HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-12, Page 1BOT 18 THII c2Ap�! Tag- . . . . as .... 18 THt 11a81' • t na . KEI LDJLDINa N33WBPAp3ELR OF HURON 001ZYNTY. 01111 DOLLAR WILL 1•.tT ►'uR THE SIGNAL Fua Ona Yeas. FORTY-EIGHTH YEAR -2:195 GODBIRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY NOV. 12, 1896. D. McGILLICIIDDY, EDITOR. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. What 111 0011141 oaatthi Owpl gene Moreno a sin esim a.sse w re Wstesw-Tewug Ser. Tapp., Si heem.IM -The nerve er W met sod U..i g.e. suSaat biome,. The repeat Consort %s o• wv..tlea hey in Tomato made Jobe H.w• pars Mt•rrW red leader of the r...srM- Med Tory party el the Provisos of Oot►►e. tag He M • spo.mu of the yeas" aloud Mir Charles was scrag to War sate tie recoa- etresew.d perry. A pretty meek old bird, so Mem Iot .resewhose rewi.g the o.eatry years ago turd of Mariam. Yet Mir L:/-ert•s would I:k• te palm him off as • series ghsshee. Tse Smarm. OTTAWA. Nov. 2. -Aa I had e pseud. Henan makes light i the deal exposed kiss week is eosmeetige with I• woe the big waterpower at BMWs ..d to LLentrest•r D.vo. The tants are I here stated, •.d whom the papers are Were Parliament sem menses the •entry will have •e opportunity of Mermen be- times Hagnert's sad may ewe •tele•eat. Tse PLealae!TI h is my bteetlsn to deal shortly with the gm•Ne. of " Prohibitory L.gisinuos, ' la theory I hover it, sad if • f.Nble •e. - us of the moat tseperm.s q.s-nes es be •resod out, I will gladly lend mv assist - owe la imam proeit••1 Mho to lt..sJ ..& mens. Bet then are two odes to too gem. the sed both side. seam be heard be lore • fear. bootee desists. w be reached. It is • gns.e..& the e.uatry will have M tees *Ohm • very 'herr tame for it is She determtad pelidy of she O.verest..t to subunit • *Meats •ad &Seed she people as opp•rtmmity of rejestbg ,r mem- kg it. It Weeks ear who*• trade sad fiu•.cal system, mad it serried bin offset probtbt- tory i.wm weld moeesiba • complete re- emetr.otas el oar 'system el termite •d the mires from who► our remota* i' war derived. The qu..t.. is, '• Will the eooa- iry he prepared le make she srtfiees is would small .ad what email these s•mritheo to 7 It .l hinges thee. W are, is start- les set, momb.at d with she indimmet•lele has as to the mems meal, ssdd sad phys- ical baa pr.Wibiths would be te she et. - smutty. and the peat we meet deeds is •m to hew far w• weld be wales teuberdb- •ts our Gametal interests to seoeaply the raceme It peemn. W .•e.o isme debt of the feat that she kismet some soma er might s Lion dollars el gemmae In e gimme •ad sum duties r.mrn.led impurt•ties weld mull would ham to 0..ade sp by ie. orresiss ib. hordes et taxation apes she commodities she *avenues et prohibitory laws sew largely sea la thio Wass of pee- it's. who ee.tnbat, swag sow *wards the t8,000,000 el missies sew paid . h g.er, wiUlag to treader she bertha el .:often t• their owe shudders be that at- test T. teal • fair sail jest •...bsiva without d•savb1 enrgcives we meet tee this gmseies b all its poses. ori Cera. HIi*..r mrltatn, The member our Pict.., the tete Mistier o f Josh., Sir L,'bm. Ribbert Tupper, bag awed it ell mod at the very outside the Lahore' tech esa *sly hope to bold oesirel el tee treasure . neves ter • very lithe e bis le I•mper. la minim Wersad W t or • few days ego Sir Chas. Hibbert said : " Perhaps I mays to be mer udr ar, Lot I es0didly AMA the Liberals will .t kale est aree4her means o$ Ottawa No- body o- Wy ear Se Inas wises their policy . Y. They have see mottled the sheet get .flee, mer have t d.. anytbip1 Mem the sant is fame they have dose swim/. " These i h deg a ey.p•gby b those words. His .met mew the burnable tete of the Iab.al Wary I 906r Y bra ef obs hop, •( .spree ym tame me amara S1.000 • inso the �s pay roll far • He h.mms him aesdmiea timely es the has that she Lib.ds have as dean anything yell Well, it has Lakes them all their time, ea our, te mak Nie crooked work d their predeceases. It i, with tie ea ef miens 84 Cherie. 'barge the Liberal party bus it wag the de ef rami that killed hie ewe pilin'' They did toe mel Beeler W they left meat.• matt they did hr elm ifmT Mat se has MA m ems, ler the Cerise intoe steal i Fredenseen Bridge jab erg the 8se.ase ,mmol onerous ma. dmt. The .sly this tee the Lard perky t• de nadir the dremeema.e le le •tamale Sir Chas. Hlbaiet b the hep• that be .y *slights them . to the Wee meats they attic dap* te avert she dreadful t•temiy ha hes prod/Md. He Wahl.rove mote . ssa.t.4 Shea w father ad wham he met- • ed ail sepplied a moat ter melee the Teri party items a allhaa se b Jim last SA*D LOOS. I bear that the one nips. of Fens. Hae • '%, Means= sled albs tmmmbses ef the Is*e (-bust 4 tftee when they bell she had nee leaked be the wilre m▪ aid mile este .rev4lss ter wpor%ammmygy them-d.oa Bet the t►. tk N I Mart disease. Oa Tkered•y Mr. Ralson ADDITUNAL LOCAL NEWS. 80DD*,l Dears O. Friday about 9 r. u. ear •44 eases Thea R.t•a died from Yo was down •t the barber, bat on Friday le- merest, he oompk.hod of • bad mid, .kion os wag treated by list family, Tkongk re - `y g5gd m to have •dloal •steed Gs, he re- rmaseti, remorkl. tint the sold would ow pees away He partook el • span chaser that day, mat at supper Da tar appetite had unproved, .o cast . sass bt el • sem e.m resit woo wter*e.d. Jam before deash mate be was whom with his oktldre• on personal matters, ..d there wee ass'b.- ly no alteration trete W feel maser. Within throe minutes from the Mese of ms- vrt•wsn be was wttood to be bre•thiaagg heavily, and in • few seem& Klug Doth oases. Dr J R. 8b•asse, who Wes coon ie •ts sdames, mated that death wee mused by hart failure. Oa Tuesday the lural took pleas from lire late residence, W est.t, to Maitland cesetry, Rev. Hark Turnbull being the oeotetmg tai.etsr, and Dr. Nii.e.. Captain Cranio, .d Mem" 8rrsitos, Tait, Jag Stewart, D.C. Strwoban. Y. Carl sad T. J. Videos the pall beer. ere. The femoral wag largely est ad.d, e long has of ~name following the Marie to the cemetery. The domed leaves two ems and tour deaghton to mourn him, ell of whom Mos the .rep.tby d the pcopl• b their midge mad heavy bereavement. Ourrc•*T.-The tsa.ral of the late Wil- l.. Y...R, a Nowt. Vtlla, Colborne township, took place a Wdued•y, Nov. fist. There wag • very larrfe •rtendanos, the famed ~taro being • min mad • quar- ter leas. Rev. J. A. Asters., B L., of Ged.rii. sad Rev. Jas. Tsai, ef Hanil- tem, • sepias. esed.std the chane eery Me. The pall bearers were Thea 8truebss, el Ory. warden a Harem Chas. Giros. of Wass Wwsa.sk, . ex -warden of Harem Robert Corms, of Bur W.wonosb, Adam Ip..., el Brantford, Ales, L Gibes, registrar •ed ea •a -words. ef Hera, sad Jas. M.Migi.l, of eleatertk. The inter- ment Mk edam in the hotly plot i. the Ltu.iip ea.teory. The doomed geutile- mM tr. •.a at the boot known yeomen of if Mere Oster., beets' bred mit 63 rots. He was caped oma of the old pim- ento, a WW he bad Marty gamed, for, berm hels.iregbirie, Pei• et1d. is 1814, be, with h4 brother Ales. leaded at Quiets in Ang- st, 183& Remises bas • thee* tins m She &sera Previte., be moved he K'g- ngen, hem whisk poise atter • elan* say he needed te Deeds when he paned the Winger. It the math at Marsh be lit Deaden, •afterafterse • w days' e bard trav- 1ail bee be rushed the mint sow knows se Huron's seedy tem. Althea:0 he found gmpleyNs be was animas le take up lead, mad he wag se fallemee she blase free f1.n►'m /fill to the let No. 8, Doe. 8, a Meth he Greened she River. At the time dammed least.d . lot 8 *bre were sagas ken sane tem, bet the mem m that fowl m freely • tog the let settled the pelts, me demeaned sheathe et the Crater privilege. After • bore tdm w brother arrived, and the tellewbi year We prem., std Saes that Shea Mere have always been .when ef the Yams fatally 'within the emend of Carlow .herek bel. It the d vnow•.t el *e township std b hies the whole meaty, i the late William Young took an •ohvo part, lead while te health be .ver failed be be present at my miu•ekei in i. interest. For yeah be won presides el the lew.sbip amrieelterd sales, sad had been amidst et the Went Hers es, and while be held either elms he won aptive b its Mete ens. O. tenure el Hummed's life deers. te be p•rtiebrly eseked, arnuly, his fairness te the og..st tows. Arms the twenty years he wag b the .•sty e•asdi there were may late .week.. the Swam ail villages, but ee every wean- 0.44.r..'m kite resides and sp mad beetled ler fur play, and ettetiser W dvem.y wen the tattle. Donna the se w Hys ef life be 'offered ..ver*, w dimes being ef • very pdmtd ave seen. Deemed lease • widow. fer.grty L.kl•Mer, el Wi ds!. owe n ese. Mn. Jam. OIs, et Colborne town- ship and Mr.. Ry., a Helmead, two brsthr.. Alis and Serdge, bush a the township (the less beteg owe years eider sham 44.1x. brother Willis.), mod a keno .mmtber et .spbuws ail dteu, te neer. base. He will be meth mind from she peony . the hill, . be did .ash 0. rake it. sod wag alwsp a leader In every ' seinen t tee he advisement. Ogg MI - 1..t ef d•esamed%% th whisk we ham dna heard him sloe. wee that a wry's. • beg of petals. all she way item O.d.di M _Jr -ed farm 1t will thee hew thee though our min fried lived be a geed e1d as, mad bad efts been lisered by the else's. he only Maimed twee, by bard work .ad 4H'ibeble pr.vu,n.ss eseilblitey retired lleeY5 wpm t temeved frees their Waite. v ensee es Week p.MMlay maw Plof ebtet.by a the Ne...ry They Lies eseere 1. Werle ps•iMa. met . the emjsy.ee e it MOOD • yled ou. p»ki.., ter Westar five Tears at eats sled w� i.1* clherw'e yes sighs pew be * '-- end siert w arse"Ili Their eoustry--r•t•er bled shdr seeetry- he se may year•. seam; 0.1005m. 1.s Ha Joie aware tad Dr. Mew MN* s obs eb eme mere a far dye.se hath Wheat bks Mobil te.mn.. I mid .te 444 Wailes hew the WIbb W wee. Ts the w the .nam Me w ear mem Wilke rat s. w1111 remember Set preemies tObee. geed a dew &ye ellter the fl..arel meld IM that Mp * sh mewe geed ell TiMy edy yeah m'" to eb. berg win sell km • ropy sheet bee meat the begs of edge barn the he1M& �W fist st • 111111.*4On neve 11n where de aro &.d the yew nam, Wee M ba.a f 1tet ddirefy le tam Mfee the eplfug Iklehmesti ear yee ha fIr W Thi mase dal beak ingellme wham ~ r demi hien keg MEM lewd bile UEEBURN. TV'wT, Ns. & Mr. mail Mm.. Whales, from sear Seaee- fted. ee She gum. d Mr. sad Mrs. J... �.belm ea Smiley. Mb M. t Morrie, el Carlow C >t ft ed the se.sM.R bees ter the .Menge es fleadav ovals. Tb. Weemem AnriHar/ b..i.y ms*.p es Thers4oy mune d vee week wee very esecesd.L Min Capt Onset. ef Litz •hough. Q5derieb, wag prase aid ..k Mn - Benj. Dew bee leased Brandeis CM - him free J. N. (lame, gid b the sear.. e • short t'il wU mire here. No will be . aiding. se the heghder haps is she em'mtmMp. AB ineeses1 w01 pi...ke ttnste- Peek's had by W w sem.' to with ptee en Maawds .ed Sher peaks le the payee el •l pens be galled ea. The new As prem et a Clag•M nisei/ Mire tbis es.Wr l boss ad Oen • 1•w M pet as ed be then teOy. Me )-There.rs •thole. Sou l ---Te are teaks ey a:d• HURON TRACT HISTORY I es to wwk wishes 1rw4lia5 about Man • tuba shook s the frisks et p•Iftioi - .e est • Dr. Dunlap, with hie /ty and fen eU1. p.. 11 s.•h mem a•. be fogad is the t.eatry, they will find m i. Mies Lasers' beak that wall sashes Jesse oat them. W. J.11 hover toe wlrmsatia eemp•.y b Cassia. fee ed.. ' I teens is the tusure will be earned en the (;env raes..t .ad popular •meei.lir.s. But we eau leers say .setel Ismer le oar totem swid1.es in the hinter? ef she (eased& C..upsay and tbe liven el its .11 - ars. Wo,.key w everywhere played ea irepert•a port is the history of osier •., tea is the past. The mea wk. fought with a.tare 1m Ihe d•ya of toe (Asada CCo�mp.m��y ' ' when everyone was ju.t like •veryos%le., tsr they croak whiskey and then wee one D.. •aa.ptnos,' ens at Imams sumu of them, par - lament the taU el that democracy. It . a,uob better .s it i., aid there is plenty of rice for isepr v.m..s, but God forbid saes *• abosy •swept to raw • winos •1 weedier spa milk ad pap, as some would have it, or Ink. the Tank., the meet Iv sestet satwo epos e•rt6, we may Gad the old Adam oumiar 0.1 ass ether way. la the words of the old rhyme ; " Yilk •*4 pie • eordiagly. Boer 5541 plum paddt.' 1'U weal I.le a 'moduli." Ju•t au in femmes', m u oslo.uatia, our metbo41s are u • state of tr•mmttm. When w• have oar m•ebieerY in order 55d have more •roM•tie. formed spa.. the bees of the Waiters (1s•d. l inmi.r•tioe •moet•moo lately organised as N innipei, we ay ens 0.t to hear some Int•restieg debates at their contentious. A ..cul subject tor deka* would be '• Lying .ad Cel mirateo..' Ia the preface of tau book Prefesmr Grant .y. •• Perhaps the best thing that G•lt did ter Cattails wag to brise settlers of the right stook. It was o6•rged •R.iest the Goads Company that purchasers were ads led by the maps and illwtr•ttaw of the Comp•.y i. Londe.. sad Kdiabenrh. Many were induced to emigrate by the deeonptioas in Dealop s pau.p4let " The Book woodsma.' " You mu., h.,. kao.a," said the elder Mrs. Hysda.s once to Deolop, " All of the B•etw••de.w was not true." " O6 ! - w.. the reply, " I k.. I didn't bell the trutb,bet 1 wombed good settle. of the bat tor sort ' The fact is it a ditlioult * get good settlers without • little lyiagg. or let se say, enthusiasm, the enthue,eem of the optimist, was yaks • retests* ad rey vise of ids Osage Holyoke am set - Masi d the blatant and mi.l•adieg ad- v rtisineete et Yankee railroad emotes 1. Eagl..d .d the Eaglieb Vice -Comsat at Ls Angles told the waster that no vee would go 10 California it they were told the truth. Wonld be emigr.uts have new b.00e. oda- est•d ..d they iitotbetnsly 44.0..., she t.ports th.t reaob their ears. The prevention of speculation is public em& wag • prbmi•st plank of the .w al- ms deftest Pears party b (:suds Sagehine ape the floor d the He.. et Perlis meat is 1844 Dr. Dealop said, •'Wage w. Gni explored the Huss Trot we would eat have when the steed d t:odarieb wb:cb is now seting for f50 or £75 • It iud in men serried para of the Lowe ea m.ob ea £.100 •fid fMJO, we would not ham. taken it the. as • solitary stent or • free gift. What wag it that rased tb• valve of the I..d aim that pried' The work et she men that ammo tale it, .thing sloe IN the world." The escrow d vale* should we to the settler. How is in,* be nee ed' this L the question. Troths or ezek•aw. play an imports•aa Airs is the political eo5Ssn of .w 00m- miniNe, sod so we rend of Mr* Pypera offersp ber brother . Snout Mark ' .. some of my cow's molt. for • quarter of Your sheep's beef "-We aught ell this oom- p000d trades,. W... little time of oo- operatae. A few years .go s lady ce the Peel& oast re.•rkd, " I as • save -bon Cal. - forams.' She was a Bsbeaea,.d had mss been io the Stem mere than tee week.: •d ore ail kali. it. When her bearers re- thesr b.rpri. et..zpid..d : "Oh ! ham hew bar. aypia. Everybody mat he bore .pia when they tomo to ..w e.stry ' Hew Bred this i. 1 No o... wm..d sake. be adepts himself te kis sr. remedies sad,..,. er les,..e'ibem with the people •awed him Mk ..ase w mese arguments m fever el *silk Med- ir.ame, for the pre.. el reger.t4e is di/Beals wham the clay bee beams bardesed sad habits sad teem have beams termed, Mese sep•S• I do. Sb. seem tree el nee d birth amid admin.: ween •sem M dad n- the pre•ter her .o iety to hermit le sad her baskwod& Itie," sad we believe ties 1s oriBta•l- ie ;tree, es mast where is rebs. et At sayroie, we admire the *dayt- ime .betty of pretty Helen I.tz•re arts, w►•m mad prised taw Ina leratp field by heir ltebar, antebar Jobe Oen" i.. k4dly,seighbe.r- - y way be take the ter beside his amid d. a b tate for two." with the i.svit•ble Midi Tho dee.nptie of the send, e•terW.- . t. the ty�jle pad the Breslow ar- ru.dlaR the Court of the 0.••d• Compaq in very latere•:iag. It wee as mono, 55 ispersed saltire in • wilduram• supported by imported wealth. " Like she dapple i. • guineas sky their ...pry has di•eelved, while the marrow, the bone, the anew e Hera steads .p to certify in the the third pewad.e to the week d that em'p..y white made growth end ereepsriy a semi- bil..y " A. • o•dlie•toe nl meter's.] for Case.. history the work of the Moores Lir•re h is - valuable, i.at It . the kansa interest of the book whisk makes it . •ttrwonsve to the rswr•I reader. There le moot in the hie - tory of the Huron Trot which ea beams dup- licated today to the field of ooloo.s.tia throughout the world. Tbe book ehe.ld be • wrest meow, and we hope lie two stover authoresses may reap mu ample •d sub- stantial reward for the seal and enthusiasm they have .bows is their work. Ea:.err Hmem. IN THE DAYS OF THE CANADA CO • S.vlew of ave Urger. 11..,.' hew Mei .. 1n the marg.i UM Masada lemma, - -Ur. meat... .syr the Warr meald Ue...l .d ort. IN THm DAYS OW TNS WN•U• CUY- P1NT Ike .te•y el ib• e-ttlaeteat of the Hares Tract • .d • view of the social of that per.4d-13031fnt, by HMIs •s (atlases Ya/arae. Lh.is with ea la troda:Mom by H Y, ,•rani , D. U . L. L. Piles:11W of (Mom University. P.OIIub t by Wilts.'s brow. of Tomato. I F you Lure mot read this book get a copy • 1 .-spa dust herrow,b.y It, for it is • Melt which you dill always hk• to have sp- a your shelf ready to take down •d dia- tom with your tried.. For myself I eau teethlsity my chat I hems net for may mats read • bot k which 1 bare so thoroughly eejoysd ; ethers who bars red 1: my theme/be, .art the old people who n• member the hta of those d.y..gree that the story is well arid Iuthlo11) coli Ther• 55 no attempt at historical *mune. It Ie joss • °enemies of brume moron *trona tenth*, is historical order. Heavy tribes• has hero laid ups ohms rsanuuoet.ce of est.) rattlers, featly Cense, neurone, sod eorreepo-td.sw, old '.gild', perepblste sod .aggeres, all of which, ooll.ored w they mast here beim with emsvts diliweaes ..d curl, bare Mel deftly woven to oke tale that as told. Contrast h• t44. •pip tit There is nothing more delightful than to est is so arm ohatr before • blotting fire .fid oomp•re mutes with •n old omr•de of the days of hardship, suffering •ed •steam. toil ; .ad we can Imngtos the welcome which the work of the two sisters will re- eeiv (rum those who played their part to that life, whether they be still hying cm the fertile mad beautiful Huron tract or swear .d, se Enemy of them sow are, i. Great Bremen' and C.aadi55 and Amerlea cities. The boot te written to • crisp and eater - miming idyls, to handsomely bolted and Dennis some capital IlltYtr•tloa.. The Cased• .keep. y wee organised i■ Y.RI•d throw' the ioterameny►ity of Jetts (,alt father of J utice Bir Them. Oct and Hen. Bir A. T. Galt. By an ar• ra5Rese.at entered into in 11194 the company was to receive about • rellioa acres of Crow' reserves sad 889,430 acres of the Cl.rwy reserves of Upper Cauda .t the rob of ;6s. 6d. per sacs for the whole. SuLstpatly owes to the opposes rrlsed by the AesHea. shush • greeter •boot a milli.' pores la the Hers disks tem substituted ter the Clergy reserves. This lead me comprised ee the eMasie d Iaubio., Madalmmez, Here and Perth. I. the history ef the Canada 0..p.y we road of the teusdi.g et 0od.rieb.ho.•in for its gorRaoss sss1.t_ sad the sem- mace and peep whin) attended the bap- tism of (;oetph. Proma..st asaosg all the raft steed out the two figurer of Jobs 'kilt, tie pest administrator, and IM. Durlop, wattles of the forests, who, as • waster, pehtiesa, buokwoodsman pod testator has left hie Istprtnt• •poo the meads of life. O•It'a life was .t • happy as. Hu •o time were oontrollsd by th. Leila' bard of dinners sad they did sot 'IVO him tbe freedom this was asces..ry for Ms work. Dunlop wag eowario ; bat he.wee • mea. Hie force of ehea.ew attracts es. Many are the 'devise that are toy •bent him. His will ie .t allowed to be forgotten for it periodically gees the roa.de et the pre, sad the 'nemeses of t6• housekeeper would fit well b•oomdyen the me. The motor hired with hie brother and Lala McColl kept hoose ter them; et last Me. Greedy', league bagsa to wag. and It was dadded thin es ef the broths had to worry her. Ts Dsaser proposed that they •hand tett ep and wish the hip of • H.bie bailed oaf mea - j be fasten the wife up - es kle Meths. The moil 8le ef the ss.m•ry le welt de - seethed by easy u.essbg series a the /stMry.sd owe Aspens are devcmd se she mtr.ggle beeves. the people .n, the Ocm- palmy. Mee the oamp..y mads en Ulises with the Family pampas sad tried i mn.- opMies pelf pewee ad Mesas. The fight ebegin s the ktotige .ham Dr. _ p reese d the peeps agates power el Wiese=the Compeer's .Maga. All the maty ..e beeesb* be bear ups. the pawls by she O..wy aid they elected Ompsb amebas, 1 .t be My sae in the Hew ts weeks beige he tate smu•md ter illegal praelie-, .d she people wee. The prime..) terse bee beau howa dews by the pismire of eiviWNaa Oa the stearin. there hag gprest• egge grewsee et piss led pappgrew*s., bee el prows leather .ad were d. soap be mak des thea the grail (met Nees whisk, Mies Lan tele es, b Mee a the preemie et Major 8er.kk.ed, were demand te Siam up bt. hidesus sake b.eas. Ws has hoed ourselves te Y the hells a the meas el o'4 sinks with eels amid e'm sad mew we Gd they will as ler', but leak tamed to ti.. ape. Seer .1le he the Maim et the Untied 8&alma We have theme& ei ba.et, bard- werh lia� nae essrvlag 1. sr 5*• MY. sad �ifW..e a amen el land ready be Weed thea the meas ef seakieg • Uvi.g, the,.. me '.bbery ler be'. sad sr aneekepalinse downside onies siea .eels mead the waseey V seep whish war Mud be cis them • seas W. has se war ▪ mat the.. d pi a t the lamer >• Its Wee &lime • Isabel ter hie whet5. W. are b a tramS- Ys. *tank ter It we is s make be* ends mega, • civilians. lan�d �pmi ... d.ee asst els way te dlvtrad5d lea ue•eprami d ale.. ealeiveSn •ef the sell The Mere ef Ca.di bee bee nes- pegged le She heaths ef 54..sa sod seek W provide ler a rapidl melange, hat the peip s &ease sena The federal Geveramee we are Rid be egg le be me Mia lemea r.nw palmy. bee Met knew b.w be w Awn M The -eery . us • eIsadeedl t WWI we MO BMW pis shy Maher ahead me- ta tar seed growth 4 darned away. We Mob r ineheellemtle 0.4* We wise • melee* Mee" • hoes me *40 • mem.* hie" whe Al l'ahi. the dint shame min it men say, perhaps, par Shier, berm they have * �eIe. 54sMd isemiera.t, tie . n ( hose bow& and, Perb•p., 'moire "I'm" - Yen, wee the am � win mile the gest y. H. Weed wag" ag the hart et Hers " Thoe is .-.1b4.s pitlfsl in she teary et these set* o.itered Wise el two ams - mans ase whe some M she Far Wm s . le • pies* .sd feud the Mamie gemms& a wiles..." De we see hear she peeve Meg of them in their hwaa.kaw ! "?.w MS d, edam .. and .ssuteesed te the Weald realised what wee • hawkweeds' life. The whiskey Mile, the meaty of thea• they b deetieedrased." .. tiskl� Shwas (but whe were disap- pit's*, wieip s. dr,t r..dmay ale psysryetrnkes dre.kerda" Aad yet 'Mrs were essay daes*.d'mm el the Arks mot whe were happy mid ene.egefuL Major 8.tokleed won • astable szampls e/ Psis- V=eitreat bie, la hie pinks se weight M Hall bew.bb e).4.d Tense i. Lake Brl ,•ad the Hightail thief M.N.h ea She O*Mw., sad may . old Leyai.e fres the Slew. We ad- obe She geed mem d Mr. Yule, • drabber/ young teles, iii sleeted he Castles Wanda life, Me gem day l Swig mat Mr. Hyades. with, " Q•* • sa'n.ies In Sha 16th Lessee. and C.•.& ..y p le the devil r N. daub' be did h. day ..►• Iy webs 1 . etliusoe In tad* .hero he wag killed is the .nem a Delhi. W. ys- pthimm wish the te•Wy wife et Brea de T.yb� whe is.b me b*.e. i�n hie gab .v. w and villeggW e., who md'.bd the ams mm. with Mm.. a emayb a did es take kindly M the emilarity rem& mid -he. mid }Marred Tire... ad Mw Teri. The. ss'uhig hates ia the May et the wW ef Imdur Cadens whq head mid endured se empla110. aaiLm•Y ihe fen ef ll misry el • .q.. '% the earl/pf Celesta w�OmmN Megaw Aid - rue ni dsy..ielbowedmWerelbowedaa ed a WW1 of gra'beldiesalleMels flar s Lime mem ' Th. get.. /id the wenn HURON CO. ENDEAVORERS. Wrote et /ateresa I.r N. bars of Thet tidy .t Matte avid •brew. Read Das. 316. horst-et Goderlcb, Epworth League has s readies mole wit N• members. The first Local Muria io ludo was nrreo Med et Hue.cole • few *mks ego. This ool•.n is open to sul1eetie. o• " How to shake bands in our Enda. .u. meeteR.." Be short. Tim nein of the Caeauon held is Ot- tawa will be very valuable ed the pries only 15 mote. Every S.deerorsr o4..Id have ash. Brurete Epworta Lamm be. Idiot it• President by the removal of (1 1) I Amt at to Brentford. Ree. Hr. Atha, Heeerary Preadult, will oompl•te the tern. The Co. Ssbb•th School Reunite.* ham. poetpeeed the date of the Co. Cesveatire 'rose Jds.ry to Sommer, .lien H will t• held le oalenction with tone Casty Es demur 004.e. Rev. A. C. Crewe, Gemmel 8.ratory,will be I. (Metes Bandy and Monday, Deo. 20 mud 21 The Moadey nicht ptberi.g in to he a mese meths of all she yeses I ,i s is the viobity, livery Eedeavor.r is the meaty •hoold .•oatt.ttut. to this ool.ma 8o far Seine tot, Cooper omd Vise -Pres. Mees Poo aro Ms esiv two who ham. responded. Address W. H. Hee. Ifr_.M The books for the Reedier: Circle thie t.. r .re : "The T,,ob• Bearers of Christer .tem," by Doherty : '•L 1. 55d Cod.ot," by Loma ; •• Madera IIosiome," by various writers ; and " Berbera Beck," by 1)r. Withrow. The subject for prayer • is the dbri.t,.o Eadearor prayer chide for November e., Prey ter IK...& that it may be a tic 4 tn•rusg, low -abiding Chrome. laird. Pro, for •miry war effort of the youow people t.. .dveses tree Gimlet** fri.ed•hip.' A readies elude bat been termed in eca- neotios with the Rasteehary-et Methodist church Spwerth League of Cbrissisu Ea- dervor, Clint. Meetings end be bold weekly at the beaus of the msmbe,s, and • pleasest sad profitable time is •vpeoted. To Huron ooaoty bel'sgs the homer of bayou; the largest .amber of junior branches of tb. C. E Rooney, said the detonate from this suety .t the mire .-Pre- 'unmet Cea.s.tios, break Hole had the pole of bringi•w bees the h•ndeo.e banner awarded by the Onsvenua. The banner is open tor «imposition .r11 year, •d invest other mantis are already work i.e tor it. bet Huron should make . effort te resale it 0 Dee. Atli • public a5eti*7 will be held at. Climes, when Mr. Hall, d aed.riob, will preemie • report of she (:an - vestige. The Preeideat hag bees Invited to give •. address. W. Alez•nd.r, president West Pre•by- tarts ob.rob C a. Society, Toroste,. es " Rev. W. T. Hall, et Bolivar*. wag • member of this 4ec4ty. One ph..e of oar work la the city . very praet maL Th. Temperance Consistee have ter dee years marled en settee mimeo. work Friday ev'sia55, from November te April In o.•• o f the went queries of the oily two of tbw yeas ladies beg•. • " sett -sitar. etas " mon the boys. Their ed noon len had beim sadly naleotsd--.m• geld am read er writs sad other did sot even has the Oat of this dr have emit gees ofphtags geed 5lesiar., and bete of •11 game a them are i4.diag Ckrieti•a lives sad e ther. 5.7ieg. Buss rg .gens. Mout.a.t, 10th Nev. 1896. The odes ef the Emily Herold •ad Weekly Sear . &leg • pbsou.•1 4etl- egg.. T44. seablbh.sat . apes day ..d night, sod the work of plebs as the paper .d Rett.. the same el sew sub. e selhes en the lis.. sa:bw th. •morwuse establishes.* te 1. .test. The pmbls ere greatly lamented b the ems of ..ay. ity •t the Family Harald elle.. The k- enos 4 M.'obsriben.evfdgetb3y ste- ak. far ahead ef all previous rppw4.. liep- mande ry . hie rented le Se me5 the gids the , and altogether r is l very .inn defog sai sae - mem Seim' The pew peat.., The Orphgs'. Peyer,' . mime the eons le by Mess O- E. L U. The tensing are the espies ter the d1f f...* 7u.m11 ps.pte'e esdeeLL w4ieb [mems darks see week : 11.q* -s Mee►d.e shush t L ef Fraley swam all 7:60 .'leek- Maple ler Nev. iJ., i Tlimehrypvieg sad bH &1lN4i Kam AM Y P.8 0 L, Tridil et. - thll at S .r•e.k. Tqin ter november 7 /"*A geed similes : Mee le . gad hew AB a . by Mowed ia.Ued te theme awe w heel b the booming; o»utas btw4. the semen geamthi se 'Istlr sugtmbw M alts dm• TTTM�y 1 Se mnS*rtges IllED[CdT&D TO ST. PETER Tho Now Cauroh 1e Op.n.d. UN4.p Wire ,er enema a L. the More sag -Winner Uysa t. eat Spades The 5/111• well Muted - ttteott•.t 5.1.1 sad loMr.menaM ■.i.. ON Sunday the loug-talked of open - is of the N•1 8t. Peter's took plum, sad Mosel she day wee oold and blustery the thatch we well filled at in -rain., .'moos •.d evening er.,o.e. As store lnum.tod, • trait wag rte trim Stretford .id inter- mediate .taboos, sod ea stoat •e the wet •ispl•or. from the Rost resulted the ohuroh 5 - the of • • ed the n. 'r ger begahe stet port of the per Meaty .f dsdtuoiuno Wes to •prwk1. boiid,,, sound* •d oat, 054 fur this po n pies the olrrtoel ptiesswe, moelet,eg bump, priests podge •lyt•a, entered fro the r try, peered dors. the muter salthem around the beildiser, back .p tbe otn them down the north.,. stele sad bock by the ...theta. Atter r.*r.iles tb .mule• wag mentioned sod at the ..pout use H. lordship Blaney 11 Coo.ur d vasead M the alter rail and at the request el Rex. Ember West maw.. the say prosodies.. He them thinker , . Cathah of Goderioh, and parlioslsi heir pastor for the eruption os co maagnifk. oc a building to the Glory ref God, mol pard that wither the old of their army Protestant friends i Hie woo the b...Ufsl edifice oould have been built. He said that is buildb tint large oburoh the Gtiioits may ham Row • Ir.tle beyond their moan•, but if the bad it was In honor of God, mud that .15441 be properly glorified. Alter ag•i shenkieg !'ether West for the phtgsos sew he had displayed, is pr.o.md.d w hie sense. He tisk as bis text that per use of scripture semis to the huddles of Kt., Solomon's Temple. " This House Shall be • House of Prayer." The pr••ohe thea quoted many incidents in 000agettem with the building and the structure of the Temple, said 8oio...'• prayer at its dedi- e mtow, amid from them ell showed that e tboli° doctrine was 1. • lie with bathos history. The ismer chamber, or Holy d Holo., sari the ark were all meed es oom- p•r.sar, to ,show that the otroittaaoe la 0.0 .eti's with their d•dio•tien were even more (lobelia than were thene of she fan...s temple. • la the coarse of hie de- iesr•eoo Har Lordship said that . Cathde Sart. wv cos • emeungi home, but an edifies for Kh,rifyiag God. The neesesrty of pn►or wase freely creed sad hew the choreh used It • ol•med. The Bishop thea said hat the letlsoho church wag • plain be - woe Earth sad Heaven, a.d that those 110..104 10 It whether in haven or suffer- -sg Is purptory were all members of the w • faintly. H• .p.�k• strongly on rim - esti ,-asd.ct is the Hoe*, of ',cid lied said that n.,. should enter who were not pre- pare.. ro reap, et sa4 roverwmo• IL The rev. elate i• em excellent •p•eker, puce hie e. . plainly 4.tnr• the oongretg•ys that all cosy uads, t•od, end leaves .o u. ns the dark as to she tenets and priooiplee f the church of whish he is so eloquent • bishop. The Clint. choir and part of he Stratford ohoir waste present, but this o rmer mag most of the magic Mrs. Wall, Clinton, mag several gels with her .u.l sweet.sm.. At 330 r. s. the .w March was •prim filled, the service beteg somewhat different to that of the moreing. During the alter - moos the Ooderuoh Hammy Orchestra played mese choice mleotie.e, and Rey. Father Rya., of 8L Minhe•i'o Cathedral, Tercet°, who took Dr. Kilroy's plan., gave • powerful loot ore a t he principles of the Remo Catholic Church mod the objeoti.ns te Its dextrines. The re.. lecturer spoke with Ryes di.tset..e•..d was attentively h•tes.d to by the ba.dred• present. la the evening there wag • .soma vesper service ead mermen, Re.. Father Flys reaching. The rev. geatle.as's discourse opt up bis spottiest as K *rotor and the .sic wag werthy of the meets The .torn' dedicated se At. Peter ea 8..day u • moble .traoiare std adds meets to the srohiteet.rd beauty et the town. The eesetieastioe that will wore sp in is ie to be oosgrot.i•Md an bass, !egad it. sad she pagtor whe will omduct its terries •fid who bag de. se mesh swards sides the new 8t. P.*r'a will live beg b the memories of his people. 1 be bandies is easy be speak ia, may wad uttered beings 4.tietly beard. and he t..d•s4e and flab44 Laves • peoeaat ise- preed•s en •11 um has •get is. The light is geed .ad the fleeted windows make It t and pleads. At Nght there are mem. tamed... t lights, 30 of whit* .re need mid Inside the mob in treat d the tar. As might be eatieip•ted the altar is br1U..t medic Smirk power. There two pint mused wisdoms a *he parts gid•, 54 all sass es lbs wee. eye are gen Gabbed. the large e. i. the sets she See been oe.vibeted by the less mea The sea a all et polished *•b, ars pleases se w eye. •z.sedrapl seeders - able be sit is sad my be .sMr. 4iteg wili- e st deers. The mem were made sad axed by the astern* Org. 0. Hero we may mention that • b4 sp'. Wilde page within she altar rel. m e pressed by *k. *wi pies.' of the Ores Os. te Rev F. the r �Wusi mad she served piste email at the al- tar were d.. preens et the rev. gleed. mem trona the Oros Co'.. Magner, A. Marne. A seen' train tram BWatteN and inter- mediate Menem bvc.ghe the Mere. heed &reeked Smirk and be p vi r 144. Wig. amore Weug 4eei+t be Mem 14. Cur1InR mod Haile' doh wen seed as • Nabs hall. Thus were en .Way , i mt he egadM male m had meet, bee theme whe pones! ef thelame aa..r provided by lb.� M the ef Jot Tem'. were WI/ r pleased rte ineepta-u r - s a n a no 1 • 7 • ■ sad with r e m Pr id 0 • t of • e.f 80 • • 1 10o are be et The lueder.OsAnede ellipse Insd Oe- &rib Amass mppf . sal fog the