The Signal, 1896-10-8, Page 7THF` KTt:NAL : GfDERiOH. ONT.. THETRRDAY. OCT. S. IRA 7 science Science ie " knowing how." The onlysecret about Scott's mulsion is years sc:lence. en made in large quantities and by im- proving methods, an emul- sion must be more perfect than when made in the old- time way with mortar and ppaea�tle a few ounces at a Eine. This is why Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil ete v e r separates, keeps sweet for years, and why every spoon fu l is equal to every other spoonful. An even product throughout. Is ether mai elms yes we te get tits heaves bsaeat --either w over er seder des. est *0.tt'.. Osis iet bus • .dsesmco1...d wrtippr. DILLY DALI Y. As sweet a uhild as one could find, If only she were prompt to mind Her eyes are blue, her abets ate pink, Her heti ourle up with many • kink - She says her name is Allis, Rut, mad to ay, Oft times it day, We Dalt her Duly Deily. If sent on errands. grave or ray, She's .um to loiter to the way ; No met•.." what her trek may be " I'll do it by and -by,' ons she. And ee, instead of Mho, We, Ise and •II. Have some to call This Maiden Dilly Dally. I think, if she meld ooly know How wrong it is to daily ,e, Her tarok undone she would not Lave, Nor lunger mother's kicd beat grieve ; And thee, fur Dilly (Dally, We'd wady nay, Each well spent day, " This is our own sweet Allis." --Our Little Osee, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. THE YR1MWIRT CAUSE OF MUCH MURRY AND SUFTERING. Tet voile I(ELrl.*.n AND CN1t&LIAa1.E-IT *an TOM iNiNtrrrr'TION AND MAKIN 011E I.yoLrliTARILY ADA IS Lira wowing LI YIN.:. From •be Llodssy Poet. It is st least commendable to bow le fore the Inevitable But whet appears to be tee tuevtteble may be delayed or altogether averted Whet were eoneid•red necessarily fetal diseases treuty-five or even ten years ago to many Isetiteme are now plead to that oaterory--thank• to medic.! and scioa- tifie skill L fie te sweet. We must either .00trol the nerves or they will mister as Hv.:ena may prose fatal. It readers the person .41 need helpless and unreit•Me, red mate • uontinusl endow upon • hitherto bright and cheerful life. It mph the oourti- tut.os and mikes one invoiu,.•arily wk, " la Ids worth living Mfr F.ony Wat son, d.uibter of Mr. Henry Wateoo, living on lot 22, in the township of 4o'riervills, Victor:a County, is one of th...r whow life for years was medal miserable from nervous disease. At the age of twelve Miss Watson met with .o accident which .o serious!. •ff- fect.d her nervous .y.eem that daring the subsequent five years she wee subjected to very Ntere nervous prootraties, resulting to uonvol.iooe with anooneotnua.tss for three or four hours at a LAMS Thi• oondi tion costumed abtil March last, when she had an immersed ..d prolonged attack by which eh. vas. completely prostrated ter the spec* of • fr'nteht. The demise se affect ed the optic serve that Mia Watson was forced to wear pewees. Many- remedies were tried; hut with no avail, and both flier Watson end her friends tiered that • cure onald net he nht issd. 17Itimetely i)r William-. Pink fills were .troarly re0om mended by various friends and the young lady derided to give them r trul. A halt dozen box.. were bought, and by the time one box wee mewl there was an improve. meat in her ooedition, and before the half dozen boxes were used, Mie Wstoos was, to use ber owe words. • different person al- together. Her entire nervoos evetem was reinforced to ooh an extent that ohs is now able to dspen.e with the ties of the glasses which previous failing eyesight had mad. nese ery. Mia W•two is sow • staunch friend .1 Pink Pills, .obi aye : " I have °leasers is reeernm.edisg them to all 'emit •rly •fllieted. Rev. T►. Millar, • friend of the family, vouches tor the foots shove set forth. Be Williams' Pink Pi1ls timate new Wood. build up the nerves, mod thus drive disease from the system is linndred• of oraes they have oared after all other melt mesh have failed. thus .st.blshi.F the claim that they aril matee. the triumph• of modern moistest meioses Tb. gamine Pink Pills are mold only to bezmm, he•risg the tall ?ride mark, " Dr. Williams' tisk Pills for Pale i'.sple " Protect yeomen from im- position by rsfIMy ms pill that dee sot hear this registered t� mak around the box. Nn Parr'. ('eetame. A onrrespo.d..t of tis I,ouss hie paid a viae to ShrnpNir., is order to have s peep at Old Parr'. oottege. Whoa"' oboee ehe the site for itis aid be hays dos. well. A •neere braehg. yet long harsh, sit.•ties, for a house o..ld stet readily be fogad is the lend. The moose face (almost, indeed, looks doess appal the South. is ig ria the wort of a k.dl, tbolesred at • dimmest by hills�p•"tse.tgs* sasses of the Middletents iia! the •dkho es et Nov R..idda rill!. tied the idome Mewtata Tb knell is weeded st its Mee. mid • Week girdle@ it his s meas. .Regi tesbdor sow hi - Wilts tis •5 feta, whish is .•id to he eat M gushes beisd ode of years old. I'srr.so- me•.lf•e Mt,dgmee was hers M 1483 and died h 1638. 'nil he terse eighty h• sem tied s b"oh.inr, and them married bis Argo wife, wth whim he lived tor thirty -stere yeses. Abeat alight yams after her death. whoa be • "le • bemired god testy, he mire/ ler Me dpad lima Naves. led • 1ampra. life in Ow Mea •.whlgr. his removal to Lea- sheet4we be see Mem Clearlse /. kemegbie 'b"•se• tgess .. k&.b AA •bstt N the miaow vas h the nemelemsslt Weadw• of M•eeb. 1(114. 1. Maar yens "kr/ males m been enedgeoll stormsery, 'ad ItM sew rwtwamid by Web brain sad mea hem MY BOOKS gr LiZLII WILLA. They say that to ibis oM.gies world, 'Tis lard to A d • fn.•d, Om who wail . u• sad 1., 14,1 peeve Unto hl. d utmost ea•'. But 1 have !reads who.' .: neer to me, la try deed sad tire h. Always thelanie, .5...'• a -id lied, Eves finis my earl,,. % 'nth Io .11 my •.arrows and t. ) Through every cheap ..K o.0.1. Thew .rise o14 treed sat frosty frt ods Clove by my side haw, steed. whoa or the ..•ttlebel.t .4 lite. Whore error strive, '.:.Wt right, Ti,. o.no. d. of 1*... triee& of mu .. K•.s armed my arm for tight. A q Diet ..,SI.g hoer • ilk them, Siert •.•.uses "It 1 hold. No sew ftbeef.. 'et c.. be s dear As them nay Irt.ode of old. t` a 4.1 lake to mer' II' o. iri.t.de.J mine E w► en. • dearer sell T en let ate '•troffers te you rh. se book• up..0 my Molt. - E le••stioaal J rare -.1 NOT :1 Q FARTER. BUT JUST 10 CENTS, AND 40 DOSES IA A \'LAL DR. AGNEW'S LIVER PM! '4. NO rAIN, No aAB A*TE$ LKYIl TS, I•L54'st'Ita 1tt tY11AY uuut-LITTLE, RCT AWPCLLY e:ett,D. Cores sink headache, oonetIpstion, bilious - nese, n•u.sa, allow..... They are purely vewetebta 1. big t.m.nd sad a:I druggists sill them. Try them. • Sold by J. K. Dena BICYCLING FOR WOMEN. What It H.. Dee* t.. Improve Theis t'hxstal Condition. Mr. Isaac B. Potter, cblef consul of the New York division, League of American R•herimen. has an article to "The Bicycle Outlook" In the Bee- tember Century. The Lillowing 1s an extract: After a close study of the question foe five years. I am ready to retirees my belief that the rise of the bicycle will do more to Improve -the physical condition of American women, and therefore of the Arifericon people, than any other agency yet devised. Argu- ment on this point has given way to demonstration. Wutn.-a are riding the wheel in all parts of the country, and their increasing numbers testify 10 its benefits and popularity. The average woaian iev,s to be tut Of doors; she etiJoys the change of scene. the gentle' exercise, the delightful com- panionship .if congenial friends, and the exhilarating benefits of contact with the pure air and bright sunlight. whish the knowledge of cyeling brings within her r. a•h. To the woman, :td- to the man, these, features, peasessed by no other form of sport, comprise the foundatl•,n on which the pe,pular 11y of the bl"ycle will rest. The only yursible danger In cycling for woman Iles In the fascination which sometimes tempts her to undue• effort. In common with every other Corm of exercise, bicycle riding may of course lh• overdone, and as. .eel, by women as by wen: but uncle: proper advice front the family physi- cian. supplemented by such practical suggestions ..s may be bad from an bntelllgent Instructor or from an ex- perienced rider, any woman in fair condition of h.-alth may undertake bicycle riding with .e feeling ut cer- tainty that the result vile be delight- ful and helpful in a measure that was never anticipated. A mistake commonly rnade by wo- men riders. and indeed by new riders of both sexes, Is that of undertaklntt too much at first. Overexertion In- dia** discouragement, and recollection of a tiresome ride has been known to deter new riders from repeating the attempt. The real pleasure of bicycle riding can be had only by kr-ping in mind this little truth: No nen rider should continue the first tries t., 'such a point as to Leel w.arinees. A half hour is in most cases a.rple for the trait road ride, and It should not be continued beyond that time. except Ity the strongest and most capable rider. The tyre exerts more power than the expert, and In consequence becomes More rapidly tired. He pushes the pedals with undue force, falls to sit erect, falls to sit still, and tends to follow what seems to him to be an erratic motion of the wheel by a awtnging and wobbling of the body, which not only tends to increase and make teal what was only an Imaginary difficulty, but insure* also the quick coming of fatigue. that might other- wise have been avoided. The new rider should learn to sit erect and tu.slt still, and in the early stages of hie toad practice avoid lone rides, remembering that the exertion which he puts forth In his first efforts will be mons than sumdent on soon as a Iltt:e skid has been acquired to grnpel his wheel many miles farther than was covered by his first trip. If the first ride is wearisome. It should not be repeated on the next following day, but rather upon alternate days, untf such skill 1s acquired as will enable the new rider to enjoy his out- ing aithout suffering too much fa- tigue- Blcycling for women has received the Indorsement or our heading women and our beet physicians. The bicycle dealer of moat of our large towns state that the number of bicycles sold to women is daily Inei'ssing and that the established popularity of bicycling amorg the gentle sex is assured. The taodency of the bicycle market to low- er prices, even of wheels of tbo rs- ifable grade, will doubtless increase the nee of the wheel emceg wvwomn. and enhaact► its aggregate benefit to to les, When tie time coitus that the de- lightful eountry reads amid shaded !ahem can be so kept as to make moll genal.! the practice of tontine daring' the ebas season of tbe year. the wheel will have gained Its true MOM sure of value as a health miaow. and will attrset thouwrtde of riders from among the woman of the Inn who do sot yet Ends the joys et a aearty appetite sod of refreshment produced by sound ale. ' sleep. i 1. said ser lex..... Ow aspects of mas- her god ..Arm pay the Dem of gieveramiag Remit. rtes dared to 7 se Ma amass Dr. Anew'. Oil Imem will ere all mess el Dollies Piles .a Iron 3 to 6 amine. 0.. epl.limati.•a hying. oemtod. For lilted mod Rle..gsK Poe- I aieerime. Ales oures Tatler. sills Rb .rm h:• gens, Barber's Itab, -eel .e1 ern. ,. a o1 t . sloe., 36 oto, ti.1.1 by J E Da. is •' Ie the 1.SIM Smith I y • great tavern.. is ma. el •" \Voll, I 'h old ay mo. Three hat • :d'l.r ►w am eel but what be ass Ih.k. Ith•.m.lba tiered 1. a Olay. Shwa h A-owieea R moans Care, toe Rnenn.•• ...n aid Neuralgia, radically oared 1 '0 3 lave. lee fou et open tbe eyetem be rents rkaide and mysterious. It renoyM . t ter-- the etass and the disease ho- me ltaely .tMap p -are. TM first dem greatly beaten'. 75 ossa. Sold by J. R 1usvia. U. Mer..s to the leave.. Lt Haug Cbsog, oa his recent visit N the Qteea brought numerous presents which hese bees arranged to the billiard - room at (honoree The gilts offered for Her Maisel. • soceptasoe teem the Emperor of Cb a• moseyed of an old white porcelain vase adorse4 with red Armours, es .ridges bronze goblet, two antique bronze Mosses burners, two ancient poroel•io plates color- ed blue and gree., • handsome white jade yew, dew -rated with ohrysnthemume and gold oreementstton,•nd • fine yellow plaque with floral adornment. From Li Haag Chang were the following Some beautiful Iy embroidered esttoe from the Imp.riel manufactories au Kiang Su end the Cite K i..nt provtace, en enamel bowl on draroo stead, • massive blue and golden vase, red p•.reel•in fish bowl, an enamelled likeness of Vs-tVov (a fair lady of renown for long life and goof work.), and .o ..stent green per oelaim flower vase of the semote.oth o.s *0: v. FROM THE ASHES TO LARGER LIFE. PRICELESS RECORDS IN DANGRR. BLIT ALL SAVED. at7NDIt1D0 07 OWN or DODDS- KIDNEY 1111* Mite== - - TBE DODD'S 51[5.'185 txltlriltT IN .YEw orAa?tR•t - Hausa* vault OCEAN TO OCEAN-EIIX*0T Aro lN?tOekISL Cotlgi-r.8'1. The extensive estshliehmeat of the pro- prietors of Dodd • K,d.ey fills, at 1 sod.3 J.rvtaat, with it. contents, exo.pttng the o1Swe,wer* enure!. destroyed by tire oa the •ftera000 of tis 15th. Toe tire broke out to an adjoining ware house, but spread so rapidly that is ler than ten .ntnutes the employes of the Dodd Medicine Company were deeieg fur their 1,..., from the lavatory, the eivertt.ing and the shipping departments. The perfect safety of thew persons once s.•ured, and while more that two hundred And fifty grow of Dodd* Kidney Pills, to- gether with label., wrappers and tofu of advertising were being °unturned, interest sod .dost all centered to the nmcue trom the advertising room. of • mw of ..mtog Iv old and worthless lettere. Thew, s •tt- erward• learned, proved to be the sooumu let/u0 of years, otw.uttsg of thousands of testimonials from persons cured by Dodds Kidney Ptlb, and dating from foe inoepuoo of the business up to the day of the fire Thee. reoords of tr:umpb, thew proofs .tt the supreme merit. of this great Sadao treatment were the most precious of all the pse.ssiow of the firm, and were to be say - ed if powthle, as they afterwards were, at the last possible moment Oe the invitstioo of the president of the Company • reporter of The New. visited i be quarter*, toasted at No.. 6 and 8 Bey - e t, where new premiere have been promptly opened. Here • rapid glance revealed many busy bends rushing tbe several derails of oompl.tloo of o.w goods to fill orders ono- tituouely arriving from ell points in Canons the United States and other para of the world. sludging from the •coumulsted ord- ers on 61e, of which your reporter not a vlimpee, the output of Dodd'. Kidney Pills ,e already almost beyond the coowptioo hod one oho wily understand tbat tee', Ment alone ass create .nob en iaoredible demand. Character s'ic of the enetey scdetl r - Wee of the Dodd'■ bledioioe Company, it may be mentioned that, tbongh absent in 'taffeta daring the fire, the manager was teed* aware of the probable .xi.at sod out - come of the disaster. and while Lb. prem- ia wars mull horning orders had been wired sad good. from New Yet k and other point. towards Toronto for the reproduction of Dodd'. Kidney Pills, se that no order should remain unfilled -From Tb. Toronto News N eta fares Csmettpatlea W Liver 111a Dr. Aga.sw's Liver nth are tbg moot per- iod made, sad mire like .tsgio, Sisk Head aohe, Cna.tip•ties• Beilissomos, Iodiee.tioa end all Liver. Ills, lb ata • vlt Said by J E. Davis A powder matssise exploded at Ba1e- wya Five obits taw and worm of Kaf- fir, were killed. Man 5s.we shave to so maul... 1k. Are.'.'e curs for the heart styes per fact relief in all o•..s of organic or sym- pathetic hart disease is 30 minutes. sod speedily effects • ogre It is a pearimee re- mtedy for palpitation, abaths.... of breath, •'tethering spolls, pais in left .ide and all •vmpteses of • dt.saeed heart. (1♦e doge mammas, Sold by J F: Davie. The steamer M•sit•be w.. shitted by the Americas Osy.rwmsest last week for Doe p.ystieat of • fh.. May 1•y.. see ratan* MitryM la is t. es ■..area Ono short puff of the breath tkeemwk the blower, supplied with nosh better of Dr. Atom's Catarrhal Powder, di0aosa this powder ever the ..resin of the nasal pas- sages. Palsh= sad delightful to w It reliever is easily, sn peraiaaestly ogres eat•rrb, bay *5..r. sole. headasb., sere *hest„ isseiNtie awl deah..s hold by J. R. Davie. T1* t..ws.s Yam.. Tltm P.mmgylv... twin •erew steamer, 30,000 toms dipM-m .t, 200.0�00 toss ear- rying bes gases f tghellly hissmi.d`esm, 42 l d• Ess hebgm fast, by tisrle ed fit Wolff. 1.e eb Rheimme. Amargosa Illem 4'ba somal speed al As mask the me0sammmte d Adele mob her est M M 1b limmet mend will lee 14 loafs. Slim to d5W .p fern 4.5*, ii0 shied, .tad MO wmrmge psis. semem Makesed Cbildrwa. Mr Kelm, the superior...feat of easiest d and damndest ehild-es of °start., be written sea from Torost•• thee esquire's lore bees made to him ' .. • he dlfferea part. of IM ateoty ,i1 Hr • •- to what ma ..• I., •.. ,a n.rtala stases • 1 .1..1late or seg ;acted oh:l t -•.•t. Apparently, 11 to Dot a ..i -•y know. ilia Mat year • Cbddre.'e A (1 :doefety for the Openly of Hares was formed is Ooderiob older the provl.lone of the 1,..hildren'. Pro- tection Aot of Oaten* The ohlwt• of the moiety are. '• to protect ohildr•• from cruelty, to min for, and protect, segleoted, shsodoned or orphaned children; to provide . uoh children as may he lawfully committed or 'nineteen to rhe society, with reoitsb1s homes in private families, sod to watob over and 'wird their interest., and promote their hominids. as 1 well hems. ; to .more the we- lor.smeet of lees relstieg to neglected and damndest children or juvenile offenders. .nM, Immorally, to alroes •e tis claim. of n eglected, sbs.dnned n• •el..noi obildre., upon the sympathy of • • • , lac •' When the .00iety • •- tint promoted it was 'hooch, by se. r• Id• that there wee little seed for it..••r• -,.r in the eouoty of Huron. The •.peri. • v of Iset year has shown that the• a not the ...NW. Already, in the town 01 l:nderioh ,In.., .ix oases have received the attention of tie aflame of the motet v, all lymph the moiety ea yet ore only l.s geld to he in its init,siive stege. The t.w1•iee whin" have Aero formed is other 0nnties have dhnti gond and useful work There is nn re.ann why the oonnty of Hurea •hem 1 nos support as active and w neeful • moiety as any other ..aunty, nor to t, ere any r..sen why the op...atoms of the society should he cnotined to the county town. If env arises in the county of Heron is intereeteal in this wok.' .bell be 004 if M, or 1100. ,rnoli .w'mmunieete at nese with me or w -•h tt'm. Ivan.• elerk of the onunty,whe is aenretery ret *he ••.nein ton W. wa'•• branches ret the saow'tatien termed is every town. and we want reports of all mass that need •tt.etion. and the same. of Denple who will adopt children i. t .1. homes. 1 shall he glad to furnish explanatory literature to %eyrie@ who whetted, it. Fa'a"T Ht.TnN. 1'r.w. f'hi'd•r- • ,\id Soc'y, ('n. Hain. Godench, Sept 29. 1896. - I rhlle.msk. _Ya & wOC& Y What •Darlow yu..ua.ug p fmrltog eople a hese .bout mooed insures/pa and tali, feel. ' ion morose*, dire.:Uy sod with rapid Wies- t oily es nt•rrylsye multiply A 1: yerpool w.dower was uoadoled with by bt. netghhour ut tbu wise " 1 know what arltmuon twang. I am living t i with my fifth *de : •riff the low widow- er,. face L,rht.A up with a smile. A woman «tpr.aeed her tndigastioa heo.use the %t'ul... S...nd w woe about to he married a thin! matt A stale/al Reber. rfI. YTN. S.W. 22 .1. M. M,• Lep, God.rloh, Deer Si -.--I think it is my duty to write to you reg•rd- ing my hoy. Well, my boy wee about 21 mom ha nld when I t.rg.n to give him your Sy.tem Renovator improved, and your Pro - tem kwurgon,. I gavn Lim tris medicine tor.Lout live scik•, then he wee cur/AA/id today I have es along, ss heel' hyo, sad as go.d•I.ekinp a boy as toss would wish to see, now 3 years old. He esu eery trouble- some from the Line he Si. baro. Crud Most ail the ume and •hsps tut very little and that never r.uu IIv. not until he bad taken your medicine for • .hurt rime. He used to go into cu.vul.ww 3 or 4 times • day trim the time be wee 5 de). old, and then his head berate to crow !erg', iocrw- ing is . ze ail the date until the a'time to, k effect. We r aria 0.d,us1 aid from different doctors without any nese&. (one only relieved him same). Tee size of the heed began to diminish gradually as he was ifs' 'rag cured of the dropsy sod a the Mater is the head. No ether medicine ass u.ed but .Dura ot.ly et•h the aforementioned re nal .. 1 trust other motbe.'s will Meat by my My'• cur« The bottle of the Rea-- vstor I took n,..' if hie done me • great dent of gaud. F'om my very heart and toot of s grstef.tl mother you will here my gond wi•h s wherever you may be a. keg Y you live. I remain your tree irtend. Mee. Aveiro... SMITH. FASHIONS FOR MEN. Rat 05aay Ch ea for the Fell w'Im f 18913.7• There are few r modifications In men's dress fur the autumn :and winter of 1896-7 than there have !yen fur sev- eral years. Golf and cycling, perhaps, have had the lion's share ut these The Nurfulk Jacket has been r.:piaasd by the sack -twat fur both of the paa- tlmea, and a man may leave his office and with a very few changes of cos- tume can emerge from, say Weil street, as an example, to the downs of Long Inland, a full-fledged golfer, or be fully equipped for his aftern*xft spin on his wheel. Aa In previous years, the knickerbocker wan gradually discard- ed for riding costume in the city dur- Ing the afternoon, so will it disappear from the cyclist's wardrobe. The "kalcker" is pleturesque in summer, and In the vacation season it has been the predominating feature of man's sporting and negllge costume. In win- ter, unless one lives In the country, the prevailing American idea is to change rapidly without any apparent effort, from every -day dress to that adapted for any pastime or specialty. The leather strap used to keep down long trousers In riding has also found its way into the outfit of the wheefman and golfer. In fact, unless one belongs to a club and is obliged to don 0 drew of a peculiar cut. It is considered Only the mark of an amateur and a green- horn to appear in a rig for the occa- sion. At a match this Is another story, but ordinarily the very caddies will laugh at you. The club uniforms are. however, quite varied. The cloth which Is to be used for lounge, morning or tujinese milts this autumn, must therefore be as eppr'o- prlate for golf or wheeling an for the ofitep or the street. Tweeds and che- viots .1111 lead, the colors In favor be- ing grays and browns, and the ever - mogul shepherd'. plaid. In London the browns have his their day, and the prevailing note In color Is gray. Threes have been already .ren In this country ennui very .mart lounge milts made of gray worsted. There is no *Mang.- in the shape M the eau* cost, which la. as 1t wan last year, rather loom to the flawr'•- The trousers ars ordinarily wide. The ntllelal masiro s- nterits are about nineteen inches around tie bines, and about seventeen and a haif at the bottom.-Harper's Barer. A■ Rawr.r'. Twlte. Tug new yacht for the llenperer d Infesta is a boat of MN tons displace meet Her Isadib 1s 117• feet, breadth If !et 5 Inches, and depth Iii fest 4 ibehe , She has beam fitted with mn- Obeg d IMAM horse /ewer and Is vein- ed .t 44111101511. isms ether ",rhea a (•hinaman le Introdnt-e.l to • wosmas he always maks her how old she la- -Why do.a he dr that'" "pasts to take her eo mad at b - that is wool try to marry Mut." Reiter Is '•1• Nan. Ustresing kidney and bl.dder di..me. relieved to .ax hour. tot the "S.,urh Amen man E•dsey Cure .. ,I by new remedy i. . great ass prise sad delight w suoouot of its •sesedtrg pr• ng:0ne••a lit rellevies pain is the bladder, kidney.. back and every part .1 the urinary passage* le male or female. It .else.ee retention of water and pais in pastae is sln.oet In.me.li.te.. 1t you wont quick relief and oar. this irs your remedy. Sold by J. E. II.vN, At the Palate Royal -Jack (who had jest trea'ed his f$.ed to the (baser of tis Op. r.bM .limosis -Prep, Rood diene figs NM fraaem tied-. hall..i-! His Friend -First rate Leta/ ham ma - other. i The undersigned de or. to inform • the public that he ittJopa on !,tool all grade,. of OA HARD SOFT ,,.i AXI, BLACKSMITH COAL. PRICES OF WOOD REDUCED. alleOtlee ee. • tette CUT ani W000SPLIT Call and (,ret price'! Anil we samples of w oor i. Office anal yard, N ELS( -ST., SUNLIGHT SOAP PICTURES FOR WRAPPERS A pretty colored Picture for every 14 " Sunlight " or every 6 " Lifebuoy " Soap wrappers. These Picture,_ are well worth getting. Address rens Lever Bros , !a .to•r•ar.. Taranto. i.Tlt, �3EZZi � T THE 010 RELIABLE 0 always on hand. The ' eat and o^!y Scranton Coal in this II arket. HARD, SOFT and BLACKSMITH - COAL - always on hand. All Coal weightll on the market scales, so that you are sure of good mea.4n re. SCREENED SOFT COAL S4 PER TON BLACKSMITH'S COAL, S5 ee UV VI. LEE. or Harbor ljuay. 8168PER 3 LEE'S 'tore. THE STAFF CF LIFE. Adulteration and tnbetitution in food pre. ducts have M tate %ear. become so grave an evil, that t.ore'nmente eters where hare been obliged to c•'1 In the eery ea of saa ries to cheek their spread and says the lives of the people. One of the most important articles of food unque.tloaably Is FtItLAD. For pure wholesome Rres&t 1t meet he made from Malt and Hop Ye.w.t : for this reason it ie easily soluble In the Juices of the stoma, h. or. to other words- tight of Memnon. Me and Malt Yeast is prononneed by the hest.naly.t. to Bowland to he the pure tad unadulterated yeast. and ie used by the beet bakers In the country. IN MY BAKERY Yon aa net for one cant as much Brewd made from Hop reset as you can for throe menta from the pressed y.wts which aro forcing tbem.elyr en tae public, but which do not and masa Ova the sante sweet flavored bread MY BREAD I9 MADE FROM THE }'URE MALT AND HOP YEAST AND NO. 1 MANITOBA PATENT FLOUR. wholesome prove d eweeor ieet brooIt le the moot d that coo be produced of any rest on the Market )fy oat experience In the Rakers possess its. proved these to be trete, D CANTELON. near Booths Bros. Hotel. D. 0. STRACHAN Proprietor THE HUNTING SFASON , . lI \ . •t e t i ` I . - Is upon us, anal the true sports- man is beginning already to pre- pare repare for the prince of sports. When you want your outfit we have everything you (wed in GUNS and SHOT and POWDER 6HELL, \let:bine keeled Sheila always on hand, or loaded to your oder on the shortest notice. .A full line of the hest American Pow- ders always on hand. Call and see our Shot Guns, which for quality anti price town. them alit. DAVIS0N Ba Co. • AFTER HAVING BEEN KEPT UP ALL NIGHT With that COUGH, it you do tis want to repeat the experience, buy a bottle of the OLD STANDARD REMEDY Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum The best Cough Cure in the world. 8014 everywhere 25 chs a bottle. 1124111111111Y WATSON & Co.. Panes. stoma N LdONTRW,,. PATENTS CAVEATS. Dual SARIS A00 COPVRI*0NTS Obtained. and .;i barflies 1r. the l', 9 "lust (Mee attended to at MoI)SK4 TR • Our cane 1. opposite the V.8. 1 • •e-` Of- Ooa, sad w • lar. obtain Patents 15 .• •• time ban .hoer 'smote from (PI8HIF4't v, Bend iH)IIRL OR 11RAR'INO, .A'e •d rim se tops patentability tree o• charge eel we snake .NO ('l1ARK f1A'LRAS WS 014 Twfv I'Arsvr. W. rotor, hero. to the Postmaster, the Saps al Mosey Order Mv., end (0 emote s of the U. ft. Patent 'tele.. For ciroalar, advice Samba and references to actual ollents to roux a.vn +tat« or ('nand write to c A arses a res., ')oeo.•te 1'ateat 'tapoa. K'.,.nln.ton. D O. ►.1r FOR TWEN I Y -SIX YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LAIIGCOT SALO IN CANADA. GODERIOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H RY STA L, Seetwe,orto C•r.lWl ! sloe*, manufacturer of all kind. of BOILFRs. Smoke Stooks, Felt. .vans, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc., Aad Dealer 1.-. • !mise.. Mnebisery Castaags, Se. All gime .f Pipes toff Pip. }155104., Stats aid Water Gomm, (:lobe Valves. Cheek Valves. lasplr•yre, Ejeeters sod Is- jee.erse C. ootly me Hasid as foveae p�A Has .f Steel Water mid Hog 7Yesgbg he m. .1 farmers tad ether.. vtOa erg sessaaes sessa.,d se. A. S. QIQYlrAL. Qd►Iy P. Q Sam •, s•aertsk, flee, w«bt-Opp.stt. S.T. R. Sisesm. emsmt.r •