HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-11-5, Page 1M WHIT
(e Tae CHEAP'S!
UtsselatMr d Poen
Mein 6
Fatally Gw.mu-lksrdy ares 6
Bay Leat-&.si.t Ofi•s 2
Seised toe Yeas.-Falhrd t Co 3
Nokia he Creditors -Thea Geadryti
Sp..hl tW-W. Ashman ! Ben b
New lima Lias-Jrrth.. MOM 5
App'w-Istp.risl Predate Ce
Winter 80110--F. J. Pridk•m 4
For the Meath-- R e. stash 4
Eye Op..... ---B. B. Politer .. ....... 8
This day tires weeks will be Tb•akegiv-
log Dey.
Ukase's store leeks pretty with hs ism..
damson lights.
A vein largo somber of farmers were in
to oe S•terday.
Hely Cosaetaats was aelebratsd .t St.
t;sorge's en Stoney.
Aadmars Bran. & Co. shipped a ter load
of bogs on Thursday.
ladies 8.mmer changed to Canadian
Fall Witter on Saturday.
There Imre testy -eve disappointed on -
'motors s Mooney eventing.
Be".Iar meeting of Hers Eaoampmsat
Na 28, Next Msda'Tering.
Hers Ledge No. 62, 1. U. (1. F. holds
is regular meeting this evening.
The store on the corner of N est -'t le me
ire steely 6tt.ed .p fee • tenant.
Resider swum of Method Lodge Nn.
33. A- F, and A M.. Dell Tuesday nese
The brisk work of Wei. Acb.sow's new
dualists on Newgate at was oump;eted this
A large number cf our people sew the re-
design from the Clusts tiro durug Friday
The .Nies to the bsoycle f•glory r
mass. is and the brick work was started
The organ factory made kegs shipments
to Nova Swam std New Brah.wts the
past week.
:\ large number of men are engaged ex
gneiss/ Wars ie order for the optima at St.
Peter'. oe Bosley.
1f our spwmmen would shoot the nimbi
that make their drawee knows to se ta
often sew rdrye.all would be thankful.
Fee McConakilee most delioi ioa Jerre,
t item Sodas sed Coalectissriee p to L.
Hlecketese's Weetet. Oyster Parlor. 93.41
As stied on Hallowe'en therm were boy
yomar parties, and tbosgk there were may
lords of amtsemento "telly pule" teak the
Pseti.thwaite was eit•reed before the
P.M. ea yaterd•y with seseshists a Salyu-
t -0a Army officer and bound over to key
the pesos.
limy ought to weed the free @spl•.•-
Tor, pectora es &Mw Bioeatles, in the
central .`ieiinaILt at 8, by the pried.
tel of the Events, Gmmerei.l Claws.
Itr.bc4s5 het were cut dews Som' three
or four weeks eines by the mos extort the
iocsodeesert wires may still be sees s
Rist et. 'l bey amid be Irks away at
It is said that if time equal to ea expen-
diture of tae orals bad bees given to "see
barrel of apples peeked it wood have re-
turned one dollar ea we barrel skipped
this seam.
THE Vrresoora.-1)os'1 til to ase the
vkaesep* at tie Opera How this (Thurs-
day evening These who have seen it all
admit that it le the most enervale.s d Bdl-
sea's weedsrfs! inveaties.
At the meMiug d the Bees Bull (lab on
Tuesday gneiss ea eimi-see vote et
t►ske was tendered the G.de ori Amateur
Dramatic Comae, sad the ether Iodise
sed gs.tlems whit se kindly gave Neer as -
Maw ie roth g sp the consort.
The ewes d the childres whe have
Mee the highest .umber d marke in the
diterm'objects err t4• melte of Ootebw
ere as fellow :
Seeker Meth .less-Aeiotien Dolma
Wei MoDeaatd and Kati" Webb (equal:
readlae, C.e.W McComas ; arthogrohy.
Miry Msay.y ;
well EMly
anima, Casella Ma / rmee s A.s4.
McDonald ; arosmir Assts Me d
=Issir.pky. lip KMIy end Annie Me -
equal) : beasey. AM. 14.1 4
hangers, Philip Mealy. PUB'
Kelly ; ped sedttol. PliMp KWy :=
lend_ a hothead ; ..seal highest.
P ti.hilip Kielty.
-laser fourth .hemi--(1rMMa Das(leis*,
Mel' P•y,e ; twdisa, D. J. Neville ; sr-
rs• pig mid Lem N llebs
Lam las. LeNivel*: writing. � Nosing.;
Rnisamar, May Paye .e.P. hy. D. J.
N ; I '. ym ory,ai tame Dem ; H
.sedaet, M. Parte: ifghiio to�1al"'•Mme.
pane : *Mond D. J. Neville. �M�a��
Juice tided Daibfim,
(lrteresale.e Mania resale."sh"1rrbsaty. Regsse Dein sat Mili
(equal); aehbmnle. Swam Dena
"'Pik'. gyp.* Dasa s e iIYe t. Marprol
Kees nod Mary Ph.W (sial) : grammar.
Kers*Se NeNe.: negraple..f.. i ittiwste e, Des.
*Sete. lion N saga..
4• : geed oe.iset, Mary Ph@sse Vd
me tea. Beim, D..s ; sweet bisheet.
Sera Maim.
M j sir@ mattaste ea4. MIN primed a1
�� vu • freemswesa
la ods hfw ale le the tines of
Wednesday. Nev. 18, es the preen=
nele R R .lames, H 're. red, see sells
Wen Gedoeisle • feelspewdpw.�I�aBi rd Wok
nethe s.. ! 0. ?MO OewasT, isatf..sor.
neve wfM Iib amid et the sesilmse el R.
Mlam.1 1slss.-s4, ea McBip, IN+.
0•e/ a M 1
fete a hos /apo►
Imam. Jeer Belt...
�eda d s. hgegrr. hill
k OM 1, SeteMISON as
What 1. Oohs on at this Capital
Mother Coaesrv.uve Maeda* Bmeites ie
Ws - A Mese of Mg Waterpower
Uinta away -Irving se Bomar
Peet the OM T.ry teepee.
OTTAWA, Nov. '2. -Were any o
Go*. Porter is reported as still improv•
Mn Armour was risings is CUaw leer I Notable Events 1n Few Words
P New, of headwall, was it tows this
F. Elliott, of Exeter, was u tows ea Set
Mr. and Mrs. gasser were is Clasen ea
Thursday. '
W. A. Owl .a Ms Tbured.y 01
last w••ek.
t Mn. I. F. 71146 was le (i"iistoe last
yea rodent ever troubled with what poeYm
written wealth oall en „ sohtaa void '" The
0.ptisom, void, bottowsem or (50500,
era seadrssamig today M my mash for awe.
If Nae is an anew of news I have •
pretty geed Mary te tell yon an spits of that
whirs void. I de.'/ believe oar victory on
the 233rd el June hos eves allayed your
thirst for awe. 1 always felt wises la
these letters I upend the Fred. nein
Bridge deal, the Tobwlue Valley Railway
job..0d the Goodwin coestract ..alai,
hod you with me, sad whoa I tell you that
1 mance get over my propensity for expos-
ing polttlral anthers .sed that I have booked
mother fish yogi well prick up your saes to
Mar all about it.
t I Lts ysr flblIkfr, d >bnin.k, wee i. tows
I e Friday.
Mesa X. Saobler hes elbowed frost Sarnia
to lileisrbk.
F. Bsj..ea, of Mootresl, spent Sudsy
in Gsdsrieb.
Fred Has4uxe, of Sosforth, was in Cede
rieb $tachy.
coater Carrell is doing atosly after bin re-
peat .eoldent.
14. and Mn. F. Blear returned to Brae -
tale last week.
E. C. Griffis. of W in0hem, was in Gods -
rich last week.
R K. Homestead, of Mitchell, was I•
tows ea Fnday,
F. M. Stowe, of Clinton, spent Sued y
,n thee* torn.
Albert Dynan,. M.P., Yranee i0,, was in
town yesterday.
C'.•. Hnmt r. by latest reports, is get-
ting along nicely
Mr. and Mae Meloomsoo w ere cutting la
Chalon test week
Maes Tena 'Nattier, spew a few day. is
Clinton last .elk
Jas. Soots, barrister, of Chatun, was et
toss Site Feet week.
Mn. Blackstone spent a ooaple of days in
Clinton the past week.
N Dynes?. of Barrie•, was ,n Godt.i it
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs Broeab•11, of Toronto whin toe■
on • short not on Friday.
t'e-oy Meloomsoo,'larruter, of Luck.ow,
spent Sinday- in Godenoh.
L. H. Dickson, ot Exeter, was in the
county town on S.turday.
W. R. Millar, of Toronto, spent a few
days ie the old town last week
Mn. P. Deans, of Wiarb.m, u visiting
iter enter in-law, lire Jno W. Vele tar.
8. Morrow returned from the (lorries
Bey on F nd•y on .0000nt of his wife'. ill:
Mise Mary D Wilson. who had beta
e roding three woks 'theme is town, left
for home, Dear Wbitsoboroh Oat Saturday.
Von will admit, of you have studied the
geography of your 000ntry, that the St.
[cereal.' R,v.r is a pretty big river, one
of your that brooks, and tbst IS. strong
correct is capable of developte4 • pretty
good bead of water power. Well, at Sheiks
1.1•nd -- you ell remember Sleeks blend
where the Davis Brothers rot the contract
from the Government for building • 6385,.
000 dem without tenders very large body
el the gnat St. Lawresee River rasbm
etroeoh betimes it and the main lend It
M the ooesaruotioo of the dem that bas de-
veloped the water power. Now what will
you sty whoa 1 tell 7s that Use same Devi@
oaaosrn,l or cm el them, is January last,
without Leader seemed • 21 years' lee, re
solvable for another 21 yaw, of this
gig a4c water power for the small sum of
41.000 per maw, no rent to be paid foe
the first two years. The lata Government
did assay damnable things, but it would be
bard to and • mors daama•ble sacrifice 'of
the country's wee then in the ow of this
lee to Davis They simply handed over
the property to Davie at has own, offer with-
out making any attempt to see bow maoh,
in your i berme a, they meld realize upon
this tremendous water power, the wbole
throe of the St. Lawmen River. Can you
blame tae for liking to expose the polluo•I
sinners when I discover them pulling the
(:ovenmst's, or rather the country's 4.1.
Well, the is • now .osadsl. It is the first
time yen or anybody else has beard of it
bat it will new peas into the loan list of
sambas we have.expeeed is the@. letters.
What do you think of Minister Maack
What do you think of the two.o•nd•1@ that
have developed to the Peet Office Depart-
ment daring tic past ten days That was
• aim Job at Brno/inlet where James Kav-
anagh drew • salary of 14100 as mail trans-
fer clerk tor performing the very work kis
brother ['star, resides tarty mile. away,
was also receiving $400 • year tor perform -
tor soder contract. Then the case of the
Guillett Brother. (reran Gosllett, Tory
M.1'., .ad he brother Charles with two
frisds demented a feint sots. The pro-
ceeds of this note went to Posimietn.a
Schwabe. er 110 equivalent amount, 111,000
Tb. G4IUN,ts say it was • loan. Any .ay
Mia Schwabe roped cm the 18411 of Jam
sed Chas. Geiltt was appointed peotmastw
.t O.b.orn u her .teed imw.aiately atter
the Maim is Jam. The Ottawa Journal,
an Isispead-t paper, in referees to this
doll, Sys : ' It is becomi.4 extremely la -
t resting es noes how meaty reties tras.-
ssfM.a,•re semis' up which hire ea is-
oseismal* made by the late Government
after its defeat at the pals."
t llatraancetP0 Tag OLD coarse -
It was . b.pp t•mdy gathering that met
M saved.. M Toronto laic week, . meet-
ing et the " mi..playsd." The ms all
bad a goad job @tee-B.p.rt, Mslsru@,
Tapper, Tinian. Wood sad Howell -bat
you told them s the 23rd at Jam that yea
tie ugbt the sfficiesey d the p.Mi..wv4..
meld 110 preempted if these gentlemen
would step Isle rearms" far • while.
Thar *violin. wee • sunrise. But what
ea uhlhities. Bowel, Kamert, Weed
and Mo.t.g.s ail t ainee tate bed be-
aolher mos mere. Verily polities melte
stnew bad fellow. Why, it was only is
Jamary bat, mid, bedew wietb.r it was hr
..me. thee thee* same me palled all the
bbakh d [Sir 1f•eks.ie mite telt him to
e..,.. A remeseU4tl.. W hen sir ed,
..d the.. burry .sue tut .f s jab are
MOM then stores to ream p mess ise
the treseury Meshes
V the easeablm., .taNwo polities! w
who d..g, as tor as Coes ..a ba the di-
noli.s d hems* a wsg.es..tt, it tbq have
sa] .uuds ep the Mew, they hen set
them dews yet. S• far the 'mery
does ate epitome to hew* suffered by the
.rya The nv..m M 4.1a ones -
guest ups. mewed Imp.rnliod O.r ex-
pert Wade M leaks .p,a.i Oakley i1 al be
mstbw, lbw. l ae .....able sou.. Ong
. Mee here aro s yet, me evil..... el
extravagance, b.4 ea the ether 4501,'. Ind
• mess di@pesiti.e le oat de.. espsaii-
ton. I. every d* arteasst
L talkie" today with • promisee Om -
mermen trees see at the sslyfy weds -
mem, ouners.M+ drifted tato the sab-
►j..t d them Mew. My Mead sail :
" 0k, we 1..w who writes these Gem'.
helm : N M Sssaer 8. -•.d -o*," wing .
.. who Me o the Upper Aember.
i 4 4 ..MO=biblles \MA.* gr..pi.R the
sep•atia, . la the A.l@f IheM is i. One as
sear se I IOU over flat to the mend
i will la tense eabserW myself to t�.m
1Mhse Tb SslraTtl..
T.S.-lb Mohs d.a tMssa't le. eras with.
out Ohs amionesnes.
Weeks M•D...M sad D. Marna hate
N tmmd from peke d the Weeds, .4a/.
they .sew Ming the past mesa.
The Udorleb Lambe 04. ls sew w1�Ygg
ibbtak. o thee.'. W a.olhw
The water was very bleb s Sandal and
M oodey.
The boat horses are beginning to move-
s son sign of Waster.
The eche. Todmaa hes stowed her sails
and taken her winter berth.
Not an additional spde was driven wooed
the Make crib the past week.
Tb. eohr. (oriaarde was in port all pito
past week trestles for orders to sail.
Th. harbor lumber mill has an immense
timothy of slabs piled mated* use worts.
'1'he steam barite Jenne arrived last week
with • cargo of mai for the bicycle a.d ar-
ras factories.
'l.'be -loroh have not remained an harbor
and off the pier as los • time as they have
e 4 otter years.
The tug Evelyn was assured the past
week on the retake pipe work trod in towing
raft@ of logs from the river to the bvbor.
The See Hasan, fishing tug, Cept•iw N.
MoD..ald, arrived s Memaday from the
Daeke, and has some into her Water berth.
The steamer St. Andrew arrived this
week with a cargo of wheat teem Fort Wil-
liam for millers alma tie. Greed Trask
Tb. fishes tug Sea Gull. Captain D.
MoKay, reached port from Smith Bay ow
Monday eases. The tag baa take. up
Wiuw gmeters
C. E. L. U.
The following .re the tepee for the cid
Serosa yor.g people's wise= .111.11 meet
daring aext week :
Norsk -et Methodist ober.\ 1.1. d C.L.
Fr.d•y evsiag •t 7:30 o'Walk. Tepee for
Nov. 6:h, "God's pledges and stn; by
Mae L Acheson. Comore l.. sad roll
K.ox Church T.P.S.O.S., Tuohy evs•
tan at 8 .'sl..11. Tape ten hombre
10, ' The meat Mt ...deg Hie" 1 k..w
newt foreign mbele.s," by Mise Magi*
All are o dimly M.iled be attend these
msu1ses, whish are held M the 4a.smet.,
-...teas derby the wmes.r mobs .t
g*Omsk. Yiellise e4ties ammi lly velem*
d gehw so -
B. B. C. Bmrinrr,-VMtcria hew
was fairly filled as MM.4ay sys.f.p► the se
asci.. Mao • Menet se the Ben
Ball Club. lbs Seo para of the program
/em toted el two gm.rt..1oe well give by
Mese. Fans, Basher, Dymesk, sad Mee -
near. • se. 'hintingly nattered by Mee
in Lime, whit bas bestow • gamest
favorite. • sate see give with mob
etareseiw by Mie Lasa Anemia, ..d •
seta by the well knows R W. peg... The
el pastime by Will R Clar4s was melt
admired .ad freely applauder. Tile drama
Manatee was, as the whole, Feely put s
the sett¢., Ms Ito pewwhtiw wee some-
what marred by mew ere d the ,, I.
ROM fergeMag their Uma Al Wain be ex-
me es a•
O'CCalloghoe .d the ladies
ies lakes gait is
the play kept ep thee repeaices low se-
ll ..d awned .pope. Mea 4 W. Lag.
mad Mei Mabel Arnhem were GISMO ea
temp ibm
s Melealeies ea]U t 12,000 vaideley l-
elsilaR 3.000 emsii..m, pass tb.esu the
S1.m.d, Landes. la a day. mad the wen -
am d the serest stases sash d she 63.000
emsputs be mwk ea as awe...., thee.
minutes The 1.4 tel e M Wm peal*
3,110 4suw t the messy wase d wkf.i, at
the very mdsreto ems d see es
brie. o t1g7 pen day, se bow mei pen
►lir S..y
tlterld a N.pedals• 1.re11•117
...ruled sad 1'.t 1e1..beer ler
Imo, meaner. - Les tater
r.Wa ra..gr.pbed.
TR 1: IlLAD.
Dr. L. L. L.. Ds aulnlers, Inspector
of Prisons and Asylums for Queboa
died at Montreal at the age of 71
George Towns of Newcastle, New
South Wales, Iles challenged Gsudaur
for the sculling championship, but he
wants the champion to go to Australia
t.0 row.
Four thousand London cabman an
now on strike.
All the workmen at the ConstanU-
nol,lr arsenal have struck work for the
)fors -payment a arrears in wages.
e1 t1 1115.,..
Meda Crawford, the daughter of Po -
Ike s. ,grant Robert Crawford of Lon -
dun, tint, comm ctrl suicide at her
home by hanging herself. The dead
girl was not out of her teens.
A woman named Prpt,-r, employed
b) Mr. Judson Baker of Hurtch-s Cor-
ners, was found dead on the floor of the
house. with a quanta) o. Paris green
near by. It is supposed that she com-
mitted suicide.
1.01 .. 1 .r. IMPEND IL.
The British Caldnet will resume Its
meetings 00 Wednesday to prepare for
the work of next session.
There 'ih no confirmation either In
Lundun or Waehtngt..n of the rumored
appointment int a tribunal to deal with
the Venezuelan boundary dispute.
The Lord Mayor's banquet was held
at the Mansion House on Monday, and
Lord Salisbury mad.- an important
speech on British Foreign affairs.
Thr Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound
Railway L completed from Ottawa to
the waters of the Georgian Bay.
Cars have begun running on the
completed line of the H., G. k B. Elec-
tric hallway between BeanngrUle and
The Railway Committee of the Privy
Council has made az, interim order to
allow the T., H. A B. Railway Com-
pany to proceed teeth the building of
the spur line at the DesJarriins Canal
when it deposits 120.UO0/ in the Bank 04
Montreal in trust for the Hamliton th
Milton Road Company.
1'O 1.1 114 e --e' A % A 1)1 A N .
Hon. Mr. Laurier was banqueted at
.rQueb.' .
The Saskatchewan Libe-rals will con-
vene on Nov-. 25 to seteet a candidate
for the Commons.
Thr Dominion Government is expect-
ed shortly to in vestige!. charges cf
active prlitkal interference brought
against some of the minon- urn. tale an
the Montreal pwt'dflce.
The Government cruiser Petrel ar-
rived in Port Stanley, tent., on There -
dap night, having on board a number
of sturgeon nets and herring nets,
which were -.td ed from American boats
tor &eking in Canadian waters.
T.•.-...e.L.Ct 1.11 ,..L.. .1...11.1►.
Pref. Robertson, the Dairy Commis -
Stoner. baa completed a plan far assist -
Ing creameries in the Northwest Terri-
While the want of rain has caused a
wseat famine in India, excessive rains
have destroyed the potato clop of the
West of Ireland.
Cablegrams receival from Bombay
say that the drouth continues, with nu
.tgns of abatement, and that the crop
situation In India I daily becoming
more se loua
The mill at Cornelia. S.D., will again
this winter use the RuaSlan thistle for
fuel, and farmers are offered a dollar
and a half a ton for all the thistles
they can furnish.
A block o1 two storis and six dwell-
ings was burned at Clinton.
The fund for the relief of the families
01 the firemen recently killed in Mont-
real, which has been closed. amounted
to more than 814,000.
Fire destroyed the barn of Mr. M.
ParadIse , about four miles south ot
Tavistock. Ont. Mr. Paradise's son.
Lorne. aged 1S, was burned to dearth
to trying to get the hone out of the
Maggie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harrison. Gananoque, Ont., aged three
years and a half. wan playing with
some matches when she set fire to her
dress. She was so badly burned that
she died a few hours afterwards.
POLITIC-,. esoKELain.
Rumors o1 a European congress to
revise the Treaty of Berlin are cawing
the Sultan great uneasiness..
Russian pressure on the Turkish Gov-
ernment is having a beneficial effect,
and the Sultan is already pushing his
promised reforms.
At a meeting of the French Chamber
e1 Deputies M. Gustave Is►Inbert, edi-
tor -In -chief of the Republique Fran-
nie.% was elected vice-pteoldent 01 the
A despatch from Berlin sax. that the
German Government 1. profoundly Ir-
ritated at the decknurs, made by the
Hamburger Nachrlchten, Prince 141s -
morel's oegan.
The Paris Eclair expresses lteeif b
favor of granting Germany preferential
tariffs In Tunis, provided the forme
no -operates with France In the fettle -
meet of the legyptlan question.
ening eau CRIMINALS.
Cornwall is stetted over a 5(007 teed
by Mrs. Winters, who says she saw a
young man apparently murdered .twat
the tans that Prank McGarry asap -
C. 0. (donde was s..tato.d at Bran-
don to one years knprbns neat et hdd
labor for the theft o1 an express peel-
ers containing NW from Oak Lake
pore Sterwamasa who Is wasted d
t s,Taga, Ott . on a charge of p> ming
bat d, ens amounted In Buffalo;
N.Y.. and committed to gaoI an a
ft glee* boat embeds
the seabed trial e f Minim itreraH
ter the murder et Mr. Join A. .trent
at tt•rne develhprd no new features.
The Crown succeeded, anti tlo Jury
broteght in a verdict of guilty. whim a
recommendation of mercy. The Ju !ge
so -we -need Brennan 10 be tamed 011
7an. 10, 1897.
1' � CLAra1 r 1 Els.
John L. Sullivan Is said to roe n.
danger of losing his right arm by a
The famine outlook 10 India Is in-
creasing in gloominess. he Govern-
ment i. providing extensive retire
Prof. A. P. Coleman has blued the
preliminary report a hes inverters -
Oen. during Me past year Into the
mineral resources a the province.
111,. A. T. Neill. Hamilton. has ex-
amined a sample of the Sudbury c .•i,
and be is the opinion that It Is ..ar-
bonized prat bog, a useful arty. le.
The annual session of the Supreme
Council, 33rd degree of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free
Masonry. has opened In Ottawa.
The investigation into the alleged Ir-
retrularltles In conn -e -thin were tee
contracts of the H..ntltonu Houle of
Refuge supplies w -as begun by Judge
ruin MEN i1: 14.AK.
After a thorough test by the impe-
rial War Department, the Zallneky dy-
namite gun 11 pronounced a failure.
Sir Charles Duke and Mr. Henry M•
Stanley, M.P.. have written let ten
supporting the British claims In the
rneauela dbpute.
The revelation .4 the secret Russo -
Germanic treaty is causing Inc great-
est excitement on the continent of Eu-
rope, and may result in the rupture us
the 1lreibupd.
A Sep,y- helong1ng to the British -In-
dian troops stationed at Fort Sande-
man. ran amuck. and killed two Bri-
tish lieutenants and two soldiers
Athlete received In Paris state that
Sir Herbert Kitchener intends to de-
mand an Increase- of £64.0610 to the
military estimates for the purpose of
raising the effective of the Fs:yptlan
army to 15,060 men. and oontlnue the
re -conquest of the Soudan.
1 .. t EEI.1t.101 . 1411'11.1).
Rep. Samuel Daw was inducted ren-
tor of the Church o1 St. John the
Evangelist at Munition.
Hey. Dr. Sims has resigned from the
pastorate of the Bond -street Congre-
gational Church. Toronto. and the
resignation has been accepted.
The twenty-second annaverwary of
His Grace Archbishop Dunamel's con-
secration was celebrated in Ottaewa
with great pomp and ceremony.
Rev. G. K. Adam,, of the Toronto
Gerrard -street Methodist Church has
accepted a call, subject to the Station-
ing Committee, a. the (Sere-uireet
Methodist Church in Hamilton.
Fully 10.000 people turned out at the
Catholic cemetery in Montreal to at-
tend the religious services at the tomb
of the late Premier of the Province of
Quebec. Mr. Honore Mercier. There
was Lp speechmaking.
The Rev. Dr. Robertson, superintend-
ent of the Presbyterian Missions to the
Northwest, la !eavint fur the Old Coun-
try-, and while there will endeavor to
:erect as many as possible to tate up
Land in Canada nd settle In the West.
111a',.1 NE�.
The price of bread has been advanc-
ed in Montreal two cents per loaf.
It has been discovered that there
may possibly be a flaw In the charter
of the Banque du Peuple, sullclenuy
serious to render that important docu-
ment null from the commencement.
To promtote a better commercial feel-
ing betwen England and France, the
Lord Mayor of London has invited 30
French mayors to meet agprumber of
English mayors at the Menem House.
There was a good advance in the
Chieag., wheat market Friday, but a
great part of It was lost before the.
e lose. The h7unopean markets are ap-
parently as nervous and unsettled as,
these on this continent. December
wheat opened 71 5-8c. an advance ot
u -8e over the closing of the previous
day: advanced to 73 1-4c and ceased
at 71 7-8c. Holden of Manitoba wheat
in the west advanced prices 3c.
The commercial reports of /Severe -
Bradstreet and Dun as to tete be teesoondltlons prevailn@[ generally
throughout the United States, both
agree that practically nothing is doing,
owing to the approaching election
principally. However, the feeling 1a
commercial circles 1. buoyant• and the
prevalent feeling is that asas
politicaare temporarily out of.= way
there w111 he a decided change tor the
better. Commercial failures in the
united States for the week ending
Friday, were 270. as compared with
278 for the corresponding week of last
The fetes In connection with the
Queen's accession Jubilee wit' com-
mence in February.
Right Hon. Joseph (4amherIaln has
been elected Lord Rector o1 the Unt-
verity of Glasgow-.
The Princess of Wales has rounded
in Norfolk • teohnlcal school ter arena -
making and cookery.
The Countess Cowley has brought a
suit for divorcee against her husband
on the grounds ot adultery and d•-
Hon. Mr. Tarte ma entertained at
the Manitoba Club m the guest of
Hon. Bags John lllaodonald, member
for Winnipeg.
Mrs. Fred. Gardner, of Cheektowaga.
N.Y., gave birth to tour chlldren,three
well ne and oath boy, boy, and aare doing
The Duke a counaught will repre-
sent the Queen at the marriage o/
the Dec 4'Orl.ans and the Archducheem
Marla Dorothea of Auserta, In Vienna,
next Thursday.
Mr. Greasier. editor M The Litre Pa-
role, and the defendant 1n the case of
Tarte v. (teenier. Ina intern statement
dentes the oharges brought against
him by Mfr. Tans. that he wan at one
tem a Christian Brother and later a
Protestant minister.
Sir uinlself� Tapper has ex
greatly pleased with t4.
Tbrnnte Conservative convention. Mr
Charles ..Ilse trout Quebec for Liege-
PooL and wilt restate 111 lbragland for
some time. He experts to tie tack,
ko ever. to eat his Chri.tmaa tanner
la ( solo.
Already scow ass hes 101 YwmismtM
lobs are mrd In tes.ye d Ash...
The Grist from the Loral *111.
A Weekly Nass of C...1y sews served
op Se NII Bverybedy - PIM amid
Pelee tipped and Ceadesoed
ryes livery reed...
ETHEL : News reached here on
Su.day last to the afoot that Mr. Aiwa
PW1•ker had died soddenly from the ..-
ieols of a paralytic stroke.
Chew : Mr. Steep gas js t tilled a ova -
tracts el 4,500 bbl. of apple for Mr. 8e.•
der, of C,amsatu, (thio, lo.dag them dur-
ing the last two weeks.
Tuckeeamitb : Jas. Mo(;eooh has sold his
farm, on the 3rd ooa. of Tuckersm,th, east
of l.gmoodvtl1e, to his erother Samial, for
115,500. It anteing 10G scree, and le • good
Morro . A quiet wedding took place re-
medy to whirls M.renall Hughes .od Mase
A.oi. Wheeler, daughter of ('butes
Wheeler. 4th line, were the contracting
Seelorab : Keith McLean, who had his
leg broken whale alayms foot b.11 oe the
tint day of the Fall fur, is getting along
lamely, although he hes been 000ened to
bed ever since.
Rroseels : The barn of Was. MaFWneaa,
• short distance Fast of Brussels, was vt@it•
ed lest Friday night end s ,iueenly of
wheat, oats and potato« s n. 10 or 12
grain bap and a 3 -tined to, ., .re Moo Mine,
W -
Brussels : .1. H. 1-oung, 01 4!00.005'., N.
W T., forn,erly • well-known citizen of
Brussels, en es : " Wheat u • very fair
aroo and lrom 60 and 70 conte per busbel,so
we wall be able to obey the oommend of the
Good Rook, 'Owe no man.' "
Osborne : It will be sad weave to many,
particularly her mos) school mates here, to
hear of the death of little Mary Quinton,
eldest daughter of 1\ m. and Elizabeth
Quinton, (Jeborne, who died on Thursday
Mt, aged 12 years, 9 months.
Blyth : Os Tuesday- last John Murdock
and tensity left Blyth for Tyner, Dakota,
where they pirpoee residing in future. Mr.
Murdock had • good home here, but with •
.rowing family, he realized that the West
offers opportunities not to be had here.
Hay : On the evening of Wednesday, the
21st ult., the reeidenos of Wm. Curry, of
the township of Hay, near Halls Green, was
the stens ot an interesting and very pis -
sant .vent, the occasion being the manage
of Mise Deaths Carlisle, of the township d
Hay, to Mr. Humphrey IMymao, of Tucker-
Ssforth : Word was received hen this
week of the death at Oxbow, Aasioabo,a, N.
W. T. oe Tuesday, 20th inat.,ot Mrs. Edgar
Croseley, formerly Mrs. Ida Baldwin, of
the town The news is indeed ted to her
father .ted brother as they were not aware
of her 'linage. Deceased was a meet highly
esteemed young lady and was namely as
the prime of womanhood, being but 21 years
of age. Besides her father and brother
here. she leaves to mourn her lose a hue -
band and intent child, who will h..s the
sympathy of all in their bereave/rent.
Nome.. -Tb. 10051 agency in Dnnnn
orTaa 8casar.l• at the odor of J. G. Ward.
J.P.. esovq•aoer, &o.. who will receive or.
dere ew eutecriptiona, ndverthing and Job
wsk.ad is authorized to give reoei to 1 or
amounts paid for the tame.
Ts, Linn T, Nov. 3rd.
W. Wawasooh conned meets os Satur-
day, Nov. 7.
Manama court was held on Thursday,
Jades Doyle presiding.
Swag to an oversight we ,have net re
reoeived the school report
Dr. T. F ('.se had an addition to his
family he week by the arrival of • yooag
Prefaesor Smith, of Elora, tatted the
vassal organs of tame of Our Oltizens on
Jades Meow bold a court of revuist of
the voters lies of the airmail of Asbf eld
Moe week.
OFFICIAL VI•R.-The Inspector of
noosed betels made an official vitt to our
village kat week.
A very ptomain H.11owe's was spent by
gaits • .anther .t young people .t the reel -
Asses et Mn. Mo(biin.
AOCIDasT.-0n Moeday. Milo •wi.q.14
is moving • loulfhp year bumble ..rabe
met with a ked aosieant sad M oos••guetwe
is amble to walk.
Gaarma -Ws wen tie.. • portion .f •
banob of nape" [News by Mr. Warne*,
God.rhk, what le said to ban weighed
2 lbs. whet pulled.
Sternal -a -0a Wednesday, of Mol week
a very enjoy ate wean was spat M the
nddsee .f Thee. Bevy. Ashfield, tba *a-
rma.. ee hthe acreage .4 he youag et
dangktor to Wm. 0.cd.w,
Grim To lin emu. ken. -We regret
te have te okreodole the dodos d the late
Mn. Ams McDonald, .t Ls•ks.w, whish
took piens oe the 21st et timber. We sin -
sorely sympathire with the bereaved family.
Migrate- We weed in Met week's
Bmisat that Mot i(1M Jim 11•vtdse. W
Thea M.C•r1my, both at Wool Wriest',
wee united in the basis d matrimony o.
Wedowee of Moe wok by Rae. J- Kd"e,
ef. W. wish the 7...g maple a
ee •.
previa d happy Mee.
Ascent= Pinata Gout -At the rim
d wrists" we heard et the deemse of sae
.f the mem promb.rt and highly respsossd
residents .f Cabers M the meow of Wm.
Y...g. Deesesd was widely hewn ed
esteemed M the sweaty d Hares, art ase -
where. We
bere•ved widow s relatives.rt voids tk.
Otw11ro AND Geese. -Our deputy peat
gnaS i Int beam a Thursday lies an bee -
am be Leeds. tad retersad Mee a BO -
urea; af5 brother Job., who hes boos s
ea a�fesis1 vele here. Me far bis hems M
Seethed. Whilst hire he made may
triode by br s*srnesuo bad each- 4.
psalms*. He sxproeseo himself ea KOH
pleased with the bea.11h1 proviso. et rte
bale, tri -apt- -Iy with our vt1Lia and M.
We wish Y0, • so& ,epees