HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-12, Page 3THE Blf 3MAL : G001000,1, ION I'N li tt$$l, t NOV- 12. i11`r6
11.m1tlwlr.. ► bub
--lo t„<►�. LU =H Y growth
tima?AL et•hettsea.
.seen Come
eepi.tts Pal Mee
eels //.radial west • tlpeelalty.
• years C>4eeina.
Thir611PeSeLINtail approved
tS wt •/ 5 /eros Pr.ar..-
it ,I.e1abri a1Ma1•►t elle•
nee ef�e� O. ma the Square. IT
T M. Tusinsula., 1.1.11 B., i D.&- - ,
:u► r.. P11 . tr:.�wli •sd meow
lira.atUidsl aril os add .. alma
bast hum st*.atlea um to /he
pprrowwparsatiou Wand utak. Oeoe it I
/1oLo.sb sew bleat. thither,
A. IDOMa0N, K. D., C. 11.
mom* esappis4 pr. 11=r. lirlieriam
TT slim Solalts • -St
ea.wered at War Radford. Sifts
1)r &aOwes-.easellst the rail-
&imacells from
""'ie' ire rah .. it adras h Iltbt
�TU. WeS•
TV . lie men. ederiekt1ss. IMO
ass i cltsr, Tar-
anner,, ae
Hs. 4 res .04 $1. •adr•w .55. •pe. s ai
lsi$Mi•r. K51sry roblit Armen%
Hook. Wart aerewl Nw-y
EA. riser. Notary,..a than our li.dlrl
H.L. square tilodertwm.
. iters,. eommiseioner. etc, Moser to
Iota. UAcw : ow. Hamtltes •ad 8L •adrew s
streets. Wllerich. um. Ser
1 t.hitter. oenvasisar. to.. disc. Morley
so tose at Iowers rtes. Hortoo's BMA, Up-
oroars Colborne Hose. ooder15b. Oat. am At
L' N. L117118, BA RRIBTER, Pit“0-
Lie ie ter 15 Morniese (eerie el Omens
were-fkMwth M tenet. MS
iV OK &)00e Northm.. .set door
astAL OS.s. Pei vain loads to lend at
I:wed raw of later an. NIP
%A rale. Maness aellatters, to.. Rods
rlab. J n
T. earw. Q. . W. Prwdtuot.
(t4I tt)N. HOLT & HUL1lES,
V Aerrutes.. 0.1151*... la Obeme«7 ta.
Onderich. M. O. Caesarea. 11.0.; P. liwt .
. to, end etwmrener r *.ao sad r.
siva'resaiet halt m «
tr«atlsri• or serer dealers -
leas Ras 15 or ace •ode•. sir t er pre -
mediae la 1hei Govt N JwMs. the
Omuta Appeal illy orla w Oe sty
of I>tvtnes Comet. A" d..serpaa aarNwl .
ttaA tlnslNtiv slnwd. q..la/a'a and P.O.
Oat. Iib -if
The baby's mission is
growth. To that little bun-
dle of love, half trick, half
dream, every added ounce
of flesh means added hap-
piness and comfort! Fat is
the signal of perfect health,
comfort, good nature, baby
Scott's Emulsion, with
hypoplosphi res, is the eas-
iist fat -food baby can have,
in the easiest form. It sup-
plies just what he cannot
get in hie ordinary food,
and helps him over the
weak places to perfect
Sem ! Ma Ssu..illa Oi• 15L sedlM.r
A Rosa story is told of Jte.lpe W D.
Omer. • pro•nisest lawyer of P.d•c.eh.
Oao. Aortas • vont to St L ,al. M n..d •
seven attack of tnothaohe H. sought a
dcottst's j f6.a and wadi met by a vows*
won who was scrupulously nest and clew.
The lower bowed easy.' y, the judge hegan :
" I behove you profess to be title to ea.
tract meth w•thoat pato."
"Yee, Sir,' woe the reply, "and i1 I
dont do it 1'll refund your money.
The judge wadi .,.ted is the operating
chair, and the last thing he remembered
w.s th.. dirtier inserti.p • smell tot/ io iii•
en .uth lie got • doss of gas and became
u000ssoioa. When be •'ame too, the young
men esti soder • table, his soothe.. •hart
and taller covered with blood and his
clothes torn almost bey'o.d reoo`ottios He
was desperately waiving Ito ludo off, &av-
ian all the venue . •' Get out of beta Get
oat of hen,"
Hs seamed very ashless to have the jades
out, but he eoulds't be educed to leave his
retreat under tbs table
" Why young man what u the wetter '"
.eked the judge, who didn't ..dent•.d t1.s
situation, in surprise. " 11 1 aro dome My-
thimg. I'm willow to pav for it."
The young man obtruded ba bead for •
.winner, glanced reproachfully .boat .t th.
demolished fereitare and bar own sorry
plight, wavered her a moment and thee ex -
Waisted : " Pay, nothing ! You get out of
It some ties the judge, wider the in-
asesee of the gas, had cloned out the es-
ars mad Were. Agree
1 het nose are painful. net easily osred.aod
Loans sail insormass. quite melees lies and women who hers
1AOISZY TO LOAN. - w,fss.00
1l1 Privets theft to teal at M pegataL •.-
cosily. TIL 0. CAIMRRO., Horlpli Ydt.
Mpsdts (Whirs. Be sl. feeder15k. M -id
siren et .btaiwlsg swop ea ihntrisas
farm 55351117 oma do so at S1 per ear, time:
i Huit1.J. A. MTsre.,ocIx�N•(i f:Ross 111. rrss
o d di5a.. w>E�.
. 1n.oemaweeies. •ppeelaWartl bBwgl
111at Si
al • A MLR. ,Mee sapealte Martin's Haal. oat.
F awe*
• Mildest lawaf•eee aet - as 11_D
one Ot•e.-Ow. Nerth.51. sed 1g..t.tiM-
1%00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
043d1R014 HOLT t HOLM)eall, nods-
amsut of Pelves Pada Eur lavi.l.rs
stlowsst mai ea dere ins Irertsesse. Anis
. a/ mt0w *POW
'Mums �mgugene, td • o Lestrsyki
Nnaa. at in eats of la►ai.M /Msg, le
aM Ater teen Ileum. .e .tree4t _ Rem
1•.amalaa' 1naUiYt..
(`1 ODIS1,TOH 11110HA11108' MOTI-
R er
. M. of aka ".55 and Sews hie
Open hem lies r. a . end tees 115 le was.
Leading IAstily, Weakly w+1 ISsdr.led
Payers, ffimierriers, she., .s )W.
uhmague Hip TWILIT. ONLY to
Massing Aan assin.. s ed I/tesey •ad !•sdlw.
AWebber ler mewb«.11p resolver h
Uhr.dl$a. lases.
J. H. opit. H. HAMILTON.
LI trades.
Rweele lfth Mr.
AusinassaarIliar. ,
.aim ° sI-
1wd.d 10 V shy start of this Meaty. war
Neuter sae Lar winter. .ed risk
es/ Hath trgsle ..pertesee he
wat.etlen ha is b . pseRlws to
a._._Maawill wais la
e d ries
aidetieft A� laps' ie. ni
[l1UX °miss If01tt
"Be alit ANOQIATIerr OW?. LAND ettttvaroma.
t u. CAL SOC. 0.L D*A0etlTROAA,
O•m• -true. 11•••111••• mod Ne.g,NPet.all•a.
R iM
40.1 improve with age, hen seen of
t oats't flee • sharer
and Putsam's ('ora Extruder tsstify that
it is the beet, Mete without pain, and wares.
Use Putnam'. Painless Coro Extractor.
los war.
It is amorally supposed Net ass -Mir con-
tains an •pprot•Wo goastity et sett 1e
lost thus • series of 0:parimenle were re-
oeUy made, i• which about thirty oubio
feet of Mir were pried through • solation
of silver nitrate. 1a evert ease then was
sot the slightest olondiness in the solution,
which proved that the air contained no ..It
rt. air distals. salt only when the wind
tarries salt spray,
Paper gloom
The latest use to whioh paper has leen
pet 1s in making floor
Is the form of • pasty IM•ai the paper is
spread upon the surface to be oovred Mod
e bmttted to pressure.
It behaves lilts plaster -of -Pari., Md is
said to be nomeees under feet, mad partici'.
ly effective is preserving 50 unif.rm 1s -
Having no joints. it present • perfectly
smooth enders.
Wide. awake.
Ameba the •dr rtiesweste in • German
n ew.papar, then reseed, appeared the
b/Mwias :
" The geatlsm•a who bred • pone with
messy in the Blmsess saes is requested to
forward it to the adders of the lower, es be
was re00guieed."
A few days afterwards the reply was in-
serted :
Thai rengsisod goetlem•n who picked
up the pars in Me Blamenetr•diee requests
Not loser to 0.11 at hie bones."
stork aids.
TM wbae may oWm to have a thicker
skis than any other anima. It has • skim
sewhe s Iwo than several inohes. mid in
imam ports fully two foot is thicka.m. The
dirtinoeMa of bdeg the thiokest-.kissed
quadruped Weep to the Indian rbiamant
wk es hid. 4... kart, er ge.asl•ted emu
bee. sad is so ImpenetsMe se to reit tha
clews of the loom or Misr, mud ths sward or
ballet from the old fashioned mmmmth-bees
m..kote. So stiff •ad hard M this sits that
were it not divided by armor or fete., rho
animal imprisoned in its anew mould mane
ly move.
Siberia M ens of the &st wd.vdoped
senatries iso tb. world. sad is is really di1/-
salt to eoagguse6s ehe enermeos wealth of
this gtgante mew The will M .1 •laser
isexhawttible fortihty, and the ores w
m.gpeiialwt. Thar N hardly any 11mit se
the pr.d.st1a of the seiL The Marano
thssemdvei have but se imperhMt Ides of
the ismasalt, .f their so'i•sml wealth,
• sd ether people estsido Rla ot
naps it aIle Nlberb, se far from big •
,ogle .f desolation and of death, io •
sifters Australis. with larger river,, maie
isteule. tenor s. and mineral wealth sot
beerier a the beet be that of the hired
" I wee a martyr le Ili.h and Norms
H•sdaehs, ammtl by QassMpatis.
man tee 4sfiasm ea as MOW*
2 4Ts • mak.
slime MIL Mitred sm. ban Ib. Agfa.'.
Liner Phis N 10. • nal eared sue
:nth le
ay. and We s feel
New 1 sear Mee hoer er sills • ste•L
Tbb L Ma sailusey of • wE4assa1/1"'ly
jw5psillsi les en MPOI IRO, It Diri Aglow% i }same M
`J a rid, »i>AiA1 b 10 sit. W
eke runs .ea - d1s.N sus Lent
fkp a few 0 N
sale rhea
Amara, Nev. 9N (Spend) Ase( his
mere lsars•ts frim here N hue Mae haus
ham he. that Yr. J. C. Mennen had
gradually hese Whig le health ter seine
syeearraa The aewtrssse d W siringp wee
krwm rely tea Ow. 1f1..emp1u iman-
or, i • imprM baro and i mil 1J mob
15 . Of W wile be gays : ' Yogis i ort
Il.. the GM be . a Nara 11.12ase
I Mw Islam Meeh brass 1ambit beam & hos
wed t elmif nM Rif I, t saw 1
as is sem, sad well es woe b 4 III. w
lamer 00.N5ee.
The meat birbases a _sled• of deatlstry
are those pressed N the Kadin. The
Kaffir dentist planes he pseud ea t
Crewed, and hoar mea held bun dews, is
M •enemlties, ',bib" the r.e 4.e1 of 1b. wry
mast Day everyt\Car Alt rent pat • aber
Meer mak. rinse* er I ••, t •• th.. tae
W to Uri esiatry- jt_._.-• -.w .•,wen elle
h.r...it ..cheaply • [
oBut it will bo a pound of Brown Label
ear.ses, vet the larrr twl lar • wry
CLIITS 11117 10UH Jff I _ !IJ [ IT 1
biome rests, or 1f he hut l....I, .o- host
prior peal wed the lel . .••t newly .•Seal
rates of rental' be woo' bay •hs •..r he
drioks. .4* rood he t•,• ..m. SI' nos- -vee
W) • K., •r. man for iso,..• r 4, • -ss;
be must buy fruit, wee. • I-. end .....t.s
doable the prtos the fa. M. , • war ... f, r It ;
be most buy hash pr.0-.s • 1 • o.er •rifer
to keep is the tas.es ; h. sus..+ I 1 ..Y.
oboe, Ism fresh err, owl i, • es W.drf . sew.
you• pressure that s..Iy •".a►• down the
•y•tem Mod underm's.. 'h...., h.
The termer, ..0 the ..its.. •..0 t, .. Lkaly
to at least bevy h•.Ith, fre.n .'., .hn.0' .,,
rood wboleeooe food mod arm. ., .nil will
h.. teaser. -- NA. Frase.w-• (:n
taking Ilia arms .•d owe ha lags Thin
the sporeter kneels down beard, km, .ad,
tattier • .harpesed pear of Ivory, Neel
off wood, calmly premeds to Leek away at
the gam moil the off.natan tooth art Jesse.
He then .ltr. I. et with huger and thumb,
the p•tieet loving suffered, amorally, ua-
told aim .e..
The time oouupted o the uO.rattoo e
oKrt of Iuoi dominos, •oneotimse .11554 -
Ii'( over as muob as thirty minoree, hut, of
cease. thus verses •ooardt.g to the .treerth
of the tooth.
• Oat's Pews.
Kees dogs are ,00•.ios•lly pawned. Is
• shop sear Sexes Dials • lovely pup sep-
arated Irom his fellows, gazed wistfully .t
Moe 05stomers • few days ago,
"How much for 1151 ease!' asked •
51r•agor. as be pointed towards the psg.
"Can'* sell ►am until idooday signs," re-
plied the bird se.' dog dealer.
The man w• ..d to koow why, sad be
was toforme net tb•t the DOS Was ID
pswo, and 31 ne wasn't redeemed prior to
tb•t time be wnsld he sold.
" That pug has been pledged these Mame
and bas always boss redeemed. How much
do 1 •droldr on him ! 11 20 is toe limit,eir,
ee pet. pee me hanger ;snootier, you know.'
A farmer just Martini tor market was
asked by his wife to tut, • darning needle.
Being • vert' o•r.ful, stingy man he rough-
ly asked what had brooms of her other
(lo being informed that the eye was
broken be said :
'• 1 cannot allow such write, and 1 shall
ha., it mended
Oe hie way to market he stopped at •
M•cksmith's shop end asked to have it done
by the time he mem back.
Every school/id knows that •h. Luso Kut
thr.e of them needles for • neer ; so the
blacksmith sent for a Dent's worth -end when
the farmer Dame back be (Merged him ton
meats for it.
Thus the farmer readily p '41. and as he
was rang home he chuckled and said :
" If I had not interfered, any wife would
have bought a new needle."
Worsen as fgr.owred.
The question hes shins hero ark ed,"W hat
u the oorreot me•.arem•ot far the woman
as idealised in art! An authority on the
matter says
Measuring • womet.'s height by the eels
heated Venue de Milo, • perfect woman
should be five feet five inches. A woman of
5 feet 5 taches should he 138 pouods is
weight or eves 140, if she should be well
farmed otherwise and in good proportion.
With .headed arms she should measure 5
feet 5 taches from tip to tip of the middle
fingers. That is exactly the mime meaear.-
o eot acmes the arms as is found in bar
Her hand should measure nos -troth of
bet height, and her foot one-seventh of the
same The distenos from her elbow to the
Middle of her cheat should be identical with
that from her elbow to bar middle finger.
The mmeuremeet of tits foot sbould be
exawtl, repeated to the length from the top
of her head to her chin ; and the lure be-
tween the armpits must .leo correspond.
Her waist should not be mon or less *ban
24 Mabee The host is 34 inches measured
Dsee•th the arms, and 43 if takes above.
Her upper arm will be 13 imbibe.
■ay Ae Realize ,t.
A poor but modest old bachelor, defining
hie ideal, whys that any girl who ..pins
to the boor of baooming his wife must
Amiable• afJtion•te, agreeable, erase,
affable, •conmpl,.hed, athletic.
Beautiful. beigo, benevolent, bewitob-
Charming. obestial, candid, ol.an, oars.
Dutiful, dignified.
R1eg.t, say, es'S5in5, entertaining.
Fond, faithful, free, faultless.
Good. graceful, generous, good-natured.
Handsome, humane, he•ltbly.
letellrgemt, interesting, imdu.trlous.
Lively, liberal, 105.17.
Modest, merciful, meek.
Obedient, open, obliging,
Pretty, prudent, polite, playbill.
Quiet, quivk otiosely.Rr.0
eltris, trobaat, rich -
Submissive, sprightly. ss..sble.
Tall, rue, temperate.
Witty, well formed.
' X septio•L
They were osthusiasts to physiognomy
sed obt.aebgy. and were travelling by
Ingo. Us ri. opposite seat wee • mea of
ass am•ediag figura. mod55 brow Mod a
serious expiation.
•• Whet • Gas emote000, Arthur. I wish
I km. hi •s.gou s."
Perhaps be'e • lawyer, Edith.
" Ne. be. as • buyer. Ttar.'s toe
rash beaev Ms•e t. that 6e. for • lawyer.
He may be a beaker.
..1 an ere M is sea A man with .oak
. beovenly egpe,..L ees14-,'5 •ewer him-
self with man 'stung Hi •in is life in
al' W d1 do yen think hese he .. editor 1'
" An alter with sash • fade I Aa .titer,
swat hard things shout ereryhedistaited-
10•Iht• west n's dreams mid
mother's -in lest As editor adrift •d
Amkieg he ..ss.ies, layait pante as is-
amerhstsebly, awd issesiewely elaugNeri.g
hie beet friss& her the sake el • p•rraaropnt
No, !idol, he's • phtleetrepieb Hb Iso
lylyled hid
that he le •11 that awed.
At the mixt Mani.. an inquisitive ofd fe1-
1.w belt • ..0 Walde the moo with the
sable brow •d sled him ahem his Vera
Ow The
opposite Mehl lal1
Weal* The ma t1b :
ankh, • psh, mil • b st•h.W. snap.
My wife lease otter the bar sad I de soy
ewe !lilts'."
,,inns .nil 0wbwrbss less.
Manz • mon M rob sad b.e't dew it,
or ar loam deer set a0M.its K lI • mea
who .woe • fern wow wake bean robe •
Yvka. sod .M ties s;sed .Ib sod kw*
b w happy, he wail mss M same be fa
Wier v • mob, same toe Aram M
dosses me ass a was end .bare the
r es er diINAa pies sad
Ms $ Nodw.
or, t.s m. smear die I
•eeeHss of 1M dap Mwas*
el 1
The Prisesee of .ales.
A few years .go, as • • told is
the F,nglush papers, the I', .,......f Wales
went to the Hoiv Communion .••.>•ap.oisd
for the first time by her I.... •..n She
gave bin that monolog • Ir •! mnn*cript
book o.0r.ining tette a.,•1 vers.-- ..f hy,nne,
which eh* had copied for boon, "hoping,' as
she said afterward, "that tMo weir help
him to keep oloser to the ('rasa '
The mimeo who. in her grief, told the
•tory of him dead boy, became she knew
that •11 other mothers would he .led with
her, is the d•ughrer, the wile. the mother
of kings end primps. Yet the itt k wore
book which gear• her • hope that " E Idm
bad turned to the Cross ' is of more vela•
to her now than that proudest of earthly
crowns, whioh be lost in dying.
The boy who u • psi• ce in • foreign
court, or the boy who is is • school, or
shop• or Oboe in env town, m,v belies.*
that power, 00.. prize• of .me •..rt ur
•oorhor tr• the40hol7y th,o5. ro think of and
work tor, and his mother may spend her life
in try as to gain these things for him ; but
when the boy, in the order of his work end
fun. euddeoly feel• death's hand upon him,
it a only hie soul and .•u fate that he
thinks of
Aod hie ornther, h. eh*, queen or slave,
when she stands over 'he dead lady of her
boy, would give all the rank or wealth or
succese which she had hoped to see his for
one word to cell her that he had clung t i
the cross. -Yeath'Slompanion.
• Il arre0 • rail.
New thistles. Oot. 29. -- I ub•ooed to see
• queer little episode yesterday in which •
party of Eogli.h sparrows .-.re the actors.
At the back door of • little saloon down o0
Royal street • bottle of champagne had
been broken, the apart hog stuff rune:nq out
end oeilestone to puddles oo the broken
stone pavement Just about the time I
chanced along • ubiquitous young sparrow,
perhaps not exactly upoo pleasure best,
bopped dews apos the sidewalk and stuck
his investigating beak tato oma of these
wine puddles. This young fellow was, no
doubt, taking hie tint drink, for the stuff
dew to bar heed iuston.ly, and pretty soon
De esu dodo 5p oomplotely.
I watched him for • few momenta flop-
ping mod toppling about on the sidewalk,
wondering what would b•ppee :met, whoa
dowu flitted toe other little sparrows, who
evidently Deme to ere what wine up. They
lost no time 10 taking in the •tuatiee,
for betimes the chirping at their tippy
friend and smelling the obamp.vse puddle,
they appeared to Comprehend matters. The
two held • canoes tor • few momenta after
their iovest,ptioos mooed .0d then with •
mighty fluttsnaa of wings and packing of
beaks they drove the tipsy bird to the
banquette and dumper) him over io the
gutter At first i thought they were mur-
dering the poor, h.lple.e little fellow, bnt
it woos benne+. •vilest the* tb�y were Irk.
mgMs only mean* in their poorer to mom
oitat. him, for presently no tame up again,
dripping, it u true, and .om.what the
worse for wear, but on true whole pretty
steady on has len.
Thinking everythiae win. over I west o0
down to the French Me, kat, attended to
my business, and Dame trek, having bees
about two boon gone, to.... the three little
sparrows standing on the o.y. meat just
where I had left them. N onderioa abet
they oould be ap to I waited, end wee pre-
sently rewarded by seeing another sparrow
fly down and join the whore. Then mime •
mighty chattering aid pecking -1 the bird
that had bees drank and smelling at the
wine puddle, and bird No. 1 fi.w away.
By and by stili another oo. came, the. me
prnoese boior repeated for him, and My this
time I wait convinced that the first three
bed taken op thetr station by the dangerous
liquor to warn ethers tipsiest falling tato
last w Leper.
• pathetic story domes to us from the
Tem dee Iwpreaox, of Louisiana. la that
low, malarious district • few lepers have
found refuge.
OM friendless old man was found last
winter just before his death by • faithful
priest. He was deaf and bHsd .s.d the her
ri41e disease had almost destroyed ahs b. -
man maims .f his fro. ; but just before be
died the distorted features soddenly light-
ened, and he cried out :
1 shell ase Jana* again "
Juanar whether wife or child, was the
esu beteg dawns to bin, ..d he carred
with bim he love for b« through years sf
tartar* foto death.
Queen Olga, of Green, whet was oda el
the watcher, at the death bed of the late
Tear .f Rtnal•, tae written test for day,
be would an bear le harp the Tuteiu• levo
brat for • toerseett. Ho bold her ol.os is
his arm as aha knelt beside him, ogees kis•
is, bar ehe•k. At the Ian mem.t whew
he burl) then he would sol move Me bead.
M sighed and said :
shall sorer kis her agate." They
were ►e lase ward..
Ho sat apes wee of the highest earthly
thrones of the world, rot whew be wen,
eat into the darkness it ma sot his pewee
we majesty that were real to bin. but the
bre that had bees bus and de.,,
There are but woe or two fame is e5w'5
lives whim\ are of real asper•t, sad they are
Ms game ter wash sass. These ars his work,
Ms mistime to Gad, .ad the leve .f the,,
dear to him.
Wbcsi to health we elute& .t many slim
lh.--n0sey, hsMen, position. or power
-••• •• Tae nets at the far ed of the read
they drop env. and beggar sad erperer
ma awry seething Ian the amen world batt
the mom sl OW. sad -Mt as aq.--the
amass Laro that al les sw5ekpse wed
parity b s iereaste .f heave.
May people .hes a 1*wI. ew_Mtlp-.1,
osis tit• m1,Mke N maw ,shoe as tabor
6wslle p meleh e. AS that L needed le a
soma Ma ',Ape's Mb ta rimer* Oki nit -
der airmossild Me bese/y tell mom
p fasi They seep r• Rohm is
Aka Is arm holly sal se Ike raid a/ a
Healey, tomer. wM Ws wpapb
M defy bila Wilma dna be was ----. sI
When once need, always used
IrROM ALL c Fi.00FF .S.
MISS CAMERON is now showing a Targe assortment of the
latest styles in Fall and %•inter Hats. All goods, are of the most
fashionable design and manufacture, and the prices are within the
reach of all. •
Kraml.e both the Huainan and Shorthand cot-rvse of the
1 YnNm�T . 17* 8t'nl4rt AND SHukTII 4,1. e.tl.L•..r.
Ind you will find them practical at all potato. Student. mimeo I this college fr m all arts of
[Ae ooaatry. Finest set of tunas for Imitates r-olicge work In ['sends. Ieradustw socceseful
in securing poeltlo, s. Catalogue and particular," of either flows, sent upon applanation.
J. W. VZES'T ELT'. Principal.
We have a large and Sheri,! -chosen Stock
in Hats, also the newest :Shades of r.l.-
bons. Velvet, Feather,, and Forney
All are invited to come. We are
• pleased to show goody.
The Square.
There is
d pr THS NPrp� S
_4I3 ,4%rINO AT
And there are different kinds of economy. The economy
which "saves at the spigot and. wastes at the bung " is
worse than no economy at all. The truest saving is to
buy the beat your pocket book will afford at the lowest
price at which it can be Bold. We buy the best of every-
thing. We sell at such a close margin of profit that our
customers feel confident that bottom has been struckl
is very simple -this honest shop -keeping of ours -when
you know how, and the trading public will always pin
their faith to a Shoe establishment of this kind
Also lot no .and ono home for you
to try for • week
and if Ton •re
not satisfied, to
feel ender no oh
ligation by res
=JIM i Lam.