HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-10-29, Page 4l
W I1
SE es s..a isomesa
.1I u. r -T r.ad 1s. Martheleess
$.*M,.b. Oratorio.
T.rma of eab.etr$NM+ 1
Qs* pub, la mimeos Al il
lives ninths. ...... ••••• M
Mx w .... ..-1 a
flee leer.
to Mt se eerie tenet•
Veer Mabel r • aaadtas reosiot a it not
W wbiub yea are paid ut.. See
allowed Sao fail into arrear. V desired. bot•
When • chase. of mitres,
to old .ad the sew address abnnld es glue,
rerrr.tara nese.
Legs' sad neer casual advertise/ants. I
pet Nue for Bret Insertion. and a Dent. per U S
der SSCb ebegeet insertion. bessearel be
t al-t•ar.11 ..,.I...
Steriaass tarda of Mx hose and under. 0e air
year,Inn 'nabob
• ,eMsrment• of Lost.
mle.tlerr Vs.sot, N:t uatioov e•ed nod
sasln•es Chewer. Wanted seesediss I
11aer nonfn.vdl_. ei pm moon.
R oases a Saalle a• d P•eree a R.1a trot to
otr +•d III" .. di for fir t .n• ,.•t ansa. Mr subub
e.. .nt month. Larger .d• •.. Is pr
, .tectal notice, the nMeel nt .tech la t
t .,ole the p.*" n...ry honest? of say mill
vide. 1 or oeap•er. to be oosaldseed as •d.
vesttaemcct ••d cis rr,rrd aoaw't'nvty.
Iw.n•1 eotkes is soap•:oil type ears east
word. aosottoea lees dots tis.
Loo& •orbse in ordinary reading type Iwo
emits per word. No nodes for Pee lh•• ten.
Patios* for churches and other relig;lous sad
benevolent Institut/toes hell rete.
tinh.nrher who felt en re,v.tve Tee 8•nwal,
reeulsrly h mall, will o n,nr a faros by so-
gw/mant as d the fat ata • early an date as
re wooer s Stone,
J. C. Le Tonkel. of Ooderlch, has bee .p
••r.•A Lw•al Trevelbeg t.tent for the town-
ships of Ouderloh. nal borne. Aabe.ld and Wa.
Local poslmusere over the district are alio
empowered to neo. we subscriptions to Tun
4'1 oommnnlcations must be addresesd b
D KoOleTee JC!.'PPTat,
hlasbone Oen N SadsrW Oat
YOI* UCH, 11110 WIDAT. OCT. f/ iNS.
THE Canada Presbyterian mud The
Globe have been dimcuosing the
merits of our public school system on
the poirt of ethical culture. The
Presbyterian speaks strongly and
deems the system a failure as to the
cultivation of the morals of the
children. The Globe defends our pre-
sent school system and criticizes The
Presbyterian for waking so sweeping
a statement.
We would take middle ground and,
while we believe we have an excellent
school system, in many respects, we
hold that more care should be given
to the building up of the moral char-
acter of the children, " Knowledge is
Power " but ethical culture means the
right using of that power. We all
know that mere schol txtic rrducetion
without character limply equips an
individual for greater degrees of wrong
doing. How important, then, that
this phase of school training should
meet with most careful consideration.
In the first place, &careful observer
will nob Best very little importance,
in the great majority of our schools, is
giventoaa.ociation. Many young minds
have been corrupted forever through
the influence of some big, vile, loafing
incorrigible who would be very much
better off in some school of correction
-such am the Industrial school at
Mimic() - -and the Public school pupils
protected from the contaminating in
fluence of a profane braggart,
We regret to say that it is a fact
that even our primary schools are not
exempt from this menet*. We know
parents who have been utterly heart-
sick as their trusting children of ten-
der years have repeated to them the
foul language which they have heard
in the school yard. The common jail
u not too good a place for those de-
graded specimens of humanity who
wantonly defile the minds of little
children. They are often big boys
who oome to school very irregularly,
and so remain for a longer time in the
junior department.
We believe that right here is the
deficiency in our Public school system.
The children Dome into our schools
from all grades and conditions of
homes -from till sorts and conditions
of parents. Children of drunken, dis-
solute pan nta sit side by side with
the most carefully guarded of little
ones. Should there not be some
method by which the innocency of the
younger children especially may be
guarded. When a pupil will not be
corrected and when he will not cease
his vile words and acts, should he not
be removed at once from the school I
There is a wide field for thought on
this subject. It is • problem for the
solution of which we look to tate tet.ch-
ing profeesioe and the Mambos Ds
whitest of Ontario. Lot us see to it
that the work done in the home and
in Monday school is not undone by evil
companionships in the public schools
daring the week.
awl Eases stectioo last
MiellWue alias •urea match after
-Now that the Toronto Young
Liberal Olpb has elected its officers for
the current year, we can all breathe
-The Reform party and the Con
servative party aro great.. but there u
a greater party than either-- the inde-
pendent vote.
-Up to the time of writing, our
old and esteemed friend, Tor Cowen,
of Galt, hos tmot been seized of the
virtue of resignation.
- - Whea wheat went up flour
jumped simult+neously, but although
wheat hes slumped, flour declines to
fall correspondingly. Why is this
- -- Because T.+RTS left the Tory
party on account of its meanness, the
Tory paper's are endeavoring to prove
that Je.EPH'. coot, politically, is made
of many colors.
-WILLIAM JL.•fuisna BRYAN, of
Lincoln, Neb., is evidently the " man
on horseback in the American elec-
tion. Anil his horse is a white one
sure --for is he not the silver candi-
date '
-" Standing by the Government
simply means saying "Me, too'' to
the opinion of half -a- lOren men in any
legislative body. The other chaps,
though there were a hundred
Lord Lansdowne on the Veno'-
zuolan Boundary
lb, Time is apM+a�g tibia Tisa'
hater• t ' Sar es Sadied
by aresktdM._1M VM0.sa Wobbles
Ihs ea_te.i e • she .wed erase.
Searles or Ws Nish rNtl.ws-
Adenab of •swsesass Leaned Ma
c imseme7 saber Mows b t abaft
London, ilia_ 27. -The Marquis of
Lansdowne. secretary of Stale for
War, deilvered a speech •t Leeds 10-
night. 11e took occasion w deprecate
th. 'perch rocesUy made at York •e
Sir k dward Clarke, formerly sulicitor-
ueneral, who said that °relit Britain's
claims to \'euesueta were un.enab.e
and that nu honest or impartial one -
trader or commission COW.. dee de in
Ureat Britain's favor on the evtdsnee.
Loral Lansdowne declared that sir ed -
ward's etatertlent was a startling eau
se. Salsas one. ureal Britain's be es
had been carefully lnveaUsa
believed that most of them could be
supported by satisfactory evidence.
Lord Lansdowne added that there
was reason to hope that the t moons
approaching when these 1
would be peUled by arbitration'suitabler
amicable compromise upon
conditions. When the time came Groat
Brtain would enter court, not for a
moment believing that every point
would be decided in her favor. but
confident that her tn�a by would
found to be suppose evien
based upon the established principles
of International law.
WArl:tlall al' tMS TA11CAN.
Its rswIM.atal means. to abs *saes
•od Use fewer Sr aux Rt.h.pa.
of them, don't count. London- Oct 27 --The Pall Mall Ga -
set tr tau afternoon put/tittles & de-
-One of the most prominent andalwtolr` al imam rltr:Home wyttmg- Lane Yee
..t:s u[larn lin the United
best -ballasted )seines m I en in Gods Stater) is the absorbing topic at the
the rxYfandRWn "ring the
rich last week offered to wager that strides which Catlnolk-ism has made
this good town would have a popula- In America- which is now one ot the
church lar-gewt scan
tion of 10,000 inside of three years.
To which all of us will respond, " So
mote it be."
-We wouldn't &deism our Reform
South Essex election.It is no enter- 1 who 'asked for some
n privileges. He
ion t) go by, and cannot be depended said: "I am. as you say. Pope. yet 1
cannot aot'ept your request But I
upon u .n indication of how the vote can sthow you a w.Y to obtain your
may go next time. It wasn't a straight denies Go to America, •fix there the
bishope are greater that the Pope."
race -it was & runaway. On the aCC4isslon of Pope l.eo, mat-
ters asnurned •Satoh wi nt aspect.
-ROBIRT B•RR, the well-known I ofarntimMgr.
t a to the btahtrpt In un -
author, and Dr.J.'s. SArsow, of Wind-! n,istakahie language the limits of
tor, Ont., are strong personal friends. their powers• and thet�tt was me
icing like a spilt.
Recently the former issued w sew atoUl two yeah to heal- Butt his mis-
hook through the University Press of el`Continnutng. the correspondent of
Oxford, L+nglathd, and he dedicated it zette remarks: The
I The`ien Idoes notali desiredesire its reprei en
to his esteemed friend, the Canadian tatives to America to take an active
medico. The title of BARR's book is
e art tnoume. it
as recognised that the standing danger
to Humanism in the United states is
the independence of the American
bishop's, noticeable since the time of
Pius 1X. The latter fitly recogniz-
ed that these bishops enjoyed greater
power than Loehr brethren elsewhere.
friends to get swelled head over the I and he elmuwrd he unda•rwt.xx! tot: by
Itch priests,
isisatisa{ N ..Ibvw. miasma
Says eeOenolee. *10 liWba SM
Sad tt7 wasp• Sisisa rMMew
t4.w Torii. Got. XL -Supt. lturpby a[
Beiterw Hospitsi said today that
the story telegraphed from Halifax.
NAf., to the effect that William O'Con-
nor, a Hr1Udt subject had cosupialsod
that he visa unjustly confined In the
asylum fur the banana on Ward's le -
land was an effort to make • mous-
tale out ut a mule blhi- 1t is true that
O'Connor was In the asylum, bet hs
was adjudged butane at the time. He
had hallucinations and one of Ms Din -
Moss was that he was a dy icier wet
that his body way full of electricity.
which wait poostantie flying away ►s
sparks. Supt, Murp. y said that the
allegation In tbs despuch from Hal*
Lax. on the authority of O'Connor, that
O'Connor was kldnaopetl a: I.•.levue,
Where he went to 000ault a physician
for instmnnia, and put i.ito Ott aeries.
when he was pert. ::ly sane, was un-
true. He was ohn.m • ud In the regu-
lar way and dlsebargeti In accer•latt. e
with the ruin appl!•table in his Mase.
:1 was not necessary for nis friends
take unusual .r permsl••nt eflorts
to secure his discharge. There was no
irregularity of any Wad.
part In the (-impetigo; tearing a new
division to the ranks, and apprehend-
" }revenge." What did the doctor do ins at the same time that Pottle of the
more impetuous bishops might break
to BARB, Oat
WE intend to make our new Fall Stook of Dry Goods move rapidly,
Wit is, if low prices have anything to do with it. We want to have
you know that we are squealing prior down to the ver7 lowest
d oonspreesion point, that it is possible to give them. We point with pride
to oar prices. Our new
avade.ee Tbst as asarka. after Wee
Meted sad llama M 11* after-
fterweeds is the fella.
Portland. Ore., Oct fl. -Advices from
Juneau. Alaska- state teat Carlton F.
Wells. who lett Soothers Oregon feo years
ago for the ArcUc gold Saida. where It
Is said he accumulated ;AMMO. was stackers
wtth heart Masan. in Juneau Imo May.
N"hru he became 111 Wails forwarded the
bulk of his little foetus. to Gia wits, sow
Wing lu 'crouton. Y.J. Be apparently
died and was buried_ A month ago tb•
undertaker who buried Wells received •
letter from bla widow asking that the re-
motes be exhumed and ablpped lust for
permanent Interment When the coffin
•eutaluing Well& almost decomposed twill
was ovens*. inspection allowed beyond
doubt that Web. bad awakened from a
deathlike trance after burial. to aka
skeleton of the right hand was clutched
• Rahe penis■ plate bearing three false
teeth, which to urs spiky Wells must have
torn from his mouth. Near the plata
where his right jay lay lu the coffin. was
also found a plain geld ring. which 16e
dead man had woes. In view of this ter-
errible discovery. tel• undertaker and doctor
who had •[tended Welds. decided not to
send the remains East.
-The Conservative caucus in Tor-
421ZNIANA ASsslrsA
onto is looked upon as a gathering to I r.. w w.� 0141411111141101414111111411411m gesevtess
ft.rmulate a scbenie to capture On- g4ev.t.ttNterl a.tme■r...
tario at the next election -which is Constantinople. Oct 27--A number
expected to take place within the next i of important areasts were
in made citby
Urktah tinoes y
eight or nine months- The Conserve- I yesttheTerday andauto-day.rftlll u[ Athe prl-
toners are described as "notorious re-
volutionary Armenians-" The Gover-
of the dtatrict of Fera declares
tive p.rty, as a party, cannot defeat
the HARDY i•iminlstration but there
tsrrested,a Per -
is no wjiu hatone of what .fusion of that .tan. had tothe hispersons
posaestl.rn letters
party and the independent move- show-ing that he was engaged in a
eotplr&CY against the Government.
Dent might accomplish. A Govern- 'rhensother ri
psoners Included three
ment is always •.at the mercy of cam- ArmenianAnarchJstemenand andaU four
living women. all
the same
hinationa, and Sir CHARLIE TUPPER house. Six of them had revolvers.
discovered that fact in June last. The Governor adds that, when the prl-
a!t nays were . searched, flue small
bombs, Intended to be relented with
-The Black TAR'rm and the Yellow dynamite. there fou -•d concealed in the
corlSee of one of fee women.
-- - PJtSYCM P.4I .:AifsXr.
MARTIN supper' soup out of the same
bowl and smoked the calumet of
peace at Winnipeg Monday night
last. MARTIN was chairman, and
TARTR was the guest of the evening.
Whilst peace and happiness and good
fellowship rested upon these twain, we
are informed, by The Toronto World,
that GRRR.'WAY and Surfois were In
the gall of bitterness and beyond
comfort. The way of the politician
is evidently not a happy one, or a cer-
tain claws of newspapers tell crooked
tales in print
LI HUNG CHAwo is still to the fore,
and is, as usual, meeting with ups and
?downs. if we are to believe all we
hear of the long -nailed, almond -eyed
yellow jacketed old Confucian, he wee
kicked up stairs and then thrown to
the bottom by his imperial master re.
et ntlyin other words, simultaneous-
ly with his appointment as Minister
of Foreign Airs, an imperial edict
orders him to he punished for presum-
ing to enter the precincts of the ruined
summer palace while visiting the
Dowager Empress!". Old Li had a
softer snap when the Toronto polies
men were carrying him around than
be has now, and he didn't run .o great
a risk of getting it in the neck.
-The Ran. Ono. W. Ross beide
the fort in the Local Hoe•o se an
authority on the evidence. Of Chris-
hristianity rinse Or Duvet was taken to
a higher spear.
now in stock. We ask you to ampere Quality, Style and Prices with any
store in Goderich. New
Again we lead in the Newest, most Stylish and the Tastiest Designs of the
season. Many exclusive patterns.
Again we ask compsriean in Quality and Prioes Fall and Winter Novelties,
are overflowing with Style, Merit and Attraction. You ignore yoar
rightful advantages if you omit to claim the advantages offered by the great
Steidle, Dress Goods and Linen hoese of Godericb,
hdnpleyes .f the Repable-as sass Ami=
That tae Is ■aaaaae and Jaat
N as Lespleyer.
Iron Mountain. Mich , Oct 27. -At • mass
meeting of the employe of the CUMIN
Mining Company. held yesterday afternoon.
the following resolution was adopted:
We, the undersigned. In mass meeting
arammbled. of oar own free will and with-
out any suggestions from our superiors ov
anybody t'unwe.•te.l with M. A Hanna. or
the wanagntuout of the Chapel Mine, where
we are employed. wish to make the fol-
lowing state,uent• That we have not
at and time seen or beard of asy coercion
from the mauageuwot of the Chapin Mtn
regarding our pollU... that we have •.ot
bees nor do we believe that any unjust
or elites dlsrriremat on against onion men
exists at the Chapin Mine. and that we
bate no complalnta to make &galas. e1-
laung rates of .rages, and believe that
they are somewhat blgber than at other
:aloes: that we. In short, have found M.
A. Hanna as an employer or labor humane
slid Just. ■nd the very opiso`!•. to %bat
the Democnitie papers .1.6 is take ►Im.
(Signed) A. F. Rood, Mena..
Adolf Stnattn. lberetary.
Mgeekb sb of Mee tessom ars Niger M tel
Maser sae Car.
Paris. Oct T7.-Tbe Parliament of
France reassembled to -day. The
ateaion. of both Senate and Chamber
of Deputise were merely formal. They
met at about 3 o'clork and adjourned
about 4. The presidents of the two
chambers. In their opening addresses.
referred in strong end symvathetk•
terms to the recent visit of the Ca.r
and Czarism to Franca
-The impresien has formed on the
minds of some of our readers that T.
W. Gii.ow, of tlhl Burma of Mines,
was appointed to that position through
the intercession of his uncle, Time.
Mason, M. PP. for ►iter Heron. Tie
Sumac knows the facts in the cars.
end ran sally .tabs that young Mr.
Gismo holds his present position en-
tirely en his own ra.rits as a ea/ed-
eat Messogt.*h.r sad painstaking pad
He oasis/
PACIFIC CISI.s 0011111111111014
MLACBhrss use 1N'XOe'S1r2A.
(3orner W eat.-dt and Square.
- _ THE HARBOR- The swamies' sad (arms el reader
far the seesten.1io el the sewers eau be eb•
The Ill' Ie 8150.454 1).i.y bar few relined by kmeadies uni•r-u from the tows
L.ul.d .w to the heeler mimed for ,light mak,
1.0 1*.
Wei. Marlton he just received aa order
for. tug fur the t..orgwax t1.y. I' wit: be 00 TO
two this winter.
1 be rboeaer Corissed .rr.rrd is port tbie
w.. k with 3011.000 feet ot lumber from
Tb w es for N 11, moot
''. h. tum Se. Kh•g its. trees pulled • n to
tn. harh'.r sawed to hese .nese email *a-
jar... meds gM.•l.
.1.. Wilk•n.•a with . neselor n1 lees
•t.r.e1 tissue • •d re; at s.i 1601 partlew of
the north pier that was let! ie sash chowder
wben Ltd catenates was turd•.
There will he .eesid•osHe week all tel
herboal h.. winter. se the new We. the tea
b.ttdiu,: u! the U:,t.ro, •.d re/aYs M
a1amnsn 9.. Kteg !tad Daisy, will weed a
esm♦ar et mea
A Sober nerd Two rblMse. Massagers'
Or aa t&knows Amato**.
8t Louts, Oct. 27--A special from RIeD-
mond, Mo., says a• triple murder occurred
ht miles northeast of that city last
'fght. The victims were ane wife aid twe
tblldren of Jean Winner. Winner works
l■ the mines at Richmond. Tar victims
were evidently killed early last night, but
their bodies were not discovered till Oda
morning. All around the Doone and in
the yard were evidences of • terrible
strugglk. There 1s no dn.- to the as500Mu.
The £pass SI of a Third reseassstesw
res Canada Malmo llreatNe.
London, Oct. 27. -The Pacific Cable
Commission bas been summoned to
meet Nov. 5. The reported appoint-
ment of a third Canadian delegate up-
on the commission has created a new
difficulty. as at present there are only
two delegates each. representing Great
Britain. Canada and Australia respec-
tively, and the additional Canadian
delegate will require the appointment
of another for Australia and a t1Mrd
for Great Britain. In the ofilotel
Canadian circle here it is hoped that
the construction of the cot tnlwltm
will remain as before. It is believed
In the Colonial Omee that the eom-
rdogion w•11! finish its wort before the
sod of the. year.
lere.e5.. Moots s.Mrr.
Duda Peart. Oct. 27 --Serious mentos
riots hare taken place In different
parts of Hungary. At Tyrnan a de-
tachment of Httssara, while attempt-
ing to rester* order. was stoned by the
mob and one trooper was killed. The
Hussars theeettpon charged with
drawn swords and several of the riot-
ers were wounded. Trarpe have been
stent to abs varies, dlaturb.d db-
Oastread Leaders toe comae ■..er.
Chicago, Oct 27.-P 11 Arthur of
the Locomotive Engineers, F. P. Sar-
gent and F. Warnold of the Locomo-
tive Firemen, have sent out an em-
phatic apnea] to railroad men to vote
for sound money.
The wort Mwbd.
London. Oct 27-e11h. Abaft* es
duty at the AdrrtlraMty today denied
the reports, eked from Halifax of an
Morisse ha the etreelifth •r the *Mali
best in Aas.riose wassra
`g.•ee rs+.de lt1aL
�•1tondos. Oct 117. -teed Aker trodeerdead. 80 wee bora le ,
=was • k eth.r at We tgagtats er
A� Dedham N Leeds is
east ells /Ser-
viette A �illid tslspt��`
rOCO Y TO 141M117s,
The Goderich Lumber Company (Ltd)
has for sale at the Harbor and at the
yard on the G. T. R. track, Elm, Ash
and Basswood, and Pine, Hemlock
and Cedar Lumber in all lengths and
sizes, and Cedar Posts. Also Slabs
in any /quantity.
Flour -The market le quiet earl feature -
lei. Straight rollers quoted at $3.75 out-
side wet.
Bras -Trade quiet with bran quoted at
$7 t0 57.50 west and shorts at $8.50 to pa
Wheat -Trade quiet. w116 the feeling us -
settled *ad buyers holding off. Red win-
ter sold early at Tee and white at 77c.
A let of 10.000 booklets of No. 1 Manitoba
lard sold at
at 'Amt. Fort William. and
It a quoted de Toeooto resiseta
Beekwbrst-T1s market is stead with
guotatleee Ste aWdle freight and 2 east
Bexley -Trade gMet, with No. 1 quoted at
Me, No. 2 at 30e to 310 No. 3 extra at Me
u 'Me. ane teed at Zee to 34c.
Oats -Offerings moderate aid prices
White sold outside at 20'te to 21e
sad maxed at lac to 17%r west
Peas -Trade Quiet sad prow easy. wits
galea outside at 43e to 44e north and west
Rye -Trade quiet, with sales outside at
Me east
Cars --Market dull, with prices from 27o
to 2Se at outside points.
Oatateal-TM market Is steady at M te
The receipts of live start at the welter'
yards to day were Mfg ear 1o14a. The do-
omed .or shipping cattle aria fair good
perces rnle.l .toady. The Inas .old at Mot
to 3'tkr per Ib. aur others at 414e to tidje.
4 hero bulla fo, •xport Sr to ate. Stun -
era ore unchanged. • udl 7 a: 2�,• la sr, ae-
e..nl!ng ID plant r. tis trier, cattle n.•
et.a„ge.l. win' choler u• !Ilea at 3'• to 3'1e
tet Ib., nwdlurn 1.. 2•,,c, and 11. -
freer at Ply.• t.. N. ?f11., coos eireh.•ug-
ed at LP to 133 eac:m, and ruses urn' et
N to 57 per heed. with a goal dsman,l
!peep and boobs ie moderate ewpply and
Seedy. Export sheet�. .nM at Ince to le
per Ili.. aed boric to Ity
Lambs are
e debdr. there beingta les aise. le to leSe pep
%ears la moderate dents mi and steady.
The beat sold et floe per 1b • welgbed ell
Wet fats at lye to Weir, ngbtwelgbts
at to fIia sews at SIe te Se sad
stags at Se per M.
r�ee�serTTRB MARK 1tITe.
to lige 16: 1gw 1 Oa. 7�a t 7* 3d : Nc0, ,
475 �: Wd, bio
el•.s� u •: tallow. Ws Y:
LsM..Op s ag -W6SSI err east set*
o�rprobdaiOe quiet. lisgrsh dam
at i 34 for - rOOr5. sad Nor �1o's0
5 rid fee for Novw • 14 fe714. y Doe.. sad alt
W tee 3da.sad k.b Pier fes K
Part. -Wheat alt 10e for Nov. near rig
le.• doeIl ell rico-Wheel Mame Maly
ss es 3i pee Oct sod Nev., ell fid tint
Der.. ads Ib 1141 Om 350.. Poe. oho
Loodew -Clem- Wisest of oetlstt--'%161as
P.d^ t ..a pawN' to cher w.rN. .�uatteas on
pe•.-eetiler arid •e
d eaey
►`seta• 1: beet easy et kir tis fir Key.
-.- r • we et *f Mk far Nov
The best .ad cheapest Reeves
sand Parnas. see hr ails at
See his 30e -page Map Scribbler it
is a good one. Complete Stock of
School Supplies.
The peak& Nave and Verson sm.
1&pple Barrels
For Salle - - -
Getting what your re-
quire for making up
Christmas Presents.
We have just received
some of the very latest
Npvelties in
Materials for Fancy Work
And also have the
latent in Decoratire
Goods: Call and
see our pretty Palms
and other Articles.
At Lowest Market Priem
Wholesale or Retail. ,
Baht wt
Carr ct
Tinware s .
At CATTLL BROS. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Who have them -
all kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble cost prigs. Also leave your
orders for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle the best
Canadian and American Coal Oil•
Plumbers and Tinners
. Ward Buyer
My Active and Grand Garland
Oooking Stove. for woad. My Good
Clear steel oven for M10.1 or wood.
My Hastier takes 27 inch weedgaZ.
9 odes, only Eli. The
Thought for coal ; sad the best dochie
heater Ooal Stove for parlors ,is the
Radiant Home, and don't yen isle -
pt it.
in►g till
'Mee kdiedr of goal Oil -w etna *
Brad retail.
Wil sweat W Adan ees.ltily r^,
di.* ml/ P
dation mads di.* the A
el a pries else lee yes my
wboa astir ebb se. a•ew II-
t.eets MN M o eld4► vesIesWd.
tsNobeilrld w 4lashe i Seem we
agora LW
wd1 maw te. to mleoeart.