach- ed town at 11 • Y w Ssd y, it honey bees rte to maids ...berm d the R C. Mauch eget d Cadence N jots i the emit - mhos of Ss. Peter's sus TORT and Bo118D Now. -Th. Imperial that ►a meld not ocwi..ti.Mly aooept It credos' Co.. of Toronto, i. now .btppiy for tie March r say other purpose, lad apples per the G. T. R is hexer, sad u is that were he to do so it would be so orsdii said the sew plea will t•.r...e the Map. to Aimed or the e.•gregetios of S. .nota es.Gidsrably, 5s, se amount d the Peter's. small packages, only geed fruit a pet a As ACTU sN DAv('x -0• Friday dight few. the first Autumn dance took plat. at the IN DAKOTA.- At the recent eleetlo. Heiel Bedford, and though ea impreespho arses the Itas, W. Dtsela., formerly d tat. on. (e1 having tees rot tee up that day os •..float d the Harpers Ming ha town) 11 was la every way worthy et the pane people who originetd A. Thyro were some thirty maples pretest, and from 9 r. Y till 2 At.. T•rpdtbore was .tepee.•. The music was lovely, and the ball -the dein, room- n esa to have Mee built fr dewier. as it ie cspaoios..dd bas os excellent doer. Tie DULA IOU Siwtan,i -Setae twisty ten - dere for the whole work ad the sewers were opened by the public works osrktee Int w..k,whee the lowest was heed 1e be that of Humber and 0... ,, «,1126.96. .tad Me belted that d Js . Iwse, 97E Thore wee sae bdl�ii aitK�fKlB�sy twenty thousand, .me between ilg►Nsa eels • meta., one betimes ..verb.. ••d s11b4. teen, Mt betw.useitb•. and seveeteee..M hsewses dhow .•d Mtt.ee, awe between t..rM.n nod Mama, three between thirteen Messrs Tem, Street, Halle, Great sod Mines Charles, Barrett and Wiggans haw. lag hese appointed a sememit15s to make ar- radgem.nte therefore. Ta. Rnia DANCE -O• Monday evening • ball was held is the skating rink. and on Toeeday nom of the members of the com- mittee of ementemesr waited o. lobar Re-• seed offered him the premeds. 1. he rm. Goma refused it, sad told them Ialsad Reiman. Department, Caned•, was moaned to the panties ef meaty treasur- er Ise Poeibime °peaty, North Dakota. The s•sossefal s•dMate is • eat.-law-ew et Gds. Cox, Britannia Reed. ANSWERS WANTS&-Csa • p.reM wlo be a t paid ler his toper sdjey bis th•e►e- giving deur ! W fU Nee of ear readers who ars OMNI with Noir .sbearipsienn mad es • taw setae ed the g4esetisn. The seat we ...Id prefer are bbss..•asfdo- and by the Dammed Beak Net. Printing Crmp•oy, A Ream Teta,-Ws have resolved • espy d the Northwesters Mrshast, a weekly jourd•1 published ta I)alsti, Mina, It bas bees reeen.ly paraboloid by lia•kid. Greer & Meese, printers, d Nat .icy, end will be greatly lemprwred by the protest ewers The Greer m.etl...d r as old Hardware.. AXES A fresh stock, new designs. SAWS Large new steak is Cro. cnt, Back and Hand Saws. LANTERNS that can face a hurricane and still give light CHAINS sew designs in Tie•ohains. RAZORS A new lot of the guarsteed brand. SAUSAGE MACHINES in four designs -.lout the thing to make Wader steak. MITTS for thrs.Lers, gartl..ere, and .very ons who works out of doors. PORTLAND CEMENT CUTLERY genially 44. A. McD. ALLAN. F. M. DUNHAM. Tenders Wanted. TENDERS FOR WOOD WANTED - Owned tenders will be received by MOP Op to 3e/clock P.Y.. Tuesday flub. lap. tor i.0 cords of hard wood. cord wood loatath, to be delivered et the Gaol In the Tows d (Dede- rick' in Quantities of not Icor than 13 cords per mouth groat date of control. no wood mors De ret loess halt Maple and all spa and piled. Parties may tender for KI cords sad up- wards Securities ►eQ uired. No teadr.e•.ewnty accepted. Dated Nov 11, 11114 111 -ft W. LANZ. Comity Clark. Pnbllo Notice DECLARATION OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNNIRSHIP. J'ror•iace of Oalario County of Huron. We. John 80boonhale and John P. pecker of the vale Pori Albert is the Count .f Huron.; iliero, formerly carrying on bs�•e ea Milberg at the said village of Port Albert soder the same. etl le and Harm of ecb.eahels t Booker. do hereby certify that the said pirtner.hlp orae on ,be 11th day of Oa ober. A. G. 1546. dissolved. Wanes or hada, at Port Alive-. afore- said, this Ittb dad of October, A. D. 1364. Witness HZNRY OTWAY 1 JOHN 8CHr1ENHAla JOHN P, BZCEER. Coward :leis hats purchased the Interest Of John P. Hooker in Beed arm The buidawe will. 1. future be carried os. by 1...r.. 8ehoenhal. & tteta, who win pay all liabilities of and collect to the naso • of the old arm, eCHOENHALs& RE/8. N OTKE TO CRi4DITURs. fes the swatter of Wilmer 8*IUA. an Insofsrwe. Notice is hereby rive. that Wilmer 8.ith, of the Town sr Oudeei.b, Furniture Dealer, has this day make an se.ignaect t . the wider - Minted of .11 bier.' ate. pursuant N 41.8.0. Cap 1M and o.etedmen s. A mercies of orcditers of said Insolvent te boreby malted for THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1tle. 'Alt 1Oclock in the afternoon. at the o®ce of Ibe assignee's 'elicitor In Goder eh for 1 he se - Mt most of isomer -tore ad like loving of lime.sd0 with reference ao the disposal of the estate• brad this iced day of November. 1Nf. THOMAS 9171IURY, Ardtsee. By LOewS t DANCEY. NO 8Nl.iser. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT Sia. Nev. 11. 1.1 Fall Wheat Odd/ 5 70 to 0 76 11.er, tittmttr.�.r net.-..... 100 l 1 N FI•Q• p•s.d�, 0•.v newt • 1 Si se 1 0Erma. r sea- _.. 11 N tett M IP ten . 11 N 011 30 • bosh >E se 0 !1 Peso 'bush. 2.... Old Hay. a t.s ....•�............ s•a phi atttraaa Rbaab.. ,_ 0 M M 0 M nu /uK•, 1re.b.ap•skd. 5 dem.- 0 10 to 04 N wood nu Mdse. .. ............_...�. 5. 4 70 uusP•1a .. ...b.mas... . .... N to 0 N tbfv..ew • t N b 0 N 1 novae. Nam. pr lb. w .... ramose. ver Ike......... 'Rus Line. Vas 'BUS LIME. - THE TINDER - L• vb}ee amused r run a 'ts a ebe al 1am1at��rale.ht/m�.egvpo Wart will �tpr�pude mice 4 7Wp►.-- tae. .xJ• A 16 a CASH II'OR LUMBER -AT THE Ralf- )guile. szs.ator's Pieties. F : tux roes NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH MORR18, DECEASED. Pursuant he R,a 0. /N7, Jap, la Nears 1. bomb,1,,. 'bhsd eta ell tay'edler, ..d dtho.. Mrd , lea of the Township estate the oasdty em Given, Yeast•., daema.d. whet did es or sboss the 1115 day of Odette. 1Nf, are totshod ea or before the Mir day et Novenae -r. 505 a nod M .d11,, Oespatd deliver te Ma Miley Meng* E•Itford. P. pr,, d�i.s u4. 14.51. or th:M N the 44. dreams sad demorlmierm. • .th tit their rialtos sod the enure of the.sp�t Ut •nbMd 1p thof t sadhe e s that atter the .dw. date t4. t.w .•note wB1 gra- ded to el the.w.m et the B•tete.her fag reward .ib . the define et whisk softies .hall bare bee. remised. wed the on 4 es- timate w1 net he Ilene for the ei•i-54 bey r persona etw,Nob .sties aihaU set ted •t .a▪ = gi re* My of Maher. UAL °AM T tit HOLMES. s �t•r. M Mseetsw, For �w PALE CHZAP-A RADIAIi'T 5...s .ml a.* *tab see . ware Kf pen us te se. et Moak ak of Com. •ad W ism einy NKOtlis. Aspd• te 0� iAMtH�Y.ER le sialEMPTMA Wind w Moir dew a ril dodger y •r Ltd, .dab, ae. w..w..•.d... w t p.Mi.. MBffi ANN L "RAW. =AM= FARMERS' ATTENTION I MOgIe. HIDES WANTED l Mas K• w- MtCALL• a w:w ��` seise wn te the TAMMY 2YwsIt MO ■pile. `�" wL itfO�p lllal. eAfaRL �e~ •i1• M•usb is � ttbsa.b.1. `�� � mesh s0 W. P. t A. Al1T'ii. as. mown ~ sot b Yaw M •Mont.► l.flr MI / TO ADVERTISERS. . Notice of changes must be left at this Ofisce not later than Saturday noon. The Oopy for changes mast be bat not later than Man ..wy uwu. t.a.uai �saver.00ds e sooepted op to noon Wednesday of each week, Boarding At >mmodatttut BOARDINO ACCOMMODATION FOR two /nerd n. mechanic. preferred. God location. comfortable rooms. Harm reasonable. A. ply .t Tors Swear odtce for p mica are. at - f4ltuauon. % avant• ABOY WANTED, BETWtiill IS r ,d 14 TOW% of age to leers las palest/• b.. .. u Apply at this 0110., Travelling ovum, OWED TRUNK KAILWA1. El sod Anew*. UM on. Y1 Unload Zap.em 1.15 p.m. 7.10 pea. Midland Eze ee Lee am. Mall mit Itterslit La a. m Mall a EKnues ._.... ... . ! b P.m. MixedMasai >� R.. ... ..100... For •sale or To Rent. FARM TO LET -VALUABLE FARM whs. beim lot r cos. O,.eetern divides N • , tameable of Colborn esdNdgas of see hundred acres. with rood baro sed rabies, hem. hoer and go d pp - - given home, ler. Poi p ort lore ply to tette. LOU ISA RE1D. Godertch P 0. 9S -lin FARM FOR ALE OR '10 RENT - Two hoidens] soros of cleared I.sd eon- pp•.tssd .•t lore 7 sad s. 1 nab eune.oriod. Col - township ; 41vnatA in two faces.. l.ot 7 with brume horse. ben. good shed, .2.4..5, drloe hoed. Implement hotss and saber woo ..tory betiding* On let t, frame beer, barn. 1 .table and other buildlego rim. ormi ed. on both lots. hm.b at watered by two well, and wriest AM. will all ore or bob lois. AD- O, t. W C. POTTER. m the premises or 540454ob P. O. TOR RALE -LOTS 6H AND i' Ht tineas Survey le the Town rf 9ode 104.. open which le oreeted o.loe dwell- taafm less pesbsn 13 sad 1f Reb'e Survey, Da••�. mempleing 1 ••sea which le i tilted • bea.a. sad there Wales 1 good alis t b. half of the North belt of ice S. Lake Soma Creeestun of the ?Immobile et Amade 4, .Me -o divbtea. Dated 4ib 0 Amer, 1011. Applyto CA ERON. }iota' a HOLMES. D VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR 8Af ' • - t 4ela pteeepsatet bsdMus 0 -.aro 1. OM w U.sgwpp5 nseewu._er,� sews titin ostaprless two .t.detbbe sad b►isk.nit4 shoe. lasilt Cleartitletow beeves. soles - tar way r the right nos. Appy b D. E. N se aha McOM.a 11-tf VALUABLE TOR>t I'ROPZSTY FOR 8 e •.R --Tb. brit w Nes. ..d 1•he fse..rr"M'a'd.., is leg late A. $sr0. essttesq.. Mader ,. one d ta. most value' • and arisen�iOre- -- let... twaneerey frame dwells. hes.s e■ dOe�bb M•e�E ommeeedl�,lat ll adJetulolo sanded *5 Bret- t. Andrew dwelling hones at premed gr day w r the IL The . Rhe��sttssasa•.. 1 rmrllyj ..s,i by the hue Jsdg. Tema his a sad terms o4 pet meat y� -. ls, de 14 to rMARROW & PRO1 D0 .Norttb. 8eh.ns.e F. SM BETH'S PLAUIIio MILL SASS, DOO)S Mir IUWI) 1AC3b*T, t ups l eon algrensese the 1e \ yM Is �.. oboe ri GST ON GLAIaf3Ef3. It 'your sight shove signs o[ failing. Surely you• woald not become blind. A little timely attention may save your eyes. It is wise to let us exams* them. • No charge for the e:aminatio s and beat lenses supplied ' at reasonable pnces. J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Druggist and Optician. YOU GET THE BIRD WE'LL FURNISH THE NEST New lines in Furniture at Holiday Prices Yes, with 150 you can settle down beautifully. Call and see us while at tho Fair. Upholstering and Picture Framing. Undertaking and Em- balming. WILMER SMITH. Loan and RavinA's 2Moolet7. Ir IR NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT 70055115, MAEZ$ YOt7 R 17H. TNI/ 111':a.N .y.11 RP. (•R L•,.th; I VIWTMkNT, u]:YAXY 811,1.0c -on dta - (-aw.en a, H •I• .rd ll•dr ee Urnn.tT..-.Irl.••.. t own000rd ever) '.r ti.01 s1. .1 t. ter Pr, .-ant per a•.. nm..t 1 use from oneA •Iter uee.r.tr. U -yo -p,. • *.I1 0•d It •01h. -1r a•1•.n,.a! 11. IMMne an•1 per. 5e. Lnsaa--Nor be secured 51 WV in.' s•eh01q delay o0 the eeclrri'y of approved d.aieabN Prop.rtr ixt,ea.ra mode.ate. App:kattoos ear«,v 'M the Maness n- solicitors. Th. Company's allow .,te Inflated on Veath Street and l•ourt Hou., Square-oppoelte area Si'i.At. (tele•, HORACE HOitToh J. H. c..l /'08113, Manan. Prost&,.t. Bale of Land. for faze* TOWN OF GODERICH. R.ZABURZR'8 BALE OF LANDS FOR TAX X14. By rime of a warrant under ,he head of oho Mayor lad oral of the morporstidy.t the Town of Oodrieb, dated the 14th day of 'lels- tembar, IOC command Ina 'note levy tidos the lads bere.tr described, foe the •Ire.t• of fixes doe thereon. together with e4 oto. .. aloe u bervby given that oakum .uoh . sad mow are sooner paid 1 shall, purse .nt to he Consolidated A••esema.t Act. Ie.: pro- w to.ell by Publlo Aunties the saw lands• r en muck thereof as may be necessary tor the papoose of the told arrears ted coats. at my e� pm Wsdaa•ds, the Twenty.teird dky I December, M two o lock to the atta,•s... The Mbwtett lots are patented : or Dart Concession I i ef ler. ¢street. d 12 eltax-lie ill 1-• Pot 11 1 74 1-4 701 s 1-4 1eNtii "u6T 1-e 701 N'1. 71 MIM1 1 1 11-4 " 141834t4 Wilda s 1 e" 4 77 1 ilii 7 s7 a.b�...Sit -.i " 11 7.01116114 s oronte.1 a 1-t '• I N 140 4 M 1 Gleba 8nr 1- 4" 7 MI 10 1 fUt p 0 Zs 171Rma5. No i1•'" 17 7 7 +uo u 1 el 7 41 00 10 lid 74140'10se " 7 111 O1 N N rat *"N r 4*11 ems es W. I. 11ORTON. Oederebte. , a, 140. MIL T•tgnEf74ftdaser New >t[aehlne Wimps. NEW MALSIN18H0 1LLKINDS ,lT st,Mtr e.rk me de•t sa r=di and memo swims view/stand J. RUNCIMAN. FARMERS and STOCKMEN 1* te see Dr. Heaths El ,e lee per r 1 ter Me mod ClirZe per peen& be ter Thewi�'s tiwme tear Ibe and ••tiat s Imre leek It yes e set amebae. .en > J. WILSON'S Panap