HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-5, Page 5P THY. el(.I.AL : (./)Ii1>:11;1C11. THIJI:sI►.% Y. NOV.*, 1496 5 Special Sale BLANKETS et Unwise* Wall MAW Ads Week 6lbs. white Wool Blankets, 64x74, at $I.95, the regular price being 2.60 7 lbs. white Wool Blankets, 64x84 and fancy fast color Borders, at $2 76. regular 3.60. 8 lbs. white Wool Blankets, 68x88, handsome Borders, at $3.16, worth 4.00 - Chenille. Curtains 1 In Cardinal, Browns, Fawns and Garnet, 36 inches wide and Full Length, heavy double fringed, at $2.25, regular value 3.00. Inspection invited. W_ AiCESON c3z SON_ DIED. YOUI1M-At Nowtoa villa. Colber.o Town- e/16.m eaady. Noy. in, %U1Me You*. amid M years sad 7 modes fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. Fro= the Reporter's Notebook. tl Tms've a Sees la! a' Ter (tees. 1 red* is sat It t a Cheers Among Te 'BMW Iers. aa' Math OWN lomat et."--S.r.s. ?ALLOWS exhibit of photo. headed all others at the resect .bow of ase psotograpbe In 1orooto. and he received w per cent.more ate for esoellesoe than the next best to rho We hear • reef deal of infallible cares for rheumatism and .etas. but pprre.veausa be eg better time ogre. provost this by wearing PRIDHAM'a essnfsrtes a Meg wearied warm sults. G. T. R. Summaries -The shipmate the peat week from the G. T. R. stetson ir:hided 48 Lull oars. Ntw Res. -As will be emus by advertise. meet In soother solum* Jambes Miller wi:l roc • bee to meet all trains, commis tag today. THE New Mae A4.Ck -Jos Wilma, the recently •ap•tnad minaret of the Header. e a Biciole Ca Ltd., oomatemed his duties on Moodily. Le Poses. -D. K. Stradas bet shipped two toe plow. airoady the iisasoa-om to the Amerces Roo aced ear to Saran, Ridley River Distt d. THE STAND PIrK.-Tbe sub 000tnctor for patting in the stand imps foundatios has the material en tbis monad tor a start, but w000t proceed, as us I000tioa,bia sot bees marked out. THE Rio .Ewe YET. -The largest nor -toed of fretgbt over shipped Fres Goderich was seat oat last Saturday Is was loaded with that me0eseary et life, Rice's Pan Salt. tug Cusaver*s.-The pupils of Victoria street Snaday Robool will hold their Christ- s•s tree festive' oa Christmas sight,sad to assure • happy evening preparations are in progress fee the Omen* street Bow is. -The pair of bowls to be pre- sented se the beet player of the ol.b wore woo o. Friday by F. Jordan who played the Mal parvo with D. McCormick. the core being-,torden 15, MoCormiok 10. Crtuxs. -The oaming moon, it is Imp- poosd. Intl be the boat is many years tor the Clinics pub, as it io antietpst.d that wMe the toe is fready ever fifty sethmeissta will have boo scrolled se member. Toe New Lustre. -8t. (leer.', oburcb leaked bright en 8asday menial/. the ia- o•ad.soeat light working admirably. In the traocepte the light isms ret quit. power - fel enough sad taw meter aases.eed that by Sunday sddis4a.•1 tights would be placed thereto - AT THE JAM -Jells Healy, who was •tmmitted seem melte Mee ea • oberge of insanity, wee removed to the Ham9w Asyl.s last weak.... Miss Adan Derrick. eke saw mandetsd rw.,_tly ea the tubs.. I Tmys sv.r d to the Leaden Asy- lum Ms WELcoutD How -H wanton 8100,1.6177 " A 7i -Miss wee gives by the Ladies' AM •l Banes strait o seep te Rev. Mr mid Mt,. HeU l , as giving bus. from from %Or weddingtr(p. py ~' vont. The bride ss% br{d.re.o Iwere waloomad at the door by the president sad sear.sary and smarted to their sesta, while the choir and osadregsttoo sang Bleat Be the Tie That Reads. Refreshment' were nerved a.d • good programme wee rendered. ljrARTtaLS OrrItIIAL B4Atn.-At the regale meeting of the Quarterly Board of North-st Methodist Murals, held Tuesday miming. ars uoutmoe invitation was ex- tended to the pastor, Rev Joseph Edge. to remota with the congregation for the fourth user. The finances of the church were found to be in • satisfactory condition. V itTultIA.,T. ('541'Reu.-Urge Weenies - Mae Weeded Victoria-st Macbeth/it obarob Ise. Sabbath. The sacramental service to the ..wing was moms lv mooaraging both is ambers and spiritually. At the *Oa- sis; of the sacramental ..triim three mem- hen received the right bead of Christian fellowship by toe pastor. THE ANNIttiMAkr.-A•siversary and thaskerivtog services will be bell on Soo - day sad Monday, the 15th and 16th inst., is Venetia -et Methodist starch. Special senses and melte on the Sabbath and • platforo aaequag at 8 o clock Moeday eve - War. Address. will be delivered by Rev. J. Edge, of Nertb-et oberoh, and Rev. J A. Asdeesoo, B. A., of the Pre.bvtriaa march. HA,.u.wg'E.r Theft' -The boys were sot se numerous oo Saturday nor were their tricks as daring as usual. Nevertheless, a few of teem could not reit the temptation of destroying town property. At St Davids weed school two out homes were overturned sad seriously damaged, but be- ysed this we hove only beard of gate beim unhinged and taffy stolen. THE SLURS ('eNTtA4T.-The public works mamma met oe Monday .rising .. and op.d noose twenty-five Modern for the ewe job. The lowest was is. from Humber and Caweey and it was .emoted by the committee. The first •tamed gentle man is our old townsman and the other is from Stratford, but is knows as the one tractor for the stone -work of St. Peter's. ArrLn.-Messrs Woodall, of Liverpool, cabled os Friday : " 17,00 barrels selling, market rectae steady at bother q'ota- How (which were 7.. to 13e.) exospt Kises selling 2s. easier. ' L & H. Williams & Co., (asagow, cabled the same day. "Mar- ket firm, good demand, Comedies selling from 10.. to 14e," Shipmate from Moat - nal the past week, to Liverpool 25,000, Glasgow, 20,564: London, 22,000. THE Col144:11TE iN+TITCT..-At the mama; of the C. I. Literary Society on Friday ermine tee models offend by Dr. Hamilton end the Ree. M. Turnbull, and the prize promised by the teachers, will be preseoed to the euoomsfsl ompetiiora The diplomas and oerti6oates obtained at departmental examlnetions will also be presented. The meeting will be open to ill ex-stadenta of the Institute, and to parents and older trimede of the pupils. but sot to young children. Toe Conte.: Peat. -_lobe K... has beee iatred.ing the 2 furrowed mammft s the farmers and bee stet with a /asssa. ems, as the work done bas to be perfect is every parts aitl ..t elle .bje.eiea to be found by the export tarsen i* the county. Ws m.dsela.d that the isthmian well-k.•..a yeomen el Hares euppert the above : henry Corms, Thee. Beatty, Theses J. Johnston, Jame Marlow, Ione. Salkeld, Jams ..d David Moans". Andrews Bra., Thea N•ttelJoe. R.Ikeda and ethers. KNox ('aracs.-The sarase.t of the Lord'. Sapper was .dabrat.J M Kae. Chunk hast 9mbkea sleuiy. The servi.s • HARDWARE. Speczalties--- Able Peelers, Corers ata Sl-= Rat and Mouse Traps, the latest. Razors, a *ectal lot guar- anteed .... Root and Fruit Baskets. p` der and Shot and hunters' other sullies • Tie Chains and Halters. Bargains in Everything. McD. Ail'. was . saada.ted be the pori. Ree. Dr Ur. misled. The large aaafl.n..t .t Ne Mand ora. 1111.4 with tete members she arrive to • he a twist( wort ewaassed by Hee. Jae. If..n•Ites, B. A., of Limbers ...d UwSs of e...... At she prepared •.rt service as Fn.l.y eveslag Ree. W.Is.. M.'r, .f Bru..Ael•t. preadcd. Beeves sew aa.e.s were add...1 to the Ganem.11 reel, mat . total or bfty defer the year. Fos CtHtuc,uok- Aao (Lassa -Amwg th•.mendmosr as.. at the Mee eltthsg .f t he Dossing Hors it was emend tee new •s..etts shall moos on the sensed Mwday Mame ..f rho third. .. biasses., sad that n Iieiad eneemM shell not have power to pm bylaw. ver meaty, dismiss (AMU, sr ea- ter tele they brgaus or mouses that .eerie • mosey .ysoot after the last day of De- ermb.r. A.oehr sasotmeei make. it b• passive es deputy retur.tag office. to .,night from the polite/ booth to the ol.-rk'. • Se sad bead the ..allot box te that omosr. " le res Dere or Tat CANADA Co " -A eery of '• 1. tee Day. of The l'ahad& Compan)," ►as rssehed nor table, and we and it to be • partieslarly Iatrestttog book, s . tar ati we base Md tuna to .:anis. 1' is the work of the Misses Robi.e mid KathMoa Mwtrlaae Lure, w,tb an hatre- dsottam by G. M .:rest, D D . LL D., Prinotpal ..t (law's University, Klowtoo, and is published by Wen. Briggs, Toronto. 11 rives tem +tory of the Huron Tract, .ad Dreamt. a view of the metal lite of the period - 1825 to 1850 The story is well told by the talented writers and the views presented of social ons dittoes as they thee existed ere graphic, i. deed. Next week THE 814:NAL will gave a review of this sxoedingly Intresu.g week. Ws understand A. Duff, of town. hes been appointed local egos.. and he ookht to be able to pat the work on every bookshelf. Fua THt CENTRAL Pat+os.-O. M..dsy Thos. Craig appeared before His Ho.., Jude. Simeon and pleaded entity to the e lse chargee os whish be had been oommit• Md. Before senteuoe was pawed P Holt, who defended the prisoner. made • etreag plea oe he behalf Th. lodge, in teatime - hap Craig pointed out his many crimes and told him that be might be seat to the peal teatary for life oo one of the charge. of forgery, but that on account of his youth end his promise of amendment he would be as lenient w we oompatible with pobito safety Craig wee then sentenced to 23 months. ,o the Central prison with herd labor on eeob of 7 charges sad 6 months os one, the 5osteooes to run 000curranuy. It will be seen that defendant was only s..tea- tied on eight charge, the moth, a obarge of forgery being held over. By this prooedun the defendant it is hoods for good be !saviour, and should hie walk herwftr be is e000rdwoe with his promise he will hear oo more of it, but for any criminal act be may be brought before the judge and resumed to • long term in the preitost cry without farther trial. THE OPENINi:.-Ntxt Ssaday 9t. Peter's will he dedicated with the semi services la the morn.ng then will be High Mee, .t which • oolleotton will be taken op for the cherish fund, .sere will be afternoon and evening serve*., at which •dmire,on will be by ticket The prto. of tickets will be 2bc and b0c,se that all intending to be premien should be prepared. To rive people from • diet•so. an opportunity of attending the dedtoatioe service. 'pseud trains will be run from Stratford, stopptog at intermediate stations, and for the proper mainteosnoe of the lame n umber of visitors expected os that day, dinner and ■upper will be served io the o•peotou rink o. Wet Street. (a. 25*. ticket will admit the bearer to 'dueness and evening meal. 1t has been mentioned that Archbishop Walsh, of Toronto, would bepro.eat, and health permitting he wail, sad it M almost certain that over twenty olorrymen will b. prosiest. If Archbishop Webb in usable to preach, Re.. Fr. Ryas, one of the most eloquent sone of the church, will deliver the normo., and the musical Portion of the service will be of unusual bnUiaaes. At .bis writing the noble edifice is nearly ready for the soles* service, and by Saturday at .no.Io.a ell will be ready. Should the sea seine brightly on the 801, and we hope it may, the melees will seem the more imposing, but eves •bould the seeds hide the brilliant orb, the mapiifi coat edifice just over the Maitland will still dew forth as • mosums.t of persevereao. and liberal durst gluing. Rcmoot. BOARD. -The regular mating of sb.•Pablie wheel beard true bold on Mon day evo.tag. Prewar, Jim. Buchanan. cbair- tehe and trustees Ball. Reid, Colborne, McLean, Nachdem. Minutes of last re. obit meeting road said confirmed. Prinoi• pee'a ropers for October showing 334 boys and 288 girls oe the roll sod an &.stare at. madame of 960 boys, 259 'irk we read and Bled. The Prtwtgl reported that the .taste replete were sot properly arweeed by pawls. and that halm R, Graben, had temperar Marge Bimehaam's Nam, the met ysemed lady Mhe.g bedfspwod. The Modal easel Iltep n report as the Model mem, wee read and 81.d. The re - pet showed that the work et the students was geasally geed. An sppliestias was read from 8. Simpson Cone, oakum the me el • rem ter an evade, slaw ia wma,ereial wbjsass. The apptiaatloa was grated, provided s tiefa eery srrsogeme.m were made with the pri.oipal and e&r.e.kr, and IAEA M dive • guarantee sesame damage to ..Mel property A. assist, titer, for pristine. 13 50 was ordered to be paid. The cwt5gsat o.mmr11.e r.psrsed that they bed oast Mesmer ti maden of the Organ b&mMry. and would rewmme.d that the maims ream et the ward sd.-M be seated. The sentl.gent oomsittee was lir..ted to presume the emu it mist eatery srr•.g.meate /weld be made. Mi.n Blair, • former tomb r, •ppuied for a t etimosM) se to her ery- foe to the board The speltsetio, was umashaeml granted. The ..&ohms u amps e1 the junior divisions of the ward wheel. were .11 reosssged at wharf.. of IMO ell the ether female wokee at an Memos of 110 sash, .ad Principal H.11e sit the eta rata The heard than adjourned. 'Bus Lane. eat NEW 'BUS LINE. - TEN UNDER - ✓ attan .e s d attsigma has ar ed es tea • 'bus to the . 11 wales enmity, Nate . re's will t• e.1,. c.. r Nasy a Ordse 1 •NATHeN16144 bad r/ash1 tea.... ..+. a,...,W ealme i Fall and Winter, Underwear .... Our prices are lower than can be found elsewhere for equal quali- ties. Ladies' Vests from 15c to 40e for Heave Cotton Goods and from bOc to $1.00 for fine, all -wool. Men's Underwear, Cotton mixed heavy, 60e per suit. All wool Suits front 80c to 41.00. Extra tine wool 11.00 to 32.00 per suit. Clothing Bargains -Take two items as indicating the value we can give you : Men's Suits. all wool, 3.1.00, worth $500 ; Men's Ulaters, all Wo ii, 36.50, worth 110.00 JAMES A: REID. Jordan's block. 20th. Oct., 1596. BEATEN .A LL Try our REATEMALL STOVEPIPE `'ARNISH Least odor, brighest lustre, quickest drying of STOVEPIPE all Stovepipe Varnishes. It's a dandy. The people are all learning that, end our sales grow every year. Take no other. VARNISH Ol'1. CONDITION POWDER For horses and stock. Canadian Horse and Cattle Food English Heeling Oil. CLIMAX FURNITURE POLISH 25 cents. W. C. GOODE CHEMIST Soaps , ,. A full stock of Pure White Castile Soap; also all other Toilet Soaps, Pears' Glycerine, Cuticura, Baby's Own, Tar Oatmeal, etc. Al lbw New r'bessing% F. M. DUNHAM Lest LOST LAST WEER - A PATENT YZY -.. to hare ben loot in the b vicinity of teiit•!to. The ander will be rewarded on leerier 1t at Tun SiuuaL eleee, Publlo Nodes. DM.CLARATi(►N OF DISSOLUTEON Otr PLRTNNIRrittlP. Proriner of Ontario County of Hteron. W. John Sehoenhal. and Jobe P. Pecker of the ai'1•eu Port Alb -•t io the Copnty of HurouJM.11ers. formerly carrying on beeiness ell M9.rn &r the end village of Port Albert under the o.mr. et) Ie and arm of eehoeshale & Becker. do hereby certify that the said partnership ora os lite 13th day of Osober. A. D..1198. diseolye•t. Witness our bands st Port Alter, afore- said. this Nth day of October. A. D. 1806. W items HENRY OTWAI JOHN 1CHnENHAL9 i JOHN P. BECQKit Canard Reis has purebaeed the interest of John P. Beaker in said aria The bantam will. 1■ future be carried on be Mem-. Schoetbal. & bels. wbo will pay all liabilities of and collect In the ssae•a of tb• old arm, t►cHOPNHALS& 15818, Creditors' Notion. N OTICE TO CRKDITUR8. 1. the rwtter el Wilmer 9witi, on in.olreer. Notice 1e bombe rives that Wilmer Smith, of the Taw. of Oode.ieb, Furniture Dealer. hes this der made an assignment t . th. ueder signed of all his mete, pursuant to 8.8.0. Cap 124 and .needs,. n s. A maritime/ creditors of said Insolvent le hereby sailed fee THURSDAY. NOVEMBER Itta. It101. at !retook in the afternoon, at the slate of the assimee's solicitor in Ooder oh for . b. as point.... ofI. peotonand theglvin. of lireo- ti.e with reference to the disposal of the Dane this Srd day of trnysmber. Int THOIMAB O1JNORY. Ambrose. By L.OFTUS E DANCEY, His Solicitor. iii xeo.folris EXECUTORS NOTICE. J IN flit ESTATE OF JOSEPH MORRIS, DECEASED. Pennant to R. S. 0. 1117, Cep. 110. Notice is having Elves that all creditors asd other. esePh Martia late of the T'tew.Mhimare o .4 .,... la the Comity ei Buren, Ta,4 Tames, donna , who died on or about tbe 11th day of Oototte. 1111, are required ea or before the Zit! of Novo b ., ISM. r wad by uW Sal or dW yr to Mn. Mary Morrie. Saitrsff, P. o,. os. of the executes at the estate mf the seed deeses.4, their Christian and Surname. ad- dresses and demi with fell particular* of .hob elates e..4 the nature of tee nervines iif aryl held by than, and ft that after the eaM date the . eater. at the said estate will pro owed to distribute the meet• of the otar.hev ism refold o.b .• the claims of whish n.11os shall bare bees received, and the ea d ex meters will not he liable for the Adampenes or pereme K say thus bare beeseiivve& loh Belies Mailnet Dated at Oa leriah this ! eh day of Odeber. 1116. CAMERON. HOLT a ROLME>!. 9Ytt S.ilelr•rs fee Exoeeton. i MN. POR BALE CHEAP --A RADIANT i Hsmm_lssl eters with hot .water Ak efpps. Wes • in •mownee s .shed le it cis I.r A. HUMBER Wit. Musts. h ANNA .81[AwHEB , TEAO Oars& rh•1 lea ~ M UBI0 MI$$ K. W. McCALL. ISAMISTI Mct •tee t 02 TM pygg. Orgentat oA f s ur,a I.masssgtdsth. Ie > OV/SS sail nun sot In ?anal f+l(satsla. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changer must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon (ley noon ('usual Ad% ertisements accepted up to two.. Wednesday of each week. altllatyNo ♦ aslant ABOY WANTED, BETWERN 15 and *6 yeses of eon to learn the printing bn.i.esa. Apply st tele ofrlce. Ttravetllfe Oult7e. GRAND TRUNK s..ILw1Y. Mixed NW and Express Mixed Mau and 1xpres Man and Express MW sad express .............. ... MI zed Mixed 05PART. MtMa.s Lid Rah 7.LP PAL •JS am 1 5 p.m. 3.311 4.41/se. 4I For now or To Rent FARM TO LET -VALUABLE FARM to led. feeing lot ! sea. 11, ire..,. chrisien of the township of Corbarm.. .std.tl.g at one hundred acres, with Hood bars and a able". Mimeboat". sad tee4 bsaTtag orchard. me levee Oct let. Peep devalue -0 ap- ply to MRS. LOUISA REID. 0oderiee P 0. 9tlm VOR MALI OR RENT -A BRICK r dwelling oestalaiag 10 romps including prom clothing room. nicely abetted on Neboo ttreet.wrtbin two minute. waikof the I'gaare. TNI. le ora of tM root desirable rsa/dsooe.la the tows. sad will be "old n. favorable •erns. Apply to MRS M. A. BAILEY 91.1, FARM FOR ALF, OR 70 RENT - Tem bsadrd acre of cleared Mad com- posed r f Iota 7 and 5, Path coa•sHga. Col - benne 'sweatily : divided in two fLot 7 m, with tras hom.. good barn.. W. drive hones. Implement house and sense mo- wer, .wary belldinga On lot ft, frame tease, bars, stables and other building. Rine orchards on both iota Raab lot watered by two wells and .amok. WIII veil one or both las Ap te W O. POTTER, on the preemies or P. 0. FOR BALK -LOTS eft AND 70 Net. Unman Survey is the Town of O.dar5b. upon whish le erected •.loe dwell - lag hems. iota ■ember. IA asd 19 Rich's Sarver. O•d.Ash. neataydng 2 acresupon which le eitaat•d a comfortable house, and there Mal.. & good orchard. iso eke lent ball of the North half of lot N. Lake Rause Co.eseios of the T.weebip of Astillek1 Weems division. Doted ltb AeytAber. IIaeL 0=21 te CAMERON. HOLTt HOLMES. attf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR RALE Geder--tat TMM pthtegosret bnslntae wetly la ich.dcompris ws111.em. a. wen-equipeed essrs two stem one up-talo..,em. doUsesad blwkn.leh shim Ramose milted, eleek et railwaymoor dM chase 9.rthe n titlein e.0 be (ISM a STRACHAN es the oraoleei. AFyly pea VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE -The bele& msl4.soa overlook'., the river sad lab f.r'Mty mewled by the late A. M.eDsm.tt s.¢, Master I. Mammy.O.e of lbs nen veemble and dsdratie nee 1 Theimeows, hems d$.s.sm home_ a S.et& most Immediart present the BMt Ian A.di.nge Hotel .t present orcnpied by Mr. Andrew Waddell S. The dwelling hems and ad lobs lag erremtt4e neer the O. T. R formerly sampled b the I . JMg. 7timw My ie O f a:uneoilipaytit D' q F. SMELI'TH's PLA1fiN0 MILL RABti. DOOR RIND BLIND FACTORY. de lavawaidewrheset went I. my Nye_ AardlaniuslaglaSMIRRIL" sMlmg .fieadsfir 1 CABS FOR LUMBO -AT T11Edialrignal e...9r.sas gala=n«/i3■a K 4'4w G01 ON Gam - It 'your sight failing. Surely become blind. .attention may It is wise to them. No charge for the examination and best lenses supplied at reasonable prices. shows signs of you would not A little timely save your eyes. let us examine J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Druggist and Optician. YOU GET THE BIRD WE'LL FURNISH THE NEST New lines in Furniture at Holiday Prices Yes, with $50 you can .settle down beautifully. Call and see us while at the Fair. Upholstering and Picture Framing. Undertaking and Em- balming. WILMER SMITH. Loan and aav'tnass $Oelety. Ds NOT WIWI 1 IA/ EARN. BIM I WHAT YOV 8AFI& MIAs=S you aim TIM HURON AND BRUCE LOAN INVEST M k N T CO]e 1'A N Y BOL$crro..-Cameron, Holt and Heim.•. Derteomi.--ieferent ( oat wird every eta menthes% four per Dent• per annum. on .ams from one dollar newer's. Depositors will end it to their adtantage to come and see ea t.oAYs-May he seeurcH at any time without delay oe the security or •plrovr.1 dnlnhle plepert . Expenses moderste. .iiMloatloss teCed by the Mansgrr or mile tore. i1. Company's otters a: a loreted on Nona Meant and Court Hotta Squat,-oypoelte Holton Sio'vAL Ufil.;e, HORACE HO1UTON. .1. H. COLBORNE. Hana.ter. Pr...Weet. Salo off Lands fob' Taxes TOWN OF GODERICH. TfEA.URERd ?ALM of LAND' FOR TAXI' . By virtue of • warrant ander the band of the Mayor sad seal of the oorporauedof the Town *4 (ioderbb, dated the lith day of Sep- tember. 1154• commanding me to levy upon the lands hereafter described, tor the arrears of taxes due thereon. tog.tor with coats, notice Iishereby n Oven that .elms such taxa and paid 1 shell, pursuant to The Consolidated Aosesseut Art. Ilei. pre- ssed *well Public *tidies the said land., or so mace se may be arceseary ter the pgmsnt of the said arrears and coat. al osy ansa ea Wdseda, the Tweet y -third d r December. at two a'cidayock In the afternoon. The ibllewtag Waal. Itate.ted Let or part of let. 1 JJt,Lt •°Tromatm 911 i i mommr sIS67 •'tbtlsnlma Mb/-•! Psi t1 0: 1-4 27 703.0L1075 1--4 " ISet ! 7111 57 ItMs .. 1-4+ ' !7 70 7 asps 71' -e " (al ins ! 1211 77 -4' " 151 7o'M 11-1 -- 11 77 II Ml 7 >A 1-e. -- 11117tla6N17 11 Toroneo1 e 1 . & ' Asir 1lJ se ! M, 1 es 1 , der1, • II ifMDslpl Oil NLi 1 -- 7Mt 100 i "'7 901 N iI ' " 7 t!l! M I! •' 7 pl 1 »y M It 7 11 ! N W. L. NORTON. Tawe Treasurer oedenet, Stmt. 1454 1wa. i7 1St. Now RIa4k1n mow. Fra..aW MAl1HIII88HOP8-ALL KIND. et Regale Work dame at R.aw.&Me .14 hies Bias', -ar for solo. Mach - ..d Ri%jgs air lesishe gh t ..d .ad. .gyp, ggs salt. Soo d ria.... Streams. J. BUTEN UrNCiMeris AN HOT WATER BAGS andf I10E CAPS Namz.01 sew le RabbGames .r SrentaarawM•♦.e..g. P.9 IlM, .p la. IM . yr.... y yea are .wit .sew J. WILSON'S - . -