HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1896-10-15, Page 1Ij1ov saBT
.,.,18THE HEW
Fes Una THY,
Has WiderEaJae Wens.. ...... b
Farms lite Sale or i (teat— W. C.
Porter ... 6
Basta i Selo ---H K Pelee& 8
Undertake" nae KahalenillR—A. B
wrasll.... e.•••. 8
Lauber far Sala--Gederieh LamMr (le,
(laid) .. 4
Om Their Uppers --Wu. Stara• Jr8
Keep Out—F. M. Denham...... . 6
A UN of Martyrdom—FaKerd t Co8
Tenders for Sewers - R. Thempsno 6
Vale's' Litt Court— W. F. M o 1 foeagle 5
For Sele is He It --Mrs M. A. lieu e . , 6
J.('. Johretoa spent the past week in
A. '. Chrystal was in Kedge the
Mime K.11, of the I. P. R. is holidaying
ren l0
F. Smooth has emuraed from bis visit
W hat le Glol116 on atthe Capital
Oat/tmn Dews the Iipemdlterm Is tae
aeptrtsee5I A Ttserwnna Neese
Aleutian ereres.ry -- Feeler
and ?bridles Talk.
OTTAWA, Oct. 12.—I doubt if there
le • member of the mew government wbo
will be .Horded beets opportunities for
!maim/ dews, exp•oditan in the &dams•
intim of his aepertmeot thaw the Pose
esaet r ( teasral. Hs has started out to
De- '..}lately rsoown
tvt the tn•,I ooatreat
'lige'. and In this branch alone it is esti-
mead he will effect an annual saving of at
least 11100,000. He s adoptiuv the prtu-
in clple of putties, all mal ooatrwcu up to
open tender, and everyone has an oppur-
w enmity ot Wedeln". No favoritism ; so
contrast awarded .tuiiely to party workers
Jos. Craigia arrived home from Clevel
on Friday.
Mw Nairn is visiting r.lative.in the c
of Detroit
S Maynard, of Chicago, was in town r
past week.
J Piggott, of l'betham, wag is, (:odor'
Mut Fnu•y.
Mies Adds McKay is visiting her ester
F. Blair, berrieter, Brussels, was in God
rich this week.
Mie Ella Ihoksge has gone in • v
J•okam, Mich
R D. (neat mod .1. f.. Darts spent Ju
day to W Ingham.
Mrs. W. D. Shannon returned from 1
trott on Saturday.
s .1 A. Boyd, of Belfast, wheeled in
town ria S.terd•y.
Joa•tk•a Mailer returned from • visit
Detroit ea Saturday.
Robt. Melees has returned from • deal
nese trip to Montreal.
Hugh Dunlop returned from a visit
Wieconein os, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. James returned
"t Catharines last week.
Mn. Hy. Martin was the put week via
log relatives an Detroit.
Mrs. T. J Clean spent the grist week
with relatives in Detroit.
.1. Baker, of the G. T. R., Stretford
visited (ioderich on Fraday.
It•rruter Mal000eon, of Lncknow, *as
•t the old Mme on Suod•y.
C.ptai■ sad I -ions( Puller reteramd
home 00 Sat urdss from Chicago.
Mrs D. Forename has bees visiting bee
children in the cloy et the straits.
Mr red Mr. Brown, of Toronto, were
the past week visited is, Goderieb.
Mrs. (Judger Johnston and sou left for
home, Semi Ste. Man. en Monday.
Mr and Mn. N . John Vomiter spent •
couple of days this week in Windham.
1)r. and Mrs. Grahams, of Kruwels, were
vetting friends in the County town thus
Mr. and Mr,. Wher Stewart are visiting
fnen-ls n I:odench.—Toronto Saturday
Gee. Gledhill, of Detroit, is speadiae •
weak with his relatives, Mr and Mrs. J.
R. McMordie, of the Modeling cIe.sa,spest
• few days the past week at his bone near
E (loupes, of the Goderich Collegiate
Institute, cam at hie home, Blusvte, darts,
let week.
Miss Grace, and Master Albert Dickies
w en • visit to their ester, Mrs. A. M.
Kay, of Stratford.
Mss E. Routboombe, of Clinton, baa
charm of the C. P. R. office during Mss
Ba11's abases n Torcasio,
Willem :Urethan, °Moslevi1)., Ky., ac-
companied by hie sow, Harry, h rating
'sleeves in town mad vicinity.
Mrs. llrayley, who has beta trim gamut of
Mr. sad Mrs. Jas. Wilkinson for • law
week', returned to bar bene.ear Toronto
a0 Friday.
(afore' Crebsss•,goage+I enmsager a the
Book h•tieral, of Meetrsal, and Mtg. ere -
bar are ea • milt i the litter's stater.
Mn. 1. E. Demme. Rast.d
Meg Mary D. Wileon. of Whliekarob, a
forgerpupal u she u....1..M visite,, friend&
Mia. Wilma bee bees mimed as
teacher of Zetland smbeel ter 1897.
Mrs. Bent. Ilreyley a,d children after
spending the Hamner M the madames of
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wa-
hiawa, returned ea Friday te their home ne
W. J. McTavish, who had been smptyed
the (erg.. Foamy far seem months, (tot
Toesd•y ter wiegbaes, ea ronin for Raley
River DWf'ht, a jets W father la Wood -
este tewteMMp. Ria seen= baro wish
him ,Gomes
IS hie feria
`chr. Youel1 salted es Saturday for Pert
Herne to load peas for Kimo nos -
A rxs somber et people were at lbs
Mints. ea Sunday rewng Mie iaprove-
y harbor Der 8. teepee of lan-
(,erg ~'
Iia► fur the whs.(!vias Foamy.
Ths Pn hs. Clara Tema arrived is pert on
v.mlag with 960.000 feet ef lumber
ilea' Thames for N. !Vilma .
The fesadatien ler the water works or*
was Islamabad from the Wend en Ptidsy mad
is sow bast bode up bsaide the deet.
_The weather rssebed pert en
qday with • .as,& m meal, el wink 400
slots s fir the 14 fad sad 900 ter the
'Ti't•y's 'Nab lees • Ar gem stns only
000 mW be oohed i the sarlbilr of
gi w The (I the naw Seeman'
lit fe I1tm.Ireal live esaa. bee
asi mass
Mtal II; ilwkrdq Mabel* sen k.r .
mid w • reward tier polities' servtoes and at
their own figure, From early morn till
ity eleven and twelve o look at night se Mr.
M utock to be found un his otboe iu the La-
be eon Block hard .t work riving the mon-
b• the beet tit of his labor and uuntrwtors
the retlsind three mulatto' come of can
ob wllatiew of (outran. to such mem as hove
team awarded red engaged what might be
at termed •• soft snap " ander the Tate Gov•
e. While Mr. Mulek is busily engaged in
briarteg down the minuet expenditure of
to his dep•rtw•ent to • legitimate and lowest
bass, lir. Tarte, Minster of Public Work.,
o u no leas active in foremast out flagrant
oases when porno montes have been lysate
d.red le the working of that department
Sone 200 less wage caw appear on the
moothly pay roll of the Public Works de-
co pertinent than Mr. Tarte found there ahem
he took uherge, but it is not in that regard
so slobs that the eseatry is likely to profit
from hu labor. He is sew looking into .11
onetime me oostrtos, Deny of which .re of •
tweet disreputable mature.
Rat Mr. Tarte and Mr. Moloch are rot
tee only members of the Cabinet who have
started out no • crowd* against evil doers
and die/tones, cosi rectory. lir Blair, Mon -
ter of Railways and Canada, lir. Davies,
Monster of Marine and Fisheries, are both
ow looking into the workrngs of their re.
inactive departments, and es, far both have
old o.e that they have .very reason tor be-
hevtog that he oast of running their dee
partmenta can be very maternally reduced.
Aad so it s with all other departments.
The tact most not be loot eight of that
OW fish.°e hove only b.eo in office three
mostkseat of which seedy two mouths bad
1. be given up to parliamentary dutim.
I What time, therefore, has beeo at their dia-
1 to look into the working ot their re
!emotive depertment.' The country most
loot grew 1mp•tiget that the promised re-
trenchment and reforms have not been oar-
' nod into effect .t once. Existing oondi-
ta..0., as our friends found item on taking
other, cannot be disturbed u.til gone per-
meant and sooaom;cal reform has been •r
ranged to replace them. What is done
must be done wilt' a view to permanent and
lasting improvement. A tong hurriedly
is never done well. i think yna will
admit the eoaodneee of lbs logia. Theo
apply it te th1 o • to print.
An effort M. been made to &roues doubt
red suspicion ; to ovate false and erroneous
imprwioos regarding the seemingly (erge
estimate the Government laid before Par-
1i•meot during the past ,5.0100. It is true
the money roll is large but it is not fur to
judge; to charge the new Government with
extravg.00e twill at the gad of the year
we oto me how much of that money has
begs actually spelt. There is Dot • con-
stituency m the nommen that will Dot say
that the public works, buildings, wharves,
piers &o. are suffering from Dsgleot and ane
*sly be saved from total deetraotios by
large exp.sditures of money in repairing
them. It has become • question now as to
whether the Government shield ask Par -
leanest for the mesey 'squired to sees
rbw public works or whether they should
be abeedo.ed altogether. Had the meoey
wbab has bees squandered and stales by
dishonest ooateaoton daring the past 18
years hese legitimately eIpeeded on our
public works there would bare been no Deed
for exorbitant demands upon the treasury
now. Thin demand bee now 0aturally
swelled she estimates lad beton Perlis -
meat to very large proportions. Bras the
satiates kid before Parll.swe lest .ugeion
are pr'asHaslly the estimates laid Were the
Home by Mr. Foster dtwig N. sissies
held less Spring. That b with reference to
be nab entiesa1.. The tappi5mslry
estimates bresgbt down this seines i0 ad-
dition to the meet 5stiaaess were, with the
mann.. of soder hell • milliss dollars, to
meet the e6Hgati.ss the lab Oevrsmes'
bad imsrred 1s, the way of palm, works
he, either soder matron or eb4talc.s to
whish tie lug Oev.reinent wee osamit-
It wee • videos attack then is the dying
been of the semis. Mr. Fester made epee
the mow blabber d Flames the very last
day of the series when he Ne.mpeed be
*Wow the r--polbiBsy apes the new
Omersaont for the ak..eeall large se-
ttaetee of expenditure they had laid before
the Hetes. The .tusk was as cowardly as
to was unfair mad unwarranted. H. had
delayed the attack easel an hour before the
Oovers e General was le Deme dews be pro-
rogue holism... in order that the Goverw-
mens should have se epportw.lty es refute
the Aargau ee mhrepwtt•tteee sod that
they engin t E. be the ams•.ry metal
Tfew mango. ealwd
. the ang. as hie digpenl ]fir.
Fielding Dade an able defame. The eon -
sem gems peoplebe said. were reamer mere
am't's° le eemperiag missal exp..dthns
tthae wy were is masptwig sWm.res et
whleh they had an ashappy jengtlmM.a.
The less Goveramges had .maw the
met of the Osten %Mem bs.emWiag lib
81100,000 whale Mee bad bum exploded
epee th.t ulekratd se saesemt of a rr p -
Wo 1s, the anghle r8IM.t $00,000 N0,
1t fess sad the aeltbaMis the/ base baeta.l
expeadtba a teat the rekNry wasted le
bar ef. Be banal Me people wend
pNMaMy wale mill the -Sarni to the
pita' wase Weasel .ed mane Ihitr sent -
dem said Nem They seism emit mad the
.ed a the marmot 8ao.l year before they WEST HURON'S MEM
would be depend to draw cooperieo.e be-
tween the present Gover.neget and the ex-
trevavat l:overam at of the past.
--- -- I A Tribe
The manes of the ohildno who hove
taken the highest marks to the diffsreet
s.by.ota for the n..nth of September are as
Senior Full lase --Christie Dearborn
Annie Molt ,..td, Katie Webb, ('.eel,.
Mo(%ormee , .ruhmeuo, Kett. Webb, Philip
Keely, Ante Mal mewl ; grammar, Katie Iron ib. Kingston Ylteem.n.
Netto, Aussie 31 1)us.ld, Philip Kalyt
reading, Annie 14cLemed, Mary Mauve,. Li)It() MIN ENT amov:g t Inembe
Teresa l►oy le ; orthography, Celia M.Cor- el. oted to the first l'srltauteut of Yamada
m.o. Mary McF:v„y, Annie Mol>am•ld ; w.. M.Ieclm. Cello Comoro°, • duitiag
ht.rrture, Aunts Mcl)maid. Katie Webb, make(' yeaag b.rrutes of t.odoruob, cab
BER. "Pedis`'°' Psi* ` bad b' lir NEWS OF THE DISTRICT
f and played
to to his Great A12111
Patterson. There was, however, • game to
y it was shamelessly mid
scandalously, for all of was worth. Mr.
Ur. Patterson was, ter re•"ooa, well know,,
the Tory om.uhime, set ut t u datmt M
Cameros in Harem Two things t
machine adjudged meosssary for toe a000
pltebrent of this purpose. Tbe person .1
obarwter of Mr. Comoros' haat to be black-
ened, as oaly red hair's.' &s....ing oould du
the work, and the ('atheltc .ole had to be
touzzled and mined by heelers acting for
mem, bought by promisee of gun to them
eelyse, or very otos. relatives, or blinded by
hypocrite' preteeeloo, on the tout of the
Tory uamdtdate, whose great stook in trade,
amooget the (1•tholue of F.wx, was, for
• many yetis, • speech ire bad, is 1875, de -
0 liveried in the Ontario legislature against
(range ineerpor.tioa.
A joirts.L. m btu end aite.•.in It a ('unci
to do rt.- . ler, of 'te .'reek, the mor.(
easwto•' .0 of Yr. Common, elide profrs
gime: Catholic heelers and hangers-on were,
to °gens, suit into the nding to deceive
the hoau.t Catholic elevens Money was at
the command of the T.•ry m•oh'..e in bar.
refs or cheats. Every polling sub disinters
was debauched, but with all the efforts,
diegrsceful for the morn part, made for Mr.
Patterson, he was suoawful by the nominal
_majority of 16 only. Hu oa►eer as a Min-
ister wee marked by no brilliant swi ows or
lasting achievement, and glad we may we:1
believe litre to have berm, to slip quietly, tee
1896, Into the Lieutenant Governorship of
Manitoba, • plain. suited ro no judicial
temperament and filled by him with dignity
and imp.rtultty. Mr. Cameron wee, in
January last, returned tor hie old constitu-
eany, and in Juoe, the verdict was aqua re-
affirmed by the people at the polls. His
Majoritiee,00 both oeoas,oc., despite stut7'-d
voters' lista, pertsao deputy returning o
fioers and other Tory manipulations wrr
very large In the House. no member com-
mands treater respect than the veteran rep-
resentstivr. of the 11eer Riding of Huron,
no epueobes envie, closer attention
them his. He bas not often. in this new
Parliament, claimed the ser of the Com-
mons. bet every time ..ss hue eds.-00o 11 •
it has been in •npp'ert of the prieotple • ot
round admtnsetratios, freedom of elec;Jous
and honesty la public expenditures.
Moe et oke !ember. of the Worn
r.ruaatenl et canasta We ba. Al-
ways •rrsp/N a regalia, le
1M tery Wru.l Wk.
Lo Prom our own CorreepondenUe
Pbibp holy , history. Katie Webb, Anent
McDuo.ld, )'bdlp Kitty ; geoeraphy, Philip
Kuly, Aoow McDonald, Katie Webb
pbvs.oloey, Philip Kitty ; writing, ..moo
Moleseld, Mary McEvoy ; drawls,. Amate
Mol)eoald ; good conduct, Annie Mo -
Donald : order sod 0eatse. , Cecelia Mo.
Corntrto ; highest total, Annie Welter•Id.
Junior Fourth Claw -Christian theorise,
May Peyote, Eugetoe 11'ebh, lens, Neville ;
arithmetic, Walter Mul•twh, Nor. Dmo,
Carl Campion ; grammar, May Payne, Lw.
N.aile, Welter M lu'.sh ; re•d.tg, Lam
Neville, Mev f'..toe, Eugrwo tt . hh ; or
thogr.phy, (re. Nev•1.... ll.v Peen.., D. J
Neville ; hemmer*, .tiny 1'. r..e Ennio.
V* ebb, 1). J. Neville : hie or., Nay Payne,
Leos, Neville, D. J Neville; geography,
Carl Canopies, Welter Molnt...n ; physiol-
ogy, M.y Parse ; w Ding, L• o. NerfM• ,
Joseph Lynn ; Ara. emir, Leos N.v.11e ; good
conduct, Eugene %Aenb : order and omit
owe, D. J. Nevelt. kivhest total, May
Pa vee.
Third Cl les—l'hostlls,n Doorruse. Eli sabot b
McDonald, (:ertruie Marlin, Msry Pnelm ;
anthn.erte, Nora Healon, i iv,e a Doan ;
reWdra.t, Eugene Dean, Mary l'hrlin, (1.r-
trude &tertm ; orthography, Nora healon,
kI ubeth Molested, 'Sore Kgeuedy ; later
•tore. Nora Nance, Elizabeth Moien•id,
Mary Fere ; history, Eliraneth Moltoc.Id,
Mary Farr, Gertrude Martin ; geverri pby
h ad already n mummies' affair. and 10 pre -
femme' suoeses mode for himself • most
enviable nape and station. Elected in his -
tem '67, tor the opulent aid populous
riding et South Huron, lir. Comoro° w..
D oi lung a obtainuag • poeitess of dstiwo.
UGH 1n a iegisls,ure whose ranks shoos with
bathes' stem. L'nklrtg down Prem the
Kee. g..1!ery upon the nation•s grand in -
matadors, is the derkwute tali days of that
memorable year of t •weds's mum and
British America's u.,rsol.d•taui, nos had to
eons. to the mSWasroo that every Provisos
of f 3, new Dominion had . riven to send its
vet hest legislative trleot, .aid wetght'est
115'.-etnaoabtp to the tint Commons' Hous.
of Parliament of Krtt.ta'e magt.t.e.' end
m•vt promising colony Mea 01 historlo
reputations were there .n numbers ; orators,
el•", not • few ; le,n.l.tore Dearly •11 of
earn%otiose and eneleorei of purpose. All,
or slmust all, that was refined end dugntlied,
important and intlueatel, totted and far
egiung in the old legul•turee of the various
Britoil American provlucee was amply re-
presented tD toe first 1'ulumeot of an
torted, hopeful and loy.i young 0.tion.
But not the old alone was then repreecIted
Sino. 1841 • young Canada of lofty ideas
and iambi perpo•es had come taw be,ug.
Gertrude Martin, Mary Farr, Mary Thelia : Th•t young Canada rad, as the general el
writing, Mary Phalle ; drawing, Dora Ken memo ot 1867, as.ertd tts.lt, giving seats
adv ; good 000dtot, Maey Phelan ; order n the national levulature to young Caoadi
and ne•wees, Mary Ph.ln : highest total, ans of mob promise,prrmlogeoeand patriot -
Nora Neese. ten. es Edward Klakes, Malcolm Colin (oma
er.•ii, David Mllfs and James Young. of
11'.ter,00. Mui of commanding power and
Went all of these, but with •mbitioos gov-
erned by remota and ru,ded by moderation
From the tint important, iodoeott•1 and re.
sleeted, Lbey were never regressive. F..oh
aocoeedtng session brought Mem taw more
salad 'tending and prom,nenue, till, at the
general ete'taoo of 1872, tae young nee
of 1,167 were 1n tn. toreiront of the battle
•esi Dat Toryism and corruption. In the
Lot session of the first P•rl,.ment of Can.
da, Sir John A. Meoduoald introduced and
owned bs tint gerrymander wt. To
Burma he given addtttottsl member, but
se arranged the diereses as to hese the
Literal municipalities ,o the Coutes Riding,
with the purpose of making the other two
divisive* safely Tory. Mr. ('aero had
every claim of parry mei we and individual
worth as well as of person.' rAtone« to en
Low bun to the party nour•o.uw. for the
safe Li total coustituuucy. 1 ..- nomination
was, indeed, his without ..• k u¢, tor the
Huron Liber.!e were bouu . •o love Alin in
Parliament, but Mr. Censers,,. • aw that there
was en exc.tleot tightiog chap. e of hu vela
sups South Huron, wntco the lutes had
deemed • sate .eat for out of themselves.
Without keritation, be tattooed into the
fight in that diyown, and after one of the
severest contests the ooauty of Hutson bas
ever knows, o•rried It by • eubet.oti•I
majority. He was similarly gsoweatuo in
1874, &.d 1878 ; and even, la 1892, atter
Huron had undergone another gerrymander,
with the especial object of keeping nom out
of the House, Mr. Cameron came beck with
• safe majority'. (airing all them ye&ra,:oa
the Boor of P arl'ament, hu services to the
party were of the eery highest order. A
speaker of great force:and lucidity, he be.
mine • very terror to the Doodlers on the
Government benohes. They determined
that out of Parlume.t be mast go.
Th. late Sir John A. Maedosald
known to bare declared, in 1887, that
be would rather lose leaf a doss. seas
Ira. see " Cameras of Huron " re-elected.
Every dart was aocordi.Rly made to
deprive this forad.ble opponent of rovers -
stent .presents., this brave defender of the
rights of the imaged robbed and endow
melees of the Northwest, this barb= .sd
oosafatem orpiment of the Orae' oligarchy
of . egad in the Psrliaatst, aimed, in the
set aestioeed y..r. Th. bribery 'sad was
tanned en n tallest lbw to West Huron ;
she boodktn let loom ops. the 'merely, in
members never before sees ; every effort
,.ry resource employed to defeat the
' Welke," me Mr. Cameron. for his out-
spoken advooamy of the poor half-breed. is
the Northwest, was savagely and estrste-
hlly tanned. Mainers of religion se far
forgot their maned calling as te see their al-
tars and pulpits in dgeenentiao of the
people's true freed. Sir Jens A Mao-
deaeld employed all hie ars and tricks, me
• manipulator of melese.tial n8tasa., to
meso biddee but pens* habeas..gs st
Mr. Cameros The osusequenee of DL obi.
.str.ordfsary effort tiles tb.t by • majority
of lam thee 30. Mr. Cameros was exeleded
from l'arMaestNe
The Mi pI. of Herne were, hewers',
cairn se realise Noir lea. They saw tem
fee • true .me gthed representative of the
they bed pawed is the minimalbetan, • mere oreatare .f the samba.-
trebles of the day. They leered fee the
blase whoa they meld made the wrong they
bad ea *henwalves sad se the mgetry is -
dieted. The* time same, .ad, is 1801. -Mr.
Gammas was, for sixth time, sleeted M the
Parliament .f Cans('., as one of the mem-
bas fer Henee. Iliaepms.oste meld am
bear le me has eajoy tL amt he had ee
pllandly was. They preeested les sense
sad is the ammo not followed a to be
bead ..e of the meet diagnosis'
66a6 Barbs. meals.our elemermeals.Atte:
A. Meedesld had. n 18. Semester ef 1891,
dad. Ria ea's'e r, as Fret Mni.w,w'm
the lab
sdassk wssks W • r fe.
hi. .r*
felt° of h.s.&ry of Seam be'MrheppJ. (1.
N▪ orth Etas. Te the pas emen.loases.i,
N tbs. Way el Mt. J.6. Mamma i She
Demi sa DAMN w s dee the .ssmmest d
ptemallan of a r.mehMrs es .age Meriay
C E. L. U.
The following ere the topics for the dig•
hetet young people" societies which meet
doting next week •
North -et Methodist church E. L of C. E„
Fr.oy evening at 7:30 o'clock. Tope for
October 16th, " The 1 ease Christian in
Society." by Booms Guest.
Victoria -et Methodist churoh E.L.
Friday evening at 8 o'clook. Topic for Oct.
l6'h, Report of the Ottawa C.E. 000ventioa
by F. Hate.
Knox Churob 1 .l'. S C E., Tuesday eves'
mg at 8 •►'clock. Topic tor ('ctober
20th, " Are we doing our beet'" by Miss
M, Weise.
All are oordially invited to attend these
meetings, which are held in the basement.,
o0mmeooing during the *rummer months at
8 o'clock. Voicing members of ether sw-
eeties es ewi.lty welcome.
Trust/Ay, Oat. 19.
The 1_'. E. S. nob meet at 1 P.M on
Suede) evening.
Mr.and Mn. Foley eoterterned the young
here .t Rosewood to a dancing party Teem
dew seemed of Mut week which was emoy-
•ble to .Il present.
Wm Striatum, formerly of this place and
lately of Godertoh, and who has been for
rima time In L.ousville, Ky , u on • visit to
relatives sad friends H . 5„ who time Do
intention of returning to ()anode, looks well
and ntend. to see everybody before he re -
LEAVING Tota Wert..—A few weeks ago
we mentioned in our items that Mr. •Nd
Mrs. J. G. Clutton with family would re-
move to live Dear Hamilton. They left ea
Monday and will be meth mimed. The
school roll •t Dunlop will be lees by four
That esteemed personage, not of happy
memory, Jack Fret, 6me reappeared to re-
sew his vocation in real earnest for the oom-
Ing Winter by frosting the •brattier task and
the water m the creek Dear by au Friday
morning of kat week, the threshers having
to ono an are virorouely to break the ice too
Thursday of last week Mr. red Met A.
H Outten were is, Broonield •Headier *he
wedding of tee last.,'. sister, Miss Jannis
rational/hem to Alex. Mentieth,of T.aksr-
@ith bride wee wield by bet tialgr
Mossit, sad the groom by his comb. Reba.
Ms oUerdie. The oeremon was perterm.d
by Ree Mr. Muir, of Ilimoefield. The
bride was prettily dressed in white cash-
mere with nil to match. The bridal pair
after heathens took the train et Heiman ler
• wedding tear to kale' ..1 other pant.
i. Western Ontario.
V•wvtag blame.
"The OrpSao's Prayer " le creating •
gonna ..leadimam.. am eenhb. Ie is net
beaaas meetepiese by a eele6ra ed
ilktgII.h mrties,wbe wee totted nay aaeaat,
u p to ton lbws..° meads, if be wesW
paint manse pi'l'e' se geed a.' The Or -
Mote's prayer.' 7'6. gifted artist bbd and
tried agar, I.bored •.d worried and yearn.
in, bat mere up the attempt, freely a5k-
e owledgn. that The lhpb.a'w
wits so Ineptr.tioa.a•d se though. eery.
or say sere sf meditaties omit& Not frees his
brush • piney& fit to be salted • mespalen
pima The great artist met 6is death
through saddens is elmbfag the Alps, sad
•• The Orp8aa's Prayer " rem( ts@ as hs
ae..eseni. It was • great shake worthy
el Week great paper. by witch the publs6-
en of the Family Bawd .ad Weekly Kew,
of Mielatreal, seemed, at 'teem esu set,
' The Orphs's Prayer," ler obi. seas..'s
premium for the Family Harald mai Week-
ly Sou. 1. all. somslen.s the TOWNReread was freed val.e biers. we eng81
my the lisaise6valee be be had to sewn
psipea Whas bM W. Nes el • premien will
de ter the Been paper N e lapmlhle to
teem ere en isil.mts. It le • ..adeeel
Oar Leasee oaths he lad • wady slants%
ke War whose MIS yen. es She 1edia meg
b • Wiese end Moat le veep &sec
The tole floor at the new Book of Coma
mere. is finished.
S. Forty had .ome exceedi.Qly Diet' • a,s
in town ea Saturday.
The frost iso Thursday night cut down a:l
tender pleats and vegetables.
Hurou Lodge No. 62, I.0 0 F. will meet
is reenter ses.,oa this evening.
Huron Chapter No. 30, R. A. M., will
meet sex L 11 u.ioeeday 'venlig.
Doo t forget to attend 1:. M. Elliott ,
coffee demonstration next 1', udaeed.y.
Andrews Bros. shipped • oar of tattle o0
Thursday and a car of hogs on Friday.
Then will bean open meeting of the Col-
legiate and Model Subool Literary Society
on Friday evening.
The Huron Bioyole Club will give • pro-
gressive euchre party is the club rooms on
F rtd.y evening the 16th.
The American t,oesul, R, 5 ('hiltoo, law
promised • reading at the King'. i►aughter,
entertainment on Moods.
The Goder,oh Amateurs will glee • drain
atm eaterWoment in Victors Hall on Oct,
30th, for the beasit of the Raeeh•ll flub.
The rail at the top of M•odermott's.teps,
that prevents people from tallier off the
platform, has again been orokeu away by
some rascal.
It looks as if then will not be so apple to
gather on Hallow E'en, the storms of the
past few weeks having neatly stripped the
trees of Fall and Winter fruit.
Don't forget that Grenville I'. Keiser
will appear under the auspices of the Col-
lege'. institute Literary Society in Vic.
toria Hell next Wednesday evening.
Th. 'ear thought down by the *chooser
You'll for Ben Robinson caused oosnder•
able fun by its rather wild ways when being
brought ap town. 11 is mow safely chained
behind Davis' drug *tore.
Wanehani Advance : 1)50 Mc 'ormiee's
friends here will be glad to learn that be
has bad to procure more rooms, his business
having extended so that this was necessary
Dan 1. evidently snaking the Huron House,
Goderiote mon popular. •
On Monday morning • lady and • cyclist,
whoa osaru.g eaob other, tried to get clear,
bat both being tel the same mind, • collie -
sloe naturally t.ul ,vert, the fair we being
homelike! down:and the rider thrown. Ap
patently, no one was injured.
Brume. Past : We regret to state that
Mr•. G F Bleb, is Lid ap with typhoid
fever at her tathee'e residence at Goderich
She •.Ieomp•ned lir. Blair te the musty
town last week. but owing to taking i11 was
uaahle to attwrs. We hope she will speed.
ily be wind to her accustomed beelth.
Th. L.teet Oat—The Patent K.eg.reo
owe furrewsd plow takes the placeof two
walking plows. The plow has been thor-
oughly tested and proeou.oed perigee n
every partiouler by expert plowmen, ..ob
as Heary Curless, and ethers. 1 will ar-
rears for • series of plowing tests for the
maim week. See pesters. Jena Knee,
To the LSMiter.f Ten Nem *1.. •
Sne..—It bad bees aaaoeooed for two er
three weeks that the King's T)•saht." b-
looded hotelier aa wteetafameat ea the
ermine of Tbssksgivsg Day. 1, be*
week's paper we ars told that the mesion
of the Methodist oberoh intend bellies es
enter alameat oe that evening. red the
o.famittes of the Ring's i)atlghtere' .ninety
appear to be forced to give wayit serikee
see net the asci.. of the trustees is ea-
.6rbtimnBk..•d the pends are entitled te
e•xpemo a•tien. The work deby the
e DagMers ' ie He Navies " h Notte
sad mesa* and they are emitted to she
mapper! of *6.4 .e of ear re ehe5ow. aad +sheen senorspleas as
e6.1asie la their way. The fast Mar the
shame hes held enter*alosemte es that pr-
tis.et da in sneer et
maser years dem npre-
p. the day t these, .ad Y it is emesider•
d a pa t54.rly geed day to memo the
sasses. el es MI the men
mases rat N 5 w4d e asn be the K/a.'s
Dinghbees, and every e aat'-
There Is tmrermate m Mere Thal canoes be
Wound Anywhere Slee -News of the
County spe.tall, asserted
for The 5/=mal.
NOT1101.--Tho toast agency la Dungannon
(forTma Minn('(. 1. at the omoe of J. U. Ward.
J.1', ounveyanoer, dime, who will receive or.
dere for subeorlptlona, •dvert:dng and Job
weekend fa authorized to give receiptg for
amounts paid for the same.
Trest,*y, Oot. 13.
Ed. Robins..a, of Poetise), is en • visit to
frond. here. He louts well, and seems to
feel happy.
Un. J. M. Roberta, who had been on •
visit to logersoll and other porno, returned
home last week.
lir«. Odense' (rose Thompson), formerly
of I),iva.u.ioe, and now of Forest, y. tittit-
ieg rel.tiven berg.
We are pleased to be able to note that
Mini Naomi Davidson, who has been ill for
sae time, u gradually getting better.
As the secretary has not received • com-
plete return of successful exhtbators, the
(tet will be sent In time for next week's
K. Cle.deonusv, now of the • teenier oily,
formerly of Dungannon. who . 1 been on .
visiting tour to relatives in • . Northwest,
Paid • short vert to friends ... this tinnily
last week
('uiiiirsr.0 Ku .We've — (:s.. Good has
opened . jewelry e.tabliebme0t an part of
the premises of our popular clothier and
tutor, Jas Medd, with • very •ttrwtive
stock of first -clue jewelry. We wish him
ENTIRTAINe1 ENT. — Th. drama -comedy,
" A Married ''air, • by E 1. and Lela Rue -
se! which was held io : he large h.11 on
Friday evening was • grand samosas, both is
the matter of pedometer* and money. A
very Targe audfeoce was highly pleased
with the entertainment.
A Sr , c,.,—The enterteminent which
wee held under the auspices of the Epworth
League in t'entlnd's Auditorium last Fri-
day was, to point of interest, ed,h•±aion,•t-
teudnoe and licence, • greet suis. rte. The
attendance was so 'write that quite • sem-
her, owing to want ot room, bad to be
t wed away.
TALL Stine.—The weather, although for
some days previous unpleasant, was especi-
ally fine on Thursday and Friday, and Old
Sol rendered • good service in keeping his
bright side to view. As • oonse.Deete, a
large number of horses, cattle, mheep,.wlne
fowls, (armee, impiemeot., etc., were on
exb,beto., and In the indoor department,
ladies' handiwork, fine ars and penmanship
%V,, congratulate David Smith, • pupil of
Dungannon public school, in having ob-
tained the first prize for peomen.hip. 1)w-
iog to some of the books not turning up in
time, the prize list did not re..ch THE SIG.
NAI. otftoe ID time for the issue. It will ap-
pear next week.
Ti.-1,Av, Oct 13
Mrs, Jobs Gardner, of Porter'' Hill vis-
ited hen last week.
The Duogaonon Fair had goite • number
t.f our residents at it Friday of lest week.
Mrs. .1. F. ('. Hald•0, of %Vind.or, was
• tr•omeat visitor hen Friday of last
Ttuteentec.—Doting last week the fusel.
Mr whistle of Harrows & Stewart's steamer
was in this sestina Tuesday and 1t edoes-
day .t the m.mrnotb bare of W. F. Young.
Th. spells of wand and rain were uaknowa
to the men working inside, but eogioeer
George Burrows wood to he poet .11
through it like • Trojan. Thursday the
machine was wet to I►oolop in the North
End, and two lane ataoka of oats were
threshed out in the afternoon, this being
to.. cuckoos and beet work of the ''anon.
APP',,. PACE INC tttrw*kn,NARy.— The
pecking of our immense Drop of apples goes
no •pace up hen in Dunlop, and Whitely &
Edwards have leveret gangs of men h -.,rel.
tog the beauties as fast ea they know bow.
On every hand is heard the presser'" ham-
mer, with the moossiminying doll tbnd of
the bead of the barn( felling insist. to read-
iness for the pinker, which is sweetness to
every oroe•rdst'. ear. Several tine nrob•rds
are to be met with here,astosget others thee
admirably kept orchard owned by A B.
Mol)onald, whose yield the year will go up
well into the hundreds of barrel", whish for
six. .s4 beauty cannot he beaten rays here.
At Anthony Allen s the record was broken
for the Number of barrels put up :n one •tt-
",noon .ed the specimen" were simply im-
mense, showing what careful growing and
above all o+r.fnl pokier will do To en-
liven prwoeediope • hill' political " tisk "
was emaaged in donne the prem" a sort•
hag, toted taking all in good part the pokers
were kept in • merry mood fres, quotation"
pwbl,bed in 'Tbe Maleanempire,'(publsbed
is Torpedo), which smears to be the oracle
fres wbioh the pobtios are draws from ■p
here. Poor Lor'riest ;don't forget your
French aaoeet) had to eater it, and be red
Archbishop L•a'g vaw (some more French
.went, if you tau) appear to be reeptroeible
for the msy^
-'arm' of the School Bill sod
the cos e.luont dowefall of the Tory (lo..
swiftest het ,lune. As for that man Green-
way, he raw this thing " Oat for political
perpeee4o•1y." (L" hard Grit i, the crowd
had to "Load the blunt of all the sin. that
Tbe Illobe _ •• the. (ith'. Bible " (published
in Tearoom; is disseminating t6reegh the
poetry but, be it id to hie reedit, thee
Mae basa
rd Grit stood to les enters lite •
is even when the tea ma fast and furious
sad then wee • damper that he melte have
been " oueverted " to become • " Ubeael-
Ceseervelive." After all then wee ee
bares in alslag relines with apples, ea vim
vera., last as yon ban • and ee 1 the
work went ea lovely, the mooed wan
brakes. everybody was Leghiy te get
their stash t4e resists wase well teed by
OM •i1Mk.bb heesekes.sr sad sank, Mn.
If aparoArra, 'gm Nye
clad webs 4..1 nt wameta 1 lees
is h ~ m ibis Mee w!E be . d iarr • boar
aestthe senitiao anddwe
wM lbw M keew r
.coast end eses mbel hem •