The Signal, 1896-10-8, Page 6a THE SIGNAL: GODKIt]CH, ONT. THURSDAY UQT. 8, 18118. NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! 1LSDOLT 0! owe AYER'S PILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills fur oyer thirty years have kept me in good health, sever hawing had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost eoatimually--at, a result of eon. *Upsilon- from dyepep.ia, headaches. neuralgia, or boil. and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced -• that nine -tenths of my troubles weft, esused by constipation. 1 began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the moat satisfac- tory remelts. never having a Bingle attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also began to nee Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. With lay child:. n I had no- tated that nearly all the it ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with ehil lren as with parent:, Ayer's Pete, 11 taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." -II. Wsrrar=ut, Byron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Mlghebt Honors at World's Falr7 Afer's Sarsaparilla Siregahem the *Ws. HuM1. • f u to l "r e a g. 'o._r. r the tittle, .bon: ens 11.1 no V, .... tr.t Mud Lt_., ler rite , dhow that It le )oblibt To eiree •' Irtet..• se.h, •a•l IL. n lou•• well In c01.1 water, hot •to Lot ►t:..pn :h. n. or you a til lobe the beet llavut is bt[htuag a coeds. +tars hold tt.:• match 10 Ins owe .4 trio wick. and not Ove, the cop of it, as p• o: 1- of •-a do. arta ..nee rt.. p..'b'.,j•,te blow internee pepper ieto the -r h.out. and you will ▪ te..•t ,1 • • the pew. Piece the p.,.. per in • haloe•r u..d for Insect pottier Door ma's should he weave • weds a. the doer, lied deep et...ugh to stead • geed dos' of troadn,t; on It this r sat tb•.nes the edges •, onset sway ruubed with duty !mita tied the car CO mitt-tr. Whoa celery a •e I, ivateed of celery, for which it el an eteell•nt eutiettt w, is used, do nut put In teo n.uan 11 much 0.:ety ser ! le used 10 s+use., e c , it will two. like t aro:els iss.te.d of toe delicious vegetable, For fum'gatine • sick room, bun laven- der .1.1... which bate beau dried ti.1 crisp. or se' , ho' twk• r on • lump of c.tnphor, placed in an old pot or a.u^e•. Eltbne .1 those h'en's acts at, well as the a•s.l pood- les or scouted t+pe *t..1 tr.e patutL• well n ot hang •beuttbe room so loaf. To .lean 'furniture before polishing it, wipe with a Hann -i wet _troth vinegar, and rub uli a.1 rte..o meek oro rout itod. To take the dust out •d th..re.ors.rs of carving, nee • the meets of whsle boo•, jet covered with the duster. If the futuuute is old oak toe will tiod a hide hot beer will r• - move the greasy sod dirty marks. To 000k an old fowl, simmer It slowly for e rr hours, thea 1st it stood to the water un- til omit dao, .then 11 should be roasted for •bout an hour, rod bs.terl frulDoody with some ot the broth in which it wee simm•rrd. If these dirertw•a are f.,liowed, the bird will be nearly ,yu•i to • young fowl, •od the bourn, atter being re cooked with the beam, gtrr.rd, etc , will msk• use u,,stroug soup. ('lean an Armt.eter carpet at home as fellows, and von will find that .11 stains are softly removed Spread the carpet on a glass floor, mid wash It web • good o.rpet soap, specially email for the puree'. Nun with a pier. of flannel, and do not mak• the carpet more wet than you can help. Wipe the soaped pert, with • cloth wrong out 0 soft water. and then with clean elites till n early dry To wash Hamerle, take some beet yellow soap. shred it finely, and est in . esuo•pen. ('over with soft water, and bed till you bass clear jelly. Mak• ii lather of the boil- e d soap and tepid w•ter,waab the flamed. in tbu,rinee in dear tepid water, and dry in the shade. Either very hot or perfectly cold water will shrink flaasel., so always see it while tepid. (;hoots • mos windy ray to wash your beet flannels, se that they will dry quickly. Wm. Radam Microbe Killer The Only Remedy That Removes The True Cause Of Disease From The System. A11 diwa*.ett are roused by mitrobww, which are living gentle in the blond; and thews. inlrretlw'e ratter inflwmmatktn, ferna•ntation and dray. Thousands Of persons will testify to its eroads•rful pow ere. Send for circular. Rililom Microbe Ref Co. CrQlr1)OM. OMTAIlitO NAL ENtMY. Tisanes enemy Ove 1. Was, with ar.•k laelet.uey, Matfett' wuhuut alga ot .ease Keesstows. .it-.. toy praee. see my dight, who newer know, It by night ..r day m tuo Will. skill his strategic art, Worm the nougat's* of nay Stuart. Thronrh •1. Ln} sail dearth and doubt 1.s..• ►rpt the Nieman out. Hut 1 fest the fort mu.t hit, ta.l 41. buiii, r toy flu- wail. Mid 1Ire In long dunes.. It a., Kh•wI heal my dieters: Who ant .•oTie soil rive. n. d.•• Love. that 1s ndae enemy'. e • . t3LENOR A. a e'.uadiau Itewury hpot N'atere.' by a t1 oietterfal Lake. (3lenora le grand. on one aide stretches the Bay of (Quante dotted with several pretty taianda, backed by heavily %elded shore to the north. On the south 1s that wonderful bake of the alowttalta. Three hundred feet above the Bay of Quante is a bode 01 water covering 14) or 30 acre. which pas apparently nv outlet er inlet. -. 3Titen this water teases from is a myalerY and alb re It pea to also. The bottom of the hike has sorer been found. though many have tried to sound It. Mot des this water get to such a height and above Lake On- tario and th.• Bay of t‘iutnte•f It must crone from Lat. Erie, say the residents of this pretty spot. However, It is meow turned to good a.vomit as its waters are pitied down the hills. be- neath which Olemora nestles on the shore of the tyu.nte several hundred feet below• and made to furnish power to run a lard+ flour mill, a foundry, * machine shot.id. tutor and electric light plant. Gt. novo ie a peculiar place lking a manilla( tering point and sum- mer resort. The scenery from the brow of the hill above the village le beautiful and few epos indeed afford a prettier votien for the eye.--Ridge- t ten Standard. The Americus Ywple•. Party. Just nog the platform of this party's demands (condensed) Is Interesting: 1. A national currency tesued only by tht 'general government. a full legal tender for ail debts. 2. Free and un- • rentri.•t. d coinage of gold and ether alike at the ratio of 14 to 1. 3. A speedy increase in the rotume of currency sufficient to meet the demands of busi- ness and restore the former just price* of labor and its products. 4. De- ncunces the tele ot bonds except when especially authorised by Congress. ti. 1 tt rainda laws to prevent demonetise- tG n of lawful money by private con- tract. 4 Demands that our govern- or.. -rat shall exercise its legal right and pap its debts in gold or silver ea its .m -n eptt•.n. not at the creditor's op- tien. 7. Demands a graduated Income tax a • really constitutional. a De- man.!, t••etal savings banks as fur- eisbting sate means to aid the Indus- trestle/la rim ...a -n homes; denounces laud speculation and grants of mineral lands to railway's: advocates the -in- itiative " and the -referendum " in legislation; dentands national owner- ship and control ot railroads, especi- ally of those built by aatlonal aid or credit: and demands the nations: ownership and control of the tele- graph, like the posrollce system, 1n Via interesto of the people. The Eyes of .animal.. Those, who have seen wolves eyes speak of them at, little •and crafty. The fox /rinks out of the cornett of 111, eye" without turning his head as lie trots past some one he has met Unexpee•tedly. It as been asserted that a snake's ey have a hypnotic influence. over Its y. Certain It is that the eye. play a very important part in the unexplained phenomena of charming birds and beastsone of the curtoue experiences which few, It any. hunters have escaped is the feel- ing that eomething. they do not kerne what. 1s !..,king at them. As the hunt- er walks along this feeling comes over him. He casts hie glances about, get- ting deeid.•diy nervous to think of what may be atter him -a panther. a she tear perhaps. Sometimes the beast. whose gate seems thus to bet felt has been seen. There are s dozen authentic tales where panther. being seen after th men had fled to camp. Hunters tell how deer have started off on the jump, though the beasts could have neither heard nor seen nor smelt the men. They, too, seemed to feel they were f.11•.wwt.-New York Sun. Madaoseerer. Madagascar was never seen by Euro- peans until within the last 400 years, though 1t was well known to Arab traders at lepat 1000 years ago. Pre- sumably they saw there some of the eggs of the Aepyornls-a gigantic fowl which at that time doubtleef still sur- vived -and brought back the accounts which hate been embalmed In the Wiley of the roc. The Venetian trav- eler. Marco Polo, speaks of Madetgas- car, though he never visited the Island. and refers to the roc Incidentally. it L now known that there was Quite an extensive family of rocs, some of Which were tall as an ostrich, while others were only the size of a turkey. In the northern part of Madatascer la the most rrntrrkable natural fortress in the world. It 1■ occupied by a wild tribe. who call themselves the Penph of the Rocks. The fortress is a lofty and precipitous rock of enormous, else. 1000 tort high, and eight 'guar. miles in area it■ sides are so steep that it cannot be climbed without artificial means. Within it is hollow. and the only entrance is by a subterranean pstmage• Aa Eugltab Itawtn, • The new world 1a not the only plaes where mushroom towns spring U. In England ties..rat considerable cities bate been created by new railroads - Of these t rewe Is perhaps the most notable. Fifty years ago It was an insignificant and unprogressive village with about • eouble of hundred in- habttanta. To -day It In an Important and thriving town with a population of Borne thirty thousand What may fairly Iw rafted Its creation was en- tirely due to the i.nndnn A North- western Hallway (`nmpany. whom works covet about thirty serves and employ from seven to eight thousand artisans. Another remarkable Inatome. Is that of Barry. In ol•mnrgan•Idr.. As late as lett it was the habitation of a tee flag M.wnt... numbering some fifty smolt The coastrm'tl..n of a rsflway end dock was then commenced for the purpose of IM onnveviuvre and ship- ment o1 emit froth the Rhondda VaI- ley /tarry t• sew • town .e *NS leu• habit ants • ..mrimslsay Ossissisa as M the seise el a Med Ns/ - Ger is saaessmesy. Tem is Mt ems lees sonsoo tlie. sad fes is Atares. 'lib im- p+rl fact wee resessi$N et t►. Werid'e y'ur, Cbt«de. 1003, beim tee rely Weed - purifier selsissesd so es pl.o.d *seaminess". Fele some be eaten vary 1pwk. To be perfect, tits, Menai he killed jest etre 000kittt y u; HEN a w omen is pair, .s Svotes, siege, there -. low-spirited, sure in lift for icr till Mr has her ♦ systtnt put right by Indian Woman's Balm it is tate uniaihrz remedy for all a, dcantatcd, d tc despondent Zwomen and girls. Mates rich, new blood and improves th- coenpkzioo. $1. AD druggists. NN:NN�N�� Sold is (ioderi:b by .1. f3 11AV1Y. *tsvi TOtif T8.2Tsa ,k ALADA" 0.11312-1,4:21.1sT T211 A. Is is saw Heat I*k•iow of an Tc.s. **LW •teL: I% LEAD recasts* air STUItItY BROt4. EPPS'S COCOA ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA 1•o,se-ere the tollowins.ilistlectnc Merits Delicacy of Flavor. Superiority In Quality. Grateful and Comforting, to the m ivoua or 1 h ,p. kite, Nutritive Qualities Unrivalled In tpurterpound This and .,Packets o^1y. JAN nd11.60 O.tatr GET TOUR Oysters ... - .. FRESH Charles A. Nairn HAS THEM STANDARDS and,SELECTS FINNAN HADDIE First cf the Season CASH for BUTTER aid EGGS hose still a few DRYGOODS STRAW HATS whch I ■m Belling at a reduction in prices Cash Grocery. H. J. KORTON, rat. ■eaarea -ss awe beware. PLANING MILL ESTIILISIRD Itis. Ellchallalls & Rhiyiias tusmravreasses SASH, DOQR and BLIND- De.le.e 1a all kiwis se LUMBER, LATH, SttINGLES Aad build gra rpatarlM w eery daeoriosiso School Furniture a Specialty. Wee:1011A. p*LIm.TAMSau Kam rear re SAM riot i OM SARY SOA d►akea4 Best tr.-..vi- Wash Day makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. 5rR1SE Its remark- able lasting and cleansing properties make SURPRISE most economical and Best taJ Every Day The Bicycle Season of 1896. Are you 1a it t if you ars net, 701I to ha foe this season is going a ranoeen toe Moyoling In than any of Its prode- ersesrs. A Riding Academy for the training of Wheelmen and N'heel womb* Owe he en estabilst.ed 1n Oedrfcb, sod the success tea: erten ded it last lean Verelan me in uontlaulag the work. Pikilee1 eats faction Telma etmums hie A Iell line of Met class llicyt les for hire. Eterytblag is the Repair Line kept Ott hsn•I and noon bet skilled tin is en.l los cd. J. YULE, Slope* Li eery lelnestou at �4,U Rt CONSTIPATIc , asPIL1OR;SW SS, a OYS PEPS' A HE'.:'^,r.'•IE, REeuLriATE THE L! IR. ONE PIIL AFTE.c s.AI NIS :NSU.1E3 ;103 • Fall a.. Announcement. New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Weet-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality, Style and Prise. HUGH DUNLOP. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Excelsior Egg POI op SeNa- M► was NOSIA d alt sates es bead and iega I tried-iNrTee ee sup 1a • var7 Own"me the Mitres Amppem.d. ids Memo genie .Lets. swims saes. one tJ1MeANL• Seligt1N 11rg O.ha WE MA1CR_ Sewer and Culvert Pipes AM sues a e.. e. rte tn. Alas WRIT/ POR Priescsigs. THE ONTARIO SEWERST. RIIPE la x OS AOaAiDal ru- . Meta. T wilt *CEP TOGS ragas roe 12 MONTHS. IT IS NO PICKLE. You simply treat the Eggs "Mb PRESERVER, and lay tie. away a basket or box..owes...«... AY DOWN A SUPPLY WHEN THEY ARE CHEAP. WI for boot giving full Infatautlos, tot if Memo. FOR MALI $Y ALL DRUGGISTM, Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Comoetition. Tim oanameatr Pamela iaray.ir taw s poyileaem st'a kr Abass ase maspetil� es s mai d� tiffs YAM e_ ase se Nieae 'Masashi me tr imedi deems* me saes maga esamedas aim set Miss sir= 1/1=11 mamas ma es Waal= 112 Wised HARDWARE. R. W. McKENZIE Still on top wale Lowest Prices and Seasonable Goods. Thorold Cement auas at prices which cannot he beaten. l:o cheap eft to surprise everybody. I sell the genuine Hudson Best American Apple Parers Powder the iters in the Market. kept in stock. Ask your Druggist tier f��� SE1101k Remedy1�ir Weak and Impure Blood. A Wonderful Tonic and _ Kidney and Liver Troubles aae..•mre... se J. M. MacL[OD. tsoagstteta, ONT. YOUR PORTRAIT THE SIGNAL Makes a Most Liberal Offer Ito Subscribers. Beautiful Three -Fourths Life Sixes Picture of Yourself. THE SIGNAL, in making this offer, claims for it that it is the beet:it has ever made, and the public knows by this tino that what Tat Sweat. promises will be fulfilled. The offer is made to •11 new or preeent sub - Isenberg who send us for Yearly, Sub - CASH IN. -ADVANCE scriptions to THE SiGNAL, SA shown below : THE SIGNAL lAnd YOUR PORTRA T Mailed or Expressed anywhere in the Country for The Kind of Picture We Copy From. Portraits will be copied from photographs. cabinets or tintypes. DO NOT SKND A Dat OR FADED PICTURE. All pictures copied Bust I hes, and shoulders). Where picture contains more than one heed • charge of 50 cents extra irel be made for each sdditions.I heed ordered, or 50 cents extra for a hill figure portrait But one portrait to each subscriber. HOW TO ORI)REL YOUR PORTRAIT. Enclose the pictute you wish copied in en envelope end place your name and- address on the back of the picture, with full instructions where to send it. Try to have se few changes se possible, es s portrait can' be copied much bettor with fewer changes. Your smell portrait will be retunied in as good condition iss itsis re. NO FRAMING CONDMONS, WE DO NOT MAKE PORTRAITS ;111tQU MING YOU TO BUY A FRAME. The Portraits are made for tus by artiste of national reputation and who produce only the highest grade of work, 1 The portraits are the work of first -ekes artists. They are fully 3-4 life Niue and are ea natural end finely finished as Portraits sold for 0 to $10. It is not inferior work because it is free. It is truly • work of art Each portrait a finished by hand in Crayon and India Iidt, and will not fade BEND IN TOUR ORDER g1710gLY. IT WILL TAKE SOME TIME TO /KARR THR PORTRAIT. In order to secure first-chas work it will take hose two to !aim weeirs to deliver portraits, therefore do not delay placing year eebecrip- lion and order with es. Parties desiring Frames will be furnished an /Dagen& Hardwood Prune direct from manufacturer for what pries you say, if handled bF you. If by us we will sand circulars th rubscribers with pricing. NETER BEFORE HAS ANY NEW8PLPICR MADZ SUCH AN risme THE SIGNAL, Godscielt, Oat