HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-5, Page 2masa more eat (eseka a eyespot* wen
slaty tau to one is ihnieuhenbeter."
Leidy tit.piek.ra*..s wise e.metatap e'
• • leLrry in ito m.wR sad nodose now
•' What .settee de yet being to
Larne* e* N wu,.r ! ' asked the G .ad.lir.
" Isla- ewe," hood Mr Asp•.
Aus I M o sareu* ! 1 kt•nw very gstl
of iii lits , r..BraY ` T e owdelier
see re.si.e.t so be ronin►i• Ie Lead
it,pMaer.t'- Lr,otad, •• I.lwey. dodge the
♦•my opt'• . rne Hoses. 1 •.ppese yes
ate* several of the Sarvl.m members!"
e 1 know as away ea 1 stew to kanw,"
met )Jr App., eveoneIy. *i A sea in my
pna•..e of lift. '.a le 4e:. sat cardial who t
wit-. up esik •'
1'4.• 140•1. SS returned from Misery V111
•• I .'•h alai• timelier ••t thea
whisper. ' ' fie (;eedsher i o her. a. h. ...es
" 1 teiek he's wily.'
It yes knew his yu.hure yon wends'
op ak ut blit. t k . ' hr:.'' h.,• r..amd he
a.1 Ly the ..d..4 Berry Apple
•• Well, boo. .lee !" L. 1. &.pit
uret, sorewug hag pert t• :nos h is her el
f•.. • W unite:. the C•wbs.. . •n "Moe
I lLt this seat a t -it I.1. 1 -en tib
e she !seige.n 1 • f se is.
l •y.seo heroes 1 ,.' ' • k .. you OILS
•• 1 's . elft," and t1r Apps, "That'
that it is"
„ los doe." .tut t., . iniroduced t•
.rybony here. I suppose!'
, bot me.
"• You bate need of-"
`!he pu est in the direction of th.
(.o.d.l Km.
" All 1 want to.
" Hee/ res ly making • big name ie M.
House, you know. I wane his osier wit,
nest interest.
1 woe. • j,ily hot of binelt •'
.. IIs., 1 think • lot of him, too," remark
.d leafy etepiehorst, pleasantly. •• Aso
b that . j men.- ate -king out of your iacket-
po"k.• • 1'0,0 a, indeed, rimless. Yeo
doh t know no. it works. 1 suppose •. '
•• lt'. ;l 1',. go, • kind s.1 a bides," mei
Mr. Apps " Look 'ere. You put this en.
Mr. Apps found himself wetting gm..
zcited to the .Kplanattoss that be goy
t w • Lew .ea.u atroto 'Meet Out'wb•
:masa an tot•Ilyl.nt Interest it 11'. prt.fr►
.ot.,t.nd he could not help net :lit Matured
esekiag up, no saw the c.ondolter gaa••p.
t bpm.
•• He don't look 'appy, that chap,' sal.
r App•
•• Wtll you eaelset me for Wee mem.nt !'
• tt 01 vee you going up to, mum !' b.
*4, oppntieha.v.ly.
"1 wast to speak to him "
"0 . "'teeth robot) " I don't mind that "
te; n.l•t Lady etaplebur.t was making 11t.
(redeliver resume hie ordinary expression
r. App. ttt'.ugbt fwd thought The
in: 1es premenadlag after the waltz looks.'
snowily at him
It's the rummer• show you wen eye
'E3.ry," said Mr Apps ; •• l'oo'n
vtr.g 'em ou toast, lou bre : bat you'll I
led to get upstairs •gra. Yon want that
monde, an.t's cot you .sat Tim
means mt.sey to yes, Eoery "
I s,•y St..plehuret burned towards th
doorway. A murmur ot amassment wen
rough the room as the garrote sew a n.
steel to the custom of a pohoe-oonsiebt
communed cy a men in plain clots.o.
r Apps, thinking over his exulotte,az-
tu'r*otedly at his hoots, and regretun
ear went of polish, jot sot see them uut
e dean -clots.• man topped kiln on th
" 5Yurt, Apps, maw!' exclaimed t1
°sly • little attera•id.
ho pslwbd es a ries, damp reek.
Ad wept as If bar ever, is T
Had inland a dreadful sheik.
•' Alas Ah. vee r : h. blabbered
.. I'm • ha entire of • Wheat ;
I ere., eves a hispeM.
Vet 1 Unite't aey Mete"
HEN IS Apps, tet Hoxton, cone
piell d the dame et Ibc w.rw no the lows.
of if.. asset Court :I • 1. uk• t up •t the
dim hoot ,e Me heifer tie-rewm, earl oh.wk
led a •,ly so he nest tae Met y.rd el etre,
'• A tt:p is Ii...' gond tar i; t.. "gives
Re shrew the rope !eider gently in the
out a' the at. fl 1 it o.uvht tee pro-
" • O.,w ow hoori the !swear,' ' goon.'
Mr .\p w, fac.1l.u.'y, as h.'tnuuo •1 the
rev 1:151;a"'ae,''h• gull ts t.a.'"
h.the suture... von gen ly ono
e0' u stool onset. the dreams room pear
the rattle to th • t:nn.-.r of the r" "n was sr
it •n e..fr.
• t'.Jl, 1'n, Vernet '" ovula eat 11r
apps. He loosael err lige of hie fur
top sod clopped h:s ' row with the back u!
his hand. tt'dl, Cm jiggered ! 11 they
'ay.o't berm and tett ibr key .0 for me, .1
might have sited myself a lot of trouble .t
1'd • koowed "
Mr. Apps swung open !b. heavy door at
the sate and Intimas to the muco down.
stain. 1 ting Lady Ye.apishunt was etv
tag las Mr. Apps very well knee) a duo.,
• tomer-drw d.ow, ole her retorts from the
llosunent, after her trim of widowhood.
"I'll jest see, lint of an," he said, •• that
the comet i• ahelootly clear, sod then -thee
or • bagful.'
Henry App. .topped out into the broad
passage, He •loucb.1, with ea jemmy
sticking nut of his cat -wales' ode pocket. •
few *taps toward the otters. Su/deftly •
girlish Slone tarried rhe Corner.
" Mese my art ' cried gr. a ppm.
•' Why. bow do you dor" ..id the Young
lady. ot.onteg forward. She gave • weft
lough t bat wee veru pleasant. " This i.
redly Aelighitul. i)o you know, I r oma
e 'xttd you at ono.•in spite of your costume "
She hied the heed of %fr .App for s
me -amt, calving that g-.ntlemao W gasp tor
breath, and called one of the mates.
".lust bring me a tenni end Woes,' .hr
said, " I must orrange for • oarriage to sok..
Cept•in Nnrmsn hack to he betel in the
morning. 1 wasn't sure that be would
"1 on wait," remarked ter. Apps, with
restored «it possession
" 1 woii'r beer of it. W nen shall we
say, now "'
"Soy in leo hose's tits -,".o d Mr APP.
"I can go upstairs ammo slow, change my
toes, met do .11 1 wool to."
" And can't you stay Ionger !"
Rhe rove the otrrl to chse maid, sad or-
dered it •0 lee dispatched .t pace.
•• I've got ♦ uo.y sight ,wfn e me,"
urged %Ir. Aop. ezctnngly He thought
of his dog waiting ..n the laws, .rad (erred
that it might stye en inopp.rtuoe bark B..
rides, •he safe was still nee and the
diamonds were wattwe for bum He bad
*fieri with •.U.l&cteon Lady Stmpieburrt
was weenne nose. h
" Yon
were always an active man. 'au- .h
Always a doing soin.thing," agreed Sir
App. " If it ie.'? one thing it'. motto:-
notherHe shook his head r.flecii..'ly. "1 ..r n
wonder 1 don't write a nook about it all."
" I deli's he'ieve you will know anybody
hare, C.ptain Norman,' one said, v tt.ev
walked downstairs ; " but I couldn't help
marling yon a nerd, seeing how frieodIv we
were on the Peshowur. ib yen remember
those *veiling. on deck in the Red Sea
She was really a very doe prong woman.
hoe in her ooetume she looked extremely
' 1M I wt!" rail Mr App., with mach
fervour,'•' Shall ever I target 'em
•' And then the journey Iron' Brindisi,
you know ; and that tunny little Garman -
von r.pmemember him!"
Hit was • knock-out,thet German was '
" And the girl who prayed the peer, and
"It was greet," agreed Mr. App.-
" great."
The large hall•room wee veru tall. A
smell covey 01 brightly dreamed young per
pee flaw towards the young bootees to oom•
pieie ot her temporary absence from the
room. and a brad.shoublerete (;nndoher.
shook hands with her and took up heir Ward
with something of an air •4 proprietorship
" i thought 1 hes left my key on the--.
trona. in. " The young hostess took back
her oord from the (.00dolirr. " 1 am en
gaged to C.pt•is9 Normals Vol don't
know him ! Allow me '
" P aheeA to meet you," said Hoary ADP..
••'0 .'. the world using you!'
" That's an original temtene 01 enure,
Captain Norman,' reasrked the Gondolier.
" I doe't know that I ever saw anything so
daringly real hefors "
" Well, wet •f it !" d.m•aded Lr. App..
with sudden •ggresstvon.r-"woe. the
odd. to you wet i like to wear • 1 -on
needn't think yen's.---'
'•(:.plate Norman,' interposed tl•c
young hostess, laughingly. " ono moan',
overdo the pan. Look here, T.e put your
name down for this waltz. bot of you like
we'll sit it out -that i., it you promise to
keep rap test diverting Eat -end talk. 1
like it 1)o you think you Wan manage to
" Rather "' maid Mr. Apps.
" And it is a capital make-up, Captain
Norman." she west ols. •' Ido yew knew
thee at first, just for nee moment, 1 thought
yon were • real horsier "
• Fancy that, are '" said Ur Apps He
teat relieved •t seeing an ebvfrns war not
of hie dif% -ut'r " There's no. his* like en-
ing the thing in a proper, straightforward
" tend," said Lady S eplohon•, with hoar
f0a a her arm, as they walked aories the
room, " von hays got the I' amt -.tad scent
asp+•wily "
• Taint .n dusty, 1811°'
She beeknasa to the gondolier.
"Citroen :n'efn Norman sed i are resat
Means," •h• said in an •iplanat0ry way.
He has nM hem leeg bees from &bread•
sea h• knows aureole anyone."
•' Not • l.l.med bout," echoed Mr Ao.s.
"Yee mast let it.. .hew voe rouse, • 1st,
('spasm Nnroa., well the (iesdoli.r, with
Astarntned venni t• "Goa yon on .•
round to my oleb ova sight this week •'
' R'hefor ! ' 0- 04ed 1fr. Apps, ea.
Why, to dine t say Thunder. '
"•'Knee know. where 1 shall is as
Fersoin," said Mr Apps. •• 1 dss't.'
Vosi mast o .o.de.r se at year
if vee require way batrculmei&as 1 hosier a
speed IM to p MIs, .ad sem felted of Lally
045, satum of she reef," said 111.. App.,
wash mash dissonant s '• we►'t the nes ,f
beelbtg r
I&s's l• '.petal r asked Lally Smola
Wed d tbe Gendelim dellgMedit• "Hew
n an.
" t us," told the bander, duooct ntedly
„ 1 it is App* 01500, Mr. Welker. Au.i
vurry .teed you ere to see him, I've ue.
"• Always • pleasure to meet • gentlemen
like you," mrd Mr. Walker, cheerfully a.
In conducted hem to the door slay. '• 1'vt•
wanted to run &guest you before.
Math oomnaouoa in the bell roam at th.
diverting hale scouts. General agreement
that I.dy Stwplehury woe r point mime.
at euterWutog.
" Ru', lovelast girl," mid the Gondolier,
onnfideotslly, to lwdy SStapiehntat, " mit
this carrying a joke ember too far ! Tin.%
• real detect,. '
" I know," ..l the loveliest gar!, tremb-
ling now • ;::tl "Tb•t's • reel burglar,
" Yes; yes. Doo't make • for. I dun'.
won't the darns spoilt Take an down to
topper, like • goad t.Ilew.
IWO a *laale needy w lisrtue•tl.. -/flet •
Failure I. Cove --A Ra11-t1111on feet •
of Mdd•s 0 d..v P111.
T,rontn, Nov. 2 eepeoiel)-Withal •
.Ingle reply, for over two years we have or.
yenned tbs. iineetton:-"Does impose, soy -
.h.re, know of soy Jane wherein I/odd
Kidney Pill's have t.•led to ears Day kidney
disease, at *ay wen'
et • estimate that a half malice people
must h.ve joined to snag the two and s
million holes already sold m Canada; and
yet not a single oomplaiot,-sot ow faders
0 osre
Now reader here's one to, von: -Do veto
know of • death from kidney disease. or ot
heart toiler., the vroom kering seed Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
are Way .f Cetrltag 0111.1btr Cep.
A o*rtat0 Br•allies millionaire was mire
ly to trifles, bat extravagant in Arnot and
•rpeistve th:nge. Ow of his p.oulurain
woo never to give tips to waiter, ; Done.
gaentlt he eas is bad odour with all the
atteadeate to the hotel in Rio de Janette,
which he tr'quebed. O.e moraine. aerie
amine one Whop tor his lunch he milled fur .
"Sector Soros," said the waiter, spite-
fully, we are net in the habit of ..eying
the fame elan twice to a 00.romer "
" Is that .n!" replied the Rum, who im-
mediately got ep and left the grerni.es
Tan newer later he come hack
,• Wetter," be exclaimed. The sane
waiter came forward. •' i have bneeht this
betel Asa am master 1.,r, but .. I precede*
you 40 not serve the customers to their lik
ire. 1 diomtee you to
He then oslled to another waiter
"Beteg m. a usosnd oh.p! "
ram titans flame Nr Taasnsebe.
Magee/ in potency toad poser, pen•trat-
isg at arc* to the diseased serve Moreno.
-serve pain caro --iota toothache in a
looniest. Nervihsm the meet tnsrv.11nea
pale remedy knows ie .ries.., may he seed
fir ail nerve pains. Teat as moo fso ef-
remens•d evwwteee.
The •atresia of the ship Hardeok wry M
ea* woo.aiew tartly neeperated by the
onusplaiate of the uses he the fe'e's% of the
go•lity of the meat supplied te /hem.
" Shan, ea I trio's Any that It shoats r
he sold, es sae of the weleesb•M breaths
ah • par.Matarly .$...., massa he ids be -
yea harp
a▪ rwmkiiug. sad. belied t It y g •l+y!
nee fey yes abase
s skcl
st#� ' .litter real grew, cash ibe
wseweer roar the "OW VOILIP> ....
keeper by Whiten Abs Ons .110101011
chic Liver .7 Her Kindred- TM Mord
so Kai and the Vienne so Avoid,
11 111 noselbte for a woman to eo re-
gulate lust lite nowadays that Me can
*sally live to be one bundrrd years
old. It depends very largely on what
le eaten after We age of thirty years
IA reached.
The Met thing to do 1s to avoid food
that contains Itutellke properties. For-
swear table d'hote dinners sad floe
strictly acrorllag to the ruin el
health. Eat fruit Of :a:l varieties. Front
contain* • large amount of acid, and
that neutralises the effect of then
elements which make old age creep
fast upon us. The batt thine to avoid
Ia bread It 1s ower that just the
thing the world eats most of le in groat
degree contributory to shortness of
human existence. but medical science
declares this to be a fact, 8o we must
cut bread off the bill of tare alto-
But It you mist be careful sa to
whet you eat, you must also be doub-
ly careful about what you drink. In
the Alps and in the Pyrenees there
Is a race of people where boys be-
come old men at fifteen and die of
old age at thirty, all because they
drink Ilene water. That long-lived
race of people. the (`htnese, drink only
fain water, if they can possibly ob-
tain 1t.
It might seem a slmpie matter to
keel; lime out of um system. but when
you e.mie to examine the matter great
difficulties present themselves. Every
article of food contains lime. All vege-
tables gather It up from the earth.
The cow* and the sheep get lime from
the vegetables. and man gets It from
both. of course there are some arti-
cles of diet that are freer from lime
than other's. and if these only are
ch.' sen, then something can be done
about lengthening the ordinary span
of life.
(Onions. the doctors say. are adtnlr-
able youth preservers, and next to
them comes the great food of the
eastern races -dentals. Fish Is really
the best thing, next to fruit. nice
comes a little w -ay behind. Then fol-
low eggs and pork. After these come
the different vegetable -s and then real,
mutton, beef and Howls.
Lterienel % .*a * o1 Tire.
The decimal fanatics, sage the Lon-
don Chronicle, have brokten out In •
new Place. As soon as the French
Chamber gets to work again. M. Etien-
ne ,the Deputy for Oram, will introduce
a bill to establish the decimal hour--
ourthat W. an hour divided into 100 min-
utes. each minute combating of 100
seconds. M. Etienne and his support-
ers contend that many laborious cal-
culations would be avoided by this
Innovation. The reform, however,
must of necessity entail a rearrange-
ment of the circle, and a consequent
modification of the received methods
of angular measurement. Moreover,
there can be little doubt that the roost
thon.ugh-going advocates of the
change aim at the ultimate institu-
tion of 24 hours --an idea adopted for
a brief Period by the convention. and
employed by Emplace in the calcula-
tions M het " Mecanique Celeste." To
this scheme. It is true, many eminent
French physicists are utterly opposed.
In eplte of the alluring and sometimes
fallacious simplicity of their beloved
decimals. There Is yet another pro-
tect for setting *p "a unhersal day."
A l:lowleg Palatlag.
Decorative artists are naturally ln-
tet'ested in the descrtptlon a a novel
• f panting recently brought
to notice by a 8wedtah genius, Mr.
G., h'-nburg- a process which,
=• rens. rend,•re 1t possible to adorn
feet ,elrh arUstically-executed
paintings ht such a way as to serve as
parcels for furniture or s• articles of
,...t. Td so high a
.: y;r• r of beauty, In tact. has this
urt.us application of coloring been
carried that specimens exhibited In
Berlin by the originator are and to
have excited great attention. Dy a
method peculiar to Mr. Swen, the em-
ployment of phosphorescent matter In
the colors produces • glowing bril-
liancy, which, In semi -darkness or en-
tire obscurity, Illumines these panels
with a glowing light of singular at-
tractiveness. A. represented, this
kind of painting Is not only fadeless,
but. being protected by the plate class,
is indestructible. Glass plates of this
decorative character are by experts
pronounced much preferable to me-
inllca lilies on the score of beauty and
PkyaiNra'. Neale or Frere.
**ropes of fah subject the Medical
Record says In s recent Issue: The
country practitioners in Austria com-
plain that the fees which they receive
are too small. and one ..f them has
propescd the following anal« eth.• equi-
valents being riven In Amer!can
money): Office vleit. 1'13 centt: first
vire to patient's bowieb es rat.; suh-
oenuent visits. 25 vente tach; night
ca'Is, 0s. rent.: s•t'Ir.g a [:'acture.
k:.2',: major *ure en' •.t t to eon.. 'moth
as amputations and the like. trim Ill
to tt9: hypodermic Inert: el. se cents;
anteexin inlectior.s. ten cents; bectetio-
*nplc esaminatfOn., pe cents. The
priers ed the ornfes.Ion do not seem
to IN In Austria.
%ser 1111.h e..r .a lo,o1M.
Po;.nd up the meat from the tender -
.wt and whitest part of a holed chick-
en with an equal weight of *tale
bread etumbe. Arid the broth of the
chleken, stir wen. put Into • sauce-
pan. and atter hotting for two minutes
rub rhe whole through a sieve.
aa. Pyoid leer (*Wont.
WSW Ltrabjl. the only woman lawyer
M Ads hag just achieved the dis-
tinction or treeing • ellewt or the
charm. .4 murder She f• the fine
woman to have charge rat a murder
LUG lar.AAow's Ar. sal -a.
elms Hraddnn, the novella. Is en op-
posed 50 110111g photographeit that ahs
re -entity refund 0110 in arch and
royalty on all photographs c0 hoar tame
tsight be sold.
thav Tans. IIp*.isseae I. All wee United
*Wee ass lantana
?here are only two gtr•sITes In LW*
United States and one In Englaud,an t
un the continent of Europe the dents
te Y remarkable. In the wild be.s1
m.arkr•t Ibere ora tonna tel ky Aalf, and
ecdlectors are compelled to send al:• lit s
Into the interior of Mouth Amos to n --
euro theme
The giraffe Is fast dleap{...t.ug b
fore the encreaehmsstt oe than, an 1
lung before the central plateau e' 4.5
elect' is its habitat, hsn b•••
'tinned up to elvIlizaa.'n, It will U;.
the great' AWL, have bees cusnpleteie
wiped out.
Formerly giraffes were exhorted from
'Porth Africa by WILY of the tied ter •.
but pence the introduction of lrearn..
and their general use by the He.loun.e
and 8oudanewe In hunting, their thud
animals have burn driven tar south of
the Soudan. 8o the only gateway that
IP practicable to bring them out
Africa now. Iles through Cape Toe ,
end for the last halt desen years are
that presents almost lneutxrable dile
ultles, on account of 'the eextettutt
ars between the natives and the Doers
and EnglOh.
At the beginning of the present cen-
tury. says The New York Journal, gi-
raffes ranged *a tar south as the banks
.'t the (!range lever, but they are nut
to !'emetw below the N..rth Kalah-
ari coli try
There has never been a large number
of giraffe; In American oolleetboue
theugv in 1803 one grew tth"w went
--tong en giraffes, and exhibited a herd
of twenty-one, probably the largest
that has ever teen stern tugether,dnto
In the wild state they do not herd 1•
large numbers, and are never found 1't
croups lit more than hour or Ave.
The giraffe Is not a hardy animal le
captivity. It does not thrive un dry
fund. like most ruminant animal',
tt'hieh du almost is.. well on bay all use
grass. In the wild State the giraffe
feetim almost entirely on the leaves lame
tulles ..f a species chit acacia, which the
Boers cal kameel-doorn,ur camel th..n
the giraffe Itself being kn"a n to then.
am kamc.'l, 0r camel. The fend Impar'.
t.. the fiesb a pung,-nt atomalk tlav,.t.
Met makes giraffe steak a daltcae,
h'.rhly esteemed by African hunter*.
Ther,' is no animal which elves it -
1.••• per more trouble In • menagerie.
r'. t even the treacherous elephant.
While the giraffe M gentle in dlspo.l-
nen, and not given to atte k, even to
t11,• wild state. it is stupid and oheti-
t :tte. soul cannot be taught to mind.
.t full grown un« cannot he Ween
alive. for when defence is no Ionic
5' 'srthle. it will kill itself. 8Nt-destruo -
tf„n fs not difficult in Its case., either,
for the long neck is easily broken
Pismo Absurd Theorise.
The recent death tit a man who bad
maintain all his life 'hat the •'tart°
v, as flat, recalls the curious theories
cntortalned by the ancients to explain
th, rising and setting ',f the sun. They
thought the eart.t was hat. and were
greatly pusxled to know how the same
nun. .chIeh p'unc.-d Into the ocean at
a fabulous datance In the west, could
r' appear tee next morning at an equal -
:y great distance In the east.
A number of remarkable theories
tore advanced, and every . ne of them
teeing. The old myth..be.gy asserted
that atter the sun hail dipped in the
western ocean at email Ube Iberians
and other ancient nations actually
imagined they could hear the hisatne
e•f the waters when the glowing globe
'vas plunged therein) he was seised by
Vulcan oral placed In a g"lden g'•hfet.
This strange craft, with its astnnlch-
In. cargo, nawIgaled the ec'ean by ..
northerly course, so •s to mach the
cart again in time for sunrise the fol-
lowing morning.
Amongthe mere sober physicists ,1t
cid, as related by Arise -We, it was be
Itci-ed that In some 'oftener- the see,,
was conveyed by night tiereathe
northern regions, ane! t'tat darkness
was due to lofty mountains. which
screened off the sunbeams during the
LooM,.•a 1118 lir "k Bill.
The most recent temperanne Malls
tics published In London show that the
annual consumption of itquor in the
capital le largely on the ince-one. It la
estimated that the sum of E20,001l,0a,1
lir 5100.000.00.), w111 be spent this year
in ale/melte drinks by the dwellers In
the metropolis. This sum. It 1s comput-
ed. would nearly eight times pay the
ttehool Board maintenance, added to
the cost of necessary new school build-
The appropriations for the relief of
the poor In London are abort Slime 2,„
Oen, which H only one-eighth of the
tots) drink bill. The London debt of
about 594.000,000 could be pod In one
year by the amount spent On liquor
and a balance ot nearly 114.000.000 lett
When 1t is taken into roriddoratkm
that liquor 1s much cheaper In Landon
than here, the enormous quantity eon -
awned Is largely in excess of what It
at first appears to be.
The report•ntan'. Chane..
The French ninny of New Caledonia
he troubled with a plague M deer.
There are no wild beast., Indigenous
en thin Island. bus 10 learn from a Bri-
tish consular report that the Aastr'a-
Itan deer imparted within the last et
years has se multiplied that inland
fanny are ravaged by them every
night, and even the balconies of the
farmers' huneatowa are occasionally In.
retied 1n search M stored train or veg-
etal,l e.
TAey are frequently found within .s
mile of the town, and anyone with the
ordinary license ran kill them; but
the climate sad the magnetcent stretch
of uniteputated country ,with mountain,:
Mpg feet 1n height, are an w e11 adapted
to their Increase that they are toe,;t,
nine to be regarded like the nen t
pest In Queensland. Why do not seem„
wealthy .portmeten try a season 1.:
New Caledonia !
Felber of eyes.
The .n -relied "father of oats" le on -
of the moot Important personae.g in
w Mohammedan caravan This r+,•
.h1.kh carries on him camel ,snout
dc.w.n haak.ts filloe with the erglkwt
speMntens of the feline race.
Al ISwdtrrs Asthma.
11s dletinctkin antentg animade of re-
quiring least sleep b.4niiaw to the ele-
phant. in spite M by capacity for
hard work. the elephant seldom. V ever,
/Mots more than tour, or, oenaMomelbe
itee hewn.
Nervous Prostration
Olrplats lAsseverp by the Ilse d
gayeties Sarsaparilla -
"limns years ash, es • result et lee
elms astestioa tg business, my health
failed. I bobcats* weak, nervous, was
tumble 10 look atter my interests, "and
tadteMed all the symptoms of a Ain
s11•.. I Wok three bottles of Ayer's
Sarteapetelb, began W improve at mese
and gradual, r increased my wel,ht from
one bondre.l and twenty -nye to two
hundred pounds. Since then. I and my
Wail, bays used this medicine when
seeded, and we are all 1n the best of
bealth, a fact which we attribute to
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my rt•11-
dren would bare been fatherless to+lay
nacl It not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
of wheel preparation 1 cannot ray too
mnc•h."-H. O. Htir.ow, Postmaster and
Planter, Kinard's, 8. C.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
AYER'i tall!. Save Doctor's liiHs.
always on hand.
The tet and only Scranton Cos' in
thea market
SOFT and
- COAL -
always ou hand.
:►11 Coal weighed on the n1
sales, so that you are sure of good
t 'M. LEE.
et Harbor quay.
HARPER i L='S `+tare.
f1 AMALTOa ret-i0101tt IT araatz 1 o.
sm. /extol. McMartin, t7 Itedeab.rst St., Taeame.
erar. , wean. that ;freeman's "Kootenay (Ln- sus44
M se rani. •hw-h rs wlers• pts et.l. of ler bob
Ora,. Pht.iclv"....t there eel seehesye
w over teworrrier the use 01 her hobs Bepe
dssoi.d her. Mot to.ta. she is 0' 5 s around wan
M Sheds now Rye -roams.', "►nitre (hire -
am We o happier, Seem to July 10, dmf,
Wan J. W. Seymour corky. Notary P Wl.
Lois white. aloe pears old, oho taaw.d qtr
ttma eines hr bine. has Mean ani iM, eared sail
pared warm hull • up ey k 1 ca ma '• '•Keeers,
is. The *Mose bet. .5, r4r.r..n •...n MI►
mase by her winch., M . 1.eoego whir., to
vie J. jL, naiemoee, stn c, dstol ♦air o.t�
need,. Molar.' hum,.
A p*sasavi.o MISTS RUED - amass
**&'h. t. 0e.moii, 17 Bern"annlgtl 5. , Tustls
.tat., -ea •.ayeptorbs. of bless teoselms "are
se/tem, teen. Kidney tra.He and
Wee hsp.olly dlalurb.d •. night. lost hi. soselles
rad eyes eery eke awe the Krim, • are now Y •
___Muss, hos serrate font, pimp tars.
wienpathat Buret ; o: One eat deme 1p
'Eastensy Cure.- N. disks mom
se the 300 MK*
lasersJ w •'V�wf
ASE6TR0JO RR08. &t0.
Pump & Fanning till Wokii
MOP /Si&RTM♦>ty t
A large @Soak of very (Motes Pumps, mese-
teetered free se)sct.d Muskoka 0a•rtad
pt ". with Meets out out.
o.f .�iteeeo P10 .n. revr body tine
la a number
every pleas
Very asp worth." pomn for dere sells.
Ir teeapped eland fes pomp. for school -
yard. i.omee plesps, ole.
are aT FILM for epraylag tee.*.
Inmates beepi., widens pielle .. 01['111.
gwtr1Urw. eta
�Me�l4* &nestles etto drawn, weerftfrom will • ti.e1111q. Mat11as areas. Iron end
wand ptpleg; weed hers ape laic-I,*ed Of
Wens rl •1414.1.: Deaner roping any here;
Willes LILA" I, weed or eslssat lTUTssaa,
1111111111 SATS Tem, eYTMId ansa,
LAM Psggt e4., tel,
soma seems Wa MAT.
tta4 11ine
j.� gyp•• .tt.tA.a.n. a
�i sa's11 Wed LOVA
84 aWftMi M soden promptly
3&i08 & co
The Signal
rr• AssnwYI sMrtiw M fes
peeetiJdi wypk •n ma
W r seseatias d ell deem el
tom-� AAsparrsi��led et an tttr�rstlsss,
b~iss stlTpdsTtet if iii* fps MT•
Ika1 oar alerts a plssss tttrap��
this antrum' oar petro s with
twoot %te.6.s
euseful die is kepi in kilt•
of Whl efiea came M
ntt�0. }etas
are not so generally eased, they
an important place in oonuuerci•
oorre.poodmas Bee what mem
got ander the above he*da.
Letter iiet►&s
In this line we have a very large
stocn of fine writing papers suit
able for every char of business
represented in this locality, axn,
prtsinf laid and wove, linen,.,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
Or unruletl, se tray be required,
iSt\1 %ta&s
If the " pay-as-you-go" plan wse
the order of the day the demand
or account paper would not be
so great ; but there are some men
who get a0 many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is coin
plate in this line with four aura,
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and emits colt/Ines. They coulee
cheaper than till hesdir, and a.e
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are aures to fetch him 'round -
lei tatl>sNOtt.tb
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envetes, and to
keep up with the demand or
them we keep a large stmt o
hand. We have now about .
hundred thousand in stock, aud
the prices will range from 75c. to
$2.00 per M. We handle cub,
mer'ci•i and legal sires exclusively,
1,°Tim lents\ Prtat tatg
hes already been partially .nom
erat.ud in some of the heads alert e.
There is, however, a vest amoun
of work under this head that to
euutnerate would more than take
up the entire apace occupied 1i,
this adv't, but we do it all at Ten
t iMaatatitoras
to an "At Hoene" or a wedding
require considerable taste in melee
tion sometimes, but we make it
an testy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and bees
samples to be had. Cell and an
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord sad pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the differ
est kinds of work we tura out,
but especially in this, and kap
in stock plain and fancy paper•
suitable for all requirements.
ar&s tate& 'C'kc sets
Thie head coven a large rage of
woes, from a bread or milk ticket
to a n. •. t calling card, from an or-
dinary W.mi ion ticket 00 • tasty
business card or • handmaid,
printed membership ticket.
Our facilities for turning out this
clap of work are evidenced by i;hs
fact thhe great balk d dine
dome byat uta, This line alto in
which our three fast -running job
presses are able to turn out in
surprisingly abort time.
a\e WA\s
belong to the poster (i pertinent
elan, and we make a specialty rf
them -promptness being oar site
in this respect A notice of rte
will appear in Tea Siogat free of
charge when bills for same ate got
41\t Kort&s OS' Ork
in the typographical prindng lies
can lye done in this estabiiabaent
in as expsdi0osg anti .ltislie
'oftener and
Out let tits wt\1 be Sown*
e s.% rtompskab\t.
We inland sot thanks for past fay
or. and solicit •-e it:iaisenOs of tits
mow T AT. 81 0111,11/41...
*imp ors