The Signal, 1896-10-8, Page 8THE SIGNAL : OODKRICH. ONT. THURSDAY DCF. 8, 1896.
So the Offlolala of the Cana-
dian Pacific Say.
ata' site esrrsere nave 1Heads Aar ere
Maid es be Wtag sae Uwe. •r moor
f me Sow Nes • Nears Ore A.el •
aaeatag sag £maker • 1 sad •4 res
.ad Mee.
Toronto. Oct. Z..
The C.P.R. Is having a Mattel tune
In fillets the stations vacate." b) the
striking operators beteeen North Ila)
and Winnipeg. As Leet as the non
union men arrive at their ports they
are driven out by the is,haboants, who
seem to ue all in as motif)) with the
employes who have quit work.
Some ut the tales ut hardship told
by the tea' retuuuwg men who have
reached the cit) are alinoat blood-
curdling. Operator Tyler of O. Y toe -
lege Place. wh. Nay sent to North Bay
byTrain Price early in the
Seut bunt, last night, and his
Mot'x, ab entertaining kale. From
Horth iia he was forwarded on alit
!tire to take charge of the station at
Cache Hay. but, he noun found that he
did rpix like the place at alt. and hoe
rent. eueneee of his br,et Melt are
He had occupied Hee post 7•ist halt
an hour when a 11101.01R melt Maid Mut
a formal calf and proceed.•.1 t., initiate
hitu into thr ways ut tn.. pile . T; ing
a rope around h.r Waist, th.'t' .h'tigged
him out of hi- o flee and .Ir•,pped him
into the elver ne it b). Then. pulltn6
him out. Gtr teeter long. c -ed hours
Shivering in his wet . i.,.ne., they
kept hlu. a prise.t.. r on en [alas... When
be finally ri-t. j..d h c u:.! get no-
thing to eat ti tie. I.ta.'• . All in-
habitants cl, 'sof their doors I., Ms face.
and. neatly start it,v. he tt:rlk.•.f ti .won
the track to the next statim. Here
be foetid that the Cache Hay propl.
F•t(1 wired ahead of bltn, and when he
levied at a h. tel for food ti.e pruprie-
ter .tIrnrrot htna ltt for a tneal. After
other adventures he managed to snake
bw tea) by train n, the Quern ('ity.
Another re:lei operator at a nriah-
d,ring station woe surrounded by the
sabres. cohered with a mixture of
tar and Sour, and let go with the sign
" acs h" Inrcritx d in 1111.1'
0 r Ictt.err upon
h!s t .t.•k. Thin unfortunate i.. said to
b• . • t walking«.
Asrietant Superintendent WIilfants
brat night made this statement in re-
gard to the strike:
We are en the high road to victory,
and a greased highway at that. The
desps.teh -re ar.: operators on the
Moose Jaw division, the Winnipeg di-
vision and as far east ae White River
on the north shore of bake Superior
have all gone back to work. There is
a complete circuit from Montreal to
Fort William and the Quebec division
1. In lirsai shape. On 'all thea.• dl' f-
elons operators and despatchers
.are at work.
"On the Ontario & Quebec division
all is 0. K. Yesterday six freights
went over the line between Torortte
and London. four between London and
Windsor, four hrttcewt Wo.detnck and
$t. Thomas and two between Owen
Sound and Toronto."
Winnipeg. Oct 4.-Tbe strike on the
Western division Is about over. Pas-
senger trains have been running on
time and freight trains are now run-
ning as usual.
Ottawa. ikt. 4. -Everything Is Quiet
here and trains are moving In both
Kamloops. B. C. Oct 4 -Freight and
passenger trains are moving east .and
west of this point In good ahap.i and
with very little delay
Quebec, Oct. 4. -Trains are arriving
and leaving here on time. The opera-
tors who went out on strike last
Monday, must of whom lived with
their families In the stations, re-
turned to work Thursday night, when
they were given to understand that If
they did not do so they and their
families would have to make room
for their successors.
St John. N. It, Oet. 4. -Everything
t• moving in good shape along the At-
lantic division.
Montreal. Clot. 4 -Reports received
et the C. P. R. offices from all quar-
ters show that the strike of the tele-
graphers 1s virtually over, and that a
large number of strikers on most of
the divisions have retwrned to work.
Winnipeg. O.•t. 3.-1 Spec)al.)-The
telegraphers' strike 1s bringing about
• very serious state of affairs In this
country. The wheat elevators are fill-
ed, and If freights are not soon mov-
ing and the pressure relieved the situ-
ation will hseome alarming. Supt.
White says public sympathy L with
the company, which will not yield.
The delegates from the Western En-
gineers. Trainmen and Conductors left
for Monreal to -day, having been
atoned to attend a conference.
her apples la O'.me4oad.
London, Oct. 1 -Woodall & Co. of
Liverpool report the arrival up to
date of 300.000 barrels of apples,
against 11.000 at this time last year.
but being almost entirety early suit
vaHetles they have completely con-
gested the market.
The week's quotations for mound ap-
ples per barrel are: Culverts. 0. to ss;
Snows, h to 13s; Rings, 10, to 14e 4d.
Blenhelms, M to lis 3d; Holland". M to
es 4d, Ore.niny. 1. to los 9d.
Mlle condition of much of the apples
is anything but aallsfactory, aid the
position causes anxiety.
It Is a serious question 11. with slml
lar quantities arriving, the winter
fruit will much Improve quotations
White & Co. of London report their
arrivals this week much heavier.
Prices here are two to three shill-
ings per barrel better than at IAver-
pool, eapeelaity for good fruit. ()even-
ings seem In good demand here. as
the apples coming are chiefly Bald-
win. White & Co. advlae shippers to
send via Montresi, Allan or Thomp-
son Lines. till the port closes. They
have a contract with these lines and
If given notice 10 days beforehand
that any person Intends shipping so
many barrels to White. London. they
will give the spare, eapecleliy If men-
tion.d that they are to coats MT con-
r...well M nraata.
London. Oct. 4. -Tire Czar and Czar-
ina lett Balmoral Castle this morning
rot Portsmouth. there to embark for
Cherbourg. France. They arrived at
Portsmouth this evee n't at 1.30 Both
the departure front Ballater and the
arrival at Portsmouth was marked
by great ceremonies At Balmoral
bonfires were IH and a torchlight pro-
cession earorted the visitors to Ballat-
er. where they took train. On arrtvai
at Portsmouth every attention was
paid. many admirals and statesmen re-
ceiving Their Majesties. Two oars of
British and Russian Selective* were In
tie ,rain, end the whole route was
e.refully guarded. Atter a alset 4. -
lay the party boarded the Imperial
yacht Polar Star and. ,sarreunded by
.eon of British and ltasat*a war -
Mari ed scram the Chasse&
ve ea sale isapeas •ssiled.
erseifew. SWAB -The chessele. say..
L-1 leasesa rttrh
f 4ed�-
bun 111,111rr lire.+ r ilial r
. ,taw as « t,.e lame rtlssn ar lieelt ag I V _
et That NNW.
The reeks atn4iag .11 the Iowa ceased
wee hald es Faley swab*. Pre.sa6 -
May.r Shaseen.qiiseve Peewits. daeaty-
reev. Reit...d o..aMi sr. Oeed,. Tbay
sox, 8•aaders Wawa, Ndra, Oestasa.
Niehele.e, Ds.lop, Caateles.
Misstate of Leet regular sad .penial mesh
tags reed, approved tad slimed.
Tr.esa'sr'e stetreseut read sad seat to
lassos caminitt.s
balance treat Angora 376.32
Electric' light 107.75
Kills payable 8600.00
Taxes 150 30
Justices' does 29 00
Nom -res. trade 192 27
Wows rates 446 21
Mailaad o.metery 14 50
Market 10.00
Dines •Regal Ctrs.
F:Isotno railroad 512 00
Waterworks_ ... . 31.. fig
Kleotrto leek 76 34
Sewers 3.00
Pimpled oneti.a... . 1196 64
1'abite work. 168.51
Rebel ... .. . 15,50
C C. and O .86
Fun department 3.00
Printing and a•ivortuing81,32
Public schools .. 828.06
l olleguN
institute 1100.00
Hank Intermit ...... 109.45
bdl. payable 5000.00
Iialsrles 222 88
}lalaaor forward . 476.27
-- 9826 35
An account of 014 44 from the post
master wee, on motion of oounotllors Sauce
dere sod ('.a•elon, ordered to be pard
accounts. :576 free) the P.okerd Elec-
tric Light Co. and the Royal electric Co.,
8143 33, were seat to finaaoe committee.
The report . f the bassos committee was
asfollows :
Cirsrt.set.,-- )Our committee have e1-
amtoed the follows, g scot un,s and retain
mewl their payment : Sam Koren, $12 25 ;
McCoil Kra , $21.50 ; Cattle Rees., 924
Mr.. Shannow, $5 ; The 'Stevan Manufac-
turing ('o., 118 25 ; Tut SIGNAL, 83 ; .1611.
Wilk:won, 817,20.
Your ouatmirea also bee to report that
they duly advertised for tenders for the
puroheee of water works, sewer and electric
1 gut debeni urea, payable In 30 years, inter
est at 4 per Gut. payable half yearly and
recommend that the tender of Harrison
Bros., of Montreal, be aooepted, they bay
Ing offered for same Interest payable nalf
yearly, 172 26 for etch 100 of said deben
tote, together with aaru d interest.
E. CAN. NON, Chairman
On motion of Councillor Compton and
Wilson, the report was adopted.
The council then adjowrMd.
Extract of daodehea is made as follow'.
Dig up tis plants in seesember, wash them
thoroughly clean, and pawed the root in a
mortar. Strain the Inter isle a @slicer, and
let it stead near the fire tilt it becomes
News from the Nile expedition confirms
the report that I iowgola is . most ferule
province. The new area properly adminis-
tered could not only pay its own way, but
oo.tributs handsomely to the Das of the
recast nest.
Four - A football match lee
tween the G. C. 1. and Model school IMO
played on Thursday evening last resulting
in a victory of 2 goals to 0 in favor of the
C. I. Two weeks previously r mach
was played the wore being 1 to 1. Another
mach is ex .acted next weak.
Faii is at Hand
So be prepared to meet it with a
good Hat or Fur Cap when it come..
We have put in stock all the Latest
Styles of Fall and Winter
1 Yr
which for quality and price cannot be
equalled. In stock are numerous as-
sortments of the latest in
C. R. SHANE & Co.
The reliable Hat and Furnishing Emporia*
•ad Isemaess ate for esls et
;iba tl.asrtast ewe w 11‘111111111•tet
Thi abt.r represents oar N�r�,•utt Bawer' The above are all New Goods, jest
Jacket, in idea or brown j'rire 97.50 I received. Inapeetioe invited
J HN T. &0I SON.
JANUARY Ist, 1898
Subscribe at Once !
Call on or .address
Goderich, Ont.
We have a large and well,chosen Stock
in Hata, also the newest Shades of rib -
•bons. Velvet, Feathers, and Fancy
All are invited to oonle. W e . are
pleased to show good&
The 8q re.
MISS CAMERON in now showing a large assortment of the
latest styles in Fall and Winter Hat& All goods are of the most
fashionable design and manufacture, and the prices are within the
reach of all.
You'll feel ready for nything
pfd everything is the way of
whether, if you have your cloth-
ing interlined with Fibre alm-
onds. Last year's experience
•� . `,j has proved it to be the only
ii perfect warmth giver, because it
is light, adding neither weight
Dor bulk, and yet *Wen a com-
plete protection from the fiercest
Mem' of the coldest day. Water-
proofed by the Rigby proms.
neither rain nor deet can pew-
-44 ..a- trate it and every one can sniffy
deet otM�o•r t ofd healthful we. ectb *1 sues, by using it.
id i
docking. mad s n=stag al
Label ea every ordered
trade gamma big-
est 11$ sew at s anal
We aryl wow reedy M *hew a Wes and vadat alatsrs- •f De► GaAs mashie les the All toys,
from 10 Dente to $1.00 a yard in the leading new designs and
colorings New Plaids at IOD, 20e, 30c, 60e. New Bergen
from 21k, in Black, Blue, Brown and Green. A big line et
Tweed Effects. We wish to call special attention to our
direct from Belfast, Ireland. Tabling. at 25c, 30e, 35c, 40c,
and 45c. Table, N inn, Towels and Towelling, at rock -bot -
tont primes. A lot.Tweed from a mill, 50 cents, worth 6bo
The best 5 omit, 6 meet, 7 cent and 8 Dent Factory Cotton ever
in town.
are direct' from the makers, and at prioeu that cannot be
beaten. A large range in Colord. and Black. Mantle Cloths
in Beaver, Irish Frieze. Nap. and Curls. Astrachan in Cream,
Grey and Black. A line of FutesILrrra, 32 inches wide, reg-
ular 10 cent (:ootla, for 6 cents.
still take the lead in this County. The largest state and
best value.
The Great Carpet Werehosoo of Ike Conway.
.:a Embalming
Lehi. and MRS. A. B. CORNELL
obtained Diplomas for general efficiency at Professor Sullivan's Col-
lege of Embalming. Toronto. Sept. 4th. 1896.
SPCC=02.1 NC TIC=_
Mrs. CORNELL will prepare bodies of females and children for
interment without assistance or presence of the opposite sex.
Respectful attention to all detail&
P.S.-I do not employ agents to solicit your patronage before you
are dead. The only .white hearse in town. Diplomas may be seen; n
my show window on Hamilton-st.
Boots and Shoes
Fall is here. We are prepared for it. Our stock of Long Boats
are the best we ever bad to show, and prices are right. It will pay
you to inspect our stock and get prices on all of our ling. Come to
us for the Latest Styles in Boots and Shoes. High grade goods and Low
Prices are trade -winners with ua
N.B.-Sole agent for the Slater Shoe.
Also let us send one home for you
to try fora weak
and if yes are
not eared, to
Mel under no ob-
• e •
by rf
�zPATNA di =Su