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The Signal, 1896-10-8, Page 5
THE SIGNAL : 0O0SRIOH, ONT.. THURSDAY, OGT. s, 1896 6 \77_ .CL :T=SOINT 8Z Si©rT. we W e show this week about • 50 of the Latest New York Ladles' Jackets Prices from $8 to $25. ' Inspection invited. WILLIAM ACHLSON &. SON. BORN. WiLLIAMS-At Petoskey, Michigan. os the let of Oct.. the wife of Saint Quintin H. Williams. of a daughter. DIED. McKENZIE In Oodaeh, ss Sunday. Oct 4. Ahtandeir McKssis, nod 71 years sad nto.tbs. fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. 11110m t . Reporter's Notebook. 11 retro a note is' a• wee teats. 1 rose Ts test N t a Ciders Amass Ye Takla' Rotes ..• taleh IVII spent It.' -tars•. It 1s a won understood fact that it is not work bat worry that kill& and you ass prevent W worry stout style and et by get- ting your sults at I'RI BHA M'S. Sir William Jones said The charms of youth at once are teen and put. and Nature save. 'boy are too hi, to last. ' But oall on SALLOW.!' and be will give you • photo that Arty *care humor will be • perfect likewise of your present youth and beauty. Tat li-trrtit's Lt.? - Tea County .fudge has signed the voter's list for 1896 nal handed it to Tows (.Clerk Mitchell. 'fee list is as tint prepared, not one appeal against it having been made. Tits Bu: Mata,.. -Jas. Edmoaatoo. Rus- sel Farm, Byfield er.d, raised • melon *hie sears that weighed 32 pounds. So far we balm sot aeon anything ink• it for weight -this or any ether season. ANo?1sa CHAL.r. -tin Monday .1tee- Doms the P. M. held oourt in Use county jail to bear • °barge of taroepy preferred against Tho. Craig. The offence was stealing • ,old watch, .ed the prisoner pleading not guilty, the case was set for trial Dent Tugs day Hi..0 GoADg CA•rrt t.. -At the North Wasters Sbow Jeo. W. Salkeld took first for oow giving milk, first for two yearold Wafer. wooed for yearling steer, third for osier calf mad first for beet herd poasistiag of fear footsies sad o.e steer in the high grads cattle oleos, FooT BALL A(V'IDsNT. - While practicing football es the Agricultural grounds Woo- dsy tossing loot, E. Coultas, of the G.0 L team, strsesd the i.nat of hie knee in some una000aot•bl• amasser. The wocidw$ proved • very potato' use for some little tum. Mr. Coultas having M be doves boas sat it is tho.g►t so serious results will follow. CorNTy OMAR? NOMINATING Orrdii*ii. -The following of ioers have boas appoint. ed to preside .t the district somisation' for oouaty contrail to be bold on Monday, Deo. 21 : No, 1, W. Statham ; No. 2, Jamas Campbell ; No. 3, Fred Hem : No. 4. Chester Frosty ; N. 5, A. G. smith*. No. , 6, Finlay S. Ssott ; "No. 7, 1'. Porterfield ; No. 8, Joseph Cows. A CODING Evmre.-As event of great to - rarest will be the.pP••r•ao• et Grenville1 Kleiner, the drtiogui•b.d tmpareosatse, the , latter Fart of tbu month. Mr. Braise, lo at preset m•ktsg • farewell tour of Os - tare motor the m.aeg.mest of H. C. Ar - sold. Mr. Atloid was is tows Friday and I completed arrssgemesta for Mr. Kbkor'eappeogasse in 1lederieli medlar the •ispissoi of the Colleges.IsuYtots A GOOD Jroos,-The f.Wwiag, from the Lbetowel Stiesda d, of Sept. 35, shows that Harry left rood judge of Jersey : " Mr. Harry Morris. of Odolieb, we.e the past few days the guest of Frank Sallow*, and bets( President of the Ashfield and Waw•soab Fell Show, took great interest Is the Letowel Fair, speaking very highly of the way everything was 000ducted. H• wee judge of the Jersey cattle wad his de- d.iowi were highly appreciated. A Saintly's Ats'ID•NT.-twat week, while our resident, Joseph Whitely, was gathering apples on his farm in the tornebip, he dipped and tell to the ground, a dist•oos of eighteen feet. He .truck the ground with greet force, the result berm, .artoua injury to the "pts.. At fret tt was thought the patient would sons be around .gain, but yesterday internal injury was manifest, and the gentlemen being in the o.ighborbood of 70, his case ie sow deemed serious, though sot seomearily b.yead hops. Arrrtt.r IAA vitt:. -The maple is sow OMs at its best, and those of our (titmice who delight in nature's souses ettosld make • jourasy up the Metwsd when fJassdo'e scab loved tree is clothed in Autumn glory. Ie. Some spots its dytsg leaves are too bright. ly scarlet as to dazzle the eye, while at ethers emerald green M so intermixed with brows and red as to forma picture of love - lines. that bumor sk111 could bat nava- featly imitate. A little further es, however, we see the trees devoid of leaves, and the journey up the Maitland will necessarily re- mind one of .loh5Soa's loos The miaow change, and suture's face Now sweetly smiles, sow frowns seven. ArMem i N List) -Tea intact circular from England reosived by A. Moll Allan, shows that the arrivals to date were 124,- 729 barrels, and to same dote last .ssses,b, 867. The circular oleo shows that when low prion ruled, it was caused ohietiy by bad paoking, or immature fruit. The price last tells its own tale. Roston Kings br'o.gbt 12.. to 14+. ; New York Kisg•,11.. 9d. to 15s. sod Canadine Kings 12& to 175. 9d. ; New York Ore si.ga, 7a to 8e. ; C.ssdiso Gresnio,., 9e. to 13e. ; Ros- ton (Gravenstein'', 7e. to 9e. 3d. ; Canadian Grsveateis's, 9t. to 15e. 3d. ; Csssdise Culverts, 7e. to 11.. ; Snow, 13e. to 175. : Rih.tes, 10e. to 13..94., and Blenheim, 10e. to 13. 9d. OPENING. - The formal opening of the Victoria Opera House will take place Mon- day and Tssed•y next. Th. incandescent light will he used sod new aueary has beat added. That sterling Irish oomedtan, 1).. McCarthy, will be the attraction. The Opera Bosse m.eagem of trust the people of Goderiob will turn out in Targe slumbers as this is one of the very beat of sttraottose sed it required s special effort to tadnoe Mr McCarthy to Dome hen. Many bavtn, ex- prodwd • doubt as to Das Mtt(,•rthy being baro himself, we hers been asked to state that Mr. McCarthy will appear at both per - foramina's, sad that at Otto.., Belleville, H•miltoe, Toronto and other places he has played to crowded booms. In fact, hie rep- utation 1t satiosoL hes ad. MA GRAND oxcsaT.-The osao.rt •sd sore modal is Knox aburab on Tuesday •tamse was sot as w•11 attended as it should have boss, as it was a nob masks, treat. No doubt the weather was • bale stormy, but whoa the people of Godarieb have sack • (read program Waked before Shaw, they might ..bait to a ratio .hewer ter web a musical •volasehe, Harold ,lar - es, who was down for Ave ream gave sev- eral wswwrus, and from the tenial number ,suis Oed Save the Quota tended the oon- eer/, seas as only he himself can sing. It e Woo Net there wen • few who thought ahs ssMMiw was not es good as the one whoa ha last •ppesr.d a tows, bat till Hardware • . . For Builders and Farmers. BARB WIRE At last Spring's prices. PAINTS, OILS, LEADS A special stock just from manufacturers. APPLE PARERS I have put in s specially large stock to meet the demand, and will sell at a slight advance upon wholesale price. LADDERS For fruit pickers, all MOM, at Far:Tont' PRiCES BASKETS for fipple pickers. GLASS is all sisal, lately imparted. A. McD. ALLAN. • agree that W stalest was worthy tie s.. s.. Mr. Dopew, at .rise •ad pias•, pk7d. se be always does. beautifully, sus .aarea es either laetrswt beiag urea with a procure and is...at on that bra is the trust reek of maelatawa tee Aube cos, who at ,hurt nods* teak rho Own of soother lady,..ag t.• cambers, .ad ..ng them eu .w..01, awe asesesseiy as to .... snag die. .ed add ..esus. .biy to leer repo - woo as . fala►«l .eaestrese, era. togas asssmp.ard Mir Aubssas, .ad, .a si usual with that lady, p1.) ed with msob tats sad exproesios. Owrv.ar.-Oa Sunday Alex. McKenzie, as old rodent of 6..•lertob, died at sir rest - dames, gumboil et. 1). mooed had ban 'snag Milts four years, tat it was not said the Mit tow awtbs that his Illness beeagse ew- ries.. Tb. Maws! took pleas from hie leg renedeew to Maitland oemolgy on Tuesday, and wadi largely attended. The deceased gentleman we.• hors in Roes shirr, Sootiest' is 1834, .red left the had of the Hs•tser for Nova Scotia in 1836. Altos residues u the peptise" down by the eoo.diag sea for some time he moved to Rams toasty ..td shortly afterwards (in 1860) moved to tiodenob, where, with the exception of • these ) ware' viol to his son in Soule Haven, he bee resided ever dao. The ds sae e.d leaves ass ens and two deniable % bolas of South Haves, Mob, Kate, of His same likes and Hannah, ei Godarioh. Tut BArnILD 14How -Oa Friday the Fall eihibitios of the Stanley breach Agri G uttural Society was held is the witless of Booliaid last Friday under the fairest sus piMs, the weather bevies obosged from rain to • moderately warm .un.broy day. As a show it was one of the most .aocussful ever held in the burg, the attitudes*, being large and the inhibits steeliest. Amos, the •xhibitore were several from this pats of Husoo, includes Mrs. Colin Campbell who took twenty tour prizes to the ladies' department. The fruit and vegetables shows ih000lt not equal 1n quantity to some Isigor shots, was Invite as good In quality sod was mach admired The horse. shown were superb, many from 1:odericb and vicinity t.kinv prises, among them be- ing Dr. Whitely, 3 in tb• roadster claedi,and Isaac Yalkeld is more than one section. Tb• last named also took several prices for sheep. SCHOOL Ho*SJ).-The regular meeting of the public (rabonl board was held o. Mon day evening. Present -Jos Boob•a.o, er ob.irmao, Wm. Aob.sos, H. W. Rall, J. H. i;olborse, A 8. Chrystal, Jae. A. Reid. Murales of previous meeting re•d,•pproved and erased. The Prtnoipal s report for 0o - coheir showed an average •ttendence of 543, (boy. 285, ,iris 258). The report stated that then were 23 teachers in training; that the truant officer's work was not aatufaot• ory, that otherwise everything in the school WWI pleasing, and that of the eleven poses Soared for writing and drawing at the Fall Show the Central school pupil" osptur.d 10 -5 erste. 4 s.00nds and 1 third. The re- port wee received and filed. The ooa. com. was directed to proonrs the usual number of ward school reports. An a000ast of Ri for drawing paper, etc , need by the papule who exhibited •t She Fell Fair was ordered to be paid. Muses Barrett and Crwigict wrote the Board &skin, that their rooms be tit;ed with desks and .eats similar to those recently placed in the iuoior rooms. After discumtn, the yoestioo at some length, J H Colborne moved, seconded by Wm. Ache- son, that the coo, oommittee interview the manager of the Organ Factory, wooer - tam what terms can be made for mating the three roo.n., and report at nett meet- ing of board Carried. !limn Shermaa and Rurritt sew• the Roard asking an in- orea.s to their salaries. On motion of J. H. Colborne ..J W. Aohcso. the revingage- meat of tewbers for 1P97 was laid over till the November meeting. The board then adjourned. AttAIN CArrrtttn Tab. Craig was safely plaited t. the ('onoty jail se. Wednesday e vening of last week, when it is hoped be will remain until be rsosivgs a free ride to K scram. After *soaping trent custody at Holmeevllle the previous week he ap- pears to have wandered totemic that burg and Bruoe6eld until he by some means got the band -one, tiled off. Afterwards he became bolder,and hiring • baggy et Bruce field he drove to Godericb on Saturday evening and changing his olotbing sod shaving his moustache off be left during the night e000mpeaied by a young women They drove through to Cl•ndeboye when they separ•tod, the girl returning with the horse sad bogy to iirnoedeld, Tab .trikt.g nut for the Forest City. The prisoner bov- ine bees seen in ISruoe6eld and Excitor with- out Wiwi apprehended, eoustables 1 hoe.and Wm. (;aodry left by train, (shiny 001 at different statioas east of Exeter. Tom hired • sig foe Losdon,but Will,who had proceed sd further could not obtains horse so foot. ed it. but after tnvellug a taw miles was overtakes by his brother whoa they again jobbed fossa. Tbey made esgairies ell akar but until they were h Lrbdoa town- ship they could get no 1btermation. Hon 1•sruieg that a mob wweriag the dasarip- tion had boon soon northward they torsed e aide line to dove that way. At the earner they stet three mea, ens of whom thought b. had mea a w, as deeertbed, prueoed1g towards London, so the northern road was n ot followed wed the melon joorbsy mo- tioned. sequins slang she road gaps no information and it was est anti) they were within fag _ilea of the city that anything was heard ; but at than pout cm she reed Tab was sass bested ea a brewer's wagon, .vtd0slly so.vondag with the driver, and so i• mcg/ have bass the shat that he ferret ba presses es. and aeeer ones looked round. h the mssstlm. the Gas- �oasi the imams les sad drip warm we jumped se to the d.sbl. Yea, the other on to the wages, ..d bolero Tab kbew whet lad happened be fos.d • eft shouse. M sash obsek, tied while wosd•risg lib be bad bees mach* se deftly, the bt were se Ina wrist. He was then plowed in the baggy gad drives to the •0.01•.. wham* he was safely taboo to the oMNs wbie► he amtar.d by a dlferebt point from that whist he had game dime sines depart - d. Of coarse the arrest ea the wagon was a ~pries M the presser, bat the dr(ve, was mars than st rpresd. and the e1... paaxtmlty .f two pout maths hie lair stand ea sad, and be was Perhaps. the eget re- lieved .. in Landis towsehtp wham the • leeting trees were plaead eat N sight. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT w .swats. ret 7. -. Mgr. Olmilly. f to g pu squat Will. 10 # niv�.0togsRmy555........_.�11 5 10 tolll O tea ._. M tall kat. w15 110 5 I'etsIf le: .I ATTENTION, PLEASE ..... . Buyers of Dry Goods and ready-to-wear Clothing. Our Fall Stock is now complete in all departments for fall and winter trade. Piles of new goods away down in price. Do you want good things cheap ! Do you want courteous treatment ? Do you want your money back if goods are not as represented ? Do you want the best that's going in every respect ! No store can undersell us, not even the large departmental stores of Toronto. See our new stock of Fall and Winter Goods and compare our prices. The' chances are we'll get your trade if you snake comparisions. A pleasure to .show goods. JAMES A. REID. Jordan a block. And. Sept., 1806. 13EA1'EMALL Try our i;EATEMALL STOVEPIPE %'ARNISH Least odor, brighest lustre, quickest drying of STOVEPIPE all Stovepipe Varnishes. It's a dandy. The people are all learning that, and our sales grow VARN 1$11 'very year. Take no other. .1 017It CONDITION NOWDER CLIMAX For horses and stock. FURNITURE Canadian Horse and Cattle Food. POLISH English Healing Oil. 2S costa. W. C. GOODE, CHEMIST AT THIS SEASON When Coughs and colds are so prewelant you would be wise to secure a bottle of OUR COU011 ,MIXTURE. Nothing better for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, etc. Put up and sold only by F. M. D U N H A M, Ph m. B. Chemist and Druggist. Successor to C. D. Williams. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Satnrday noon. The Copy for changes mart be left not later than Mon lay noon. e..nal Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. situation. Vadat BNANTED-TO LEARN THE wrinnst of bo ; bas pply n7. Goilorieb. 1(4 wan heed WANTED -SALESLADY FOR DRi' Geeds. Apply, staling experience. if N 7 sad salary expected to P.0 box 328.Ood.• WANTED -000D GENERAL SER - vast Apply to MRS. R. I. STRANG. new Collegiate Institute. tf A BOY W ANTKK1Dw, BETWEEN 15 hookas- Aand � ng oi'i*114 00.sto es the pristine WANTED -A THOROUGHLY RE - liable Agent far ('osnty of Huron, to handle the fastest telling Walt booashold ar- ticle of the age. Ona already •.`aged la handling oth<r slaw preferred. 7'o loafers or Vidor, wanted. For partiwlnre apply to X. Y. Z.. Ooderion P. O. Esterase stamp It )Mate. t f1Ss ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER 11 of Moto •ad Theory-orporkained Corner Klein and Wellesley i . Godsriob 54 - NOUN. CLASSES IN ELOCUTION - MISS Fisher will resume her skew la El000- tloe sad physical culture about the middle of the present aon1b. Those intesd1.g to take the Fall Dourer of lessons w111 Madly leave their names at MiSS FiSHER'S residesos, Cenobite Read. • It NOTI(E-THE CONTRACTS FOR Iseandeeo.st Light an now ready. Parties destreg to have wins( done sad lamp}.. InStaUed aro notified that Roger" t Co.. et I.osdea, hap. the °anima( for doing this work, and so other torsos is authorized by the Town to do th.. same. All work dose by Rogers & Co, i. under *be Supervision of the theatrical Esglneer, and taken have the ire. et of the contract etude by the town with Ragsrs & C. It CASH FOR LUMBER -AT THE K5.N- siIELM ruralises Co. Their warmers ars to the public oyes Call wad see their sew A..Mss. 711y MAIL CO1n'RAOT. lessied Tendon addreosed to the Peetasoster w111 be reeNvd at Ottawa men new en.tits November,urs• for the Less sonaeo • Her Majesty's all.. au proposed ee.Yasts ter four years from the bit January I B.tw.ea Hdwesvllle sad Forcer'* Hill. 1 times par weak sec\ way. 1 Reiman Hein .vide wed Railway elates,18 rises par week each way. . 1 Dtr.�gttaw� �1 o .sd Lasksew. 1 times Prt.Ml auatalsdg furtbr Intarm, ties M ta s. 0: t#ap.1 mpbfr�naa y be *Mabebo l tttthe Oawns ses asess aleag the fowler r. POS? OPTmens reeks nta et this O stmatert1 fait `i Ot1ea /sepses.. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - Mak- DAaH, MOOR AND BLIND FACTORT, .seen a JW, Mb 1 4. 'Plaw.U•t a10.. OILING TRU/4H RAILWAY. musva Mixed 1O.50 cm. Mall and ;Noreen 1.25 p.m. Mixed 7.40 p.m. Mau and Expran .. 9.5e p.m. Mall and s=prain IrOaaT. A.SO.m Mall and Eipres -.... 2 Bl p. m. Mixed 1.36p m. 1.10 0.m. lama ...... IRS isle or To Rout. MIOR SALE -LOTS bJ AND 70 C Hut•htneoa'e Survey la the Town of Ooderich. upon which Is erected • nice dwell Ing house. A Iso lots numbers 1N and it Rich's Survey. Ooderleh. containing 2 acre. upon which t• *hunted • comfortable house. and there Malmo *vial orchard. Also the wast bait of the North half of lot it. Lake Range Concession of the Township of Ashfield. Waiters division. Dated MI ftesteusber.18f6. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT d; HOLU M. Ooderiob. 88-11 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE --situated is the owe business c -etre is 0oderich. The property comprises two dwellings. one wetlt.luipped grocery store. one up to -date machine and bhokamith shop. Reasons for selling. lack of runway l000m- mod•tto.. (Tear title can be given. A spies - did chants tor the right utas. Apply to D. K. STRACHAN w the premises. 81-11 VALUABLE. TOWN PROPERTY FOR BALE -The brick rsidenos overlooking tho river and lake torntr.rly occupied by the late A. MacDermott eaq.. Master 1a ('baneery. One of the most valuable and desirable pro parties in tow.. 2. The two.torey trine Awe/ling house on South street Immediately .A raining the Brit lett E:change Hotel. at present occupied by 'Mr. Andrew Waddell 1 The dwelling house and adjoining grounds near the O. T. R. station, formerly occupied by the rte Judge Tom.. Prices and terms of payment reasnnoble..p - ply to OARROW k PROCI11,0OT 70.0 Solicitors. Ood.rich. PubUN Roti... 1 HIS HONOR. Tali LIEUTENANT GOVERiNOR IN COUNCIL W. the a5Nralttsd Commesl•saa appoint ed aadu •• Tho County ('ouaoil. Art 1st,' by the Ideutwsaa1-4) verror in Cresols to d1v!de the Osssty of Heron into County Connell Disked*, that having duly beard and owWwal • evidwn. addooM before us, and hassle 1.6 wo regard b the the said county t tab eight County ColumnDlvelone the purposes of the said act M follows : L The Snit County ('seed .telae toeon- dellof the Townships of Ash eon- delland Colborne sad the Town of 0oderich. 2. Tim second division to Doan** of the Tow.ships of Roderic\ ■red Hallett and the Town s Chinos. 1 Tb third division to coni the Town ships of Hy and Stanley aid the Vlllags of Rayed.. 4. The fourth division to cosel.t of the Towanda," hof Stephen .ad Osborne sad the Taloa* 71e dh\ dlv(don te consist of the Town Alpe of Tuokarentith aid MoKllleo and I1. Tows of a aforth. 0, The sloth invitees to ooam.t of the 7 ew. aides ofMorrie aad.R oy tied the Village of 87.4e. seventh 4: violas b oo.du* of the Towsstlp• of Wweaeah two .std Womanish West. them Town of WI.Rh•ne awl the VOW, IL 7laeighthdlvIeleatomamaoftl.eTown- dsl0.ire M Tarsbarry sad Hewlett aid the VII - All of whist a respeettfally submitted. Dated at the Tows of Oodert.k la the said dewy d Rates tido 17th day of awtaakgr. A. D. tat. I./. JONES JOHN GUMMI °i1mla1Msilk I .rtlfy that the above is• tree of the 10 tho rotten with me15 N. eLANE. Clerk. For Salo. OIeoAR FOR CALK -lb GOOD 00/4- !Item a lase doss L•M_��p M It la Apply ta A'IWAlf LOOK CALL-- FRIM COW. FIV= 1 /tl�Mwoa Hei- aa.. tat....hgs1w ��.ttan�tl�. F. sMlr17 .pk he te • RYgwws.l GET ON �1 L �H�.E•. It 'your sight failing. Surely become blind. attention wag It is wise to them. No charge for the examination and brat lenses supplied ret reasonable prices. shows signs of you would not A little timely IIIMM your eyes. let us examine J. E. DAVIS, Plan. B. Druggist and Optician. YOU GET THE BIRD WE'LL FURNISH THE NEST New lines in Furniture aft Holiday Prices. a� Ye,,, with ,'?50'tJO You can the down IM•sutifully. Call and see us while at tho Fair. Upholstering anal 1'icture Framing. Undertaking and Em- balming. WILMER SMITH. Loan and S v1aes Moot•t,F. I1' 18 NOT WRA'l' bull EARN. RUP WHA T YOL IA TN. MACit't VW' RICf3, TAR 141'H(1V Ave nitres f.(MN I\VIi;dT]Ih\"r W1PANY 9nt,,rrn.wa. "aaeron. Hot. and Holmes Dawxtne.- t..r..rtwtt txtup.urd revery ni months at four per rent• per ewaum. on • 'mi. from one donor upward. Depositor. will And 1t to their ad cantos. to "woe and w. •i 1.41•401- Slay be secured al aty tint< without delay on the security of upprrved d. -arable 7rupert . kittrnstee mutt. rat.. App:ic•tioas .ensured by the Manager or eollriton. The Company'. otlk-rs ate I.....ted on North Street and Court House Square- *?pus. tor Hrtuio8tovAr. (Moe, HOIttCK HOItTuN. J. H. CVLN•'BNB. Mena,ev. i're.l.tt+a5. Bale of Lands for Taxes TOWN OF GODERICH. TIIREASURZR'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. Hy virtu• of • warrant under : t e hon 1 of the Mayor and seal of the comer, tion of the Town of OodeNob. dated the lith . y of Mop - 'ember, commanding mee,,to let y woos the lands h.r.stter described, ter thr ammo of taxes doe thereon• together with coats, ootba t• hereby given that unless .doh taxes and comae are sooner paid 1 shall. purwu.at to The Consolidated Assessment Act. IV:. era said meet' by Public Amnion the said lands. WOO mesh thereof as may be necessary for *1111e el tie said arras,, and coots. at Wedneeday,tbe Twenty third day 7100ilemires at two a'clock In the afternoo.. Tie bn•wibg lot. aro psawtd : lla e oar, 1' 111171 M ItMRsftta 1-{ Pi -I1 7031 l/ lg 5 7 7 1--4 17 701 0510 76 1-4 -- IAa17S1eS7 71181-4 " 27 70 l 06 20 TS 1061 •• 1-4 '• 31 OS t 1151 77 111111124 1-i •• 15lef70117r WIYos 1-i• " 4 77 f sal 7 A e. 1-5 •• 11 7•0 2 65 1/ r Toramlse 1 s t I-11 16218 0 5e 6� .. 1-4 ' Sl eft As. 1' Rleh'. Mar •• 7 a S t10 10 10 r 1 10- 1 "I ~17Msrie55 " 7le2)41011 • 7 12160 10 a " 7 11 1 110 10 01 " 411 0 10 0111 7 62 1 ft 10 Of 711101)i 7 43101.0 " 1 412 80110 it , 41160100 7Qy801051 W. L HORTON. Town Treaminr Oederieh, Sept. 1011, MIL 57.135. New Naahfa. Shops. AN=/. EW MACHINESHOPS-ALL KINDS Nwey.of Week dens et Rrosebs J�ti;, NCIYAN. MUNYON'S REMEDIES Ws have them .n. Extract ei WILD STRAWBERRY U kinds K TOILET Aj1REPARATIONS and PER�tF,UM1ffi PyYPTY CANDY BOTTLER left are outp emi eases the..,