HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-10-15, Page 44
�Ite signal,
a rv.Lmsee
111 D. lieS111.11.14‘Set
Ones et Pu(s .rvtlrt tL Nost►•serees
versos et NDwtptere
pee e•oeth,le advent" .1 13
Teem months. ••• • "'. sMj
Use Six 1a
se fear,
Look M Veer label.
tta•u Iwbel t. • •taudlr.a rnc.1ii1 of the dew
ti ehle'• you are pair! sop. Nes that 1t (1 not
snowed to fall into serest. desired. beta
. • ob•ngs of sddla 4.srsss 1. led. beta
the old sad the sew address
'eK1•Isa Seem
L el lad other casual adv.rtteemeatL tee
K 111.• for IInic
R 1nv ma. end t mots i
fee .••.b sohsoisent ltse.Hon.
• seri • ani I mala
Beetnees Dards of six Ilse* aid seder. Ni ier
year A r.resemenur of Lott You crefad
Sit. • nose V•oaet. N'•n.tkse sled sad
Hm nees Chance. Wanted eemsedi*j 1
11x• • toapereil. 11 ser mown.
li aces on gale shod fMr.n. oe 4.0e. not to
thew. •I for 4r -t m^e•` !n .per snb-
• • -,t •nnstb. 1•e•r••r s'..•. Is prup"Ftioa
• •i..•c►el notice. the ►meet of ash so
remote the peroolar7
ind". 1 or Company, to he cvias'deeed .a ad
vie browns and ch*reed •o.•••r•+•nVI7,
Loral notices in nonpareil type one oast
word. no mottoes less then 23c.
Local notices In ordinary reeling type two
een•eper word. No notice for Iwo thee tee.
Notices for churches end other tellsiotis and
benevolent fnetentlose halt rata
enheerih.w who fell to re.•.eve Txs 9•.x AL
revnl•ri7 by mall. w111 c •nr..r a favor by ac-
ar.•ntler as of the fact •1 a earl) en date se
r'.sliebeis melee.
SItOYAK , en u[ Ha,..ri n. fa Iytag st st. Jurad �VAtsa pad 000ssion to cpnsult j(j sph'' Hospital Ina very all"
from a fall.
yet another doctor, who di.goosed the I The [Swedish steamer Alexander was
cast, as being one of doatiug kidney. i sunk la pontoon with the Brttab
The last ,n(dical tan was r41At, anti ,tnportant Events In Few Words "enter Aden in the Heather- Tan
Of the mew were drowned.
the patient has been ep'raf+ee upon For Busy Readers t The Norwasiaalain Peahen. went�h tadne,t Gi son
ital u now improving This is well, ' Cove. N.H., and Immediately broke up.
for hvd fief the last doctor been spelt We Mar Wstrsars aleeeear.w care14•1117 The captain and nine of the sailors
some other uien-beet of the fraternity pantiles nae net Is abaa7 one were killed on the ruche or drowned.
a1 seep'• seam sae tae 110.11005 et William Phillips of Windsor, out..
sickwan was Affli ed with that then ; ow saes• -A seta weep haw eat who was duck shouting. lett his broth -
fin alllicted with a women er Charles. aged 12, sitting in their
s raeyrapbsa elaesatM/aa boat. and when he returned a few
alitelDINI. hours Inter he found the Lad dead.
Maeda him lay the
leg, • glow ares or a marble heart --
for doctors differ you know.
former member of the Toronto Salvia- •preys lea*.
-The many friends and admirer* tion Army. was found is Kingston bar -
Dur. Thr euluner'■ Juryfound that aha 1 Thr Montreal Board of Trads Alt);
of Sir Klett Aso Ca*TwbiN0 W the drvwnrd heels![ while temgwrtt. fly ID- jrcl to tit date o[ Thankegnvleg I►*%
with d re- sane.
I because the holiday Interferes with the
Hut•on Tract will learn deep rtlr. INUI'ttTKIAL v7uat.n, navtgatlin of the canals at a very
gest of the death ot hi• youngest son, The strike of the telesnPl. operator*
Lewis, who passed away Sunday last con alledeoff *1adian 130 a.macific Railway' was Thursday. All tba I For the practically nocbaage Inthere
ere Ind•• rt o
aged 19 years. The tdr..•eal.wl was to atrlkere well Dc reln'trile•1 rzcrpt ►ucb nation In the hntt.d Stater. Bu.tr. 15
1. Delteved that the strlkars hate acts.
It and the sudden advent ut cold it
the service of the Hank of Montreal, u have been gouty of :Aminal acts It In all lines a unprecedentedly au rt,
neral favorite with all t;lcaliy eeeurrd wth. :t.krd bas checked the movement In some dl -
and was a iu sections, while it has not had time
who knew hies. , rte A e re t rted as tt ..1U.U' enouch mfr l.e•en derided enough to de-
Cro/ps are reported as ruin.•.! 1n ter velop the winter demand. Orders are
The raoitt+ment in connection West of Ireland by resent storms and restricted to tmmedlate requirements.
ltooda i• h iesele merchants are eritical as to
with lite rrpn•so utatjoD the new Nearly all the chse'e in the vlctntty credits, and generally collections are
1 r A slight Improvement is re -
county districts i* beginning to MOM- of Kingston o1 b^e4 wtleht up hY ported in Atlanta, Augusta. New Or-
i dealer at a el 10 cents
feet itself, and a number of old county The wheat elevators of Manit ilea are ane and Texas eltle. Wheat, wool,
councillors have Ile^n seiud with the finned up as a result of the recent strike. Iron and .feel have a h aneed and are
but the C.P.R. 1s now moving grain ate•dY at the aiyance. Commrrctal
ambition to face the issue. The Fall again treefy. fallurYee In the 1 nlited States for the
week ended Friday were We as com-
shows and other public gatherings are j THE 1CDCCATIONAL w'o'il.u• ' pared with 300 In the correspondiu
11 attended of late by aspi- The PubUc and Htgb Pero. l Hoards w( -.,k last year.
Iia i td 2 t la>9alga
have ar-
indicatlons are that the fight will wax Hun. George W. P.o i vatted the N rived at Birmingham.
mal and Model Schools at Ottawa •tad
warmer as the day of nomination ap- gave an address on Lite duties of lbs The
Imperiald rt susonanawt rid a theithdat
teaching profession. -•-dt on Saturday evening.
The body of Miss Mary Grants a lhruug
being well a n O[ Kingatan NC t1 Pt UCLA' Pk'KWI\.at..
rants to the district council, and the mate. or- I Mr. and Mrs. ('hamberlatn
J C. Le Tomei. of Go.ierlch. Iles been •p pronches.
poln•ed Local Teavelhot( A.ect for the town
t M KIC res
rt tic[ she
Lenlar' Hoeg JOCasAL -Is the October
'anowered a reo ie autworlptfoa• w Tug number of tel Ladies' Homo Journal will
9' •vAt. writers of
Alt communications m• •• he nddre-ed to a' iouud articles by the tsa/iat
F: Presides% Harr.wn
I) Mc(11,. ICI'1►DT,
T1ta NatrA
blisT..ephone t'al131 3odericb
lel of God h Colborne. A.hdeld sad W BOOKS ANO PERIODICALS.
Ln al postm•Me••r over the s• are
cal of
The Central School at Barrie. which - - e president
has been enlarged stud rem xleUed ata The late Sir John Millais. P
cost ot nearly $14.109. war reopened ca of
the Rtoyal andAcademy.
Quarter dullfortune
Monday by Hoo. tie'1"g- W. Ross
roe We': or WAR. The Queen and the Pope have ex-
on naval retniorcementa changed cordial letters upon the oc-
The despatch cagier' of the sixtieth anniversary of
this continent to Zanzibar Is Interpreted as a demon- Her MaJesty's n Ign.
tremor about the Amerisaa eavv, present stration against (ternai:v. Lord and Lady Aberdeen have
and prwpeotivs ; Joe. Gilmer Speed shows Documents and rotes t can•! 1n the to spend a two-monlhe' holiday gone
that, •a regards Irving. New York is the are•hlc, - of the Capuchin Order tend Loral Aberdeen's ranch In British Col -
most luxurious city in the world ; Dr to eul.port the Roden claim in the umbra.
Parkhurst contributes an excellent article \'res.-zuelan dispute. I After witnessing a grand review at
on tbe theatre ; Th» W. fitttgtn-on 11.01•• Lord Salisbury. Mr. Chamberlain sed ' Chalons and toasting the !Tench army
the best 100 nooks M Amenoan •tenon for 81r Julian he Britfote had . tong colt- the Czar, accompanied by the Ceara x.
!nays ; Steve Chas H I'arkhunt shows that Serener In the Brt•:*h Fur�tgn quesoffict on started for Darmstadt.
Saturday on the \ 2 deans;..0 queeD•)a. Relaties of William Buckingham, a
60D �I', Cli liuAIN CENTII.
��E intetod to make our new Fall 8toek et Dry Goode move rapidly,
that is, if low prices have anything to do with it. We want to have
you know that we are squeezing prions down to the very lowest
of compression point, that it is possible to give them. We point with pride
to our prices. Our new
now in stock. We ask ytotl to coe►pre Quality, Style and Proves with auy
*tore in Goderich. New
play u • aeoessity for the people : f.11WI
and It is expected loaf a settlement
THE Mail has become hysterical , young man who went trnm 1.
B 11 whether a women knows all the the vexed cane win noon ler arrived aL work on s tar's near ro
Hail's Corners.
late ever the report
that tit+ Govern + sof l w e
love of Mve making who has ere of those P411.•711'3- terenisL. are looking for him. A fortune L said
mens contemplated replotting deputy � •dumb. silent husbands who doubtless adores Lord Rosebry has reigned the to await him
heads of deliwrtntents by others who' her but u able to express it Day is decd.' leadrrshlp of the Liberal party. 1'r1 C1.A* lylPD.
would be more in accord with Liberal Eiw•rd W 1i .k takes op Isnvhiag man Is- Thr �'Ictoria Assembly. atter as aU- Ottawa's pupulatlin 11 fi1.N0, ac-
teraeting manner, and how Ur.ols Sam Rot night sitting, panned the s l'er.d read- eor.11r.R to the assn mace'* returns
principles. We are worry The Mail his name is cleverly pointed out. Talking telt of the bill establishing female sett- Another huerleane vleft.•d the Brit -
feels that way, but even that should' Shoo et Rome is woth rooesidefatlee by frage and one man one vote. fah mast n Friday night.
all who go out to (tatty toil, fwd an article 1 At a larWeieettn; held at 1
not deter the Goveruwent from carry -of early mining laws will be read with is Cap., Tnwnge pres F,r+dcaymevenlnS, hi- The apt onfur, closehas been avery poor one for immlgratfos to Can-
ing; t it the only plan which will save Sweet by those who follow gold sod silver tions were adopted calling for the obeli -
leads The Pashto Women, by Hendon tion of duties on meat. flour and wheat. I�The Hamilton District Council of
it from being delivered into the. hands Garland, maks known the foot Mist aril The Irish party are greatly dlssatbs- the Royal Hamilton
i has decided of
of the Philistines, m was the Admin- girls they are very pretty ; .ad there ere ed at the resignation of Lord Rose- 11*. Rax the Ontario etded Allianre-
atoelleot articles on how to plant bulbs, to ! bery. They do not relish the prof- The withdraw
deer-stalkingfrom the
season In Scotland
lstratjon of :if!CgR!r7.1g. Brow the Bermuda lily. te make an ()riestal pest of Sir William Harcourt being the has been unusually aeon ieful. The
There are few +leputy heads of de- bath, girls evening dresses and styles for leader of the Liberal party. (Bradley -Martin parts •f thirteen The
T I. r , l: r. KIM u►tu' ines
last week secured forty-nine stags.
Again we lead in the Newest, most Stylish and the Tastiest Designs of the
season. Many exclusive patterns.
Again we ask comparison in Quality and Prices. ,Fall and Winter Novelties,
are overflowing with Style, Merit and Attraction. You ignore your
rightful advantages if you omit to claim the advantages offered by the great
Mantle, Dotal Goods and Linen house of Godericb.
Chimer Welt-dt Rely aquas*.
Good board ma be bad at the hotels in
K,s•1ao,{, f3 (; , et $17 to 118 • week.
The Asitlo-Kgypuan .apaitttoa will sob
•ti••atw to Khartoum us s000ulet of tb. ea-
1 he Crown Lend. Department have relied
tor tenders for otetiog 151,000,000 of Datta
Tb. Moveda f-ot..riee et Coventry. E• .
15.000 hand* lead pay 15.000.000 m
partments who are not hound hand elderly women.
P.a'+ MA
1 llod sestea-grinisse ekes MO en ages in
The linen whew is the world is in •
e'lereh as )UUwe11aa
HAII twig. -The Oetobee awn. The High and Public School bulldMg Tete London '.,ad Car Com any,
and foot to the Tory party and the gilts of Harper'. M,ig•zia• ie Doe of the best at Newcastle was destrorrd tor Met wile h runs n -' r;v a thousand omni -
Tory ex-Mint.ters. In that event *umbers ever issued. It comets* the fret The T. H. Taylor Company's flour .uses. Intends t,. do away with the
instalment of Du Slssri•t'e novel, The Star mills at Chatham were badly damaged use of horse.+ in its business, and to
d 1 nal boys' by dee run motor omnibuses.
the opponents of the Government' Isere since. Theo for srwrtamee then t• of wheat. oyer the terms on wile h to 7
Hastier Blue Quell in Northern N•ciee, ; The charge of arson preferred car nr. nni.Itlon is to be submitted to
In IS7$ the Liberals ball an object A lending pt►per en electricity by IL R.
lesson of how things worked, and if Bowker, with upwards of twenty ttlwtre. against Pust•naster held of Langford the people.
wan heard before Judge It)bb. Mr. The employes of the Toronto Rail-
no this most important sullen, end Heid was honorably acquitted. I way Company on Sunday by a large
the present Government continue jn A ft cowl Chapter in Amt rim. Hatory, The Ton,nto Fire Brigade respond' d majority aPDrnv'd the proposition of
Walter (;lark. The negro of the to no 1e.s than ten calls durtn3 !'taint' the civic Sunday ear committee to In -
the course pursued hy N.+t RRxzlg FM by Judge ttert' to tt►r propoee•1 Sunday car
•t- ( IKi`t then theywill wi°� a brosVht p.ominmt a Detore the day night and riouzSunday. Two of the
[ween i, .3 anpublico win
this :ember ie es iawrestnos gree were o[ a serious nature. Harv1e'a meet to tar voted on by the cit lens
deserve any fate that may befall theta paper, A Black Settlement, by Mo('ulloeb box taetory sui.tal ned $ 00t► dam a lb week. clause limiting the men to six days'
Williams. Samuel 13.Weldor istrodso. a ,and Ryrie Bros.' jewelry storeroomI D►.AD.
There is only one ;aye way to ileal musical artist in !the form of The Ambiences' was scorched to the extent of Sleet with deputies not in accord with the Crioket, not wbde all do not like the ohirp 1 rut.ert('e-roRelfle• 1 Baron Mueller. the Australian ex-
elleGovernmeut policy. They should be of the new aspirant for musical boson. The Kolniscbe Zeitung asserts that purer. is dead.
there will be on dispute as to the exoelleeoy a written between Russia ne' 1*l•'10 ix- Mr. Thomas 1.in.e, Kingston, dledgatteryan.Illness or agent
what is to hinder
the . epartmen [man, the opmtnq sono. of which is • vs
work front twcoining an open hook to school In Parts. and the tame some fifty The Northern elevator at Dowries". There 1s a deadlock between tbe city
Stan., w•ar burned with 1.,000 t'usheia and the Tor soft. Railway Company
e Ronda
('..tltx tion has done little rood for . me
of the lou h S-. 1.•-r der.. N ,w defy
wow] thou 1111.• to 1.e..m0 [rote leis.. le
iel.sd, gossiping, gembt,og .ad piers'
A large number of hosts have ham deed
by the Americas Goveretneot for hreshisa
he rules re. navigation on ow Soo easel
and river, ameng tete number beta. the
N aniteba and Moaaroh.
removed. Any other male of dealing
with this question will mean political
suicide for the party in power.
of the paper. Ootays Thaset oat .nbnwa a
rather .* .ati• •..1 'tory, in which interest I but that It is only defense•. a nn Its days.
is twittered i. •e despoiling of an advea• provisions. Mr. Robert Craig. sr.. art old citizen
rarer, tot " 1' a Unfired Lite," by Mi..1 Mr. W. T. Atkinson (Democrat) ha* of Cornwall. Oat.. died suddenly Our.-
Rn'h Molt. Stuart, is even more see.stiesal been re-elected Governor of Georgia by day. aged O. need '11,
and interesting ; in toot, all levan of I a majority 01 !8.000. which Is an is- I Mr. Louis Cartwright
SNAP SHOTS- crease u[ 6er00 over the party ut�j.ui:y youngest son of Sir Richard Cart-
should read them both. The Vigil I let tau years ago. weight, Algid Rundap at Lindsay.
ot McDowell Cuero, • study of Now ti eek
-Tit Seaforth Expositor handlesIt was semi -officially announced in , (fpm. Trochu. who defended Paris
( 1Je, hy F'rn. tsoc Matthews ; The Pity of Constantinople that the 'i urkish Gov 1 until the surrender to 1s the
the question of the registry °thee ap- I It, by Z. I). l'ederhill, •a love story withSt (ernment has come to the decision no: army In January. 11571,
to admit the United States cruiser Ban- Yrs. Phfllp O'Meara 41,4 on iridew
croft through the Dardanelles. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs.
It Is reported om good authority that M. Ryan. in Ottawa, aged 111 years.
Rupia has decided to tntery ••De on tic- I Mr. Daniel Eugene McIntyre, sheriff
cum-ielimg the d the 1 -oiled Counties est Stormont,
00 TO
8011001 BOOKS
See his 300 -page Map Scribbler : it
is a good one. Complete Stock of
School Supplies.
The Goierich Lumber Company ( Ltd ► THE
saleat the Harbor d at the
has for ar an
yard on the G. T. B. track, Elm, Ash
and Basswood,- - - Pine, Hemlock -
and Cedar Lumber in all leeegths anti
sizes, and Cedar Posta Also Slabs
in any quantity.
pointment with paw bags n oth very pocuitar plot ; At the Howl (arse ,
Louis. soother love story he Georgette
hulas Pee end Farb and Faithfulness, by Serb
-The Stratford Herald is still ilemwell Kato* t. a tale of Southern life
during nrtn the civil war. will .11 be found in
writing about consistency. In its last I this most isuo esuat somber.
Scatnvzlt.+ MAOAZI3S.-The October
reference it put all it knew on the y ll iae i. afro.. in
Womb... nla.r &Raz
question in about ten lines- and that
is farther than we thought it could
--C••pt. T. N. Dmtrity has been ap-
pointed sub -collector at this port. He
will make a most efficient officer, and
his appointment will give satisfaction
to his many friends in Golerich and
half of the Armenia"' tmtsed re- +
Porte to carry out the Dro Dundee. and Glengarry, diced on Sat -
forms. England and France will sup- urday aged 04.
port the move. Col. Warner H. Relies. one of the
TMs; KEL/tuIOVn WORLD. oldest resident,. of the Niagara Perlin -
a Americanism
of immediate tntir••t.
Tne Amertoleuiam of the poteber There are 1853 Christian Endeavor mita.
7 ares Sunday.
1�eveniteea ninety -
number :n suej .t en tin wthc• 'up i. is Societies In Ontario. old when the battle of Waterloo was
most proonanoed feature. The foreign els- Rev. IR. G. Miller, was inducted as fought
mint, however. is set neglected. Mr. and Mohof lStt..op oma%DubloChurch. Hanoi- Gehrge DuMaurier, the o[
Mn, Blsshfteld open the comber with • Punch, and the author of artist y•"
learned and picturesque amount of the sr- Kpnz College convocation was held died of heart disease- He was sizty-
tete end h►storio•1attractions olthe famous In Toronto last week, but prior to the two years of age. The remain. were
Italian city, Siena. Ma Jaooaoi'a wonder- crena
tin. the Rev' G. L RobinriRobinsonand ted on Saturday at Woking.
-A. J. McC0LL, Q. C. has been
appointed judge of the Supr•etne Court
in British Columbia. Mr. McCoi.L
was at one time a resident of Brnesele
in this county, and his old friends in
are pleased to learn o! his pe
ferment at the hands of :lac Govern-
- -There is a great deal of talk
about cutting down expenses at Ot-
tawa, but no one has auggeated the re
sons! of Chat en►inent long-distance
patriot, J. C. LA k x t:, who has peen
the Rev. James Bal Y The funeral services were held Moo-
fn117 vivid •rtielos " m the Trail of Dolt t on the day at Hampstead
Masorete,'' are ooeoladed in this naerbsr.
Mr. (z.dkin's paper on "The Kzpsaditars
of Raab Men " points out a hotter way for
rich tam to display their wealth thee in
the building of great houses He advises
rtnb men to leave their memovials in the
shape of pnhlio moeumeets, such es build -
Ing. tor artistic sal philentropto purpnsel',
eta Col Grosse, disosesing "Th. Govern-
ment of (:rester New York." poises out
how that city ons be weds men ptosparnss
and oomfortlebli. Mies Humphreys, is
her diweosioe of " The New York Work
ug (;mel," is syaally iotar•eting to
the oleos of worklar-eirls everywhere.
Mr, Kirk Munro has pot the reel reenact
of lite in • Itgbtbost• into his •enols de-
acribiag tel "Crites of the Artemis. Sop•
pry Chip," whish touches et loll the North
Atlantic lighthouse. in Rosins this sum -
bar is made seeable by tel Ines unpublished
'tory of H. (; Busse►, whish was mead
his papers after hl. death. TM
having a fide time and a fat job in I I tivnwoa u a mine reprod.otiee of .e -
Australia, endeavoring to develspe other of Mr Rleehfeld's p+eete for • deo-
trade that will not, be t.veloped. if
there is one pieen of used up political
fruniture that should he consigned to
the lumber room it is the eminent J.
1;. LAMS.
--Medical science seeress to be a
Matter of guetmwork at Meat. For
two yriae• J. W. WAIN', I, a fireman at
the central fire station, Hamilton had
rias troubled with a severe pain in
the lower part of his body. He owe -
suited Im.i physicians and they gave
,yea opinion that hie liver was tilt.
amod. This was farther angels' 1'
a gooalled expert el Babb. 1
the pain biome Ewa abish wpm en Cbtdltataia
last ne were in-
ducted into vacant positions
staff of the professoriate.
The orgaulsatlon of the Dominion
Council of Christian Endeavor has
been completed. and 1t was decided to
bold the first gathering under the an -
spleen of the new council in Montreal
In 101.. The headquarters t the NO -
minion Council will be In Toronto.
W. J. Watson addressed the Toronto
Tt eoanphloal Society on Sunday et-e1:-
ing against the recent anti -Chinese res-
olutions of the Dominion Trades and
Labor Cnngreslt There was a large
attendance. and D. J. O'Donoghue re-
plied In favor of excluding :he Chinese•
ry1[.1TIC* •('A♦,x111AN.
It is probable that the office of Black
Rod at Ottawa will he abolished before
next .eepdon.
Mr. Laurier bee been placed on the
Treasury Board M place of Mr. R. W.
Scott, who withdraws.
During the aMence of the Governor-
general, Chief Justice 81r Henr7 Strong
will act as administrator.
erased piano, sad a deist article is tel
" ri.0 et Art dismisses these deses+Moas.
TM rated wrath's d Exeter will be 14
Possums es tide Railer market w Meta
• bas.
Th«e ase several wen of Resriet sever le
Mende : Melanie. M. hes lemma re en
row' by R. R. ile. 1 ler 1R(i7.
Br..ose : James Kelly ear slaked lbw
aprlakld m peemee trig Prays$ Nam
r tslmR.
Mania • Wm. Jaime kap ib barrels of
apples bees • V..1..v se teen and 14 bee.
Mb MI a Med* Id..d Gresssar nen tdtr
Mavis : A. C. !Massa w rudped Ids
�sMt4 se Webs* le tt et. Il. Ii. mad Is
inch wesyhar - -wAry. Mtn Mary md.
1Hry vS mempla a Me. MenR'a S.
There 1s some talk' In Ottawa politi-
cal ctrelis of Senator McInnes of Hill -
Nb Columbia being taken Into the Cab-
inet without portfolio.
Hon. Joeepb Martin states that for
the next ten years he will devote him
Pelf to business, and et the mad of that
time, If he eon afford it, he may re-
enter polities.
S1r whiter* Van Horne stated at
Winnipeg that the C.P.R. were doing
Retain In regard to the Crow's Nest
Inds Seaway project, slmpey waiting
11. Dominion Gevernrneet to take
Mee matter up. Sir William also es -
premed views on the Autistic Mems -
dip eesvlee
t;asv ALTERS.
Hon. and Moat Rev. Edward Witte
Benson. Archbishop of Canterhurr
Primate of All England.was
with apoplexy during divine service
In the Hawarden Church on Sunday
morning and died almost iuunediately,
his death occurring at ILO a•m.
CRIME AND ('Rt11IN.al.lt.
The Bank of Sherburne. Minn., was
refund and othernt man sbier Thor -
hot dead.
The robbers escaped on bicycles.
The death sentence of Christian
Hanson, the murderer of Jaynes Mullin.
now 1n Parry Sound jail. has been
commuted to imprisonment for life.
Dr. Carl 7. Nita. a German physi-
cian. of Chlcalrn. clvIeected his wife on
Wednesday afternoon. took notes of
her lying eondltton. and hien shot
himself deed.
George it Underwood. who has been
cnnftned In R'•"••tst.tek jail for say.ral
weeks awaiting the completion
al e -
tradition prr.ceeedhfaa. wY
Houston. Texas. to answer • charge
of murder.
George Hewell, a colored (envies bot
the Kintston Penitentiary,was
and killed by rine of Ike guards for
mutinous conduct and murderously at-
tacking another gavel. The verdict
said Chief Keener Hughes waa Ratifi-
ed In 'bootleg.
The osae of the .opposed murder elf
yr.. Robert (`armoiter near Harjtse-
vflle baa boon placed In the hands of
Government Detaettve John Murray.
The body was exhumed for the per -
pew est eomewhnvattna the medical tee-
tftmoaT at the Inquest.
Two yours. weenere Anal. sad Alice
Resobt.s. Lone Township, One. aro
°na e•r7,nuri A. ,s*s Id.
Z. bets evidenea •t 1 fbe w
vision wee told on Wednesday
wee to the *feet that idle dint had
been born alive. sad at srwrds 1t3UeA.
we lawn bevies Mss battered or
entad In. Thi WIT bed lows btsAsd
A i-yearold lad named meas Jobs.
ma was killed at the Des Rtetien, ?*-
At N•pall.. Jeba Gsfeorx^, a bey
about 14 Tears .14 was idl;.d while
steeln`g . ride en a tlediebt trsia is
0*.. 0. R. rev&
stn ti.asnal 111.111114 me deserts UM.
There's a tine store in town
That, we'll wager penny,
When it comes to late styles,
Can't be beaten by any.
Go, carry the news
To your fathers and mothers,
And be sure you forget not
Your sisters and brothers.
Tell all your relations,
Aunts, uncles and cousins,
Your neighbors and friends
Bring them in by the dozens.
The best end cheapest envie
aid Samaras are for sale at
The i isedeal stave and Iw ass mea
Apple Barrels
ForSalle - - -
At Lowest Market Prices
Wholesale or Retail.
Beat .
• s •
At CATTLE BROS. Now is the
time to enquire about Heating or
Cook Stoves. Whe have them -
all kinds and sizes at lowest possi-
ble cost prices. Also leave your
orders for repairing and setting up
of Stoves. We handle the beet
Canadian aii•I American Coal Oil.
IPlumbers and Tanners
A Careful Buyer
My Active and Grand Harland
Cooking Stoves for wood. My Good
Chest steel oven for Beal or wood.
My Hustier takes 27 inch wood No.
9 oven, only $12. The Happy
Thought for coal ; and the heat doable
heater Coal Stove for parlor is tits
Radiant Hone, sad don't you Oar-
1mgat it.
Tlins kfaes el OW Cil-wlisheib
tone"'"` a N. DAVNI
WW nine No gouda .eatelely, Save
Olean made den. and pay Mie t
el • prise Nina. Yee nay ries seretel
fehae lax plus yese seder tef.b se ye,es
bonnie will be ..54.1 arawf esensesL
dei, Is el no 4na sstw
will nabs. yes es sew} sled• 7�
UM Waal