HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-12, Page 29
TTIE R►(Th' AT, a rlOnirP!"P- (WI/ TRT'RQT) A V. NOV 19. 1R99.
hear, these soft amid silvery erne
As pithily add as clear t•. algbe
ea when, leas years age. their ..ribs
Brought to w) soul awe de.I• .I.hlget
� .• tads and lacers used to meet.
• 1 d TILT-7eet1r- earns w'e't -..4.
liee joining le the hymn e. . tete.
Aseribtug glue) uutu trod.
i nee the golden sunset spread
O'er for blue sky, ke boort) rarr,
Aad alwtet Desk tee up -to -cog dead
Are Ibteulug for for r1 r1. Ug prayta
Tilt' ringlet/. sea ingla( tear. r" ear
!:°taw• 0'.•1 tlw• aev-ra arwl n•.• yran.
With rlmAg/1111
e t,* tallbundimmed eye
1 bear the aeuu,l•. ,o, Idgk. new tee
The weddlug • let*** imis test ecu 1 air:
And t tete kio. i. w IoM awl io'r,
Ver ...ear ,uw w ho ha jw.rd * 1147•
1'11 1e ay t1..• ,, .ie , t 'b .• 1. •1..
Loa: as ter wu.e of eosad 1. g:.ea;
i'rrl•I„11' .•e. e'er ••e' •ue ilr'nll;*ll•s. diet+.
Teter week may rise ue e.• hes."'
God will so take trout tee seer.
The neater 1 bee knee,. Neer...
Tb. belle ring In 110 rout I...1 y.
Arid they bean rias feretenuor.•.
W. 1g bt .1 Ile Ino• cru 1. deareved;
%ekes geed 1.. eery. 11 •' tree els.
Neatest of the br•a aaI.a tee tri.!.
W end M Move alai r, !aur ou leak.
The WMIe on the *1111 lair Huntie
will by 1r. were. be tore.. e'er.
Aad the soft the sone8.6.•11) .ti
ng.Lcbcae wiser lniMip - 1t14. J. P. lIutehiaa.ta
••custooted was Mee to the routine at
quiet that was. /lints. the ouuk. ap-
neared eaeltedly before her she was
slow to realise that this plarticWar day
ganger prove an exception.
"The stable's Mho eine Hadose!"
the took proclaimed
els ter ate ..ween+ abysmally aa-
mend. 'Tell Henry to put 1t trot,
please. Oh. I remember, I allowed
Henry to oat hes sister." She closed
her setting dcak and aloud consider-
ing. "Can't )tat throw some water on
it " she asked. psi•senUy.
"It's the roof. 1 snore it caught
with a spark truth one to them peaky
uagtn.s; l.e•tn's 's everything's dries
tinder. Ain't nuthin' to gin wart
about. caust• the wind's away from
the house. *hat Utile the' Is. that the
bites 1s in the stable. You reeolUeN
-Oh. my )loved bryend her wore,
Mrs. Balcuro .wept el.. trical1y through
the kitchen acid out . f the brt'k door.
"Oh. my!" she repeat. d. se she tares
in sight of the blaze, "Hee Ezra will
b• burned, won't be' What will Mr.
LLal.em shy? What can we du,"
' !•'know." was the• dr premising An-
sa, r. "I sent Jane to the corner titer
th• lire•tnen. but th. !cued knows bum
lung it'll take to gin em here."
ellen glare MIK come cwt!" line
Bak em asserted; but there was an aC-
tent of 4ewpair in the words, determin-
ed as the ,etttlmrnt was
-c'an't break the do..r down! 'n' that
tent 1.ak "n -Mr H.loom's got
air 1 Y
the key with him."
Mev. I4aleum stared etralght before
--- - her elk.. one fameinat•d into helpless -
Mr. Dale -ern retie early that morning. neer. The s. i vent'! ,n r tense would
and he hurrio1 off to th.• .-sty a* seers not let her rest until she had kicltetd
ail be had swell ,wed t•reakfast That the deur and throe herself against
was not his way, an.1 Mn.. italcem It. It did not even tremble
w.•nderd; hut. tering a R.•"1 wife, she "Heft Ezra must cont.. out!" Mrs. Bal -
asked nn ouerttene. it•-t•.re she had coin said again. The horse's agonized
fully a«•,rmmn elated herself te the tea- %%hinny had t.ioken the spell that was
eel event, the man -of -all -work gave upon her. Her eyes fileel at the sound.
bot an,. surprise, 1•reeetiting a
t, Ingram which set forth that h1
Pieter was 111 and needed him. cu
(purse Mrs. Ital.••m let him go. It did
not °tour to ber that the double de•
partum i. -ft here and the children un-
teetected, and 1f' it had ahe would
have sm11re1 at the Idea of danger.
She did not kn..w that there was a
burglar In been.
Mr. Italcom did know. As h6 came
up from the train the es•ering le -fere.
hI n•ighber'Jeers had at.•ppe•.1 Mm
to chipper that the Hir'tsherne- het's.
hail been entered and Judiciously ran-
sack.,i. The Hartshernto %• ere In
Eur••i'.. Their caretaker had bast n
a.j,•urnima in that ether fer••Ign land.
a drunkaels paradise but as ti,won IW
h. cum.- out of 1t h.- di+. evererl the
neuter• and haste -need t., ask J••nea
advice. Jenrs, who hart a nerotoP
m•.th.•r-its -law. ruggcs:.-d That the
matter be kept as quiet am possible:
and he wanted to know if Mr. Dal-
"You did just right!" ftale.•m
Interrupted. uh.-n the stern hate gone
thus far. "These, country ...nstableti
v-euld frighten .-very woman into
hystrries. but t'ieo a4 ulln't catch a
burglar ere, In g thousand threes Pro-
f,sslnnel is heir
•';to t aup1/4*, . He seems t., have
g- n. ire" the 'b.u..- and through It as
though he kn. w his burliest*.
"111 lack rely berglar alarm against
hien Mr. Italeom c•hu,-kled. ••.wlfl-
dcnt)v' name o[ Medici. But ag Mr I)tforms
"Hoe ab.,ut igen Ezra?" the neigh- and when he reappeared the horse,you have mastered the nec•caary
t a+k• d. „toy blinded. sseourd. leas with d aid not resist the mentflin .4 Char- pr sen, to be sincere and .on-
1••ti t an can 1 not help a passing wincing. if you must enlarge your
slaps and piens of Flo 'e .' We oo.-
strut-ted with an eye for the plelurein I
quer. and w
natural and accented points of the
compass, the north and the south be -
tag rarely. 11 ever, on the loo or Ib.
bottom ut the duesments.
rlavonarula's *idea wen gathered I
4 nightfall thiSe raec•YY
lion, and were cast tato the Ana
the ashes of Whitt which were
thrown into the river Swift, they haus,
gone "into narrow' seas and thence into'
the broad ocean, and thus become the
emblem of his doctrine, which is now
dispersed all the world over." -From
•'The Literary Landmarks ut Florence,"
b Laurence Hutton In Harpers
Magazine for Novensiter.
shout any hard to 11541,
*a.e.sseues Meer& Caraer-A Pepe --W .
amid He Moeld Lars Ow MyPterey or
for flan in tee )teat World -ells
Itrllrr Ar- seared In 5'Maener.
tt.onarole. rntstwd the eewvent of Y.
11a1.v, here as a young town. whim be
. rested no particular impression
uhrr by his words or by hes deeds.
Leif when he was appointed Prior at
the Convent, be at once made ahswlf
heard and felt. Hr exhorted and aoold-
eu . seigy as well a• laity. aad he
., echo d purity of political as well as
.'t ue•rstuaal conduot. And the twos he
ss ordered by his superiors to be
.Ilene the more be talked. He was
Mesad and hooted, and pelted with
.-5)t sea and with Moises He was
...retched. in the Hargett°, upon the
rack which tortured his body as cruel rally glean an air .4 authority to her.
ty as persecution had tortured hie
owl. He saw his two faithful conks utterances. had some intrasting thing'
n.aughtrred before his eyes: he wee tri say about young WI/111 •a gulag on
hung up by the neck on the st*Suld: the stage.
red his body was consumed by Ire -Ten ask K 1 aLuuld athlete &YUW$
%.Idle life was MAAU In It: and still be girl to adopt acting as a prsdselui.
.. a. h.4 And still hr pr.aohes to all Without hesitetton 1 rl•se er Tres--Oto-
•.`.e world. "My suns," he sae4. In the hided her mind ham a te-et toward the
brews f of S. Marto- ' my some. in the art, and she has ability, ambition, de-
ieet te•e of Ood. standing 1• furs the terminaton and patience. .There Is no
.. read host, and with my enemies a:- •Mer prefelMun nn.rre,h.neratle. theses
,• ,.dy In the convent. 1 now couflrne ( I. no other art more exated. The me:
my doctrine What I have said came dlarval prejetlice against players tut
Jails MerlewseTaber Speaks oft This t.-
In a recent interview Julia Marlowe --
Taber, the clever young aetresa, who 1
x reprraentattee legitimate *tar cwt th'
lmrrlcan stage. and whore succus 1n
ithakuspeareau and classic plays gen
me from Ood. and He 1s my wit- passed away. The young 5. wean sat•-
t:ern to heaven that what 1 say is true. emcees neither dignity. pee.let..0 no.
last admonition to yaw L self-respect wet -n stir bea.unee an k
Ihie-Let your arms be faith, metier..... tensa• to appreciative minds there c•+t
red prayer. I know not whether 1*• no satisfaction s.. great as attempt -
'At enemies will take my life; hut of ing to portray in .)dual lite he charc-
thla 1 am certain. that dead. I shall ten drawn by gnat dramatists and
poets: the art combine.. something of
all the other arts. and 1u • way trans'
cende them all, and, lastly. the woman
eh.. masters It b great rr than a (tweet..
"If anyone cares also to o••nsider the
branch of the prefeersi In which she
s+t.•uid embark. my Judgment wvwld be
1n favor 01 the legitimate drama, be
cause therein she is Uglier W get a
grounding in the rudiments. Mr. Irv-
ing flay: if one can play -the inani-
mate one can play anything,' and tens
it 1s that In legitmate drama the re-
quirements are the moat exacting and
tete neethode most severe.
"But while the young woman is ao
observant member "f a prefeeslon..l
comp.IIY. studying meanwhile and not-
ing by experience the effect of one me-
thod or another, let her shunt, as she
would the plague -'shun without cea
a ,1
Ing, and. if necessary, with fasting
prayer -the deadliest of all artist
sine -Imitation and artificially. Never
imitate anyone. Be yourself. Hearing
night after night the same pereuns re-
cite the same lines in the same wa).
It will require careful watching a:
times to avoid failing int., their pr.
culla-Riese Have a m••thee and convic-
tion of your own. Indeed, has e a con-
viction -the method Is likely to the
el itself. Feel what you say
and emotions you are trytng to plrtray.
titherwlse Your work is .,trtaln to b'
artificial. end certain to be w reong-
nized by all intelligent minds. Never
go beyond your feeling. AP far as You
tee You are respectably e• -:teen. artrr
and •hr ran forward aimlessly and , e able to do mere for you In heaven.
glanced desperately Clean her. 11 hen living. i have ever had power to
"Man! You man"' she cried, all at - de on earth."
ores. "Come and Ret our horse." 1 Pope Pius VII., many year,. atter 8a-
Th.•ugte the 'granger had seemed to vonatvla's death, la reported to have
spring from the gra.und he showed aid: "t shall learn In the nett world
ne alacrity alewt coming further. He r!ie m)-stery of that man. War raged
took time to survey the landscape be- round Say.uaanala In hie lifetime: it
fore he climbed the feriae. He looked hat. never ceased sln.e his death. Saint,
past the 55. m.•n. not at them, as cinematic. or heretic-. ignorant vandal
though he (.-and a portaibl• wwnethtng •-r Christian martyr, prophet or char-
leehind: and when he had advanced to !titan, champion of the Roman Church,
when' they etucid, though he abruptly or apostle of emancipated Italy -which
1,...k the mar•ner of haste and impatl- %•'ss Sav',marola!"
once. his .htfty ryre still seemed to Whether he was saint, heretic. pro -
cover cver)' point of the horizon. • set or charlatan. Savonarola and his
'•Now, throe" he demanded. "where's :1.,•mory are still bonerd in Florence.
,.. aro! hie relics are never profaned even
your az.
In the atahk. I Puppw,se•," was Mies. by political posters. Th.- crucifix be-
}talcem'a dejected reply • fore which he is said to have knelt In
•'N' it's a pavte•nt lock!" the cook orager]is still cherishedis n freesle Church
re -
chimed " tragically. o!t ,.use kept in the Cn nvent of 8.
"Hey"" The stranger started and � Y
glared at them susplcl„usly. lee turn- Marco. where one still sees now and
ed again to scan tate hill road. Than 'hen on tate priests In its cheaters
he ran un to the door. ' he white Dominican R,•wns similar to
"Huh! That thing!" the woman 'tat In which he preached: and in the
heard hint +ay. contemptuously. • -!ls of the convent occupied by him
The smoke fleeted lazily off and lett in later' life are carefully' -preserved
the vision uit.decured, and the spite -
Freonly this portrait, attributed to
Fre Hartokutattaeo-and the best of
ful 'nap of [tame overruled every other
him ever taken -but some ,)t his rnanu-
s...te The women looked and listened •e.ripq portions of hl' wardr,l.e, hes
at lth tan intentness that would have eoweary. and a bit of charred wood,
Peen painful had it long endured. clucked from the fire upon wbteh his
ronin the bag he carried the stranger• :,,die was consumed.
took a glittering momething which he 11 was hoped that this might prove
skilled t,, the wee, Instantaneously, a memorial of Fhat th unique to nus
elm hie the door flew open. Stripping way, because of no occurrence of the
tT ha blouse, the man passed throtitCh. ck
for Over Thirty Um!
RIMLT 07 Mel
Ayer's CathartPill. for otcr thirty
gars have kept ate 1a good health.
never having bad a sick day in a1! tLat
time. Before I was twenty 1 enffered
alumna, continually -as a result et tem-
etiputton - from dyspepsia. boodaehe•*,
neuralgia, or bulla anal other erupt.•'.)
Bassam. When 1 Iraoaate ooavinced
-No fear of him. You Pee my stable him. Mee. Icalcarm fluttered alter as al-
lusion or two to the faintly which for tion you must tirst enlarge y•ur teet-
h -tee
as k.•11 pn•te''' -4 as my house."' Mr. he led the trembling brute to a safer event forced themselves into every ing. and 10 de that have recourse to
}Lal -am explained. "Fact M. I'd sooner place. For once In her life she could ferret connected wah the history of the the bexok, always t° the tank.
k'.- half there lee In the house• than net meet the occawios with graceful -ity.
Ferdinand IL, Of that tribe, as Then let the young actrram baser
that h..rae. Little off het feed. the words. will be seen. attempted to patronize constantly in mind the dignity of her
Peer fellow Is.' 1 had a veterinary out "Oh, 1 d..n't know how to thank tlallleo: and Lorenzo the Mag'nifle.nt, hugs calling. tit•- ethics[ value of an
yesterday to esti jet him. but 1 can't you!" she faltered, at length. "Mr• n his death bed. was, according to adequate p •rtra,al •,( a beautiful char -
drive him fur a week. 1 bursa 1-" Balcom value•a 11.at Ezra so! I'm euro trs4itbon. severely snubbed by Seven-
even- ,toter, rend the fact that th6 artMt
"I •uppae•.• we ought to d., 'some- he'll Why, here he comers! Oh James!* stole. Dying to his villa at CarrRR1• must either advance or retrograde -
•Mr Jones ventured to hint. He she cried, as her husband -hitless. •he Mafrn!'hent Medici Pent for the there is no standing .1111. If she would
knew if aliewe.1 1., go en. Mr. Italeenn tentless. and visibly p.ysptring-took Fighting Pr'er of S. Marco. to whom wanes. It is only oy eineeehearted
w..uld talk alnnnt his horse uutil the the fence io a mound and dashed up !,.• confessed .• many •1 h1s Rratrr c•oneecraUon to her art. Let her r'•
burglar and for Ilstrner-alis d a n*- to the !Sn• "Oh, James! It it hadn't .rine as he could relneanber In Po short member nkat.
tural death. been for th.. --this honest workinglaa, ,t time. AI.euduti,n was promised en Thr elements whtc'; enter into the
"(M. of ceurwe we must trip the fed- lb -n Ezra would have been bursted!" three condit,.nu. Ftr.t. Ghat he should q-Th..n of eucce•tia L.
1, R -atter do
mew 1. fore h•- Roes any further. Tell Mr. llaksasn'a eye was on his favorite. 15s..,. a f ille and 1've•ly faith In the not differ rwa•ntlall In 1 thi•ik frnn
you es hat: 1 knew a private detective but his hand went into his pocket and mercy of God. That, was easy enawlrh. tote.' which make or mar the to teem
who was pre the Flumten force' ter years braaurht cwt a roll ..1 bills. , Second, this' he should restore all th the maturer ln•rlrayat, though they
-h,ng •r. ugh ;^ get acquaint.d with "Thank"ye. boss." the stranger said, things he had unjustly possessed him- are pa.rhapr leap cutup'
1 tecogttity
every ran. al in the country. l'11 bring wurlee ' P, If of. This war harder. but it fou d that ,some apparently p. x.
reefed begin -
him hem.- with me to-merrow to lank "Not --enough!' Mr. Balcorn found le. done. Third. that he theuld re*t.re flings has'. to en mail- b)• dere who
over the crewed 1t would be Mater breath to add. "Come to -morrow -my 1!b•rty to the people of Flnrenr•r This fl only a tihalll.w tact: and, on
hi Pay him a hundred than have the Alice give you as much again!'"The was ton much to *Pk. even of a dylnlr the other hand that final successes
thing get out and bedevil the wo- thought 1.f another duty occurred to man. and even in view of so glorious have grown from the apparent ta11-
me•n•'• him at the same instant, and it made a reward. And the magnificent monk ures of persona of highly nervous tem-
perament. acutely sensitive to the e,pin-
v. oily. Parker!" h.• called. "No hurry•" given of privet. lectors the Final Judge'. Ions of others- failure c due .. the Park
ito it w•a• deeei d. And after the "All right' The man who had just It I. only proper to observe herr that sot the little so -fall fee .k
ere:ht*.re haul exchanged the usual e'•me• into view moderated hes pace. c,.nsidcrable doubt hag been expressed thea artw self-assurance
rzurancn necessary never In
emeriti on the dryne•titi of the vetting" After the flet keen, comprehensive In regard to this story, which Is heard Y
InLb reg on the statements of hafts • I quiet retirement, hut always 'befnever a
that aIle -teat ,a of r., troubles wets
esussd by •,.n-tipatien, I began the rise
of Ayer's F' .a. watt tee roust satisfac-
tory result.-, never having a s1a:;be
attack that did not readily yield to this
remedy. )1[y wife, who had been : s
invalid for year*. ala° bran to o•e
A yer's Pilin, and her health was quickly
te-toyed. With my children I had to-
tieed that nearly CI their ailments w. re
preceded by conatip.ltion, and I r-
h ,d the pleasure of knowing that w th
cSa4rea ee with parent-, Ayer's Pee.,
if taken fu setts. n. ascii s51 danger o,f
sic ttness."-Il.'A irritant, ay roe, I11.
Pitchout lee see-. rWorld's Fair.
kit" $isssparlt:a tlaseAtiss 1!s 11Mss.
The Signal
stale lase. sells aitsalien W as
Jeb I"tirliss �wWit see eller
paessd ssAs(is Yss ter the immep
sad.masticm e.1 all alarms sl
• pommel .1 tht. easearee.
he tr.ap.lressdisaw. isms►hei�i. w..uli
bleat ear s/srts to Asses wiU meet w ithels yearh
the approval et ear paeans
'Sots, kr toAs
This andel Mae is kept in the
'Of uae[tin al
meas . otter
Win s
l�attuw. ' twA*
are not so generally used, they
an important to OOa we'v
See what we've
"" got ander the above hands.
1isekt.er irktkas
[u this line we have a very large
stool of fine writing papers wit
_.able for every class .1 bilinear
represented in this locality, coin,
prisig laid and wove, linens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, r may be required.
ISA% iAto.d.s
If the " pay-as-you-go" plan was
the order of the day the demand
or account paper would not br
so great ; but there are some men
who get so .!any dieners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out.. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is oats
plate in this line with four sist114
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and Dema columns. They cine
cheaper than bill head., and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
"1� tT aT 1
and th. need of rain. Mr. Hale.wn glan... in the iii..- arola's friends. Yoltslano, who was
,aunter•d horn ward, calm in the h•• ....neve ueu.ly teetered them, and with jp fiend, says. simply. khat Sa-
w' +•eh A managing man striking at the matter delayed his •p- kith .o c. zo sad the Mely.ci, but a-
ha.. a richt to (.e 1 He leek") care- i i. e. -h. .Ir. I:airum returtreed to the enatired without volunteering the Mese-
were10 the he ks and the alarms. They f•endlir: x of Hen Fsra. The horse's Ing
w•rfre-t and in order. He went I fewer he 1 been standing at the cor- ,like beautiful Ville di CareRlti Ito
t heti to p• a." n• i , f the house. No nae saw him Id f th !tenger Porte Rosso.
sea of critical eyes.
"Yet 1 think the clever, trained, ap-
preciative observer will be able to de-
tect in the heginne-r the presence or
ebeence of those elements that should
determine the quo -•tion •d success, and
of success In the highest sense. For
ays on hand.
The eat and only Scranton Coal in
this market.
SOFT and
always on hand.
All Coal weighed on the markbt
soles, so that you are sure of good
"That night, h.�s••a•er. he had a hoe- see around 1t.
Amide o r
Oil dream. It see-m.ct that Ben Fara ceded as • dollar, Parker!" Mr.en the left. It is reached by the Via even the beginner a.huuIdr,have
a ealde '
VIttorte Emanuele and the Via Mare- thing itina manner approaching
was Pt..l. n: that ng h;t,l hemp;
ed hes wee • u a:..4 a risen.1tit Inter. Then. relit. The name 1s on the gate. and
fortune in P,- he
h tee k nee; lea- was a aft !•.•J .n pf tear* g his wire, not very much but the name le left the truth."
finales. when h. bed sunk to a leg- itis,' ' • tee nod ei,ergetically he- of what Itav"carols and the Medlet
gar's nutcnst. he feaind the wreck of ."1• :av t, ui.• d h .tlelf to sireitk again. { knew of 11. rr o. it. Kept on rap.
>. n }:arx 'hauling a Rarhag•' (art! The :..an! . t.: ..:.e NJrthy man- inky. ! gavonarnla was lmpri.on.•d In the A machine. newi7 invented. will
dream A.. wreugttt upon Mr ltakom k biers i. lar Y' Aiberethettino or little hotel, and an actin be on the market by means of
that h•• awoke In a cold perspiration. Mr. 1 ai ..e•d 1 i4.rn ly to elm -
uncomfortable little hotel it must have which the householder will be enabled
11 rusha ie the stable. and preyed 'elf. ge he Pent le lift Finn 1ars.* leg, t, en for him -a small chamber In the to .upply his dwelUngs with indeMlt.
It only a dream. !tilt It might A6 a "13( '41 fir 11, 'a' ttern,ln a hurry." Tower of the 1'alaasn Vecchio; *no ne quantities or oxygen. All he need do
warti!nR' That miltr•retitious few) tee c.. ,k put in. "`,e %: n u1 'n left spent the last night ..f his mortal lite Ip to turn on the tap. and pretty emir.
lingered welt him fir, h h"ure his s*tl belt 1 s ,• 1 a.e:icr ley it Ir the great hall of the Consiglio, or, he and the family will feel as tries)
Rs they have a mind to, says the New
York Journal.
The discovery 1e very Important.
and the beset part of It le that the
cnn•rivance M •') ••hen quit even the
pour Mae rare afford to bihy one.
The Instrument consists. moat Pe-
rentiallY of a tube of soft tree and
nn arr*nwement for magnets It may
be pct under the window like a fly
screen and will supply the additional
osyyren to the aft that comes tn.
One M the machines will furnish 2
per rent. of extra oxygen to a whole
house if de*Iced. Met for ordinary pur-
r...c• one-half .4 1 per cent. would I.'
•rnel • Thin per cont. wexrid unduly . e-
- J11111 the Monate*. oawlng then 1••
) in avowed and behave thesma.ls
.r.:--, In a manner too tsndIgnieed
Teo.. :ire other uW"'is for title nnael
r rep*rani*. Osie of the trachines p:.• -
ed rn frrmt of the tutr'ace d.w.r :n
winter will make the fife much halt. r
•ad cave a part of the fuel.
intvten 1s queer .tuft. and mint le••-
ple have a very Indistinct notion as
r.. what It I. All they knee.. i. that
It 1* a very essential oottttItusnt of sir.
Rut It is a fart that as additional
fraction of 1 per reit. la the atmos-
phere w111 rare a roan miorgy to week
when without It he w.oeld feel sneer
alai. of ezet-tem. it wtil m.he the d't'
fernier b•tw.ea law .pinto and a joy
eats exaltation.
of Atirk and dawn. arid the early glare awav, hadn't I e1 : Sr: 'et'el1..- as it 1P anm6Umee the lata del
of en AURu*t 'tun del not di•i.•111. It. tren g-• to trasinpltt' round'!" t'trquetet.', ern• ted icy himself for
hurried him to the city. as has been Ph. offered the Ciange.: trof a if rhe meetings of the enuncti estatli,hed
told. llalsem. but Mr. Pa:ke, o k i. .. • 1 y his Adele.. Hr le aald to have slept
1. • king ret it In the l' ht .•f hie new bis unnigieting bund suet • •'a••, -fully .m the stn.- flour ..f th!.
of. Than he dr, a ale ... • .,: ., m. with her head followed ext the
• tilde and 1e1se k.'') $'ek tr •.rte of a faithful attendant: and on
li 'meld he. "Yoe was i o..•.11 a., morning of his execution he re -
"warted leratien SP .m.: the omaltnees a neater set o' :,arR:Lr a t• ohm te.. , It•,4 the lent-aferwrment to the Cha -
end .I•vptne*r o1 the town that t• that ell- • 1 of P Hernando, a beautiful little
frirl,tt.a-la-a otth f it.••k.•nk.i baa-_.m1y Mr outvote )k.-medk .e h• 1 . etre-titan-w.l worths of a visit for
two e•ore.tatlete and .•ne hand 11-,,• ...• .h.nt.l 1 :vet been: 1 of It at him own beautiful bake.
c \Rine•-th•etnth. to 1. sure. 11 ha* fen, evident that he was p usaic,i. ll. 1 The Peen. ,rf Aasonarolaer death, ac-
ehur her -and tht• arett.w rade n e +me* ... t. o :..e 1 ••l Porker ate ►••1• n11nR to tAAltfon and to the thew rhe utas heti ..ff teena:l there. 1.4..o. -again. ,ndr-Iwotts. M on the Wife of the
Irtr. 1n• hwlldlne en the farther .14e "Web" M• aterevsteel, at 1. og?. • 1 • at Fountain of Neptune, by the
ne elr.e•nM.f* hill Aa Mahe Park +ain't likely to Ihalag al+•ttt„t • l''... • l,. of the l51iusl. VecablO, bre th.hold* shed from 34re4Mtket •,t.rkonket Park ante mate. Is la 7 ^'arra della 11411""r"1" Hat the ex.-
keep. away feern M: the Park: and Mr "1 1111.1,1111111.' the de tecteve• unr 1 anon would seem to have taken piacr
ltaMnm wntwl..rr•d. the 'tonere /t. prnud n•).dnJ•, "}Ie k.. his m.•-- , carer the centre 01 die equat, if any
tbuRh) of it. that .oar• fr..,, Nap.* keen ms's qts, k • 1 1.... a 1.•m!" - reltanee can ee pieced aeon an nld and
long 415 nom ormenlvr ht= attenc of 'Te• ts111 1'rn1 see L Italeeni r,bsinu g ineertr5t gepi*Sen at bet of.
tremens and nbnter•atc Staple Park btttedhei.a Parkt+k, to hie turn, anti ee es•�(•re•t ehkh Is pre.,w'rved In th.
Mr.. Iatlernn .was nM Imaglnativo, ked Atm eon feetI*f tem' the ci ,hid. Icer rel Pavnnar°lea's two reels le the
ani no tach to -rnra ev"f • pp'ee' 4 "of . torsi- I'm rested w sills ---1 INT all , •..nvr•nt of it Marro. The ploturs 1r
Mer. Rhe yam 'teeing eteet i to .os the bells." )Ascent cls. with diijeented .t dete•d, but it was painted Mere.-
1 y her money r.1 . i.1 enebrett to an- ,arneatnrap' r'F-y-ts--don't you un- re etrectbn of the t -Alt! Pelee... In th.
pre tale her health and ' "ince her d. rigged. I haven't iny!hing more for Belle ref the Rlsleenth Century. ane
daughters had nee remind a mar- you to do Wises! p'by. hang it ail. man, skew. a 10111 piafortn str.tehlt
rlare'ahl• gam., neither her health iter he aimed Dee rsrRl" •,nm the corner of the Pal dao Vecr•h:
iter mr1.ey , seemed In denser elf "Ila, 1 hnmeir how you feel.' the de- ,..re the fountain now candle hue
roses. she wtutd have h. -n. op efe• Yellen aa.wwsl. Re tlpnke Y though try yards, furtner *wear. the north
was. a nanny woman. Sin- .vent h.e in really did. "1 Ida a good area sr/ d about the Pit•• •.1 the g at therm.,
wlay ss else trey ,happy ileum is email aslf. Met 7Uere'e a train balk 1. . trle-llght .f which Mr Ruskin
001 tit MP eat 2115)5)15 mac and sank. NOM M Vest p vomits... *last n 'r 'y, s. complainit Annie he men
ells led used het us !stigma. - $ 1 d
e.e6 . g Una feast of the titoders
knees!• dm.. Mr Bale •,m • -end •• r man) It ul
rea.••Ile why Maple 1'.. k should at- to o
tract a twr•lar. Its 1* -lata 4 and uta- "Po
or Herber QRS, .
Lana I Laing eM...
Now, it would be bard to get
along withol't envelea, and to
keep up r -i I. the demand or
them we Lee!. a Large stock n
hand. We have now about a
bender,' thousand in stock, and
the yria•es will rat;,( from 75c. to
=2.01) per M. V V. handle team
menial grad leaa1 lire exclusively.
PARALTSY cue * -swesw OW..sled 7•�rraoatea..
We. use* M.*54is n Reasallww sa, ears/
O, .weak. that kveksea.'. "ke.t.sar 0...'•
tar et Pamir- ' teeth revealed ese .s d bot heft
grand+ •lam... Mosinee said there wae see
a ear
'e'er rvoa•.rter ,h. use a 110111111166. lop
donned bae bet ton., ae. N walking aroa.d NSW
Me rri.a0. bow k)ealaaa'. " Kootenay Oats' dot
bee Ste W hapr",rw snore to, July M
balers J. W. as" ewer eerie)', (otarr Petah.
11IW/11101 tTAli0egrT err A CSA1lwl
Lona wblra, nine ye.n .51 elle ass ild er
alawee rem her birth. hes Men entirely *5.4 .V
her posers' seams heist ep by kisses.. "Ledms.
tDala' The sheer Wet4 ate street In •.won Mae.
mem rases y W ember. Mn. Georg. welt, US
inanababa ' �, ralne nowt Jell, l laq
• CS**I11AT1•11 N*TCInen swrsll
•• M
C°MUM Vivetk e' t\Nieto
has already leen partially enum
erated in some of the heads abode.
There is, however, a vast au•oun
of work under this head that to
euunierate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tu
Z vmvAa<Aons
to an "At Horne" or a wedding
require oonsiderable taste in reieo
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and beet
samples to be had. Call and ee
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the moat elegant
with oord and pencil attached.
C\rtyt alts
We aim to excel in all the differ
ent kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy paper'
suitaba.e for all requirements.
Cards and sC tatk,tts
Thi • head covers a large . • ange of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a n•••.• calling oar from an or-
dinary a.Imiasion ticket to a tasty
boons card Or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Q osiers
Our facilities for turning ort this
class of work are evidenced b7 the
fact that the great balk of it is
done by us. This line also is
dojo 1L i.wweti, to Yatihneelah ll. TwersM
Sac. _.d a eet•Llteadee el MrA
seds., ewer* Colon teselee add
Wet iraeseady dlea.rhd at ward iaet hie qpm.
*54..a • my Nee wan. -pia Clawers an sew IN •
heal thf mender, by appetite g•.• 1. aeon lea&
.lean-ee oared :.4 tae eel non W
\ •' goeu.ay art.' a. *.Sass Seta
SO the alae AIMS tare.. J w agge0
SW/ M lila
M11lil*_ "ETAII
a>tua TIDIO BROS. too. -
Pump & Faniag fill Wokra
- GOD1113R1CF3. ON T.
A lame emelt of very choice Pumps. mann
f.eeuree hem selected Muskoka quartered
else with hearts eat Out.
ruse trump.. are m.ashetsrod Is a entree?
...styles to sett everybody and every rise
Very eeey weralssn vamp" roe 4..p wells.
Ireseapped closed toe pumps for school
verde. Mesas s.Iave. rte
set at PIMP* for spraying tiree
wants( booties. wai e's" Peden.. et11M
gWbtaR Area, eta.
Mperial attention Rives to drawee' water
MOM well e. lll a dletasnom prones. 1roa sad
arang weed. lees sererleis lPaglii�WOWned sr
WOW fria t weed axaaca lest ralriL!'la.
g angs: •ITN VOSS, reellrele• UMW
u a11awI 0*55 IPSO Me es t T.
clan std gale
LUSO 0555.64
sad Ertl
VI Meet Nwarranted. Ma seders seetrpb
sag esseIlyy
D odg,er s
which oar three test -fanning lob
presses are able to turn out in
surprisingly short time.
aft $t‘‘.11,
Wong to the poster det.ottenest
also, and we make a specialty of
them-promptateas being al:r a•tr
in this respect. A notice of sue
will appear in Tis Miesaa free d
charge when bills for same erre get
Ott, \:.reds of Work.
in the typographical printing ihss
can he dons is Ibis eslablishmeot
in an expeditious
anti ertisttr
manner and
Ouar S h %els »lM lite Sona ne
eery e�c .
We extend ear
ors, sad reboil •
Umiak* for pert fay
continuance of
1dM rims,